17 minute read
Georgia’s Year-By-Year Results
Southeastern Invitational............3rd of 18 (873)
Furman Invitational ..................1st of 22 (874)
Schenkel Invitational................... 4th of 18 (864) Hitchcock Invitational.................. 4th of 12 (863) SEC Championship....................3rd of 10 (891) NCAA East Regional .................. 5th of 23 (894) NCAA Championship...............10th of 30 (1174)
1989-1990 Tennessee TOC.........................1st of 12 (887)
Carpet Capital Collegiate ..........6th of 15 (1147) Southern Intercollegiate.............. 5th of 18 (876) Gator Invitational ........................3rd of 18 (848) Doral Invitational......................... 4th of 18 (906) ImperiaLakes Classic ................. 9th of 24 (868) Southeastern Invitational............3rd of 15 (855) Furman Invitational..................... 4th of 22 (865) Eagle Invitational........................ 5th of 15 (864)
Hitchcock Invitational ..............1st of 12 (849)
SEC Championship.................... 4th of 10 (874) NCAA East Regional .................. 6th of 23 (864) NCAA Championship...............15th of 30 (1183)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 8th of 18 (895) Preview Invitational..................... 6th of 15 (877) Tennessee TOC.......................... 5th of 15 (865) Southern Intercollegiate............. 2nd of 15 (881) Gator Invitational ........................3rd of 18 (859) Doral Invitational....................... 14th of 18 (899) ImperiaLakes Classic ................. 6th of 21 (574) Furman Invitational..................... 4th of 24 (581)
Eagle Invitational......................1st of 13 (850) Hitchcock Invitational ..............1st of 12 (851)
SEC Championship....................3rd of 10 (869) NCAA East Regional ................. 2nd of 23 (865) NCAA Championship............. 22nd of 30 (1210)
Carpet Capital Collegiate.......... 10th of 18 (868) Tennessee TOC......................... 2nd of 15 (880) Dixie Intercollegiate.................... 6th of 18 (868) Gator Invitational ........................3rd of 15 (863) Doral Invitational........................ 2nd of 18 (869) ImperiaLakes Classic ................. 4th of 21 (859) Southeastern Invitational............ 9th of 18 (896) Augusta Invitational.....................8th of 18 (911) Eagle Invitational........................ 5th of 12 (865) Hitchcock Invitational.................. 6th of 12 (870) SEC Championship.................... 6th of 12 (883) NCAA East Regional ................ 14th of 22 (902)
Tennessee TOC.........................11th of 15 (300) Dixie Intercollegiate.................... 4th of 18 (882) Jerry Pate National................... 12th of 12 (918) Gator Invitational ....................... 2nd of 14 (855)
S. Florida Invitational...............1st of 18 (886)
ImperiaLakes Classic ................. 5th of 21 (871) Southeastern Invitational............ 7th of 18 (879) Carpet Capital Collegiate ......... 15th of 16 (615) Music City Invitational..................1st of 18 (870) Hitchcock Invitational..................3rd of 12 (874) SEC Championship....................3rd of 12 (879) NCAA East Regional ................ 15th of 22 (893)
Tennessee TOC.........................11th of 15 (899) Dixie Intercollegiate.................. 10th of 18 (592) Gator Invitational ...................... 14th of 15 (899) S. Florida Invitational.................. 5th of 18 (897) ImperiaLakes Classic ............... 16th of 21 (887) Southeastern Invitational............ 7th of 18 (888) Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 9th of 16 (901)
Music City Invitational..............1st of 18 (572)
Hitchcock Invitational..................3rd of 12 (874) SEC Championship.................. 10th of 12 (906) NCAA East Regional ................ 13th of 23 (912)
Tennessee TOC........................ 12th of 15 (883) CCL Intercollegiate..................... 8th of 12 (900) PING/Ariz. Intercollegiate......... 10th of 16 (880) Gator Invitational .......................11th of 15 (873) Mercedes-Benz Collegiate ......... 9th of 15 (905) ImperiaLakes Classic ................. 6th of 21 (859) Southeastern Invitational............ 9th of 18 (879) Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 8th of 15 (912) Hitchcock Invitational.................. 7th of 12 (880) SEC Championship.................... 6th of 12 (873)
