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National Championships
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.475 49.200 48.675 49.200 196.550 2. Florida 47.775 48.400 46.425 48.875 191.475 3. Towson 47.450 47.675 46.325 47.625 189.075 4. George Washington 45.400 47.000 46.825 47.650 186.875 5. Kentucky 45.750 47.000 46.400 45.925 185.075 6. West Virginia 46.550 47.650 45.025 45.750 184.975 7. NC State 46.325 44.825 45.400 47.000 183.550
1993 SE Regional 1st • Athens, Ga.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.600 49.150 49.100 49.650 197.500 2. Florida 48.150 49.175 48.175 48.800 194.300 3. NC State 47.800 47.825 47.475 47.900 191.000 4. Kentucky 47.250 48.375 47.475 47.700 190.800 5. Towson 47.100 47.975 47.525 47.900 190.500 6. West Virginia 46.675 48.125 47.000 48.225 190.025 7. George Washington 46.100 48.275 46.675 48.300 189.350
1994 SE Regional 1st • Morgantown, W.Va.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.475 49.400 49.200 48.700 196.775 2. Florida 48.475 47.925 47.200 48.900 192.500 3. NC State 47.875 47.425 47.200 48.675 191.175 4. Kentucky 48.675 47.500 47.275 47.375 190.825 5. Towson 48.300 48.225 45.475 48.575 190.575 6. George Washington 48.075 47.425 46.675 47.475 189.650 7. West Virginia 47.575 47.200 46.250 47.300 188.325
1995 SE Regional 1st • Towson, Md.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.675 49.650 48.875 49.375 197.575 2. Florida 49.525 49.275 48.450 48.450 195.700 3. West Virginia 49.275 48.450 47.975 47.625 193.325 4. Kentucky 48.250 48.825 47.675 47.250 192.000 5. NC State 48.325 47.800 47.800 47.675 191.600 6. Towson 48.975 47.650 46.325 47.175 190.125 7. George Washington 48.450 46.000 47.075 46.500 188.025
1996 SE Regional 1st • Gainesville, Fla.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.400 49.675 48.650 49.225 196.950 2. Florida 49.425 48.375 48.500 49.075 195.375 3. Kentucky 49.025 48.950 47.650 48.300 193.925 4. Towson 48.675 48.925 46.850 48.200 192.650 T5. West Virginia 48.675 47.775 47.275 48.150 191.875 T5. NC State 48.900 48.250 47.150 47.575 191.875 7. Maryland 46.975 48.100 47.050 47.775 189.900
1997 SE Regional 2nd • Lexington, Ky.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. Florida 49.300 49.050 48.075 49.325 195.750
2. Georgia 49.425 49.250 47.825 49.225 195.725
3. West Virginia 49.125 48.600 46.550 48.875 193.150 4. NC State 48.600 48.500 46.800 49.000 192.900 5. Kentucky 48.350 47.925 47.575 49.025 192.875 6. Towson 48.450 47.900 47.325 49.175 192.850 7. George Washington 48.200 45.475 47.125 48.775 189.575
1998 SE Regional 1st • Athens, Ga.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.575 49.650 49.650 49.700 198.575 2. Florida 49.075 49.500 49.275 49.225 197.075 3. NC State 48.300 49.050 49.250 48.525 195.125 4. West Virginia 48.350 49.150 48.450 48.850 194.800 5. Kentucky 48.325 48.400 47.275 48.150 192.150 6. George Washington 48.325 47.125 47.325 48.375 191.150 7. Maryland 48.225 46.725 47.175 47.975 190.100
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.325 49.500 49.075 49.475 197.375 2. Florida 48.650 49.375 48.700 48.500 195.225 3. Utah State 48.800 48.625 48.125 49.025 194.575 T4. Denver 48.500 49.025 48.275 48.400 194.200 T4. Minnesota 48.325 48.775 48.175 48.925 194.200 6. Iowa State 49.000 48.850 47.550 48.775 194.175
2000 SE Regional 1st • Athens, Ga.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.250 49.375 48.700 49.400 196.725 2. BYU 48.875 48.650 48.425 48.750 194.700 3. Towson 48.475 48.500 48.425 48.925 194.325 4. Maryland 48.200 48.650 48.750 48.175 193.775 5. NC State 48.225 48.225 48.400 48.625 193.475 6. George Washington 47.350 47.325 47.775 48.850 191.650
2001 SE Regional 1st • Gainesville, Fla.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.500 49.425 49.475 49.375 197.775 2. Florida 49.075 49.225 49.250 49.100 196.650 3. Maryland 49.025 48.950 48.875 49.000 195.850 4. George Washington 48.300 48.700 48.550 49.125 194.675 5. Iowa 48.800 48.475 47.450 49.050 193.775 6. NC State 48.600 48.275 48.725 47.900 193.500
