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In Writing: A communication capable of documentation, regardless of the method of transmission.
clubs of the district by a club ballot conducted by the governor. Any club ballot shall follow the procedure in section 12.050. as closely as possible. An enactment delivered to the general secretary shall be certified by the governor that it has been endorsed. Districts should not propose or endorse more than five enactments per council on legislation. 7.040. Purpose and Effect Statement. All legislation shall include a purpose and effect statement, not longer than 300 words, identifying the issue the legislation addresses and explaining how the legislation resolves it. 7.050. Deadline for Enactments and Position Statements. The general secretary must receive enactments by 31 December in the year before the council. The board may propose enactments it determines to be urgent by 31 December before the council convenes. The board may propose position statements any time before the council adjourns. 7.060. Duly Proposed Enactments; Defective Enactments and Position Statements. 7.060.1. Duly Proposed Enactments. An enactment is duly proposed if it complies with sections 7.020., 7.030., 7.040., and 7.050. 7.060.2. Defective Enactments. An enactment is defective if it: (a) is subject to two or more inconsistent meanings; (b) fails to amend all affected parts of the constitutional documents; (c) would violate governing law; (d) would amend the standard Rotary club constitution to conflict with the RI bylaws or the RI constitution; (e) would amend the RI bylaws to conflict with the RI constitution; or (f) would be impossible to administer or enforce. 7.060.3. Defective Position Statements. A position statement is defective if it fails to state a proposed position of RI. 7.070. Review of Legislation. The constitution and bylaws committee shall review legislation submitted to the general secretary and approve the purpose and effect statements for legislation before publication. The board authorizes the committee on its behalf to examine all legislation, advise proposers of any defects, and recommend, where feasible, corrective action. 7.070.1. Similar Legislation. For substantially similar legislation, the board authorizes the constitution and bylaws committee on its behalf to recommend compromise legislation to the proposers. If the proposers do not agree to the compromise, the committee may direct the general secretary to transmit to the council alternate legislation that expresses the objective of