Fall 2016

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Hurricane Matthew The Georgia National Guard responds Fall 2016 |more 1 Plus: U.S. Army Best Warrior | Warfighter Exercise| And so much

Contents ISSUE: Fall 2016

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03| Patch Changing Ceremony

The 48th IBCT conducts a patch changing ceremony as a part of the Associated Units Pilot.

15|U.S. Army Best Warrior

Specialist Joseph Broam competes in the U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition.

18|Ga guard amongst the best

Two Georgia National Guard units recognized among the best in Army maintenance activity with the Army Award for Maintenance Excellence competition.



11| Georgia Guard Responds to Hurricane Matthew

Members of the Georgia National Guard assist local EMA’s before and after Hurricane Matthew makes landfall.

03| Warfighter Exercise

Georgia National Guard Soldiers participate in Warfighter Exercise 17-1 with the 3rd Infantry Division.

09| Georgia’s New State Partner The Georgia National Guard announces new partnership with Argentina.

19| Ga guard augments 3rd id


Front Cover

The Georgia Army National Guard’s 3rd Infantry Division Main Command Post Operational Detachment (3ID MCPOD) was activated during a ceremony at Fort Stewart



05| Blast From Past

Flashback to Hurricane Katrina.

10| Chaplain’s Corner A theology of endurance.

17| Nco notepad A job well done during Hurricane Matthew.


1 | The Georgia Guardsman


20| Professional Development Podcasts to help grow and learn.

21| Around the Guard

Georgia National Guard Commander-in-Chief Gov. Nathan Deal Adjutant General Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard State Public Affairs Director Lt. Col. Thomas Lesnieski State Public Affairs Officer Capt. Charlie Emmons Operations NCO Master Sgt. Gerard Brown Editorial Staff Managing Editor Desiree Bamba Contributors Desiree Bamba 1st. Lt. Jeffrey Bezore Sgt. James Braswell Master Sgt. Gerard Brown Capt. William Carraway Capt. Charlie Emmons Sgt. Gary Hone Sgt. Moses Howard II Staff Sgt. Mike Perry Chaplain Capt. Jon Pirtle Sgt. Shye Stallings Contributing DOD Organizations 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, 116th Air Control Wing Public Affairs Office, Army National Guard Unit Public Affairs Representatives, Air National Guard Wing Public Affairs Representatives, Georgia State Defense Force Public Affairs.

Georgia National Guard Channels

Disclaimer The Georgia Guardsman is published monthly under the provisions of AR 360-81 and AF 6-1 by the Georgia Department of Defense Public Affairs Office. The views and opinions expressed in the Georgia Guardsman are not necessarily those of the Departments of the Army, Air Force or the Adjutant General of Georgia. The Georgia Guardsman is distributed free-of-charge to members of the Georgia Army and Air National Guard, State Defense Force and other interested persons upon request. Fall 2016 | 2

Wa r f i g h t e r e x e r c i s e Story By: Sgt. Moses Howard II | 124th MPAD | Georgia Army National Guard


here’s been a recent integration of service members of the Georgia Army National Guard and active duty Soldiers on Fort Stewart beginning this year. Elements of the 48th Infantry Brigade C ombat Team (IB CT), based out of Macon, and the 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB) have augmented the 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) active duty unit on Fort Stewart. The 48th IBCT is an associated unit of the 3ID and are authorized to wear the 3rd ID patch. The 648th MEB supports the 48th Infantry Brigade. Due to budget cuts and restructuring within the military, 3ID experienced downsizing of their personnel. As a result, the Georgia National Guard’s 3rd ID Main Command Post Operational “Marne” Detachment (MCP-OD) was created specifically to help fill those empty positions, according to Lt. Col. Shawn Workman, Commander of the Marne Detachment. Workman states, since the division was downsized and lost personnel on their staff, members of the Marne Detachment would flow into these positions within the headquarters in case the division became activated for deployment. “This is a new way forward with the Guard and active duty meshing to complete whatever missions we’re given,“ said

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Workman. “It’s unique how we’re integrated with the active duty for this Warfighter exercise.” The Marne Detachment has demonstrated interoperability with the active duty component during the Warfighter Exercise 17-1 that officially kicked off on October 4th. The Warfighter training exercise was lead by Major General Jim Rainey, the Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division. Workman stressed that Rainey knows the importance of the Marne Detachment and what they can bring to the fight, to aid 3rd ID in their future missions. “It starts with Major General Rainey,” said Workman. “He is for this, and he realizes the significance (of the National Guard units).” Workman added, this new direction of mission command for the detachment starts at the commander level and works its way down “Our mission is to enhance the capabilities of the Division Headquarters,” said Workman. According to Workman, the relationship between the 3rd ID and the National Guard units serving with them, have been beneficial as the units conduct training exercises together to include the Warfighter. “We’ve become an integral part of what they’re doing,” said Workman. “It has been great to work with them. They have welcomed us on board putting us next to their guys and doing what we need to do to make this thing successful. We now wear the 3rd ID patch, which is kind of historic and unique for the Guard. We are fully integrated with 3rd ID.” Photo By: Sgt. Gary Hone | 1 2 4 th MPAD | Georgia Army National Guard

