Q3 / 2017

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q3 / 2017

Saber Guardian

& XCTC 2017

Promoting Peace and Stability


Plus: Soldiers Deploy to Cuba | 1-111th GSAB Dets. Returns | And soq3much more / 2017 | A1



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Saber Guardian 2017

The 648th MEB participates in a U.S. Army Europe led, multi-national exercise involving more than 25,000 service members, Saber Guardian 2017.


columns 10| NCO notepad

Opportunities the military offers.



14| The Chaplain’s Corner

Features 04| Ga Guard Aviators Return Home

Georgia National Guard Soldiers of the 1-111th GSAB return home from deployment.

08| Robtics Camp 2017

The Georgia National Guard’s Family Program hosts two Robotics Camps for children of military members.

15| Ga guard Historic Regiments turn 100

The 118th Field Artillery Regiment and 121st Infantry Regiment celebrate a century of service.

19| exercise Noble Partner

The 810th Engineers conduct combat engineer training as part of Exercise Noble Partner 17.

The importance of trust.


18| Professional development

“The No Asshole Rule” by Robert I Sutton Ph.D

06| Ocs Class 56 Graduates

26| Blast From the Past

Thirteen officer candidates of the Georgia Army National Guard’s Georgia Military Institute and four officer candidates of the accelerated officer candidate school program received their commissions as 2nd lieutenants.

30|Around the Guard

11| 124th MPAD Deploys

WWI “We are having a big time now”. See what’s going on around the Georgia Guard.


The 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment deploys to Cuba.

16| Teaching Future Leaders

Nineteen Georgia National Guardsmen participated in the first NCO Induction Course.

17| Argentine women in the Military Symposium

Colonel Anthony Dill retires after more than 30-years of military service in both the active Army and National Guard.

Servicewomen from the Argentinian Armed Forces traveled over 5,000 miles to the United States to partake in the symposium that took them on a tour across the state of Georgia to witness women’s contributions within the Georgia National Guard.

24|xctc 2017

20| Search and rescue

22|colonel dill retires

Georgia National Guard Soldiers conduct annual training during XCTC. 2 | The Georgia Guardsman

Georgia State Defense Force members conduct search and rescue training.

Georgia National Guard Commander-in-Chief Gov. Nathan Deal Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Joe Jarrard State Public Affairs Director Maj. Jeff Freeman State Public Affairs Officer Capt. Charles Emmons Operations NCO 1st Sgt. Gerard Brown Editorial Staff Managing Editor Desiree Bamba Contributors Maria Balderas 1st Sgt. Gerard Brown Master Sgt. Catherine Brown Capt. William Carraway Tiffany Irene Coulibaly Lt. Col. Chaplain Blair Davis Capt. Charlie Emmons Staff Sgt. Robert Lannom Emma Vaughan Sgt. Shye Wilborn Contributing DOD Organizations 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, 116th Air Control Wing Public Affairs Office, Army National Guard Unit Public Affairs Representatives, Air National Guard Wing Public Affairs Representatives, Georgia State Defense Force Public Affairs.

Georgia National Guard Channels

Disclaimer The Georgia Guardsman is published quarterly under the provisions of AR 360-81 and AF 6-1 by the Georgia Department of Defense Public Affairs Office. The views and opinions expressed in the Georgia Guardsman are not necessarily those of the Departments of the Army, Air Force or the Adjutant General of Georgia. The Georgia Guardsman is distributed free-of-charge to members of the Georgia Army and Air National Guard, State Defense Force and other interested persons upon request. q3 / 2017 | 3

Georgia Guard Aviators Return Home

Story and Photos by: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


etachments of the Georgia Army National Guard’s 1-111th General Support Aviation Battalion held their first yellow-ribbon reintegration event July 2, 2017 marking the first time the Soldiers had been together since returning from their mission of medical evacuation support in the fight against ISIS. The Georgia Guardsmen deployed to five locations in four Middle Eastern countries in June, 2016. Over the next ten months, the Georgia Guardsmen of 1-111 GSAB, flying the UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter, executed more than 200 medical evacuation missions over a wide geographic area. “As soon as we arrived, our detachments spread out across the theater,” said Capt. Alfredo Matos, commander of the Georgia Guard detachments. “We were everywhere.” The Georgia Guard detachments are part of the 1-111th GSAB based in Florida. While overseas, the 1-111th GSAB was assigned to the 77th Combat Aviation Brigade of the Arkansas National Guard. As the MEDEVAC unit for the 77th CAB, The Georgia Guard detachments flew more than 2,000 combat hours in support of conventional, unconventional and host-nation coalition forces. During the deployment, support personnel executed twelve helicopter phase inspections ensuring safe operation throughout the deployment and transferred more than 500,000 gallons of fuel to keep the aircraft flying. “I am very proud of what our Guardsmen accomplished “Said Col. Dwayne Wilson, commander of the Marietta-based 78th Aviation Troop Command. “Our Soldiers and leaders were instrumental in supporting both the train and assist mission in Iraq as well as the coalition fight against ISIS.” In 2011, the 1-111th deployed to Iraq and performed medical evacuation missions as part of Operation New Dawn. They were among the last troops to leave Iraq in 2012.

