Proud To Be German - American Stolz Deutsch - Amerikaner Zu Sein Visit Us At
Volume 61 Number 1
2013 February - March
Contents Of This Issue 4
From the president’s desk by Beverly Pochatko
Letter(s) To The Editor
Carl Schurz
The Opening Of The Hofbräuhaus in Chicago
Great Lakes Bay Region Working To Be New DANK Chapter
Chapter Chatter (Chapter News and Updates)
Curating Germany by Klaus Grimberg
DANK Executive Office Update by Eve Timmerhaus
Carnival In Germany by Francine McKenna
Karneval In Germany - Photos
Bißchen und Stückchen
Trends - The Old Town of Goslar in the Harz
Calendar of Events
NASA Loses a Legend - Jesco Von Puttkamer
Odds and Ends (TidBit news out of Germany)
Welcome New Members, Donations, In Sympathy
Kinder Ecke
Cover Design By Beverly Pochatko, Eve Timmerhaus and George Nagata
Editorial Staff Beverly Pochatko Eve Timmerhaus Eva Timmerhaus George Nagata Correspondents Anne Marie Fuhrig Christa Garcia Francine McKenna Desktop Publishing and Design George Nagata Advertising and Classifieds Eve Timmerhaus
General Information
German American Journal -ISSN 1086-8070 is published bi-monthly and is the official publication of the German American National Congress. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago IL. and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER” Send address changes to: German-American Journal 4740 N. Western Avenue Suite 206 Chicago IL. 60625-2013 Annual Subscrition Rate $15.00
DANK does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information published herein. DANK preserves the right to change or amend submissions for any reason without prior notice.
From ThePresident’s Desk by
Beverly Pochatko, National President Dear Members and Friends of DANK, How quickly time seems to fly by…although it does seem that winter has a tendency to slow things down a bit. Participating in any activity depends on the weather. As the New Year settles in, one thing is certain...I am privileged to have you in it! As members of DANK, we can be proud of our past accomplishments and look forward with confidence, and anticipation, to our future. I like recalling old sayings and this is one of my favorites. “An organization is only as good as its members.” Members come in all shapes and sizes. Some are the movers and shakers and others are the take-charge ‘doers’. All too often there are those who are content to just be a dues paying member. Where do you fit? I wish that there was a magic wand that I could wave and see more members becoming an active part not only on the Chapter level, but also regionally and nationally. I would like to see more members attending their chapter meetings and activities; to support the other cultural groups that work so diligently to keep the various aspects of our Germanic culture alive. Another saying is “It takes an entire village to raise a child.” How true…just as the village is there to see a child mature and go out on his/her own, it is so important that they are schooled in preserving their God-given heritage. If the village doesn’t work together, then soon it will be a thing of the past and eventually forgotten. Let’s not let that happen to DANK! As we get into the new year, I hope that you will volunteer your unique talents; volunteer to serve as an officer of your chapter; help coordinate activities and/or work on charitable projects. Each DANK member is a part of the life-blood of our organization. We depend on you for our survival for decades to come. Thank you for your loyalty and dedication to your heritage! Congratulations and top honors to Chapter Pittsburgh who sold 229 tickets for our national fund-raising raffle. They received a check in the amount of $572 for their efforts. Many kudos to the members who worked together to make this happen. Thanks to working with a bare bones budget, we have been able to greatly reduce our predicted 2012 budget deficit of -$19,000 to under -$1900! A substantial decrease of 90%! The changes we made will stay in place for 2013 and hopefully with the help of our chapters and members, we can begin to replace that amount and build a stronger DANK with a bright future. We have a great year ahead and let’s join forces and make it prosperous for DANK and all our chapters. Remember…”Working together, we can accomplish great things!” Thank you for all you do to support DANK and to preserve our German heritage. Beverly A. Pochatko, National President
DANK seeks to bring together Americans of German descent in the pursuit of cultivating and presenting their heritage and interests on local, regional and national levels. These were the primary reasons that the German American National Congress was founded in 1959 and they are still among the organization’s primary objectives today.
DANK National Executive Board President: Beverly Pochatko Vice President : James Dombrowski Treasurer: Bob Miske Secretary: Linda Voit Membership: Erik Wittmann DANK National Executive Office 4740 N. Western Avenue Chicago IL. 60625-2013 Phone: (773) 275-1100 Toll Free: 1-888-USA-DANK Office Hours: 9am - 4pm Monday, Wednesday-Friday Executive Secretary Eva Timmerhaus Office Manager Eve Timmerhaus
Letter(s) To The Editor I think your new journal and journalist is a great improvement over the old one. First the size is much easier to handle, and the table of contents make it much better to use. The Chapter Chatter column gives chapters a place to share news of what’s happening in other areas. Keep up the good work. Al Schafer, Chicago On behalf of Erie’s DANK Chapter, I would like to acknowledge the receipt of a check for $90 as our share for selling 36 of the Nationals fundraising raffle tickets. While, we wish we could have sold more, we were happy to do our part. Our chapter is far from rich; however, it is our desire to return the check to you to help build our financial reserves. There is a saying, “by your example you shall lead”. Thank you for all you are doing to keep DANK a viable organization. Margaret Potocki President – DANK Chapter 71 The German Heritage Society of Erie Responding to the Letter to the Editor article October/ November subject WWII POW Legacy. It was nice that the U.S. treated German POW’s so well, but remember the U.S. had no fighting going on here. But one must study General Eisenhower’s record to see what was going on in the treating of German POW’s under him after the war. He hated the German people and his idea was to make it as difficult as he could for the German POW’s after the war. I have a story from a survivor from one of these camps. This is just one more unknown part of the WWII that has to come out, so people know the truth.
Al Schafer, Chicago
Dear Madam or Sit: The following are four items I would like to mention: 1. I like the new magazine format very much. 2. I appreciate the article by Dr. Anne Marie Fuhrig which makes reference to German-American involvement in the Civil War. 3. I have enclosed a contribution of $100. 4. President Obama is about 5% German descent. Reference to an article from the Indiana German Heritage Society. Tom A. Bowen, Jr. Liebe Mitglieder des Netzwerks Sprachvergnügen, Ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen allen gut und Sie hatten einen angenehmen Start ins neue Jahr. Zum Jahresbeginn haben wir die Rubrik "Language and Education" unter völlig neu überarbeitet. Dort finden nun alle Deutschlerner und Deutschlehrer in den USA sowie diejenigen, die an einem Studium in oder einem Austauschprogramm mit Deutschland interessiert sind, einen benutzerfreundlichen und stets aktuellen praktischen Leitfaden zu den wichtigsten Fragen. Dieser soll unseren Nutzern einen Einstieg in die Thematik ermöglichen und verweist für weitergehende Informationen auf unsere Mittlerorganisationen und Partner in den USA. Da die vorhandenen Informationsquellen und Angebote mannigfaltig sind, wollen wir Ihnen auch ermöglichen, sich durch Kommentare und Vorschläge einzubringen. Hierfür haben wir in der Rubrik ein Kontaktformular eingerichtet. Wir hoffen, unser neuer Internetauftritt kann Ihnen weiterhelfen und freuen uns jederzeit über Anmerkungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge. Mit den besten Wünschen für das neue Jahr. Jacob Comenetz, Cultural Affairs Officer Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Submit a Letter to the Editor To submit a letter to the editor, email The German American Journal welcomes letters from our readers. Letters should not exceed 150 words. We reserve the right to edit and shorten the text. Anonymous letters and letters using a pseudonym will not be published.
Carl Schurz
Carl Schurz was born in Cologne, Germany, on 2nd March, 1829. While studying at the University of Bonn he became involved in radical politics. He was forced to flee to Switzerland for having taken part in the 1848 German Revolution. Schurz immigrated to the United States in 1852. Schurz and his wife lived in New York for a while before buying a farm in Watertown, Wisconsin. A strong supporter of universal suffrage, Schurz once wrote: "Our ideals resemble the stars, which illuminate the night. No one will ever be able to touch them. But the men, who, like the sailors on the ocean, take them for guides, will undoubtedly reach their goal.” Soon after his arrival in the U.S. he visited Washington. Of his visit he wrote: “My first impressions of the political capital of the great American Republic were rather dismal. Washington looked at that period like a big, sprawling village, consisting of scattered groups of houses which were overtopped by a few public buildings - the Capitol, only what is now the central part was occupied, as the two great wings in
which the Senate and the House of Representatives now sit were still in the process of construction; the Treasury, the two wings of which were still lacking; the White House; and the Patent Office, which also harbored the Department of the Interior. The departments of State, of War, and of the Navy were quartered in small, very insignificant looking houses which might have been the dwelling of some well-todo shopkeepers. There was not one solidly built-up street in the whole city - scarcely a block without gaps of dreary emptiness.” On April 18th, 1859 in a speech to members of the Republican Party in Massachusetts, Schurz said: “I wish the words of the Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created free and equal, and are endowed with certain inalienable rights," were inscribed upon every gatepost within the limits of this republic. From this principle the revolutionary fathers derived their claim to independence; upon this they founded the institutions of this country; and the whole structure was to be the living incarnation of this idea.” A leading member of the Republican Party, in 1860 Schurz campaigned for Abraham Lincoln in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. After the election, President Lincoln appointed Schurz as U.S. envoy to Spain. Schurz was an active campaigner against slavery and on the outbreak of the American Civil War joined the forces of the Union Army. He asked for and received permission from President Lincoln to form a regiment in New York by recruiting Germans living in New York Later he wrote: “I found that many of the German cavalrymen I had counted upon had
FEBRUARY/MARCH 2013 already enlisted in the infantry regiments then forming. But there were enough of them left to enable me to organize several companies in a very short time, before being asked to negotiate with European governments on behalf of Abraham Lincoln.” Carl Schurz was with General William Sherman when Sherman received a telegraphic message from Secretary Stanton, containing the announcement of the assassination of President Lincoln. “The terrible news was kept secret from our troops, to be revealed to them by general order the next day. I well remember the effect the announcement had upon them. The camps, which for two days had been fairly resounding with jubilation over the advent of peace, suddenly fell into gloomy stillness. The soldiers admired their great generals, but their good "Father Abraham", they loved.” After the war Schurz worked as the Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune. This was followed by a period as editor-in-chief of the Detroit Post. In 1867 he became editor of the German language newspaper, the Westliche Post, in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1893, at the Chicago's World Fair, Schurz said: “I have always been in favor of a healthy Americanization, but that does not mean a complete disavowal of our German heritage. It means that our character should take on the best of that which is American, and combine it with the best of that which is German. By doing this, we can best serve the American people and their civilization.” Carl Schurz died on 14th May, 1906.
