2 minute read
Capitol Connection UAC member survey results
UAC works closely with Tolar Capitol Partners, monitoring and reporting weekly during each legislative session through Capitol Connection updates. These e-newsletters also include short surveys to "take the pulse" of our UAC members on important issues. If you work for a UAC member company and would like to be added to this email list, please contact us at office@georgiauac.com.
Here are some recent survey results from UAC members:
Please select from the following to indicate which is the most important issue for you as a Georgia UAC member.
Workforce/immigration issues ..................................................................................42% Water rights................................................................................................................15% Protecting existing sales tax exemptions and reduced property taxes....................15% Environmental stewardship initiatives .....................................................................14% Education and research funding in the state budget.................................................14%
Q As lawmakers dissect the state budget and look for sources of revenue, talk of legalizing gambling has grown. Please select from the following to indicate which best represents your interest in gambling/gambling facilities.
Forget it...I do not support efforts to legalize gambling ...........................................48% Let Georgians vote to legalize gambling ...................................................................33% I support gambling only if the state taxes go to education or healthcare................19%
As state budget discussions dominate the Capitol conversations. Which of the following best summarizes your budget perspective?
Make sure teachers get the $2000 raise Governor Kemp recommended .................48% Fund necessary state services...teachers and others need to wait for raises...........32% Find a way to increase tax revenue so we can fund state priorities .........................20%
Q Everyone seems to have an opinion about Daylight Savings Time...should it stay or should it go? Lawmakers are even taking a look at ending the twice a year practice. What do you think?
Currently, Georgia laws requires that if you are a licensed Pesticide Contractor and apply any pesticide to the property of another person or business, you must have at least one full-time Commercial Pesticide Applicator licensed at each of your business locations. Depending on the category of license, a minimum number of pesticide recertification credits is required for recertification (insuring that the applicator is up-to date on products/techniques, etc.).
It's more trouble than it's worth. I hope lawmakers end Daylight Savings Time. ..68% Daylight Savings Time is fine with me......................................................................32%
This is adequate for staff and the customers we serve.............................................64% Each individual who applies pesticides should be required to be licensed.............26% Requiring additional staff to have this license would benefit all parties.................10%
Tolar Capitol Partners provides background and status information on key issues, prompting action from our members when needed and lobbying on behalf of our industry. tolarcapitolpartners.com
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