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OCS Class 56 Graduates


Story and Photos by: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

hirteen officer candidates of the Georgia Army National Guard’s Georgia Military Institute and four officer candidates of the accelerated officer candidate school program received their commissions as 2nd lieutenants during a ceremony at the Clay National Guard Center in Marietta, Ga Aug. 12, 2017. The ceremony marks the culmination of 18 months of training by the officer candidates of OCS Class 56. “I can’t even describe the feeling, said 2nd Lieutenant John Hamil. “It has been a long ride. I am ready to get my career started.” Hamil will serve as platoon leader in the 1-108th Cavalry Squadron, along with fellow OCS 56 graduates 2nd Lt. Jonathan Biles, 2nd Lt. Justin Fogt and 2nd Lt. Menendez. During the commissioning ceremony, the new second lieutenants were administered the oath of office and pinned with their new rank. Following tradition, the new officers received their first salute from an individual of their choosing. Second Lt. Thomas Holman’s

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first salute came from his brothers, Staff Sgt. Ryan Holman and Cpl. Richard Holman, both of the 121st Infantry. A former staff sergeant with Company H, 121st Infantry (Long Range Surveillance), 2nd Lt. Holman, praised the curriculum and instructors of the OCS program. “I learned a lot about leadership,” said Holman. “As a former staff sergeant, I have been in charge of Soldiers, but I learned so much here. Our cadre taught me things I never knew. They taught me how to lead.” Holman will go on to Fort Rucker, Ala. for aviation training. In addition to serving as class president for OCS 56, Holman received the Erickson Trophy which recognizes the distinguished honor graduate of the OCS class as well as the leadership award, recognizing the officer candidate who received the highest rating from instructors and peers. Second Lt. Justin Fogt, who will branch infantry, was recognized with the academic award for achieving the highest combined score in all tests. Second Lt. Marie Poore achieved the highest score in physical training and was presented with the physical fitness award. Poore will attend follow-on training in the adjutant general branch. Following the ceremony, the new

lieutenants met with representatives from their units of assignment. Major John Fuchko, and Command Sgt. Major. William Thomas, command team of the 221st Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion, welcomed 2nd Lt. Alexander Sawdye, 2nd Lt. Michael Noone and 2nd Lt. Samuel Tart to the Fort Gillem-based unit. “I have wanted to get into the 221st since I first enlisted,” said Sawdye. Holding his son Jackson in his arms, Tart was also enthusiastic about the path before him. “It is a huge release,” said Tart reminiscing over the past 18 months. “It was good to see everything come together. We put in a lot of hard work to get here.” The Georgia Military Institute, part of the Georgia National Guard’s 122nd Regional Training Institute, serves as the officer candidate school for the Georgia Army National Guard. The traditional state National Guard OCS class commits to 18 months of training during drill weekends and two summer annual training events. Of the 17 new officers, 13 completed the traditional National Guard OCS while four completed an accelerated OCS program over the course

Photos by: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

of three months. Once accepted into the Georgia National Guard OCS program, candidates are subjected to a series of academic challenges and arduous tasks to test them both physically and mentally. They train in the academics of leadership in a classroom setting and take to the field to learn small unit tactics and unit leadership. The rigorous program is designed to push officer candidates to their limit. “It has been a constant mental and physical battle juggling (OCS), a job and a family,� said Fogt. The biggest challenge for me was balancing work and training requirements.� In the end, Fogt and fellow graduates of OCS 56 weathered the 18-month program and will go on to serve in units across the state, from Dalton to Savannah. The next phase of their training will take them to U.S. Army installations where they will train side by side with U.S. Army active and reserve officers as well as National Guard officers from other states.

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Robotics Camp 2017 Story and photos by: Emma Vaughan | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense The Georgia National Guard’s Family Program teamed up with Georgia First Robotics and local high schools to host two Robotics Camps at Dobbins Air Reserve Base. The camp allowed children of military members to participate and compete in a fun learning environment. “Robotics Camp provides military youth an opportunity to participate in a STEAM program for less,” said Austin Worden, Child and Youth Coordinator for the Georgia National Guard. “We are planting a seed in our future generations by having them design, build and program the Lego robots which they then use to complete set missions in a final day competition.” Throughout the camps, teen mentors from Walton, Kell and East Cobb High School helped the children as they worked in groups to complete various tasks. The groups’ main objective was to complete a research project and build their own personalized robot. “The projects allows the children to learn through trial and error,” said Deborah Kauffman, camp lead mentor and Georgia First Supporter. “It helps them learn from their mistakes and to give them a taste of real life while helping them learn how to work with technology.” For the research project, groups were tasked to find an endangered animal and created a poster board with facts and

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pictures of the animal. Additionally, groups created their own robot to compete in final competition. The children had to work together to map out ideas and plans on how they wanted their robot to look and operate. From there, they tested the robots on an obstacle field to ensure it was competition ready. “It’s amazing to see how kids who never met can make friends so quickly and work well together,” said Arianna Garbers, a mentor from East Cobb High School. During the camp, Mrs. Susan Jarrard, wife of Maj. Gen. Joe Jarrard, Adjutant General of Georgia, read “The Adventures of Walt” to the children. The book encourages children to pursue their dreams. The book was written by a teen mentor at the camps as a way to spark an interest in becoming a robotic engineer. At the end of the camp, the groups presented their posters and were judged by the high school mentors in the three different categories: presentation, missions and technical ability and core values. “We hosted the camps to provide as many opportunities to our military youth as possible,” said Worden. “We are teaching our future generations so that they can potentially design bigger and better products for the military as well as join the military in the future. “

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M Master Sgt. Catherine Brown 165th Airlift Wing Georgia Air National Guard

NCO Notepad Words of wisdom from one to another

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embers join the military for different reasons. For me, it truly was for the love of our great country. I wanted to be a part of something bigger. My great uncle served in World War II and another in the Battle of the Bulge. My great cousins and father served in Vietnam. Some may say serving is in my blood. When I joined, education and training was an added benefit and I knew eventually I would take advantage of these opportunities. But it wasn’t until I decided to make the military a career that formal education and continued training became paramount and would open the doors to various opportunities.s Have you ever thought about the amount of education and training one receives while serving? Hour for hour it exceeds the number of credits needed to complete a college degree. The civilian community recognizes this work experience and routinely hires veterans based on this reality. But on its own, on-the-job training will not solely prepare you for advancement within your current organization, or to move on to a new professional adventure. Members must be familiar with what’s expected in their appropriate career path or specialty. This may seem elementary, but often times we get so focused on one task that we forget the bigger picture. We must train, educate and perform to better our future selves. Education opportunities are afforded to us for a reason. Taking advantage of these opportunities prepares us for increased responsibility and teaches us critical thinking skills that will help us to overcome emergent leadership issues. It is very important to take advantage of the professional development opportunities that are offered. These can include education and training opportunities offered in the workplace, through an outside organization, or attending conferences and symposiums where one can network with fellow service members. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box on this one. Listening to speeches given by senior leaders or simply watching others perform at the level where you want to be are also ways one can enhance one’s professional development. We live in a fast-moving environment. Things are constantly changing. Nothing is guaranteed. We have to be ready for that next deployment, responsibility or promotion. Encourage feedback from those that surround you. Resist the impulse to defend yourself. Take it in and learn from it. Also, become familiar with the requirements of the job you want and determine what skills, both technical and soft, are needed to succeed in it. The worst thing we can do is not be prepared for the next step in the career ladder. One thing that is common among each military component is achieving the mission. In order for this to occur senior leaders, both present and future, have to put in the time to educate and train. It is not going to be easy. There will be challenges, but you have to be able to invest in yourself so you can grow. Remember: The only one in charge of your career is you.

