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Acknowledegements Abstract Key Words Methodology Chapter 1 - The Rise of the Influencer and Trolling Chapter 2 - Body Image and Eating Disorders Chapter 3 - Cosmetic Surgery Chapter 4 - Instagram as a Community Conclusion References List of Illustrations Appendices

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Instagram is rapidly becoming the world’s most major social media platform.

This case study will investigate whether Instagram is more beneficial or damaging to gen Z consumers. This will be through the exploration of consumers experiences on the app and weighing up the positive and negative aspects of the platform in relation to its users; being creators and general consumers, and followed by elements such as Instagram’s effects on Mental Health. The four chapters within this essay will include starting off exploring The Rise of the Consumer and Trolling, going onto investigating Body Image and Eating Disorders, as well as Cosmetic Surgery and finally, finishing off studying Instagram as a Community.

A combination of both primary and secondary research will be conducted in order to gain an in depth insight into this case study topic. The primary research will include questionnaires, online surveys, 1:1 interviews and focus groups via Zoom, as well as utilising online events and workshops; all abiding by the COVID-19 restrictions and rules to ensure all participants are safe and adhering government guidelines. Furthermore, the secondary research will be carried out using magazines, books and online journals/articles. As well as various other online sources, such as Mintel and Statista, which are both extremely reliable resources.

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