The Opening Of The Hofbräuhaus Chicago In Rosemont IL
At 9:00 p.m. January 21, 2013, the Hofbräuhaus Chicago in Rosemont, IL became open to the public. Earlier in the evening, hundreds of friends, family, fans and the media attended the pre-opening party. Media members were given a tour of the brewery and kitchen and were allowed to ask questions about the restaurant, the beer, the food and the operations. There was the traditional ribbon cutting that took place at the entrance in the souvenir store and the keg tapping on the stage led by principal owner Josef Matuschka and Rosemont Mayor Bradley Stephens. Entertainment provided by the Die 3 Zünftigen Trio from Austria. The guests were served a large sample of the items on the menu starting with the appetizer that included a variety of German cold cuts, cheeses, veggies and their famous pretzels imported from Munich. The main course had their grilled chicken, pork roast, a variety of sausages and dumplings. Dessert was a platter of assorted pastries. Everyone was also allowed to sample any one of the four beers brewed on the premises known as the fab four. A priest blessed the restaurant and declared it as “A great place to enjoy life”. All of the busy servers operate like one big happy family. The Hofbräuhaus is about enjoying life!
A Great Place To Enjoy Life!
Owner Josef Matuschka and Rosemont Mayor Bradley Stephens cutting the ribbon.
Top chefs: Steve Leonard, Franz Krondorfer and Klaus Lotter
Some of the DANK members that attended the opening.
Tapping the keg
Great Lakes Bay Region, Michigan is working on becoming the Newest Chapter in the DANK Family of Chapters
Submitted by Chris Weeks-–Bay City and Erik Wittmann – National Membership Chair It is with great pride that we are able Germany. Bill, who was stationed man culture in this region. A second to announce that the Great Lakes in Germany with the U.S. Army, fell meeting took place on Jan 7, 2013 Bay Region in Michigan is about to in love with the German culture, with some new faces, some authentic form a chapter. Through the effort and is even a founding member of German pastries, and as in the first of current member Monte Oswald the Hosenträger Club. Bay City is a meeting, traditional German and and Bill and Elaine Fournier, mem- small, tightly knit community, and American songs were sung thanks bers are being recruited to form this of course the Stein Haus has provid- to the club pianist, Harold Miller. Great Lakes Bay Chapter. ed the perfect location for anyone of The group is made up of folks that The city of Bay City, Michigan is German descent or interest in great are German, have lived in Germany, located at the base of Saginaw Bay German food, beer, and culture to speak some German, are of German on Lake Huron with a population meet, dine, drink and enjoy Gemüt- descent, and those who are just plain of approximately 35,000. Bay City lichkeit! interested in being part of something was formerly considered part of the Monte Oswald, a current at-large new and exciting in this region. Tri-Cities of Saginaw, Midland, and member of DANK, approached Special thanks to the following peoBay City, but is now part of the new- Bill, made some phone calls, and ple who attended the first two meetly formed Great Lakes Bay Region. set up a first meeting on Decem- ings: Tom Bork, Walter Hagen, Bill The city of Bay City was incorporat- ber 17, 2012 to start the process of Fournier, Harold Miller, Franz Ernst, ed in 1865 and was originally called forming what will be known as the Dean Woods, Allan and Karon NiLower Saginaw due to its closer “Great Lakes Bay Region” chapter of etzke, Monte Oswald, Alyssa Weeks, proximity to the Saginaw Bay. In the DANK. Monte and Bill along with 8 Bernard Markel, Kirk Elsea, Kevin latter part of the 19th Century, both other interested folks from the local Leinberger, and Chris Weeks. Saginaw and Bay City grew largely area had a wonderful first meeting, This core group will be undertakdue to the lumber and ship building enjoyed fellowship, and got the ball ing a further membership drive this industries both of which have since rolling towards what will be a great Spring with the hope of having a ceased to exist. The city also has a new club that will be involved in the formal “Charter” granted by May 1, large German and Polish population community, help to grow interest 2013. and at one time had the interesting in, and preserve the wonderful Gerdistinction of having the most bars per capita in the United States. Bay City’s sister city in Germany is the town of Ansbach, which is located approximately 25 miles southwest of Nuremberg in the heart of Bavaria’s Middle Franconia. Bay City has a beautiful river front setting and has become a regional destination for great locally owned and operated bars, restaurants, and unique stores. One of these great locations located near the river is a wonderful German bar and restaurant called Stein Haus. The restaurant was founded by Bill and Elaine Fournier in early 1999, and has an eclectic collection of German décor, and well over 1000 beer steins from
Chapter Chatter Pittsburgh Chapter Celebrated Christmas and is getting Ready for Fasching with Rhineland Karneval
Not being satisfied with one successful party, the Pittsburgh Chapter is shooting for another with its forthcoming plans for Karneval or commonly known in the USA as Mardi Gras. Our new Social Committee as chaired by Mary Wagner took on this project in order to keep the fun going. At our December Christmas party we had close to 150 person in attendance with good food, entertainment, and our own Christkindle Markt, including a Christmas Raffle, with each prize being valued at over 125 dollars. The outcome was very positive and thanks to Program Chair Erna Jochum, we had a wonderful program. This event was her swan song since she is handing over the job to one of our younger members but we all know Erna will be there to assist.
While our Christmas buffet was made up of a variety of fine German fare like beef and mashed potatoes, brats and Sauer kraut, chicken and Spätzle our Rhineland Karneval will feature more New Orleans style food and pastries including King Cakes and Krapfen. Due to a limited space issue unlike our Christmas party reservations will be required ahead of time with this event. While we took numerous pictures at the Christmas party, which can be seen on the Chapter web site (www., here are three that show some of our young performers, our raffle drawing and Erna with a Raffle basket winner. See you all at the Rhineland Karneval.
Erna & Member with winners basket Erik, Ruby and Helper with raffle Ticket
By William R. Troutman A nice Christmas luncheon followed by a sing along of traditional German Christmas songs and topped off with cake and coffee for desert was PERFECT for a wet and cold winter’s day. We were blessed when Reverend Gregory Fiechtner of the Saint Paul Lutheran Church invited us back again this year for our Christmas party on December 15. Special this year: Frau Melanie Mello, German Teacher at Saint Joseph High School, brought 11 small children to sing a song and share a poem ALL IN GERMAN. Let’s hope she makes this a yearly event. The children were wonderful Melanie! Santa Claus this year was played by our very own Günter Kison. You were good too Günter! Finally, we thank Ernst Zeller for his generous contribution to the Church this year and in previous years.
Chapter Chatter
Dank Chapter Lake County, IL Weihnachtsfeier Ushered In The Holiday Season By Ursula Hoeft While most of us are now thinking about tulips and daffodils, not Christmas trees, it still is enjoyable to reflect on the past Holiday Season. Members and guests of Chapter Lake County gathered at the Lake Forest American Legion Hall on December 2 for the Chapter's Weihnachtsfeier and luncheon. The cooking was done by Santa's elves, (so we were told) and they had prepared a sumptuous – and elegant buffet. No doubt they received plenty of help from Ludwina Homer, our party planner extraordinaire! But there was more to the party than fabulous food. The meal was followed by a Christmas carol singalong to music played on his button box accordion by Chapter member Erwin Goering. The lovely Christmas tree and festive decorations – glühwein, too – provided a perfect holiday ambiance. Of course, Gemütlichkeit was non-stop as friendships were enjoyed, some renewed, and new friendships formed. We can hardly wait until next year's Weihnachtsfeier! On January 13th, to break up the winter doldrums, we took to the bowling lanes. Chapter members, Brigitte and the Rev. Richard Käske suggested bowling as a Chapter activity two years ago. They organized a terrific bowling party and they were definitely a "tough act to follow." Judy Kanka, Chapter Recording Secretary, agreed to take over this year and, like everything she tackles, she did a yeoman's job! Members and friends met at Berlowed by bowling, pizza and cama-
raderie. While the meeting dealt with Chapter business, the bowling was strictly for fun. A few experienced members came with their own bowling balls, but even those with little or no experience managed to tally up decent scores. Admittedly, 'bumpers" that kept balls from going into the gutter were a big help to some of us. "Junior" bowlers Ava and Gwennie Young, Judy and Rick Kanka's granddaughters, who had their own special way to propel the ball at those stubborn pins, knocked plenty of them down. We could see 300 game bowlers in the making! While not everyone who came to the bowling alley bowled – some came just to watch and socialize – everybody took part in the pizza party afterward. It may not be traditional German cuisine, but pizza is
always a hit. Thanks to Judy, we once again enjoyed a fun afternoon at the bowling alley on a gloomy Sunday in January.