124th MPAD Deploys to Cuba Story and Photos by: Staff Sgt. Robert Lannom | 124th MPAD | Georgia Army National Guard


oldiers from the 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Georgia Army National Guard, Marietta, Ga., deployed to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba in support of on-going mission July 5, 2017. The unit will provide public affairs expertise to Joint Task Force GTMO, providing photojournalism, radio broadcasting and civilian media relations for the JTF Commander. “Our Soldiers are ready, trained, well-led and fully prepared,” said National Guard Capt. Bertrice D. Smith, the commander, 124th MPAD, “to support the public affairs mission at Joint Task Force Guantanamo”. Over the past year, the unit has conducted weapons training, squad movement drills, first-aid training, advanced broadcasting, and media coordination training for the mission. The MPAD consists of a media relations section and two journalism and broadcast sections which provide internal and external media content, coordinate civilian media info requests, media escorts and to tell the story of the Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines serving there. The unit is replacing the Little Rock based, 119th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Arkansas National Guard. The Georgia Guardsmen are looking forward to the opportunity to tell the story. “I feel a great sense of pride to represent the state of Georgia,” said National Guard Sgt. Clinton J. Glenn, public affairs broadcast non-commissioned officer, “and to participate in such a unique and important mission.”

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Story and Photos by: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard ore than 150 Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers from the Columbus-based 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade traveled to Romania in July for exercise Saber Guardian 17, A U.S. Army Europe led, multinational exercise involving more than 25,000 service members. The Guardsmen played a pivotal role in the exercise which unfolded across Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. “This will be the first time a maneuver enhancement brigade has ever participated in an exercise of this kind incorporating a contested river crossing,” said Col. John Gentry, commander of the 648th MEB on the eve of the unit’s departure. “From the perspective of the MEB community and the Army as a whole, this represents a significant training opportunity.”

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Saber Guardian 17 ran from July 11 to 20 and involved service members from 22 nations in a complex series of training exercises designed to demonstrate the capability to maneuver forces. For the 648th MEB, whose motto is ‘freedom to maneuver’, the exercise was an opportunity to highlight the capabilities of a maneuver enhancement brigade. The MEB is a tailored force consisting of a large headquarters company, a network support company and sustainment battalion. The MEB can manage up to seven battalions to accomplish a variety of missions. For its Saber Guardian mission, the 648th MEB had military police, engineer and air defense units assigned. Working together, these Guard, reserve and active Army units established a wet crossing site to permit the advancement of friendly forces across the Olt River. “We enhance freedom of movement, that is our purpose in the division support area,” said Gentry. “We can do that

one of two ways. We can play a defensive role, protecting elements in the support area but are also capable of offensive operations as well.� Based in Columbus, the 648th MEB has subordinate units in Cumming and Ellenwood Georgia. With Guardsmen from across the state of Georgia, the 648th MEB has had an active existence. Organized in 2007, the 648th MEB deployed to Afghanistan in 2012 as Task Force Hydra. Subordinate units of the 648th have deployed multiple times in support of overseas contingency missions and have supported overseas training missions in Europe and the Pacific. Soldiers of the 648th MEB were called to duty in 2016 following Hurricane Matthew and provided engineering, transportation and sustainment assets in support of response efforts along the Georgia coastline. Briefing his Soldiers moments before the 648th departed for Romania, Gentry noted the significance of the upcoming mission and the challenges ahead. “This is an important moment for all of us,� said Gentry. Everyone will be very engaged from the time we land to the time we load up to come home. It will be an all-out sprint.

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Story by: Chaplain Blair Davis | State Chaplain | Georgia Naitonal Guard


rust is a powerful tool in any organization. Whether we are talking of friendship, our family, a squad, platoon, company, battalion, or even larger organizations, trust is crucial. And it can be broken in a moment’s notice. Too many of us forget that our words carry weight. Words are laced with meaning. We may find ourselves becoming self-absorbed, even conceited. We can become more focused on ourselves, our feelings, our perceptions, etc. and forget what is going on in other people’s lives. We might undermine people’s trust in us by the way we speak or through the attitude we convey. However, there is good news. Trust can be restored. We need to take ownership for our own shortcomings and failures. Most people are willing to forgive. In Romans 12:18-19a, Paul writes, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves . . .” Al Hoffman and Dick Manning wrote a song popularized by Pearl Bailey in 1952. “Takes Two to Tango” is based on the dramatic Latin American tango dance. It has become an idiom in our culture. Just as it’s impossible to tango alone, so it is impossible to do many things in life alone. Just as it takes two to tango, it also takes two to tussle. When David was anointed king over Israel by the prophet Samuel, the first thing he did was honor his predecessor who had tried to kill him—King Saul. He called together the men who had collected Saul’s body after battle and given him an honorable burial: “You are blessed of the LORD, for you have shown this kindness to your lord, to Saul, and have buried him” (2 Samuel 2:5). David could easily have sought to avenge himself by punishing Saul’s followers. Instead, he sought to make peace and honor the Lord’s anointed despite the error of his (Saul’s) ways. “Love keeps no record of wrongs, delights not in evil, and thinks the best” (1 Corinthians 13:5-7). All quarrels and bitterness can be ended when one person takes the first step. It takes two to tussle, but only one to reach out in love. We all need to remember that a “House divided against itself cannot stand” (Mark 3:25). If we are going to build trust in our organization, families, friends, etc., we have to forgive and let it go.

