2021 Spring Commencement

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C O M M E N C E M E N T • M AY 1 3 , 2 0 2 1


Introductory Musical Selections Processional National Anthem


Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 Composed by Sir Edward Elgar The Star-Spangled Banner Composed by Francis Scott Key Performed by Janae Gray

Conferral of Degrees

Dr. Jann L. Joseph

Presentation of Diplomas

Dr. Jann L. Joseph

Georgia Gwinnett College Alma Mater Recessional

Dr. Jann L. Joseph President

Presentation of Degree Candidates Dr. George S. Low Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and Provost Dr. Tyler Yu Dean, School of Business Dr. Bernard Oliver Dean, School of Education Dr. Diane E. White Dean, School of Health Sciences

Performed by Janae Gray Triumphal March from Aida Composed by Giuseppe Verdi

Portions of the program were pre-recorded. The following have been shared online: Remarks Graduate Reflections Alumni Association Greetings

Dr. Jann L. Joseph Yesmeen Jaser Sasha Ruiz, ’11 Chair, Alumni Association Board

Dr. Teresa Winterhalter Dean, School of Liberal Arts Dr. Sonal Dekhane Interim Dean, School of Science and Technology


Congratulations, Georgia Gwinnett College Class of 2021! The past year has been remarkable, and each of you deserves every accolade and outpouring of well wishes for today’s accomplishment. Your diploma represents the breadth of knowledge, skills, experiences and perspectives you gained at GGC that will lay the foundation for a successful life. And remember, you did all of this and earned your diploma during a pandemic. To earn a college degree is an impressive achievement, and I encourage each of you to reflect on the fact that the challenges you surmounted make you more resilient and better prepared for what comes next in your journey. We are very proud of you, and we look forward to hearing about your successes. I personally look forward to meeting you at future events hosted by the GGC Alumni Association. Through the conveniences of modern technology, we have gathered together here in the arena, as well as online from across the region, state and even the world to celebrate and honor YOU! Your determination to succeed is an inspiration to all present and future Grizzlies. Go be great! Dr. Jann L. Joseph President


C A N D I D AT E S F O R G R A D U AT I O N BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MAJOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Thomas Ryan Ablan F Folashade Idayat Adegabi Ameena Rakeeba Ahmad Jonathan Alcala Stefon Pierce Auten Safura Zainulabdin Bana Cheryl Lynn Barker s Majorica M. Barnes Kendra Daniela Barquero Brandon Jacob Benalcazar F Nicholas Theodore Berounsky Christopher Blake Bingham Brenda Carolina Bonilla Kevin Austin Bowen Kristina Bowman Zulema Alejandra Boyso Shayla Lenae Bradley Hunter Ellis Bramlett William David Bredow F Breanna Renee Broadnax s Daijah Armani Brown Sydney K. Brown Taylor Monae Brown Keon Lamar Browner John Elden Bryan l Zachary Tyler Bryant Donald Lee Burris-Gomer Jr. Matthew Cabrera Misael Antonio Caceres Jr. Monique Shirell Cade

Stephanie Caicedo F TeRae Michelle Caldwell Cesar Carrillo Ryan Joseph Carter Shane Alexander Carroll Bryan Carvente Luisa Fernanda Castano Karen Ceron Areesha Charania Desiree Clark Krishna Clarke Jackson Mark Cochran Dillon Matthew Coke Karla G. Cole William Robert Corbett Carlos Esteban Crespo s James Lee Crossno III l Cristian Dashkevich F Shauna Davis Armela Dedovic Brandon Anthony Denson Anthony Marcus-Bradley Dixon Kodjo Dogbe Bradley Marcus D’souza Christina Leah Durden F Adnan Dzankovic s Yahya Elouthmani l Adriana Echazarreta Zoe L. Fernandez Natalie Jo Ferrin Jailline Flores Urbina Rachel Amoy Forbes Tia Eliza Forrester Marilyn Garcia Tia Monet Gavin Ramin Ghafarian F