Tennessee TOC.......................... 7th of 15 (875) PING/Tulsa Invitational............... 4th of 12 (913)
CCL Intercollegiate...................1st of 11 (881)
Gator Invitational ........................3rd of 15 (848) Mercedes-Benz Collegiate ......... 6th of 18 (890) Matlock Classic........................... 4th of 21 (574) Blue-Gray Intercollegiate............ 7th of 18 (884) Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 7th of 15 (893) Hitchcock Invitational.................. 5th of 12 (868) SEC Championship.................... 5th of 12 (875) NCAA East Regional ................ 13th of 23 (913)
Tennessee TOC.......................... 8th of 15 (867) Kroger Intercollegiate .................3rd of 18 (875) CCL Intercollegiate.....................3rd of 12 (867) Gator Invitational ........................ 4th of 15 (851) Mercedes-Benz .......................... 7th of 19 (903) Matlock Classic........................... 4th of 18 (860) Alabama Spring Invitational........3rd of 18 (853) Carpet Capital Collegiate...........11th of 18 (904) Hitchcock Invitational.................. 4th of 12 (877) SEC Championship.................... 4th of 12 (900) NCAA East Regional ................ 16th of 23 (910)
Tucker Intercollegiate .................16th of 23 (597 Tennessee TOC......................... 2nd of 15 (855) Red River Classic...................... 2nd of 14 (879)
CCL Intercollegiate...................1st of 13 (857)
Gator Invitational ........................3rd of 15 (860) Taylor Made Big Island............... 5th of 25 (871)
Alabama Spring Invite..............1st of 18 (870)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 5th of 18 (881)
Hitchcock Invitational ..............1st of 12 (844) SEC Championship..................1st of 12 (567)
The Maxwell ..............................3rd of 14 (864) NCAA East Regional .................. 4th of 23 (853) NCAA Championship................ 17th of 30 (575)
NCAA Preview........................... 2nd of 15 (888) Red River Classic......................... 4th of 5 (844) Jerry Pate Invitational................. 7th of 12 (857)
Rolex Match Play ........................1st of 8 (3-0)
Palmetto Dunes .......................... 2nd of 8 (862) San Juan Shootout.....................3rd of 18 (888) Golf Digest Invitational............... 2nd of 18 (859)
Williams Intercollegiate............1st of 12 (876)
Schenkel Invitational.................. 2nd of 15 (869)
Carpet Capital Collegiate.........1st of 18 (858)
SEC Championship................... 2nd of 12 (908) The Maxwell ............................... 4th of 15 (879) NCAA East Regional .................. 4th of 23 (863)
NCAA Championship .............1st of 30 (1180) 1999-2000
NCAA Preview............................ 5th of 18 (868) Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 9th of 15 (884) Jerry Pate Invitational.................3rd of 12 (838)
Golf World Invitational.............1st of 18 (837)
Puerto Rico Shootout ................. 5th of 15 (866) Las Vegas Intercollegiate ........... 7th of 14 (860)
Schenkel Invitational................1st of 15 (829)
U.S. Intercollegiate..................... 5th of 12 (862)
SEC Championship..................1st of 12 (852)
The Maxwell ............................... 4th of 15 (874) NCAA East Regional .................. 5th of 27 (889) NCAA Championship................ 16th of 30 (582)
2000-2001 NCAA Preview...........................1st of 16 (583)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............3rd of 15 (874) Jerry Pate Invitational................ 2nd of 12 (827)
Golf World Invitational.............1st of 18 (822)
CGF Match-Play.........................3rd of 8 (2-1-0) Puerto Rico Classic.................... 4th of 15 (869) Las Vegas Intercollegiate .......... 2nd of 15 (868)
Schenkel Invitational................1st of 15 (854) U.S. Intercollegiate...................1st of 12 (835) SEC Championship..................1st of 12 (841) Atlanta Intercollegiate................1st of 9 (833)
NCAA East Regional .................. 5th of 27 (843) NCAA Championship.................5th of 30 (1152)
