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2000 Evergreen Street, Suite 250, Sacramento, CA 95815-3832 Tel: (916) 263-3680 / Fax: (916) 263-3675 / http://www.dca.ca.gov/cba/
Executive Officer Assistant Executive Officer Legislative Contact
Patti Bowers Deanne Pearce Nooshin Movassaghi
Business and Professions Code §§ 5000 - 5158 Title 16, Division 1, California Code of Regulations §§ 1 - 99.1
BUDGET ACT OF 2015: FY 2015-16
Appropriation: $14,449,000 Authorized positions: 93.9
Total Members: 15 Public Members: 8 Professional Members: 7
Last review: 2015 Inoperative/Repeal date: January 1, 2020
LICENSEE STATISTICS Category Number of Licenses
Certified Public Accountants Accountancy Firms (Partnerships and Corporations)
Out-of-State Registered Accounting Firms 92,440 5,696
Examination Application Fee National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) Uniform CPA Exam Fee Certificate Application Fee Initial License Fee $50 ($25 Reapplication)
$50 (individual) $30 (firm) $50 $600
Set by NASBA
$250 $250
TOTAL INITIAL FEES $884.10 (individual) $80 (firm)
Biennial Renewal Fee $50
* Some additional fees may be required per Business and Professions Code § 5134 $250
Fee Changes
Effective July 1, 2014, the California Board of Accountancy (Board) instituted a two-year temporary fee reduction, which will end June 30, 2016. All application, initial permit, and license renewal fees were reduced between 50 to 80 percent. The Board elected to reduce its fees to help offset the cost of entry into the profession and to help bring the Accountancy Fund Reserve in line with statutorily mandated levels. The Board is proposing to restore initial permit and biennial renewal fees to $200. The increase will go into effect July 1, 2016 (pending approval by the Office of Administrative Law).
Degree/Professional Schooling Examination Continuing Education/Competency Fingerprinting Requirement Peer Review Requirement YES YES YES YES YES
Created by statute in 1901, the Board is charged with regulating the practice of public accountants. In 1929, the Legislature placed the Board within the Department of Professional and Vocational Standards. In 1971, the Legislature relocated the Board within the newly-created Department of Consumer Affairs.
The first accountants certified by the Board in 1901 were required to sit for a written examination, including questions on Theory of Accounts, Practical Accounting, Auditing, and Commerce Law, and attain a passage rate of at least 75 percent for each section. Applicants were required to provide a notarized affidavit certifying at least three years accounting experience, at least two years of which must have been in the office of a Certified Public Accountant performing actual accounting work. In addition, each applicant was required to submit three references testifying to his or her character, in the form of a “Certificate of Moral Character.” Today's mandate that each licensee pass an ethics course finds its antecedent in the Board’s original requirement of this certificate.
In California, the accounting profession's licensees are certified public accountants (individual practitioners) and licensed accounting firms (corporations, partnerships and sole practitioners operating under a business name). The Board regulates the largest group of licensed accounting professionals in the nation. The Board is unique in its authority to license and discipline not only individuals and partnerships but also corporations.
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS - Business and Professions Code §§ 5080 - 5095 Certified Public Accountant
To qualify for licensure as a certified public accountant, the following requirements must be met: Bachelor’s degree or higher, 150 semester units, 24 semester units in accounting subjects, 24 semester units in business-related subjects, 20 semester units of accounting study and 10 semester units of ethics study. Completion of one year of general accounting experience.
Certified Public Accountant – Attest
To be issued a certified public accountant license with the authorization to sign reports on attest engagements, applicants must meet the same requirements for a certified public accountant license but the experience obtained must demonstrate completion of a minimum of 500 hours of attest experience.
Retired Status License
A California certified public accountant may apply to have his or her license placed in a retired status license. To qualify for the retired status license the individual must complete the required application, remit the $75 application fee, have held a license as a certified public accountant or public accountant in the United States or one of its territories for a minimum of 20 total years, and must have held a license in an active status as a California certified public accountant or public accountant for a minimum of five years. Any licensee that has his or her license placed in a retired status may not engage in any activity for which a license is required.
RECIPROCITY – Business and Professions Code §§ 5096 - 5096.21
Under new laws that took effect July 1, 2013, certified public accountants licensed in jurisdictions recognized by the Board as having “substantially equivalent” licensure standards may practice in California under the Board’s “practice privilege” criteria without prior authorization from the Board as long as the individual meets certain requirements. Otherwise, out-of-state licensees must obtain permission from the Board in order to practice in California, and all practice privilege holders must self-report any change in conditions that disqualify them.
