2017 GeorGia ColleGe
State of the State Poll Costas Spirou, Ph.D. and Min Kim, Ph.D. Department of Government and Sociology
Contents 1 3 5 7 11 15 19 25 31 32 34 36 38 40 41 43
Introduction Executive Summary Sample Descriptive Statistics Overall Direction and Key Issues Economy Government Education Politics Health Care Casino Gambling Medical Marijuana Same-Sex Marriage Carry Guns on Campuses Fee for Out-Of-State Wire Transfers Alcohol Drinks on Sunday Survey Methodology
2017 Georgia College
State of the State Poll Georgia’s State of the State Poll (GSSP) is a statewide general survey of adults, age 18 and over, who are residents of the state of Georgia. The GSSP survey was conducted for the fourth time in the spring of 2017 and included a combination of community, governmental, economic and special topical issue questions. Demographic data — age, location, gender, race, education, political ideology and income — offer additional information. A central aspect of public policymaking is the need for relevant, timely and accurate information. The GSSP will continue to make a significant contribution to effective planning by engaging the state’s citizenry and increasing the understanding of various issues among policymakers and their constituents. The goals of the GSSP are to: • • • •
Gain a better understanding of resident attitudes and perceptions on key social, economic and political issues; Educate Georgians about various issues facing the state; Contribute to a statewide conversation; and Inform current policy debates in order to improve the socioeconomic well-being of the state’s residents.
We would like to thank the Office of the Provost and the Office of the College of Arts and Sciences Dean for their support of this project. Johnny Grant, Director of Economic Development and External Relations, contributed to designing the questionnaire. Jon Scott was invaluable in helping us prepare the 2017 report. Costas Spirou, Ph.D. and Min Kim, Ph.D. Department of Government and Sociology Georgia College
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2017 Georgia College
State of the State Poll executive Summary The Department of Government and Sociology at Georgia College & State University has conducted its fourth Georgia’s State of the State Poll to find out about key issues facing the state and information about our political leaders. The survey was conducted from March 21-31, 2017 by Survey Sampling International (SSI), a leading national firm. The margin of error for the weighted sample is +/- 4.4 percentage points. among the respondents, the key highlights are: • Georgians continue to be optimistic about the direction of the state. • Education and the economy are the two most important issues facing the state. • Georgians remain positive about the economy. Moreover, they are satisfied with the economic development efforts, and have slightly lower rates of dissatisfaction compared to last year. • In contrast to last year, the city and county governments are the most trusted levels of government, but the federal government is the least trusted. • Georgians report slightly lower satisfaction with the federal government for return on their tax investment compared to last year. • Most Georgians do not feel that they have been impacted by cuts in state programs and services. • The majority of Georgians are dissatisfied with public education and, like last year, they would be willing to invest more money to improve the system. • Governor Nathan Deal’s approval rating is higher than last year, but Senators Isakson and Perdue, as well as state legislature approvals, are lower than last year. • Opposition to ObamaCare: Affordable Care Act has decreased significantly from last year. • Georgians continue to support the prospect of casino gambling in the state. • Georgians strongly oppose allowing college students to carry concealed weapons on campus. • Many Georgians are positive about selling alcoholic beverages before 12:30 p.m. on Sundays.
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Sample Descriptive Statistics The Georgia College State of the State Poll utilized a diverse and representative sample. The participant pool for the survey was made up of 60.7% Whites, 32.1% Blacks, 2.8% Hispanics and 3.0% from other races. More than half (53.4%) of the participants were women. A large number came from the 35-44 (18.6%), 45-54 (20.0%) and the 55-64 (16.3%) age groups. Overall, participants were well educated, with only 2.2% failing to complete at least high school.
80 70 60.7
60 50 40 32.1
30 20 10 0
60 53.4
50 40 30 20 10 0
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education 47.8
10 2.2
Less Than High School
High School or Some College
Bachelor's Degree or Higher
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overall Direction and Key issues
State’s Direction…
A little less than half (48.0%) of Georgians think that the state is moving in the Right Direction, with 30.8% indicating that the state is moving in the Wrong Direction.
The most important issues facing the state are Education (29.2%), the Economy (13.3%), Health Care (10.8%) and Crime (6.8%). Residents from the southern part of the state report the highest concern with the Economy (21.1%), while those in the Middle Georgia area report the highest concern with Education (33.6%). Men (30.6%) and Whites (32.1%) report great concern with Education.
Most important issue…
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Most important issue‌
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economy a year from now…
economy Georgians believe that a year from now the state’s economy will be in about the Same Condition (30.4%); will be Better (42.5%); will get Worse (22.2%); while residents of South Georgia (47.1%) are relatively more optimistic about the economy.
Do you think that a year from now the state’s economy will improve, become worse, or remain the same?
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About a quarter (23.7%) express Somewhat Dissatisfaction with the economic development efforts taking place in their area. Just 12.0% express Strong Satisfaction. Among residents of Middle Georgia, 56.8% are either Somewhat Dissatisfied (35.0%) or Very Dissatisfied (21.8%).
economic Development efforts…
economic Development efforts....
