Lesina, Marina di Lesina and the enchanted land.
Lesina, the North Gate of the Gargano, lay down in the homonymous lagoon and it is an enchanted land, surrounded by natural beauties, where the woodland combines the salty water of the sea together with the lake and exceptional species of flowers grown. The lagoon hosts one-of-a-kind wildlife, too. During summertime, you get charmed by the long and golden beach of Lesina Marina, where you can join the relax with all sort of amusements.
The story of Lesina The territory of Lesina, due to paleontological and archeological proofs, was populated from the Neolithic and during the Roman Emperor there was a community that was part of the Municipium of Teanum Appulum (S. Paolo of Civitate): the river Fortore, indeed, was a good way for the trade with the hinterland. According some historians, the actual village was founded by some Christians fishermen coming from the Island of Lesina, in Dalmatia, who arrived in the VI/VII d. C. for fishing or to escape from the Slavic invasion. Other historians, instead, think that the foundation was made by the inhabitants of Lucera, after escaping from the siege of Costante II, on the 663. Indeed, the denomination of “città munita” which means town surrounded by walls, shows that it was a safe and secure place to refuge from incursions and raids. Starting as a small village, on the VIII century Lesina was already a very strong and big city, as same as other neighboring towns
Laguna del lago di Lesina
like Termoli and Larino. It’s historically documented that it was one of the 34 Counties of the Longobard Ducat of Benevento, then it became a Norman County until the XIII century. During the Middle Ages, the church of Lesina was under the Archbishop’s see of Benevento, but it was so important and well considered that and its last bishop, Orazio Greco, participated at the Council of Trent (1545-1563). You can also find monasteries of monks coming from Montecassino, like Santa Maria di Ripalta and San Giovanni in Piano, due to the presence of the lagoon. Monks, indeed, couldn’t eat meat and the fish was a fundamental part of their diet. On the 1308 the County of Lesina was donated by the king of Naples Ladislao Lagellone to his mother, the queen Margherita di Durazzo. In the 1411 it was donated by the royal family of Naples to the Hospital of the Casa Santa dell’Annunziata “Ave Gratia Plena”. From the XVI until the XIX it was a time of decadence, caused by the malaria, several earthquakes and floods that reduced the town into a village. (the worst one happened on the 30 of may
1629, when an earthquake together with a seaquake completely destroyed the centre of Lesina). On the 1751, after the bankrupt of the Banco dell’A. G. P., that was administrating the Hospital, the lagoon, the forest, the rivers and all the other parts were sold in an auction and owned by the Prince of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi, called Placido Imperiale. Unfortunately, about one hundreds year after, the Royal Family bankrupted, too. 1836-1855, the old properties of Placido Imperiale were divided among the families Masselli, Galante e Zaccagnino, owners of latifundiums in the countryside around Lesina, where they were employing several foreign workers. Some of them used to live in Ripalta (4.35 miles far from the centre of Lesina), where there is one of the most interesting Cistercian abbey. During all the XIX century until the beginning of the XIX there were tensions and fights between the inhabitants of Lesina and the “landlords”. Finally, after the Second World War, the lake was no longer private property and the Land Reform of the 1950s gave back the lands to the small cultivators.