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Story and Photos by: Capt. William Carraway | 161st Military History Detachment | Georgia Army National Guard he 118th Field Artillery Regiment and 121st Infantry Regiment of the Georgia Army National Guard celebrate a century of service under their current regimental designations in September and October 2017. A full accounting of these storied regiments is beyond the scope of this article. The following is intended to serve as an introduction to two units steeped in history. Nescit Cedere: “He Knows No Surrender” The 118th Field Artillery was first organized April 18, 1751 in Savannah, Ga. The regiment fought during the American Revolution and the War of 1812 and began its Civil War service at Fort Pulaski in 1861. Elements of the 118th served in multiple units during the Civil War including the 1st Georgia Volunteer Regiment, Wheaton’s Battery, the 13th and 18th Battalion Georgia Infantry. The venerable Chatham Artillery detached from the regiment in September 1861 and served as an independent battery, ultimately surrendering in North Carolina in April 1865. In 1872, the 118th Field Artillery was reorganized as the 1st Georgia Infantry Regiment. Elements of this unit entered federal service in May 1998 during the Spanish American War. In July 1916, the 1st Georgia Infantry Regiment was dispatched to Camp Cotton in El Paso Texas following border tensions with Mexico. Returning in 1917, the unit began training for overseas service and on September 23, 1917, received its present designation as the 118th Field Artillery Regiment. The 118th served in France with the 31st Infantry Division and was demobilized in 1919. In 1941, the 118th Field Artillery was ordered into federal service as part of the 30th Infantry Division. The 118th Regiment would serve as the 118th and 230th Field Artillery Battalion with the 30th

ID in the European theater where it would earn four Meritorious Unit Commendations and fight with distinction at Saint Lo, Malmedy and Mortain. The Gray Bonnet Regiment The earliest unit of the 121st Infantry Regiment, the Baldwin Blues, was organized in Milledgeville in 1810. The 121st Infantry and its long affiliation with Macon began in 1825 with the organization of the Macon Volunteers. In 1861 the Macon Volunteers along with the Floyd Rifles of Macon, City Light Guards of Columbus and Spalding Grays of Griffin marched off to Virginia as the 2nd Georgia Battalion. At Gettysburg, the 2nd Georgia Battalion was the skirmish line for the brigade of Brig. Gen. Ambrose Wright, whose men charged farther on the second day of the battle than any other suffering fifty percent casualties in the process. The remnant of the 2nd Georgia Battalion surrendered at Appomattox but was reorganized in 1874 and expanded to form the 2nd Georgia Infantry Regiment in 1891. In July 1916, the 2nd Georgia Regiment was dispatched to the Mexican Border along with the 1st and 5th regiments. Returning in March 1917, the 2nd Georgia began training for overseas service and on October 1, 1917 was designated as the 121st Infantry Regiment and assigned to the 31st Infantry Division. Three companies of the 121st were detached to the 42nd Infantry Division as the 151st Machine Gun Battalion and saw extensive combat service in France. The 121st returned from WWI service and was demobilized in 1919. The regiment was assigned to the 8th Infantry Division during WWII and served from Normandy to the Rhineland. The regiment suffered 4,842 combat casualties in ten months of combat and was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for its determined stand in the Hurtgen Forest.

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Training Future Leaders Senior Nco’s teach junior leaders

Story and Photo by: Staff Sgt. Rob Lannom | 124th MPAD | Georgia Army National Guard “No one is more professional than I. I am a noncommissioned officer, a leader of Soldiers.” The first line of the Army noncommissioned officer creed sums up what the Georgia National Guard expects of its NCOs. This creed is drilled daily at all levels of the NCO education system throughout the U.S. Army. But what about Soldiers who have not been to Basic Leader Course? The Georgia Army National Guard conducted its first NCO Induction Course at the Volunteer Training Center in Catoosa, Ga., Aug. 14-21. Nineteen Georgia National Guardsmen from across the state representing multiple military specialties received the training. The course develops junior NCOs who have not been to the Basic Leader Course to meet the professional military education requirements for their promotion. The course was developed and sourced by the Georgia National Guard Chief of Staff, G3 (Operations and Training). The training focuses on junior-level NCO development and places each student in a leadership role from team leader (the first level of direct supervision) to platoon leader. “The training shows these young NCOs what responsibilities a junior team leader actually has,” said Sergeant Major Joseph Shirer, Georgia Army National Guard G3 Operations Sergeant Major. “They are starting to realize the amount of work and responsibilities sergeants have.” Over the course of five days, the students trained on the numerous responsibilities of a team leader: troop leading procedures, Army Values, preventative maintenance checks and services, patrol base operations, land navigation and training and testing on various firearms. Time management was an implied task throughout the course, since there are numerous assignments which need to get accomplished throughout the training period. The Soldiers were responsible for completing them all. If a leader did not ensure meal times were scheduled, the training didn’t halt for lunch. “We are expanding on the Select, Train, Educate, Promote (STEP) enlisted promotion system, “ said Shirer. “The purpose of the course is to give these young NCOs an idea of their responsibilities before actually filling the position.” The attendees of the course were excited about the overall experience. “The training is everything I joined to do,” said Sgt. Alan B. Caldwell, a military policeman with the Fort Stewart-based 179th Military Police Company. “During drill weekends we don’t get the opportunity to train on this.” The training benefitted the instructors as well. “One of the assumptions senior NCOs have to make is that young sergeants are completely prepared for the roles they are responsible for,” said Sgt. 1st Class Jakob Raven, G3 Operations NCO. “Over the course of this training, the senior NCOs are learning the young sergeants need their knowledge base improved as well.” Upon completion of the course, the guardsmen participated in a NCO induction ceremony officiated by Georgia Army National Guard State Command Sgt. Major Phillip A. Stringfield who inducted the Soldier’s into the NCO Corps. He stressed the importance of their future in the future leadership of the Georgia Army National Guard. “You are the future of this organization,” he said, “The graduates of this course will be the next platoon sergeants, first sergeants, and sergeants major in the state of Georgia.”