NCAA Preview............................ 6th of 15 (872) Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 6th of 14 (891) Jerry Pate Invitational................. 7th of 12 (876) Long Cove Invitational.............. 10th of 15 (886) Puerto Rico Classic...................11th of 15 (893) Las Vegas Intercollegiate ........... 5th of 16 (872) Schenkel Invitational................... 5th of 15 (874) ASU Invitational ....................... 12th of 18 (870) SEC Championship....................3rd of 12 (866) Atlanta Intercollegiate.................3rd of 13 (864) NCAA East Regional .................. 8th of 27 (896) NCAA Championship...............21st of 30 (1162)
Inverness Invitational.................. 6th of 15 (893) Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 8th of 18 (870) Adams Cup.................................3rd of 17 (879)
Tennessee TOC.........................1st of 14 (840)
Mercedes-Benz ....................... 12th of 15 (887) Puerto Rico Classic...................11th of 18 (897) Toyota Championship................. 8th of 15 (870) Schenkel Invitational...................3rd of 15 (854) ASU Invitational ......................... 5th of 17 (841) SEC Championship....................3rd of 12 (866) Atlanta Intercollegiate................. 6th of 12 (864) NCAA West Regional .................3rd of 27 (871) NCAA Championship.............. 16th of 30 (1226)
Bank of Tennessee...................... 6th of 18(874) NCAA Preview............................. 5th of 15(577) Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 4th of 18 (863) Puerto Rico Classic.................... 4th of 18 (865) Southern Highlands .................... 4th of 15(863) Schenkel Invitational.................. 2nd of 15 (869) Jerry Pate Invitational................ 2nd of 12 (822) Mercedes-Benz ........................ 10th of 18 (902) Atlanta Intercollegiate................. 5th of 12 (862) ASU Invitational ......................... 5th of 18 (874)
SEC Championship..................1st of 12 (843)
NCAA East Regional ..................3rd of 27 (864) NCAA Championship...............11th of 30 (1161)
NCAA Preview............................3rd of 15 (861) Jerry Pate Intercollegiate............ 4th of 12 (833)
Isleworth Invitational................1st of 16 (863) Carpet Capital Collegiate.........1st of 15 (879)
Puerto Rico Classic.................... 5th of 18 (865) Southern Highlands................... 2nd of 15 (870)
Schenkel Invitational...................3rd of 15 (883) Hootie At Bulls Bay..................... 4th of 15 (873) ASU Invitational......................... 2nd of 18 (897) SEC Championship....................3rd of 12 (883) The Maxwell ............................... 3rd of 11 (823) NCAA East Regional ..................3rd of 27 (843)
NCAA Championship .............1st of 30 (1135) 2005-2006 PING/Golfweek Preview...........1st of 15 (845)
Pate Invitational......................... 2nd of 12 (834)
Isleworth Invitational................1st of 18 (872)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............3rd of 18 (863)
Hooters Match Play...................1st of 16 (4-0) Puerto Rico Classic..................1st of 18 (843)
Southern Highlands................... 2nd of 18 (889) Hall Of Fame .............................. 8th of 17 (908) U.S. Collegiate............................ 4th of 13 (876)
SEC Championship..................1st of 12 (827) Linger Longer Invitational .......1st of 12 (855)
NCAA East Regional ................. 2nd of 20 (865) NCAA Championship.................6th of 30 (1156)
Inverness Invitational.................. 5th of 15 (904) Carpet Capital Collegiate............3rd of 18 (854) PING/Golfweek Preview............. 5th of 15 (848) Isleworth Invitational................... 5th of 18 (893) Callaway Golf Match Play............6th of 16 (2-2)
Puerto Rico Classic..................1st of 18 (850)
Southern Highlands................... 2nd of 15 (877)
Schenkel Invitational................1st of 18 (854) U.S. Collegiate ..........................1st of 15 (884)
SEC Championship.................... 6th of 12 (883)
Linger Longer Invitational .......1st of 15 (835) NCAA East Regional ................1st of 27 (835)
NCAA Championship................2nd of 30 (1121)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 6th of 18 (882)
Brickyard Collegiate.................1st of 13 (831) Isleworth Invitational................1st of 18 (841)
