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Of These Mountains

Dear Santa,

By Kendall R. Rumsey

Hey Santa, it’s been a while, but my mama always told me if you believe in Santa Claus, he is real. Well, I have never stopped believing. Even though I haven’t sent letters or visited you in a mall in many years, I’ve always believed in your spirit and the promise of Christmas morning. With that said, Santa, I’m writing you this year because I really think we could all use your help.

It’s been a tough year around here Santa. We all went into 2020 with a lot of optimism and just couldn’t wait for the dawn of a new decade. Well, things were going well for the first few weeks and then we got a hard slap of reality and realized things can change in an instant.

Santa, I realize you don’t have a lot of control over diseases, not to mention pandemics that affect the world, if you did, I’m sure you would have handled all that type of stuff years ago.

But in the Spirit of Christmas, Santa, I think you can help mend some hearts. This year so many people have been hurt, they have lost people they love and not been able to be with them. Folks have suffered alone when they needed others the most. Santa, give these people a bit of extra special love this year, let them know they are held up by their family and friends and memories will never fade.

During 2020, we saw waiters and bartenders and business owners and retail workers, suffer from shutdowns and uncertainty. Santa, if you could, give them a little extra this year. Show them that they are the backbone of our country and help them to know they are appreciated. Moms and dads found out this year just how hard teachers work. Santa, an additional red apple on the desk of every teacher sure would be appropriate and for some, maybe a bottle of wine or bourbon, make that happen please! Mr. Claus, we have always known that our first responders and medical personnel were heroes, but there has never been a year when that was more evident. The saints have put their lives on the lines for ours, they have worked long hard hours and seen things most of us couldn’t handle. When you are handing out extra stocking-stuffers, these kind folks deserve an abundance, make sure they feel the love and appreciation, but Santa most of all, take care of these folks, we need them, special angels that protect us all. Santa, as important as all these requests are, we really need some big gifts this year that probably won’t fit in our stockings. You see Santa, pandemics aren’t the only thing ailing our land. We have become a nation that no longer loves each other, kindness has been thrown out the door and our ability to hear each other’s pleas have all but diminished. While we have seen the very best of our world this year, we have also seen the worst and most days it seems like the bad is winning. Santa, if you could, please sprinkle some of your magic across our land and bring back our kindness, give us back our love of neighbor even when we disagree and teach us to listen again. Having an opposing viewpoint doesn’t mean someone is our enemy, it just means they think differently than we do, Santa, please help us remember this. I remember when I was a kid and wrote you every year, I got most of the things I asked for, so Santa, this year I’m asking for a biggie and I am reminding you, I still believe. Santa bring us all a bit more grace. A grace that can see through the challenges we will face in 2021, a grace that hears more and tries to understand more, Santa, bring us a grace that will bring back the unity that once carpeted our lands and a grace that is needed to move us forward. Well Santa, that’s about it. I really hope you can help me out this year and if you do, I know 2021 will be a whole lot better than 2020 was! Your Friend, Ken

P.S. Tell Mrs. Claus hello for me and I’ll have milk and cookies at my house for you and carrots for the reindeer!

Kendall Rumsey is a resident of Clayton, Ga. He is owner of the lifestyle brand Of These Mountains and author of the blog, Notes from a Southern Kitchen. www.ofthesemountains.com www.notesfromasouthernkitchen.com

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