GFS Bulletin: The Innovation Issue, Vol. II 2016

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VOLUME II | 2016





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Can You Hack It?


Last spring, two eleventh graders challenged high school students to create a concept that would simplify, optimize or automate a task at GFS’s first hackathon. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 Photographs by David Barr ’16 and Michael Branscom

Agent of Change


As executive director of Stanford University’s d.School, Sarah Stein Greenberg helps design transformative learning experiences for students so they can build creative confidenceβ€”and reimagine the world. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85

Early Action


Suzi Nam and the new college counseling office are striving to restore a sense of humanity to the college admissions process. By Jesse Overholser ’15 Photographs by Michael Branscom

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In This Issue From the Head of School News & Noteworthy Supporting GFS Sports Beat

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Faculty Focus Class Notes Annual Report Snapshot

O N T H E COV E R Caroline Putnam ’23 photographed by Michael Branscom in the Evans Courtyard on July 14, 2016.

Volume II 2016 |


Dear Friends, I am delighted to share with you the latest edition of the GFS Bulletinβ€”an issue that showcases innovation. Within these pages, you will meet but a handful of the many members of the GFS community HEAD OF SCHOOL


Patricia Rose D I R E C T O R O F A DVA N C E M E N T

Colette Kleitz DIR ECTOR OF C O M M U N I C AT I O N S

Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91 EDITOR

Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 CON TR IBU TOR S

Si Affron ’16 David Barr ’16, photography Michael Branscom, photography Lucy Curtis ’17 Scott Foley, photography Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91 Laura Jamieson Colette Kleitz Diane Mallery ’80 Oliver Mitchell-Boyask ’15 Jesse Overholser ’15 Lisa Solinsky Lila Sternberg-Sher ’17 Traci Taylor The GFS Bulletin is published twice a year for the alumni, parents, faculty and friends of Germantown Friends School. We welcome your comments to the editor at:


whose original and creative thinking is yielding new and effective approaches to solving our world’s problems. Installation artist Phoebe Washburn ’92’s ambitious, large-scale projects remind us to consider the beauty in the process as well as the outcome. Jeff Marrazzo ’96, co-founder and CEO of Spark Therapeutics, is developing groundbreaking, genetic cures for debilitating diseases. As Philadelphia’s new Chief Cultural Officer, Kelly Lee ’85 is looking for new ways to make the arts more accessible to all Philadelphians. And Michael Friedman ’93, award-winning composer, lyricist and artistic director, has grabbed headlines in New York recently for ingeniously putting political commentary to song. Widely known as a leader in innovation, Steve Jobs wisely said, β€œInnovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” While intriguing to think about, and certainly plausible for companies like Apple, we experience innovation in less binary terms at GFS. Perhaps it is the principle, rooted in Quakerism, that collective wisdom and truth are greater than any one individualβ€”that seeking and striving together, as a community, leads us to a more profound truth then we might find on our own. We see this notion at work among our students and faculty as they join

together to come up with projects and ideas that are greater than any one of them. Last spring, two junior boys hosted GFS’s first hackathon, drawing high school students from the greater Philadelphia areaβ€”and as far as Canada. This fall, a senior composed an original score for the Upper School drama production Don Carlos (his second such project in two years), and our Middle School newspaper The Corner was recently awarded a Silver Crown for student publications by the Columbia University Scholastic Press Association. This belief in group discernment leading to innovation has led us to construct a strategic visioning processβ€”Strategy Through Inquiryβ€” that draws on Quaker practices and the design thinking methodology. We have shared more about this effort in the pages that follow. Enjoy this exciting, celebratory issue, and please come see us when you next find yourself in the neighborhood.

Warm regards,

Dana Weeks Head of School



Spark of Genius As the CEO of Spark Therapeutics, Jeff Marrazzo is developing groundbreaking treatments for genetic disorders one disease at a time. By Laura Jamieson


against his orderly desk displaying photos of his wife and two small children. β€œIf you see things as not having real risk then there are no boundaries to what you can do.” Viewing risks as opportunities has taken Marrazzo to great heights. Since graduating from GFS as a β€œlifer” in the mid-’90s, he has climbed a glacier in Equador, scaled Mt. Kilimanjaro, navigated the political landscape with Ed Rendell, formed multiple start-up businesses, and is now sitting sky-

high in a sunny University City office tower with a view of the Center City skyline, working on his most wildly successful endeavor to date: Spark Therapeutics. Marrazzo co-founded Spark in 2013 with scientists at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania to develop groundbreaking, single-treatment, genetic cures for diseases using current knowledge of the human genome. β€œWe want to completely bust the paradigm and fix the underlying basis of disease,” explains Marrazzo. β€œAs opposed to chronic therapies or

drugs that you have to take for the rest of your life that only patch over the problem, we can actually transform a severe genetic disorder.” To date, Spark has developed treatments for a genetic disease that causes blindness, liver diseases, such as hemophilia, and fatal neurodegenerative conditions like Huntington’s disease. It is the first biotechnology company to apply for FDA approval for a gene-therapy cure to a genetic disease. And although the office culture at Spark is laid-backβ€”the 100-plus employees move comfortably through the open-concept space lined with windows and bright green walls, inspired by Marrazzo’s love of the Eaglesβ€”the work is intense. As the publicly-traded company has taken off, Marrazzo and his team have not lost sight of the impact they can have. Marrazzo recalls a six-yearold girl who participated in a clinical trial for a Spark treatment and went from being mostly blind to having nearly normal sight. When she came in for a follow-up, she told the doctors about seeing stars for the first time. β€œShe always thought they had jagged edges because that’s what they looked like in her books, but she had never seen a real one before,” says Marrazzo. Another child said, after receiving the same treatment, that he decided he wanted to be an eye doctor when he grew up. β€œThat’s priceless. That’s why we do what we do.” Volume II 2016 |



Marrazzo traces his inclination to give back to his years spent at 31 W. Coulter Street. β€œAt GFS, you were encouraged to use your skills and gifts for something that was greater than yourself,” says the 38-year-old CEO. β€œYou learn how to learn, which for me is about experience and human interactions.” He developed a natural aptitude for science and math along with playing three sports and singing in choir and A Cappella. He was also β€œpushed and challenged” in areas that didn’t come easily to him. Being naturally competitive and having talented

classmates kept him motivated. Marrazzo classifies himself as a different kind of businessperson because of his GFS experience; for him, the β€œbottom line” is what he can do to help people and society. β€œI want to be a positive agitator… and instigate change in the health-care system. The best way I know how to do that is through small companies that are trying to disrupt or change something about the paradigm.” Marrazzo believes that the future of medicine involves taking diseases, such as diabetes or cancer, and

β€œsubclassifying them all the way down to very small slivers where we know the exact genetic cause of it,” then developing therapies that target a narrow population. His goal is to cure one disease at a time. At GFS, Marrazzo saw people taking the path less traveled, and learned to do the same himself. β€œEvery time most people have gone one way, I’ve just automatically gone the other,” he shares, adding, β€œSometimes I’ll bust a completely new path altogether. I can’t help myself. I always try to find the next challenge.”

Philadelphia’s New Arts Ambassador



the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Philadelphia Museum of Art immediately come to mind. But as Kelly Lee ’85, Philadelphia’s new Chief Cultural Officer, is quick to point out, these heavyweights are just a small part of the arts community in a city where more than half of the cultural organizations have annual operating budgets under $150,000. Last January, Lee was appointed head of the Office of Arts, Culture and

the Creative Economy of the City of Philadelphia (OACCE) by Mayor Jim Kenney, and much of her new role involves aiding smaller arts groups. Through various programs, including Performances in Public Spaces and Culture in the Courtyard, her office’s key mission is to β€œlink Philadelphians with more cultural opportunities and resources.” With a background in economic development, Lee says she’s had to know only one product throughΒ­ out her entire career: the City of Philadelphia. After earning a B.A. from the University of PennΒ­s ylΒ­vania and working for former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell’s administration, PECO, the Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority, and as the president and CEO of Innovation Philadelphia, she’s now in a role that affects the city profoundly because of its focus on the arts. β€œThe arts have always been a huge economic generator for us,” she explains. β€œIt’s the fourth-largest industry we have, in terms of the number of jobs it creates and the amount of revenue it brings in.” And so much of this is due to small community groups, which is why neighborhood-based organizations have been Lee’s biggest priority during her first year in office.

β€œOne of the things we are really proud of in this new administration is the amount of funding we give to support small and medium-sized cultural groups, which do the majority of work in terms of providing cultural programming in neighborhoods.” Through a combination of city funds and local and national grants, the OACCE awards $3.14 million to cultural organizations annually. β€œOne of the best things about that money is that it’s general operating, it keeps the lights on,” Lee explains. β€œThese groups can still get funding from other grants as well, which is programspecific.” And her office’s support will ensure that Philadelphians in all corners of the city will have local and affordable access to cultural organizations, facilitated mainly through the city’s public resources, such as neighborhood recreation centers, libraries and parks. Lee is also working in tandem with the Mayor’s Office on improving arts education, in particular finding ways to give young people access to cultural events they wouldn’t otherwise know about or be able to afford. β€œGFS first exposed me to performances in art and culture,” she shares. β€œIf you want to increase educational outcomes, arts are not a β€˜nice to have,’ they’re a β€˜must have.’” –Si Affron ’16

Celebrating Innovation in Chattanooga


I had no idea where it was. The prospect of spending a summer in Tennessee was presented to me by the Morehead-Cain

Foundation, which, in addition to providing scholarship recipients with full tuition to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, also funds four β€œsummer enrichment programs” around the globe. This summer, five fellow Morehead-Cain scholars and I, as part of the pilot program Civic Collaboration, went to Chattanooga for eight weeks to study its budding innovation district and generate metrics to compare its success with that of other innovation districts around the country. The idea of an innovation district, still very new in the field of urban planning, is to create a space where entrepreneurs and creative minds can gather in one place and feed off one another’s knowledge, energy and connections. The hope is that these β€œcollisions” between creative people will spawn innovation and lead to business success. (Philadelphia has its own innova-

tion district, stretching from the Comcast Center to Drexel University.) When I accepted the Morehead-Cain Scholarship, I never imagined I would be given the opportunity to be at the forefront of a new and exciting trend in urban policy. My colleagues and I interviewed more than 50 of the key players in Chattanooga, collecting information about the city and the district. The final report we put together, β€œInnovate Chattanooga: Measuring the Success of the Innovation District,” summarizes our findings, conclusions and recommendations. (Visit the GFS website at www.germantownfriends. org/alumni-center to see the full report.) I’m incredibly grateful to the MoreheadCain Foundation for this amazing opportunity, and to the village that raised meβ€” including GFSβ€”for getting me to this place. –Oliver Mitchell-Boyask ’15


ate community together (more than 275 campers attended last summer), and to open the doors of possibilityβ€”of mind and founded the Germantown Friends Summer heartβ€”for its participants each year, thanks Basketball and Reading Clinic in 1971 in in large part to generous support from the response to city recreation cutbacks and a Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation and other community-wide need to keep idle youth donors. Last July, in recognition of the prooff the street. The mission was simpleβ€”β€œIf gram’s 45th anniversary, Felsen (seated, you don’t read, you don’t play ball”—and center), along with (back row, left to right) the first summer saw enrollment of 56 kids, Jerome Mims ’85, Tom Loder ’76, Chris Cox almost an even split between students from ’70 and David Loder ’72 (all former campers) GFS and other independent schools, and public school kids from Germantown and the surrounding neighborhoods. The program brilliantly balanced court and reading time, with games often interrupted by referees quizzing players on the β€œmystery words” of the day. Over time, counselors included many of Felsen’s former players, some of whom he first met through the clinic. Renamed Community Basketball and Enrichment in 2012, the camp continues to bring young learners from the immedi-

visited CBE, now run by GFS PE teacher and Varsity Basketball Coach Shawn Werdt, to share their memories and experiences. β€œThis program means so much to me, it is such a thrill to see it thriving,” said Felsen after his visit. β€œThe children continue to benefit tremendously from the combination of sports and academic skills. It’s a wonderful expression of GFS’s mission, and shows genuine care for the Germantown community.” –Diane Mallery ’80