2002 NC Regional T1st • Denver, Colo.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total T1. Georgia 49.075 48.900 49.325 48.825 196.125 T1. Stanford 49.075 49.325 48.425 49.300 196.125 3. Denver 48.975 48.550 49.075 49.400 195.000 4. Missouri 48.700 49.125 48.250 48.925 195.000 5. Air Force 47.850 48.700 48.200 49.025 193.775 6. Utah State 48.450 48.400 48.100 48.450 193.400
2003 SE Regional 1st • Athens, Ga.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.275 49.275 49.425 49.150 197.125 2. Florida 48.675 48.425 49.175 47.675 193.950 3. North Carolina 48.900 48.250 48.750 49.000 194.900 4. Maryland 48.350 48.025 48.775 48.675 193.825 5. Ohio State 48.775 48.100 48.375 48.400 193.650 6. NC State 48.350 47.725 48.900 48.600 193.575
2004 NE Regional 1st • University Park, Pa.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.475 49.300 49.350 49.400 197.525 2. Michigan 49.250 48.550 49.425 49.150 196.375 3. Iowa State 49.275 48.475 49.075 49.325 196.150 4. Penn State 49.500 48.425 49.025 49.125 196.075 5. Missouri 49.250 47.050 49.025 49.075 194.400 6. New Hampshire 49.050 48.300 47.950 48.825 194.125
2005 SE Regional 2nd • Gainesville, Fla.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. Florida 48.875 49.325 49.175 49.200 196.575
2. Georgia 49.150 49.000 47.650 49.350 195.150
T3. Denver 48.850 48.925 47.375 48.925 194.075 T3. North Carolina 48.400 47.875 48.550 49.250 194.075 5. West Virginia 48.575 48.600 47.625 48.875 193.675 6. NC State 48.375 47.875 48.900 48.425 193.575
2006 SE Regional 1st • Athens, Ga.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.350 49.325 49.375 49.375 197.425 2. Nebraska 49.075 49.000 49.050 49.225 196.350 3. Missouri 48.775 48.925 48.675 48.950 195.325 4. North Carolina 48.625 48.625 48.300 48.750 194.300 T5. NC State 48.475 48.275 48.125 49.050 193.925 T5. West Virginia 48.550 48.425 48.275 48.675 193.925
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.350 49.425 49.375 49.125 197.275 2. Denver 48.950 48.950 48.775 49.150 195.825 3. Penn State 49.000 48.825 48.950 49.000 195.775 4. BYU 48.625 48.450 47.825 48.400 193.300 5. Minnesota 48.675 47.850 47.875 48.500 192.900 6. Utah State 48.475 48.075 47.725 48.250 192.525
2008 NE Regional 1st • University Park, Pa.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.250 49.500 49.575 49.450 197.775 2. Denver 48.500 49.175 49.050 49.050 195.775 3. Penn State 48.825 49.150 48.800 48.925 195.700 4. Auburn 49.175 48.850 47.950 49.175 195.150 5. BYU 48.675 48.700 48.250 48.700 194.325 6. Iowa State 48.650 48.950 48.400 48.200 194.200
2009 SE Regional 1st • Raleigh, N.C.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.525 49.400 49.550 49.225 197.700 2. Penn State 49.250 48.800 48.525 49.225 195.800 3. Nebraska 49.100 48.575 48.925 48.850 195.450 4. West Virginia 48.750 48.250 48.350 48.875 194.225 5. North Carolina 49.100 47.750 48.350 48.925 194.125 6. NC State 48.875 48.600 47.175 49.150 193.800
2010 SC Regional T2nd • Columbia, Mo.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. Missouri 49.300 49.125 49.000 49.075 196.500 T2. Oregon State 49.000 49.175 48.875 49.225 196.275
T2. Georgia 49.150 48.750 49.175 49.200 196.275
4. Minnesota 48.625 48.800 48.700 48.875 195.000 5. Iowa 48.925 48.775 48.400 48.800 194.900 6. North Carolina 48.875 48.475 48.500 48.900 194.750
2011 Athens Regional 2nd • Athens, Ga.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. UCLA 49.400 49.425 48.800 49.200 197.425
2. Georgia 49.325 49.425 48.800 49.200 196.750
3. LSU 49.075 48.750 48.875 48.650 195.350 4. NC State 48.700 48.575 48.600 48.875 194.750 5. Maryland 48.925 48.625 47.025 48.625 193.200 6. West Virginia 48.650 47.775 47.075 49.000 192.500