16 | The Georgia Guardsman

Story by: Tiffany Irene Coulibaly | Translation by Maria Balderals | Public Affairs Office To commemorate Women’s Equality Day, recognized in the United States annually on August 26, the Georgia Department of Defense in partnership with the Republic of Argentina, hosted the Argentine Women in the Military Symposium, August 21-25, to shed light on gender integration topics within the U.S. Military. Servicewomen from the Argentinian Armed Forces traveled over 5,000 miles to the United States to participate in the symposium that took them on a tour across the state of Georgia to witness women’s contributions within the Georgia National Guard. The symposium developed as a result of the new relationship between the Ga. DoD and the Republic of Argentina as part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s State Partnership Program (SPP). The SPP, which consists of 73 partnerships between the 54 states and territories and armed forces from allying countries has a concrete mission to strengthen foreign relations, peacekeeping operations and readiness worldwide. “This symposium benefitted the Georgia Department of Defense by identifying some of the challenges that women in the military have faced in the past, as well as streamlining the gender integration efforts moving forward,” said Major Daniel Miller, State Partnership Program Director for the Ga. DoD. “The Georgia Department of Defense has many women who serve proudly in leadership roles, many of which were able to share their experiences and successes during this event with members of our Argentine partners Ministry of Defense.” During the event, the servicewomen visited both Georgia’s Army and Air National Guard headquarters as well as the 116th Air Control Wing Team Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System, the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the 201st Regional Support Group and the University of North Georgia Corps of Cadets. These visits included various panel discussions and briefings that were led by some of the Ga. DoD’s most influential leaders. Focuses of conversation and interest to the Argentine Armed Forces, were topics regarding women in leadership positions, gender equality, service and pregnancy, work life balance strategies and military to military marriages. “This was a unique and new experience that has opened my mind to new perspectives,” said Capt. Maria Jorgelina Camarzana, Argentine Armed Forces only female helicopter pilot.* “Because of this we can adapt to the possible changes in our own military, and to have our personnel like it should be with both genders equal, so that they can be effective in their military life, in order to fulfill their personal dreams within their career.” With this symposium, both partner nations demonstrated a strong commitment to fully integrating women into all branches and specialties of their respective armed forces and strengthened a new relationship which will continue to grow and develop in the years to come. “The Argentine Women in the Military Symposium was important for many reasons. We are still in our first year of the SPP relationship with the Republic of Argentina, so anytime we can engage with their military it is a good thing,” said Miller. “Events like this will allow us to learn more about our partner nation, and also learn more about ourselves as we continue to integrate all branches and military occupational specialties (MOS) of the Army.” *Quotes translated from Spanish to English

Photo by 1st. Sgt. Gerard Brown | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

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reviews of books that teach us about our craft By: Capt. Charlie Emmons | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard All of us have undoubtedly worked for a toxic leader or shared space with a toxic coworker. In many cases, thes e individuals are high performers that care more about their own stats and looking good to the boss, while they berate fellow employees or subordinates. They get personal with their insults or intimidate through physical presence. While these types of workers are commonly referred to as bullies or jerks, author, Robert I. Sutton, Ph.D, goes one step further to call them what they really are…a**holes. In his 2007 book, The No A**hole Rule, Sutton lays out the dangers of retaining toxic leaders in the workplace. He even provides a checklist to self-reflect and determine if you are in fact a certified a**hole yourself. The manner in which he delivers his findings is humorous, but the topic itself is a serious one. In the past few years, we’ve seen an increase in toxic leader stories within our military ranks. In each of these articles, similar descriptive terms appear in the accounts of the toxic leaders’ behavior. Narcissistic, selfish, manipulative, or controlling are just a few of the terms used to describe toxic leaders. Racist and sexist are some of the more extreme words attributed to these individuals. The problem for many, is that we see toxic a**hole behavior rewarded. If someone is a top performer on paper, they advance through the ranks and gain power in an organization. And when that behavior is discovered, but unchecked, it gives permission to continue the toxic actions that continue to bring them success. While this may lead to short term gains at the unit level, a seed has been planted and the victims of that behavior may choose to go elsewhere. They can become infected and carry on the a**hole virus to a new organization. In worst case scenarios, the victim of the bullying behavior may take their own life. Sutton recommends purging these types of individuals from the workplace, for the good of the organization. One a**hole can

18 | The Georgia Guardsman

spread the disease and hire other like-minded a**holes according to his research. This cancerous behavior can lead to low productivity, decreased morale, rampant fear, high stress, and decreased learning. For those watching the bottom line, the actions of a**holes can lead to increased cost for the organization. This can come in the form of legal fees, training, re-training, hiring replacements, and other costs - the Total Cost of A**holes (TCA). One example cited by Sutton puts the figure at around 160 thousand dollars annually for one Silicon Valley a**hole’s behavior. The employer of that toxic employee actually deducted it from his bonus, which of course caused the temperamental reaction you’d expect from an a**hole. It is difficult to differentiate toxic behavior from effective leadership in military organizations. With readiness being a top priority, we as service members appreciate a firm and aggressive leader; someone willing to do whatever is necessary to meet the needs of the mission. Groomed in a culture of military traditions, customs, and courtesies, an organization may find that this type of behavior is the only way to encourage discipline and get results. Sutton actually includes a pro-a**hole perspective in one chapter, “The virtues of a**holes”. He cites the accomplishments of Steve Jobs and Michael Eisner, who were CEOs of Apple and Disney. Despite their extremely a**hole-ish behavior, they elevated their companies to great success. However, the virtues of being such a leader are mostly tied to selfish goals like attaining power, position, or personal acclaim, and they always lead to discontent within the workplace. Despite what Sutton refers to as “Delusions of Effectiveness”, a toxic leader is not a good leader. He urges that “If you are a boss who oversees a certified a**hole, don’t ignore the problem and hope it will go away…expel the rotten apples as fast as possible.” And if you are subordinate to a certified a**hole, remain steadfast and weather the storm. Take pleasure in little victories, but choose your battles wisely. If you work with an a**hole peer, don’t be afraid to challenge them when they are demonstrating toxic behavior. And if you haven’t identified the a**hole in your workplace or you think everyone else is…chances are you are the a**hole.