Chapter Chatter
DANK Chapter Milwaukee Celebrates Chor 30th Anniversary
Chor president Kathy Kabitzke with Santa (Don Wohlfieil)
by Jane Nacker DANK Chapter Milwaukee will celebrate their Chor’s 30th anniversary with a dinner, concert, and dance on April 20, 2013. Over the years, the Chor has performed traditional German songs for countless German events, in choral competitions, and in combination with other German choral groups. In the past year, the Chor performed at its annual concert, the Mitchell Domes’ Germany Under Glass, Milwaukee’s German Fest, and the United German Choruses of Milwaukee Weihnachtskonzert. Currently led by DANK Milwaukee Chor President Kathleen Kabitzke, the Chor practices on Wednesday evenings at the
German Fest office. New members are welcome. The anniversary celebration will be held at the Richfield Chalet in Hubertus, WI. The Chor will perform a concert and sing-a-long throughout the night. Dance music will be provided by Blaskapelle Milwaukee. Tickets are $25 for adults, which includes the dinner, concert, dance, and a door prize drawing. Event proceeds will be used to support German education programs. For information, tickets, and reservations, please contact DANK Milwaukee President Ron Kabitzke at 262-6756336.
From the NW Corner of Pennsylvania How fast the holiday season flew by! As our custom, the first weekend in December we gathered our families to start the preparation for Christmas. We had a change of venue this year to the Rotunda of BrewErie – located in our former train station. The Rotunda is a great place and one can see the brewing process going on where once many passengers walked to board their trains. Lots of memories and memorabilia here on trains and breweries! It was tastefully decorated for Christmas and the children were in awe learning about the history of the station. Following a delicious Brunch that catered to both the younger set and “older” generation (and I use that tongue in cheek) was great. For the first time, we served hot Glühwein and Jeff Chase our VP led a toast for the coming year. Everyone loves singing and thanks to Rich Hartman and our members of the Gesangverein
who led us in the traditional songs of Christmas. While we were singing, Santa paid his annual visit and oh what fun! Little Elliott Gruber could hardly contain his excitement as he waited for his gift. While the members enjoyed their coffee and cookies, the older youngsters found the Billiards table and getting permission learned how to play pool. It was a wonderful day, and there was no snow to dampen our spirits. February 9th, we celebrate Fasching/Karneval/Mardi Gras (your choice) at BrewErie. The balloons provide a festive atmosphere as our DJ Don Cowey gets us started followed by an Erie favorite the German Beernuts Band. There were plenty of beads to share and a prize for the best costume. Great venue, delicious food buffet, krapfen/fastnacht donuts, crafted beers, crowd pleasing music! What more could we ask for?
We look forward to Spring – the jumping board to our summer activities. Frohe Ostern! Margaret Potocki, President Chapter 71, the German Heritage Society of Erie.
Elliott, Karle, Savannah, Santa, Paige, Nick, Karle
Chapter Chatter DANK Chapter Uniontown, PA The Uniontown DANK Chapter celebrated the holiday season with a gala Christmas party at the Duck Hollow Golf Club on 12/12/12. This was the second year at this festive venue with its twinkling lights and towering Christmas tree. A roast beef and turkey dinner was superb and the newly baked cookies left nothing to be desired. After dinner Dr. Jean Braun, the incoming chapter president, prepared Feuerzangenbowle which we enjoyed while watching the traditional “Dinner for One” movie, which always brings on laughs. Seven
members of the nearby Bruderhof community performed traditional German carols accompanying themselves with guitar and recorder. A guest of honor was a German exchange high school student. She told of her family’s modern Christmas traditions and then members told of their memories of German Christmases long ago. Club members joined in singing carols. A grab bag gift exchange and the raffle of several gift baskets completed the program.
Members and guests enjoying Christmas dinner at the Banquet Hall
President Braun serving Glühwein to member Anneliese Ross
DANK Chicago West hosts a “Schnapps and Hops” fundraiser
Members from DANK Chicago West and South
We’d like to thank everyone for coming out to our first annual “Schnapps and Hops” event at Beacon Pub in Forest Park, IL. Our event had over 50 people who came out to support our fundraiser for a scholarship for a student studying German in college and we raised $500. Gemutlichkeit
by Fred Leinweber
Chapter Presidents Fred Leinweber (Chicago West) and Gary Dietz (Chicago South)
was served along with schnapps, bier and brats! A big thank you to DANK south members for coming out to support our event and new member Dan Roeder for tending bar and to Pete Mantel and Andrea Leinweber for helping organize our event!
Raffle winners - Grand Prize winner Brian Becker DANK Fox Valley (center)
Chapter Chatter DANK Chapter Springfield, IL
by Jeff Engel, President Wow! Hasn't this been a great year! Rose Moser: Fröbel Sterne Queen. I congratulate this past year’s board Thanks to Jean Dowel for her musifor all of their hard work! What a cal talents and Vicki Oldani for her great spin of events we've had to wonderful students who blessed us end this year! The Election, Toten- with their voices at the Christkindlsonntag, Christkindlmarkt, Vespers, markt and at the Christmas party. and our incredible Christmas Party You know we have had some of the were the last spectacular events of most wonderful guest speakers at the year! God did we have fun! I and the dinners! Paul Herche thank you we, the board, thank you for your for all of your hard work! Your prosupport for all of these events. You, grams were great! the members, inspire us through Thank you Willy and Irmgard Maryour ever growing attendance. Just ick for their generous gifts as the siwait and see what the New Year will lent gifters for the Christmas party! bring! I can't wait! Everyone was blown away of your We have some special members I extravagant gift and talent Irmgard! would like to thank for their above The toast was on you! Thank you! and beyond contributions to the Can’t forget Tom Woodrome and club. Lou and Hilda Szabo for their the wonderful gifts that he got dogenerous use of their club house, nated from local vendors! Thank you monetary donations and Hilda’s Tom!! wonderful baked goods! Carol and Now, Lynne and Chuck, our newsBob Norton, what more can be said letter is the most incredible source of for their years of brilliance taking information any club could have! All care of the graves at Camp Butler. of the other clubs steal our info. Love God bless what you do for the in- it! You are the best! I know next year terned soldiers. The reception at will blow us away! Thank you! Thank their home is off the charts! Also, I you! Thank you! would like to thank George Hoban Ok, every club has a brilliant memfor his monetary and gift donations. ber which is the glue. Pat Milner is Edith Baumhardt had a brilliant that glue. She calls all members to thought! The Christkindlmarkt, Lord come to events, creates the events, where can I start? This was one of the knows birthdays, anniversaries, most successful fundraisers we have new members, and makes the most had in years! An iron fist,(Ha! Ha! decadent homemade desserts! She Ha!) led a talented group of artists gives me a list before every dinner or to create at the hand of our own Bill event. Her in-depth research makes Ryan: Straw art chairman, Elisabeth me look great! Humphrey : Scherenschnitte Queen,
Have you paid your 2013 dues?
DANK Chapter Listing ARIZONA Phoenix IOWA Quad Cities ILLINOIS Chicago Chicago South Chicago West Fox Valley Lake County Northern Suburbs Peoria Springfield INDIANA Indianapolis LaFayette South Bend MICHIGAN Benton Harbor NEW JERSEY Pascack Valley OHIO Cleveland PENNSYLVANIA Erie Pittsburgh Uniontown WASHINGTON DC Washington DC WISCONSIN Milwaukee Go To for more information
Curating Germany
Twenty-five years of the German Historical Museum by Klaus Grimberg To mark the 750th anniversary of the city of Berlin, the government of West Germany endowed West Berlin with a German Historical Museum (DHM). The founding charter was handed to Director ChristophStölzl on Oct. 28, 1987 at an official ceremony in the Reichstag building – now the seat of the German parliament. The ceremony was the culmination of years of contentious debate. Many historians, and others wondered whether such a gift might not have a hidden agenda. Chancellor Helmut Kohl, a major supporter of the museum idea, had caused considerable confusion and indignation by declaring an “intellectual and moral turning point” when he took office in 1983. In the light of this comment, skeptics were concerned that the museum was meant as a “national identification machine.” Some critics feared the founding of the museum could herald a neo-conservative “cleaning up” of German history. Twenty-five years on, such concerns appear misplaced. But the perspective in 1987 was a different one: Germany and Berlin were still divided by an apparently insurmountable border. The West German government saw the DHM as a counterweight to communist East Germany’s “Museum for German History,” housed since 1952 in the Zeughaus (Arsenal) on Unter den Linden in central East Berlin. In the German-German struggle between competing political systems, each side sought to exploit the Berlin jubilee to establish its own interpretation of their shared history.