BOARD MEMBERS Name Appointment Expiration Date Appointment Authority/Type
Senate Confirmation
Alicia Berhow (Vice President) January 1, 2019 Assembly/Public NO
Jose A. Campos, CPA November 26, 2019 Governor/Professional NO Herschel T. Elkins, Esq. January 1, 2016 Senate/Public NO George Famallet, CPA January 1, 2019 Governor/Profession NO
Laurence Kaplan January 1, 2017 Assembly/Public NO Kay Ko November 26, 2016 Governor/Public NO
Leslie LaManna, CPA January 1, 2016* Governor/Professional NO Xochitl A. León January 1, 2019 Senate/Public NO
Jian Ou-Yang, CPA November 26, 2017 Governor/Professional NO
Deidre Robinson November 26, 2018 Governor/Public NO
Katrina Salazar, CPA (President) November 26, 2019 Governor/Professional NO Michael M. Savoy, CPA (Secretary/Treasurer) November 26, 2018 Governor/Professional NO Mark J. Silverman, Esq. January 1, 2018 Governor/Public NO Kathleen K. Wright, CPA November 26, 2017 Governor/Professional NO VACANT
*Appointment has expired. Grace period for Board appointees is one year (Business and Professions Code § 5002)
The following committees have been created by the Board and consist of Board Members that meet on a regular basis for the purpose of discussing specific issues in depth and providing feedback and recommendations to the full Board. Committee on Professional Conduct Enforcement Program Oversight Committee Legislative Committee Strategic Planning Committee The following committees have been created by statute and consist of licensees that meet on a regular basis for the purpose of discussing issues as required by statute and providing feedback and recommendations to the full Board.
Enforcement Advisory Committee – assists the Board in an advisory capacity with enforcement activities. Qualifications Committee – assists the Board in its licensure activities by reviewing the experience of applicants for licensure. Peer Review Oversight Committee – assists the Board through its oversight of the peer review program. Mobility Stakeholder Group – assists the Board in determining whether the practice privilege program protects the public and whether the program is meeting its objectives.
AB 181 (Bonilla, Chapter 430, Statutes of 2015) clarifies the restoration requirements for licenses that were canceled and placed into retired status. For a licensing applicant who holds an out-of-state license, this bill recasts the requirement that the out-of-state licensee hold a “valid and unrevoked” license to a “current, active, and unrestricted” license. This bill also authorizes the Board to allow an out-of-state licensee practicing under a practice privilege to style themselves as a certified public accountant or “CPA.”
SB 467 (Hill, Chapter 656, Statutes of 2015) extends the sunset date for the Board from January 1, 2016, to January 1, 2020. It also authorizes the Board to permanently restrict or limit the practice of a licensee due to unprofessional conduct.
SB 1467 (Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development,
Chapter 400, Statutes of 2014) makes the following changes regarding the Board: (1) authorizes the Board to collect e-mail addresses from an applicant; (2) eliminates the requirement that at least two members of the Board represent small public accounting firms and instead states that the seven licensed members represent a crosssection of the accounting profession; (3) authorizes the Board to adopt regulations to allow academic experience to satisfy the one-year experience requirement for a certified public accountant license; and, (4) clarifies that a certified public accountant licensed in another state who holds California practice privilege must notify the Board in writing within 30 days of any pending criminal charges.
SB 822 (Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development,
Chapter 319, Statutes of 2013) authorizes the Board to adopt regulations that would exempt certain minor offenses that would otherwise be grounds for revocation of an outof-state accountant’s practice privilege.
SB 823 (Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development,
Chapter 474, Statutes of 2013) extends an expiring licensure pathway for certified public accountant applicants who have completed certain existing education and exam requirements by December 31, 2013. This bill also revises exam admission requirements for accountancy students in five-year degree programs.
AB 1345 (Lara, Chapter 231, Statutes of 2012) requires mandatory audit partner rotation every six years for accounting firms servicing local agencies.
SB 1405 (De León, Chapter 411, Statues of 2012) creates a no-notice, no-fee practice privilege program for out-of-state licensees. This bill also creates a military inactive status for Board licensees engaged in active duty as a member of the California National Guard or the United States Armed Forces.