Kaleb Anthony Glasnovich l Joshua Scott Glass Matija Gligorovic Adelisa Golic l Timothy James Gomez Zarria Shirelle Gumbs Kathleen Josette Gustama Amela Hasanovic Mehereali Hashim Claudia Liliana Herrera Venegas l Davin Lamar Hill Aerial Breyanna Hopson Holly Noel Howard F Kevin Johnson Isaac Cherubin Susan Itty Krystal Brianna Jackson Hannah Jeffries Shequila S. Jessie Darren Malik Johnson Alexis Delana Jones Kennedy Elizabeth Jones Megan Taylor Kamplain Priya Kanaiya F Jonathan Ryan Kass Omar Keita Haroon U. Khan Graham Anthony Kiffin Tasha Elyce Koslov s Joseph Lee Lawler F Brenda Van Le F Jocelyn Nicole Lee Solomon Za Lian Zar Heu Lo Lauren Elizabeth Longo Emily Phatana Lounnarath Marissa Elyse Lozada

Anniston Marie Lunsford Steven Luong F Jennifer Beatriz Madrid Tasfia Mahmood Kaiya Simone’ Mars Aamina Mashkoor Shiju Mathai Lucky Mathebula Sydni F. Matthews Cody James McCue Courtney McCurn Justice Shabree McDonald Cayla Elise McKelton Keondre Natori McKibben Brendan James McNally F Cheyanne Nashey Medina Romaine Sheldon Minott Benno Minoungou Daisha Brianne Mitchell Omar Mohammad Jeanelle Antoinette Moncrieffe Rubi Mondragon Gaetan Patrice Montes Bryson Xavier Morales Jeiby Alexander Morales Jesenia Corona Morales Sarah Elizabeth Morehead Darren Malik Johnson Tenia DaNai Morgan Katherine Moron F Ryan Adam Morrell F Kevin Alexander Moseley Wesley Spencer Moss Nebiyu Belayneh Mulat Jared Alexander Munday Rina Murad

List and academic standing at press time. FCum laude l Magna cum laude s Summa cum laude n Honors Program v Awarded Posthumously

Jonathan Mazeza Muteteke Rodrigo Jean Paul Navarrete Larico F Ana Carolina Navarro Joey Alex Negron Kristal Quintero Nevarez Hung Thai Nguyen l Huong Thi Nguyen F Kathy Thai Nguyen s Quynh Nguyen F Ekene E. Nwankwo Jessica Chikaodili Offor Ogechikama Regina Okebugwu Adeola Oladimeji Emmanuel Ibukunoluwa Olusanya Melanie Ivelisse Otero Paulina Pancerovaite Sharon Denise Parker Harini Patel Yesha Vijaykumar Patel F Cynthia Paul-Tafur F Braulio Pena Gutierrez Magdalena Perez Kathy AnhThu Pham Vikki Nkhauj Ntshiab Pham Amara Grace Pich F Cynthia Miranda Pluviose Camila Elena Ponte Andrea Suzanne Puttkammer s Kelin Melissa Quinteros Samia Rahat Shareena Rahman Karina Victoria Ramirez l Daniela Rangel Amer Residovic Zoraida Rios Jesus s Alfredo Jorge Rivera s PAGE 3

C A N D I D AT E S F O R G R A D U AT I O N Joshualyne Victoria Roberts Christian Peter Rodriguez Siuli Rodriguez Barbara P. Romero Vanessa Yamilet Romero Conner Todd Rudolph Brian E. Salazar Lourdes B. Salazar Keyth Ryan Searcy Matthew Christopher Sewell Kayla Alexis Shelton F Victoria Rebecca Shlikov Kenan Sijamija Daniela Sima l Kishaun Singh Kiera Sharley Singleton F Alexandrea Christine Smith Destiny Rochelle Smith Kevin Ross Smith Dessa Kaya Snyder s Isaiah Jordan Starks Austin James Steward F Taylor Mieko Takushi F Novel T. Tameru Prince Gartius Tandoh Theodore Justin Tarbush Hannah Catherine Taylor Jonathan Lee Taylor Shawn Farrell Taylor l Angella Esmeralda Tepoz Toni Tiente Kevin L. Tran Becir Trbonja Albert Adair Trejo Ryan Paul Trindle Jessica Utayev


Jeralyn Valdes Diego Angel Ventosilla Norbellys Verges Maria Jose Vilchez Julie Noel Vinson Andrew Nguyen Vu l Derrick Khang Vu F Naredos Alemayehu Walga Joshua Calvin West Gina Christine White Collin Eli Williams F Jeremy Patrick Williams F Joel Melchizedek Williams F Erika Janae Willis l Thomas DeMario Wilson Toussant Xavier Won Alvin Xiong DeSirea Denise Young BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MAJOR IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Sharon Nicole Amador F Gabriella Isabelle Andrade s Victoria Lee Arnold Kendrick J. Banks Christopher Benitez Jessica Nicole Bernard s Mackenzie Raven Boler Savana T. Marie Bradshaw Natalie Jeanea Brown l Kasey Erin Burchett Daryl Monique Burton


