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2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2050, Sacramento, CA 95815 Tel: 916-263-1978 / Fax: 916-263-2688 / http://www.dhcc.ca.gov




Executive Officer Legislative Contact Lori Hubble Vacant


Business and Professions Code §§ 1900-1966.6 Title 16, Division 10, California Code of Regulations §§ 1000 - 1023.8, 1067 - 1090.1, 1107, 1131-1132, 1138-1144, 1149-1153

BUDGET ACT OF 2015: FY 2015-16

Appropriation: $1,845,000 Authorized positions: 9.2


Total Members: 9 Professional Members: 5 Public Members: 4


Last review: 2014 Inoperative/Repeal date: January 1, 2019

LICENSEE STATISTICS Licensee Category Number of All Licensees

Registered Dental Hygienist Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice Registered Dental Hygienist in Extended Functions Fictitious Name Permit

Total Licensees

29,217 604

32 194 30,047

FEES* DENTAL HYGIENIST FEES Actual Fee Statutory Limit

Application Fee $100 $250 Examination Fee $525 Actual Cost Licensing Fee $100 $250


WREB and CRDT’s** Application Fee $100 $250 WREB Licensure Fee $100 $250 Licensure by Credential Application Fee $100 $250

Licensure by Credential Licensure Fee $100 $250 Biennial Renewal Fee $160 $160

* Various other fees contained in Business and Professions Code § 1944 are not included. ** WREB and CRDT are two separate regional dental hygiene clinical exam administrators that set the exam fee based on testing center costs.


Degree/Professional Schooling Examination Continuing Education Fingerprinting Requirement




The Dental Hygiene Committee of California (Committee) was established by SB 853 (Perata, Chapter 31, Statutes of 2008) and came into existence on July 1, 2009. The Committee was previously a part of the Committee on Dental Auxiliaries when combined with the Registered Dental Assistants, which are now licensed by the Dental Board of California (Dental Board). Following the bifurcation of the Committee on Dental Auxiliaries, the Committee became a stand-alone committee.

The Committee is empowered to review and evaluate all registered dental hygienists, registered dental hygienists in alternative practice, and registered dental hygienists in extended functions applicants for licensure and education programs. The Committee determines the appropriate fees, examination and continuing education requirements for licensure in the three licensure categories and issues licenses for those who successfully complete the requirements as well as collect biennial renewal fees and forms. The Committee adopts, amends and revokes regulations and enforces laws governing dental hygienists.

LICENSE REQUIREMENTS – Business and Professions Code §§ 1917 - 1924

An applicant for licensure as a registered dental hygienist must:  Be a graduate of an accredited dental hygiene program;  Have certificates of completion for board-approved courses in local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and soft tissue curettage; and,

 Obtain fingerprint clearance.

An applicant for licensure as a registered dental hygienist in alternative practice must:  Hold a current registered dental hygienist license;  Have been engaged in clinical practice as an registered dental hygienist for a minimum of 2,000 hours during the immediately preceding 36 months (which can be in California or another state);  Possess a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent;  Complete 150 hours of an approved educational program; and,  Pass a written examination in California law and ethics. The Committee does not license new registered dental hygienists in extended functions.

Licensure By Credential – Business and Professions Code § 1917.1

Applicants licensed as a dental hygienist in any other state may bypass the state clinical exam if all of the following conditions are met:

 Complete a state application and submit fees to the committee.  Provide proof of an active license in good standing from another state.  Provide proof that the applicant has not been subject to discipline in another state.  Provide proof of completion of the national exam.  Provide documentation of continuing education completion, if applicable.  Provide evidence that the applicant has been in clinical practice as a registered dental hygienist or full-time faculty member for a minimum of 750 hours.  Any other information the committee requests.

RECIPROCITY Not applicable.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS Name Appointment Expiration Date Appointment Authority/Type

Senate Confirmation

Susan Good Michelle Hurlbutt, RDH Educator January 1, 2018 Governor/Public

NO January 1, 2016 Governor/Professional NO

Joyce Noel Kelsch, RDHAP (Vice President) January 1, 2016 Governor/Professional NO

Timothy S. Martinez, DMD January 1, 2018 Governor/Professional NO Nicolette Moultrie-Martinez, RDH (President) January 1, 2018 Governor/Professional NO Garry Shay January 1, 2018 Governor/Public NO

Evangeline Ward, RDH January 1, 2018 Governor/ Professional NO Sandra Klein January 1, 2016 Governor/Public NO VACANT - Governor/Public NO


The following subcommittees have been created by the Committee and consist of Committee Members that meet for the purpose of discussing specific issues in depth, and providing feedback and any recommendations to the full Committee.

 Education Subcommittee  Enforcement Subcommittee  Legislative and Regulatory Subcommittee  Licensing and Examination Subcommittee


AB 502 (Chau, Chapter 516, Statutes of 2015) amends the Dental Hygiene Practice Act and the Moscone-Knox Professional Corporation Act, authorizes a registered dental hygienist in alternative practice to incorporate with licensed dentists, registered dental assistants, registered dental hygienists, registered dental hygienists in extended functions, and other registered dental hygienists in alternative practice.

SB 1245 (Lieu, Chapter 396, Statutes of 2014) extends the operation of the Committee and extends the appointments of the Committee’s members and executive officer from January 1, 2015, to January 1, 2019.

SB 1202 (Leno, Chapter 331, Statutes of 2012) makes a number of changes regarding the licensure and regulation of registered dental hygienists by the Committee. This bill: 1) expands the licensure requirements for dental hygienists; 2) makes a number of changes related to the regulation of registered dental hygienists in alternative practice; and 3) both establishes new regulatory maximum fee schedules and increases existing regulatory fee ceilings.

SB 540 (Price, Chapter 385, Statutes of 2011) creates a sunset date of January 1, 2015, for the Committee and offsets the term limits of various Committee members.

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