Patch Ceremony Furthers Association history Story by: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


he US Army’s 3rd Infantry Division and Georgia Army National Guard’s 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team celebrated the latest chapter of their mutual history with a patch-changing ceremony at Fort Stewart’s Marne Gardens September 16, 2016. “We have had a great partnership in the past,” said Maj. Gen Jim Rainey, commanding general of the 3rd ID during his address to the Soldiers. “We have trained together, fought together and sadly, we have bled together.” Brigadier General Joe Jarrard, The Adjutant General of the Georgia National Guard also noted the long history of partnership between the 3rd ID and the Georgia Guard. “This formalizes a great relationship,” said Jarrard. “This is going to make us better and it will make the division better as well.” During the ceremony, the Georgia Guardsmen replaced the patch which has symbolized the 48th Brigade for more than 40 years with the historic patch of the 3rd ID. “It is bittersweet,” said Col. Reginald Neal, commander of the 48th IBCT. “I’ve worn a lightning bolt patch for over 20 years, but putting on the 3rd ID patch means we are part of the team. There is no distinction between a 48th Soldier and a 3rd ID Soldier. It is a very significant day for the National Guard.” The ceremony reunited the two storied combat units whose predecessors fought together near the waters of the Marne River in 1918 and the Tigris in 2005. In March 2016, the U.S. Army announced the Georgia Army National Guard’s 48th IBCT, and 3rd ID would be the first units to enter into an associated unit relationship. Nationwide, 27 National Guard and Army units are participating in the associated unit pilot. As part of the associated unit pilot, Task Force 1-28, an Army infantry battalion based at Fort Benning, Ga., is associated with the 48th IBCT. The 3rd ID provides training guidance to the 48th IBCT while the training program for TF 1-28 is provided by the

“This formalizes a great relationship. It is going to make us better and it will make the division better as well.” - Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard

Photo By: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

48th IBCT. Since March of this year, the 3rd ID, 48th IBCT and TF 1-28 have integrated operations and training. In addition to exchanging personnel, the units have planned and conducted training exercises. “This is about readiness,” said Maj. Gen. Rainey. “This is about going to war. The patch ceremony is the latest evidence of the growing interoperability between the 3rd ID and the Georgia Guard. In August, the 3rd ID Main Command Post Operational Detachment activated at Fort Stewart. The MCPOD is a Georgia Army National Guard unit which will augment the 3rd Infantry Division staff during contingency operations. The 3rd ID and 48th IBCT have storied histories. Elements of the 48th IBCT predate the American Revolution. During World War I, the 3rd ID fought at the Second Battle of the Marne where it earned its nickname “Rock of the Marne”. In that same battle were Georgia Guardsmen of the 151st Machine Gun Battalion, whose companies carry on today in the 121st Infantry Regiment of the 48th IBCT. The 3rd ID, and units of the 48th IBCT, served during World War II and both have completed multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. During its 2005 deployment to Iraq, the 48th IBCT served with the 3rd ID. Some of those Guardsmen now proudly wear the 3rd ID patch on both shoulders, a testament to the long interconnected history between the Georgia-based units.

Fall 2016 | 4


hile activated for Hu r r i c a n e Kat r i n a response operations in Mississippi, in August and September 2005, Georgia Guard Spc. William Carraway of Troop E, 108th Cavalry kept a daily journal of observations. The journal entry has been edited for style, but otherwise appears as written.

5 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photos by: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army Naitonal Guard

Flashback: Hurricane Katrina

Story compiled by Capt. William Carraway, Military Historian for the Georgia Army National Guard from using contemporary reports, images and video files collected by Spc. William Carraway during Operation Vigilant Relief, Hurricane Katrina.

Fall 2016 | 6

Thursday September 8, 2005 Lyman, Miss. Sunny, 100 degrees

“We are God’s Pit Crew” – 2nd Lt. Geoffrey Miller 0500: Standard drill, everyone wakes up on their own. We simply stop sleeping as easily as one would stop any other activity that has run its natural course despite the crowded conditions. Troop E scouts are crammed veal-like into a mathematics room at Harrison Central High School in Lyman, Mississippi. Despite the sonorous snores of scouts echoing off the classroom’s concreteblock walls, I slept well. During the night, Sgt. John Beale narrated the previous day’s events in his sleep. I take great pleasure in replaying in detail his nocturnal monologue: “OK boys, lets push on through.” 0630: I shamble with my comrades to the school cafeteria for hot breakfast. One may grab as many bananas as one may carry, but one is strictly limited to three pieces of bacon. The bacon moratorium is a low blow, assuaged somewhat by the lake of grits I receive. This lake resides at the base of Mount Powdered-Nasty-Eggs. Everything is rendered palatable by the liberal application of Texas Pete hot sauce. I have concluded that I can eat anything as long as I have either two pieces of bread or a bottle of hot sauce. The makers of our MREs thoughtfully include a miniature bottle of Tabasco sauce. These bottles I gleefully collect from my less spice adapted comrades. The orange juice is very cold and very spoiled. I conclude that the OJ must have gone bad while sitting in the heat. The morning has dawned hot and humid as all mornings have done thus far. Sitting in the already stifling heat of the cafeteria we listen as Sgt. Pete Lacey gives our operations order for the day. We are going on patrol once again. We shall perform emergency medical, food and water relay patrols. We shall mobilize in two vehicles. Vehicle One shall be commanded by Lacey, with Sgt. Jesse Gooch driving. I will navigate and Beale will be there to admonish us to push on through. Vehicle Two shall be commanded by 2nd Lt. Joseph Sewall, driven by Sgt. Chaney and manned by, Spc. Shatoric Fletcher and the ailing Pvt. Prater. Sergeant O’Neil will remain on sick quarters with the cough that we all seem to have. 0730: Our ride is a high-top canvas backed HMMWV. I assume my station in the back and we roll to the onsite Red Cross supply depot to pick up ice, food, medical supplies, baby food and diapers. Each man secures a different sized case of diapers from the depot. These diaper cases become our seat