Alexis Makenzie Cason l Alexis Prayer Cavender Jacqueline Chavero s Yordanka Valentinova Chervenkova Brittany Diane Cofer Lindsey Claire Cofield l Aaliyah Tatyona Collins s Kaela Ann Conner l Zaira Priscilla Crawford F Maira De La Cruz Hernandez Maria ThuyHop Do F Lasean Edwards Sierra Gay Hager F Haley Nicole Hall Julia Allison Hamilton l Zahoa Mohammed Hassan s Gabriella Janean Luella Jacob l Kayla Elizabeth Johnson Katherine Leigh Johnston Courtney Lanard Jones Jr. Monique Nkaujhlub Khang F Nicole Kathryn Lagatta F Edna Lejlic s Destini J. Long F Maria Yineth Lopez Jasmine Ross Lynn Tymberlee Jane Maddox Jordan Iman McGowan F Kimberly McIntosh l Stephanie Isabel Medina F Joanna Jamilet Molina Cinthia Mondragon s Maribel Rodriguez Montalvo F Molly Marie Moon l Monica Michelle Morga l Grace Olivia Morgan F

Kelli Leann Morris Jessica Brooke Mustin Nafisa Sinha Nazir s Olivia Noone Candis Marie Odell F Waymon Cetese-Cyril Orr Carla Nataly Pacheco Quaniya Wynne-Martina Patillo Rebecca Raelyn Paul Tiffany Rose Rasinski F Amanda Shae Rodriguez F Savanna Rodriguez F Nia Ann-Marie Rousseau Kendalle Marye Samuel Samra Shaikh Briana Stewart s Avery Elizabeth Strickland F Brittany DeAnn Terrill Emily Mary Vaverek F Zaila Yamilette Villarreal Michelle Wang s Erika Wright Isabella Marie Young BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MAJOR IN SPECIAL EDUCATION Alicia Joy Adams l Genevieve Jacqueline Arhin Michelle Nichole Bishop Alyssa Jordyn Brown F Amber Virginia Callaway Daniel Christian Conlin Amanda Dierckman

Chelsea Grace Doster Danielle DeVine Fowler Samantha Kay Jenkins Jennifer Jimenez Nufio Alexis Michelle Johns Sonja Lynne Jorgensen l Rachel Nicole Klosterman Thomas Sperlig Lewis F Gabriela Montes Chelsea Taylor Mosley l Mohana Suresh Nair Dorota Eve Nunez l Katherine Renee Jordan Jaleesa Marie Pizarro Meghan Nicole Smith F BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES MAJOR IN NURSING Oluwatosin Adesola Adeleye F Gincy Thankam Babu F Trudy Ann Ball Kendall Maria Banks F Bonnie LeeAnne Brooks l Helen Elowho Ejogo F Melissa Flores Tiana Shadai Gayle Cierra Alexis Hill F Devian Ajade Ince Breanna Marie Jackson F Arynne Elizabeth Keeley Kristina Long F Sierra Destini McMillin F Duyen Thi Thuy Nguyen

List and academic standing at press time. FCum laude l Magna cum laude s Summa cum laude n Honors Program v Awarded Posthumously

C A N D I D AT E S F O R G R A D U AT I O N Desiree Rochelle Palmer l David Prichici F Amaris Puerto F Rebecca Leigh Raymond Monique Symone Reid Katherine Lynn Rider s Samantha Blake Rijo F Elma Shaji F Marvelysa Sosa Coronado Savannah Rachel Stanley Chelsea Grace Strickland Meskerem Ayele Tekle F Allie Truc Tran Pamela Ventosilla Jolee Elizabeth Wood Ger Carl Yang F BACHELOR OF ARTS SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR IN CINEMA & MEDIA ARTS PRODUCTION Daniel Jude Joseph Beharry Phillip David Benfield III l Eiryana La’Shay Tyiss Bennett Chelsea M. Casey Destini Shimyia Clements Jack Cameron Faulk Patrick Corin Green Edan Harris Dzenita Kurtic Casey Michelle Leary s Morgan JaShawn Maddox Barrett Ashton McCall F Matthew Joshua Montgomery Paris Evelyn Murphy


