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Of These Mountains

I lost 70 pounds a couple of years OF THESE ago……. Oh, how I wish I would have kept that up! MOUNTAINS What would have happened if I had kept working on that book Rewriting the Story I was writing, the one I sent into a couple of publishers and got a rejection on. What would have happened if I had sent it to just Kendall R. Rumsey one more publisher? Life’s little regrets or “what if’s” often seep into my psyche, I wonder what could have been, would have been, it’s a constant nag in my brain. But usually, when I get into one of

Do you ever look back on things in your life and those places, the reality of a pretty good life creeps in. wonder, “if I had done it differently how would things I can’t play piano and will never star on Broadway; thank God, have worked out?” I will never be President, but I’ve had many victories in other Maybe I’m weird, but I think about this kind of stuff all the ways. time. Yes, I’m back to being fat and have a hairline like a cue ball, If I had listened to my mama and practiced my piano, I but that’s OK, in my life’s story, I’ve had it pretty good. would probably be able to sit down today and I have a wonderful family and friends just play. Watching someone play the piano who love me, I have a business that looks so relaxing to me, I wish I had listened excites me constantly and believe it to my mama. or not, I was even elected to What if I had eaten my vegetables as a kid, today I would probably public office, not once but twice. like broccoli and collards and “What ifs” are a pain; green peas, but nope, I didn’t eat they get in the way. them back then and still don’t As I grow older, I am today. trying my best to think As a teenager, I loved being in plays and musicals, anything artistic, about the good things I have built for myself. but I was afraid of the name calling It’s not always about being associated with it, so I didn’t the biggest and best, sometimes participate as much as I wanted. it’s just good to try, fail, try again, and Who knows, today I could be a Broadway keep trying until you succeed. I think that is star or touring the world as a great singer…. where I am in life today. yeah, probably not, but it’s fun to imagine! Now accepting where I am in life doesn’t mean I’m going to Back in my 20’s when I had the chance, what would have stop dreaming. Those dreams are what keeps us alive, but I happened if I had gone out on one of the political campaigns dream differently now. across America, fighting for what I believed in. Well, I could I dream about the happiness of those I love, I dream about be President….. but who wants that? ways to help others and dream about ways to make life a bit I let silly disagreements and misunderstandings come between easier for my community. me and the love of my life, I think about this one often. I’m going to keep dreaming and hopefully not live a life of Back in the 90’s when my hair was just starting to thin, what regrets, but an appreciation of all the great things I have in life. would have happened if I had bought that new stuff called I think it’s OK to look back, but also look forward and Rogaine I was hearing about? appreciate what we have, at least that is what I plan on doing.

Kendall Rumsey is a resident of Clayton, Georgia. He is owner of the lifestyle brand Of These Mountains and author of the blog, Notes from a Southern Kitchen. www.ofthesemountains.com | www.notesfromasouthernkitchen.com

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