Portfolio Gerben van den Oever

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P o r t f o l i o

Gerben van den Oever

ResumĂŠ 5 Letters of recommandation 6 Inter naturas 8 Graduation project - Defining the threshold between nature and the artificial environment and the architectural manifestation and representation of the concept of nature.

Swansneckbridge 16 Master elective course Bridge Design - Pedestrian bridge in Rotterdam Crooswijk

Refugee housing 20 Master 1 project - Designing self-build low-tech wood houses

Re-activating Columbus Park 22 Master 2 project - research project in Chicago

Prenuptial housing 24 Studio OBA - Floating away from your spouse after a divorce

Resumé Gerben van den Oever Personal information

Contact van Heutszstraat 33 2593 PD Den Haag


Gerben Jan van den Oever

Date of birth:

10 february 1992

Place of birth:





+31 653742967

Education MSc Architecture and the Build environment 2nd year - Technische Universiteit Delft

- Graduated in the studio of Delta Interventions: landscapes of coëxistence. The interdisciplinairy studio linked urban scale questions and problems surrounding the changing delta regions of the North Sea to architectural questions. In the studio, I focused on climate change data, the sequence to information and knowledge, and the translation of the sequence through the means of architecture.

MSc2 Complex Projects: In Cities

- The project focussed on the developement of your own research surrounding the experience of living 2 months in Chicago. My fascination lied in the tumultuous Columbus Park, that is surrounded by 2 extreme opposite neighbourhoods, yet formed a strong urban-social connection between inhabitants - The studio targeted the definition of a landmark, focussing on designing through scales, from the urban scale, up to building details.

MSc1 Complex Projects: Anatomy of a Landmark

2016 - 2018

BSc Architecture and the Build environment Technische Universiteit Delft

Supplemented with the Minor Archineering, designing small interventions focussing on contextual design, construction, climate and detailing.

2012 - 2015

Advanced English Certificat Embassy CES, New York

Followed an intensive 3-months English-course in New York City.

2011 (3 months)

Atheneum High School diploma Northgo College, Noordwijk

With electives in drawing, advanced mathematics and the German language.

2003 - 2010

Work experience Co-founder and Designer Studio OBA, Amsterdam 2015 - current

In collaboration with a fellow student responsible for the acquisition, design and execution of over 20 small-scale, commercial projects in the built environment. • Technical aspects - rendering the client’s vision, managing building permits on the themes of construction, climate design and building codes; • Social aspects - client-oriented thinking and working, negotiating and aligning with stakeholders. www.studio-oba.nl

Junior Architect Architectenbureau van Manen, Noordwijk 2015 - 2016 (6 months)

As part of the architecture design team, I got the resposibility of multiple small scale projects. In one of the projects, the boat house in Warmond (as shown in portfolio), I got the full responsibility of the design and detailling.

Intern Architectenbureau van Manen, Noordwijk

Started the intership between after obtaining my BSc degree in order to gain experience in the working field. After 3 months, the firm offered me the job of Junior Architect.

2015 (3 months)

Extracurricular activities Curation of One-day Symposium and Exhibition Delta Urbanism Interdisciplinary Research Programme 12 - 2017

Throughout the graduation year I was involved in the organization and curation of symposia and exhibitions initiated by the studio. The curation consisted of arranging and organizing the presentation of various speakers and curating the room for the exhibition.

Media publicity Studio OBA

As part of a media stunt with Studio OBA, a fictional proposal was made that resonated with the international audience. The Prenuptial Housing project has been published in over 30+ countries worldwide (i.a. Dezeen, BBC World News) and untill today requests are made for interviews.

07 - 2016


First prize and exhibition Stylos 24h design contest 03 - 2015

Winning proposal for the redesign of an old margarine factory within 24 hours, which has been exhibited in the Delft Faculty of Architecture. www.dutchinnovationfactory.nl/24h-design-contest

Design skills Autocad Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Sketch Up Rhino Grasshopper

Languages Proficient Proficient Proficient Proficient Proficient Intermediate Novice

About me Native Fluent Advanced Novice

Dutch English German French


I am a 26-year old graduate student, passionate about architecture, surfing, skateboarding and running. I would describe myself as a team player, a good communicator and goal-oriented.

Dr. Arch. Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin Assistant Professor Urban Design Delft University of Technology Faculty of Architecture Julianalaan 134 2628BL Delft The Netherlands t.bacchin@tudelft.nl +31643431534 th

Delft, 10 August 2018

Re: GERBEN VAN DEN OEVER Reference Letter Dear Sir/Madam, As Assistant Professor of the Section of Urban Design at Delft University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment – Department of Urbanism, I have had the pleasure of supervising Gerben van den Oever in his MSc. Architecture Graduation Thesis about the architectural manifestation and representation of the concept (and space) of nature. With this letter, I would like to recommend Gerben van den Oever as a highly qualified architect with excellent design (creative/ innovative thinking), research (analytical and theoretical approach), organization and management skills. While supervising Gerben I got to know him quite well and I had the pleasure of following his work closely. I found him to be industrious, bright, independent and an excellent architect and colleague/ team leader. His skills are seen in the quality of his studies, his innovative graduation thesis and in his professional career as a young architect. I feel confident that he will continue to succeed in his professional career as a practitioner and researcher. It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Gerben without reservation. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin PhD MArch MSc DiplArch Architect & Urbanist