7 | The Georgia Guardsman

“ Ev e r y d ay I f i n d “the new normal” has shifted further away from ordinary exper ience. What I recognize as common-place, others might regard as tragedy. The empty parking lot crammed with supplies instead of cars is one of those things that I have accepted as typical.”

cushions to protect our posteriors against the ravages of the wooden seat benches and the rough road conditions. We also pick up Spc. Miller of the 108th Armor. 0800: We leave the high school and proceed south on Highway 49. The breeze filters through the back of the HMMWV and the canvas sides begin to flap. We secure the canvas by rolling it up and over the support bars. This action provides us with a somewhat limited view to the sides of the HMMWV otherwise, the scouts in the back can only see what is going on behind us. I secure my camelback canteen to the roof of the HMMWV by means of a caribiner. This keeps me from leaning against it and prevents it from falling on the floor. I can drink hamster-like from it’s hanging mouthpiece whenever the thought strikes me. 0830: Arrive at the Crossroads Mall. Ordinarily, the mall parking lot would be full of cars. Today it is a point of distribution containing vast stores of water and food. We add cases of bottled water until we barely have room for the scouts in the back. We are startled to see that Elvis is working at the POD. After inquiring after his health, we had a picture taken with the King. This will all be so difficult to describe to those who were not here. I struggle to find context. Everyday I find “the new normal” has shifted further away from ordinary experience. What I recognize as common-place, others might regard as tragedy. The empty parking lot crammed with supplies instead of cars is one of those things that I have accepted as typical. I observe a line of 50 people waiting to use an automatic teller machine and only consider it worth mentioning in retrospect. Trailers eviscerated by the force of wind hardly merit a glance anymore. I have accepted living in a cot in a mathematics room with no air conditioning and have come to regard a clean T-shirt as a luxury, knowing full well that it will be sweat soaked by 0800. My entire universe consists of my cot, my fellow scouts, and a grimy HMMWV which propels me through a shattered landscape of broken homes, downed trees, and utter destruction. Someday I will have to return to that life in which I wear collared shirts and sip hot coffee while listening to the music of my choice. Would I, in all honesty trade all the privilege, and comfort of civilian life for this humble purpose filled existence in which my every action helps someone? The new normal. One thing I find difficult to accept as routine is the scene of residents sifting through the vast sea of clothing that has been placed by relief

agencies. An entire side of the parking lot has been carpeted by used clothing. Wandering amidst these offerings are the stooped figures of the destitute and dispossessed. They move slowly like shorebirds stalking fish in a tidal pool. Presently, they reach out and grasp a useable item. So many coastal residents have lost everything and the POD panorama presents an unsettling testament to how quickly we all may be reduced thus. 0855: We leave Elvis and those unfortunate clothes searchers and head east on I-10 running parallel to the coast. We exit onto Cedar Lake Road and begin our patrols of the area. Turning right on Theodia Hulsey road we discover four flooded homes. dismounting, we move among the homes knocking on doors to check on residents. Sounds lead us to a shed where a man is working on a tractor. The man identifies himself as Mr. Hulsey. He informs us that the nearby Tchoutacabouffa River flooded his house to a height of 8 feet. We observe the high water mark on the side of his house. Miller attempts to reach it with his outstretched arm and finds that he cannot. Hulsey has no power or telephone. He motions to his Chevrolet pick-up truck which was under four feet of water but started right up after the waters receded. We ask Mr. Hulsey if he needs anything and he informs us that he is in good shape. He is trying to get the tractor started so he can clear debris from his house and other properties. Mr. Hulsey asks that we check on his brother on Jake Hulsey road not far away. We find his brother’s house but no one is home. Our patrol takes us east on Wool Market Road then south on Cedar Lake Road where we discover a large houseboat serenely perched in the middle of a yard. The houseboat was deposited by the Biloxi River following the 28-foot storm surge that hit Biloxi to the South. The roads and bridges near this and other rivers are festooned with boats of all make and description. The house boat on Cedar Lake Road became a well-known landmark which we would reference in future patrols. With many of the north/south roads washed out, “Route House Boat” became our link to communities on the south shore of the Biloxi River. Our patrols continued throughout the day as we ventured further into the impacted regions. Stopping at houses we inquired about power and water and found almost all residents still had no power. Exhausting our supplies, we would return again and again to PODS to load up and go back out. We stopped frequently to clear roads which were choked with trees, parts of houses and pianos which appeared at curiously frequent intervals. We remained on mission until well after 8:00 pm. Exhausted, drenched with sweat and crammed full of images of devastation, we returned to Harrison Central High School where we debriefed and delivered our patrol reports. Receiving the word that we would go out again tomorrow, I dropped into my bunk and as immediately asleep.