Callaway Golf Match Play............6th of 16 (2-2) Puerto Rico Classic....................3rd of 15 (861) Southern Highlands....................3rd of 15 (872) Linger Longer Invitational.......... 2nd of 14 (862) U.S. Collegiate............................ 9th of 15 (886) ASU Invitational......................... 2nd of 18 (568) SEC Championship....................3rd of 12 (862)
NCAA East Regional ................1st of 27 (811)
NCAA Championship................ 8th of 30 (1210)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 7th of 18 (876) PING/Golfweek Preview.............3rd of 15 (861)
Brickyard Collegiate.................1st of 15 (859) Isleworth Invitational................1st of 18 (867) Puerto Rico Classic..................1st of 15 (826)
Las Vegas Intercollegiate ...........3rd of 15 (870)
Linger Longer Invitational .......1st of 13 (867)
U.S. Collegiate............................ 4th of 15 (883)
SEC Championship..................1st of 12 (849)
NCAA SE Regional.................... 2nd of 14 (829) NCAA Championship........3rd of 30 (869, 1-1-0)
Carpet Capital Collegiate.......... 10th of 12 (892) Olympia Fields Invitational.......... 8th of 15 (883) Brickyard Collegiate.................... 4th of 15 (579) Isleworth Invitational................... 4th of 15 (893) Puerto Rico Shootout ................. 6th of 15 (856)
Charleston Shootout................1st of 15 (846)
So. Highlands Collegiate.......... 12th of 15 (935) Linger Longer Invitational........... 4th of 16 (879)
Morris Williams Intercollegiate1st of 15 (878) SEC Championship..................1st of 12 (844)
NCAA SC Regional..................... 6th of 14 (869)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 6th of 12 (876) PING/Golfweek Preview.............3rd of 15 (883)
Brickyard Collegiate.................1st of 15 (857)
Isleworth Invitational..................11th of 15 (908) Puerto Rico Classic.................... 4th of 15 (858) Southern Highlands Masters...... 6th of 15 (890) Callaway Match Play..............10th of 16 (2-2-0) Linger Longer Invitational...........3rd of 13 (866) SEC Championship.................... 4th of 12 (862) NCAA Erie Regional................... 4th of 13 (857) NCAA Championship..........2nd of 30 (884, 2-1)
Carpet Capital Collegiate............ 7th of 12 (872) Adams Cup Of Newport............. 2nd of 19 (851)
Northeast Tri Match....................1st of 3 (287)
Brickyard Collegiate.................... 4th of 15 (872)
ODU/Outerbanks Collegiate ....1st of 18 (834)
Puerto Rico Shootout ................. 9th of 15 (869) USF Invitational......................... 2nd of 17 (860) Furman Intercollegiate................ 5th of 21 (867) Linger Longer Invitational.......... 2nd of 12 (852) SEC Championship.................... 4th of 12 (850) NCAA Athens Regional............... 4th of 13 (864) NCAA Championship................ 17th of 30 (881)
Carpet Capital Collegiate........... 2nd of 16 (856) PING/Golfweek Preview............. 8th of 16 (859)
Brickyard Collegiate.................1st of 15 (848)
AutoTrader.com Classic ............. 6th of 16 (888) Puerto Rico Classic.................... 4th of 15 (852) Southern Highlands Masters.... 13th of 15 (904)
Bulldog Battle at Mountain Lake.....1st of 2 (565)
Linger Longer Invitational........... 5th of 14 (582) Augusta State Invitational...........3rd of 15 (866) SEC Championship.................... 9th of 14 (876) NCAA Tempe Regional.............. 2nd of 14 (827) NCAA Championship ............... 19th of 30 (850)
Carpet Capital Collegiate........... 2nd of 14 (856)
Collegiate Challenge Cup........1st of 10 (832)
Brickyard Collegiate.................... 4th of 14 (853) Crooked Stick Intercollegiate......3rd of 14 (881) Invitational at Ocean Course......3rd of 14 (835) Puerto Rico Classic....................3rd of 15 (904) Southern Highlands Collegiate... 6th of 15 (900)
Linger Longer Invitational .......1st of 15 (837) Met Intercollegiate......................1st of 8 (580)
SEC Championship.................... 4th of 14 (833)
NCAA San Antonio Regional...1st of 13 (853)
NCAA Championship ................11th of 30 (850)
2014-2015 The Carmel Cup........................1st of 8 (1063)
Collegiate Challenge Cup........... 5th of 12 (861) Nike Golf Invitational................. 10th of 12 (893) Tavistock Collegiate Invitational 14th of 15 (877) Ka’anapali Collegiate Classic ....3rd of 13 (848)
Puerto Rico Classic..................1st of 15 (852)
SH Collegiate Masters.............. 15th of 15 (883)
Southern Intercollegiate ..........1st of 14 (575)