Randy H. Nguyen F Tiffany-Lee Cassandra Pringle Tomas Alejandro Quispe Robyn Alyssa Rogers Sarah Sannoune F Roseline Leyahn Siaway F Shane Michael Sims Arthur Lee Smith Jr. Joshua Sergei Womble s n Gerardo Zarate

Katherine Royann Organista s Matthew Scott Powell Maria Nicole Priddy Lawson Sinclair Rhine Robert M. Stanfield Amon Kyle Whitfield F


Quinci Elisha Blalock F Gina Patricia Bodnar Taylor Dane Dusablon s Jack M. Harrison Chelsea Kamplain F Mitchell J. Krystopa Salvatore A. LaRosa Zachary Allen Regan Jasmin Sosa

Kolton Stephen DeFoor Taylor Nichole Henderson Abby Marie Preteroti F Amanda Tapia Victoria Elizabeth Wright l BACHELOR OF ARTS SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR IN ENGLISH WITH TEACHER CERTIFICATION Tristan Daniel Louis Mills Alamanda Carter Mooney F Kathryn Michelle Mooney F Kyle Jacob Smith l BACHELOR OF ARTS SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR IN HISTORY Karl Michael Craig Keith Austin Halcomb s Marcus Andrew O’Rear


BACHELOR OF ARTS SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Deonte Mckinley Bracey Lukas T. Finch Candace Victoria Huneycutt Jack Ryan Power Caleb Graham Renfroe Crystal M. Roque Olivia Amanda Wint l

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Stephanie Almendarez Florina Alungulesei Saray Imelda Alvarado Shevon Naomie Anderson Khadidiatou Ba Colin Lee Blankenship s n Jennifer Bravo Kimberly Jo Dennis F Paul Diaz De’keria Nadira Durant Innis Roy Espino Corey Galon Forde Norma Elizabeth Fuentes s Karen Nicole Guerrero Ingris Samain Hernandes Reyes Candace Victoria Huneycutt Christopher Thomas Lachenmayer Hayley Nicole Lawrence s Willie James Lilly Angie Lora Arce Hannah Nicole Martin l Arlene Moumeni-Ngounou Ashley Catherine Pownall l Damaris Adriana Prichici Briana Julyett Rivera Madison Annelise Smith Rodgers Bryan Sanchez LaNece Mary Nicole Strickland s Stephanie Ann Taylor s n Aliyah Tamara Toppin Sammy Tran F Jordan A. Vasquez

List and academic standing at press time. FCum laude l Magna cum laude s Summa cum laude n Honors Program v Awarded Posthumously

Kaliah Ayanna Monet White Miriah SandraLee Williams BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND AGING SERVICES Harriet Amofah l n Raquel C. Ariyo Reba Deanne Bales Gabrielle Aliesse Brown Diondra Jameka Burgess Citlalli Nailea Colon-Diaz Dana Derzhay F Geraldine Flickner Diehl s Catherine Lisseth Escobar Jenna Alexandra Heflin F Jamie Ann Kelley Travonka Titiaunna Lemon Ebony Quinette Mercer F Ashley Nicole Murawski Adriana Aparecida de Oliveira Westendorf BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Emerald Richelle Able Melody LaʼQuandria Adams Aierelle Marie Anderson Jonathan Wayne Anglin Elizabeth Avila Disha Barot Brittany Alexandria Bodden PAGE 5

C A N D I D AT E S F O R G R A D U AT I O N Cynthia Boyso Vazquez Erin NaʼShon Burch s Ashley Catherine Butler Drew Spencer Carroll F Lilian Roxana Castillo Ruiz F Allyn Castro Jasmine Kery Diaz Madeleine Carol Ann Barbara Espinosa Emily Lynn Forster Ashley Samone Foster Alex John Fraser Violeta Janeth Garcia Hayley Anne Goodrich F Ashleigh Laurall Grayson Raevin M. Green Breyanna Leshai Harris Gradea Joetta Harris Melody Berry Healan F Amanda Marie Heckert Jocelyne Hernandez Trinity Rose Hernandez Justice Raven Uniqica Hollingsworth Alana DeʼJanique Jenkins Maya Rayne Johnson Pria Ivory Jones Evelyne Wanjiku Kamau n Yetta Knight Louis A. Lombard Molly Ann Masselli F Mary Margaret McCaffrey Daisy Noemi Mendez Mackenzie Paige Miner Fatuma Muktar Mohamed Latrece Dionne Morris Diana Myndresku F


