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Over 100 supporters of Breakthrough of Greater Philadelphia gathered for our Breakfast of Champions in October, and we had record-breaking fundraising over coffee and pastries at the beautiful Philadelphia Cricket Club ballroom.
We raised close to $90,000 that will directly fund our program, the most ever from this annual benefit. Thanks to the generosity and enthusiasm of donors, we met a fundraising challenge and were able to unlock a $25,000 matching gift. The unprecedented level of contributions – from longtime supporters and new friends alike – reflects the community’s genuine appreciation for Breakthrough’s work and shared concern for the challenges of Philadelphia’s education system.
As voiced by our Executive Director Michelle Palmer, “we are experiencing shortages in our teacher workforce and lacking diversity among educators” as the city is dealing with record-high resignations. The losses in student learning in Philadelphia, already concerning, intensified during the pandemic. But the disruption of the lockdown and remote learning drove many families to seek Breakthrough’s program.
That was the case of Sydney Rolle-Stern, who enrolled her son Eric “during one of the most unsure times of our lives.” She told Breakfast attendees that Breakthrough offered consistency and extra support for her son, something “he could use especially at that time.”
For his part, Eric shared about eventually appreciating his parents’ decision to send him to Breakthrough. He is now enrolled in ninth grade at LaSalle College High School. Besides the academic “leg up” and preparation for high school, Eric said that he learned that “I get to choose…I don’t have to take what is handed to me.” Then he went off script, delighting the room with a display of boldness as only a confident young teenager can, teasing the next speaker to outdo his presentation. His spot was followed by a video of the program at work, so Eric’s challenge still stands.
Breakfast Of Champions
Iliana Correa, currently attending Arcadia College, taught science during last summer, an experience she said was rewarding and valuable for her future career. She is studying Chemistry and hopes to be a teacher, but her college course doesn’t call for in-class experience until her senior year, she told the audience. At Breakthrough, she got to learn from seasoned educators, and to share her passion for science with rising 7th graders.
Attendees of the Breakfast of Champions also heard from Breakthrough’s Co-Dean of Faculty Matt Greenawalt, who also teaches at Germantown Friends School. His enthusiasm for Breakthrough is very personal, as it was a summer as a Teaching Fellow that set him on the path to becoming a teacher, something he hadn’t considered before.
The power of education to transform lives was in full display at the Breakfast of Champions. The generous donations from the event will help fund our program so we can continue to expose students to opportunities that just might change their trajectory. As Mrs. Rolle-Stern said, Breakthrough is one of Philadelphia’s best kept secrets, but one that we no longer want to keep to ourselves.
Thank you for helping us spread the word.
A heartfelt thanks to Breakfast of Champions Co-Chairs, Nanie Flaherty and Amy Branch, the Breakfast Planning Committee, Duane Michelle Sims, Shawn Hennessey, Ilana Goldfus, Becca Buffum and Mara Lemos-Stein for organizing and helping run this memorable event.