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Gerber Main Pipe Magazine: Fall Edition, 2022 (U.S., English)

Women in Gerber
Sharing Ideas and Shaping Culture
Women In Gerber (WIG) is a newly formed organization that promotes discussion regarding relevant professional and personal growth, goals, and development ideas. During a lunch meeting the third Thursday of each month, WIG offers a topic of discussion where members can share related issues they face and ways to tackle these issues using constructive, positive methods.
During these events, WIG members view a short video or invite guest speakers to present a specific topic and discuss ways to apply these ideas into the workplace as well as their personal lives. An open discussion invites participants to ask questions and share ideas. At the inaugural meeting in June, attendees addressed The Cooperation Paradigm: How to Get People to Listen & Cooperate. More recently, WIG participants discussed the Female Mental Load and how to more effectively allocate responsibilities to our co-workers and our partners.
“As the ‘WIG’ program gains traction, we hope to have a more specified subset of the program around mentor relationships within the female Gerber network,” says Iasmin Acioli, marketing strategy manager, and founding member of WIG.