Fall 2016 | 8

New State partnership

Story by: Desiree Bamba | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense


he Georgia National Guard has been selected as the U.S. partner for the Republic of Argentina as part of the Department of Defense State Partnership Program (SPP). “The State Partnership Program allows us to leverage the deep and trusting ties the National Guard has built with a very large group of foreign allies across every combatant command,” said Air Force Gen. Joseph L. Lengyel, chief, National Guard Bureau. “I’m confident the Georgia National Guard and Argentina will both benefit from the extraordinarily rich tapestry of skills and experience each will bring to this partnership.” Guided by U.S. Department of State foreign policy goals, the State Partnership Program is administered by the National Guard Bureau and supports theater commanders’ security cooperation objectives. The program has been successfully building relationships around the globe for over 20 years. With the inclusion of Argentina, the State Partnership Program will have a total of 73 state partnerships. “I am proud that our Georgia Department of Defense will enter into a State Partnership Program with the country of Argentina” said Nathan Deal, Governor of Georgia. “We look forward to this partnership as it will serve as an opportunity for many of Georgia’s leading industries and business enterprises as well as state agencies, universities and civic organizations.” Argentina will become Georgia’s second State Partner. The state formalized a partnership with the Country of Georgia in 1994. Since the partnership began, the Georgia National Guard has completed more than 100 exchanges ranging from humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness to maintenance, emergency management, aviation opportunities and restructuring of the Georgian Military Police. The United States-Argentina relationship took a significant step forward when then-newly elected Argentine President Macri requested the inclusion of Argentina in the State Partnership

9 | The Georgia Guardsman

Program in early 2016. Since then, the Georgia National Guard has demonstrated a range of capabilities that will assist in meeting Argentina’s security requirements and solidifying pre-existing security collaboration. The State Partnership Program between the state of Georgia and Argentina will lay the foundation for developing a long-term successful relationship by sharing expertise in emergency and disaster response, enhancing border security and strengthening cooperation in peacekeeping operations and readiness. “I’m excited to start our relationship and to explore opportunities between the State of Georgia and the Republic of Argentina,” said Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard, Adjutant General, Georgia National Guard. “Argentina has an open, well developed economy with a mature military. Our organization is looking forward to providing assistance with environmental issues related to flooding and wild-fires, aviation exchanges and maintenance, border security, logistics and disaster preparedness. The future relationship between this South American country and our southern state is boundless and will help strengthen not only our two countries, but also increase stability in the Americas.” The State Partnership Program evolved from a 1991 U.S. European Command decision to set up a Joint Contact Team Program in the Baltic Region with Reserve component Soldiers and Airmen. A subsequent National Guard Bureau proposal paired U.S. states with three nations emerging from the former Soviet Bloc and the SPP was born, becoming a key U.S. security cooperation tool, facilitating cooperation across all aspects of international civilmilitary affairs and encouraging people-to-people ties at the state level. Through SPP, the National Guard conducts military-tomilitary engagements in support of defense security goals but also leverages whole-of-society relationships and capabilities to facilitate broader interagency and corollary engagements spanning military, government, economic and social spheres.

Illustrations by: Desiree Bamba | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense



The Chaplain’s Corner

B y : C h a p l a i n C a p t. J o n P i r t l e | 3 - 1 0 8 t h C ava l r y | G e o r g i a A r m y N at i o n a l G ua r d oss of lights, loss of property, and in some cases, loss of life. Hurricane Matthew battered GA, SC, NC, Haiti and the Bahamas. Some people’s homes, automobiles, crops and possessions were flooded. Often they washed away, inexorably disappearing from sight. Hundreds of lives were inundated with suffering. How does a family endure such suffering? How does the individual bear up under such tragedy? When our creature comforts are buried under waves of destruction, how do we press on? A theology of endurance is crucial. Why? Because suffering is no respecter of persons. If we lack a theology of endurance, we will flounder when suffering comes. The term theology is comprised of two parts. Theos is the Greek term for God. And logos is the Greek term for word/principle of divine reason. Theology is the study of God. Why is this important? Because when tragedy strikes (Hurricane Matthew, in this case) people question. They ask fundamental probing questions. Why would God allow this? Where was God during all this? What reason is there behind all this destruction? A theology of endurance is, therefore, crucial. Along with Soldiers, churches and relief organizations, Georgia’s unit ministry teams (UMTs) ministered to people affected by Hurricane Matthew. They helped to remove downed trees; they

