Tree cutting is something that should in most cases be left to the professionals to handle. That being said if the tree you want to cut down is relatively small and short it is something that you should be able to handle if you know how. However, remember to remain safe at all times by wearing a helmet, goggles and gloves.
The tools Before you can start cutting a tree make sure that you have the following tools: • Kevlar leg coverings, steel toe boots, a hard hat, goggles and heavy duty gloves • A sharp chainsaw with a full tank of gas • Rope • Ladder • Wedges • Ax
Examine the tree and answer the following questions: • What direction does the tree lean in? • Are there any broken or dead branches? • Is the area in which the tree is expected to fall safe? • Are branches from nearby trees in the way?
Once you have answered the above questions you can now follow the below tree cutting steps: Step no. 1: Tap the tree with your ax if it sounds hollow the tree may be dying or dead. If it sounds solid then it is live and so more difficult to take down. Tap different points on the tree to find a spot which is easier to cut. Step no.2: What direction does the tree lean in? Ideally, you will want the tree to fall in the direction it leans naturally. Find a spot on the tree which is level just so that it does not bounce, roll or move unpredictably causing injuries.
Step no.3: Start by making a horizontal cut which should be above your hip but extend around one third the thickness of the tree. The tree will fall exactly perpendicular to the cut you're making here. Step no.4: Now you're going to add a wedge cut. This will look like a small slice of orange. This will be either on the top or the bottom of the first horizontal cut you made. You can put a stick on the other side of the cut to make sure it is a straight wedge.
Step no. 5: This exact cut will determine exactly how thick the holding wood is and will determine how the tree falls. This should be a thick cut and around 1.5 inches on top of the horizontal cut. As you start cutting introduce a wedge to prevent the tree from angling on the chainsaw. Step no. 6: Now that the cut is completed you will have an even holding wood or you will see the tree begin to fall. You may have to introduce more wedges. Step no. 7: When the tree is about to fall make sure to get out via your escape route. Make sure to retain attention of the falling tree since it will help you avoid other unexpected damages from falling debris.