View of Lesina from the lake
Observatory “Palude Lauro” at Sacca Orientale
info and reservation tel 368 7587584 / 330 436652 - passeggiate.inlaguna
The historical centre The historical centre of Lesina and the lake around it offer several places of historical and artistic interest of different ages. Piazza Municipio: memorial stone, in italian called “cippo”, of the II A. C. dedicated to Pomponia Drusilla. Painting representing the town of Lesina by Giovan Battista Pacichelli (1703). Close to it, the Church of Santissimo Rosario and Saint Primiano, beginning of the XIX century, and the City Hall, that belongs of the 1908. Before entering in the actual historical centre, entering in via Zara, a very narrow street on the left, is possible to see part of the ancient walls, built in rough stone. The old centre of the village was Piazza Umberto, where before there were the palaces of the rich peoples and the old City Hall. It was possible to reach piazza Umberto by a Monumental Gate, now destroyed, that used to be at right side of the Clock Tower. In Piazza De Nino, on the side closet o Piazza Umberto, there is the Stone of Gerogiae. the inscribed stone is embed in the wall of a private house, framed with a triangular pediment in which there are two dolphins carved. On the upper part, there is a festoon with foliages and fruits. Between Piazza de Ninno and the church, in Via Garibaldi and Via dei Mille, is possible to look at the typical houses with “vagghj”, the dialect
word that means landing. Then, the most important religious building of the Lesina, the Chiesa Madre. The actual church was built on top of the ancient longobardbyzantin cathedral. The church, as time passes, lost its importance and it was built a new one in Piazza Umberto I, but it didn’t last longer because it destroyed at the end of ‘700, probably for static reason. On the pediment of the church there is the acronym AGP (Ave Gratia Plena), the same that you can find in the coat of arms of the Municipality, that is a testimony of the Lesina belonging to the Pio Istituto dell’Annunziata di Napoli. On the wall, there is an epigraph that celebrates the consecration of the church, dedicated to S. Primiamo and the Virgin Announced, on the 11 of December 1891 by the cardinal Orsini. He then bacame pope with the name of Bendetto XIII. In the corner between Via Vittorio Veneto and Piazza Annunziata, there is a XVIII century style building that used to be the Bishop Palace. The front door is inspired by the Neapolitan baroque style. Keep going in direction “Strada di S. Clemente”, where you can see the front door of one of the last “sottani” that is a typical style of cantine, until the lake-front closed to the “Banchina Vollaro”. The name comes from the name of the deputy Roberto Vollaro De Lieto, that at the end of the XIX century fought for the construction of the first bank, that is in the north part of the village. It was ended in the 1897 and newly remade in the XX century.
Sculpture Park
La storia di Lesina
Memorial stone of Pomponia Drusilla
Varie sono le opinioni espresse sull’origine, sui fondatori e sull’epoca di fondazione di Lesina. Varie testimonianze paleontologiche e archeologiche, attestano che il territorio fu abitato sin dall’epoca neolitica e che durante l’Impero Romano vi fosse una comunità facente parte del Municipium di Teanum Appulum (S. Paolo di Civitate): il fiume Fortore che sbocca nelle sue vicinanza costituiva infatti un buon veicolo per scambi commerciali con l’entroterra. Secondo alcuni storici la cittadina attuale ha avuto origine da
Scultura di vento (2012/2013) pescatori cristiani dell’isola di Lesina in Dalmaziaisland quivi venuti nei of S. Clemente of Francesco Granito (Apricena stone and wood) secoli VI/VII d.C, per ragioni di pesca, o, secondo altri, da cristiani fuggenti l’invasione sclavonica. Altriattribuiscono la fondazione al Vescovo e ai cittadini di Lucera, fuggiti da questa città assediata e poi distrutta da Costante II nel 663. In effetti la denominazione di “città munita” fa ritenere che il nucleo abitato, circondato da mura, costituisse un sicuro rifugio dalle invasioni e scorrerie del periodo alto-medioevale.In breve la
ancient walls
the bishop’s house
Mother church
Painting of the town by Pacichelli
Looking at the lake, you can see the first sculpture of the project “Parco-Sculture lagunari” (Park-Sculpture of the lagoon). It’s a museum that mix art and environment set in the Park of Gargano. It’s the first free sculptures park in Puglia and it’s in a very large protected naturalistic area. Artists present in the park: Cristian Biasci (Pisa), Alessandro Boezio (Foggia), Giulio De Mitri (Taranto), Francesco Granito (Apricena), Pietro Coletta (Milano-Bari), Nelida Mendoza (Buenos Aires-Palermo), Jack Sal (Roma-New York), Tarshito (Bari-India).
