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e Women’s Center at LifePoint

Introducing The Women’s Center at LifePoint Medical in Clayton

Dr. Timothy Beck is pleased to announce the addition VM;OL>VTLU»Z *LU[LY H[ 3PML7VPU[ 4LKPJHS 5\YZL Practitioner Monique Petteys will spearhead the new center dedicated to women’s gynecological health in all stages of life. Monique is pleased to offer services such as routine pap tests, family planning, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, STD testing and women’s sexual health.

The Women’s Center at LifePoint Medical is the only practice PU 9HI\U *V\U[` ZWLJPÄJHSS` HKKYLZZPUN [OL N`ULJVSVNPJHS needs of women. Monique carries a complete line of BIOTE /VYTVUL9LWSHJLTLU[WYVK\J[Z6MMLYPUN[OLZLWYVK\J[ZHUK women’s healthcare eliminates the need to travel outside of the county for care. Dr. Beck who started his LifePoint Medical WYHJ[PJL PU 9HI\U ZL]LYHS `LHYZ HNV ^PSS HJ[ HZ :\WLY]PZPUN Physician over the Women’s Center.

4VUPX\L PZ H   NYHK\H[L VM 9HI\U *V\U[` /PNO :JOVVS who went on to earn her undergraduate degree in nursing from Piedmont College. She went on to earn her Master’s Degree ^P[O H ZWLJPHS[` PU MHTPS` WYHJ[PJL MYVT -YVU[PLY 5\YZPUN <UP]LYZP[`PU2LU[\JR`:OLOHZ`LHYZVMWYVMLZZPVUHSU\YZPUN experience and has gained extensive training in women’s health and family medicine. Monique believes in a holistic, whole-person approach to patient care.

Today, Monique lives in Long Creek, South Carolina. She has [^V[LLUHNLYZ+`SHU HUK5`SH^OVTHRLOLY H ]LY`WYV\K mom. She is an avid animal lover, adding three dogs and some chickens to the family. Being in nature is a favorite pastime and ZOL LUQV`Z YHM[PUN NHYKLUPUN OPRPUN HUK HK]LU[\YL ZLLRPUN 4VUPX\L SV]LZ [V JVVR [YH]LS HUK ÄUKZ T\ZPJ HUK `VNH H great way to relax and unwind.

We invite you to visit the website for The Women’s Center at LifePoint Medical which is www.lpmwomenscenter.com where you can schedule appointments, gain insight into the practice and learn a bit more about Monique. You may also JHSSVYZ[VWPUH[ )V1HTLZ:[YLL[:\P[L *SH`[VU.LVYNPH:OL^LSJVTLZ`V\YLTHPSX\LZ[PVUZ H[VMÄJL'SWT^VTLUZJLU[LYJVT


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