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Government Has your household been impacted by cuts in state programs and services? Impact of State Cuts... A signiďŹ cant percentage of Hispanics (29.0%) have had their household impacted by cuts in state programs and services. Overall, 75.7% report that their household has not been impacted by cuts in state programs and services. Blacks (20.4%) and Whites (19.0%) report that their households have been impacted by these cuts.
Has your household been impacted by cuts in state programs and services?
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Which level of government do you trust the most? Most Trusted level of Government... Georgians trust the various levels of government, City (27.5%), County (25.1%), State (19.2%) and Federal (10.0%). The level of trust toward the Federal government is highest among Whites (10.9%), while trust of the County government is greatest among Hispanics (64.0%). Whites report the highest trust level of State government (21.7%).
Which level of government do you trust the most?
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Greatest return on Tax investment... Greatest return on Tax investment... Georgians report that the County/City government (40.8%) provides them with the greatest return on their tax investment, followed by Federal with 34.2% and State government with 16.7%. Blacks (47.6%) and Hispanics (64.0%) report the highest satisfaction with the Federal government when it comes to return on their tax investment.
When considering the money you pay in taxes, from which level of government do you think you get the greatest return in beneďŹ ts?
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education Public Education Satisfaction... Only 9.9% of Georgians report Strong Satisfaction with public education, with 30.3% indicating Strong Dissatisfaction. About a third (31.0%), report being Somewhat Satisfied. Blacks (36.7%), Whites (27.2%), North Georgians (40.9%) and residents of Metro Atlanta (32.2%) report Strong Dissatisfaction with public education.
How satisfied are you with public education?
How satisfied are you with public education?
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How satisďŹ ed are you with public education?
Pay More to Improve Public Schools... When asked to consider paying more taxes to provide better education opportunities for children, 55.5% indicate willingness to do so, while 39.2% would not pay more taxes. Blacks (66.0%) and Hispanics (100.0%) are more willing than Whites (48.2%) to pay more taxes for public education. The support for increased taxes for schools is highest in Middle Georgia (61.6%) but is above 50% in all regions of the state.
Would you be willing to pay more taxes to provide better educational opportunities for the children in your community?
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Would you be willing to pay more taxes to provide better educational opportunities for the children in your community?
Would you be willing to pay more taxes to provide better educational opportunities for the children in your community?
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Creating Charter Schools... More than half of respondents (59.8%) are in favor of creating charter schools. Support for creating charter schools is highest among Blacks (67.1%), followed by Hispanics (64.0%).
Do you support or oppose creating charter schools?
Do you support or oppose creating charter schools?
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Do you support or oppose creating charter schools?
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Politics Governor Nathan Deal Approval... Overall, over half (51.8%) of Georgians approve of the way Nathan Deal is handling his job as governor. His approval ratings are relatively high among Hispanics (64.0%) and Whites (57.6%), while Blacks are split with 43.6% approval and 42.7% disapproval.
Do you approve of the way Nathan Deal is handling his job as governor?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Nathan Deal is handling his job as governor?
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State Legislature Approval... Just a third (34.6%) of Georgians approve of the way the General Assembly is doing its job while 44.9% disapprove. Approval for the state legislature is highest among Hispanics (64.0%) and Whites (37.7%).
What about the state legislature in atlanta? Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Georgia General assembly is doing its job?
What about the state legislature in atlanta? Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Georgia General assembly is doing its job?
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Senator John Isakson Approval... 42.6% of Georgians approve of John Isakson’s performance as U.S. Senator, and 38.6% disapprove. Approval is highest for Whites (51.1%) and Blacks indicate a high disapproval of 57.9%.
Do you approve or disapprove of the way John isakson is handling his job as U.S. Senator?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way John isakson is handling his job as U.S. Senator?
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Senator David Perdue Approval... Do you approve or disapprove of the way Almost half (45.6%) of Georgians David Perdue is handling his job as U.S. Senator? approve of the way David Perdue is handling his job as Senator. Hispanics report the highest approval of 54.6%, while Whites (28.4%) indicate the lowest levels of disapproval
Do you approve or disapprove of the way David Perdue is handling his job as U.S. Senator?
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Health Care ObamaCare: Aordable Care Act Approval... Just over half of Georgians (50.8%) support the ObamaCare: Aordable Care Act with 44.4% in opposition. Blacks (84.0%) and Hispanics (88.9%) support the passage of the health care law, while Whites (63.7%) are staunchly opposed.
Do you support or oppose the health care law passed by Barack obama and Congress in 2010?
Do you support or oppose the health care law passed by Barack obama and Congress in 2010?
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Casino Gambling Legalizing Casino Gambling... A majority of Georgians (58.2%) support casino gambling in the state, and a smaller percentage (30.4%) oppose it. Support is highest from residents in the Middle (66.7%) and Metro Atlanta (58.1%) parts of the state, and opposition comes primarily from residents in the South (34.9%). Blacks (69.0%) report a high level of support, while about a third of Whites (33.8%) oppose casinos in Georgia.
Do you support or oppose casino gambling in Georgia?