One a**hole can spread the disease and hire other likeminded a**holes.

Operation Noble Partner

Story and Photos By: Capt. William Carraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


ess than one year ago, Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers of the Swainsboro-based 810th Engineer Company (Sapper) were conducting debris clearance operations in the coastal counties of the State of Georgia in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. In August, those same engineers were half a world away supporting the armed forces of the Country of Georgia with combat engineer training as part of Exercise Noble Partner 17. “We will be at this location for several days conducting blank and live fire,” said Capt. Christopher Butler, commander of the 810th. “Our training will progress into (demolitions).” The combat engineers lived in tents pitched on the dry grassy side of a mountain in a remote rocky section of the Vaziani Training Area. The engineers trained with a company of engineers from the Georgian Armed Forces on tasks such as range operations, obstacle emplacement and removal. Noble Partner 2017 is the third iteration of Noble Partner. The exercise was held in Vaziani and Camp Norio training areas in Georgia during the first two weeks of August. The purpose of the exercise is to support Georgia’s training of a second light infantry company contribution to the NATO Response Force. For many Soldiers, like Sgt. Maurice Taylor of Waycross and Pfc. Jalin Anderson of Augusta, this is the first experience as part of an overseas mission. “It has been a lot of good training said Taylor.” Anderson agreed citing the opportunity to travel and experience new cultures while training in a new environment. Brigadier General Tom Blackstock, commander of the 78th Troop Command visited the combat engineers at Vaziani as they began construction of a small arms range. A sapper himself, Blackstock shared memories of past mobilizations and exercises as commander of the 265th Engineer Group and 648th Engineer Battalion (Sapper). Blackstock also recognized two Soldiers with challenge coins for excellent service. Corporal Andrew Fergine and Sgt. Caleb Taylor were recommended by Capt. Butler for their contributions to the unit. “Sergeant Andrew Fergine was on the advanced party,” said Butler. “He was a game changer.” Butler noted that Taylor was an outstanding NCO who had gone above and beyond expectations. In addition to the engineers of the 810th, Georgia Army National Guardsmen of the Marietta-based Company H, 121st Infantry (Long Range Surveillance) and 165th Quartermaster participated in Noble Partner 2017 along with aviators and crews of the Savannah-based 165th Airlift Wing, Georgia Air National Guard. They were part of a multinational involvement the includes units from U.S. Army Europe as well as service members and equipment from Germany, Armenia, United Kingdom, Turkey and Slovenia. Nearly 3,000 Soldiers contributed to the exercise.

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Search and Rescu So That

Story by: Second Lt. Michael Chapman | Public Affairs | Georgia State Defense Force The Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) has been called on to fill many different roles. Humanitarian relief, support to local emergency management agencies, traffic control, auxiliary support to the National Guard, and many other tasks fall within the purview of the GSDF. One of the most important tasks undertaken by the GSDF are search and rescue operations, known more commonly by its acronym: SAR. Every new member of the GSDF is immersed in an in-depth study of the methods, tools, and techniques of search and rescue operations. From the first day of initial entry training, new recruits are taught the fundamentals of search and rescue in both a classroom environment and in multiple outdoor situational training exercises. During IET, new recruits are taught that, to be a qualified SAR specialist, they

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must be a team player and always be willing to learn. Furthermore, new recruits learn that in order to safely conduct a search and rescue mission, searchers must maintain physical and mental fitness. Each SAR mission is unique, therefore, new recruits learn that they must be ready to quickly adapt to a changing emergency scenario. Skills and techniques are tested throughout IET and new recruits cannot graduate until they have mastered the basics of search and rescue operations. Because SAR is such an essential part of the GSDF, a significant amount of time is spent training and preparing for potential missions. A search and rescue specialist must be qualified in a number of different fields including land navigation, radio communication, first

ue: Others May Live Photo by: Pfc. Andreas Alsdorf | Public Affairs | Georgia State Defense Force aid, and emergency management protocols. Every GSDF member quickly learns that he or she will spend more time training for a SAR mission than actually serving on one. However, it is only through the constant honing of skills that a SAR team member stays proficient and ready to respond. In October 2016, the hours of training and preparation were put to use when several elements of the GSDF were activated for a real-world search and rescue event. The request was made by the Georgia Emergency Management Agency in order to search for a missing person in Pickens County, north of Atlanta. In addition to the GSDF, the Georgia State Patrol, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the Georgia Department of Corrections, and deputies

from the Cherokee, Gilmer, and Pickens County Sheriff ’s Office participated in the search. The multi-agency search covered several hundred acres and was conducted over several days. The GSDF was able to provide an organized, disciplined, rapid response force to respond to this incident. SAR specialists often adopt the phrase “so that others may live.” The phrase is an attitude and way of life that places more emphasis on public service than on private gain. Finding a missing person so that they can safely return to their home and family is worth the sacrifice in time and resources that often must be made. SAR specialists may not be rewarded monetarily, however, they are rewarded with the pride and satisfaction that comes from serving others.

