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By The Book

BOOK: Storm and Silence
AUTHOR: Robert Their
RECOMMENDED BY: Allison Rott, Marketing Assistant
Why Ally Loves It: A heartwarming and hilarious tale that combines Victorian history, women’s independence, and a love-hate relationship with characters you will fall in love with I have truly never seen characters come to life as much as Lilly and Rikkard, and the remarkable wittiness had me cheering for their adventures from the beginning

BOOK: The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness
AUTHOR: Sy Montgomery
RECOMMENDED BY: Joanna Karafotas, Senior Graphic Designer
Why Joanna Loves It: After watching the movie, “My Octopus Teacher,” I became a bit obsessed with learning more about octopuses since they are considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates - contrary to past myths Naturalist Sy Montgomery is like the Jane Goodall of octopuses: studying them closely at the New England aquarium over several years and also in the wild She documents each one’s personality and explains the details of their behaviors. Fascinating!

BOOK: Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Leader
AUTHOR: Christopher D Connors
RECOMMENDED BY: Carmen Fiordirosa, VP of Marketing
Why Carmen Loves It: It is a very practical book that does a great job of leading the reader through self-reflection and documentation of purpose/ passion/why; a must for anyone in leadership It can be awfully difficult to be honest with yourself but to improve your “EQ” knowing thyself is a must This book is for all leaders no matter where you are in your journey Maybe even more so for seasoned leaders as it can be easy to believe you’ve mastered emotional intelligence but really none of us have ever arrived

BOOK: Extraordinary Influence
AUTHOR: Tim Irwin
RECOMMENDED BY: The Gerber Marketing Team
Why Gerber Marketing Team Loves It: Extraordinary Influence provides simple steps to strengthen leadership skills Irwin shows how kindness will always trump criticism, and how to shape the lives of those around you through self-betterment