In 1980s West Germany, there was also a generally-held suspicion that concepts such as “nation” or “identity” were simply ways to relativize the crimes of the Nazi era. Many intellectuals held fundamental reservations about the study of “German history,” which they equated almost with moral betrayal. The fear
was that the German Historical Museum project could only be aimed at reaching a new interpretation, and quite possibly even a reinterpretation of recent history. The result of the debate was an independent committee of experts appointed in 1985, and made up of prominent historians,
A portrait of the “Iron Chancellor” Otto von Bismarck by Franz von Lenbach 1879.
FEBRUARY/MARCH 2013 which still formulates valid central questions for the DHM to this day. But the development of the museum project was even more decisively influenced by history itself. The fall of the Wall and German reunification opened up completely new horizons, rendering obsolete already-advanced plans to build a new museum on the banks of the River Spree close to where the Chancellery building is today. The Unification Treaty put the building and the collections of the Museum for German History in East Berlin at the disposal of the DHM. In late October, Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Minister of State for Culture Bernd Neumann and the Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit celebrated the 25th birthday of the museum with invited guests from the worlds of politics and culture. Speakers recalled the fears that accompanied the foundation of the DHM. That those concerns turned out to be groundless, said Merkel, was due to the “consistently European approach” adopted by the museum from the very outset. Neumann described the DHM as an “historic calling card for our nation”. The museum’s multi-perspective view of German history has set high standards in more than 200 special presentations as well as the permanent exhibition, which opened in 2006. It has become the museum’s trademark that beyond the conveyance of historical facts, its exhibitions also raise questions and stimulate debate. History and discourse – a two-pronged approach that makes the DHM, which attracts 800,000 visitors each year, one of Berlin’s most popular institutions. What is “German?” What is “German history?” Today, these are questions that cannot be addressed in isolation. And at the same time, anyone devoting themselves to these
GERMAN AMERICAN JOURNAL issues no longer needs to agonize over them. The ideological blinkers have been set aside and the museum must meet new challenges from a content content point of view. How can young people be inspired to enjoy history; does it need revised, multimedia forms of presentation? Or should the museum just concentrate on its strength, the original witnesses to history? But above all else: How can this interest in the past impact upon perceptions of the future, what expectations of tomorrow can be derived from insights into yester-
day? In addition, the DHM will in future have to deal even more intensively with detailed questions raised by the advisory committee at the time of its foundation – for example the conflicting poles of poor and rich, male and female, freedom and dictatorship. In a globalized world in which national identifications and sensitivities are increasingly less defined, a historical museum is also called upon to fathom the social dimensions of history.
In the German Historical Museum: the famous painting of religious reformer Martin Luther by Lucas Cranach 1539.
First published in “The Atlantic Times” - Issue November 2012
DANK Executive Office Update by
Eve Timmerhaus We hope all our members and friends had joyous holiday, and are looking forward to Fasching and Easter! The National Office is looking for several interns to help us out on a day to day basis. Our requirements are: You must live in Chicago, or have reliable transportation. The bulk of your work time will be spent in the Executive Office at the DANK Haus, on Chicago’s north side. You should be available between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Visit us at:
All interns must have access to a personal laptop which they can bring to the office on a daily basis You should be an ambitious hard worker. We know everyone says this, but it’s really very important. We are looking for interns for Marketing, Graphic Design and Web Design. If you're interested, send us an email describing your background, availability, interests to with the word 'Intern' in the subject.
The Music World celebrates 200 Years of Richard Wagner In 2013, the music and theater world everywhere will be celebrating German composer Richard Wagner on the 200th anniversary of his birth and the 130th anniversary of his death. The Wagner Year celebrations in Germany are centered on the towns of Leipzig, where he was born, and Bayreuth, which is most closely associated with his work, as well as the Bayreuth Festival, which he founded. In honor of this special year, the Bayreuth Festival is further enriched by a broad accompanying program and a series of special projects.
(Posted on Google Earth)
If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following: There would be: 57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south 8 Africans 52 would be female 48 would be male
70 would be nonwhite 30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian 30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual 11 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the U.S.A. 80 would live in substandard housing 70 would be unable to read 50 would suffer from malnutrition 1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth 1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education 1 would own a computer
Carnival In Germany
Schwaebisch-Alemannischen Fastnacht by Francine McKenna, Staff Columnist
It is not a good idea on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday for the women of South West Germany to chase any man who happens to be in the area and cut off his tie, without expecting to receive a police reprimand at the very least. Nor is there any point in looking forward to seeing which politicians or newsmakers are lampooned in the Rose Monday parade, unless in close proximity to a television. Because for both of these traditions it is the wrong part of Germany and the wrong carnival celebration. Fastnacht, Fasting Eve, the carnival in South West Germany, and Rhineland’s Karneval with a day when streets are controlled by women and where floats carry political messages on Rosen Montag, parades are filled with stylized military uniforms, and large amounts of alcohol are consumed, are held on the same days but there any resemblance ends. Schwaebisch-Alemannischen Fastnacht is a time of feasts and masquerades which begins with
Schmotzigen Donnerstag instead of the Weiberfastnacht, Women’s Carnival, of Rheinland. Literally “Greasy Thursday”, it was when animals were slaughtered ready for Lent, and food cooked during the following days was rich in fat, the grease used for baking and the meat preserved, the origins of Black Forest Ham. Chaos rules, authority overthrown, the keys to local government offices are given to Narren, the masked and costumed ‘fools’ who keep them until Tuesday and who will spend the morning racing from school to school ‘freeing’ pupils. Many of the Narren’s costumes and hand carved wooden full face masks will have been handed down through generations, and traditional designs originating in the Middle Ages are still followed when carving new masks. Although today they are
made from linden or pine wood instead of the leather, fur, straw or clay from those days. Donuts are the food of the day and in a tradition which has taken something of a detour almost everyone will have at least one, if not many more. (continued next page)...
Every year in pre-Christian Europe the ‘lucky’ man who found a bean in his piece of King’s Cake was chosen to be the sacred king for his tribe, and at the end of the year he was sacrificed and his blood returned to the soil to ensure the years harvest would be successful. Somehow this evolved into the more humane custom of eating one of a huge variety Fastnachtskrapfen, Carnival Donuts, the traditional fatty treat produced to symbolically empty the pantry of all the lard, sugar, fat and butter forbidden during Lent, and which can be filled with anything from simple jelly and flavored cream to something containing more than a little alcohol. Although there will often be one with mustard just to add to the carnival mood, and destined to be a surprise for whoever bites into it expecting Rum Mousse or Strawberry Jelly. Schmotzigen Donnerstag means an evening with Hexensprung. Bonfires are lit throughout the region and hundreds of carnival witches, in skirts and aprons and carrying their brooms, make as much noise as they can while jumping through the flames to burn away the cold weather months, and, if Fastnacht is taking place early enough in the year, their brooms are put to use sweeping away
the snow, as well as the evil spirits of winter. Saturday brings more communal partying and the traditional end of winter bonfires which are lit as darkness falls and kept burning throughout the night. Including some that will have an effigy representing old man winter or a witch, a pagan ritual symbolizing the chasing away of all cold and winter related spirits. In this part of Germany carnival is not only the beginning of the Christian tradition of Lent, and what used to be a 40 day-long fast, but also a return to pagan times when the bad spirits of cold and winter were hunted down by revelers dressed as animals, witches, demons or earthly spirits to enable the return of spring and renew the cycle of life. Which is why, unlike the Rheinlander’s Karneval, there is a distinct lack of any type of political comment in any of the carnival processions taking place on Fasnachtsmontag and Fasnachtsdienstag, Carnival Monday and Tuesday. Instead it is left to the Fools, Witches, Devils and Goblins in their grotesque masks and multi-colored costumes to cause chaos. Almost every town or village will hold at least one procession with its background of brass bands, drummers and bells, the noise designed
to drive away any remaining witches and spirits as well as banish winter. Masked, costumed and mischievous ‘Haestraeger’, costume wearers, charge into the crowds of spectators lining the streets, rub soot or blacking onto faces, throw hay, snow or confetti into hair and clothing, steal hats, or even shoes, tie people together, all the time screaming, shouting, stamping and encouraging retaliation. Standing close to any procession as it goes by is a risky business. The Fastnacht season begins on Three Kings Day, January 6, and its call of “Helau” begins to be heard, but it is only during the last few days that the costumes, the majority based on dark and ugly figures representing the cold season and a contrasting with those of the bright colorful spirits of spring, come out of storage. (continued on page 34...)
Karneval In Germany
Bißchen und Stückchen
Der Goldschatz kehrt zurück
Goldbarren im Wert von fast 140 Milliarden Euro befinden sich im Besitz der Bundesbank. Ein großer Teil davon lagert jedoch im Ausland - noch. Die Bundesbank besitzt nach den USA die zweitgrößten Goldreserven der Welt. Ende 2011 waren es 3396 Tonnen im Wert von 133 Milliarden Euro. Nach dem Höhenflug des Goldpreises dürften es aktuell sogar etwa 142 Milliarden Euro sein. Verwahrt werden die Goldbarren von der Bundesbank in eigenen Tresoren in Frankfurt am Main sowie an drei Lagerstellen im Ausland: Bei der US-Notenbank Fed in New York, der französischen Nationalbank in Paris und der Bank of England in London.
