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Have you met Lori Bylsma, Cherokee Materials

Have you met...

Lori Bylsma, Cherokee Materials

Lori Bylsma, owner of Cherokee Materials, with husband Wayne.

My first job in the green industry

was...starting Cherokee Materials! This is my first job in the green industry, and I am very excited to be a part of an environmentally conscious, sustainable company.

The biggest challenge in my career has been…

Lori Bylsma

doing a good job at work while being present in my Phone: 770-946-3205 children’s lives. Email: lori@cherokeematerials.com Fax: 770-946-4552 The people who Address: P.O. Box 459 have influenced Hampton GA 30228 my career are...my Web: www.cherokeematerials.com parents who taught me to be responsible and to work hard, and my husband who encourages us to never give up when faced with adversity.

My biggest career success so far has

been…navigating a business through the Great Recession of 2009-2012 without laying off any of our workforce. As controller of a company within the hard-hit construction industry, it was a difficult and stressful time that I never want to go through again.

The thing I like most about my career

is…..supplying materials to create beautiful spaces.

My least favorite part of my job is…..

dealing with personnel issues.

One piece of advice I would give to someone entering the green industry

today is…do what you love and are passionate about.

The one thing most responsible for my

success is…my work ethic.

If I could change careers, just for a

month, I would…be a tour guide in the Tuscany region of Italy.

One thing most people don’t know about

me is…I love to visit historical places. We can learn so much from history; I find the struggles, ingenuity, and accomplishments of the people who came before us amazing and inspiring.

When I’m not working, I like to…work

in my garden, travel, and spend time with my husband Wayne, daughter Hayley, 24, and son Jackson, 20.

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Take your Lawns to the Level



Total Nitrogen (N).....................16.0% 16.0%Ammoniacal Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P2O5).......21.0% Soluble Potash (K2O)..................2.0%

Derived from: Monoammonium Phosphate, Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium Hydroxide, Ascophyllum Nodosum ALSO CONTAINS NON-PLANT FOOD INGREDIENT(S): 3.0% HumicAcids (Derived from Leonardite) 1.0% Kelp (Microbe food) PurposePurpose Statement:Statement: May increase micronutrient uptake. May increase microbe food.

Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at http://aapfco.org/metals.html GreenePOP™ is intended to be used as a starter fertilizer for newly seeded or sodded turf. GreenePOP™ can also be used as a phosphorus amending product. GreenePOP™ contains 2.31 lbs of phosphorus per gallon. Soil test for phosphorus deficiency prior to use.

Directions For Use


The mixed product should be agitated prior to and during application. Warm Season Turf: Apply at a rate of 15 ounces per 1,000 sq. ft. Mix with water at a minimum 7:1 dilution. Apply directly to foliage or to soil at seeding. C Co oolol S Seaeasoson n Turf: Apply at a rate of 15 ounces per 1,000 sq. ft. Mix with water at a minimum 7:1 dilution. Apply directly to foliage or to soil at seeding. Storage: Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Product will store for 2 years under warehouse conditions.

Compatibility: These concentrated materials are compatible with most fertilizers and chemicals but should not be mixed directly with other chemicals. Conduct a jar test as needed to ensure compatibility before tank mixing. Mix in spray tanks with water and proper agitation.Apply in accordance with best management practices (BMP’s) established by your Cooperative Extension Service. Observe any State or Local fertilizer application regulations. Caution:Caution: Apply only to turf and soil. Keep out of reach of children. If product comes in contact with skin or eyes flush with water immediately.

