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2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1350, Sacramento, CA 95815 Tel: (916) 561-8200 / Fax: (916) 263-2560 / http://www.ptbc.ca.gov
Executive Officer Legislative Contact
Jason Kaiser Brooke Arneson
Business and Professions Code §§ 2600-2696 Title 16, Division 13.2, California Code of Regulations §§ 1398-1399.99.4
BUDGET ACT OF 2015: FY 2015-16
Appropriation: $4,244,000 Authorized positions: 19.1
Total Members: 7 Public Members: 3 Professional Members: 4
Last review: 2013 Inoperative/Repeal date: January 1, 2018
LICENSEE STATISTICS Category Number of Licenses
Physical Therapists Physical Therapist Assistants Kinesiological Electromyographer Electroneuromyographer
28,361 7,305 32 28
PHYSICAL THERAPIST FEES Actual Fee Statutory Limit
Application Processing Fee $125 $300 Initial License Fee $100 $150
National Examination Fee $440.60 Set by FSBPT**
CA Law Examination Fee $50 Set by FSBPT**
Biennial Renewal Fee $200 $300
Application Fee $125 $300 National Examination Fee $440.60 Set by FSBPT** CA Law Examination Fee $50 Set by FSBPT**
Biennial Renewal Fee $200 $300
* Additional fees may be necessary under Business and Professions Code § 2688 ** Fees collected and paid to the Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy; Portion of fee to Prometric (test provider)
Degree/Professional Schooling Examination Continuing Education/Competency Fingerprinting Requirement YES YES YES YES
The Physical Therapy Board of California (Board) was established in 1953 to protect California consumers from the incompetent, unprofessional, or criminal practice of physical therapy. Physical therapy is defined as the practice of rehabilitation of any physical or mental condition by the use of heat, light, water, sound, massage, and/or exercise and includes evaluation, treatment planning, instruction, and consulting services. The Board consists of seven members, four professional members and three public members. The Speaker of the Assembly and the Senate Rules Committee each appoint one public member, the rest are appointed by the Governor and Senate confirmation is not required.
Licensed physical therapists may practice physical therapy independently. To become licensed, one must file an application prescribed by the Board, possess a doctorate degree in physical therapy, pass the national physical therapy examination and pass the California Law Examination.
Foreign educated applicants must meet these same requirements, and must also successfully complete a period of clinical service after passing the national physical therapy examination, and pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language Examination.
Licensed physical therapist assistants assist a physical therapist in the practice of physical therapy, under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. To become licensed, one must file an application prescribed by the Board, possess an associate's degree in physical therapy, or qualify by meeting the equivalency requirements, and, pass the national physical therapy examination for assistants, and pass the California Law Examination. Foreign educated applicants must meet the same requirements, and
pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language Examination. Physical therapist assistant applicants are not required to complete a clinical service period.
Physical therapy aides are unlicensed individuals who may assist a physical therapist in his/her practice by performing non-patient related tasks or by performing patient related tasks, as described by the Board. Physical Therapy Aides must perform physical therapy tasks under the direct and immediate supervision of a licensed physical therapist.
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS – Business and Professions Code §§ 2650 and 2655.3
Applicants for licensure as a Physical Therapist must:
Be a graduate of a professional degree program of an accredited postsecondary institution approved by the Board. Education must include didactic, clinical, and research experience; and, clinical experience shall include a minimum of 18 weeks of full-time experience as part of the education program.
o Graduation from a foreign, non-accredited physical therapy program may be accepted, with meeting additional Board review requirements.
Applicants for licensure as a Physical Therapist Assistant must:
Be a graduate of a professional degree program of an accredited postsecondary institution approved by the Board. Education must include physical therapist assistant education program or equivalent experience.
o Graduation from a foreign, non-accredited physical therapy program may be accepted, with meeting additional Board review requirements.
RECIPROCITY – Business and Professions Code § 2636.5
Applicants for licensure as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who are licensed as such in another state, district, or territory of the United States, approved by the Board, may become licensed without a physical therapy or physical therapist assistant written examination if he/she meets all the requirements, including those licensing requirements prescribed by the Board. However, these individuals must successfully pass the California Law Examination prior to becoming licensed.
Graduate Practice – Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant “License Applicant” Status (§ 2639)
Applicants who are graduates of an approved education program or substantiated as a graduate of an approved education program, and who has filed a complete application, as defined in regulation, for licensure with the Board may be awarded “License Applicant” status by the Board. A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant applicant shall practice under the direct supervision of a licensed physical therapist as a “License Applicant”.
BOARD MEMBERS Name Appointment Expiration Date Appointment Authority/Type
Senate Confirmation
Debra Alviso (President) June 1, 2017 Governor/Professional
Jesus Dominguez June 1, 2018 Governor/Professional Daniel Drummer June 1 2018 Governor/Professional
Katarina Eleby (Vice President) June 1, 2016 Governor/Public
Alicia Rebena-Amen June 1, 2016 Governor/Professional
James Turner June 1, 2015 Assembly/Public
Carol Wallisch June 1, 2015 Senate/Public
None. NO
LEGISLATIVE HISTORY SB 800 (Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development,
Chapter 426, Statutes of 2015) amends the Physical Therapy Practice Act to eliminate the 18-week clinical experience requirement for physical therapist assistants programs.
AB 1000 (Wieckowski, Chapter 620, Statutes of 2013) allows patients to seek treatment from a licensed physical therapist without prior diagnosis from a physician if the treatment is limited to the lesser of 45 calendar days or 12 visits. The bill also allows various healing arts professional corporations to employ individuals licensed under the Business and Professions Code and specifically allows the employment of physical therapists by medical and podiatric corporations. The bill includes related disclosure requirements and guidelines for physicians and physical therapists.
SB 198 (Lieu, Chapter 389, Statutes of 2013) extended the operation of the Board until January 1, 2018, and overhauls the Physical Therapy Practice Act by reorganizing, clarifying, and rewording many of its provisions.
SB 1236 (Price, Chapter 332, Statutes of 2012) extended the repeal date of the Board to January 1, 2014.
SB 543 (Steinberg, Chapter 448, Statutes of 2011) provides that until January 1, 2013, the Board cannot take disciplinary action against a physical therapist for working for a professional medical corporation.