Volume II 2016 |



The Politics of Music



spring, it was a match made in musical heaven. The program, which stages concert versions of musicals, with emphasis on the singers and orchestra as opposed to staging and costumes, was tailor-made for the composer and lyricist. Encores! β€œtakes shows that were produced Off-Broadway… looks at them again, and allows them to have another life,” explains the creative mastermind behind the critically-acclaimed rock musical, Bloody, Bloody, Andrew Jackson, which opened OffBroadway in 2009 before moving to Broadway the following year. Although Friedman has been an influential figure in the musical world for 15 years, his interest in music dates back to Teresa Maebori’s third-fourth vertical class, when he performed β€œI Dig That Pig” in the first musical collaboration with HMS, a school in West Philly for children with cerebral palsy. It wasn’t until he graduated from college and began his career that Friedman fully understood the

importance of collaborating across boundaries. β€œWe live in a world where diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of a lot of people’s minds, but theater doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to thinking about what that can mean,” he says. β€œWhen we think about theater, it’s easy to [ignore] the people who write, direct, design and produce the shows. A lot of people slip through the cracks.” Friedman credits GFS with instilling in him the idea that β€œinclusion is never done,” and in his new role running Encores!, he hopes to represent β€œthe widest variety of voices, especially [those] that have historically not been heard.” Reflecting further on his GFS education, he is grateful for the exposure to a wide variety of disciplines. β€œI was lucky that I was given a good math and science background because I’ve written shows about environmental science and about American history. My work is as much about being interested in a lot of different things as it is about musical theater. It’s using musical theater to look at the politics of the world as we know it right now.” And politics occupied a lot of Friedman’s time in the months leading up to the November election. After the Iowa caucuses last January, he collaborated on a project with NPR and The New Yorker, traveling to the primary states, following the conventions and writing songs for the magazine’s weekly program, β€œThe New Yorker Radio Hour,” based on interviews he did with people across the country. In November, he performed several concerts of his Election Songs. β€œI can certainly credit GFS with encouraging interdisciplinary interests,” he concludes. β€œAnd, maybe, with encouraging empathy in our political thinking, hard as that was this year.” –Lila Sternberg-Sher ’17


five days of English classes devoted to all forms of creative writing. Middle and Upper School English teachers set aside their regular curriculum to devote a week to encouraging students to develop their voices through various forms of the written word, including journaling, poetry, short stories and freeform responses to art and other prompts. Students in grades 6-12 were each gifted a special writing journal, courtesy of the Elizabeth Murray Macht ’50 Collection, which they will add to each year during Writing Week up through the time of their graduation. While assignments varied from grade-to-grade, even section-to-section, the mission was the same for all: To celebrate student voices and keep them at the center of teaching and learning. β€œIt was exciting to have a chance to be playful with prompts, allowing students to react to photos they took, paintings by artists such as Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dali, even song lyrics, to create their own poetry,” shared ninth grade English teacher Robin Nourie. β€œThe energy in the room was joyful. Watching the students as they wrote in their journals, fully engaged, was a beautiful thing.” –Meg Cohen Ragas ’85

The Interview: Lena Moss Glaser For the past 11 years, Lena Glaser ’00 has been a producer for NBC Olympics, in charge of hiring the production staff that runs on-site operations in Olympic City during the Summer and Winter games. In Rio de Janeiro, she was the lead producer of NBC’s Olympic Late Night, hosted by Ryan Seacrest. She also coordinated the network’s coverage of the Paralympicsβ€”all 70-plus hours of itβ€”which she masterminded from NBC Sports’ headquarters in Stamford, CT, overseeing close to 40 colleagues as well as a team of reporters on the ground in Rio. We caught up with Glaser after the games to get the lowdown on her greatest challenges and triumphs. IS PRODUCING THE OLYMPICS DIFFE R E N T FROM PRODUCI NG OTH E R SPORTS? Yes and no. It’s like any other

sports we cover, like Sunday Night Football, but it’s on a different scale: We’re taking that operation and putting it down at five-to-seven venues all at once. Much of our Olympics content is produced with the same NBC Sports philosophy, although we are very aware that the audience for the Olympics is not the same as for Sunday Night Football. The value of the Olympics is that it’s not like anything else. WHAT SORTS OF CHALLENGES DID RIO PROVIDE THAT PAST OLYMPICS DID NOT? Every Olympics is different

[Rio] is not known for being structured and organized; it’s a place where you benefit from just rolling with whatever happens and being patient. We were doing a lot of things production-wise that we hadn’t done before, which added some of our own self-imposed chaos to the mix. I was producing Late Night from Copacabana Beach live at 1:30 a.m. It was ambitious to do a show outsideβ€” at one point we literally had waves splashing up onto the set and into our trailersβ€”but I felt like it matched the beautiful setting and the level of energy we were getting from the city. Ultimately, it felt great to do something I hadn't seen us do in my seven games with NBC.

Personally, I will probably never work another Olympics where I can walk five minutes from the production trailer to a guy on the beach, who will smash open a coconut and throw a straw in it for me. So that was great. HOW DID GFS PREPARE YOU FOR A CAREER IN OLYMPIC BROADCASTING?

The value of a GFS education is perhaps something that only started to impact my job when I got into a position where I began managing people. One of the most important things we learn at GFS is how to work with and respect other people. The biggest thing for me is to remember that, regardless of where I go, I represent my company. And that’s something that WHAT WERE YOUR RIO HIGHLIGHTS? was instilled in me at GFS: thinking about Competition-wise, there were so many. the greater community. I loved Matt Centrowitz’s performance in the men’s 1500m; that was such an WHAT DO YOU FIND MOST FULFILLING unexpected title and a well-deserved ABOUT PRODUCING THE PAR ALYMmoment. I also really enjoyed all of the PICS? The Paralympics are absolutely younger members of the US Swim Team my favorite event. We get to show these who had breakout performances. From sports to so many people who have never the Paralympics, this year was the debut seen them before, and that makes a difof the Paratriathlon, and the US swept an ference to any viewerβ€”whether or not entire classification in the women’s race, they have a disability. The platform we including a bronze medal performance give them really means something to by Melissa Stockwell. She was the first the athletes, the viewers and the adapfemale solider to lose a limb in combat tive sports community, and can have a during the Iraq War, and she competed positive impact on our culture, which is on the 15th anniversary of 9/11. You could not something you can say about every see how much that moment meant to her, sporting event. It’s incredibly powerful. –Si Affron ’16 and it was awesome.

and brings its own challenges. Rio has a completely hectic energy, so there was a lot of β€œembracing the chaos.” As the first games hosted in South America, and with Rio’s economy, political climate, Zika, and other health concerns swirling around in the lead-up to the games, we were really focused on making sure we kept our attention on the broadcast.

Volume II 2016 |



Installation Sensation

Photos courtesy of the Feuer/Mesler Gallery.

Phoebe Washburn pours energy, creativity and challenges into her large-scale, interactive art projects. By Lucy Curtis ’17

Phoebe Washburn ’92 created her first sculpture out of a felled tree and cake decorating icing. β€œI liked the momentum, the excitement of it,” she recalls. β€œI liked the intensity. I was just following this energy.” Washburn, an installation artist who has spent her career searching for excitement and embracing challenges in her work, returned to GFS in April to deliver the annual Abigail Rebecca Cohen ’91 Art Lecture, where she captivated her Middle and Upper School audience with stories of her large-scale projects, which she constructs mostly from found cardboard, wood and newspaper, incorporating the history of these repurposed materials into her concepts and process.


For Washburn, the process is far more important than any finished piece; it’s what her art is all about. β€œI could spend a year preparing for a show, several weeks to a month installing it, and then it opens and I might leave the next day,” she explains. β€œI don’t really have a relationship with the final piece.” In fact, she finds the temporary nature of her work oddly liberating. β€œI’m not nagged by knowing that this thing exists out in the world, so it sort of frees me to be extremely critical and to examine the moments in the journey that were awkward and super challenging and even disappointing. It’s important to hold these struggles close, to enjoy and learn from them.”

Besides working with paper, cardboard and wood, Washburn has also incorporated live plants into her installations, introducing a whole new set of challengesβ€”and the opportunity to explore creative ways of solving real problems in real time. In her 2005 work, β€œIt Makes For My Billionaire Status,” exhibited at the Kantor Feuer Gallery in Los Angeles (pictured above), Washburn created an ecosystemβ€”β€œa wooden, undulating landscape with a living landscape on top”—complete with a simple irrigation system. When the installation began to leak, she devised a drainage method to funnel the water away from unsuspecting gallery-goers. When the leaks persisted, Washburn added

yet another layer to her landscape: She built planters under the leaks, filled them with plants and set up heat lamps to provide ample light, creating a β€œsecond generation water station.” β€œ[The project] was spiraling out of control, but this was the moment when the idea of β€˜surrendering to your process’ really crystalized for me, and I realized that I had kind of lost control of this piece and it was now leading me,” she recalls. β€œI was literally chasing after this piece, trying to solve all of these problems, but it was so exciting. It was equal parts thrilling and embarrassing.” The unpredictable nature of Washburn’s projects requires her not only to exercise a healthy sense of humor, but also to be open to the unexpectedβ€”which she embraces as a necessary part of her creative process. She strives to infuse all of her art with whimsy and fun. Washburn’s β€œPressure Drop for Richard Stands,” on display at the Kunsthallen Brandts Museum in Denmark in 2013, is a strong example of her playful sensibility. The 50-foot-long, 15-foot-tall structure, created from repurposed wood, was essentially a human-powered Gatorade vending machine. Openings in the exterior wall revealed abstract landscapes within, while others were windows from which gallery visitors, with the

ring of a bell, could obtain a cup of Gatorade served by volunteers hanging out in the β€œclubhouse,” or β€œapartment,” atop the installation. β€œI was exploring the idea of β€˜performance’ in my work,” says Washburn, who brought in artists and other volunteers to hang out on top of the structureβ€”which was outfitted with a kitchen, sofas, even computersβ€”and pour Gatorade through tubes for the gallery visitors. During their β€œfree time,” however, when no one was requesting a drink, the volunteers could do whatever they liked. And while Washburn originally thought the space might be used as an art studio, it became more of an improv space, with live music and other performances held almost nightly. β€œIt was an experiment to see what happens when nothing is scripted,” says Washburn (pictured below), whose work was included in the 2008

Whitney Biennial and is part of the permanent collections of the Guggenheim and Whitney museums in New York. And although she is currently between projects, she thinks her next step organically may be to have the actual installation of a piece be the exhibition. β€œThe moments we shy away from in our work usually end up being the most rewarding,” she concludes. β€œAs an artist, it’s important to get comfortable with the feeling of being uncomfortable. That’s when the breakthroughs happen.”

The Abigail Rebecca Cohen ’91 Art Lecture series is named for Abigail Cohen, who was a graduate of the Class of 1991. Her life as an artist and photographer was dedicated to the pursuit of social and aesthetic conΒ­ cerns. The series is made possible by the generous support of her brother, Jonathan Cohen ’88, and his wife Julia Pershan. Volume II 2016 |



Community Organizer Conor Biddle’s inspired videos put dance center stage. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85


talent. β€œI was just doing some random moves with my hands, like a wave, and my friends said, β€˜That looks really cool,’” he recalls. β€œThat’s when I first thought I might be decent at dancing.” Although Biddle’s focus would turn to film and baseball in Upper School, he also got into freestyle dancing, a nonchoreographed form of dance that involves stringing together moves to music. β€œI loved dance, but I never took any classes. I taught myself. I just loved to move,” he shares. Biddle arrived at Boston’s Emerson College as a film major in the fall of 2014, but decided to take some break-dancing lessons and joined the Emerson Dance Company. He didn’t care much for itβ€”or for choreography. β€œFreestyling is the ultimate way to express yourself because you're actully coming up with every movement on the spot to the song, it’s not planned out. Being told how to move kind of defeats the purpose and the reason why people dance.” The idea for the Community of Dancers videoβ€”to film dancers in


various locations around Bostonβ€” came to Biddle during his sophomore year, when he was looking for a way to get more dance back into his life. β€œThe name just popped into my head, and dictated what the video was going to be: a promotion of dancers and dance companies in Boston, using the city as a backdrop.” Working on a shoestring budget raised from a crowd-funding campaign, Biddle recruited 13 dancers from Boston dance organizations, including one of the city's best groups, Static Noise. Serving as producer, director, editor and dancer, Biddle and his director of photography shot the video over the course of six days in November 2015. He let the dancers pick their locations for inspiration, and chose GRiZ’s β€œGood Times Roll” as the soundtrack. It took him three weeks to make the final cut, which he released on YouTube last December. β€œIt was a big deal for me,” he recalls. β€œI always try to enhance the value of dance because it’s not mainstream or valued enough.” Although the video received a warm reception on YouTube (more than 200 views the first night), it

wasn’t until March 2016, when Biddle received an email from the Red Sox, that things really got interesting. Boston’s baseball team had been thinking about doing a similar kind of video, intercut with footage of the players, to screen before home games, and asked Biddle if they could use his video. He readily agreed. When he and his dancers saw themselves on the biggest screen in Boston for the first time, β€œwe were all freaking out. It was surreal.” Last spring, Biddle contacted the Phillies to see if they might be interested in doing their own Community of Dancers videoβ€”and ended up producing it for them in September. The concept was slightly different: dancers, fans and Citizens Bank Park employees dancing around the ballpark to promote a lively, fun-filled experience for Phillies fans. Biddle hired local Philly dancers, and made sure to secure a plum role for himself: dancing on top of the dugout with the Phillie Phanatic. β€œMy three passions my entire life have been baseball, dance and film,” says Biddle. β€œTo see them all come together is amazing.”

