3 How much is it ?

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HOW MUCH IA IT? Snapshot

THE Meaning Of Colors IN THE United States

Which words have positive meaning? Which have a negative meaning? What meaning do these colors have for you? What does your favorite color you think of? 2

Conversation Listen and practice.

Salesclerk: can i help you? Customer: yes, thank you. How much are these gloves? Salesclerk: The gray ones? They’re $18. Customer: Oh, that’s not bad. Do they come in black? Salesclerk: No, sorry, just gray. Customer: ok. Um, how much is that scarf? Salesclerk: which one? The blue and orange one? Customer: no, the yellow one. Salesclerk: let’s … it’s $24.95.Customer: it’s really pretty. I’ll take it

B listens to the rest of the conversation. What else does the customer took at? Does she buy it?




How much is

how much

this watch?

That watches?

Which one?

This one? these watches

That one? those watches?

The yellow one Whish ones?



They gray ones

It’s $24.95

They’re $18

AComplete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.

A: excuse me. How much are those jeans? B: which one?Do you mean jeans? A: no, the light blue jean. B: Oh, they arte $59.95. A: wow! That’s expensive!

A: how much is …that… backpack? B: which …one……? A: the red backpack B: $36.99. But…….the…… Green ……one......is holy $22.25. A: that’s not bat. Can i see it, please?

pair work add prices to the items. Then ask and answer question. $30.2 5


300.50 15.55 :_ 125.2 5


PRONUNCIATION SENTENSE STRESS A listen and practice. Notice that the important words in a have stress Excuse me.

That’s expensive.

Role play


I’ll take it.


Do you mean these?

can I help you?

Bpair work put items “for sale “on your desk, such as notebooks, watches, phones, or bags Student A: you are a salesclerk. Answer the ´ Customer’s question. Student B: you are a customer. Ask the price , of each item. Say if you want to .Buy it. A: can i help you? B. Yes. I like these sunglasses. How much are they? A: which ones?

… . .

B change roles and try the role play again. LISTENING Look at this!



Listen to tow friends shopping. Write the color and price for each item. item color


do they buy it?

Phone Watch Sunglasses T-shirt


Listen again. Do they buy the items? Check ( ) yes or no.

Interchange 3flea market See what kinds of deals you can make as buyer and a seller. Go to interchange 3 on pages 116-117 7


WORD POWER MATERIALS A What are these thing made of? Label each. Use the words from the list. Cotton





silk silver


B PAIR WORK what other material are the thing in part a sometimes made of? Make a list. C class activities which materials can you find in your classroom “Pedro has cotton shirt, and Ellen has leather shoes” Conversation I prefer the blue one.



listen and practice Brett. These wool sweaters are really nice. Which one do you like better? Lisa: Let’s see… I like the green one more Brett: the green one? Why? Lisa: it looks warmer. Brett: that’s true, but I think I prefer the blue one it’s more stylish than the green one Lisa: hmm. There’s no price tag. Brett: excuse me. How much is this sweater? Clerk: it’s $139. Would you like to try it on? Brett: uh, no. that’s Ok. But thanks anyway. Clerk you’re welcome

Grammar focus


Preferente conparisonswith adjetives


Complete these conversation. Then practice with a partner.

1. 2.

A: which of these jacket 2 a: these t-shirts are nice. 3 b: which earning do YOU Do you like more? Which one do you prefer? Like better? B: I prefer the leather one. The b: i like the yellow and orange b: i like the silver ones more Design is …………NICER…………………. one better. The colors are they’re……BIGGER…… (Nice), and it looks ………PRETTIER.... (Pretty). It’s (big) the gold ones. Ana …………………MORE…… (Expensive) ……MORE……….. (Attractive) they’re ………CHEAPER… The yellow and black one. (Cheap).

BPAIR WORK Compare the thing in part a. give your own opinions. A. Which jacket do you like more? B. I like the wool one better The color is prettier.




a cup of coffee …………………………….$1.40 a movie ticket……………………………..$12.50 a paperback Novel ………………………..$8.95 a VIVEO GAME …………………….…….$50.00

Many things are more expensive in my country than in the United States. For example a cup of coffee costs about $2.00 at home. In the u’s, it’s cheaper. It’s holy $1.40. A movie ticket costs


ToolsForBetterShopping Do you like to shop online ¿ like millions of people? You want to find the best thing for the best price. There are so many choices that it can be difficult to find the thin gs you need and want. Here’s where technology comes in! Popular websites like Facebook and twitter aren’t just for social networking anymore

The websites Facebook on twitter are popular because people can connect to friends and get their most recent news. But people also use these sites as powerful shopping tools. Members can ask about items and then get opinions from people they trust. Twitters can also search for news from at then find stores nearby that sell the item.

