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RCHS - HOSA Medical Mission Experience in Guatemala

Rabun County High School’s HOSA (Future Health Professionals) have planned a Medical Mission Experience. Nine students and two adults from RCHS HOSA will be traveling with the mission organization Identify to Guatemala. The trip is planned for April 3-11, 2020. Students will be assisting in pop-up clinics in rural areas, working in city clinics, performing triage, managing a mobile pharmacy, providing health education and holding hygiene clinics.

The heart of these students led them to want to do more, see more and make the world a better place. Guatemala provides a unique medical mission experience because of the accessible and great need in the small developing country. There are needs and this is where you can help. Below is a list of things that are needed for the trip. Each students must raise $2,000 to go on the trip. So money is the biggest need. Anyone wishing to donate to assist these students, you may do so by making contact with amccracken@rabuncountyschools. org. Donations can be made directly to Rabun County High School directly or you can visit https://identifythemission. manageadmissions.com/Donations/Donate/44064.

Needs: Prayer, donations, OTC medications, hygience kits (see list) • Small soaps • Shampoos • Combs • Washcloths • Nail clippers • Feminine pads • Toothpaste • Toothbrushes • Bandaids • Multivitamins (child and adult) • Tums

Medications and hygiene kit supplies can be delivered to RCHS or Wolffork Baptist Church, Attn: Alicia McCracken

Let’s do what we can to help these students help others.

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