Leading the Way The School Committee welcomes five newβ€”and two returningβ€”members. The School Committee is comprised of dedicated individuals who include members of the Germantown Monthly Meeting, alumni, parents, faculty and former parents. This distinguished group sets policies for GFS and makes all final decisions regarding guiding principles, long-term direction and priorities set forth for the school. This year, the School Committee welcomes the following members: BEN CUSHMAN ’72 , who attended GFS

from Kindergarten through eighth grade, has spent 30 years in senior executive positions building high-growth consumer businesses. Since retiring in 2004, he has served in leadership roles on non-profit boards primarily in the education field, including Hampshire College, Sonoma Academy and The New School/Lang College. A world traveler and fitness buff, he grows pinot noir grapes and raises honeybees on his farm in Sonoma County. Returning to the School Committee after several years’ absence, JOE EVANS ’64 is a GFS lifer and a graduate of Lafayette College, where he studied economics and business administration. He received an MBA from Wharton, and worked as a chartered financial analyst, providing investment advice to endowments and foundations for 28 years. Joe has served on a number of corporate and non-profit boards, including three different Friends Schools. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife Carolyn. returns to the School Committee after previously serving for nine years, during which time he was the co-chair of the Voices for the Future Capital Campaign. He is Senior Vice President and Regional Director of the National Commercial Services Division of First American Title Insurance Company, and received his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and his J.D. from Boston College Law School. His mother and two children are also GFS grads. DAVID FELDMAN ’76

Industry leader C A ROL B A LDW I N MOODY ’74 has more than 30 years of domestic and global legal, compliance and management experience in the financial services industry. The principal of CAB Moody, LLC, which she founded in 2015 to create and implement compliance and riskmanagement programs, she currently serves on the board of Legal Momentum and the Women’s Legal

Defense and Educational Fund, and on the Council on Foreign Relations. Carol is the mother of GFS graduate Jessica ’10 and Justin, and lives with her husband in Philadelphia’s Manayunk neighborhood. TAKASHI MORIUCHI is a co-founder and

managing director of Estancia Capital Management, a private equity firm providing growth and buy-out capital to small- and middle-market companies in the financial services sector. He recently served on the board of The Philadelphia School, on the finance and diversity sub-committees, and was a member of the Assets Committee at Moorestown Friends School, which he attended for many years. Takashi received his BA from the University of Pennsylvania. His son and daughter attend GFS. An active Quaker since attending Haverford College, KATE O’SHEA has been a member of the Germantown Monthly Meeting since 2009. She holds a BA in Anthropology from Haverford College and a Masters of Education and Principal Certification from Arcadia University. Kate worked as a teacher in the Philadelphia School District, and was founder of Wissahickon Charter School, where she has been an administrator for 10 years. She and her husband live in Germantown, and their three children attend GFS. is a principal at reed|group LLC, a marketing research and management consulting firm based in Philadelphia. She previously served as executive director of three nonprofit organizations, as a senior manager at KPMG and as budget director for the City of Philadelphia. Dianne, who is a member of the finance committee of Friends Life Care and chair of the finance committee of Friends Center City, holds a doctorate from Stanford University and a Masters of Government Administration from the Fels Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Her son and daughter graduated from GFS. DI A NNE E . R E E D

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Strategy Through Inquiry Blending Quaker process with design thinking. By Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91

In the spring of 2016, Head of School Dana Weeks PREPARING THE WORKING announced the launch of a different kind of strategic planning process that would include all members of our community in a dialogue and discernment process about the direction and opportunities that lie aheadβ€”both in education nationally and, more specifically, at GFS. In partnership with the Rhode Island-based design thinking studio Epic Decade, Weeks appointed a Working Group,


Last summer, the Working Group clerks participated in a training on Quaker process and an intensive workshop on how to utilize design thinking methodology to delve deeply into their queries and generate creative thinking. They spent time refining their topics and contemplating ways to build experiences for the GFS community that would spark new ideas in their areas. The clerks also began to consider how they might begin to test ideas and engage the community in demonstration projects.

comprised of 12 faculty and staff members, to clerk the QUERIES SPOTLIGHTED BY MONTH exploration of three priority areas of focus: composition, context and students. Within each of these areas, there are two topics of inquiry. 12

This year, we are spotlighting different queries during particular months of the school year, and have encouraged our community to join in the conversationβ€”either virtually or in person.

GATHERING INPUT The clerks have begun to host a series of different kinds of experiences to encourage dialogue and creativity as they convene members of our community to consider and think creatively about what’s possible within each of the query topics. Faculty, students, parents, alumni and friends of GFS are coming together to begin to imagine what’s possible in education globally and at GFS.

A BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE At the conclusion of the year, the approved recommendations will serve as the blueprint for the future of education at GFS. This blueprint will also be used to share a nationally-relevant narrative on education, garner the involvement of celebrated thought leaders in our community, and galvanize resources to make realizing this new vision possible. For more information, please visit: To participate virtually in the exchange of ideas about the future of education and GFS, please send an email to and we will invite you to join our online platform, Ryver, or to attend an event that’s taking place in a city near you. Top (L to R): Diane Mallery, director of alumni, and Kate Hanssen, history department head, plan for clerking the Public Impact query. Middle: Michael Williamson, visual arts teacher, explains his approach to co-clerking the Living Systems query. Bottom (L to R): Diana Gomez, third grade teacher, and Devra Ramsey, Upper School math teacher, discuss Teaching and Learning with Brandon Jones, director of Upper School admissions and diversity recruitment. Together, they co-clerk the Diversity and Integration query.

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Caught in the Middle An alumnus poses a challenge to raise money to support students from middle-income families. By Colette Kleitz

β€œIn thinking back on how my GFS experience was enriched by the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives my classmates brought to campus, and, more importantly, on how it has shaped my values, my wife and I wanted to help ensure that the next generation of students and graduates derives nothing less from their time at GFS.” –Jeff Marrazzo ’96, early participant in the Jonathan Cohen ’88 and Julia Pershan Challenge for Financial Aid β€œAT GFS, WE WERE TAUGHT HOW TO TREAT PEOPLE AS PART OF A SOCIOECONOM IC A L LY-M I X E D ST U DE N T BODY WITHIN A QUAKER COMMUNITY,”

recalls Jonathan Cohen ’88. β€œIt’s what made GFS so special.” The value of this lesson inspired him and his wife Julia Pershan (pictured, below right) to pose a challenge to the GFS community that could potentially add as much as $750,000 to the school’s financial aid budget over the next four years. All funds raised will be allocated to Upper School students in need of partial scholarships. By establishing the Jonathan Cohen ’88 and Julia Pershan Challenge for Financial Aidβ€”which will match 2:1 every dollar raised by June 30, 2017, up to $250,000β€”Cohen’s hope is to motivate donors to support a growing group of students who come from middle-income households. β€œAs the cost of tuition has increased, GFS, like many independent schools, has seen a rise in the number of aid applications from families requiring 40 to 60 percent tuition


grants,” shares Laura Sharpless Myran ’78, GFS’s director of enrollment and financial aid. β€œA decade ago, some of these families would have been able to afford full tuition. Now, in order to fulfill our mission to achieve an inclusive and socioeconomicallydiverse student body, more financial aid awards for middle-income earning families are necessary.” For many families in this bracket, the decision to send their children to GFS boils down to the size of their financial aid award. In order to continue to recruit a talented and diverse mix of students, and retain them through graduation, GFS is constantly exploring new ways to expand its financial aid resources. Cohen and Pershan’s vision perfectly aligns with this objective, and all funds raised from their challenge will be employed immediately upon receipt for the following year’s financial aid cycle, directly impacting students and their families. Cohen, who attended GFS from seventh through twelfth grades, along

with his two siblings, Abigail ’91 and Daniel ’87, believes that providing a GFS education to deserving students from different backgrounds is critical to the fabric of the school. β€œAt GFS, I learned to uphold the ideals of open thought, open communication, diversity and dedication to good values,” says Cohen. β€œI learned as much from my classmates as I did from my teachers.” To join the challenge, please contact Colette Kleitz, director of advancement, at 215-951-2340 or

Social Justice for All



providing general support as well as new scoreboards for the Scattergood Gym. In addition, his sister, Nancy McDaniel Miller ’47, made a significant gift to help fund the non-tuition needs of Community Scholars, which will be spent over the next five years, and has already assisted students with expenses related to academics and the college application process. GFS thanks these generous siblings for their continued interest and support. –Colette Kleitz Middle School students take part in Germantown Community Day. DU R I NG G E R M A N T OW N F R I E N DS SCHOOL’S LATEST PAIS ACCREDITATION PROCESS, COMPLETED IN 2013,

the faculty identified the development of a comprehensive, social justice-themed, community involvement-oriented curriculum as a priority for the school. Fast forward three years, and GFS is the proud recipient of a matching grant from the Edward E. Ford Foundation, which will allow faculty to craft and pilot this new program, enabling students to studyβ€”in an interdisciplinary mannerβ€”ideas, concepts and essential questions relevant to social justice, defined by a collection of courses, curricular lessons, experiential learning, classroom-based partnerships, partnerships with outside groups, and community involvement projects. β€œThis is an important step towards our long-term vision of establishing a

social justice center that is a signature feature of life and learning at GFS, has a school-wide presence, touches students of all ages, more deeply supports the professional development of faculty and staff in the work of equity and inclusion, and faces out into the Germantown community, sharing resources and hosting scholars and artists,” says Director of Multicultural Affairs Mirangela Buggs, who is spearheading the effort. β€œThis is expressive of GFS’s longtime commitment to dialogue, community involvement and transformation.” –Lisa Solinsky Germantown Friends School is seeking $50,000 to fully secure the Edward E. Ford match. Your contribution to this exciting initiative would help to develop and pilot social justice curricular and co-curricular programming for Upper School students.


means is that if you are 70 Β½ years of age or older, you can make a gift directly from your IRA rollover account of up to $100,000 to GFSβ€”and that gift is not reportable as taxable income. These gifts also qualify as your required minimum distribution (RMD), which can effectively lower your taxable income, and do not impact your checking or savings account balances. To learn more about the benefits of making an IRA Charitable Rollover gift to GFS, please contact Diane Mallery ’80, director of alumni, at (215) 951-2340.

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Games and Gains It was a record-setting spring for many Tigersβ€”and a rebuilding season for several teams. By Traci Taylor


SOFTBALL The Tigers had a rebuilding season buoyed by a few stellar moments for the record books. Senior captain, MVP and four-year Friends Schools League All-Leaguer Lizzie Becker pitched a perfect game against Westtown, resulting in a 17-0 victory. She also achieved an all-time GFS strikeout record with 322. The season wrapped with a record of 6-6 overall, 6-5 in the FSL. β€œOur varsity roster consisted of many new, young players,” shared Coach Stephanie Aurello. β€œI’m looking forward to further developing them next season.” Other softball accolades included co-captain Hannah Hanson ’17 recognized with an FSL Honorable Mention.