Golden Globes für Haneke und Waltz Der deutsch-österreichische Schauspieler Christoph Waltz hat den US-Filmpreis Golden Globe als bester Nebendarsteller für seine Rolle als Kopfgeldjäger Western „Django Unchained“ von Quentin Tarantino gewonnen. Auch die österreichisch-deutsche Co-Produktion„Lie be“ des österreichischen Regisseurs Michael Haneke wurde ausgezeichnet.
Bißchen und Stückchen
Auch in diesem Jahr kamen mehr Bundeskanzlerin empfängt Sternsinger im Kanzleramt als hundert Kinder und Jugendliche aus 27 deutschen Bistümern ins Bundeskanzleramt und wurden dort von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel empfangen. Sie waren stellvertretend für fast 500.000 Sternsinger nach Berlin eingeladen worden. Die Aktion der Sternsinger stand dieses Jahr unter dem Motto „Segen bringen, Segensein – Für Gesundheit in Tansania und weltweit“. Damit wollen die Sternsinger darauf aufmerksammachen, dass alle Kinder ein Recht auf Gesundheit haben. In Tansania beispielsweise ist die Kindersterblichkeit äußerst hoch. Jedes zehnte Kind erlebt noch nicht einmal seinen fünften Geburtstag. Der Empfang der Sternsinger war für Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel wie bereits in den Vorjahren der erste öffentliche Termin. „Wenn man sich euch anschaut, dann sieht man, dass das Jahr farbenfroh beginnt“, freute sich die Bundeskanzlerin. Das macht Mut.
VW Golf 2012 wieder meist verkauftes Einbrecher graben 45 -Meter-Tunnel in Berliner Bank Auto in Deutschland Der VW Golf ist mit einem Absatz von 240.700 Stück im vergangenen Jahr erneut das meist verkaufte Auto in Deutschland gewesen. Obwohl der Golf und das Schwestermodell Jetta mit einem Absatzrückgang um fast sieben Prozent deutlich mehr verloren als der Ge samtmarkt (minus 2,9Prozent), lag das liebste Auto der Bundesbürger immer noch um Längen vor der Konkurrenz. Das geht aus Zahlen des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtsvom Montag hervor. An zweiter Stelle der Statistik folgt der Passat von Volkswagen mit 89.333 Neuzulassungen (minus 13,7Prozent) vor dem Kleinwagen VW Polo 76.507 (minus 16 Prozent). Auf dem vierten Platz liegt die C-Klasse von Mercedes mit 69.052 Neuzulassungen (minus 13,5Prozent). Der gesamte deutsche Automarkt fiel 2012 um 2,9 Prozent auf 3,08 Millionen Stück.
Unbekannte haben in der Nacht einen spektakulären Einbruch in eine Bank im Berliner Stadtteil Steglitz verübt. Die Täter gruben einen 30 Meter langen Tunnel von einer Tiefgarage zu der Filiale der Berliner Volksbank, sagte eine Polizeisprecherin. Durch den Tunnel drangen sie in den Tresorraum ein, brachen alle Schließfächer auf und verschwanden unbemerkt mit der Beute. Wieviel Geld die Einbrecher mitnahmen, ist noch unbekannt. Eine Polizeisprecherin sagte, der Tunnel sei professionell gegraben worden und beginne mit einem Durchbruch in der Tiefgarage hinter der Bank. Die Polizei is sicher, dass ein solcher Tunnel nicht in einer Nacht zu graben ist. Der Bau könne Tage oder Wochen gedauert haben. In der Tiefgarage gebe es einzelne Stellplätze, die mit Rolltoren abgetrennt und deshalbnicht von außen einsehbar seien. Von dortaus konnten die Täter offenbar unbehelligt graben und bauen. In der Nacht gelang den Einbrechern dann offenbar der Durchbruch in den Raum der Bank.
Trends (Food - Music - Books - Travel) The Old Town of Goslar in the Harz - imperial city and UNESCO World Heritage Site
Goslar Marketplace
The thousand- year old town of Goslar is situated on the northern edge of the Harz, and with its historic charm, cultural treasures and the beautiful inner town is a popular destination for cultural and individual travelers.
In 1992, Rammelsberg Ore Mine and Goslar’s Old Town are together included in the list of World Cultural Heritage Sites. The Rammelsberg Mine is the only mine in the world that has been in continuous use for over a thousand years. Today, the museum welcomes visitors and guests with various mine tours and a calendar of events. Since 2010, the Upper Harz Water Management as one of the world's largest pre-industrial energy supply systems, been
added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. On the central market square highup in the gable of the Kaiserringhaus the famous glockenspiel rings daily at 9 am, 12 noon 3 pm and 6 pm. The wooden figures tell the story tell the history of mining Rammelsberg Ore Mine, since the discovery of the mine by the Knight Ritter, up to modern times. The central market square of Goslar is also surrounded by beautiful historic buildings, such as the Old Town Hall, the "Kämmereigebäude" and the "Kaiserwörth". In the center the historic well (dating back to the 11th century) is crowned by the symbol of Goslar, a golden eagle Also worth seeing is the Imperial Palace (continued next page...)
Trends (Food - Music - Books - Travel)
Kaiserpfalz Foslar (Photo: Peter HW Kamin, Goslar Marketing gmbh)
(Kaiserpfalz), which was built between 1040 and 1050 under the reign of Henry III, with its extensive exhibition on the history of the migratory empire. The Imperial Palace is a unique monument of secular architecture and housed in the palace chapel under a grave stone is the heart of the deceased Emperor Henry III. A large selection of museums can be found in Goslar; like the Mรถnchehaus Museum of Modern Art, the Hall of Homage at the Town Hall, the Zwinger Museum of the late Middle Ages, plus many examples of public art are just a selection of the cultural offerings of Goslar. The churches and chapels, Goslar's fortifications and the Guild Houses invite you to a journey into the past. Tourist-Information Goslar Markt 7 38640 Goslar Telefon: 05321-7806 - Fax: 05321780644 Euro ~ U.S. Dollar January 28, 2013
Altstadt Goslar (Photo: Stefan Schiefer)
1 Euro = 1.34 U.S. Dollars 1 Dollar = .7422 Euros
Calendar Of Events
1 Benton Harbor, MI. Monthly Fish Fry. Doors open at 5:30 PM. $9 per adult and $4 per child (ages 2-12). Food is served at 6 PM. DANK Haus 2651 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor, MI. For more information: 269-926-6652. 2 Frankfort, IL. Fasching! Music by Eddie Korosa Jr. Doors open at 5PM. Music begins at 6PM. Advanced tickets: adult, $10 .Tickets at the door: adult, $15. For tickets please call: Anita at 708-636-3074. DANK Haus, 25249 S Center Rd., Frankfort, IL. 2 Milwaukee, WI. Board Meeting. 3:00 pm. Germanfest Office, 8229 West Capitol Dr. , Milwaukee, WI 2 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, “Weiner Mädels”, doors open at Noon, Vorfilm at 1 pm, feature at 2 pm $4 for DANK members, $6 for nonmembers. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit www. 6 Milwaukee, WI. Singing, 7PM. Germanfest Office, 8229 West Capitol Dr, Milwaukee, WI. 8 Chicago, IL. Kulturekueche Krapfen Class. 7:30 pm. 4740 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL. For more information call: 773-561-9181 or visit 9 Erie, PA Celebrate Fasching with DANK Chapter Erie at the Brewerie at Union Station. 7-11 PM. Open to the public. Call 814-456-9599 for info or 9 South Park, PA. 7 pm Rhineland Karneval/Fasching/ Mardi Gras- Buffalo Inn – South Park- tickets need to be purchased in advance to guarantee seating – for more information check the Pittsburgh Chapter web site – www. 9 Benton Harbor, MI. Valentine Dance. Music by Eddie Korosa & The Boys. Doors. Open 6PM. DANK Haus, 2651 N Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor, MI. For more information: 269-926-6652.