distributed bottles of water; they came alongside families that wept; they provided religious services and support to our fellow Soldiers; they prayed. And at times, they kept silent—to endure alongside the others. The chaplain corps’ motto is threefold: nurture living, care for the wounded, and honor the fallen. Civilians and Soldiers bring a variety of theologies to our force. How well those theologies answer questions of endurance amidst tragedy is an indicator of their strength. In the chaplain corps, we understand the fundamental place a theology of endurance has. Nowhere is that more tested than in the crucible of suffering. Where do we turn when disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) devastate us? In the Christian worldview, we read that believers can “. . . rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Romans 5:3-5 ESV). Paul was not sanctimonious or pious when he wrote that. He was a man who’d endured imprisonment, beatings, lashings, shipwreck, betrayal, and hunger. His point? To have a theology of endurance. In Hurricane Matthew’s wake, that theology of endurance looked very much like our unit ministry teams coming alongside suffering people, and helping them in and through their time of need. Theology was lived out by way of ministry to others.

Fall 2016 | 10


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other Nature showed her wrath as a vicious hurricane hit the southeast coast. Governor Nathan Deal issued a state of emergency on October 4 for 21 counties in preparation for Hurricane Matthew which hit coastal Georgia three days later. Georgia Guardsmen from Calhoun to Savannah mobilized to assist Georgia citizens and first responders in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. More than 2,000 Guardsmen and State Defense Force volunteers would ultimately serve from Savannah to Saint Marys along the Georgia Coast. Prior to Hurricane Matthew making landfall, Georgia Army National Guardsmen from the Monroe-based 178th Military Police Company were activated and reached Savannah ahead of hurricane impact in order to provide hurricane evacuation contra-flow support to Georgia State Patrol in Chatham and Glenn County. In addition, Georgia DoD HMMWVs and cargo trucks were staged at Fort Stewart to provide critical mission support as requested by the Georgia Emergency

11 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photos by: Staff Sgt. Mike Perry | 1 2 4 th MPAD | Georgia Army National Guard

Fall 2016 | 12

Management & Homeland Security Agency. “We have many Soldiers on duty to support our local law enforcement with security and evacuation efforts,” said Brig. Gen. Tom Carden, Commanding General of the Georgia Army National Guard. “We also have staged units just outside the anticipated affected area to assist with debris removal, search and rescue and aerial assessments. Even though we have not had a hurricane of this magnitude for years, we practice for this continually, and I am confident we will be able to alleviate suffering and quickly get things back to normal after the storm passes.” On Oct. 7, Hurricane Matthew brought torrential rain, powerful winds and a storm surge to Georgia’s coastal counties. At the direction of the Governor of Georgia, the Georgia National Guard activated additional personnel. In total, more than 2,000 service members of the Georgia Army and Air National Guardsmen as well as volunteers from the Georgia State Defense Force provided personnel, equipment and expertise. “Our fellow Georgia citizens should know the Georgia Department of Defense stands ready and capable to provide disaster response support alongside local and state agencies,” said Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard, Adjutant 13 | The Georgia Guardsman

General of Georgia. “We were able to respond quickly and effectively because of the investment in training and equipment we make to stay ready. The quick response is also indicative of the heart and soul of our Citizen-Soldiers who joined not only to fight our nation’s wars, but to take care of their family and neighbors when disaster strikes.” In total, all five Brigades of the Georgia Army National Guard contributed personnel and resources. These include the Marietta-based, 201st Regional Support Group and 78th Aviation Troop Command; the Ellenwood-based 78th Troop Command; the Columbus-based 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and the Macon-based 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. Additionally, the two Georgia Air National Guard wings, the 116th Air Control Wing and the 165th Airlift Wing, contributed personnel and resources. The Georgia Army National Guardsmen conducted operations from Chatham County to McIntosh County. Operations included traffic control and rerouting from heavily affected areas, debris clearance and road reconnaissance. Georgia National Guard assets also staged for delivery of relief supplies in the affected areas. Engineers of the 810th Engineer Company staged in Swains-

boro before departing for operations in Glynn County. Also moving to Glynn were Engineers of the Georgia Army National Guard’s 177th Brigade Engineer Battalion and the 116th Air Control Wing to assist with debris clearance. “The engineers have ideal equipment to assist with removing any debris,” said Capt. Christina Spruill, Commander of the Company D, 148th Brigade Support Battalion, Georgia Army National Guard. “This is what we are trained to do and we are glad to be here. We are here for as long as the county requires us to help.” The Georgia Air National Guard also assisted local law enforcement with route clearing and debris removal with heavy equipment and chainsaws. The 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron and the 283rd Combat Communications Squadron provided communications support for the Georgia Army National Guard units and other first responders. “We’ve been working with the Chatham County Police to clear public roads and make sure everything is passable for the residents to come back to their homes,” said Capt. Joel Conrad, 116th Air Control Wing, Georgia National Guard. “It’s very rewarding to be able to come into the community and help our fellow Geor-

