Women in Technology

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It is becoming very difficult to be happy in 2016, our lives are dominated by social media, who has more followers or got the most likes is becoming more and more important than personality and feelings. All we see is the highlight reel of someone else’s life, we don’t see the bad hair day or other peoples problems and daily worries. What we also don’t see is the extensive amount of editing some people put into their Instagram and

These are features that have previously only

other social media posts. There are now



accessible to highly trained editors with the

available for anyone with access to a


smartphone, most for free others less than a

version of Photoshop. Now anyone can erase

coffee, that can quickly edit images to look


as close to perfection as possible. No not

features of their own images that they don’t

just a quirky filter and some extra lighting,

like and when this feature is in the hands of

these apps give people the ability to skin

young teenage girls it only becomes more

retouch, remove

dangerous. Teenagers have grown up being

blemishes and even change the shape of

told they are not good enough, not pretty

their body.

enough or not skinny enough on social media and now apps are advertising to them that they should have flawless skin and a smaller waist. Social media should be used to build girls up not knock them down, and certainly not have them comparing themselves against what other people post. You are not the opinion of somebody who doesn’t know you, post for yourself not others.

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