Golden Retriever Dogs Golden Retrievers dogs are one of the popular dog breeds in the world. They are a loyal and intelligent breed, making them a great family dog.
Retrievers are water dogs; their coats are designed to keep them protected in any weather. The double coat of a retriever does need regular grooming to maintain appearance and reduce shedding. Grooming should become routine for your dog, for best results start early as a puppy.
General Brushing In regards to golden retriever dog grooming, brushing should be done once a day or more if needed. Retriever coats can become matted. If this happens, attempt firs to comb the mat out gently before resorting to cutting it out. Mineral oil can be used to loosen any sticky material your retriever gets in their coat. Use a bristle brush on your dog, an undercoat rake will also help to cut down the about of shedding. When brushing your golden retriever start at the front of the dog and work towards their tail. For their stomach, work your way up towards their back from underneath. Be sure to give your dog plenty of praise while brushing. While brushing, be sure that the bristles reach down to their skin. The stimulation will improve the skin and gives the dog the feel of a massage. It also helps to loosen any dead skin. Always brush in the same direction as hair growth, never against it. If you
follow the same routine for brushing your dog, it will be easier for them to expect what is coming next and reduce grooming anxiety.
Bathing your retriever should be done sparingly. Frequent baths can damage the skin since natural oils can be stripped by soaps. Always, use a mild soap. It is helpful to first brush your dog thoroughly before bathing, this will help to reduce shedding. When finished, blow dry on a cool setting.
Nails For the comfort of your retriever, and to prevent their feet from splaying, proper nail maintenance is necessary. Nails should be trimmed weekly. This can be accomplished with either clippers or a drummel tool. If using clippers be sure to avoid the quick, and have styptic powder nearby in case bleeding occurs. Its important to learn to train your golden retriever early when it comes to nail maintenance so that the dog does not give you problems when they grow up.
Ears Golden Retrievers are one of the breeds that are prone to ear infections. This can be prevented by cleaning their ears weekly with a solution. Like any part of grooming, the earlier you start with ear cleaning the easier it will be for your dog to cooperate.