9 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, “Wetter Leuchten um Maria”. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773561-9181 or visit 13 Milwaukee, WI. Dancing, 6PM. Singing 7PM 15 Chicago, IL. Stammtisch. Monthly Open House. 7:30 pm DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave Chicago, IL. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit www. 16 Carnegie, PA. 10:30 AM DANK Pittsburgh Membership Meeting at Schmitt & Colletta Law offices - 850 Washington Avenue - Carnegie, PA -10:30 AM- Donuts and Coffee provided – for more information or changes due to weather check the Pittsburgh Chapter web site – www.germaninpittsburgh.or 16 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, “Der Meineidbauer”. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773561-9181 or visit 17 Frankfort, IL Membership Meeting, 2PM on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Sunday Social Hour, follows the Business Meeting. DANK Haus, 25249 S Center Rd., Frankfort, IL. 20 Erie, PA. Chapter meeting and program starting at 7 PM. Free. Open to the public – Dinner prior to the meeting by reservation (814-520-5036). 20 Milwaukee, WI. Singing, 7PM. Germanfest Office, 8229 West Capitol Dr , Milwaukee, WI 22 Chicago, IL. German Cinema Now. Contemporary German films with English subtitles.”Full Metal Village”. Free. 7:30 pm DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave Chicago, IL. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit 23 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, ”Romanze in Venedig”. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773561-9181 or visit
Calendar Of Events 27 Milwaukee, WI. Dancing, 6PM. Singing 7PM. Germanfest Office, 8229 West Capitol Dr , Milwaukee, WI
March 1 Benton Harbor, MI. Monthly Fish Fry. Doors open at 5:30 PM. $9 per adult and $4 per child (ages 2-12). Food is served at 6 PM. DANK Haus, 2651 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor, MI. For more information: 269926-6652. 2 Milwaukee, WI. 2nd Annual Germany Under Glass. Gemütlichkeit comes to The Domes. Discover German culture through music, dance, food, and displays! Mitchell Park Domes, 524 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 9AM – 5PM. 2 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, “Sensation in San Remo”. 2PM DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit
15 Chicago, IL. Stammtisch. Monthly Open –Haus. 7:30 pm. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave Chicago, IL. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit www. 16 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, “Saison in Salzburg ”. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773561-9181 or visit 16 Pittsburgh, PA. St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon – approx. -1pm after the St. Patrick’s Day Parade – location to be yet determined depending upon interest- – for more information check the Pittsburgh Chapter web site – www. – Reservations will be required. 16 Benton Harbor, MI. Concertina St Patrick’s Dance. 12-8PM. DANK Haus, 2651 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor, MI. For more information: 269-926-6652. www.
6 Milwaukee, WI. Board Meeting. 6PM. Singing 7:30PM Germanfest Office, 8229 West Capitol Dr , Milwaukee, WI.
17 Frankfort, IL Membership Meeting, 2PM on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Sunday Social Hour follows the Business Meeting. DANK Haus, 25249 S Center Rd., Frankfort, IL.
9 Chicago, IL. Heritage Matters: Japanese-German Food Fire and Family. $10. Doors open: 11AM. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit
20 Erie, PA. – Chapter meeting and program starting at 7 PM. Free. Open to the public – Dinner prior to the meeting by reservation (814-520-5036)
9 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, “Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne”. 2PM DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit
22 Chicago, IL. German Cinema Now. Contemporary German films with English subtitles.”Knallhart”. Free. 7:30 pm DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave Chicago, IL. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit www.
9 Chicago, IL. Cabaret. Tickets: $50. Doors open 9PM DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit www.dankhaus. com
23 Chicago, IL. Kino Kaffee und Kuchen, Classic German film, “Tausend Melodien ”. 2PM DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit .
11 Chicago, IL. Membership Meeting. 7:30 PM. DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave, Chicago. For more information call 773-561-9181 or visit
30 Benton Harbor, MI. Easter Egg Hunt (members only – children and grandchildren). DANK Haus 2651 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor, MI. For more information: 269-926-6652.
13 Milwaukee, WI. Dancing, 6PM. Singing 7PM. Germanfest Office, 8229 West Capitol Dr , Milwaukee, WI
Frankfurter Green Sauce / Grüne Soβe In Frankfurt dialect, this is called "Grie Soβ". This cream-based herbal sauce is popular all over Germany spring thru fall and served cold over boiled potatoes with a couple of hard-boiled eggs. 2 cups Quark or Ricotta Optional ingredients: Ingredients: 1 ½ cup sour cream •Tarragon (Estragon) Herbs needed: 1 cup Yoghurt •Melissa (Melisse) •Chervil (Kerbel) •Parsley (Petersilie) 2 Spring Onions •Sorrel (Sauerampfer) •Chives (Schnittlauch) 1 table spoon mustard •Pimpernell (Pimpinelle) •Dill (Dill) ca. 1 table spoon Lemon juice •Garden cress (Kresse) •Borage (Borretsch) Salt and Pepper to taste Rinse the herbs thoroughly, mince them (except for Chives and Spring Onions) in the mixer with the other ingredients, or mince them with a big knife. Mince the onions and chives or cut them in to tiniest dices. Mix all together in a bowl and give it the final taste after one hour in the fridge.
NASA loses a legend - German-American space pioneer Jesco von Puttkamer Jesco von Puttkamer, who began his NASA career in 1962, when he worked on Wernher von Braun’s rocket team as an engineer at the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama during the Apollo Program died on December 27, 2012 at the age of 79. Von Braun and his team's work led to the development of the Saturn V rocket, the rocket responsible for landing the Apollo 11 astronauts on the moon in 1969. Von Puttkammer was born in Leipzig in 1933. Von Puttkamer studied engineering at the Technical University of Aachen and came to NASA at von Braun’s personal invitation in 1962. He worked with him at the Marshall Space Flight Center as an engineer, and program manager in charge of long-range planning of deep-space flights. He was an ardent advocate of manned space exploration and SETI, the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. He transferred to NASA Headquarters in Washington in 1974, and had most recently worked as a technical manager for the International Space Station, among other duties documenting the lives of those aboard the ISS. In addition to his contributions space science, von Puttkamer also made his mark on the world of science fiction. He served as the technical advisor for Star Trek: The Motion Picture in 1979, and his novelette The Sleeping God was included in an anthology of work based on the series, Star Trek: The New Voyages 2. He also wrote more than a dozen books on spaceflight. "Jesco was an institution at NASA," said William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Human Exploration and Operations at NASA headquarters in Washington D.C., in a statement. "His time here spanned almost the entire breadth of the agency's human spaceflight programs. He was a direct link from von Braun's efforts to get people off the ground to the International Space Station and 12 years of continuous human presence."
ODDS and ENDS St. George’s Parade - Georgi-Ritt
Every year at precisely 10 a.m. on Easter Monday men and women with about 400 horses and carriages decorated with brass bands from the Upper Bavarian town of Traunstein and the surrounding area take part in the St. George’s Parade (Georgi-Ritt) during which both man and beast are blessed. The spectacle regularly attracts several thousand onlookers. Riders in traditional costume and their finely groomed horses take part in the Georgiritt in Traunstein. Those on horseback proceed to the pilgrim church at Ettendorf, some 3.5 kilometres away. While the pastor blesses those taking part, the procession comprising nearly 400 horses circles around the church. The St. George’s Parade can look back on a centuries-old tradition and has been held regularly since 1892. The horses used to be essential to all agricultural activity in these parts and the blessing, which has been held
in its present form since 1926, is supposed to bring luck and good fortune to the farmers, their horses, farmsteads, and the rest of their livestock. The procession is also a way of ushering in the Spring season.
Grand Opening of the Max Planck Florida Institute in the U.S. Germany's leading research institute opened the doors to its first U.S. center in hopes its world-class science could bring cures for neurological diseases and invigorate the economy. The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience is located on the campus of the Florida Atlantic University in Jupiter. Its backers were eager for groundbreaking science to begin after years of work and millions of dollars in investment. “Research and innovation, as much as education, are essential sources of prosperity and of a good life for all,” said Cornelia Quennet-Thielen, Germany’s state secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Quennet-Thielen announced $10 million in annual funding over each of the next four years from the German government and the Max Planck Society for the Florida center. Max Planck operates more than 80 institutes around the world. It began more than 60 years ago and has produced 17 Nobel laureates. Its new U.S. base will probe fundamental brain processes, with an eye toward cures for diseases from schizophrenia to Alzheimer’s. The center includes Bert Sakmann, a German who won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1991. “We are limited only by the furthest reaches of our mind,” said David Fitzpatrick, the scientific director and CEO of the new center.
ODDS and ENDS German Deer Calling Championship Deutsche Meisterschaft der Hirschrufer
Sorbian Easter Egg Decorating Tradition Kept Alive
The competitors use sea shells, ox horns and hollow plant stems to perfect their deer calls on at the 15th edition German Deer Calling Championship in the city of Dortmund, January 29 to February 3 2013. Competitors are scored on their ability to imitate red deer calls during the breeding season in 3 categories: a young deer, a dominant rutting buck, and an older deer. The skill is part of a centuries-old tradition in Germany and is used by hunters to lure deer out of the forest and away from any rival hunters' guns. The top three finalists in the German championship automatically secure their place to compete in the European championship.
Badminton Speeds Around The World
Speed badminton or Speedminton was developed by Bill Brandes in Berlin, Germany back around 2001. The game is like badminton but played with a shorter racquetball like racquet, a heavier ball called a speeder and is played without a net making it easier set up to play. Speedminton tournaments and leagues started to form all over Germany in 2003 and now growing in popularity all over the world. On August 25, 2011, the International Speed Badminton Organization was formed to regulate the rules of the game.
Sorbians, a tiny Slavic minority in eastern Germany is keeping alive a long and intricate tradition of handpainting Easter eggs with the help of feathers and wax. Shortly after Christmas it is time to get to work decorating eggs for the annual Easter market in Schleife, a center of the small Sorbian community. Each family has its own traditional designs. The eggs are covered in melted wax and uses tiny feathers, cut into many different shapes, to decorate the fragile shells. The eggs are then dipped in color baths and the wax is removed in an oven or with a hot-air pistol, leaving behind the multicolored designs. The eggs are dipped in color baths and the wax is removed in an oven or with a hot-air pistol, leaving behind the multicolored designs meant to ward off evil. It's a centuries-old technique that requires great persistence – hundreds of feather strokes on each egg. A woman wearing a traditional Lusatian Sorbian folk dress paints an Easter egg in traditional Sorbian motives at the annual Easter egg market in Schleife.