BOYS TENNIS Boys Tennis may have lost a fair amount of seniors from the previous year, but the Tigers rose to the challenge and proved their strength as a young team. Finishing the season with an overall record of 8-6, 3-4 in the FSL, Coach Justin Gilmore reflected, β€œThis season allowed us to have a lot of growth when playing some of the stronger teams that we faced. Nothing helps you acutely realize the specific areas of your game that need improvement and strengthening like playing tough opponents.” Winning the match against Shipley 3-2 was a season highlight and solid league win, accomplished during a third-set tiebreaker. Tim Peterson ’18 earned an FSL Honorable Mention.


The program’s highlight-worthy spring was marred only by the bittersweet reality that it marked the last season for beloved longtime GFS Coach Rob Hewitt. The boys had a triumphant season, clenching the FSL title for the seventh year in a row, with an astounding 55 points more than second place Friends’ Central. Individual gold medalists included Nick Dahl ’17 (1600m, 800m, 3200m), Isaac Myran ’18 (long jump, triple jump) and Jack Lentz ’17 (300m hurdles). Success was also achieved at the PAISSA meet, as the team claimed first place in three different events. Jonnie Plass ’17, Daniel Stassen ’17, Manny Reitano ’17, Dahl, Lentz, Myran, Colin Riley ’18 and Grayson Hepp ’16 were all named FSL All-League. Although the girls fell just short of winning the FSL title, they had numerous other successes. β€œIn the FSL Championship meet, many athletes competed in three or four events,” said Coach Tom Myran. β€œThese efforts did not go unnoticed as parents, alumni and coaches from other teams commented on the determination and effort each member of the team put forth.” Two remarkable moments occurred at champs: Sarah Walker ’16 won the 800m, and Teasha McKoy ’18 placed first in the 100m hurdles and the discus. The athletes named FSL All-League included Walker, McKoy, Portia McKoy ’18 and Alice Wistar ’16.



Throughout the regular season, the crew team was focused and determined. The rowers had a notable five boats qualify for Scholastic Nationals, and two for US Rowing Nationals at the National Qualifier, Philadelphia City Championships. The Tigers continued their winning season, entering 12 boats in City Champs, with all 12 racing in the finals; both the girls (Maya Esberg ’18, Katie Maguire ’19) and boys lightweights (Eric Shen ’17, Gabe Sher ’17) earned first place. Said senior captain Andrea Berghella, who is now rowing at Brown University, about the season and the coaching, β€œImpressive work, and credit must certainly go to Aaron Preetam and his staff, who poured their lives into pushing each athlete to fulfill his or her maximum potential.”

Baseball’s season was one of improvement, both as a team and individually as players. Highlights included co-captain Garrett Melby ’17 tying the GFS record for hitting seven triples in a season, co-captain Thomas Primosch ’17 earing 23 RBIs, and Ben Mass ’17 achieving a .383 batting average. Melby and Primosch were also recognized with FSL AllLeague Honors. A game-winning moment for the Tigers occurred against Friends Select, when they came back from a 0-6 deficit in the bottom of the sixth inning by scoring seven unanswered runs to win the game. β€œI think we grew as a team, and there were a number of guys who put in the work and seriously improved throughout the year,” said Primosch. With a 6-4 record in the FSL and an overall record of 11-13, the team is eagerly looking forward to next spring.

LACROSSE The Lacrosse team found success under the leadership of its three senior captains: Isabel Schmidt, Sunny Reardon and Maddy Berg. β€œDefensively, this was one of our strongest seasons, with Maddy anchoring our defense and Corin Grady ’18 between the pipes in goal,” said Coach Katie Bergstrom Mark. Sophomore sensation Celia Meyer had 58 goals and 18 assists, controlled 45 groundballs and won 54 draws, making her vital to the team’s success. During the regular season, two of the most memorable wins were against Shipley and Baldwin. Sophie Smith ’17, Meyer and Grady were recognized with FSL All-League Honors, with Lindsay Golden ’18 and co-captain Schmidt receiving FSL Honorable Mentions.

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James Pickering ’17 and Noah Gansallo ’17, lead organizers of hackGFS, in the Wade Science Center.

CAN YOU HACK IT? Last spring, two eleventh graders challenged high school students to create a concept that would simplify, optimize or automate a task at GFS’s first hackathon. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 Opening portrait by Michael Branscom Photographs by David Barr ’16

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At 9 a.m. on a crisp spring morning last May, while most teenagers were still home in bed, hitting the snooze button, a crowd of high school students had begun to form in the lobby of the Hargroves Center on the Germantown Friends School campus. Toting laptops, even desktops, carrying laundry baskets overflowing with an array of computer hardware of various sizes and shapes, boys and girls, some accompanied by parents or teachers, others flying solo, joined the line as it began to snake out into the Evans Courtyard. They were waiting to register for hackGFS, GFS’s first hackathonβ€”and one of Philadelphia’s first high-school hackathons planned by and for highschool students. The brainchild of James Pickering ’17 and Noah Gansallo ’17, who started programming when they were in fifth and seventh grades, respectively, hackGFS was 18 months in-the-making, an effort to spark a β€œtechnological renaissance” in high school students. A hackathon is essentially an invention marathon, where programmers, designers, technology enthusiastsβ€”anyone with a cool idea, really, or an interest in collaborating with others to create something with technologyβ€”come together to learn, build, exchange ideas and share their creations over the course of 24 hours. This being GFS’s first foray into hackathon territory, it was decided

that hackGFS would last only 12 hours (10 a.m.-10 p.m.), and would be open to all students in grades 9-12 in the greater Philadelphia area and beyond, no previous experience necessary (coding or otherwise). And it would be free. β€œWe believe that there are no limits to what technology can do, only those imposed by people without adequate knowledge or exposure,” explains Pickering of his and Gansallo’s driving motivation to create hackGFS. β€œWe hoped that by hosting a hackathon, we would encourage students to see the creative potential that technology has and offer them an opportunity to harness it, as well as allow them to see the possibilities for future careers in the field.” Adds Gansallo, β€œThrough attending hackathons, we realized that you can design projectsβ€”pretty quickly,

actuallyβ€”that can directly influence daily life. That’s when β€˜coding’ turns into β€˜hacking,’ when you solve problems, make something tangible, with immediate results.” To make their dream a reality, Pickering and Gansallo raised $6,500 through a Kickstarter campaign to fund expenses, including the purchase of hackGFS t-shirts, the hackGFS website and prizes for the winners (Moto 360 watches, GoPros and Amazon Echoes); recruited sponsors, such as MIT Launch and CulinArt, as well as mentors to help lead workshops, including β€œIntro to iOS Development” and β€œIntro to JavaScript”; created a logo and the tagline What will you create?; and organized the hackGFS student club to help plan and run the day. Approximately 70 students from more than 20 schools attended GFS’s

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first hackathon on May 14. The theme was β€œHacking for Practicality,” and participants were asked to come up with an ideaβ€”an app, website or extensionβ€”that β€œsimplifies, automates or optimizes a task.” (Most hackathons have a theme.) Students were allowed to work in groups of up to four, and were assigned to a group if they didn’t come with one. From 10 a.m. until 8:30 p.m., when all projects entering the competition had to be completed, the groups toiled away, displaying a level of engagement, focus and intensity that was impressive for a group of teenagersβ€”on a beautiful spring Saturday or otherwise. At 8:45 p.m., everyone packed up their gear and headed across Coulter street to Yarnall Auditorium to present their projects to their peers, their parents and a panel of judges, including a Comcast executive as well as founders of local non-profits promoting technology initiatives, such


as tech education for students and increased access to technology for kids from underserved communities. Fourteen teams presented that evening, and highlights included: an app that helps keep track of a six-day high school schedule on an iPhone; an app that rewrites lab procedures in the passive voice; an interest calculator, loan calculator and inflation calculator based on historical data; a to-do list that can be reordered via hand gesturesβ€”using a brain scanner to measure attention to a task and Continued on page 24

β€œWe believe there are no limitations to what technology can do, only those imposed by people without adequate knowledge or exposure,” says James Pickering ’17, one of hackGFS’s founders, who began programming in the fifth grade.

Two members of the winning team focus on developing Procrastin8 (RIGHT). The judges (BELOW, FRONT ROW) take in the project presentations in Sharpless Auditorium.

Simon Rabinowitz '18, Zach Goldberg '18 and Matthew Overholser '18 (ABOVE) present their project, SavRΓ’€”a Python program that predicts the worth of a dollar in the future using inflation trends, then uses these to calculate loan payoff and interest ratesΓ’€”to the judges. A team of students from another school consults with a mentor about their idea (LEFT). Volume II 2016 |


remind the user to return focus to the top priority; and a location coordinator app that allows friends to identify a convenient meeting point. The team that won first placeβ€”their project, Procrastin8, was a chrome extension that actively tracks which websites you visit and how long you spend on each, then assigns a β€œproductivity number,” with a positive number signifying more productivityβ€” was comprised of four students who had never met before


that day, including GFS’s Zach Love ’17. β€œI absolutely loved participating in the hackathon,” said Love recently. β€œBeing able to walk around the room and see all of the other groups intently focused on their respective projects gave a charged atmosphere to the event. It was interesting to see how each group interpreted the prompt and what they came up with. Knowing that the time and effort I put into the project had a tangible impact on the

final product, and seeing Procrastin8 win first prize, filled me with a sense of joy and pride.” That sense of joy and pride permeated the entire day. β€œThe event was a great success, in large part due to the mature leadership of the student organizers,” says hackGFS Club Advisor Matt Zipin. β€œWhen we started, all we had was an idea of what a hackathon looked like, but we didn’t know how it was run, the logistics, the sponsorships needed or the support required. High school kids generally love big ideas, but sometimes slow down considerably when it comes to slogging through the details. Noah and James kept working, planning, talking with all sorts of folks, and, as a result, hackGFS was a stellar, quality production. The success was directly due to their integrity and perseverance.”

Zach Goldberg ’18 works through a concept with the help of one of hackGFS’s mentors, Mark Koh, who worked at the start-up Booksmart, but has since moved on to Spotify (LEFT). Approximately 70 students from more than 20 schools attended GFS’s first hackathon, where participantsβ€”some of whom had just met that dayβ€”worked in small groups (TOP and ABOVE) to create projects to present at the evening awards ceremony.. Volume II 2016 |


AGENT OF CHANGE As executive director of Stanford University’s d.School, Sarah Stein Greenberg helps design transformative learning experiences for students so they can build creative confidenceβ€”and reimagine the world. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85

When you enter the d.School at Stanford University, you are immediately aware that you’ve crossed over into a different kind of learning environment. Groups of students huddle together in industrial-like studios, with SMART Boards covered in Big Life Questions and colored Post-its expressing feelings, dreams, desires and initiatives. The furniture is on casters so that classroom configurations can change on a dime, depending on the needs of the group. At the d.School, there are no lecture halls, no standardized tests, no right or wrong answers. It’s the sort of place where problems are seen as opportunities, where process is as important as product, where humansβ€”the β€œend users”—have the greatest value. At the center of it all is Sarah Stein Greenberg ’96, the school’s executive director since 2014, who took her first d.School class when she was an MBA student at Stanford and, after earning her degree, deferred her first consulting job by a year to serve as a d.School teaching fellow. β€œWhen I showed up for my first d.School class, I was immediately like, 'Oh, I found


my place at Stanford,’” recalls Stein Greenberg, who became the program's managing director in 2010 before taking the helm two-and-a-half years ago. β€œIt was partly because the people in this community were as obsessed with group process and group dynamics as I was, and partly because, without having the language for it, I had unconsciously been practicing some of the approaches that are practiced here, I just didn’t know there was a name for it.” The d.School was started 10 years ago by David Kelly, Stanford’s Donald W. Whittier Professor in Mechanical Engineering and founder of the world’s leading product-design firm IDEO, who began team-teaching with faculty members from other university departments, and noticed

Stein Greenberg facilitates the design process with a project team during a d.School workshop (BELOW RIGHT). Students from all seven schools at Stanford take classes at the d.School (BELOW LEFT).