Assistant Professor Section of Urban Design Coordinator and Research Leader Delta Urbanism / Transitional Territories Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment Delft University of Technology


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to recommend Vincent Ringoir for an internship. Over the past two years I have worked on multiple real estate developments and transformations on my own account, for which Vincent has helped me to design concepts, draft the documentation and manage Monaco, the permits. 20-06-2018 In 2007 I graduated my master’s in Strategy and Organization with honours from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. As a founder of the Erasmus Center for Entrepreneurship, over the years I have been involved in training and developing a large number of young entrepreneurs. At the moment I run the disruptive venturing initiative VenturesPlus together with James Caan, mostly known as the UK Dear Sir or Madam, Dragons’ Den investor, while at the same time holding several board positions and diversifying my estate. Gerben van den Oever to your office. Over the past two years I have worked It is myportfolio pleasure in to real recommend on multiple real estate developments and transformations on my own account, for which Gerben has helped and I successfully worked together on several of my projects, among others the transformation me to Vincent design concepts, draft the documentation and manage the permits. of a 340 sqm double house into seven studios in Delft, the redesign of a courtyard in Monaco and a In 2007study I graduated my master’s in Strategy andRotterdam. Organization with honours from the University for a 1600 sqm office floor in Vincent made sure thatErasmus the drawings he inmade were Rotterdam. As a founder of the Erasmus Center for Entrepreneurship, over the years I have been involved in and ina large accordance toyoung my preferences, to eventually them venturing past the planning trainingaccurate and developing number of entrepreneurs.inAtorder the moment I run the get disruptive authorities. the way he communicated was clear transparent, and he while always knew how to initiative VenturesPlusAlso, together with James Caan, mostly known as theand UK Dragons’ Den investor, at the same time several board positions and diversifying keepholding his work organised and finished on time. my portfolio in real estate. GerbenI and I successfully worked togetherhim on several of my projects, among others the transformation 340 strongly have already recommended and his studio to friends and acquintances, andofI awould sqm double house into seven studios in Delft, the redesign of a courtyard in Monaco and a study for a 1600 recommend him for an internship at your office. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more details sqm office floor in Rotterdam. Gerben made sure that the drawings he made were accurate and in accordance at mail@hendrikhalbe.com to my preferences, in order to eventually get them past the planning authorities. Also, the way he communicated was clear and transparent, and he always knew how to keep his work organised and finished on time. I have already recommended him and his studio to friends and acquintances, and I would strongly recommend truly, Please do not hesitate to contact me for more details at mail@hendrikhalbe.com. him forYours your office. Yours truly,

Hendrik Halbe Founder of VenturesPlus Hendrik Halbe and client of Studio OBA

Founder of VenturesPlus and client of Studio OBA



I n ter n a tura s

Defining the threshold between nature and the ar tificial by the means of architecture Studio: Mentor: Year: Duration:

Delta Interventions Graduation studio Dr. arch. Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin 2017-2018 1 year


Line drawings: Diagrams:

Sketch up Autocad Sketch up

Illustrator Illustrator Illustrator


The graduation studio of Delta Interventions revolved around the changing environment, borders, cultures and landscapes in and around the delta areas of the North Sea. Through general research my interest in climate change data became appearant. Looking at nature as the machine that produces this data environment, I recognized the need for a translation through the means of architecture. The topic made me aware that site location would play a defining role in order to translate the concept into an architectural framework. For this I used an landscape-architectural approach to give visitors an understanding of the addaptive natural landscape, and the way we as humans treat the landscape in order to gain data. I also looked at the theory of the first, second and third nature as it can be seens as the foundation of human interactions with nature.


With the concept of the first second and third nature in mind, it arose the question about a possible fourth nature. It is an environment furthest away from the first nature; the natural environment as we know it in the first second or third nature no longer exist. In the fourth nature, it is assumed that every part of the natural environment is translated into the digital environment and therefor, the natural environment is no longer present and can exist without nature. This became the final concluding architectural space in which the route ends.


On the left nature frames the architecture, on the right, architecture frames nature

The element of space in which the visitor is invited to sit and frame nature

In the first part of the route towards the building, visitors go through a sequence of architectural elements, each time trying to make the visitor aware of the threshold between the natural environment and the artificial environment. The sequence varies in type of element and the space between the elements becomes shorter as the route goes on. The types of elements will intensify and emphasize this threshold by controlling the speed of the visitor, making them aware of the inside space versus the natural environment outside. It is important that the visitor becomes increasingly aware of the presence of this threshold leading up to the building.