Zachary Jacob Newberry Elijah Philippe Noisin F Sarah Ogunleye-Martins Catherine Z. Perez F Tammy Pham F Jada S. Pitts Yolanda Prince Tatiana Alicia Ramos Meghan Reinhold Carla Rubenia Rios-Hernandez Tasha’ Shawaania Roberts N’Kyla Rolland F Kaila Cecelia Rosario Austin Kendal Salinas Samantha Alexis Sanchez Kalli Kendall Stone Nahamah Carmen Tessier Natalie Ann Tripplet l Samantha Brooke Vidal Jacqueline Jennine Vonner Stephanie Taylor White Ashley Fatima Williams BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN BIOLOGY Mariam Jamal Ahmed Arinzechukwu Aniekwe s Mesfin Fenta Asheber Zohra Baburi Samantha Dee Baxley s James Patton Bennett s Breen Elizabeth Riley s Allison Rae Bonnes


Samfred Winstonburgh Bonsu Taylor Grace Bowen s Evelyn Brenda Calina Yoko Naomi Cardona Karina Castillo Rodrigo Javier Chavez Pena Deidra Denise Cowan Mihir Desai Miaya Synclaire DeVoe Emmanuel Obiajulu Eze Jr. Brandon Paul Ferguson Elizabeth Anne Fowler s Tyquan Noel Gidden Andrew Travis Grant Morgan Ashley Marion Gray Drew William Greenway F Makenzie Grayce Hafford Austin Russell Hallock Erica Jeanne Hathaway Tareka Brisco Haydin Sarah Herrera Yesmeen Jaser Jessica Khan Kenneth Charles Levenson Purva Janakbhai Lotwala s Ana Jasmine Martinez Samuel Robert McDaniel Linda Alexandra Michaels F Sydni Anielle Morgan Katherine Vien Khach Nguyen Uyen Thuy Ngoc Nguyen Uchechi Okoro Oluwadamilola Blessing Oladebo Shivam C. Patel Brianna Marie Patin

Martín Sebastian Peñaherrera Merizalde s Stephanie Pena-Rodas F Emmaline Rose Priger Julenny Ilvania Ramirez Sosa s Daniel Rivera Caridad Monét Robinson Gabriel A. Rodriguez Jessica Daniela Rojas s Elizabeth Anne Roth s Audry J. Rubia Minahil Saeed F Chelsea Jean Serillo l Christopher Giovanni Serkan l Angelin Esther Shanmugam F Steffie Shine s Michelle Kim Solomon Kaylah Rose Stapleton Razan Lutfi Teyani F Tanya Maria Todd l Jazmene Kitahna Kajlila Turner Aniya Raquel Villafane BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN BIOLOGY WITH TEACHER CERTIFICATION Amber Hart Rebekah Michelle Head F Diana Alyson Salguero l Judith Eunice Vasquez

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY Daniel Ray Contreras Jesurebor Isaac Ivbaze s Faheem Jamaloodeen F Madison Victoria Preston F Kiana Asahi Treaster F n BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE John Abiowun Taylor Grace Bowen s Deidrea S. Darroux Jason D. Gajda Devyn Andrew Hallett Crystal Pendergast Brandon Michael Seay BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN EXERCISE SCIENCE Kathy Acevedo Silvana D. Alvarez Lopez F Jessica Andrade Gabriella Maria Mendes Bishop F Tyler Kevin Bost Jesse Cendejas Zachary Phuonghoang Cao Leila Elizabeth Clackum

List and academic standing at press time. FCum laude l Magna cum laude s Summa cum laude n Honors Program v Awarded Posthumously