ODDS and ENDS Historic mining tradition leads to sledding competition in Germany - Arschleder Wettruscheln Neudorf, located in southeastern Germany’s Ore Mountains, is home to the one of the world’s most extreme sledding championships. However, in February, instead of toboggan or even a saucer sled, these athletes slide down treacherous ski slopes aided by nothing more than a pair of leather over-britches. The sport known as Arschleder-Wettruscheln was born during the Middle Ages, when area miners used the leather trousers called “Arschleder ” to protect their personal clothing as they slid into mine shafts while straddling tree trunks. Neudorf revived the practice in 1998 as an amusing diversion for locals and tourists alike. The tree trunks have been removed from the sport, so competitors now skid down the slopes directly on the snow.
Palm Sunday
In Berchtesgaden Easter time starts in Palm Sunday when the palms are consecrated and the Holy Week is introduced. The palms are branched-out bunches of willows decorated with colourful "Schaberbandln" (wood shaving) of the length of some inches to one yard, plaited in balls, rings or stars. Younger boys, the "Palmtrager" take the palms to the church where they are consecrated during a mass. One does not find a farm in the area that isn't decorated in Spring with so-called palm branches that ornament the entire house. Most of the inhabitants still believe in the magic power of "Palmbosch'n" (palm bushes). Look for Team Germany in this years World Baseball Classic Go to: for more information.
Starting March 2!
ODDS and ENDS Seeking a Genderless God in Germany German Family Minister Kristina Schröder, a member of the conservative Christian Democratic Union, has upset fellow party members by suggesting that God go gender-neutral: In an interview with the weekly newspaper Die Zeit in which she discussed gender roles in children’s literature, Schröder also took on God’s gender, and fellow members of her Christian Democratic Union and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union, are not impressed. The German language has three definite articles for nouns to indicate their gender — der (masculine), die (feminine) and das (neuter). The noun der Gott, or God, is masculine. But Schröder told Die Zeit that the article for God shouldn’t matter. It could just as easily be the genderneutral das Gott, she said, saying the article “doesn’t mean anything.” Schröder also took on the sexism of the Grimm fairy tales (“There are seldom positive female figures there”) and racism in classic children’s literature. Stefan Mueller, a CSU lawmaker, said he was “bewildered” by Schröder’s “inappropriate” comments. Said Bavarian Social Minister and Christian Social Union member Christine Haderthauer, “This overly cerebral nonsense leaves me speechless. I find it sad when our children, due to blatant insecurity and political correctness, have the strong images that are so important to their imaginations taken away.”
Troubled New Berlin airport opening delayed yet again
For a country that prides itself on efficiency and punctuality, the saga of Berlin's new airport, whose opening was recently delayed for a fourth time, has become something of a national joke and source of embarrassment for Germany.
Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit, stepped down as head of a board overseeing the building of the city's new international airport, after announcing the managers for the new Willy Brandt airport have determined that it is not possible to open on Oct. 27. He was not able to give a new date, but the delay means the capital's airport won't be opened until 2014 at the earliest — about three years later than originally planned. The airport, one of the country’s biggest infrastructure projects, is supposed to replace the city’s two aging and increasingly cramped airports, Tegel and Schoenefeld, which served West and East Berlin respectively during Germany’s Cold War division.
Germany Ranks 4th Among Countries With the Most Billionaires (U.S. Dollars) Billionaire count: 137 Total wealth: $550 billion Germany ranked fourth in a list of the top countries with the most billionaires for the period between August 2011 and July 31, 2012. Germany is the only euro zone country to make the list of the most billionaires, bucking the trend of declining wealth in the majority of the EU nations. The country’s 137 billionaires account for less than 1 percent of the ultra-high net worth group, but control nearly 27 percent of the total fortune in the segment. The ultrarich are those that have $30 million or more in assets. German billionaires are worth $4 billion each on average, and the three cities with the maximum number of ultra-rich are Munich, Dusseldorf, and Hamburg.
World Billionaire Top 10 List 01. United States 02. China 03. United Kingdom 04. Germany 05. India 06. Russia 07. Hong Kong 08. Switzerland 09. Brazil 10. Canada Source: Forbes
480 147 140 137 109 97 64 57 49 40
Welcome Our New Members December 2012 to January 2013! National Brice Fialcowitz Lakia Lightner Kevin Weitl
Chicago West Matthew Mantel Daniel Roeder
Chic ago Irene Hill David Schmidt Tania Ralli Franklin, Sabine & Camill Goldsmith Ernst Schuetz Richard Volbrecht Luise Publ Camilla Steffen Amanda, Jalia & Elias Kacsh Kristine Kimmler
Chicago Northern Suburbs Hart Peistrup Shannon, Martin & Benjamin Sobanski Springfield, IL Anna & Andrew O’Connell Heinrich, Pauline & Tilman Bitz Roger & Missy Pfeiffer Erika & James Hanson Stephan Born Jolene Vollmer
Carnival in Germany by Francine McKenna continued from page 19. Then it is possible to travel through in the various processions all the difthe different towns and villages and ferent societies have their own way in each one see Haestraeger in their of walking and behaving which fits distinctive costumes based on com- to their particular mask. However not all masks are grotesque pletely different themes. Most are part of a guild organized or are based on animals. There are into fools unions, ‘Narrenvereini- groups of ‘Weissnarren’, White Fools, gungen’, and to be eligible to join it with smooth pale faces, long emis necessary to have lived in the area broidered or painted costumes and for years. Each group has an indi- belts or braces covered with bells, vidual costume and mask which will and slightly better behavior can be have remained unchanged for gener- expected from a Weissnarren than ations and are worn each year, while almost any other fool. German Consulate General Marquis Two Tower, Suite 901 285 Peachtree Center Avenue, N.E. Atlanta, GA, 30303-1221 Phone (404) 659 4760 Fax (404) 659 1280
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Three Copley Place, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02116 Phone: (617) 369 4900 or (617) 369 4934 (operator) Fax (617) 369 4940
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany 100 N. Biscayne Blvd. Suite 2200 Miami, FL 33132 Phone (305) 358 0290 Fax: (305) 358 0307
Benton Harbor, MI Michael & Cheryl Bond Melvin & Elaine Winters Milwaukee, WI Behrendt Shirley Vera Schlak Cleveland, OH Jessica, Collin & Talia DOud Oriann Crow Jim & Sue Hanson Pittsburgh, PA Patrick Joyce Erie, PA Mace Bowersox
Carnival takes place in the mainly catholic and wine growing areas of Germany, and for the ‘Fifth and Crazy Season’ German reserve disappears, strangers are welcomed as old friends and the streets as well as the bars have a fantastic energy and atmosphere. But finally there is one last “Helau”, and at one second past midnight on Ash Wednesday 'die naerrische Zeit is over for another year, Lent has begun. Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany 676 North Michigan Avenue - Suite 3200 Chicago, IL 60611-2804 Phone (312) 202-0480 Fax (312) 202-0466
The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany 871 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 Phone: 212-610-9700 Fax: 212-940-0402
DONATIONS German American Day Justine Davidson James Schwartz Thomas Moritz Maria Killiam Martin Leprich Siegfried Kratzke Juiliana Mueller Dale Maz Matthew Wirtz Albert Pizzato Alan Lemke George Dornseif Meredith Dun Boza Joseph Grosskopf Michael Anglemire
Frank Pesce Jennifer Valentine Katharine Drotleff EllyHeuberger Anneliese Wegener Gerhard Beinhauer August Pfeifer Gunther Kempf Horst Siegel Gerald Streib Hans Boden Lauren CHodak Jack Manthey Ingeborg Smith Karl Schulz
Hans Scheel Eugen Bernhardt Paul Mueller ElfriedeMichallek Wolfram Kollacks Rudolf Strahl Bert Lachner Gerhard Sommer Wilfried Smaka Harry Mai Frederick Hebel Wendy Wurlitzer Steve Nagel Irmhard Bergmann Rolf Eilhauer
Werner Bertsch Erhard Totzke Marie Abelkis Joan Kisty Joseph Sabitsch W Y Espenschied Mark Bohn Marianne Zeeb Kathryn Hebble Ernst Hormann John BRadel, Jr. Keith Will Elizabeth Verterano David Ungerman
Education Fund Wolfgang Beyer Justin Davidson Mentz, George Henry Koepfle Maria Killian DrJorgHoogeweg Erich Luettke Siegfried Kratzke Marvin Block Juliana Mueller Dale Maz Mathew Wirtz Mary Hudeman Albert Pizzato Alan Lemke George Dornseif Hedwig Beer Allan Foster Joseph Fields Frank Pesce EllyHeuberger Anneliese Wegener Gerhard Beinhauer August Pfeifer Hans Heinscher Erika SPrainys