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β€œWhen you’re trying to innovate, you can’t think your way through the problem,” says Stein Greenberg, β€œyou have to experiment, try things and put them out into the world, get feedback and fail, then do it all over again.” breaking it down into pieces and figuring out how to solve each piece. β€œWe have a very different approach here,” explains Stein Greenberg. β€œWe believe strongly that the first thing you should do is try to understand the end user in their own context, then come to insights that help you reframe the problem. You think that you’re working on one thing because that’s how it was presented to you by your professor or your boss, but actually, when you get deeper into the process, you’re like, β€˜Oh, that’s not really what the problem’s about or what this person needs.’ β€œThe students have a lot of responsibility for defining what the problem is and coming to a point-of-view, and from there they go through ideation and prototyping and testing. When you’re trying to innovate, you can’t think your way through the problem, you have to experiment, try things and put them out into the world, get feedback and fail, then do it all over again. This combination of β€˜humancentered’ and β€˜prototype-driven’ is

the biggest piece of the methodology we’re teaching.” This is clearly evident in the 35-45 courses offered each yearβ€”approximately half of which are full-quarter, β€œfor credit,” while the other half are weekend-long β€œPop-Up” classesβ€”centered around education, public policy, global health, developing worlds and other hot-button areas and issues. Taught by a stable of 35 full-time faculty, and supplemented by a broader teaching community of 75 to 80 outside instructors (who might come in to teach one class a year), all courses have a β€œreal-world” componentβ€”and help foster the kinds of skills students need before launching out into the professional world. When Stein Greenberg was in business school, one of the first d.School courses she took was Design for Extreme Affordability. She and her classmates worked on a project around redesigning part of a water pump that was being distributed by a non-profit organization in Myanmar to help farmers irrigate their small

Photos courtesy of the d.School at Stanford University.

that the dynamics in the room were discernibly differentβ€”the students had more than one teacher to orient them, the faculty was having fun collaborating with one anotherβ€”that something very special was going on at the intersection of disciplines. This became the basis for the program: a diverse set of students and faculty members joining together in projectbased classes, often working with realworld partners, for an unparalleled, hands-on learning experience. β€œMany students have taken classes with people from different backgrounds, but if you’re in the Education School, and you’re working on a team with a business student and a computer scientist and a psychologist, all of a sudden you realize, β€˜Wow, that computer scientist doesn’t think the same way I do,’” says Stein Greenberg. β€œThat’s a pretty powerful discovery, and that interdisciplinary piece is integral to what we do. Stanford had a wonderful design program for many years, but the d.School is really about the idea of helping people who are not going to be professional designers acquire the same skills around problem solving and problem finding.” The program’s philosophy is deeply rooted in the fundamental tenants of design thinking, revolving around the idea that everything is user-centered, human centered. Traditionally, we’re taught that you solve a problem by conceptualizing what the solution might be, by

farms; if they could afford the pump, it might double or triple their income. β€œMy team worked on a solution to try to improve the frame that the pump stood on, and the way that a person used their feet to pedal the pump,” Stein Greenberg explains. β€œWe were able to take half the cost out of the frame. I spent part of the summer in Myanmar with the organization, helping them refine and iterate the design, and three months later, they were already out in the fields selling the pump. β€œI got a taste firsthand of how powerful the process can be, in a way that felt like it was contributing to real impact in the world.” It’s this real-world impact that attracts so many peopleβ€”students, educators, business executives, organizationsβ€”to the in the first place. Stein Greenberg says that most Stanford students take one or two courses at the school during their tenure, but she’s seen some take as many as seven or eight. And programs like the K-12 Lab, which educates primary and secondary teachers on applying the principles of design thinking, attract participants from around the globe. Spin-off initiatives include the β€œShadow a Student Challenge,” where members of school leadership

shadow a student for a dayβ€”from the bus stop to the dinner tableβ€”which can lead to powerful observations and insights through empathy for the student experience, and β€œSchool Retool,” a professional development fellowship designed to help school leaders redesign their school culture. A landmark project a couple of years ago, β€œStanford 2025,” explored the undergraduate experience of the future, taking into account the rapid growth of online learning and its effect on the on-campus experience. Stein Greenberg and her colleagues were philosophically drawn to this topic because of their humanistic approach to education. β€œWe see how so much can be catalyzed by hands-on project work, having a mentoring relationship with a faculty member, humans who think differently interacting together in the same space… At some point in the future there may be a model where students show up at college having already done a lot of online coursework, and the time they spend on campus is structured in a totally different way, not around classes but around projects and mentoring, for example, which I think would be a really exciting model.” This kind of new thinking, this

constant questioning and re-questioning, is what powers the d.Schoolβ€”and makes Stein Greenberg’s role as executive director so compelling. Every day is different, which is exactly the way she wants it. She sees her main role as helping set up conditions for her students to allow their creative potential to emerge. β€œThe underlying capacity we’re trying to cultivate in our students is creative confidence,” says Stein Greenberg. β€œMany people are socialized to believe that if they can’t sketch or draw, they’re not creative. We want to stop that way of thinking. Creative confidence is what comes out after you’ve had some small successes using design thinking. Suddenly, you see all of these opportunities around you to make an impact, where you can solve problems you never even noticed before.” And the connection between the d.School’s educational philosophy and her experience as a lifer at GFS is not lost on Stein Greenberg. β€œIn my mind, GFS is an example of how two things, the idea of rigor and depthβ€” with all the project-based learning, working in small groups, close relationships with your teachersβ€”can coexist. GFS is preparing students who would thrive at the d.School.”

A typical first day of class at the d.School begins with a design project, not a lecture or syllabus review (ABOVE LEFT): β€œAll of our courses are project-based,” says Stein Greenberg. β€œWe believe strongly in β€˜learning by doing,’ and that starts on the first day of class!” Classrooms are a blank slate, with much of the furniture on wheels so that teaching teams can pull together the physical environment they want for their learning experience, setting the conditions for students’ creativity to emerge (CENTER). A student shares her ideas with her working group (ABOVE RIGHT). Volume II 2016 |



Early Action Suzi Nam and the new college counseling office are striving to restore a sense of humanity to the college admissions process. By Jesse Overholser ’15

Under the leadership of new Director of College Counseling Suzi Nam, the GFS college advisory program has undergone a major transition. Before Nam’s hiring in 2015, GFS historically employed one full-time college counselor, assisted by six part-time counselors, all members of the faculty or administration. In Nam’s first year, she hired two fulltime associate directors of admissions, Mikael Yisrael and Rachel Fumia, in an effort to enhance the role that the college counseling office plays in the lives of Upper School students. As the college admissions process becomes more and more competitive, with colleges and universities across the nation reporting record-high application rates and record-low acceptance rates, the stress on students and families has only increased. No one knows this better than Nam, who spent 13 years in the admissions office at Swarthmore Collegeβ€”eight as directorβ€”before transitioning into high-school college counseling.


β€œThe college admissions field has changed significantly, and it’s still changing,” she explains. β€œThe needs of families are different now, especially with the process starting earlier and earlier. That’s something we can’t really fight, we just need to support our students.” As a result, beginning this school year, students will be assigned college counselors in January of their sophomore year. The idea is not to β€œdive deep” into the college process at this age, but simply to begin the conversation with students about their interests and passions, summer opportunitiesβ€”and when they should start visiting and thinking about colleges. Sophomore year may seem early to some, but Nam believes it will help build a stronger foundation and a more

Nam talks shop with Eliza Cohen ’16 and Owen Cheung ’16 in the college counseling office (ABOVE). The new college counseling quartet includes (from left) Choitz, Fumia, Nam and Yisrael (OPPOSITE).

trusting relationship between students, their families and the college counselors. β€œIf you’re engaged in the process over a longer period of time, it won’t feel like something extra,” she theorizes. β€œSenior year won’t feel so overwhelming.” This change is also representative of a larger transition that is taking place under Nam’s leadership: She and her team are moving towards a more β€œholistic approach” to the college admissions process, and see a large part of their role as teaching life skills to the students, such as time management, how to be reflective and how to ask the right questions. β€œWe think of ourselves as life counselors,” she shares. β€œOur focus is really on supporting and counseling our students, on helping them think critically about how they’re living out their high school years.” Adds Yisrael, who previously worked in both high school and college admissions, β€œWe help our students identify and articulate what they’re passionate about, what they’re interested in, and how they go about showing that and knowing that. There isn’t just one way to get into college.”

β€œHow do you tell your own story? How do you talk with strangers and make sure they learn the best of you? We teach more than just how to fill out applications,” says Nam, who sees teaching life skills as part of her role as head college counselor. Nam and her colleagues believe it all comes down to knowing how to effectively tell your own story, which for high school studentsβ€”for anyone, reallyβ€”doesn’t come easily. β€œHow do you tell your own story? How do you talk with a stranger in a new setting and make sure he or she learns the best of you? As college counselors, we teach more than just how to fill out applications,” explains Nam. Suzi Nam’s path to the admissions world was not a direct one. She initially thought she wanted to be a professor, but when she went to graduate school, she quickly realized that academia was not for her. So she looked for other opportunities within the education world, and after dabbling in alumni and development

work, happily landed in admissions. β€œI originally wanted to be a professor because I wanted kids to think differently about their place in the world,” she says. β€œI was studying history, and I wanted them to write their own history or herstory. So admissions felt like a perfect fit. What I want to do in education is provide access for students. And at Swarthmore, I was able to do that in so many ways.” Nam eventually left Swarthmore because she wanted to pursue the other side of admissions. During her time there, she saw the college admissions world transition its focus from the students to enrollment management, and often wondered, β€œWhy are we actively recruiting more kids when we deny so many?” Volume II 2016 |



Nam made the switch from college admissions to college counseling due, in large part, to the shift in focus from the students to enrollment management. As the director of admissions at Swarthmore College she wondered, "Why are we actively recruiting more kids when we deny so many?"

It’s this dramatic shift in the college admissions landscapeβ€”with the focus moving towards metrics and away from students as individualsβ€”that motivated Head of School Dana Weeks to change GFS’s college counseling model. β€œHaving counselors who have been on both sides of the admissions process, who have been out in the field and know the landscape firsthand, is exactly what we need and want for our students,” she shares. β€œThey have deep relationships with the schools our students attend, and are actively cultivating those relationships every day. Plus, they are doing a wonderful job at managing the energy around the whole process. β€œThis team knows the breadth of schools available,” Weeks adds. β€œThey are able to broaden students’ college lists by introducing schools that may not be obvious choices.” β€œWe’re trying to take away the power of, β€˜If you haven’t seen it on a sweatshirt, it doesn’t exist,’” says Fumia, whose previous experience includes teaching and high-school college counseling. β€œThe kids here are remarkable, I’m stunned by them. Our job is to find the best fit for each of them, where they can thrive as opposed to just survive.”


In order to effectively conduct their Herculean work, Nam, as head of GFS’s four-person department (Susie Choitz supports the three counselors), sets strategic goals, both annually and long-term. She is also a member of the senior administration team, and is part of all discussions concerning curricular or co-curricular changes. β€œThe associate directors work with the students, but they work on other projects as well,” she says. β€œFor example, Rachel is our summer specialist, and knows all about summer programs and study-abroad opportunities, and Mikael is our testing specialist, and has great knowledge of all the tests students need to complete for their applications.” Nam is also taking steps to alleviate the stress for low-income and firstgeneration students, whose college process can be the most daunting. β€œFor these groups of students, the lists can be different; they have to think more about how they’re going to get funded,” Nam says. β€œWe put on programming for first-generation students where we have a financial resources person as well as a college rep come talk about what it’s like to be a first-generation student. We’re working on a scholarship database,

too, so it’s easier for students to find available scholarships. β€œThe goal is really for students and families to feel like they’re not flying by the seat of their pants in this process,” she adds. β€œIt’s always going to be bewildering because it’s the first time and sometimes the only time you’re going to do this. Our hope is that we give you sufficient information and educate you enough so that you make the most confident decision that you can make.” But Nam has another goal, too, one that’s even closer to her heart. β€œI hope that, even though [the college] process is seen as stressful and really difficult, that it be a process of self-reflection and discovery for people. I hope that we can help them find joy in it. β€œI’m really optimistic about changing the tone of where college admissions is today.”