Linger Longer Invitational.......... 2nd of 15 (845) Seahawk Intercollegiate ............ 2nd of 14 (885) 3M Augusta Invitational ..............3rd of 15 (842) SEC Championship.................... 7th of 14 (842) NCAA San Diego Regional......... 4th of 13 (870) NCAA Championship.........3rd of 30 (1158, 1-1)
The Carmel Cup........................ 2nd of 8 (1081) Collegiate Challenge Cup........... 4th of 12 (860) Nike Golf Invitational................... 6th of 15 (846) Ka’anapali Collegiate Classic ... 2nd of 19 (849) Puerto Rico Classic....................3rd of 15 (851)
Querencio Cabo Collegiate......1st of 15 (834) Southern Intercollegiate ..........1st of 14 (556)
Linger Longer Invitational.......... 2nd of 13 (855) 3M Augusta Invitational .............. 4th of 14 (854)
SEC Championship..................1st of 14 (853) NCAA Tuscaloosa Regional.....1st of 13 (848)
NCAA Championship................ 14th of 30 (867)
The Carmel Cup........................ 2nd of 8 (1050) FAMC Intercollegiate.................. 5th of 14 (883) Nike Golf Invitational...................3rd of 15 (851) Cypress Point Classic........0-3 in team matches Ka’anapali Collegiate Classic.... 2nd of 24 (827) Puerto Rico Classic................... 2nd of 15 (856) Querencia Cabo Classic........... 13th of 15 (872) Southern Intercollegiate.............. 7th of 15 (580) Linger Longer Invitational...........3rd of 15 (853) Augusta Invitational.................... 8th of 16 (856) SEC Championship.................... 9th of 14 (856) NCAA College Grove Regional 10th of 13 (887)
The Carmel Cup......................... 7th of 8 (1076) Golfweek Championship........... 14th of 15 (890) Nike Golf Invitational................. 14th of 15 (870) Crooked Stick Invitational........... 7th of 12 (885) Ka’anapali Collegiate Classic..... 6th of 21 (847) Puerto Rico Classic.................... 6th of 15 (867) Wexford Intercollegiate.............. 2nd of 18 (854) Southern Intercollegiate............. 2nd of 18 (584) Linger Longer Invitational.......... 2nd of 16 (842) Mason Rudolph Championship .. 5th of 15 (883) SEC Championship...................11th of 14 (862) NCAA Bryan Regional...............11th of 13 (897)
The Carmel Cup........................ 2nd of 8 (1036) Nike Golf Invitational................. 10th of 15 (863) Jim Rivers Intercollegiate .......... 2nd of 15 (558) Ka’anapali Collegiate Classic..... 6th of 20 (827)
Puerto Rico Classic..................1st of 15 (848)
General Hackler Championship.. 5th of 13 (854) Clemson Invitational...................3rd of 15 (830) Southern Intercollegiates............3rd of 17 (585) SEC Championship.................... 5th of 14 (846)
NCAA Athens Regional............1st of 13 (844)
NCAA Championships...............24th of 30 (911)
2019-2020 *
The Carmel Cup......................... 4th of 8 (1063)
Jim Rivers Intercollegiate........1st of 14 (847)
Nike Golf Invitational................... 8th of 15 (850)
Crooked Stick Invitational .......1st of 14 (867)
Ka’anapali Collegiate Classic..... 4th of 20 (819) Puerto Rico Classic....................3rd of 15 (845) Southern Highlands.................... 8th of 15 (877) * Season suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic
Blessings Collegiate..................11th of 14 (893) Vanderbilt Legends Collegiate... 2nd of 14 (818)
Pate Intercollegiate...................T-1 of 14 (821)
1999 Following the 1999 NCAA Championship in Chaska, Minn.: • The announcer called out the wrong school as the winner of the national title. • A torrential rainstorm hit the suburb of Minneapolis. • And a courtesy van provided to the actual champion was vandalized, presumably by a not-so-gracious loser.
But the players and coaches from the Georgia men’s golf team couldn’t have cared less. All of that was a small price to pay for the program’s first national championship.
“It’s an indescribable feeling,” said Coach Chris Haack, whose Georgia (not Washington, as the announcer said) squad secured the trophy. “All the hard work, all the sacrifice, all the time spent hitting balls, it’s worth it. I always wondered what it felt like when teams like UNLV and Oklahoma State won the national title. Now I know — and it’s a great feeling. I am so proud of our guys. A four-day tournament is a real grind, but they stayed focused and played good, steady golf all week. They really played like champions.”