gians. We have gotten a lot of good feedback from the citizens and workers thanking us.” Members of the Georgia State Defense Force also assisted with Hurricane Matthew relief efforts. A team of GSDF volunteers was deployed to Macon-Bibb County to provide logistical support at four evacuation shelters. Working in 12 hour shifts, the members managed the intake and registration of evacuees, setup cots and temporary living facilities, moved equipment and supplies, and coordinated crowd and traffic control. In addition, GSDF personnel organized and delivered items donated by the American Red Cross. The evacuees came from as far north as Hilton Head Island, South Carolina and as far south as Fernandina Beach, Florida; however, the majority were from Savannah. Over 400 evacuees were housed in the various shelters. “I am so proud of our team, from the senior leaders coordinating our response, to the Soldiers and Airmen on the streets augmenting our local civil authorities to alleviate suffering and ensure public safety,” said Jarrard. “Our Guardsmen are trained to respond to disasters such as Hurricane Matthew. They want to help their fellow citizens during state emergencies and are well prepared to do so.”

In loving memory of Staff Sgt. Michael Perry. Your memory lives on through your profound work and imagery for the Georgia National Guard. We will never forget you.

Fall 2016 | 14

Story by: Sgt. Shye Stallings | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard 15 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photos by: Sgt. Shye Stallings and U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition


he final chapter of the Best Warrior Competition saga has come to a close. We have followed our very own Spc. Joseph Broam, a native of Savannah, Ga. and Junior at Armstrong State University, as he battled through to earn the title National Guard Soldier of the Year and advanced forward to represent the Army National Guard in the U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition. Specialist Broam, an 11 Bravo Infantryman in the 2nd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment, started his journey in February when he won the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Best Warrior Competition. He then competed in March against the best Soldiers in the state of Georgia, and then advanced forward to the regional competition. “I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into back in February,” said Broam. “After winning the state competitiono I realized, at this leve,l it is not just about representing myself well anymore I am representing the Georgia Army National Guard.” At the April 2016 Region III Best Warrior Competition at Fort Stewart Ga., Broam competed against Guardsman from 10 states and territories. Broam excelled once again and showed his desire to fight all the way to the top. Broam had a little over a month to train before he competed in the National level competition where he faced the top Soldiers from the seven National Guard Regions of the United States. This competition proved to be the toughest for Broam who was nursing a knee injury in the last days of competition. In the end Broam was selected and moved on to represent over 350,000 service members as the National Guard Soldier in the U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition. “Broam is the epitome of what ‘being ready’ really is,” said Georgia Command Sgt. Maj. Philip Stringfield. “He never gave up, he stayed motivated, in shape and trained hard for every single competition. I am proud of him, the entire Georgia National Guard is proud.” The Army Best Warrior Competition was comprised of one NCO and one Soldier from 10 Army commands across the world. This was the first competition in which Broam faced competitors from Army Reserves and Active Duty. “While I am thankful, I am humbled by this opportunity,” said Broam, “It was an honor to not only be a representative for the state of Georgia, but for the entire Army National Guard.” The four-day competition held, at Fort A.P Hill, measured warriors physical and mental stamina. Each competitor was tested through multiple events, including physical fitness, marksmanship, land navigation and combat scenarios. “Thankfully, I received an amazing amount of support from my state and my home unit. Everyone in my command has helped me grow and prepare for this competition, I knew it is going to be tough but I was ready,” said Broam. For Broam, preparing for the competition was tough due to his academic schedule. “If I wasn’t studying for school I was studying for the competition or working out,” said Broam. “I never really had a break or any personal time.” This competition pushed each Soldier to their limit and proved to be very difficult. Broam gave his all until the very last event. “I left it all out there,” said Broam. “I’m grateful for all the support everyone has given me through this entire competition. It was an honor to represent the National Guard, Region III and the Georgia National Guard. I may have not won, but God’s plan for me is already better than I could ever have imagined. Winning would’ve been incredible but I wouldn’t trade the relationships, the connections, the lessons learned or the training I received for anything. I’m eager to give back to the BWC and help other Soldiers get this opportunity to develop and advance their military career. I’m looking forward to recovering and getting ready for air assault and other chances to develop myself and others.”

Fall 2016 | 16

By Command Sgt. Major Philip Stringfield State Command Sgt. Major Georgia Army National Guard

