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On Our Cover
Jonan Keeny Sees the World Through a Different Lens

On 7/7/77 in Topeka, Kansas a drummer was born. At five years old, the parents of this little drummer boy moved from Kansas to Pennsylvania, where he would grow up walking to his own beat. Music has always been a part of Jonan Keeny’s life, so when it was time to decide what he would study in college and where he would go, a degree in Music Performance at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania was the plan, which was followed by further study at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He gained a great group of friends at UNCG during his time there, including an adorable brunette named Mary Lauren. After earning his Masters degree and then working on a Doctorate, Jonan made the move to New York City. Living a half block from Times Square, he had definitely put himself in a creative space and a competitive environment. He played music around the Big Apple and gained some “real world” experience. Jonan went on to teach the art of music at the college level up and down the east coast of the United States for about 15 years.

While living in New York, he remained in touch with his college friends at UNCG and saw a social media post about his friend Mary Lauren, also a music teacher, bringing students to New York for a trip. He jokingly messaged “Are you coming to see me?” Her reply was positive and they did connect while she was in New York City, which was the beginning of something very special. Jonan eventually moved back to North Carolina to pursue music, as well as Mary Lauren. Might have been his best move ever.
Life for Jonan Keeny is an adventure. He is so hungry to experience it all. “My goal list is never complete”, he related when we sat down to chat in early March. I caught on to that fact early on. Filled with a desire to live life to the fullest, this father of two adorable boys and husband to his lovely Mary Lauren continues to explore and do all of the good he can in this world. Jonan and Mary Lauren have made it a priority to teach their two boys, Wyatt and Miles, how fortunate they are and that when we see people struggle, we should help them every chance we get. Jonan’s passion for helping those less fortunate has resulted in him organizing winter clothing drives for the homeless, as well as providing food and other assistance to those in need. On his travels, Jonan makes it a point to help people in as many ways as possible. He feels lucky to count among his friends homeless people living in Greensboro, New York City, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Atlanta, New Orleans, and Phoenix, and he looks forward to meeting and making new friends in the future. When we talked about his photography he told me, “I was always the kid on the field trip with a camera in hand frantically searching the gift shops for flash cubes rather than souvenirs.” I believe his ability to see the world through a different lens has lended itself to some interesting and outstanding photography. Music has always been his passion but photography is a close second! He calls his photography business My World Pics, with the M and W standing for Miles and Wyatt who he describes as “my world”. The Keeny’s were living and teaching near Charlotte, North Carolina when the pandemic began. Mary Lauren’s family had owned a cabin in the Sylvan Lake Falls community for quite some time and they visited as often as they could. As the pandemic unfolded in 2020 and death tolls began to climb, the young family “headed for the hills”. While here they seriously discussed a permanent move. Mary Lauren was hired to teach music at Tallulah Falls School and Jonan was hired as a Communications Specialist at First Presbyterian Church of Highlands, North Carolina. Jonan manages the church’s social media, creates newsletters, sends postcards, created and maintains their website, as well as provides photography and videography. You can also find him teaching Percussion a couple days a week at Rabun County High School.
It was after the permanent move to Rabun County that Jonan picked up his camera again and decided to explore it further. With time on his hands and lockdowns underway, he spent time in creation with his boys and his camera. Nikon and Sony cameras take up space in his camera bag these days and he says they both do a great job. The eye behind the lens is always 90% of the creativity of a photograph, and Jonan has a great eye! He has had the pleasure of photographing for the Song of Atlanta Show Chorus, who recently finished in third place in international competition. He may have had a solid reason for taking that job, as his wife sings with Song of Atlanta! He has also done some product photography and food photography, which we agree is the lifeblood of good marketing. He currently has his photography on display in Gallery 441 in the Heart of Dillard building. His online portfolio can be found at www. MyWorldPics.com.

“I am like the all-in-one guy who can streamline web design, social media, photography and videography management for businesses, churches and other organizations. I can offer what is needed for each on a case-by-case basis. Not everyone needs website management but maybe they do need help with social media or they can use a library of great photos for use in various ways. I may be the ‘freelance guy’ they have been looking for,” Jonan shared. He has such a fun and approachable personality and zest for life. I can imagine him lying on the ground by two blonde headed, blue eyed boys watching bugs carry sticks, as he shares in that childlike wonder. “I think music and photography can be vehicles for change. Both can bring healing,” Jonan said. I asked what music was his favorite and he responded, “If I had to listen to one musician/singer the rest of my life it would be John Denver, who would just barely squeak by Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan for the number one spot.” When talking about drumming, he expressed thankfulness for parents who could listen as he beat the devil out of his drum set in the basement so many years ago. I am also glad they didn’t discourage him from expressing himself and exploring!
If you are in need of photography or media consulting, are interested in prints of his photos or just want to meet a really amazing guy give him a call at 917-538-7592 or e-mail Jonan@ myworldpics.com.