C A N D I D AT E S F O R G R A D U AT I O N Riley Catherine Cooper l Dimitri M. Darroux Hunter Allen Dollander F Deconcini Kaosisochukw Eze Nykel Ajeenah Floyd Victoria Louise Gallagher Betelhem Girmay Rachel Amelia Greene Alejandro A. Hernandez Autumn Faye Hulteen n Kinyahna LaChelle Jackson Christopher Cord Johnson II Jade Ariana Johnson Tahra Lynnel Johnson Ruth Dianne Jones s Samantha Nicole Leach Yana Patricia Lee-Fong Corey Robert LeSage F Griffin Keith Lewallen Nickelle Ngowo Linonge Neira Loyola Madison Martin Logan Simone McKenzie Adanna Chidinma Okoro Anmol Rajendra Patel F Michael Anthony Peck Alex Edward Pelaez Jr. Emanuel Enrique Pineda Allison Nelly Porter Emina Ramic Oriana Alejandra Sotillo Rojas Hugh Smith Thompson III Jennifer Veronica Velasquez Yenifer T. Velez Lambertinez Jori Alexander Wahner Nahdia Kossar Wongbay


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Alex Fisha Abraham Adetokunbo Kayode Ademakinwa Samuel Ajonye Ako F Haylee Alyssa-Lyn Anderson F Amina Anwar Andrew Nicholas Bayonne Joshua Seth Beers F Gabrielle Amanda Bloomfield Yaw Boateng Matthew Vincent Bovard Jacob Boyce Caroline Rachel Briggs Steven Richard Buckle Logan John Cartwright l James Coburn Christian Maxwell Coleman Ryan James Cosentino F Dennis Rick Dalton F Jimmy Hoang Dang Yara Daou s Anas Ahmad Doghaimat l Ciapha Paykay Dorley Isaiah Deshaun Dowling Austin Cole Edwards Devin R. Espejo Joseph Foster Graham Peter Giles Brittany Lynn Johnson Giordano Fishaye Abel Gottom Joshua Daniel Grimaldo s

Emma Gyimah Roger Lyman Hall Wanda Hanlon l Bayne Austin Harris Ryan Graham Hirano Jason A. Holden Aleksander Marcos Homann Stephen Nicholas Hurd F Joshua Phillip Huth F Agapitus Joshua Iboro Zachary Basharat Idrees Asho Lul Abdirahman Issak F Malik Elijah Johnson Neenah Karima Johnson Christopher Andrew Jones F Shababa Kamreen Tevine Manena Kashoba Branden P. Kem F Safiyullah Khan s Hannah Michelle Langley F Trevor John Lee l Eric Jeffrey Long Cesar Lopez Juan Carlos Lopez-Colimote Hau Luc Gretchen Marie Christopher Martinez l Erick G. Martinez F Luis M. Martinez Lugo Chad Martire Josue Mayorga s Melonee Antonette McLeod F Solomon Ferede Mekuria David R. Mercado F Angel Sebastian Mercado Rodriguez

Joshua Milledge I Shaun Patrick Mitchell Johnas Robert Newsome l Du Chau Vong Nguyen F Khadijah Yasmin Nixon F Dakota James Norris Mariany Nataly Osorio Zapata Josue Alexander Pastore-Manzano Sebastien Pierre-Louis Bruccy Pimentel Aquino F Sarah Price F Gabriella Irin Cobian Pujada Justin David Quesada Christophe A. Ramel F Daniel Alan Redder l Jeremy Bryan Reyes Alexander Alfredo Rivera l Devin K. Rogers l Jonathan Walter Roof F Omar Salihbegovic F Davensky Stanley Sanon Steven Wagner Sattler Jesse Serrano Haley Lillian Sheppard Matthew John Skidmore Richard Garrison Slaughter Hugh Sturgis Smith Richard Paul Smith F Alex A. Smyntyna F Flaka Sopa Mark Oliver Stiller s Makenna Stock Nga Tran F Mahir Trumic Padao Vang Denny Vuong

List and academic standing at press time. FCum laude l Magna cum laude s Summa cum laude n Honors Program v Awarded Posthumously

Maliha Wahab F Jabree Labrittany Walker Ruth Olivia Whitehouse Jordyn E. Williams Taylor Denise Williams F Phillip Wesley Wright Chue Fue Yang Nana Badu Yeboah Marium Zafar F n Vladislav Zaprivoda F Bailey Edward Zindorf F Brandon William Zindorf BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS Sarah Florendia Allen n Hannah Elizabeth Conner s Ryan James Cosentino F Patrick Spencer Graham Brittany Faith Mooney F n BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS WITH TEACHER CERTIFICATION Katarzyna Dimm-Medaglia Katelin Elizabeth Joyner Olivia Grace McClain l Giselle Odalis Ortega F Juliana Stephanie Salazar Kayla Marie Sciarrotta F Amanda Marie Underwood PAGE 7