C A R L TA N N E N B AU M arrived at Germantown Friends


School in 1976 as a math teacher and the JV Boys Soccer

COLLEGE: Haverford College

Coach, and took over as JV Baseball Coach in spring of 1978.


In 1979, he became the Boys Athletic Director, a position he

SEASONS AS BASEBALL COACH: 37 as Head JV Coach, 2 as Head Varsity Coach (when Coach Harry Gratwick was on sabbatical)

held until 1997. He co-founded the Friends Schools League in 1981, and served as the clerkβ€”meticulously documenting everything from points-per-game to RBIs, and recording it on the FSL websiteβ€”until he retired in the spring of 2016 (when the role of league manager was created especially for him).

In 1989, Carl started the Germantown Community Bas-

ketball Tournament, which has taken place annually for the last 26 years. When not coaching his beloved Tigers, he could be found in the Front Hall, belting out a tune on Gershwin Day, or on the Poley or Loeb stage, starring in such classic musicals as Damn Yankees (twice), Guys and Dolls (twice) and Pirates of Penzance. Carl never missed a faculty/staff or faculty/student production during his 40 years at GFS.

SEASONS AS J V/THIRD TEAM SOCCER COACH: 40 years YEARS AS ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: 18 FUN FACT: The Friends Schools League had such high regard for Carl that when, in spring 2016, the Tigers’ last home game was rained out, and there wasn’t enough time left in the season to reschedule it, players from Moorestown Friends School and ANC joined together and traveled to Gratwick Field to play GFS so Carl could have his final home game as Head JV Baseball Coach. CAREER HIGHLIGHT: When left-handed pitcher Jesse Biddle ’10 was drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies straight out of GFS.

FA N FA R E β€œCarl has a lifelong, carefully nurtured respect, appreciation and love for the game of baseball, which I share to the max. Over many decades of coaching, it’s been my pleasure to swap stories, statistics and every possible baseball-related activity at GFS with him... I have come to a deeper appreciation of all the many things he did at GFS, not only sports-related.” –Chris Coxe ’70, Varsity Baseball Assistant Coach


β€œThe amazing thing about Carl’s tenure was his wide-reaching influence in every aspect of athleticsβ€”as an athletics director, as a founding member of the Friends Schools League, as a career-committed JV coach. I admire his relentless effort to preserve the history of GFS athletics and keep it up-to-date. In his four decades of coaching, he has mentored so many young athletes, always willing to share his knowledge, energy and dedication in β€œCarl’s enthusiasm and passion for the order to enrich their experience.” –Katie game echoed throughout the program Bergstrom Mark, GFS Athletics Director for the entirety of his JV coaching career. and Varsity Lacrosse Coach Whether it was coming in early to throw batting practice in the Little Gym, or staying β€œCarl was the perfect JV coach. late to hit extra ground balls, he always ex- Through his encouragement, he helped emplified what it meant to be a true Tiger.” develop many boys to play on the varsity –Jesse Biddle ’10, pitcher, Atlanta Braves team. He was also a selfless coach, who had no reservations about telling me when β€œMy dad’s first rule of JV baseball a boy was ready to move up if I needed a was never make more than one error on replacement in the middle of the season. any given play. Errorless play was best, All varsity coaches should be so lucky.” but if you made an error, he didn’t want –Harry Gratwick, retired history teacher you to compound it. It’s actually not a bad and former Varsity Baseball Coach rule for life off the field, either.” –Seth Tannenbaum ’04

β€œDamn Yankees at GFS is the first musical I have any memory of, and I was so excited to see my dad on stage! Since I was only three or four, I had to leave before intermission, but by his next performance two years later, I was old enough to sit through the whole show (twice!), and beamed with pride watching him woo Marie Larkin as Ali Hakim in Oklahoma. Next was Anything Goes, South Pacific (where he thoroughly embarrassed me in a coconut bra and grass skirt), then Pirates of Penzance and Guys and Dolls, the first faculty/student productions. I was beyond pleased to dance alongside him in Guys and Dolls as a fellow faculty member. My dad’s tutelage in the fine art of classic musicals has made an indelible mark on my musical tastes and passions, and I couldn’t be happier.” –Heather Tannenbaum ’07

Modeling Social Justice in the Classroom and Beyond As a master teacher committed to helping impoverished and oppressed communities in Latin America and the U.S., Bob Rhoades, who retired last spring, left a lasting impression on countless studentsβ€”and on GFS. By Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91

Bob Rhoads, with faculty member Sharon Askew in 1993, writing a letter to Amnesty International. IT WAS 1981 WHEN BOB β€œROBERTO” RHOA DES FIRST HEARD that Germantown Friends was creating a Latin

America Studies program, funded by a grant the school had received. This was a chance to combine his passion for teaching with his extensive experience in Latin Americaβ€”at a progressive and supportive institution. Born in Ecuador to missionaries, Bob became a community organizer for Latinos in the U.S. and an advisor to the American Friends Service Committee on their work in Latin America. He was thrilled to be offered the position at GFS and happily traded his one-hour commute to a suburban public school for the five-minute ride to campus. He was also asked to extend the GFS Spanish program beyond the ninth grade, following his students through their senior year. Bob’s classroom quickly expanded beyond the four-walled space he occupied in the Main Building.

He connected his students with Hispanic nonprofits and businesses in the Philadelphia area, and reached out to contacts in and around Latin America, arranging independent projects for juniors and the opportunity to travel to Puerto Rico for his first class of seniors. Over the years, Bob developed something of a formula for his tripsβ€”one that he could rely on to unlock a transformative, memorable learning experience for his students. β€œWe would dedicate some time to experiencing the sites of a country, but a greater portion of the trip would be spent doing a homestayβ€”usually in a rural community that was small enough to get to know and begin to understand,” he explains. Homestays would become the backdrop for community-chosen service projects, and Bob’s classes raised money in advance of the trips to purchase the necessary materialsβ€”many of which would have been hard to come Volume II 2016 |



by in their host communities. β€œWe had some amazing experiences constructing things that are lasting and, in many cases, the centerpieces of these communities today,” he shares. β€œWe built everything from a covered school bus stop to community centers to a retaining wall for a village whose town tree was being washed away at the roots. The whole town now sits on that wall around the tree in the evenings, in its shade, holding court with one another.” A master community builder, Bob often planned ahead with his students to prepare a meal of typical U.S. foods for the entire host community. β€œI’ll never forget one night making tossed salad in a giant garbage can, and mixing pasta with big vats of sauce in another. It was a way of saying that we all have food we’re accustomed to eating, we all have a curiosity about one another’s food, and we are seizing the opportunity to share one of our typical experiences.” Bob’s interest in teaching dates back to the early ’70s, when he was a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War and was required to do two years of alternative service. He went to South Texas to do community organizing with older adults around democratic inclusion, socio-economic justice and the allocation of municipal resources in small towns, which favored the wealthy. Bob noticed that Mexican-American students had


serious grievances with the school system. β€œIt began as a side-showβ€”organizing Mexican-American youth within their school system.” At the time, students were being punished for speaking Spanish in school, schools were not inclusive and policies were not supportive. β€œI realized that working with young people was in my future,” he recalls. β€œThe kids were incredibly dedicated to working to change their own environment.” Bob began doing mass voter registration, something he believes is critical to any change. In a mere two years, the communities he and his fellow organizers served were able to elect new school boards, which meant new ideas, school policies and curriculum changes. β€œThings began to move in a positive direction.” Bob defines good teaching as β€œcreating a learning community in the classroom by awakening students’ curiosity.” He believes this begins with a teacher’s passion for their own subject matter and with promoting a sense of safety and inclusivity in the classroom. He describes the learning community he fosters as a place where students sense that their teacher is as involved in inquiry and discovery as they areβ€”not a keeper of answers. β€œThe fun part for me has been putting students in the position to build their own love affair with Spanish and with its native speakersβ€”particularly in the places we’re

closest to, like Latin America,” Bob explains. β€œFor me, success is affirmed when students leave GFS and their commitment to Latin America doesn’t fade.” Many of his students have gone on to live and work in Latin America, pursuing careers in public health, international development, art, academics and more, all the while using their Spanish language skills to better understand our changing world. When Bob first arrived at GFS, he noticed there was no student group dedicated to understanding injustice and affecting positive change. During his first year, he formed an Amnesty International chapter, which allowed him and his students to address individual cases of prisoners of conscience abroadβ€”to write on behalf of those prisoners, bring former prisoners of conscience to the school to speak, and raise funds for the organization. When the students began to question some of Amnesty International’s policies and to become interested in prisoners of conscience in the U.S., they decided to disaffiliate with the organization and became the Human Rights Group. Still in existence today, this group has become a powerful organization for change, advocacy and fundraising at GFS. β€œLooking back, it’s hard for me to separate the experiences that lead to my own growth from those that lead to my students’ growth,” Bob reflects. β€œThey often happened simultaneously.”


CLASS NOTES Want to stay connected? We encourage you to visit the GFS website at to share your stories and submit Class Notes. Follow us on Facebook! Search for Germantown Friends School and click β€œlike.”


SALLY HILL COOPER writes that she is long retired from rail and public transit. β€œ[Had] a family gathering post-Christmas (2015) with all five kids, their spouses/ partners and kids. The five live in Virginia, Maine, New Mexico, California and Sweden.”


traveled to GFS to celebrate her 90th birthday in grand style! She gathered 50 family members (from 14 states) in a very large bus, and they toured Philadelphia and GFS together. Marie showed her family the Kindergarten classroom where she spent her first year at GFSβ€”and was delighted to see that the same wooden blocks were still there!


SAM LUKENS, JR. reports β€œnot much in the way of β€˜current activities’ these days, but still enjoying β€˜pretty good’ health.”


ANNE FLOOD MIDDLETON says, β€œAs the years go by, I realize how blessed I was that my parents sent me to GFS… Not only did I get a great education and have the joy of friendships that have lasted over 75 years, but more important, I learned to be aware of where help and love are needed.” CLASS NOTES IN THE BULLETIN It is sometimes necessary to edit notes to reduce the length so that we can accommodate as many entries as possible. We hope we have retained the essence of your news while also providing space to include messages from your classmates. Please contact us at 215-951-2340, or, if you have questions or want more information.

ERIC H. SPITZ recently directed a review of several Gilbert and Sullivan classics, including HMS Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, Mikado and others, at the Chatham Drama Guild in Cape Cod, which was favorably reviewed in the Cape Cod Times. Eric became enamored of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas when he participated in several GFS productions as a student. He and his wife Dawn have for many years acted in musical reviews of various kinds.


MAY 12 –14 If your class year ends in a β€œ2” or β€œ7,” come back to GFS and celebrate your milestone reunion with your classmates! All are welcome! Volume II 2016 |



ALISON BRADLEY WILHELM writes, β€œI am a retired anesthesiologist. In warm weather I am in Rehoboth Beach with my family. February is spent on Sanibel Island, FL, where I first went with Mr. Cadbury in 1947. It is still one quarter bird sanctuary.”

profoundly influenced by Germantown Friends School mentors Al Clayton and Mary Brewer. What a privilege to have been GFS students and to play the gamba, an instrument Al Clayton also loved.


CHARLES WURSTER’s book, DDT Wars: Rescuing Our National Earlier this year, ERIC EASTBURN Bird, Preventing Cancer, and THOMPSON visited family in Creating the Environmental Defense Vermont and spent the summer Fund, is available at with family in Jamestown, RI, including GAYEN T. THOMPSON ’61, DOROTHY SHARPLESS STRANG and WILLIAM W. SUE AXFORD AEMISEGGER SMITH ’65. shares, β€œBob and I had our first grandchild married on April 30, KAYE VOSBURGH reports β€œI have 2016! Alicia Aemisegger made been traveling as well as teaching a beautiful bride and very proud my Soegtsu ikebana classes and grandparents.” contributing to National Garden Club, Inc. Flower Show Schools. JEAN MARTINDALE WILSON Kirby and I just returned from a traveled to Bhutan for two weeks in Garden Club of America trip to October. She stayed in a Buddhist Tuscany. We visited two to three monastery for five days for a gardens a day and often had lunch meditation retreat. with the owners. Tour guides lead us through Siena and Florence’s churches and museums. I wish 6 5 TH RE UNION I had developed this framework SAMUEL POMPA shot a fantastic earlier to help organize the art I round of golf on March 16, 2016. love in time and place.” During a tournament in Naples, FL, he shot 40 on the front nine and GAIL VANDERHORST PROCTER has been running triathlons, 43 on the back nine for a fabulous enjoying young and older total of 83! grandchildren and sailing.