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Col. Dill: Exceptional Career Complete Story and Photos by Capt. Charlie Emmons | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

22 | The Georgia Guardsman

“Find the right place, the right assignment, or the right boss.” That is one of the pieces of advice offered by retiring Georgia Army National Guard Inspector General, Colonel Anthony Dill. As he departs after more than 30-years of military service in both the active Army and National Guard, Col. Dill can claim that he’s found all three throughout his illustrious career. “Sometimes you get two of the three,” said Dill. “Rarely will you get three of the three. But you gotta find the one thing that makes you happy.” Dill’s Army resume reads like an action-packed feature film series, and include multiple operations in Panama, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He conducted mass-tactical airborne operations with the 82nd Airborne Division, negotiated U.S. foreign policy objectives with the president of Albania, and borrowed the service of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier on the Arabian Sea to launch and recover Army aircraft. Last year, he was recognized as a Reserve Officer Training Corps Hall of Fame recipient. “It’s been a really awesome career and I’ve gotten to do some pretty cool things,” said Dill. Dill commissioned in the Florida National Guard in 1988, as a graduate of University of West Florida. Before he joined the National Guard he had an extensive exposure to military life. His father served two tours in Vietnam as an aviator with 1st Cavalry

Division and later flew for 5th Special Forces Group - Project Delta. Colonel Dill’s Army life has directed him into leadership roles during significant milestones to include the 50th Anniversaries of the 5th Special Forces Group and the Golden Knights, the U.S. Army’s official parachute demonstration team. Dill was deputy commander of the 5th SFG and commander of the Golden Knights. Throughout his career, he’s worn seven different variations of the Army uniform. Dill has experienced the rise in technological advancements that didn’t exist during the days that he wore the same style boots to Desert Storm that his father wore a few decades before in Vietnam. While many things changed, Dill sees consistent values have remained in the Army throughout the years. “What I’ve seen, the quality the heart, the dedication...I would say that those attributes remain constant.” Colonel Dill is retiring to North Georgia with his wife and two young children. He hopes to find a job that allows him to continue serving the veteran community. But more importantly, he looks forward to making up for lost time. That includes 81 months spent in hostile fire zones on short notice. “After a decade or so of my family coming second to various deployments, now they are the priority.”

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S tory and P hotos B y : C apt . W illiam C arraway | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

The Georgia National Guard’s 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team deployed from 29 home stations across the state and trained in remote locations in Fort Stewart, Ga. during the eXportable Combat Training Capability exercise that unfolded throughout the month of June. Throughout the course of the 3-week training exercise, the Guardsmen worked alongside their active-duty counterparts of the 3rd Infantry Division stationed at Fort Stewart. XCTC training included combat arms battle drills, artillery fire support exercises, convoy live fire lanes and logistical support operations.

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Blast from the past:

world war I

Story by: Capt. William Carraway | Military Historian | 161st Military History Detachment

Robert Gober Burton

Photos courtesy of Ga. Guard History Archives

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“We are having a big time now” January 1, 1917 marked a new year for the Georgia Guardsmen stationed on the border of Texas and Mexico. From his tent, not two hundred yards from Mexico, Corporal Robert Gober Burton of Company H, 2nd Georgia Infantry, balanced a book over his knee and wrote a letter home to his mother in Monroe Ga. Rather than travel with the rest of the Georgia Brigade on a fifteen-mile march as he had earlier reported, Burton and his fellows from Monroe remained to guard Camp Cotton. Burton wrote that word was sweeping the camp that Brig. Gen. John Pershing would be recalled from Mexico soon and that the Guardsmen encamped in posts along the border would soon be sent home. Burton enclosed Kodak images with the letter and returned some clothing items that had been sent as gifts. “I am thinking of sending the muffler and laundry bag home as everything here is so dirty that I am afraid that I will spoil them. The muffler is surely nice but I can’t wear it as it doesn’t suit very well with government clothes. Besides, we are furnished all the war clothes that we can wear. I have some under clothes much heavier than those I wore at home. We have a big overcoat that weighs about 15 pounds and a hood that goes over the head so I keep very warm and comfortable.” In his letters home, Burton continued to comfort his mother and reassure her that the men were in no danger. El Paso, Texas Monday Night Mama Dear, Mama, you need not be afraid that the Mexicans will get us as there are just 129,000 more Soldiers here besides us and I think that the Mexicans are not hankering to come over and see how straight we can shoot. I don’t see why we are being kept down here. The border is sleeping like a top and we are not really needed down here. I fear that a petition has been gotten up in Ga. asking the War Department to recall us. If it gets to you, I know that both you and papa will sign it. The Macon Board of Trade has sent one to the War Dept, also the Savannah B of T. I have already shaved off the moustache and am again my natural self. I hope that by this time the picture has reached you. Also the letter with the Kodak pictures that I sent you. Miss Bessie is coming out here to see Capt. Aycock. She left Atlanta tonight. Lt. Launius is due to come with her, but I think that his leave of absence will be extended so that he can stay with his father. Now Mama, don’t get the blues because if I can stand it, I think you should. If you write blue letters I get blue and it makes both of us unhappy. The Company is on guard tonight and I haven’t very much longer so will close. Write soon. As ever, your Devt Son Gober By January 14, 1917 the 2nd Georgia received orders to man guard posts along the Southern El Paso Railroad linking Columbus, N.M. with El Paso. My Dearest Mama, We find that we will have to go out on the outpost duty after