LEADERSHIP ADMINISTRATION Jann L. Joseph, Ph.D., President George S. Low, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and Provost Frank Hardymon, Vice President for Business and Finance Michael Poll, Vice President for Enrollment Management Services Christine Miller Divine, Ph.D., Vice President for Information Technology Michelle Rosemond, Ph.D., Vice President for Student Engagement and Success Terrance Schneider, Associate Vice President of Operations/Chief of Police Katherine Kyle, Associate Vice President of Human Resources Jennifer Hendrickson, Associate Vice President of Advancement Sloan Jones, Associate Vice President of Communications Rebekah Myers, J.D., General Counsel Luann Causland, Executive Assistant to the President PRESIDENT EMERITUS Daniel J. Kaufman, Ph.D. DEANS Sonal Dekhane, Ph.D., Interim Dean, School of Science and Technology Justin Jernigan, Ph.D, Sr. Associate Vice President/Dean of Student Success Tomas Jimenez, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Barbara Mann, MLIS, Dean of Library Services Bernard Oliver, Ph.D., Dean, School of Education Diane E. White, Ph.D., RN, CCRN, Dean, School of Health Sciences Teresa Winterhalter, Ph.D., Dean, School of Liberal Arts Tyler Yu, Ph.D., Dean, School of Business


F O U N D AT I O N B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S Chair Bartow Morgan, Jr. Vice Chair Jann L. Joseph, Ph.D. President Jennifer Hendrickson Secretary Terri E. Jondahl Treasurer Glenn S. White

Trustees Thomas J. Andersen Don Balfour Marsha Anderson Bomar K. Carlton Buchanan, Jr. MD Madison F. Cole, Jr. C. Norwood Davis Ronald H. Garrard Gregory W. Hayes Thomas P. Hughes Wayne H. Mason José R. Pérez

Sasha M. Ruiz William E. Russell, Ph.D. Noberto Sanchez Greg D. Shumate David E. Snell John D. Stephens W. Gordon Tanner, Jr. MD Perry L. Taylor, Jr. Richard L. Tucker R. Lee Tucker, Jr. Philip R. Wolfe

A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N B O A R D M E M B E R S Chair Sasha Ruiz, 2011 Chair-Elect Elease Dillard, 2015 Secretary Shelby Myers, 2017

Myron Cantrell, 2015 Zaneta Daniels, 2014 Whitney Durrah, 2014 Jonathan Flores, 2017 Tyler Henry, 2012 Daniel Hernandez, 2017 Ben Hines, 2012 Jay Kaneria, 2011

Marteisha Kemp, 2018 Donnisha Lavigne, 2019 Melissa Penate, 2015 Andrew Stephenson, 2012 Jessica Via, 2019 Porshaye Watkins, 2017 Tom Willard, 2010




Some graduating seniors wear regalia recognizing their memberships in honor societies and/or the GGC Honors Program. In addition to specified GPAs, students must meet other requirements to be considered members of these groups. These students are to be commended for earning the prestigious distinctions represented by their regalia, which may include a cord or stole (sash), with or without a medallion.

Higher education is rich in symbolism and traditions, sometimes involving history that is hundreds of years old. Schools establish their own designs and meanings for aspects of this symbolism, creating imagery unique to each institution.

GGC Honors Program – Interdisciplinary Alpha Lambda Delta – First Year Students Alpha Phi Sigma – Criminal Justice Beta Beta Beta – Biology Beta Gamma Sigma – Business Gamma Sigma Epsilon – Chemistry Golden Key – Interdisciplinary Kappa Delta Pi – Education Kappa Mu Epsilon – Mathematics Kappa Omicron Nu – Exercise Science

Green and silver Maroon and yellow Gold and blue Forest green and red Blue and gold Blue and white Blue and gold Purple and jade green Rose pink and silver Burgundy and gold