NANCY MUTCH BOOTH shares, β€œI give classes in making body products and soap, and have been telling students for 10 years that talcum powder causes ovarian cancer. Suddenly it’s all over TV that talcum power is a danger to women. All Johnson & Johnson has done is c​ hange​ ELLE SATTERTHWAITE their graphics from red/​blue to SEIBERT writes, β€œABBY THOMPSON ’75, virtuoso gambist mint green! β€˜Beware!’ is my hint SARAH CUNNINGHAM ’69 and I for today!” (above) at banquet night at the Viola da Gamba Society, Pacific 55TH R EUNIO N University, in Forest Grove, OR. Abby and I were students in Sarah’s DICK GROSSMAN writes, β€œMy Master Class, soaking up Sarah’s sister, CLARA GROSSMAN brilliant mentoring. [We were all] REEVES ’57, was energized as



a GFS student by teacher David Mallery, and went on to be a writer. She wrote two novels that were published in French, German, Dutch and Spanishβ€”but never in English. She spent several years trying to sell English publication rights for the first, but didn’t succeed. After she died (almost five years ago), I took on the mission to get them published in English. I found an excellent editor and graphic designer right here in the little town of Bayfield, CO, and have self-published the first, Troubadour: Song of the Lark. Troubadour is available through your independent bookstore, or through big booksellers. Clara’s nom de plume was Clara Pierre.” BRIGITTE SAPIN BINCTIN (who attended GFS as part of the Falaise exchange program, below with Head of School Dana Weeks) writes, β€œRetired for 14 years, I keep busy with different activities and grandchildren. I was glad to return to GFS [in May] for my 55th reunion, and am very happy to see some classmates in Florida every November!”


SKIP MCKOY just published his second novel, Son of the Maya, an international adventure set during the Guatemalan Revolution, 2006-2009. Find out more at www.


ELEANOR THOMAS HOBBS reports, β€œI am still basking in the afterglow of our 50th reunion. [Last] spring, the community chorus I sing with [did] a concert version of Trial By Jury. It was such a kick to see the thank you our class sent (and all signed) to Mary Brewer


when we performed that GFS farce many years ago, still hanging in the music room. Now partly retired, I’m LUCY BODINE NATTRASS caring for my 13-month-old grandΒ­ reports, β€œI’m gradually winding daughter, Matilda.” down my professional work and am revving up my musical and ALICE MAXFIELD shares, β€œWe outdoor activities. We’ve started gathered at Terry Lochhead’s a small string orchestra, which (below, in Kittery, ME), which was a perfect venue. Wonderful array of meets to explore this wonderful repertoire. My husband and I sing appetizers and beverages, and we were able to pick up cooked lobsters in a demanding chamber choir and and an assortment of Indian dishes really enjoy it.” to suit all tastes. The lobster crowd spread out on the deck with all the detritus of cracking claws and melted butter. The Indian food JANE GUTMAN writes, β€œThe fans ate demurely in the living Class of ’69 (below) reunited in room. Everyone agreed it worked Woodstock, VT, in July, as we out very much for the best, with did 10 years ago. It was not a special thanks to Terry for her β€˜reunion year,’ but, always happy flexibility and hospitality. We were to be thought of as mavericks, surrounded by copious bouquets we have reunions whenever and from [Terry’s] flower garden and wherever we feel like doing so. the sights and sounds of the Kittery This fabulous reunion was planned waterfront.” and executed entirely by our own REBECCA SAWYER, and she did a magnificent job of getting everyone together for perfect dinners and a big picnic… I do believe that the 30 or so people who attended all had a wonderful time!”


DAVID B. PERRY shares, β€œLiving in Guyana with my wife Laureen Pierre, an international capacitydevelopment consultant and educator. I am retired, but focused on development issues in Guyana, particularly in the area of largescale agriculture.”



KARL A. MERTZ March 30, 2016 MAURICE A. WEBSTER November 5, 2016


BARBARA ELLIS March 1, 2016 EDMUND B. SPAETH March 31, 2016 NANCY SPEATH June 27, 2016

1940 1945


STEVEN RASMUSSEN is living on a vineyard in Calistoga, CA, and learning how to grow grapes.



A. PIERCE BOUNDS writes, β€œHad a great time at our 50th reunion in May! I’ve been retired from Dickinson for five years, but am still taking photos. Both kids employed in their chosen fields. Yay!”


STANLEY W. ROOT July 8, 2015

BILL THODE is still enjoying retirement. 50TH RE UNION



WILL HOLT shares, β€œAubrey Ann Holt [turned] one year old (in July).” SABINA HOWELL is enjoying retirement in Seattle. β€œChoral singing is back in my lifeβ€”Mary Brewer’s teaching has stuck with me. I have also become involved in volunteer work.”

EDMUND V. LUDWIG May 17, 2016


JANE HOLLAND June 11, 2015


THOMAS T. TAYLOR March 2, 2016


DAVID S. FOULKE July 3, 2015 Volume II 2016 |




DANIELA VOITH writes, β€œIt was great to see as many people as we did, given the late notice, for the 45th reunion dinner. Fifty for 50 is the challenge for the next one.”


DAN TAYLOR shares, β€œβ€‹On October 29, 2016,​GFS hosted the 3rd Annual Reach Out and Read Basketball Tournament to benefit the children of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. Over 100 CHRIS TODD recounts, β€œCame up players participated,​including from Texas last summer with our many alumni, such as MICHAEL 20-year-old son, and he had a kick COHEN, RAY LEON ’15, DAVID​ walking around the GFS campus. GOULD ’07, SAM MERCURIS ’10, Caught up with family and my good BRANDON JONES ’00, JASON friend, Elton Cannon.” TUCKER ’03, and many more. The event raised $30,000 that will 40TH R EUNIO N be used to purchase 15,000 books for some of Philadelphia’s most ANN OSBORN writes, β€œSorry to impoverished children. Looking miss our 40th reunion. Machu forward to next year!” Picchu was amazing! Entering my 20th year of practicing Holistic/ Natural Medicine. Love to all my classmates.”

1975 1951

PAUL C. MOOCK August 3, 2016

1952 KATHERINE GORDON-CLARK October 25, 2015 ANTHONY S. LEIDNER April 18, 2016 WILLIAM T. VANDEVER September 29, 2016


SAMUEL W. PARKE March 24, 2016


JOHN HATHAWAY February 26, 2016


EDWARD O. RHOADS June 8, 2015



ELIZABETH LUNDBERG reports, β€œNot much to say except my pet cockatiel is 21 years old! Looking forward to the 2017 class reunion, and I will be there this time (barring any family tragedy). Hope to see everyone there!”

JAMIE KOLKER and VICKI FORMAN KAMIDA (below), on the beach in Santa Barbara, CA, sporting their GFS bucket hats!

REBECCA WOLF ROSHON shares, β€œIt has been a very busy year for me and my husband! In December 2015, I got a job at the Dover Air Force Base in the 436th Med Group as a Referral Management Clerk. In July 2016, I became president of my Lions Club in Clayton, DE, and in September 2016, my husband and I went to a Lions International Leadership Conference called the USA/Canada Forum. We will continue to be just as busy for the foreseeable future. With work and trips and missions for the Lions, we won’t get much chance to rest until the holidays!”





W. ROGER LANSBURY April 5, 2016


PEGGY THODE MORGAN April 1, 2016 HENRY HART April 18, 2015




MATTHEW COUNTRYMAN shares, β€œI continue to teach in the History and American culture departments at the University of Michigan, and am looking forward to a sabbatical leave to continue working on a book on African American mayors.”

ALEX LEVIN is serving in his second year as head of the English department at GFS, and continues to perform on occasion with his jazz bands. One group, The Smoke Rings, has recently released a CD to rave reviews, available for purchase at The

group plays music that Alex first encountered in music classes with Al Clayton and Judith Mallery.


VERSHA PATEL has begun her residency in OBGYN at the University of Michigan Medical School. JONATHAN PARKER (below) was selected to be the Chief of Interpretation & Education at Valley Forge National Historical Park last spring, and relocated​back to the Philadelphia area in April. He reports, β€œI’ve worked for the National Park Service for the past nine years and have enjoyed working in six national parks in Arizona, Utah, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. The National Park Service, let alone the Federal Government, wasn’t on my radar screen as a potential career option [when I was a student] at GFS, and I’d be interested in speaking with students (and/or faculty) about my experience working as a federal employee. I’ve found the work incredibly rewarding.”​

Ed and I welcomed our daughter Abigail β€œAbbi” Etta to the world. She is named after my two grandmothers, whom I am sure many of my classmates remember. We are now in Chicago, where I am clerking on the 7th Circuit for the next year.”



SARA LANGSAM HUNTER married Peter Hunter (below) at the Union League of Philadelphia on August 22, 2015.




KATHARINE L. LEECH July 15, 2015




DAN FEINGOLD was a guest at MADDIE FROMMELL ’07’s wedding (below) in Virginia in June. Other alumni in attendance included (clockwise from top left) LAURA STRUZYNA ’07, SUZANNE CHANDLER PARKER ’07, ROSIE PLAGER-UNGER ’07, Matt Gittleman (groom), ZOE FEINGOLD ’11, CARA SMITH ’07, NICK FROMMELL ’10 (and FEINGOLD).


​OREN GUR writes that on June 30, 2015, he and wife Arona were overjoyed to welcome a son, Nadav. In July 2015, he successfully defended his dissertation, completing his PhD in Criminology, Law and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is happy to 5TH R EUNIO N be back in the area as an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at SIERRA CARTER-GORDON Penn State Abington. graduated from Drexel University on June 10, 2016, with a B.S. in psychology.





EDWARD WILMER November 11, 2016


JOHANNA E. RICHMOND February 11, 2016


JUSTIN W. LEEVY April 2, 2016


JENNIFER E. PINKUS March 18, 2016

Former Faculty

GAY GILPIN JOHNSON July 7, 2016 PAT REIFSNYDER September 24, 2016 BETTY ANN WORKMAN ​July 18, 2016

EMILIA MCKEE VASSALLO writes, β€œIn March, my husband Volume II 2016 |



Pat Reifsnyder, 1929-2016 β€œAs a kid, tagging along with my dad on some trip to New York, I shared a car ride with Pat and talked her ear off about Winslow Homer. A week later, she gave me a book of his work. To have someone listen, remember, and give the gift of an open book is the greatest open door to behold.” –Marisa Williamson ’04


infections laughter. As a teacher, she was simultaneously whimsical and firm, beloved and formidable, a font of knowledge and information. She came to GFS in 1961 and stayed for 35 years, teaching a range of courses that included Ancient and Medieval European History, Political Science, and American History. In 2012, Ted Fernberger ’67 established the Pat Reifsnyder History Fund to honor Pat’s extraordinary legacy of teaching at GFS. A member of Germantown Monthly Meeting, Pat served on numerous committees and was Clerk of the Meeting from 1985-1991, and again in 2000. Always involved in politics, she was elected the Democratic Committeeman in her district in May 1966, a position she held for many years. She became Ward Leader of Philadelphia’s 9th Ward from 1987 to 1994β€”the first woman to ever hold that positionβ€”and was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1980. Appointed an Elector in 1992, she proudly cast her electoral vote for Bill Clinton. Her former students will never forget her warning to β€œnever pull the Party lever in a voting booth” and β€œPat’s Picks.” Solon’s Reforms, 594 B.C., Latin History, Thucydides, Mycenae, The King Must Die, the Battles of Marathon and Thermopylae, the sword of Agamemnonβ€”all pearls of β€œReify”’s wisdom. When Pat passed away on September 24, 2016, GFS lost one of its most inspirational teachers. There was a Memorial Service at the Germantown Monthly Meetinghouse on Saturday, November 26, to honor and remember the iconic woman whose life touched so many in the GFS communityβ€”and will continue to for years to come. Gifts in Pat’s honor and memory may be made to Germantown Friends School.