Another helpful chopping tool is the Smartphone. Smartphone user can go into a Store, find an item they like, and then type the item number into their Smartphone. They can compare price, read reviews and make better decisions about their purchase. Many people find a better price online or at another store people often. Want to see and touch. An item before they buy. They can do just that – and pay a lower price. Too

A read the article. Answer these questions. Then write the number of the paragraph where you find each answer. ………. a: how are shopzilla and Google similar ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………..b. what are twitter users called …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………..c. how do smartphone s help find bargains? ………………………………………………………………………… …………d. what are tow social networking sites…………………………………………………………………………………

B According to the article. Which shopping tools do these things? Check ( ) the correct boxes FACEBOOK

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


get opinions from friends find producto reviews compare price find store with items you want buy items directly Cpair work do you shop mostly in Stores or online? How do you find good prices?

4 I really like hip-hop 1


35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Listen and number the musical styles from 1 to 9. music are popular in your country? popular in your country

Word power 2 A Complete the word map with word from the list. Action reality show Electronic reggae Game show salsa Heavy metal science fiction Horror soap opera Musicaltalk show

Which for these styles of What other of music are



A Listen and practice. Marissa: Do you like county music, Brian? Brian: No I don’t like it very much. Marissa: Yeah. I do I’m a big fan of Taylor swift. Brian: I think I know her. Does she play the guitar? Marissa: Yes. She does. She’s a really good musician. So, what kind of music do you like? Brian: I really like hip hop. Marissa: Oh. Yeah? Who’s your favorite singer? Brian: Jay-z. Do you like him? Marissa: No I don’t. I don’t like hip-hop very much B: Listen the rest of the conversation. Who is Brian’s favorite group? Does Marissa like them? SIMPLE PRESENT QUESTION; SHOT ANSWERS do you like country music Yes, i do. I love it. No I don’t. I don’t like it very much Does she play the piano? Yes. She does. She plays very well. ‘ Play an instrument. Do they like green day Yes, they do, they like then a lot Ni, they don’t they don’t like Them at all

what kinds of music do you like? I really like hip-hop

What does she play? She plays the guitar

that do they like they like Coldplay.

Ogject pronouns Me You Him Her It Us Them

Complete these conversations A. I like kings of lion a lot ……….. Do ….. Know …….it…… B. Yes, i …..Do ….. , and i love this sound. let’s Download…..it…… 2. a: do you like science fiction movie ? B: yes, i …..Do….. I like …. Them…… very moch. 3. a:…. do … Kevin and Emma like soap operas? B: Kevin …does …. But Emma …. Doesn’t … she Hates 4. a: what kind of music …do… nurico like ? B: classical music. She likes yo-yo- man. A: yeah, he’s amazing. I like ….it…. a tot

Pronunciation intonation in questions A Listen end practice. Yes/ no question usually have rising Wh- questions usually have falling intonation Do you like pop music?

Bpair work

What kind of music do you like?

practice these question.

2. Do you like TV? What programs do you like? Do you like video game? What game do you like? Do you play a musical instrument? What instrument do you play?

Speaking entertainment survey A group work write five question about entertainment and entertainers. Then ask and answer your question in group What kind of …do you like? (Music, TV programs, video games) Do you like …? Reggae, game chows, action movies) Who’s your favorite…? Singe, actor, athlete B compete these information about your group. . Ask any additional questions. Our group favorite What‘s your favorite king of …? Music………………………………………………… Movie…………………………………………………TV program………………………………………. What’s your favorite …? Sing……………………………………………………. Movie……………………………………………….. Video game………………………………………. Who’s your favorite …? Singer ……………………………………………….. Actor ………………………………………………… Athlete……………………………………………..




Who’s my date?

A Listen four people on a TV game show. Three men want invite Linda on a date. What kinds do they like? Complete the chart


…………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………….


.……………………………………………. …………………………………………. ……………………………………………… …………………………………………. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………….. ………………………………………………. …………………………………………..

B class activities who do you think is the best date for Linda? Why? 8


Conversation An invitation

ALISTEN AND PRACTICE Dave: I have tickets to the soccer match on Friday night. Would you like to go? Susan: thanks. I’d love to .what time does It starts? Dave: at 8.00. Susan: that’s sounds great. So. Do you want to? Have dinner at 6:00? Dave: uh, I’d like to, but I have to work late. Uh, that’s ok. Let’s just meet at the Stadium before the match, around 7:0Dave: ok. Why don’t meet at the gate? Susan: That sounds fine. See you there.

3 how much is it Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation

Which one Which ones Oh Sam thank you very much Well, I like it, it’s expensive Yes. But I don’t really like light blue

Sam: Look at these pants, Rebecca. Rebecca: ____which one __________________ Sam: the light blue one over there. They’re nice. Rebecca: ___ Yes. But I don’t really like light___ Sam: hmm. Well, what about that sweater? It’s perfect for you. Rebecca_______ Well, I like it, it’s expensive_____ Sam: this red one. Rebecca: ________ which ones_____________ Sam: hey, let me buy it for you. It’s a present! Rebecca: ___ Oh Sam thank you very much___

Complete these conversations with how much is / are …? And this, that, these or those 1. A: HOW MOCH IS IT THIS _______________BACKPACK? B: IT’S $31.99. 2. HOW MOCH ARE THOSE _______________ BRACELETS B: THEY’RE $29. 3. HOW MOCH ARE THESE _________________SCHOES? B: THEY’RE $64. 4. A: HOW MOCH IS THAT_________________ _CAT? B: THAT’S MY CAT, AND HE’S NOT FOR SALE!