National Society of Leadership and Success – Interdisciplinary

Red and black

Omicron Delta Epsilon – Economics

Blue and gold

Phi Alpha Theta – History

Red and blue

Pi Sigma Alpha – Political Science Psi Chi – Psychology

Red, white and black Platinum and dark blue

Sigma Iota Rho – International Relations

Black, blue and red

Sigma Tau Delta – English

Cardinal and black

Upsilon Pi Epsilon – Computing and Information

Maroon and white


THE GGC SEAL The GGC seal includes elements representative of the local and state communities, as well as the college’s four pillars of scholarship, leadership, service and creativity. It is used only for official academic or presidential communications and materials. The GGC logo fulfills all other identification needs. THE GGC MACE Derived from ancient weapons, maces were adapted for academic ceremonies and parliamentary occasions during the Middle Ages. GGC’s mace features a combination of materials symbolizing facets of the college and affiliated groups such as students, faculty, staff and the broader community. It is topped by a GGC green torch representing the light of education and its promise of a brighter future. ACADEMIC DRESS The traditions of academic dress or regalia date back to the 12th century when universities emerged from religious orders. Fabrics, patterns, colors, trimmings, robe length, hoods, tassels and other features are based on the wearer’s discipline, degree and granting institution. For formal academic events, GGC’s faculty appear in a wide variety of colorful regalia while college officials wear regalia specific to GGC.

For more details on the symbolism and traditions represented by the mace, seal and academic regalia, visit www.ggc.edu/traditions.



Welcome to the Alumni Association,


You have worked hard to get to this point in life.

You will always be a member of the GGC family. Enrich your experience by taking advantage of Alumni Association events and programs. Attend virtual and on-campus events like Grizzlyfest, alumni career workshop series, athletic events, senior sendoff and other opportunities to connect with members of the GGC community. Stay in touch with the Office of Alumni Engagement, and make sure to keep up-to-date with Engage magazine and the monthly alumni e-newsletter. You have invested time and effort in your GGC legacy – share your successes and talents with us to inspire the next generation of Grizzly grads.

In addition to rigorous studies and other aspects of college life, you faced dealing with a pandemic, being isolated for almost a year, and managing new challenges when you returned to campus. Yet you crushed all of these obstacles to complete your college degree. You weathered this unprecedented experience with Grizzly strength and determination,



family, friends and mentors for reaching this

If you have contributed to GGC, thank you. We are grateful for this demonstration of your support and your belief in Georgia Gwinnett College. Gifts from friends, parents, faculty, staff, students and alumni are vital to our continued success as a college, and for helping future Grizzlies achieve their dreams. You can also give your time. Join us for dynamic events and programs, or pursue a leadership position on the GGC Alumni Association Board.

important milestone.


On behalf of the GGC Foundation and Alumni

You have joined a rapidly expanding network of about 9,000 Grizzly graduates. Interact with your fellow alumni via our online community. “Like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and join us on LinkedIn and Networkggc.com. Be a GGC ambassador and advocate in your careers, your communities and among your friends.

and you are now alumni of Georgia Gwinnett College – congratulations! We applaud you and your proud

Association, we welcome you as our newest alumni members. The mission of the Alumni Association is to build and support lifelong relationships with GGC, alumni and the community through academic excellence, leadership and tradition. Your active participation and support is key to fulfilling this mission. We encourage you to do the following:

Membership in the Alumni Association is free, but we encourage you to give back to the annual fund. In doing so, we directly support the needs of our students and programs, and help our alma mater thrive. On behalf of the GGC Foundation and the GGC family, congratulations on reaching this special day in your life. We look forward to what the future brings for you. Sincerely, Sasha Ruiz,‘11 Chair, GGC Alumni Association Board


T H E F O L L O W I N G A N N U A L E V E N T S P O N S O R S W I S H T O C O N G R AT U L AT E T H E 2 0 2 1 G R A D U AT E S


Bill and Sherry Russell

Greg and Tammy Shumate Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Tucker



Lucien and Marsha Anderson Bomar


G R A D U AT I N G S E N I O R D O N O R S Thank you to the graduating seniors who have supported the college’s culture of philanthropy with a graduation gift.


A L M A M AT E R Lyrics by Dr. Alvina Atkinson and Brittany Dertz-Oakley, Class of 2011 Music by Dr. Thomas Young

We have gained wisdom and honor From our home of green and gray. We will go forth and remember All we’ve learned along the way.

And with knowledge and compassion We will build communities Leading by example And with dignity.

Georgia Gwinnett, we’ll never forget How we have grown, And those that we’ve met. Georgia Gwinnett, love and respect Our alma mater, Georgia Gwinnett.

1000 University Center Lane, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 678.407.5000 • www.ggc.edu

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