Building THE BRAND Speaking Engagements: The RSI’s Executive Director worked diligently through speaking engagements and leading workshops to build the brand of the RSI.
February 2020 Dr. Veronica Womack was the speaker for the Georgia College Alumni Board meeting, Feb. 7, 2020.
Dr. Womack was the invited facilitator for the Georgia Organics Annual Conference, Feb. 7, 2020.
Delivered a presentation on The Rural Studies Institute.
Hosted a panel on Black farmers.
Dr. Womack was the invited keynote speaker for the U.S. Attorney’s Middle Georgia District of Georgia, Black History program, Feb. 18, 2020. Spoke on The Southeast Crescent Regional Commission and rural development in the South.
June 2020 Dr. Veronica Womack was the keynote speaker at the Milledgeville Rotary Club meeting, June 11, 2020. Delivered a presentation on The Rural Studies Institute.
September 2020 Dr. Veronica Womack was an invited
Dr. Veronica Womack was an invited
speaker at the Southern Black Women’s
speaker for the Southern Black Women’s
Rural Initiative (SBWRI)/Children's Defense
Rural Initiative (SBWRI)/Children's Defense
Fund group, Sept. 19, 2020.
Fund group, Sept. 26, 2020.
Delivered statewide meeting presentation
Delivered statewide meeting presentation
for Alabama on The Importance of Rural
for Georgia on The Importance of Rural
Broadband in the South.
Broadband in the South.
Building Community Workshops Dr. Veronica Womack was an invited presenter at the Baldwin County Superintendent Leadership retreat on July 13, 2020. This event was a professional development opportunity for all Baldwin public school principals. Dr. Veronica Womack was an invited presenter for Inflection in Times of Reflection: The importance of a multi-story American Narrative, Aug. 5, 6, and 7, 2020. This event was a professional development opportunity for all Baldwin county public teachers. Dr. Veronica Womack led a three-hour workshop on community development for the Lead For America leadership program, Oct. 10, 2020. RSI FIRST-YEAR REPORT 4 GEORGIA COLLEGE