Island of S. Clemente At the beginning of the First Millenium there was on the Island a cenobitic of the order of Saint Benedict that used to depends on the Abbey of Clemente of Causauria in Abruzzo. At the middle of the XI century the monastery was getting damaged so on the 1165 there was an intervention of the Abbey of San Clemente. The Abbott Leonate worked hardly in the restoration, with the help of great artist of that time. In the piazza del Municipio you can see a 1600 painting representing the island at that time, and it looks much bigger than now, because the raise of the level of the sea cause shore erosion. It was probably connected at the lake-bank until the 1627, when a strong earthquake separated them. Around the island is possible to find settlement of uncertain age, probably roman buildings. In the 1930s an iron cross with a stone basement was erected by Nicola Dante Ungaro, the president of the Confraternity.
DESCRIPTION Descrizione Lorem ipsumsnack Bathhouse, dolorbar sit and amet, tobacco consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula neque, dignissim vel sodales vitae, congue eget lorem. Aenean enim tellus, volutpat WHERE quis viverra Marina di Lesina feugiat, aliquam eu lectus. Ut sed enim a tortor v.le Centrale, lacinia II Traversa lobortis. Pellentesque al mare 71010et elit ligula, vel viverra ipsum. Vestibulum iaculis magna id quam convallis eu dictum mi cursus. Nunc eget arcu vitae CONTACT nisi334 facilisis 8018628 commodo. Nunc neque elit, gravida quis commodo at, tincidunt ac quam. Mauris malesuada tempus enim, et facilisis risus ultrices in. Maecenas
Località Lesina via Lorem Ipsum 1 Contatti 0882 123456
Bosco Isola The land of Lesina, unique and typical, is an exceptional habitat for the flora and fauna. With its swamps, marshes and pounds, here you can find one of the most significant ecosystem of the National Park of Gargano. A mound called Bosco Isola separates the lake from the sea. On its dunes grown a luxurious and perfumed “macchia mediterranea” with plants of mastic, strawberry tree, myrtle, rosemary and cistus. The lagoon was created by sands and sediments brought by the River Fortore, that during the ages created the “frecce litorali” until they created the basin.
Nowadays, the Channel Acquarotta and the Channel Schiapparo connect the lagoon to the sea, letting the salty water of the sea mixing with the sweet water of the rivers. There are two areas in the lagoon, one in the west, that is the real basin and it’s 2m deep, and another one, in the east, called “Sacca orientale” that is not too deep and covered by vegetation most of the year.
The fauna The pounds, with salty and sweet water, and the extended reed beds, make the oriental part of the lagoon one of the best places for the water birds, that spend their winter there. There are lots of species of water birds, but mostly you can find anatidae like common pochard, tufted duck, northern shoveler, pintail and widgeon. Most of the birds you can find there, chose the lagoon for reproduction. For example, the black-winged stilt lays eggs in the mud covered by salicornia. But also the kingfisher, the pied avocet, the wild duck, the common teal, the ferruginous duck, the great crested grebe and the little grebe find in the lagoon the perfect ambient for their nests. Regarding the fishes, you can find species that prefer area with the majority of sweet, like the carp or the three-spind stickleback, or species that live closer to the sea like goatfish, diplodus and the saddle bream. In both of the basins there are flathead mullets, seabasses, gilt-head breams and big-scale sand smelts.