A flattened perspective shows the sequence of elements

The elements used in the route


The site masterrplan, showing the relation between the created volumes and the existing landscape

The site in axonometric view


enclosing nature within the existing landscape, creating a second nature within the natural world

the conceptual idea of nature exhibited in the contolled garden

In Garden Perfections:The Practice of Garden Theory, John Dixon Hunt identifies the cultural landscape (agriculture, urban development, roads etc.) with Cicero’s ‘second nature.’ In De natura deorum Cicero wrote “We sow corn, we plant trees, we fertilize the soil by irrigation, we dam the rivers and direct them where we want. In short, by means of our hands we try to create as it were a second nature within the natural world. The second nature is based upon transforming and framing the landscape by the use of physical borders. Later in the century, another humanist Bartolomeo Taegio also used the term ‘terza natura’ or third nature, in describing gardens. The third nature is therefor based upon having total control over nature, in what and how we exhibit nature through the human controlled design of a garden.


The facade shows the contrast of the material in the landscape

The section view reveals the final exhibition room, of the 4th nature, suspended between the ramps

The buildings structure is made by on-site cast concrete


The interior space reveals the connection that the scientists have with nature.. For the materialization of the interior, I chose a combination of rough concrete and warm wood tones



Swans n eck b r i d g e

D e s i g n i n g a p e de s t r ia n s br idg e in C roosw ijck Studio: Mentor: Year: Duration:

Bridge Design Arch. Joris Smits 2017 3 months


Line drawings: Diagrams:

Sketch up Photoshop Vectorworks Sketch up Illustrator

During the master-elective Bridge Design, we were asked to design a bridge in the neighbourhood of Crooswijck, Rotterdam. The bridge would connect a recently finished family neighbourhood to an existing sports-and recreation area, leading towards the citycenter. It was clear to me that the bridge shouldn’t merely serve infrastructural purpose, but be an addition to the existing public space. In the design of the bridge, I tried to focus on details and materials present at the site.The research of local materials lead to experimenting with the use of bricks from recently torn down buildings on site.


A close up photo reveals details in construction and materialization

The bridge extends down to a platform at waterlevel, creating new public space


Preliminary design Preliminary design

Researching form through sketches

Balustrade sketches

Research in details through sketches

Section sketches

Axonometric view of the building elements

A closer view of the materialization and detailling

The bridge equally devides space for pedestrians and cyclists


R ef u g e e h ou s i n g

A h o m e aw ay f ro m h o me Studio: Mentor: Year: Duration:

Building Technolodgy Gilbert Koskamp 2016 3 months


Line drawings: Diagrams:

Sketch up Autocad Sketch up

Autocad Illustrator Illustrator


As part of the master track of Architecture, all MSc students entered the design competition a home away from home.The competition tackled the growing need for housing of refugees and asked the students to focus on the building technolodgy and materialization, in this case wood. From the start of the competition, I treated the project as a social construct, rather than a purely design project. Aspects of community feeling, by implementing self-build wooden structures in which refugees would assist in the building process made my design more well rounded. The buildings are modular, connected by a semi-private corridor. The corridor connects the private living areas to the public terrace in front of the houses.


An perspective section gives a feeling for both detailling and interior space

The building sequence


R e-a ctiva t i n g C o l u mb u s P a rk a t t i t u de t owa rds pu blic s pa c e Studio: Mentor: Year: Duration:

Complex Projects: In Cities Kees Kaan, Roland Reemaa 2016 6 months [2 months in Chicago]

Line drawings: Diagrams:

Autocad Sketch up

Illustrator Illustrator

There are few cities in America with a greater feeling for division than the city of Chicago. After spending 2 months in the city as part of the research program, we left with the knowledge we gained as actual citizens of the city. At the edge of the cityborder, where the wealthy suburbs collide with the cities poorest and most violent neighbourhoods, lays the most diverse park of Chicago: Columbus Park. Within two months, I tried to become an expert of the park, collecting data from archieves as well as talking to users of the park, trying to find the existing attitude towards the collective piece of public space that is still connecting two immensly diverse neighbourhoods. In one final product, we were asked to sum up our research, resulting in axonometric drawing of the whole park.


An axonometric exploded view of all existing elements together with the proposed addidtion to Columbus Park, Chicago


Prefabricated dwelling with a mechanism to disconnect at the unfortunate event of divorcing from your spouse


Prenu p tia l h ou s i n g Firm:

Year: Partners: Client:

Studio OBA 2016 Vincent Ringoir, Xander den Duijn Omar Kbiri

Render: Diagrams:

Sketch up Sketch up

Vray Photoshop Illustrator

At a time when almost half of the marriages ends in a divorce, prenuptial housing is a solution that creates a new way of loving and living. Dwellings that are meant for symbiosis between two living-units, without losing the option to divide into autonomous parts. As a part of a collaboration with PR-expert Omar Kbiri, I was responsible for development of the narrative and creating the visualization on the right. In collaboration a fictional article was drafted that contains a project description and investment plan, which afterwards has been sent to several media.The renowned design platform Dezeen published the first article, after which a period of worldwide publicity followed for the provocative prenuptial housing concept, including radio interviews, newspaper and book publications. When Reuters TV wanted to make a documentary on the development of the structure, we decided it was time to leave the project as it is: a fictional media stunt.


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