3 minute read

Adventure Out

Two Waterfalls and Some Railroad History

For our adventure this September, we’re gong to see some natural beauty and get a little history lesson as a bonus. This will involve visiting two parks, one in South *HYVSPUHHUKVULQ\Z[V\[ZPKLVM*SH`[VU.LVYNPH<WÄYZ[ we’re heading over to South Carolina’s Stumphouse Tunnel 7HYR ^OLYL `V\»SS ÄUK H YLTHYRHISL HIHUKVULK YHPSYVHK tunnel, a beautiful waterfall and some nice hiking trails, all in one location. The Stumphouse Tunnel was to be part of the Blue Ridge Railroad, a project that began in the mid eighteen hundreds to run from Anderson, South Carolina to Knoxville, Tennessee. Construction halted with the outbreak of the Civil War and was never restarted. At this park you can ^HSRPU[V[OL[\UULS H KPZ[HUJL VM MLL[[V ^OLYL[OL KPNNPUNZ[VWWLK0[»ZHNYHUP[L[\UULSHSSK\NI`OHUK\ZPUN only picks, shovels, hand drills and black powder. Consider )`7L[LY4J0U[VZO that the next time you think your job is tough. Now when you JVTL[V ]PZP[[OL[\UULS IYPUN H ÅHZOSPNO[ ILJH\ZLP[»Z ]LY` KHYRPUZPKL[OL[\UULSHM[LY[OLÄYZ[MLL[VYZV

;OPZWHYRHSZVMLH[\YLZHZWLJ[HJ\SHYJHZJHKL0ZZHX\LLUH-HSSZ UHTLKHM[LYHSLNLUKHY`*YLLR0UKPHUWYPUJLZZ@V\JHUYLHK TVYLHIV\[0ZZHX\LLUH^OLU`V\NL[[OLYL(UVIZLY]H[PVU WSH[MVYT OHZ ILLU JVUZ[Y\J[LK [OH[ VMMLYZ H [LYYPÄJ ]PL^ VM [OL MHSSZ 0[»Z Q\Z[ H ZOVY[ ^HSR MYVT [OL 7HYRPUN HYLH;OLYL is a primitive trail leading to the base of the falls if you’re so inclined. But do be careful if you take this trail. Also at the waterfall parking area is the trailhead to the Blue Ridge Railroad Trail. This trail mostly follows the old rail bed MVYTPSLZ[VHZWV[ULHY>HSOHSSH:V\[O*HYVSPUH;OLÄYZ[ part of the trail is a short steep ascent but, from there on, the

MVV[WH[OPZLHZ`VY[OLÄYZ[ML^TPSLZHU`^H`;OLYLH[^V more tunnels along this trail, the Middle Tunnel and the Saddle Tunnel. The Middle Tunnel is just ½ mile from the WHYRHUK[OL:HKKSL;\UULSPZTPSLZKPZ[HU[;OLPU[LYPVYZ of these tunnels are not accessible. There is a sign at the Middle Tunnel explaining that this tunnel is now used as a bat cave. Please don’t disturb this natural habitat.

The Stumphouse Tunnel Park has recently been revamped with lots of new picnic tables, a pavilion and a privy. There are two small ponds you can walk around as well. This is a great spot where you can learn some history, see a nice waterfall, take a nice hike and have a picnic. But if you want to wait, there are picnic tables at out next destination as well.

Up next we head back to Georgia for a visit to a little recreation area called Warwoman Dell, located right outside of Clayton on Warwoman Road. This park was also the site of Blue Ridge Railroad construction. You can see the old railroad bed and, at the far end of the park, is a small waterfall, created when rock was quarried for railroad construction. This tiny but charming cascade doesn’t have HUVMÄJPHSUHTLZV`V\JHUJHSSP[^OH[`V\^HU[0[OPUR 4J0U[VZO-HSSZOHZHUPJL YPUN[VP[";OLYLPZHWH]PSPVU here, and a privy. And there are numerous little picnic areas set back in the woods all through the park. The trail to ^H[LYMHSSHIV\[TPSLLHJO^H`PZH[[OLMHYLUKVM[OL pavilion. Happy Hiking!

(WVLTMVY:LW[LTILYLK&@LZ0YLTLTILYLK! ;OL`HYLLHZ`[VÄUK[OLYLPZUVT`Z[LY` To see two waterfalls and some railroad history. ‘Tis interesting to see where they were building these tracks, And the spots are so pretty, you’ll want to come back.



>HY^VTHU +LSS 9LJYLH[PVU (YLH! -YVT /^`  PU *SH`[VU NV LHZ[  TPSLZ VU>HY^VTHU 9VHK HUK SVVR for the sign. The entrance is a very sharp right turn off of Warwoman Road. This park is free.

To see more of Peter’s photos or if you have a question or JVTTLU[! www.mcintoshmountains.com

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