black-winged stilt
Erica multiflora
DESCRIPTION The restaurant Is a place that will conquer you over with its delights! In addition to Argentine cuisine, the restaurant also offers a delious plates of seafood and traditional dishes from Puglia. ACCESS FOR DISABLE PEOPLE
The flora
WHERE Lesina, p.zza Umberto I CONTACT 0882 991162 / 393 7214928
From the naturalistic point of view the Lake of Lesina represents one of the most interesting biotope of the Mediterranean Area. Here you can see unique and characteristic species of plants growing. The flora, called “alofila” because it’s ability to live in contact with the salty water, cover all the lake-banks. The most commons plants you can find are the Suaeda maritima, Bassia Irsuta, Glassworth and the Salsola Soda. On the east lake-coast, where water is less deep, the Phragmites grows together with
Thypa latifoia and Cladium mariscus. Lots of the plants in the lagoon are now quite rare, so that’s way they are particular interesting. The dune of Bosco Isola, that separates the lake from the sea with its 8.7 miles of length, it’s covered with “macchia mediterranea”, but also big forest of Holm oaks interrupted by the “fantine”, local name for pounds, can be found. Along the River Fortere, in the east area of the lagoon, there the forest is composed of white willow and silver popular, instead.
Cisto di Clusio
Eliantemo jonico
Granata irsuta
Ibisco litorale
Orchidea dell’arcipelago
Orchidea palustre
The lagoon The lake of Lesina is situated on the North Coast of the Region Puglia, between the mouth of the river Fortore and Rodi Gargano, and it’s the one of the biggest lagoon in Puglia, second only to the closed lagoon of Varano. It covers a surface of 51 Km2 and it’s one of the most loved places by the water birds that migrate between Europe and Africa. Every year they stop there, spending the winter and nesting in the lake. The area is protected due to its particular characteristics and value. Even if it’s called “lake”, it’s by far a lagoon. There are two communication routes with the sea: one on the west, called Channel of Acquarotta, 1.25 miles long; and one on the east, called Channel of Chiapparo, 0.6 miles long. The dimension of the lagoon is 51.36 km2, it’s 15.16 miles long and 15 miles large and its perimeter is around 31 miles. It’s divided in two basins, the bigger one, on the east, is called “Sacca Orientale”; the smaller one is at the side of the village of Lesina. The origin of Lesina Lagoon is very ancient. It was probably formed either by the sea currents, that used to leave there all the sands and sediments they were carrying when meeting the promontory of Gargano in order to be able to pass it, either by the River Fortore, back in the days called Frentum di Plinio, with its flood and its feeders. The river
was much bigger and navigable and we can distinguish at least 4 different mouths, proof of the fact that it changed its direction several times. The most ancient mouth is in the place where now there is the Channel Acquarotta, where the Fortore used to create a large bight.
Isthmus between Lake and Sea
Typical Venetian boats in Lesina lagoon
BananaBoat, at Lido Rosa
DESCRIPTION 33 bedrooms with bathroom, air conditioning, telephone and satellite TV. The private beach is only 250 mt far and it’s accessible throught a cool typical mediterranea forest. ACCESS FOR DISABLE PEOPLE WHERE Marina di Lesina via Torre Fortore, 1 CONTACT 0882 995170
Bar - Restaurant - Wedding room air conditioning with sea view EQUIPPED BEACH loc. Torre Fortore Marina di Lesina (FG) - tel 0882 995103 Michele 340 1648085 - Rocco 340 3330819 - Primiano 329 0811955 ACCESS FOR DISABLE PEOPLE
Marina di Lesina Here starts the warm land of Puglia with its beach of fine sand, surrounded by an uncontaminated nature, where sun, relax and fun are waiting for young people and family to have an holiday of sea and unique moments.
Our beach resorts have all the comforts and amusements for young and adult people. All of them are walking distance from our touristic village of Marina di Lesina. On summertime there are even public transports from the village of Lesina. For those who love freedom, there are long expanses of fine free beach, easy to reach either by walking or by car. The Aquatic Park Acquafantasy in Puglia is suitable for all the family with its animations, music, sports, tournaments, spectacles and various events. Then in the wonderful swimming pools you can find aerobic and fitness lessons, dance, spectacles and animations for the children!