Especially on the last day. The Bulldogs entered the final round trailing Oklahoma State by five shots at Hazeltine National Golf Club. The players and coaches to a man said making up five shots was not a difficult proposition — and they were right. Georgia actually pulled ahead after just two holes and extended its lead throughout the rest of the front nine before holding on down the stretch to win by three.
“We knew that we had to be patient on this course because so much can change so quickly,” Michael Morrison said. “You can’t take anything for granted. You have to play every shot as hard as the last one. You’ve got to play every hole to the best of your ability. I think we all did that.”
Particularly Ryuji Imada. He paced the comeback effort with a 5-under par 67, one off the course record for Hazeltine. Imada finished at 1-under 287, second behind Northwestern’s Luke Donald (284).
“It was one of the best 18 holes of golf I’ve ever seen,” said Haack, who sported a newly shaved bald head after the NCAAs as he made good on a pre-tournament promise. “Ryuji was spectacular. He cer-
Front row: Nick Cassini, Coach Chris Haack and Ryuji Imada. Back row: Mark Northey, Michael Morrison, Jeremy Parrott and Coach Jim Douglas.
tainly picked the right time to turn it on. That could go down in history as one of the best final rounds at the NCAAs. The little man just put us on his back and took us to the title.”
Imada had a shot at winning the medalist title down the stretch, but he said he focused more on the team crown.
“The last thing I wanted to do was mess up and cost us the national championship,” Imada said. “I had a couple of chances to go at the flag, but I didn’t because it meant more for us as a team to win the national championship. I wanted to be aggressive, but I didn’t want to let the team down.”
Imada finished the year as the nation’s third-ranked golfer, trailing only Donald and Georgia Tech’s Bryce Molder.
“It’s the best feeling I’ve ever had. It’s unbelievable,” Nick Cassini said. “No matter what any of us do the rest of our lives in golf, we’ll be the 1999 national champions. It’s like a dream come true.”
2005 With Coach Chris Haack rubbing the lucky coin in his pocket, Georgia cashed in at the NCAA Championship.
The Bulldogs went wire-to-wire as the tournament leader at Caves Valley Golf Club in Owings Mills, Md., finishing with an 11-shot advantage over instate rival Georgia Tech. Georgia fired an even-par 280 in the final round to wind up at 15-over 1,135.
“I could not be prouder of this group of guys,” said Haack, who carried a coin given to him by his daughter, Katie, that had the inscription, “Dad, I Love You.”
“I knew that we had the talent, the confidence and the demeanor to challenge for the championship this year,” Haack continued. “It’s been a good year, but we only had two wins coming in. I knew if they all put it together, it would be special. They just happened to do it this week when it meant the most.”
“It’s awesome to go out like this,” said David Denham, the only senior in the Bulldogs’ lineup. “You live for moments like this. Every team strives to win the national championship, but not too many of them do it.”
“This is what you play for,” Richard Scott said. “This is what this team was put together for. It’s great to go out and win other tournaments, but this is the one we all play for.”
“This is the biggest one,” team captain Kevin Kisner said. “This is what you set your goals for. This is why we all came to Georgia. We’ve got too solid of a team not to win tournaments. When we all play well, it’s hard for us to lose.”
The Bulldogs entered the final round with a 9-shot lead over the Yellow Jackets, and they knew it would hard to give that kind of lead away. Still, when Brendon Todd’s putt rolled in on No. 18, the players and coaches were all at once relieved and ecstatic.

Front row: Kevin Kisner and David Denham. Back row: Coach Jim Douglas, Brendon Todd, Richard Scott, Chris Kirk and Coach Chris Haack.
“This is the ultimate feeling,” Chris Kirk said. “It’s awesome. It’s a great group of guys, and I have loved playing with them the last two years.”
“It feels great,” Todd said. “It’s probably the biggest accomplishment any of us have in golf. It’s just incredible to win the national championship.”
Todd wound up as the Bulldogs’ top individual at 3-over 283, followed by Kirk and Kisner at 5-over 285, Scott at 6-over 286 and Denham at 8-over 288. Todd finished seventh, and Kirk and Kisner were in the group that tied for 13th. Scott had a top-20 finish as he wound up 16th.