SPELING NOTE: PLURAL NOUNS Most words Cap cars Shoe shoes Words ending in-f and Fe Shelf shelves Knife knifeves

1. Backpack________backpacks_________ 2. Box _________boxes_____________ 3. Company________companies_______ 4. Day ___________days_____________ 5. Dress___________dresses________ 6. Glove___________groves_______

Words ending in –ss, -sh, -ch, - and x Glass glasses Dish dishes Watch watches Words ending in consonant+ -y Country countries

7. Hairbrush _______hairbrush_____________ 8.necklace _______necklaces______________ 9.ring ______ rings_________________ 10. Scarf _____ _scarves_______________ 11. Sweater ______sweaters______________ 12 tie ____ _______ties___________

4 WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PRICES? WHITE A RESPONSE. That’s cheap that’s not bad that’s not reasonable that’s pretty expensive

1. $ 90 Ford a Wolf tie That’spretty expensive 2. $ 150 for Goldaerrings That’spretty expensive 3. $500for a skill dress That’s pretty expensive 4. $40 for leather gloves That’s reasonable 5. $2,000 for a computer That’s pretty expensive 6. $5 for two plastic hairbrushes That’s no bad 7. $ for a silver necklace That’s not bad That’s not bad

5 Choose the correct words to complete the conversation

1. Clerk good afternoon Luis: oh, hi. How much is it this watch This / these Clerk: it’s $195 (It’s / they’re) Luis: and how moch is that one? (One / ones) Clerk: it’s $255. It’s / they’re Luis: oh, really? Well, thanks anyway.

2. Meg excuses me. How much are those jeans? (That/ these Clerk they’re only $59. (It’s /they’re Meg: and how much is this sweater? (This/ these) Clerk which one? They’re all different. (One/ones) Meg: this green one. (Ones/ones) Clerk: they’re $34. (It’s /they’re)

3. Sonia: i like these sunglasses over there. (That/these) Clerk which one? (One/ones) Sonia: the small brown one. (One/ones) Clerk they’re $199. (It’s /there) Sonia: oh, they’re expensive!

7 Make comparisons using the word given. Add than if necessary

2. A: these cotton gloves are nice B: yes, but the leather one are nicer (nice) A: they’re also more expensive (expensive)

1. B: these cotton gloves are nice .

B: yes, but the leather one are nicer (nice) C: they’re also more expensive (expensive)

2. A: these silk jackets look More attractive than The wool ones. (Attractive) B: yes, but the wool ones are More worm (warm)))

3. A: this purple shirts is an Interesting color! B: yes, but the color is Pretty than the design. (Pretty) A: the design isn’t bad. B: i think the pattern on that der shirt Is more good than preteen on this purple one (Good)

4. A: hey, look at this silver right! It’s nice. And it’s cheaper that gold one. (Cheaper) B: but it’s smaller than the dold. (Small) A: well, yeah. The gold one is bigger the silver one. (Big) But look at the price tag. One thousand dollars is lot money!


Answer these questions. Give your own information.

1. Which sunglass do you prefer, the black ones or the white ones? i prefer the black ones.____________________________________________ 2. Which cap do you like more, the wool black ones or leather one? i like the leather ones, it’s better than wool______________________ 3. Which one do you want more the light-tops or the sandals? i like the sandals, they are more comfortable that hignt –lops 4. Which one do you prefer, the laptop computer. The designer is nicer than desktop computer 5. Which necklace do you like better, the silver one the gold one? i like the gold one more, it’s more expensive that silver one

2 What your opinion? Answer the question with the expressions And pronouns in the box

Yes, i do


I love


I like …… a lot


No, i don’t…. very much I can’t stand

Do you like heavy metal musical? Yes, i do i like it a lot. Do you like ushers? No i don’t. I hate him Do you like romantic comedies? Yes, i live them Do you like Adela? No i don’t Do you like video game? Yes. I do i like video game Do you like science fiction books?



Choose the correct job for each picture ON ACTOR A ROCK BAND





Ed. do you like country music, Sarah? Sarah: yes, i like it a lot. I’m a real fan of Keith urban. Ad: oh does he play the guitar? Sarah: yes, he does. He’s my favorite musician. Anne: what kinds of music do? Your parents like, Jason? Jason: they like classical music Anne: who do they like? Mozart? Jason: no, they don’t like him very much. They prefer Beethoven. Scott: Teresa, do you like Beyoncé? Teresa: no, in don’t. I can’tstandher. I like Alicia keys. Scott I don’t know her. What kind of music does she sing? Teresa: she singsrybshe’s really great!



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