Traditions SAN PRIMIANO (15 OF MAY) The feast of San Primiano, that happen on the day of his martyrdom and his rise to the sky, is deeply felt by the inhabitants of Lesina, especially by the laical confraternity of San Primiano. RESTAURANT
via C. Battisti 132, Lesina tel. 0882 991826 / 347 2323434 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS
FESTA S. ANNA (26 OF JULY) On the evening of the 26 of July the association Alexina proposes the “Ballo di Sant’Anna”, where different cultures mixed in the squares of the historical centre. FESTA S. NAZARIO (NIGTH OF 27 OF JULY) The processions of the devoted start from Lesina and Poggio Imperiale and after meeting on the way, they all reach together the Sanctuary of S. Nazario in the middle of the night. STELLA MARIS (15 OF AUGUST) The Virgin Mary of Monte Carmelo/Stella Maris, protector of fishermen and sailors, is brought in procession around the streets of Marina di Lesina and around the beaches. SAN ROCCO (MIDDLE OF AUGUST) This feast is in the week of “Ferragosto” (August, the 15th). The inhabitants organize lots of events that you will never forget. LAGOLOSO (NOVEMBER) From the 2007, in the middle of the autumn, there is in Lesina a particular gastronomic event in which is possible to taste the eel in all sort of different recipes.
Gastronomy Inspired by the cooking traditions of Lesina mixed with the ones of the Gargano, the food is characterized by the genuinely of the ingredients, all local products, and from the innovation, that offers you with unusual and original mixes results of accurate researches and long experience. The queen of the cuisine is by far the eel, but there are other typical fishes like the mullet, the botargo and the sand smelt. Is a pleasure for all the senses to Look at the table set up with plates and products of Lesina and you get bewitched by the colors of the fruit, by the meat and fish dishes, by the vegetables, by the variety of cheese and of soups. Colors and smells are highlight by the presence of parsley, basil, garlic, caper, oregano and arugula. The traditional food of Lesina is frequently simple, with the “pànette”, the typical bread, home-made pasta, extra virgin olive oil, vegetables. Fish, shellfishes, mollusks are the main ingredients. Tasting the food and discovering the recipes is an important part in the
understanding of the place, especially because the quality of the ingredients is assured by the use of only local products, following the old traditions. The typical dish of Lesina is the eel soup. Its origin is connected with the hard life of the fishermen, who had to live for months in huts eating what the nature was offering them. The fishing of the eel was the principal activity of the area. Eels have a very thick skin and they can reach 3kg. The legend says that the Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen loved eating them.
Another typical product that grows spontaneously on the lake-banks of Lesina is the Salicornia (european Salicornia). For the fact that it looks a lot like the asparagus, is commonly called sea asparagus. The name salicornia comes from the French word salicorne and it’s the union of two word: the medieval Arabic word “salicor”, that was the most ancient name of the plant, and the word “corno”, horn, due to the shape of the bloom.