Horst Muenx Guenther Kempf Horst Siegel Dr Roger Schrock Gerald Streib Gerhard Greiff Hans Boden Lauren CHodak Steven Fulghum Lauren Chodak Steven Fulghum Jeanne Kross Dr Wolfgang Seibt Jack Manthey Ingrborg Smith Karl Schulz Hans Scheel Kathleen Nelson Joanne Keenan Renate Schuler Wolfram Kollacks Michael Fack Rudolf Strahl Allen Panek Bert Lachnet John Lakota
Fred Lemke Gerhard Sommer Manfred Staroske MargareteQuaas Shirley Springer Stephan Roth, MD Wilfried SMaka Harry Mai Frederick Hebel Marvin Grenke Wendy Wurlitzer Steve Nagel IrmgardGergmann Rolf Bertsch Heidi Eichler Klaus Ruetschlin Alexander Hinz HartmitKempf Erhard Totzke Marie Abelkis Walter Whisler, MD Otto Dschida Joan Kristy Bernard Seewald Ilse Workman W Y Espenschied
Mark Bohn Barbara Halloway Bruce Ostertag Rose Marie Rigow William Ebinger Marianne Zeeb Kathryn Hebble Gilbert Manskopf Lynn Schuler Ernst Hofmann William Russell David Moser Dr Ingrid Naugle Arthur Schwotzer Jack Wagner John Bradel, JR Chas Schaldenbrand Keith Will Elizabeth Verterano Jason Jaquith Sharon Wallin David Ungerman
DONATIONS Newspaper Frederick ISaak Robert Goos Justin Davidson George Mentz Erwin Kelbert Maria Killian Rodney Schaeffer Erich Luettke Gerald Tamkutonis Siegfried Kratzke Juliana Mueller Dale Maz Mathew Wirtz Kurt Paterek David Gudeman Albert Pizzato John Schleiffer Alan Lemke George Dornseif Meredith Dunn Boza Katherine Braun Ida Gantner Joseph Fields Frank Pesce Jennifer Valentine EllyHeuberger Martin Gahbauer AnnelieseStrupat
Anneliese Wegener Gerhard Beinhauer August Pfeifer Erika Sprainys BelaMohapp Guenther Kempf Horst Siegel Gerald Streib Gerhard Greiff Elizabeth Obert Hans Boden Erwin Lickmann Lauren Chodak Dr William Pelz Henry Dreisilker Jack Manthey Ingeborg Smith Karl Schulz Hans Scheel Erwin Goering Loni Singer Eugen Bernhardt Wolfram Kollacks Rudolf Strahl Bert Lachner John Lakota Gerhard Sommer Manfred Staroske
George Hoban Bill James Rudolf Bley Wilfried Smaka Harry Mai Wilbur Schneider Frederick Hebel Arianne Hahn Phillip Nice Ilse Davit Hans Goemmer Wendy Wurlitzer Steven Nagel BrigitaBedelis-Roth Irmgard Bergmann BrunhildeLeipert Frank Misch Walter Harnischmacher Gertrude Missun GerdaPrill RiginaVisockas Robert Kilcoyne Rolf Eilhauer Erhard J Totzke Marie Abelkis Martha Jasniowski Chris Leu Irene Baumert
W Y Espenschied Mark Bohn Anneliese Gregory Werner Kalbfleisch William Ebinger Marianne Zeeb Kathryn Hebble Daniel Paul Reece Stigler Peter Schmidt Anneliese Ross Linda Thunhurst Robert Miller Charles Wright HeinoCoelle Dr Ingrid Naugle George Mandl John Bradel Barbara Good William Kane Carl Maurer Keith Will GezaGruenwald Jeffrey Chase Ursel Schmitt Sharon Wallin David Ungerman
Technology Fund Justin Davidson George Mentz Maria Killian Siegfried Kratzke Juliana Mueller Dale Maz Matthew Wirtz Kurt Paterek Mary Gudeman Albert Pizzato Alan Lemke George Dornseif Frank Pesce
EllyHeuberger Gerhard Beinhauer Ralph Childs Guenter Kempf Horst Siegel Gerald Streib Hans Boden Lauren Chodak Jack Manthey Ingrborg Smith Karl Schulz Wolfram Kollacks Rudolf Strahl
Bert Lachner Karl Kohlrus Wilfried Smaka Frederick Hebel Wendy Wurlitzer Steve Nagel Neal Degner Detlef Moore Robert Miske Ronald Kabitzke Rolf Eilhauer Ute Monson-Lohrmann Heidi Eichler
Erhard Totzke John Dorow W Y Espenschied Mark Bohn Marianne Zeeb Kathryn Hebble William Russel John BRadelJr Keith Will David Ungerman
In Sympathy
“Blessed are they who mourn, they will be comforted�
Dale Stanley Smith
May 17, 1930 - Jan. 6, 2013 Longtime DANK South Bend member Dale Stanley Smith, 82, of South Bend, IN, passed away January 6, 2013, in Ironwood Health and Rehabilitation Center. He was born on May 17, 1930, in North Liberty, IN, to Harry and Pearl (Wiseman) Smith. On August 5, 1953, in Germany, he married Margret Stecher. Mr. Smith is survived by his wife of sixty years, Margret Smith; son, Michael Smith of South Bend, IN; daughter, Linda (Jeff) Knepper of South Bend, IN; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mr. Smith retired as a resident project engineer at AM General. He served honorably in the United States Army. The family would like to thank the staff at Ironwood Health & Rehab and the Center for Hospice for the love and care they showed Dale.
William H. Handeler Naples, FL William H. Handeler Jr. 82, passed away peacefully in his home located in Naples, FL on Sunday, December 30, 2012 with his wife, Edith at his side. He was born in New York City. U.S. Army veteran served honorably during the Korean War. On October 15, 1953 William married Edith in her home town of Wuppertal, Germany. Upon completion of his military Service they moved to New York City. In 1973, they celebrated their Silver Aniversary in New York and in 2003 their Golden Anniversary in Naples, FL. William and Edith became very active in the German American Community. William is an Honorary president of the Bavarian Club " Schuhplattler V.V. Original Enzian Inc." in New York, Honorary President of the "Vereinigte Bayern von Gross New York and New Jersey Inc. He was the Chairman of the German American Steuben Parade in New York City for eight years which brought him fame not only in the United States but also in Germany. William was honored with the title of Honorary Chairman for all his dedicated work and was bestowed the German "Bundesverdienstkreutz" by the German Government and the high Honor of receiving the "Bavarian Verdienstorden". William was a member of the "Klsche Rut Wiess vun 1823" and was the "Karnevalsprinz" von New York in 1979 and 1983. He is an Honorary Director of "The United German-American Committee" which is now the "German Heritage Foundation", in Washington D.C and is the recipient of the Founders Award and is an Honorary Director for his 10 years of service. The "The United GermanAmerican Committee" began raising funds to erect "Das Auswandererdenkmal" in Bremerhaven, Germany in 1985. William was tremendously proud to be called by President Regan's office to serve on the "Presidential Commission for the "German-American Tricentennial". President Regan then awarded the German American Community with land between the White House and the Jefferson Memorial on the grounds of the Washington Monument where a "German-American Friendship Garden" was created. William H. Handeler Jr, was a very accomplished German-American and his wife Edith was proud to assist him in his endeavors. The German-American Community has lost a great citizen.
Irmgard Loni Hauser DANK Chapter Chicago West sends condolences to the Hauser Family on the passing of Irmgard Loni Hauser on January 8, 2013. She was born in Grafenthal, Germany in 1924. Irmgard was a member of DANK for 48 years. She and her late husband, Paul, were very active in our chapter over the years. DANK Benton Harbor mourns the loss of the following members: Caroline Siewart, Otto Dettmann, Elmer Froehlich and James Puckett.
Kinder Ecke Line Match: Connect the English words on the left to the matching German words on the right.
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Eiertanz Have you ever wondered what to do with any leftover colored Easter eggs you don't plan on keeping for next year or are unable to eat anytime soon? How about conducting an "Eiertanz" (egg dance) with them, an expression that once was taken literally but today has an altogether different meaning. "Eiertanz" is mostly used as a figure of speech to indicate how an individual might "beat around the bush" by avoiding the heart of a matter. In this vein, Germans might use the expression "einen Eiertanz aufführen/vorführen" (performing an egg dance) to connote careful or complex behavior and/or conversation used as a stalling and/or avoidance tactic. Originally, however, this expression was actually used to describe a type of dance that was literally performed around eggs strewn about the dance floor. Among the first known German literary references to an Eiertanz was a citation dating back to 1795 in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's "Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre" (Wilhelm Meisters Apprentice Years), in which the character Mignon dances blindfolded between eggs laid out on a floor. Similar expressions include "Herumeiern" and "Herumgeeiere," which essentially boils down to "waffling around" or engaging in stalling tactics in difficult situations or social scenarios. The expression "German Eiertanz" moreover wended its way into the English language according to news agency Bloomberg in 2011 to describe Germany's alleged reluctance in dealing with the euro crisis. A common "Spielart" (gaming tactic) of the "Eiertanz" is the "Salamitaktik" (salami strategy), which can in particular be observed in politics. The English expression "walking on eggshells," however, is not entirely synonymous with "Eiertanz." This figure of speech applies more to avoiding conflict or confrontation with a disgruntled partner or adversary, particularly in the personal versus the political realm and is used more to critique the person being avoided due to their generally moody behavior. © Check out our
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