Centre for Rural Education _ Paphos, CYPRUS Diploma Project National Technical University of Athens 2014 - 2015
west elevation _ whole building complex
stone and concrete walls follow the terrain
the main courtyard and its access from the vertical axis
circulation through the Centre and the uses
Centre’s model _ scale 1.100
Centre’s model _ scale 1.100
Campus Condorcet _ Paris, FRANCE 5th year | Studio Piece Urbaine Ecole Nationale SupÊrieure d’Architecture de Paris Belleville 2012-2013
students residences
researchers and students residences
cross section of the complex
model of a part of the Campus _ scale 1.200
model of Univercity Campus _ scale 1.500
model of a part of the Campus _ scale 1.200
Municipal Library - Centre of cultural and learning support Athens , GREECE
4th year | Design Studio 7-8 National Technical University of Athens 2011-2012
construction process of reading rooms
cross section in Library and Centre
model of the complex _ scale 1.200
model of the complex _ scale 1.200
model of a part of the buildings _ scale 1.50
model of a part of the buildings _ scale 1.50
Redesign Varvakios square | the green market Athens , GREECE
4th year | Architecture of Open Public Spaces in Urban and Natural Landscapes National Technical University of Athens 2012
wooden pergolas
market and restaurants
soft ground | planting
market’s ciculation
analysis of different layers in the square
square’s plan
square’s section with information about the trees and materials
Summer lodge_ Cyclades, GREECE 3rd year | Design Studio 6A National Technical University of Athens 2011
1. welding connection of columns and beams 2. connection of steel beams with timber beam
axonometric structural analysis_A
connection oftimber frame with metal frame
model_ scale 1.20
axonometric structural analysis_ B
Spatial conversations_ Lofou, CYPRUS workshop for students and new architects Cyprus Architects Association _ Frederick University, Dept. of Architecture 2015
construction process
construction process
pavilion on the site
analysis of the timber pavilion
using pavilion