Eel soup
via Pietro Micca 22, Lesina tel. 0882 991942 / 347 3551079  ACCESSO FOR DISABLE PEOPLE
Vescovo e ai cittadini di Lucera, fuggiti da questa città assediata e poi Lagellone, re di Napoli, alla madre, la regina Margherita di Durazzo che, distrutta da Costante II nel 663. nel In effetti la denominazione di “città munita” fa ritenere che il nucleo 1411, la donò a sua volta all’ospedale della Casa Santa dell’Annunziata abitato, circondato da mura, costituisse un sicuro rifugio dalle invasioni di Napoli “Ave GratiaPlena”, e scorrerie del periodo alto-medioevale.In breve la borgata si vide I secoli XVI-XIX furono secoli di decadenza, durante i quali la malaria trasformata in vera e propria città. Essa verso la metà dell’ottavo secolo da una parte e le distruzioni provocate da terremoti (il più disastroso DESCRIPTION si trovava elevata a tale grado di prosperità, potenza e popolazione da dei quali con maremoto si verificò il 30 maggio 1627 con la quasi An ancient passion for the lake with its sunset, its eguagliare altre forti ed antiche città ad essa limitrofe, quali, fra le altre, distruzione del paese) e inondazioni ridussero la città a un misero story to tell and share. The desire to male people e Larino. E’ accertato che Lesina fu una delle 34 Contee villaggio. La ripresa cominciò all’inizio del 700, con un aumento della know and love the lake. 5erano roomsTermoli related to the Ducato longobardo popolazione e lo sviluppo di attività economiche. theme of the famous songdel “Wonderful World” by di Benevento e successivamente divenne Louis Armstrong. Contea normanna fino al XIII secolo. Nel 1751, in seguito al fallimento del Banco dell’ A.G.P. che amministrava ACCESS FOR DISABLEDurante PEOPLEtutto il Medioevo, salvo alcuni periodi, Lesina fu sede vescovile, l’ospedale, la laguna con dipendente dall’Arcidiocesidi il bosco isola, i fiumi, le paludi e tutte le dipendenze venivano WHERE Benevento. L’ultimo Presule, Orazio Greco partecipò al Concilio di aggiudicate all’asta al Signor Placido imperiale, Principe di Sant’ Angelo Lesina Trento (1545/1563). dei Lombardi, il quale insediò una colonia che poi diede all’attuale via Principe di Piemonte 113 Si ricordano alcuni insediamenti cassinesi sul posto, anche in cittadina di Poggio Imperiale. considerazione del fatto che il Il fallimento economico della famiglia Imperiale portò nel 1836 - 55, CONTACT Well, yes, it’s possible to comemediante full circle It’s better to choose a mountain bike, because of the 0882 991090 - 333 6307652 pesce pescato nella laguna costituiva un’importante risorsa alimentare presencedella of lots of dirt patches. We start Masselli, from Lesina, per le mense monastiche che non conoscevano aroundcarni. the Tra lake, but only by bike, and it’s i principali sentenza, allo smembramento proprietà tra le famiglie the village of fishermen with its characteristic white a good news. At Foce Maria Schiapparo there monasteri cassinesi edificati in loco ricordiamo l’Abbazia di Santa Galante e houses. The back in the day very well organized activity a Lock, in order to stop the Zaccagnino, too strong i quali erano di Ripalta e il Monastero di San Giovani inisPiano. contemporaneamente proprietari dei grandi of fishing, has now lost part of its importance, but on currents, and on the bulkhead there is Nel 1308 la Contea latifondi nella campagna lesinese, alloggiando anche molti lavoratori Garzette sulla riva del lago di Lesina ritornò a far parte delle terre demaniali in the lake it’s still possible to see the long, short and tight boardwalk that allows the passage. The quanto donata da Ladislao forestieri. boats and meet men who sew patiently their nets.
Biking on the lake
small gate is always open, but it’s very easy to pass even if it’s closed.