Do you support or oppose casino gambling in Georgia?
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Do you support or oppose casino gambling in Georgia?
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Medical Marijuana Legalizing of Medical Marijuana... Most of Georgians favor legalizing medical marijuana with 19.6% opposing it. Extremely strong support is seen among Blacks with 84.4%, and opposition is relatively high with Whites (23.4%). More than three quarters of residents in Middle (84.9%), South (78.4%) and Metro Atlanta (78.4%) parts of Georgia support the legalization of medical marijuana.
Do you support or oppose the legalization of medical marijuana in Georgia?
Do you support or oppose the legalization of medical marijuana in Georgia?
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Do you support or oppose the legalization of medical marijuana in Georgia?
Do you support or oppose the legalization of medical marijuana in Georgia?
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Same-Sex Marriage Legalizing same-sex marriage... About half of Georgians (44.9%) are in favor of legalizing samesex marriage, while the other half oppose it. Hispanics (60.7%) report the most support, and Whites (45.9%) the highest opposition. Women (48.7%) are more likely to favor same-sex marriage than Men (40.6%).
Do you support or oppose same-sex marriage?
Do you support or oppose same-sex marriage?
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Do you support or oppose same-sex marriage?
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Carry Guns on Campuses Permitting 21 and older to carry guns on campuses... A majority of Georgians (64.1%) oppose permitting 21 and older to carry guns on public college campuses in Georgia. Blacks (83.2%) and Hispanics (95.7%) report a high level of opposition. Women (72.9%) are more likely to oppose it than Men (54.0%).
Do you support or oppose permitting 21 and older to carry guns on public college campuses in Georgia?
Do you support or oppose permitting 21 and older to carry guns on public college campuses in Georgia?
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Do you support or oppose permitting 21 and older to carry guns on public college campuses in Georgia?
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Fee for out-of-State Wire Transfers Adding a new fee for out-of-state wire transfers... A little less than half (48.4%) of Georgians are opposed to adding a new fee for out-of-state wire transfers that many immigrants and refugees use to send money to their families abroad. Support is highest among Whites (43.0%) and Blacks (44.3%) and opposition comes primarily among Hispanics (53.9%).
Do you support or oppose to adding a new fee for out-of-state wire transfers that many immigrants and refugees use to send money to their families abroad?
Do you support or oppose to adding a new fee for out-of-state wire transfers that many immigrants and refugees use to send money to their families abroad?
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alcohol Drinks on Sunday Selling Alcohol Beverages before 12:30 p.m. on Sundays‌ More than half of respondents (57.7%) are in favor of selling alcohol drinks before 12:30 p.m. on Sundays with 36.2% in opposition. Blacks (67.2%) and Hispanics (80.4%) support it, while Whites (38.5%) are opposed. Residents from the Metro Atlanta (61.7%) and Middle (64.5%) parts of the state are more likely to support that Georgia restaurants sell alcohol drinks before 12:30 p.m. on Sundays compared to residents in the Northern part of the state where 55.4% oppose the measure.
Do you support or oppose that Georgia restaurants sell alcoholic beverages before 12:30 p.m. on Sunday?
Do you support or oppose that Georgia restaurants sell alcoholic beverages before 12:30 p.m. on Sunday?
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Do you support or oppose that Georgia restaurants sell alcoholic beverages before 12:30 p.m. on Sunday?
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Survey Methodology The 2017 Georgia’s State of the State Poll was a telephone survey of randomly selected adults in the state of Georgia. Four hundred ninety-four (494) Georgia adults were interviewed by landline and cellular telephone between March 21 and March 31, 2017. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 4.4%. This survey was conducted through the use of Random Digit Dialing (RDD). A sample of households in the area was selected via random digit dialing. The random sample used in the 2017 Georgia’s State of the State Poll was provided by Survey Sampling International (SSI). SSI screens each selected telephone number to eliminate non-working numbers, disconnected numbers and business numbers to improve the efficiency of the sample, thus reducing the amount of time interviewers spend calling non-usable numbers. Each of these randomly generated telephone numbers is contacted by an SSI interviewer. This selection process ensures that every adult (18 years of age or older) in the household has an equally likely chance of being included in the survey. Interviews were completed with 500 randomly selected adults in Georgia from a sample of 62,000 randomly selected telephone numbers. The data has been weighted to account for known biases of telephone surveys. The results presented here have been weighted to reflect the current population demographics as reflected in the most recent available Census data. The data in the 2017 Georgia’s State of the State Poll are weighted by the number of adults to equalize the chances that any one adult would be selected for inclusion. The data was also weighted by a respondent’s sex, age and race. In addition to providing results for the state as a whole, some findings also are broken down by the four major regions of the state: North, Middle, South and Atlanta metropolitan area. The maps below illustrate the counties in each region.
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State of the State Poll
For more information about Georgia College State of the State Poll (GCSSP), please contact: Min Kim, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Interim Chair Department of Government and Sociology Georgia College Milledgeville, GA 31061 478-445-4562 min.kim@gcsu.edu
University Printing Services • 10/2017