3 minute read

Life is a Blessing The Most Amazing Thing

by Tracy McCoy

Have you ever asked yourself, what is the most amazing thing I have ever seen? A commercial on the television posed that very question and it prompted me to think about what my answer to that question would be. My answer would be the hand of God. Let me explain...

The first image that came into my mind was the birth of a child. Simply magnificent is the human body and all that it accomplishes in a twenty-four hour period, the beats of our heart, the workings of the brain, the breaths that fill our lungs, but on the day your baby makes his/her entrance into the world it is a day you’ll never forget it is by the hand of God that a child is born.

Recently a tornado ripped its way through our area and the devastation was incredible. Homes leveled, land scalded down to the dirt, trees twisted and stripped of their bark. A life was lost, people were injured and fear struck in the hearts of many. Where did I see God in this event? I seen His hand in the many prayers offered up, in the hands of the men and women who rode up and down the lake and the mountain roads calling out to their neighbors and friends before the sun even rose the next day. I seen God in the young men who loaded chain saws in their vehicles and left their obligations behind to go to the aide of those in need. I seen God’s hand on every bottle of water, sandwich, or hot meal donated and delivered. I seen His love in the embrace of strangers as people were pulled to safety out of the rubble. I seen God in the face of a seventeen year old boy who searched for survivors by boat one day and cut trees on Black Rock road the next. I am still seeing the hand of God in concerts organized to help neighbors, plans to help clean up and clear out or just offer a shoulder to lean on or cry on.

The hand of God it is all around us and works so beautifully that we may miss it. It is the care that goes into preparing a meal to offer comfort during tragedy or sickness, it can be felt when holding the hand of your aging parent, or when rocking that toddler to sleep. His hand is felt in the wind, seen in the sunrise. It can be heard in the laughter of a child, it can be felt when a believer leaves this earth for their Heavenly home. His hand can work through the least among us, in the most unbelievable time and place. You can hear it in a song or in a prayer. It is apparent in the flight of a single bird, when a spotted fawn stands on wobbly legs for the first time, or when that young mother gets the job she needs to feed her children.

What is the most amazing thing I have ever seen? The love of God delivered by His own hand through His children. When “love one another” spreads wings and soars from one heart to another. When adversity and despair disappear and kindness and hope shine through, that my friends is the most amazing thing I have ever seen! Life is by the hand of God and it is surely a blessing.

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