Wight Island DESCRIPTION Fishing, water sports and much more, the lagoon is one of the major attractions of our region and only recently is possible to have the opportunity to spend unique moment for relax or exciting walk around the lagoon. The lovers of fishing can have the unique occasione to fish for bream and sea bass also on the boat, even on the boat in the lake. For those who enjoy great experiences, water sports Will be the right crowing achievement of Canoa. Canoeing, kayaking, sailing, surfing and stand a paddle, Are all sports that can be done at isola di wight, helped by a team of qualified and professional teachers. You just have to try! CONTACT Lesina, via Banchina Vollaro (zona Stadio) 328 8912205 hellfishcanoakayaklesina
CASALE VILLA GIULIA via dei Platani, 18 Lesina Marina tel. 0882 995537 -
Food and wine path
DESCRIPTION In 1979, three friends with an immense passion for wine inherited from the parents, they decided as a bet to product sparkling wine in San Severo, in the Foggia province, in the heart of Daunia. Who goes to their cellars can breath and ancient air, going back ‘till the XVII century, because they are under historical buildings that show proofs of the past: medieval walls, a 1836 press and the prison of the Carbonari Morelli and Silvati. Here the champagne rests on pupitres, where the riddling is still done by hand, according to the champagne method. You can visit the cellars and be able to delight your palate with the tasting of fine wines. WHERE San Severo (FG) via Zanotti 30 CONTACT 0882 227643 AC-Spumante-Metodo-Classico-San-Severo
loc. Acquarotta, Lesina tel. 328 5887054 -
Discovering Itinerary of the lagoon and of the sea On the side of the lake of lesina, in the park of gargano, only 12 miles away from the tremiti island, sure of the natural beauties of the land, (non ho capito chi si occupa di questi servizi turistici… in inglese ci vuole il soggetto, sempre, se mi spieghi poi te la sistemo), it offers lots of tourist services for those who have chosen to visit one of the best place in Puglia, in order to satisfy
their desire of knowing the places and discovering new itineraries. “In Laguna” organizes naturalistic tour in the lagoon of Lesina and in the Tremiti islands, excursions, fishing experiences, boat renting and food tasting and. They sell typical products, too, offering to everyone, included people who can’t come to visit our wonderful land, the possibility to receive in their houses or in their companies, restaurants or shops, all sort of local product in the easiest way possible.
DESCRIPTION RESTAURANT PIZZERIA. PIZZA GLUTEN-FREE ABOUT US ON TRIPADVISOR «Excellent from all points of view. Beautiful location with nice views. The service is truly impeccable and the owner is a true maestro. Pizza and restaurant are great and it has an excellent quality/price ratio. Magnificent!»
Tremiti Islands The beautiful and uncontaminated landscape, together with the clearness of the water, gave to this archipelago the name of “Pearl of the Adriatic sea”.
The Tremiti Islands are five: San Nicola, San Donnino, Crepaccio, Caprara e Pianosa (that is 11 miles far from the others). All of them have rocky coasts, low density of inhabitants (some of them are uninhabitated). Starting from the 1989, The Tremiti Islands are part of the National Park of Gargano, as a Marine protected area. Lesina - Termoli: 23.6 miles Termoli - Tremiti Island (with ferry): 2 hours organized by “Passeggiate in Laguna” tel 368 75 87 584 - 330 43 66 52 passeggiate.inlaguna
WHERE Lesina, along the lake via Isonzo 64 CONTACT 339 6101531
Religious path
Vescovo e ai cittadini di Lucera, fuggiti da questa città assediata e poi Lagellone, re di Napoli, alla madre, la regina Margherita di Durazzo che, distrutta da Costante II nel 663. nel In effetti la denominazione di “città munita” fa ritenere che il nucleo 1411, la donò a sua volta all’ospedale della Casa Santa dell’Annunziata abitato, circondato da mura, costituisse un sicuro rifugio dalle invasioni di Napoli “Ave GratiaPlena”, e scorrerie del periodo alto-medioevale.In breve la borgata si vide I secoli XVI-XIX furono secoli di decadenza, durante i quali la malaria trasformata in vera e propria città. Essa verso la metà dell’ottavo secolo da una parte e le distruzioni provocate da terremoti (il più disastroso DESCRIPTION si trovava elevata a tale grado di prosperità, potenza e popolazione da dei quali con maremoto si verificò il 