Manufactured and Guaranteed by Greene County Fertilizer Company, Inc. ▪ P.O. BOX 1346, Greensboro, GA30642 ▪ 1-855-606-3378 ▪ GreeneCountyFert.com ▪ F2735

1.0 gal =11.1 lbsat68° F □ netvolume 2.5 gal (9.5 l) □ netvolume 5.0 gal (18.9 l) □ netvolume 275 gal (1,040.9 l)

CONDITIONSOFSALESellerwarrantsthatthisproductconsistsoftheingredientsspecifiedandisreasonablyfitforthepurposestatedonthislabel whenusedinaccordancewithdirectionsundernormalconditionsofuse. Noone,otherthantheofficerorSeller,isauthorizedtomakeanywarranty, guarantee,ordirectionsconcerningthisproduct.Becausethetime,place,rateofapplicationandotherconditionsofusearebeyondSeller’scontrolSeller’s liabilityfromhandling,storageanduseofthisproductislimitedtoreplacementofproductorrefundofpurchaseprice.Buyerassumesallresponsibility forforsafetysafetyandanduseusenotnotininaccordanceaccordancewithwithlabellabelinstructions.instructions.TheproductnamesareregisteredtrademarksofGreeneCountyFertilizerCompany,Inc.




Total Nitrogen (N).....................26.0% 13.2% Urea Nitrogen* 6.4%Ammoniacal Nitrogen 6.4% Nitrate Nitrogen BoronBoron (B)...................................0.02%(B)...................................0.02%

Derived from: Urea,Ammonium Nitrate, Ferrous Sulfate *9% urea nitrogen stabilized with N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet atat http://aapfco.ohttp://aapfco.org/metals.html

Directions For Use


The mixed product should be agitated prior to and during application. Warm Season Turf: Apply at a rate of 16 ounces per 1,000 sq. ft. Mix with water at a minimum 7:1 dilution.Apply directly to foliage. Cool Season Turf: Apply at a rate of 20 ounces per 1,000 sq. ft. MiMix x w wi ithth w wa at te er r a at t a a m minini im mumum 7 7: :1 1 d di ilulut ti io on.n.Apply directly to foliage. Storage: Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Product will store for 2 years under warehouse conditions.

Compatibility: These concentrated materials are compatible with most fertilizers and chemicals but should not be mixed directly with other chemicals. Conduct a jar test as needed to ensure compatibility before tank mixing. Mix in spray tanks with water and proper agitation.Apply in accordance with best management practices (BMP’s) established by your Cooperative Extension Service. Observe any State or Local fertilizer application regulations. Caution:Caution: This product contains the secondary micronutrient iron. Iron may stain concrete, wood and other pervious and impervious surfaces. Apply only to turf and soil. Keep out of reach of children. If product comes in contact with skin or eyes flush with water immediately.

Manufactured and Guaranteed by Greene County Fertilizer Company, Inc. ▪ P.O. BOX 1346, Greensboro, GA30642 ▪ 1-855-606-3378 ▪ GreeneCountyFert.com ▪ F2735

1.0 gal = 10.7lbs at 68° F □ net volume 2.5gal(9.5l) □ net volume 5.0gal(18.9 l) □ net volume 275gal (1041.0l)

CONDITIONSOFSALESellerwarrantsthatthisproductconsistsoftheingredientsspecifiedandisreasonablyfitforthepurposestatedonthislabel whenusedinaccordancewithdirectionsundernormalconditionsofuse. Noone,otherthantheofficerorSeller,isauthorizedtomakeanywarranty, guarantee,ordirectionsconcerningthisproduct.Becausethetime,place,rateofapplicationandotherconditionsofusearebeyondSeller’scontrolSeller’s liabilityfromhandling,storageanduseofthisproductislimitedtoreplacementofproductorrefundofpurchaseprice.Buyerassumesallresponsibility forforsafetysafetyandanduseusenotnotininaccordanceaccordancewithwithlabellabelinstructions.instructions.TheproductnamesareregisteredtrademarksofGreeneCountyFertilizerCompany,Inc.

High Performance Plant Nutrients • Fertilizers • Biostimulants • Soil Amendments 1.855.606.3378 greenecountyfert.com Field/Tech Support Buy Direct/Ship Direct/Pick-up Corporate HQ/MFR: Greene County Fertilizer Company • 1490 Airport Road • Greensboro, Georgia 30642

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