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Fig. 3: Major Components of DILRMP
been directed to make efforts to ensure that the basic components of Computerization of Land Records and Computerization of Registration are completed by March 31, 2023, and all districts have been asked to meet programme objectives by March 31, 2026.
Fig. 3: Major Components of DILRMP The DILRMP delineates the following activities and components:
S. No. Component Activities
1 Computerization of Land Records (i) Computerization of record of rights; (ii) digitization of cadastral maps; (iii) integration of record of rights (textual) and cadastral maps (spatial); (iv) data centres at state level.
2 Computerization of Registration
(i) Computerization of Sub Registrar Offices (SROs); (ii) connectivity between sub-registrar offices and tehsils; (iii) integration of registration and land records, (iv) Data entry and legacy data regarding property, (v) Scanning and preservation of old data and (vi) Data entry of property valuation details. 3 Survey / resurvey and innovative initiatives Survey / resurvey and updating of the survey & settlement records. 4 Modern record rooms Modern record rooms / land records management centres at tehsil/taluk/circle/block or equivalent level
5 Training & capacity building, IEC and Evaluation Studies (i)Creation of DILRMP Cells at Administrative Training Institutes and/or the Survey / Revenue / Patwari Training Institutes of states, strengthening of training institutes, imparting training to Revenue/Registration/Survey officials, (ii)IEC activities and impact assessment/post completion evaluation studies.
6 Project Management Unit (PMU) To provide human resources and other infrastructure for ensuring effective implementation of various components of DILRMP.
7 Consent-based linkage of Aadhaar with Record of Rights Linking of Aadhaar number with Record of Rights on a voluntary basis and authentication through Aadhaar.
8 Computerization of Revenue Courts Computerization of Revenue Courts and their integration with land records.