30 maggio 1627 con la quasi S. Giovanni Rotondo is known for Padre Pio from eguagliare altre forti ed antiche città ad essa limitrofe, quali, fra le altre, distruzione del paese) e inondazioni ridussero la città a un misero Petrelcina, and his presence there made it became Termoli Larino. villaggio. La ripresa cominciò all’inizio del 700, con un aumento della an important centre for theerano pilgrimage. Theevillage is E’ accertato che Lesina fu una delle 34 Contee Ducato popolazione e lo sviluppo di attività economiche. dominated by the highest del mountain of longobardo the Gargano, di Benevento e successivamente divenne Monte Calvo, which is 1065Contea meter high. normanna fino al XIII secolo. Nel 1751, in seguito al fallimento del Banco dell’ A.G.P. che amministrava Monte Sant’Angelo still has a quarter that Durante tutto il Medioevo, salvo alcuni periodi, Lesina fu sede vescovile, l’ospedale, la laguna con maintained the medievaldipendente style. At the same time, dall’Arcidiocesidi il bosco isola, i fiumi, le paludi e tutte le dipendenze venivano in the more modern part, you can find the typical Benevento. L’ultimo Presule, Orazio Greco partecipò al Concilio di aggiudicate all’asta al Signor Placido imperiale, Principe di Sant’ Angelo terraced houses, in Italian called “a schiera”. Trento (1545/1563). dei Lombardi, il quale insediò una colonia che poi diede all’attuale Thousands of pilgrims every year, walking Si ricordano alcuni insediamenti cassinesi sul posto, anche in cittadina di Poggio Imperiale. buildings of public utility, like the new sanctuary close DISTANCE: or with all other kind of transportations, considerazione delmiles fatto che il Il fallimento economicoto della famigliaofImperiale portò 1836and - 55, the Church Santa Maria dellenel Grazie the Casa Lesina - San Giovanni R. - Monte S. Angelo: 53.45 reach the Sanctuary following the Via Sollievo della Sofferenza, that is a modern and well BY CAR: Dirigersi verso Apricena, poi per nella San Marco pesce pescato laguna costituiva un’importante risorsa alimentare mediante Francigena, from Mont Saint-Michel, in organized hospital. in Lamis e proseguire per San Giovanni Rotondo. per le mense monastiche che non conoscevano carni. Tra i principali sentenza, allo smembramento della proprietà tra le famiglie Masselli, Normandy, until Monte Sant’Angelo, in monasteri cassinesi edificati in loco ricordiamo l’Abbazia di Santa Maria Galante e Puglia. CONTATCT FOR GROUP di Ripalta e il Monastero di San Giovani in Piano. Zaccagnino, i quali erano contemporaneamente proprietari dei grandi La Laguna S.r.l. - Agenzia Viaggi Dacobus Nel 1308 la Contea di Lesina ritornò a far parte delle terre demaniali in latifondi nella campagna lesinese, alloggiando anche molti lavoratori Lesina, via Regina Elena 11 Within all the churches and palaces that is possible quanto donata da Ladislao forestieri. 0882 992380 to visit there, the most famous one is definitely the
S. Giovanni Rotondo and Monte S. Angelo
Monte S. Angelo
S. Giovanni Rotondo
The story of this village was definitely characterized by the presence of Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, beatified by Pope John Paul II the 2 of May 1999. The friar worked for the construction of several
Sanctuary of Saint Michael, built between the V and VI century, in the place of an apparition of the archangel. Every year there is a celebration related to the event that attracts lots of pilgrims.
Tourist Centre CENTRE OF AMBIENT EDUCATION The Tourist centre of Lesina, was born as a centre for the Ambient Education, with the intent to teach how to deal with the natural ambient and, especially, to teach people how to act responsibly with respect of the nature. This centre offers activities even for children and young people, in order to let them know the lagoon ecosystem and its biodiversity. ACCESS FOR DISABLE PEOPLE ACCESS FOR DISABLE PEOPLE
CONTACT Lesina (along the lake) via Banchina Vollaro 147 0882 707455 - 328 0758563 Centro Visite Lesina
Parco Nazionale del
The municipality of Lesina
Pro Loco Lesina “culture and territory” E-mail: EMERGENCY NUMBERS Municipal Police 0882 707454 Arm of the Carabineers 0882 991010 Doctor 0882 991963 Coast Guards 0882 992571
Poison center 0881 732326 Civil Defense 0882 991088 Fire lookout 080 5802266 Emergency Room 118
Reaction Facility 112 Finance Guard 117 Fire fighter 115 Forestry corps 1515
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