hrough a first-time internship program, four seniors majoring in cinema and media arts production (CMAP) worked with GGC’s Communications staff to create a special news series for sharing in social media during the spring semester. “GGC in :60,” a periodic, one-minute, video summary of campus happenings, was produced by Patrick Cheek, Christopher Ingram, Harrison Miller and Carl Mills, all of whom will graduate in fall 2021. The students functioned as a team and coordinated plans for the video series with mentoring provided by Jackie Todd, director of public relations, and Allana Walker, digital communications coordinator. The students were responsible for each segment’s production from start to finish, including photography, videography, graphics, imagery provided by others at the college and editing. The interns also provided each other with peer instruction. Walker trained Ingram on the project’s editing process and expectations, and he served as the team’s first editor for two weeks. Then Ingram trained the next intern in line to edit, and so on until the semester’s eight episodes were done. “Definitely, my ability to collaborate and work as a unit has grown throughout this entire project,” said Ingram, who runs his own video-based business through which he films and edits for weddings, commercials, real estate properties, music videos and mini documentaries. The opportunity to work collaboratively with others was also cited by Ingram’s teammates as valuable experience, in addition to practical skill-building. “I’d say for me personally, I enjoyed working together with my fellow interns,” said Miller. “I also enjoyed learning how to work with editing software.”
The “GGC in :60” internship team members (standing) Patrick Walker, Christopher Ingram, Harrison Miller and Carl Mills are shown with (seated) Jackie Todd, director of public relations, and Allana Walker, digital communications coordinator. The students will graduate in fall 2021 with degrees in cinema and media arts production.