Georine Pierre ARC 202 Sophomore Studio Term: Spring 2013 Faculty: Professor Dennis Maher
Through an interactive process of reading, analysis, and design, the development of a cohesive design for a collection of building and landscape spaces is achieved through the impact of physical, intellectual, and historical context on architectural form, space, and structure. The site and perception of an iconic building is re-imagined through contemporaneous spatial orders and organizational systems. The development of critical thinking skills by analysing and reading architectural icons, sites of intervention, and ultimately the project in association to the latter is formed. The semester project emphasizes conceptualization, critical thinking, and the processes that is engaged primarily through making drawings and models.
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PALLADIO 2.1 Idealized Villa FIELD 2.1 2-D Field Drawing 2.2 Field Studies 2.3 3-D Physical Model
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3 SITE 3.1. Villa Emo 15 3.2 Site Analysis 20 5 CONCEPT 3.1. Site Montage 23 6 DESIGN 3.1. Field on Site 27 3.1. Final Proposal 29 3.2 Documentation 33 3.3 Site Model 35 3.4 Floor Plans 37 3.5 Material Investigations 39 3.6 Program 41 3.7 Conceptual Sketches 43 3.8 Site Sections 45 3.9 Sectional Model 47
Palladio: Idealized Villa
1. P A L L A D I O
Symmetry is the ruling idea in Palladio’s idealized version of Villa Emo. This is an idea that works with an entourage of Renaissance principles of proportionality, hierarchy, and disposition to define an absolute and timeless notion of beauty through measure. “Symmetria”, as described by Vitruvius and quoted by Palladio, is an analogous to beauty. It is consequently defined as the notion and key compositional device in the structuring and perception of the correspondence of parts to whole that characterizes Palladian architecture. Renaissance principles of architecture define bilateral symmetry as a means to manifest harmonic beauty, and produce and ideal (selfcontained and self-referential) object. As Palladio states in his First Book- and attempts to manifest in his built works, “beauty will result from the beautiful form and the from that correspondence of the whole to the parts, of the parts between each other, and of these again to the whole; so that the structures may appear an entire and complete body, wherein each member agrees with each other and all members are necessary for the accomplishment of the building.” This ideal which capitalizes on symmetrical relationships has played a large part in maintaining the illusory image of the villa as a pure geometrical object, defined by mathematical harmony and compositional unity.
Field: 2D Field Drawing
2. F I E L D
Field: Field Studies
Through the analysis that considers Villa Emo as an isolated object, the transformation from object to field emerges using multiple types of symmetry. The points of symmetry directly relate to its relationship to the villa, which of that addresses Palladio’s principles of architectural composition (hierarchy, proportionality, disposition, rhythm and balance, and scale). The field condition begins to define a cohesive organism, rather than an object, projecting particular types of symmetrical transformations of mirroring, scaling / nesting, rotation, and translation, using the edge that defines a portion of the central block within the villa’s plan As a result, the field condition becomes a reflection of the Palladian definition of beauty.
Three Demensional Paper Investigations
Field: 3D Physical Model
The translation of the two dimensional field studies into a three dimensional physical model, traces through the field drawing to select aspects of the field that would be transformed and elaborated upon to create a new three dimensional reading of the Palladio investigations. By analysing the field drawing, potential figures with particular relationships to each other and to the field as a whole were identified, along with the impact of the symmetrical operations used to create the drawing and their field. The different densities that begin to emerge through the process of layering allowed for the investigation of those layers using Palladio’s concepts of symmetry and boundaries. The edges defined by these layers become the objects within the field, establishing the notion that edge conditions have the ability to extend and create new spatial boundaries.
Analytical Diagram of Field Condition Model
The three dimensional field model has no specific orientation, which allows it to project different views of the different densities and layering of the field that gave birth to it. The edge condition of the field is heightened specifically through the procedures of rotation that elaborates the symmetry and overall geometry of its form.
Site: Villa Emo
3. S I T E
Site Analysis Site Analysis
Villa Emo Villa Emo
Site Strategy Site Strategy
Site: Site Analysis
Landscape Boundaries
Spatial Organization of Field Spatial Organization of Field
andscape Boundaries
Landscape Boundaries
Villa Emo
The interpretation of the field provides a formal mechanism for site organization and building design. Through organization, the architectural principles coupled with specific strategies for development of space, form, material, and structure allow the design of terrain and building to be explored within the site from the scale of the landscape to that of the occupant. The specific geometry of the field is used to connect the landscape boundaries defined by the natural edge conditions of the site.
Connective Relationships on Site
Connective Relationships on Site
Field Placement on Site
Field Placement on Site
Site Strategy Diagram
Concept: Field Montage
4. C O N C E P T
The use of the field through varying orientations of plan, elevation, and perspective, established a conceptual hybrid of the field, viewed through section on the site. The extension of the foliage of the trees becomes evident, as the edge conditions of the field interacts directly with landscape, accessing varying heights on the site, in correlation to its boundaries.
Projecting the central theme of extending the natural edges conditions of the site through the field, a series of rotational movements of edge is applied to the site plan to convey the blur between site and field and the expansion of topographies.
Through this specific perspectival view itself around the trees, allowing the rela the field to be cohesively predominant
wed montage, the field begins to wrap ationships between the landscape and within proposing the field onto the site.
Within another approach of the field within a perspective view, the montage enhances the formal capacity of the field’s edge condition, through a signifying use of black and white tones and textures.
Design: Field on Site
By identifying specific objects are formed. These new edge a varying sense of structural drawing and modelling plays a
within the conceptual section conditions relate specifically possibilities through building consistent role in the design
montage, a series of new edge conditions to the foliage of the trees, and propose on the site. The constant shift between process of applying the field onto the site.
Midterm Model
Design: Final Proposal
Design: Documentation
Plan / Elevation Views of Field On Site
Design: Site Model
The final proposal for building the field onto site emphasizes the extension of the conditions of Emo out onto the site, directing the edges inwards to allow public engagement. Through the open / closed boundaries proposed by the field, a series of connective links (some dense and others open), the field becomes part building / part landscape, accessing the dynamics of the site above and below, maximizing human interference with the landscape. The edge condition is blurred, as the extensions of spatial boundaries are not distinctly identified through its connection with the site.
Design: Material Investigation
Through a series of material investigations, possibilities of enclosing and defining space within the field are established. Specific materials such as wax and trace paper were predominantly successful, allowing for the structure to be a frame that suggests a new edge condition through the material. Moments of exposure within the field, allow for the existing edge condition suggested by the field to become the secondary form within the structure.
Design: Conceptual Sketches
The material investigations established a new sense of structural possibilities for the field, allowing for a translucent skin to wrap around the structure and its canopy. The forms suggested by the field becomes a structural scaffolding, allowing for it to physically merge with the site through the edges of its structural components and the landscape that surrounds it.
Ground Level
Design: Floor Plans
First Level
Second Level
Analytical Diagram of Floor Plan Development
Design: Program
The synchronous design of the field and figure is transformed into a facility for scholarly research to include a library, resident fellow’s quarters, meeting space, and a complementary set of outdoor rooms and court yard spaces. Aiming to address architecture at both the intimate scale of the body and the scale of public program, the interior and exterior spaces are defined by a series of walls moulded from the edge conditions within the plan. A series of island spaces are evident within the complex, supporting the concept of the structure’s natural and organic form, interacting directly with the landscape.
Work Offices Dinning Facility
Exterior Space
Design: Site Sections
SCALE 1/16” = 1’
SCALE 1/16” = 1’
SCALE 1/16” = 1’
SCALE 1/16” = 1’
Design: Sectional Model
Interior Views of Library Space