NCO Notepad Words of wisdom from one to another

17 | The Georgia Guardsman


ur state mission is what separates the Nat iona l Gu a rd from the Army or Air Force Reserves. Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA), a lso referred to as Domestic Operations (DOMOPS), is the National Guard response to either a manmade or natural emergency or to a large, public event like the 1996 Olympics. When the governor declares a state of emergency and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMHSA) anticipates the civil authorities will be overwhelmed by the crisis, the governor will call the Georgia Department of Defense to state active duty. The recent hurricane Matthew created such an emergency situation. The specific mission requests f lowed through the State Operations Center (SOC) from GEMHSA to the Georgia National Guard Joint Operations Center (JOC) and the Task Force Commander. GEMHSA directed missions to the Georgia Department of Defense that ordered more than 2,000 service members to assist the southern coastal region of Georgia. Our JOC at Clay National Guard Center Headquarters was fully staffed and we had liaison officers (LNO) at the SOC. You c a n b e proud of you r fe l low Guardsmen who, over a three-day period, provided direct assistance before and after Hurricane Matthew made landfall. The service members helped with hurricane evacuation contraflow, clearing debris from the roadways and road reconnaissance. The Georgia Army National Guardsmen conducted operations from Chatham County to McIntosh County. In total, all five Brigades of the Georgia Army National Guard contributed personnel and resources. These include the Marietta-based, 201st Regional Support Group and 78th Aviation Troop Command; the Ellenwoodbased 78th Troop Command; the Columbusbased 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and the Macon-based 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. Additionally, the two Georgia Air National Guard wings, the 116th Air Control Wing and the 165th Airlift Wing, contributed personnel and resources. As GEMHSA missions were received, the Georgia Department of Defense f lawlessly executed to assist in direct support of Hurricane Matthew and our fellow citizens. Well done!

GA Guard Amongst Best


Story By: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard wo Georgia Army National Guard units have been recognized among the best in Army maintenance activity with the Army Award for Maintenance Excellence competition. Battery A, 1st Battalion, 118th Field Artillery in Springfield, Ga. captured first in the Army National Guard Small Unit category while Field Maintenance Shop Winder finished second overall in the table of distribution and allowances unit category. “Logistics Excellence is among our top priorities,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Carden, commander of the Georgia Army National Guard. “When it comes to equipment, we have to acquire, secure, account for and maintain it to standard. Maintaining our equipment requires the most direct effort by the unit.” On Wednesday, September 21, 2016, representatives of the Georgia Army National Guard’s Directorate of Logistics accepted the awards from Brig. Gen. Timothy Wjojtecki on behalf of the units during a ceremony in Washington D.C. The award presentation culminates months of effort by Georgia Guard units and the Georgia Guard DOL. “Units that maintain their equipment always have higher overall readiness metrics,” said Carden. “I am proud of the Soldiers and leaders in Battery A, 1-118th FA. They have set the standard for the entire organization.” The Army Award for Maintenance Excellence is a U.S. Army Chief of Staff-level award. Established in 1982, the AAME recognizes exceptional accomplishments in maintenance and incentivizes continuous improvement. Active, Reserve and Army National Guard units compete in separate categories. Each category is further separated into small, medium and large-unit categories

Photo by: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

based on a unit’s number of authorized personnel. To be considered for the AAME, units must submit an extensive packet summarizing their maintenance activities for evaluation by Army Headquarters. Battery A’s packet first had to pass battalion and brigade level review before it was forwarded to the Georgia Guard’s G4 office. Field Maintenance Shop Winder’s path to the award was similar, but did not require battalion and brigade review. Once designated as the state nominees, Battery A and FMS Winder competed against units from other National Guard states, first at the regional level, and then against all regional winners. Battery A and FMS Winder were then selected by the National Guard Bureau to represent the Guard in the Army-wide competition. In March, 2016, semifinalists were visited by a team of Army inspectors who reviewed weapons and vehicle maintenance programs, motor pool and dispatch operations as well as special programs such as hazardous materials handling. According to Lt. Col. Alex McLemore, this is the first time a Georgia Guard unit has finished first in the competition. “This award ceremony is much more than a milestone for the Georgia Army National Guard,” said McLemore. “It’s the seminal event for a much greater effort to come. We have so many units and Soldiers doing so many great things with logistics that I see Georgia being represented on a larger scale in the years to come.” McLemore was optimistic about the impact of the award on future logistics endeavors in Georgia. “Excellence should always be recognized like it was this evening and we are very proud of the units that won,” said McLemore. “The recognition these units received will push them to do even more and influence those around them to follow suit.”

Fall 2016 | 18

Ga. Guard Unit Augments 3rd ID Staff


Story By: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard he Georgia Army National Guard’s 3rd Infantry Division Main Command Post Operational Detachment (3ID MCPOD) was activated during a ceremony at Fort Stewart Saturday, August 20, 2016. Senior leaders of the 3rd Infantry Division and Georgia Army National Guard were present to welcome the new unit and celebrate the latest chapter of

partnership. “This is a great day for the 3rd ID,” said 3rd Infantry Division Commander Maj. Gen. James Rainey who noted that the Georgia Guardsmen of the 3ID MCPOD would be part of future division deployments. With an authorized strength of nearly 100 Soldiers, the 3ID MCPOD’s mission is to provide additional personnel and support to the 3rd Infantry Division Headquarters. This support is critical as Army force structure changes have reduced division staff manning. “We have Soldiers that embed with each warfighting function within the 3rd Infantry Division headquarters,” said Lt. Col. Shawn Workman, commander of the 3ID MCPOD. A veteran of 25 years of military service, Workman enlisted in the U.S. Army as an infantryman in 1991. He completed officer candidate school and served as an infantry platoon leader and company commander in the Indiana National Guard. Transferring to the Georgia National Guard, Workman began a long association with the 1st Battalion 118th Field Artillery Regiment and deployed to Afghanistan as the battalion’s operations officer. “This is an incredible, historic opportunity,” said Workman. “I am very fortunate to be in command of this unit at this time.” The activation ceremony included the unfurling of the 3ID MCPOD guidon by Workman and Operations Sergeant Major Timothy Baker. Additionally, Soldiers of the 3ID MCPOD