2012 Auburn Regional 1st • Auburn, Ala.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.300 49.300 49.100 49.400 197.100 2. Oregon State 49.125 49.300 48.950 49.075 196.450 3. Michigan 49.300 49.050 48.750 49.225 196.325 4. Auburn 49.325 48.900 49.975 48.900 196.100 5. West Virginia 49.200 48.925 48.825 48.950 195.900 6. Michigan State 49.000 48.900 48.325 47.825 194.050
2013 Corvallis Regional 1st • Corvallis, Ore.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.250 49.275 49.475 49.425 197.425 2. Arkansas 49.250 49.150 49.300 49.250 196.950 3. Arizona State 49.225 48.475 48.850 49.150 195.700 4. Oregon State 49.250 47.525 49.275 49.325 195.375 5. Boise State 49.125 48.800 48.725 48.700 195.350 6. California 49.175 48.975 48.125 48.850 195.125
2014 Athens Regional 2nd • Athens, Ga.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. Michigan 49.200 49.275 48.700 49.575 196.750
2. Georgia 49.425 49.600 48.475 48.875 196.375
3. Central Michigan 48.575 48.800 49.000 49.225 195.600 4. Ohio State 48.900 48.975 48.225 49.000 195.100 5. NC State 48.850 48.150 48.425 49.125 194.550 6. Rutgers 48.800 47.850 48.325 48.775 193.750
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total 1. Georgia 49.400 49.325 48.950 49.350 197.025 2. Utah 49.500 49.075 48.625 49.375 196.575 3. Cal 49.275 49.150 49.150 48.875 196.000 4. Boise State 49.200 48.650 48.450 49.075 195.375 5. Utah State 48.900 48.575 48.850 48.825 195.150 6. BYU 49.025 48.600 48.150 48.375 194.150
2016 Athens Regional 2nd • Athens, Ga.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. LSU 49.400 49.300 49.150 49.450 197.300
2. Georgia 49.275 49.250 49.025 49.300 196.850
3. Oregon State 48.900 48.975 49.125 49.000 196.000 4. Arizona 48.775 49.100 49.000 49.025 195.900 5. George Washington 49.075 48.825 48.725 48.925 195.550 6. Michigan State 48.575 48.950 48.675 49.150 195.350
2017 Gainesville Regional 2nd • Gainesville, Fla.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. Florida 49.475 48.975 49.225 49.450 197.125
2. Georgia 49.325 49.200 49.075 49.175 196.775
3. Missouri 49.075 49.125 48.875 49.025 196.100 4. Penn State 48.800 49.050 48.800 48.675 195.325 5. North Carolina 48.775 48.275 48.575 48.800 194.425 6. New Hampshire 48.675 48.325 48.700 48.475 194.175
2018 Tuscaloosa Regional 2nd • Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
1. Alabama 49.350 49.400 49.275 49.200 197.225
2. Georgia 49.025 49.350 49.175 48.950 196.500
3. Illinois 49.050 49.125 49.200 49.050 196.425 4. Michigan 49.050 49.375 49.075 48.850 196.350 5. Missouri 48.975 49.075 49.050 49.000 196.100 6. Central Michigan 48.850 49.075 48.975 48.925 195.825
2019 Athens Regional 2nd • Athens, Ga.
Team Vault Bars Beam Floor Total
First Round 1. NC State 48.500 48.750 49.025 48.875 195.715 2. New Hampshire 48.525 48.800 48.900 48.675 195.680
Second Round 1. Oklahoma (II) 49.525 49.650 49.500 49.625 198.300
2. Georgia (I) 49.500 49.250 49.225 49.325 197.300
3. Kentucky (I) 49.200 49.125 49.175 49.350 196.850 4. California (II) 49.350 49.275 49.200 48.925 197.750 5. Missouri (I) 49.025 49.175 49.200 49.225 196.625 6. Iowa State (I) 49.025 49.175 48.875 49.175 196.250 7. Maryland (II) 49.050 48.950 48.250 48.400 194.650 8. NC State (II) 48.800 48.850 48.900 48.850 195.400
Finals 1. Oklahoma 49.450 49.650 49.700 49.675 198.475
2. Georgia 49.375 49.575 49.550 49.550 198.050
3. California 49.375 49.575 49.400 49.375 197.675 4. Kentucky 49.425 49.300 49.275 49.600 197.600 *Beginning in 2019, the NCAA Regional reduced to four locations, with nine teams advancing to each. The botton two teams at each Regional competed in the first round to advance to the second round. The second round was broken into two sessions with the top-two scoring teams in each session advancing to the Regional Finals the following day. The sessions from the second round are indicated in ().