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Capitol Connection UAC member poll results
UAC member survey results
Week 8 results Q The U.S. House passed a $1.9 Trillion COVID plan to provide funding to individuals, boost PPP grants, send money to city and state governments, and more. What are your thoughts on the money allocated and benefits they provide?
Funding support is needed, but wasteful spending needs to be eliminated...............................51% Enough money has been poured into COVID programs. I hope it fails....................................38% There are many families and businesses still hurting and this bill must pass............................11%
Week 9 results Q HB 44 would make Daylight Saving Time year-round (upon U.S. Congressional approval). SB 100 would keep Standard time in place year-round and then move to Daylight Saving Time year-round if allowed by U.S. Congress. What are your thoughts?
Leave the clocks at Standard Time year-round!............................................................................38% Change clocks 1 hour to Daylight Savings Time year-round!.....................................................27% Change clocks 30 minutes and quit the foolishness......................................................................21% Keep switching time twice a year...the complaining is entertaining .......................................... 14%
Week 10 results
What is your perspective on proposed sports gambling legislation being debated by lawmakers?
No thanks! Georgia should not allow online sports gambling options......................................53% I like it! Online betting on pro sports should be allowed.............................................................47%
Week 11 results Q
With election integrity legislation finalized and signed into law, do you feel that the changes made will restore trust in the election process?
Yes, it keeps it easy to vote, but hard to cheat................................................................................72% No, the bill creates more problems than it solves..........................................................................28%
Week 12 results
After reviewing the legislative action impacting our industry, tell us what grade you give the 2021 Georgia General Assembly.
I will go with a B: I see progress. Some good bills were passed...................................................37% I give them an A: There are several things that benefit our industry..........................................33% It was a D for me: Wasted time on stuff that does not really matter............................................17% They get a C: They did not fix much from my perspective...........................................................13%