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changed their shoulder sleeve insignia from the 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade to the 3rd Infantry Division symbolizing their new assignment. “Putting the 3rd ID patch on is an incredible honor,” said Workman. Brigadier General Tom Carden, commander of the Georgia Army National Guard praised the teamwork developed between the 3rd Infantry Division and the Georgia Guard under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Rainey and Command Sgt. Maj. Walter Tagalicud. He noted that the 3ID MCPOD not only benefits the 3rd Infantry Division, it also brings opportunities for growth to Georgia Guardsmen. “The Georgia National Guard is a leadership factory,” said Carden. “What better place to grow leaders than the 3rd Infantry Division?” In December 2015, when the first elements of the unit were established, the 3ID MCPOD was assigned to the Georgia National Guard’s 648th MEB. While the 3ID MCPOD will still be administratively assigned to the 648th, the 3rd Infantry Division will have operational control over the unit during deployments and will shape the mission, staffing and training. The 3ID MCPOD is the latest Georgia Guard unit to embark on a partnership with the 3rd Infantry Division. In June, the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team became the first National Guard BCT to associate with an active-duty division when it entered into a pilot association with the 3rd Infantry Division. The 648th MEB is also a total force partner with the 3rd Infantry Division. Brigadier General Carden recalled how the Georgia National Guard had previously worked with the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart and in Iraq, and how they will work together in the future. “I couldn’t be more proud of the Soldiers, the families and all those who have had part in making this a success,” said Carden.

Professional Development

reviews that teach us about our craft


By: 1st Lt. Jeffrey Bezore | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Air National Guard o be a well-rounded Soldier or Airmen we must continue to grow and learn within our profession of arms. Most of us want to learn as much as humanly possible, but we are often strapped for time and cannot always devote a significant amount of our day towards reading up on subjects important to our careers. An alternative to reading, is listening to a Podcast. Podcasts can be listened to on the way to and from work, or while doing our required physical training. It offers us the ability to kill two birds with one stone and save much needed time. The following three Podcasts are great for anybody to listen to, but are particularly valuable for service members on the go. A great Podcast to subscribe to is “American Military History Project,” by Justin Johnson. The episodes range from 20 to 40 minutes in length. The subject matter tends to cover early American military history and includes the American Revolution, the Barbary Wars, the War of 1812 and the Civil War. The pace of each episode is really good and they are able to go into a great amount of detail in just a short time. You will learn a lot about historical events and important figures. Second up we have “Veteran Podcast and Military News Talk Radio Including Special Operations and Military Technology.” Like

the title of the Podcast, these episode tend to be longer in length and average about two hours. This program covers all branches of the military and all news stories pertaining to the services. Each episode will either highlight a new weapons system, concept or military profession. This Podcast is certainly very opinion heavy but it is still very informative to listen to. You are exposed to very interesting and insightful information, like future weather weapons, a first-hand account of the battle of Robert’s Ridge and America’s next super bomber. Finally we have the top rated Podcast according to iTunes, the “TED Radio Hour” from NPR. This podcast is about an hour in length and groups different TED talks together based on common topics. The program is hosted by Guy Raz and he interviews different TED speaker and blends the interview with moments from their talk. The subject matter covers the entire spectrum, from talks about courage to analyzing how and why we lie. This Podcast is so beneficial because it exposes listeners to topics that we are not ordinarily be exposed to, and the show does a good job at explaining complex ideas within a short time. Podcasts are a great tool for continuing our development. There is not another medium out there that offers the level of insight and depth of knowledge within a short timeframe. I highly encourage anybody that does not have a lot of fee time but is still committed to learning more and becoming a well-rounded Soldier or Airmen to try out any of these Podcasts or the 250,000 other Podcasts available.

Fall 2016 | 20

Around the Georgia Guard SDF Veterans Day Ball The Georgia State Defense Force held their 2016 Veterans Day Ball to honor those who have sacrificed and served our great country. Click below to view more photos.

Assault on kennesaw mountain Master Sgt. Andrew Keene (center) and members of the Ga. National Guard take off to the top of Kennesaw Mountain to complete the 5th Annual Assault on Kennesaw Mountain 5km walk/run.

Gas, GAs, Gas The 138th Chemical Company Soldiers push through the Promask Confidence Course during annual training at the Volunteer Training Center Catoosa.

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4th CST Training The Georgia National Guard 4th Civil Support team complete training exercises at the Clay National Guard Center to ensure their readiness and capabilities during any emergency!

New YCA Academy Georgia’s First Lady Sandra Deal accompanied by The Adjutant General and members of the Youth Challenge Academy program cut the ribbon officially opening the newest Youth Challenge Academy in Milledgeville.

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In Loving Memory of Staff Sgt. Perry A Great Soldier and Photographer

Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense 1000 Halsey Ave. Bldg. 447 Marietta, Ga. 30060

Fall 2016 | 23

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