Advancing GGC
AlumniPlans Board for the
Sasha Ruiz, GGC Alumni Board chair
he GGC Alumni Association Board has been busy lately – adding new members, expanding its reach into other states, and completing a 10-year strategic plan.
“We are proud to welcome several new board members who have wealth of experience and skills,” said Sasha Ruiz, ’11, business, who serves as board chair. “They also expand our reach geographically, representing Colorado, Delaware and Massachusetts, which is reflective of how our alumni population has spread well beyond Georgia.” The new members include James Durden, ’18, Tyler Fasnacht, ’18, Ashley Flagg, ’17, Ashley Forrester, ’20, Michael Griffin, ’16, Cole Hembree, ’19, Jonathan MacFarlane, ’16, Iram Mehal, ’14, Shalaya Morissette, ’12, Janaki Patel, ’19, Crystalynn Rodriguez, ’16, and Michelle Samson, ’19. “We are excited to begin working toward implementing our strategic plan, which forms a detailed framework for the next decade,” said Ruiz. “Together, we will bring a mature focus on fulfilling our commitment to providing meaningful activities and services for the Grizzly family as it continues to grow and spread across the nation and world.” Alumni are encouraged to connect with board members and each other on “We look forward to our alumni’s support and participation in helping us make their Alumni Association successful,” Ruiz said. 20
The GG C Associa Alumni t is comm ion itted to :
• Alignm ent with the deve of the c lopmen ollege, t strateg y • Contin uous rev ie w , assessm and exp ent, cha erimenta nge tion, • Buildin g partne rships w commu ith its bu nity con siness a stituents nd , • Engag ing the fa culty an the Alum d staff in ni Assoc furtherin iation’s g strategic • Innov atively in plan, te g rating te outreac chnolog h and en y into gageme nt activit • Divers ies, ity and b uilding a environm n inclusiv ent that e reflects our alum • Being the com ni, munity our alum of choic ni, and e to sup port • Provid ing a su p portive that enc alumni e ompass nvironm es involv ent commu ement, o nication pen s , a spirit o pride in f collegia GGC, loy lity and alty via and an a continue ppropria d giving te recog , nition sy stem.