all. We are going to go with the First Ga. Regiment. I do not know whether we will get any mail out there or not but I will try and write you from out there. I think that we can mail our mail from there. We are going down into New Mexico so by that I will add another state to my list of states that I have been in. Mama, please don’t worry about me being out there. I will be OK. The whole 1st Georgia will be with us. I hear mess call sounding so will go eat dinner, then come back and finish this letter. A light snow fell last night but melted away this morning. The weather this morning was not cold enough to wear a sweater and much of the boys are in their shirt sleeves. I hope that by the middle of Feb. or the finish of March we will be on our way to the red hills of Ga. The middle of Feb. seems to be the most likely time. Things along the border are as peaceful as in Ga. Things go on just as anywhere else, only you see Soldiers everywhere, and at all times. When you wrote me about the turkey, I thought that I would have some of the town boys down to eat dinner with me. Capt. Aycock, Miss Bessie, James Matthews, Jack Felker, Charlie Mears and Ed Winslo. How do you think that would be? This may be the last letter in 15 days so I am making a long one of it. I think that we will get to post letters out their tho. Miss Bessie’s coming was certainly liked by the whole company. We are more than glad to see her. What is worrying me most is what I am going to do when I do get back home. Tell the boys to keep looking for me a job. Well, will write again as soon as I get a chance. Write again soon Your devoted son, Gober. On January 17, Burton and his comrades in Company H loaded into trucks and were driven 40 miles west along the border on a road that paralleled the El Paso Southwestern Railroad. Reaching Noria, the troops unloaded and surveyed their newly assigned post. Save for an east-west railroad, a water tower and a depot building, there was nothing much to look at. Although the terrain was flat, the wind had shaped the sand into a series of undulating dunes topped with sage brush. The effect of these wind-formed terrain features was that a Soldier could stand on the flat ground in Noria and not be able to see the Mexican border just one mile south. Over the next two weeks, Burton and the Soldiers of Company H found much to enjoy about their new post. Whereas at Camp Cotton, the troops were subject to camp rules and discipline, in Noria they were their own bosses. Burton established a canteen in the newly formed tent city of Noria and reported doing brisk business. Bessie Aycock, Capt. Aycock’s traveled with the company to Noria where she stayed at the depot office. By day she circulated about the camp bringing good cheer and encouragement to the Soldiers who welcomed the addition of a friendly face from home. Days passed without incident. The Soldiers watched as trains passed east and west while clouds drifted lazily in the sky. While the Georgians marked time guarding the railroad, news reached

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them that as many as 25,000 Guardsmen had left the border. This again buoyed expectations of a swift return home, but Capt. Aycock cautioned the men to expect a duty extension. By January 31, 1917, Burton appeared resigned to a long stay on the New Mexico border. Jan 31, 1917 My dearest mama, We will be stationed here indefinitely. You just send the coke and the candy to my old address. We get the mail every day. I had lots rather be here where we are than at camp in El Paso. Here we are our own boss, get up any time of day that we choose and go to bed when we please. I went down to Columbus, N.M. the other day. That is the place where Villa made his raid about a year ago. Nothing can be seen except at some places where a bullet spattered. The El Paso (paper) says that several thousand more National Guard are to be ordered home. We believe that we will be stationed here until they are ready to send us home. I hope that this will be the way they do. You just send the coke and things right on. I will enjoy them more out here than I would at El Paso. Write me soon at El Paso Your devoted son, Gober. Before Gober’s letter reached Monroe, the Georgians were recalled from Noria to Camp Cotton. Returning by truck February 1, 1917, the Georgians began preparing for their return to their home state. Although they were no longer independent of camp regulations, Burton noted that they were glad to return to tents with wooden floors. He was happy also to receive a box of chocolates “from my girl in Winder” and Coca Cola from home. Shortly after the Georgia Guardsmen returned to Camp Cotton, Brig. Gen. John Pershing was recalled to Fort Bliss ending the punitive expedition. The return of the regulars was greeted with

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a wave of celebration and rumors of the Guard units returning home. Burton reported camp duties greatly slackened and the men enjoyed liberal leave to El Paso. There was so much revelry that Burton wrote for his mother to send him a suit to wear to town. “Mama, get my heavy suit of clothes, about two shirts, half dozen collar, buy me a cap and necktie or two. Cap size 7 1/8 and make it a loud one. My pair of slippers, pack them up and send them to me. We want to dress up sometime on Sunday and if it is no longer against the rules to wear civilian clothes. Don’t forget to send me a collar button or two. We are having a big time now.” On March 8, 1917, four inches of snow fell but Burton and Sgt. Williamson, sharing six blankets between them, suffered no ill effects from the cold snap. The next day, the 2nd Georgia Infantry Regiment received preliminary orders to prepare for a return to Georgia. The 1st Georgia Infantry Regiment was scheduled to return first, followed by the 5th and 2nd Georgia. Transportation of the units commenced March 18, 1917. The Georgians packed their tents and baggage and began a long spine-jarring ride home by rail through Dallas, Memphis, and Birmingham on the way to Atlanta and, ultimately Macon, Ga., headquarters of the 2nd Georgia Infantry. On March 29, 1917, Members of the 2nd Georgia stood in ranks along Cherry Street in downtown Macon Georgia. There they were presented with medals custom ordered by the City of Macon in honor of the regiment’s service. Following the medal presentation, the Soldiers were treated to a barbecue in the city’s central park. Their medals glistening in the spring sunlight, the Soldiers of the 2nd Georgia had completed their Mexican border mobilization. But war clouds loomed, and a second mobilization was less than one week away. Next Chapter: War Declaration and Mobilization

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Around the Georgia Guard HURRICANE RELIEF Following Hurricane Irma, Sgt. Franswu Lloyd, Spc. Christopher Murray and Spc. Rickeyon Jenkins of the Georgia National Guard 179th Military Police Company hand out food bags, diapers, and hot chow to local residents in need on Albany Street in Brunswick, Ga.

NATIONAL BEST WARRIOR COMPETITION Georgia National Guard Soldier, Sgt. Richard Lively represents Region 3 in the National Best Warrior Competition at Camp Ripley, Minn.

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3RD ID MCPOD DEPARTURE Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division Main Command Post Operational Detachment assemble for the unit’s departure ceremony Sunday at Fort Stewart. The Marne Detachment is deployed to Southwest Asia.

GEORGIA SPECIAL FORCES Members of the Country of Georgia Special Forces exit a C-130 of the State of Georgia Air National Guard’s 165th Airlift Squadron during Exercise Noble Partner 2017 in Vaziani, Country of Georgia.

122ND TSD Vice President Mike Pence visits service members of the Air Force Reserve and Georgia National Guard during a visit to Atlanta.

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Stay tuned for the Fall Edition of the Georgia Guardsman Magazine!

Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense 1000 Halsey Ave. Bldg. 447 Marietta, Ga. 30060 32 | The Georgia Guardsman

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