β€œPat Reifsnyder is why I became a teacher at GFS. Over the three decades we shared space on the second floor of the Alumni Building, she was an inspiration, a guide, a goad, an irritant. She was wonderful. She was someone who made you want to be better at whatever you were doing. I helped her clean out her classroom on her last day at GFS. She cried. Earlier that day, her last class had put petunias on their desks to say goodbye.” –Bill Koons, retired GFS history teacher β€œHow do you write a few lines to describe the teacher whose history class shaped the choices that you made for the rest of your life? From my first day in Pat Reifsneider’s American History and Politics class in the fall of 1963, I knew that this subject would trace a defining line through the rest of my life… One of my favorite moments came at her retirement dinner, presided over proudly by Mayor Ed Rendell. I had brought a pin that had been given to me by a Secret Service agent protecting Ronald Reaganβ€”a β€œStand-by Pin.” I gave Pat my β€œStand-by Pin” and she looked very pleased. Then I told her that this only worked with Republican Presidents! I can still hear her raucous, delighted laughter today.” –Bob Reisner ’64 β€œReify and I had a weird but wonderful relationship. She saw me as a bit suspect based on my Republican sympathies, but warmed to me quickly when we discovered our mutual love of the Montreal Canadiens; I remember how delighted she was by their ’93 Stanley Cup win. I even had the privilege of seeing (and tallying!) 1992 election night results for her ward at her house. While I quietly seethed over the official demise of the Reagan/Bush era, it was still an amazing and wonderful experience to see her so very much in her element. Now all the true political sages are gone and we are certainly the poorer for itβ€”but the memories will forever endure.” –Matthew D. Lewis ’95 β€œAlthough I was already a fan of Greece and Classics before her class, Pat Reifsnyder defined inspired teaching for me from tenth grade on. Her strong personality combined with compelling, often unorthodox material made her class a standout, even 30 years later. My interest in classical Mediterranean art, history and culture continue to this day because of the class she so effectively taught and embodied. –Steve Gratwick ’87

G E R M A N T OW N FRIENDS SCHOOL Report of Gifts July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Volume II 2016 |



Total Funds Raised for 2015-16 fiscal year


representing a

27.3% INCREASE over 2014-15

Annual Giving Total

$1,293,642 108%

of $1.2 million goal

given by

2,544 donors

Largest Single Gift Pledged This Year


Total Funds Raised for Scholarship

$2,403,676 54% of all funds raised in 2015-16


Largest Single Gift Received This Year

EITC/OSTC Funds Raised from Businesses




18% of scholarship funds raised

Annual Fund participation highlights

Highest Participating Classes by Decade

30% OF ALUMNI Reunion Year Giving 34%





of all annual fund gifts came from alumni

The Tiger Giving Challenge, now in its third year, inspired our youngest alumni in the classes of 2001-2015 to give to the Annual Fund, with 191 alumni making gifts during the 15-day Challenge. The classes of 2005 and 2007 were co-winners of the Tiger Trophy, with 30% participation. Fiscal Year 2016 |



Leadership Giving We are profoundly grateful to each of the donors who took a leadership role in supporting Germantown Friends School last year. With gifts to the Annual Fund, current operations, endowment funds and capital projects, these donors make it possible for GFS to maintain the outstanding educational programs that are its hallmark. Year after year, the unwavering and ambitious support of this group of exceptional donors has a tremendous impact on our community. We are honored and truly thankful for their vision and dedication to Germantown Friends School.

$25,000 A ND A BOV E Anonymous Skip Barber ’54 George Barrett and Deborah Neimeth Estate of Jean Broomell Jonathan Cohen ’88 and Julia Pershan Comcast Corporation Gerald Denisof ’53 Edward Fernberger ’67 and Kathleen Fernberger James Fernberger ’74 and Mary Walto Emily Hargroves Fisher ’53 The Anne M. and Philip H. Glatfelter III Family Foundation Rich and Peggy Greenawalt Linda Johnson ’76 Estate of Joan McKinney King David Loeb, Jr. ’51 and Barbara Loeb James and Lisa Maguire Maguire Enterprises LP The Maguire Foundation Andrew Mason ’52 and Dorothy Mason R. Chase McDaniel II ’50 Jim and Mimi McKenzie Nancy McDaniel Miller ’47 Philadelphia Insurance Companies Margaret Whitall Rhoads ’50 Chris Sanchirico and Hilary Alger Estate of Elizabeth Scattergood Skippack Energy LLC Snave Foundation Starnet Management, LLC David West ’49 and Susan Quillen West ’49 Andrew Williams ’72 and Sally West Williams ’72 Williamson Hospitality Services Daniel Wolf ’75 and Heidi Schultz Ted Wolf ’47 and Stevie Wolf

$10,000 TO $24,999 Anonymous Bob and Erica Carpenter Estate of Elizabeth S. Cary Michael Cohen ’82 and Amy Cohen



William T. and Lovida Coleman Jamey Delaplane ’85 and Mark O’Donnell Marc DiNardo ’80 and Elizabeth T. Drum Drumcliff Foundation Ellason & Molly L. Downs Trust Walter Evans ’66 David Feldman ’76 and Marilyn Frank Ken Hellendall ’73 and Nancy Hellendall Mingoo Kang and Sungjoo Sohn The Estate of Bruce Koch Anthony Leidner ’52* David Loder ’72 Jeffrey Marrazzo ’96 and Elinor Marazzo Michael Mini and Florence Battis Mini Estate of Dorothy Newnham The Pew Charitable Trusts Herbert and Alice Sachs Jody Smith Robert Victor and Alexandra Edsall Andrew Wallerstein ’74

$7,500 TO $9,999 Anonymous Polly Miller Campbell ’44 Putnam and Amy Coes Michael and Cindy Dahl Robert Giess ’57 Gay Johnson* Thomas and Jane Kang Thomas Loder ’76 and Amina Loder Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Craig Smith and Michele Frank Waste Management

$5,000 TO $7,499 Anonymous Barry and Maribeth Benjamin D. Jeffry Benoliel and Amy Branch Benoliel Joseph and Kathleen Buckley Robert Cahall

J. Norris Childs ’64 and Usha Childs Matt and Nadia Daniel Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Tom Dolgenos and Sarah Ricks Scott and Yvonne Emerson Joseph Evans, Jr. ’64 and Carolyn Evans Robert and Susan Fleming Richard and Claire Goldman Tyler Hays and Jen Wink Hays Steve Hill and Deborah Blair Hill ’60 Robert and Kathleen Jamieson Jonghyeog and Saeeun Kim Rob MacRae and Suzanne Biemiller T. Michael and Barbara Mather Nancy McKinney McNeil ’44 Allen Model and Roberta Gausas The Leo Model Foundation Mary Benedict Monteith ’55 Ronald Moody and Carol Baldwin Moody ’74 National Constitution Center Michael Peterson and Sarah Mather Peterson ’86 Michael and Christina Peterson Gwyn Prentice ’92 and Andrew Atterbury Parker Quillen ’56 Estate of Ruth Raisley Ted and Eileen Raven John Relman ’75 Estate of Stanley Root, Jr. Patricia Rose and Marta Dabezies Alex and Stefanie Seldin Lucy Bell Sellers Kevin Shinn and Anne Yo-Shinn Nicole Williams Sitaraman ’96 and Sankar Sitaraman Estate of Enid Stone Jane Swett ’57 Maurice Webster, Jr. ’35* Dana and Bill Weeks Caroline West ’75 and Jonathan Sprague White and Richardson Trust Richard Willis ’57 and Evelyn Willis

$1,845 TO $4,999 Anonymous Richard Abraham ’63 Jane Timmons Andress ’38 Michael and Sally Bailin Eric and Diane Baisch The Barra Foundation, Inc. Kenneth and Brenda Beiser Daniel Berg ’04 John Berman ’84 and Audrey Berman ’84 Daniel Bigelow and Suzanne Cole Nancy Bishop ’44 Barbara Mitchell Brock ’55 Lloyd and Merrill Brotman William Burnett and Lisa Sherman Burnett ’87 Jo Buyske Frederick C. Calder Stephen and Riza Cebula Larry Ceisler and Lina Hartocollis Children’s Literature Assembly Daniel Childs ’72 and Marda Donner ’72 Andrew and Michele Clayton David and Rhonda Cohen Hardin Coleman ’71 Lynn Collins Noah Cook and Debra Jih Bryan Crenshaw and Tara Rachinsky Christopher Curtis ’64 Edward D’Ancona Marvin Davis and Lynn Finley-Davis Benjamin Dean ’82 Laura Evans Durant ’70 Thomas and Eleanor Elkinton Russell Endo ’74 Katherine Epes ’71 Peter Erskine ’56 J. Morris Evans ’39 Peter Evans ’76 and Ellen Evans Sagun Pendse and Page Fahrig-Pendse William Felix ’54 and Margaret Felix ’54 Abbe Fessenden ’58 Maxine Field Vincent Figueredo and Ann West Figueredo ’80 David Fischer ’64 and Paula Fischer Deborah Fleisher Thomas and Lori Flynn Dale Frank and Elizabeth Hexner John and Carolyn Friedman Wayne Giles ’79 GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Deirdre Godin Jay and Natalie Goldberg Marcia Bell Grace ’55

Ellen Green John Harris ’57 Daniel Hartzog and Lorrin Thomas Sara Hopkins Hendrickson ’75 Steven Hilton ’76 Shirley Stevenson Hoch ’49 Douglas Hock ’77 and Kathy Hock Greg and Betsy Hocking Jay Johnson and Teri Gemberling-Johnson Rebecca Johnson ’70 and Lawrence Weisberg Adam Kamens ’89 and Kim Kamens Robert and Carole Keidel Shawn and Colette Kleitz Peter Kohn and Alexandra Samuels Wendy Evans Kravitz ’68 Aleni Pappas and Anthony Kyriakakis Judith Garfield Lipson ’66 and Steven Lipson Doris Loder Paul Macht ’44 Fred Magaziner ’65 and Phyllis Magaziner Judith Chappell Mallery ’52 Robin Mann Wallace Martindale ’48 and Henrietta Martindale ’49 John and Nathalie May Connie Bodine McCann ’73 and R. Ashbrook McCann Michael McCord ’63 McDonald’s Corporation Rebecca Webster McKinnon ’64 Matthew Botvinick and Amory Meigs ’85 Merck Partnership for Giving Michael and Nicki Metelits Takashi and Mey-Yen Moriuchi Mario Moussa and Robin Komita Douglas and Frances Nadel Carol Thomas Neely ’57 Jeremey Newberg ’83 and Fran Newberg Constantine and Jeanette Pailas John Palmer and Madhuri Malkani The Philadelphia Foundation David and Elizabeth Plimack Samuel Pompa ’51 Ralph Pothel and Michelle Williams Ned and Kathy Putnam Don Ragas and Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 Greg Rigdon and Molly Murphy Lewis Rosewater ’54 Timothy Safford and Lynn Karoly Thomas Scattergood ’66 and Kate Flynn

Courtland Schmidt and Colleen Christian Thomas Schwarz Nadya Shmavonian ’77 Manning Smith III ’58 Lisa and Jason Solinsky Zuofeng Song and Dongmei Li J. Webster Stayman III ’62 Herman and Anita Stein Matthew and Anne Sudduth Carl and Sabina Tannenbaum David Taylor Willard and Holly Terry Anne LeBlond Thompson ’69 Touchpoint Andrew Trackman Jon Tullis and Jeannette Newman Nancy Tyson Utica National Insurance Group Gretchen VanDenbergh ’56 Ross VanDenbergh ’58 The Vanguard Group Foundation Dilip Viswanath and Carmen Guerra Elizabeth Vrooman Richard and Cheryl Wade David and Keay Wagner Stephen and Rebecca Walker Alice Parke Watson ’59 Richard and Miriam Wattenbarger Theodore Wiedemann ’52 Perry Wilder III ’64 Elizabeth Williams Jean Martindale Wilson ’50 T. Wistar Brown Teachers’ Fund Abigail Wolf ’85 and Jonathan Weiss Wolfe Scott Associates Inc. Ellicott Wright ’46 Harrison Wright ’46 Wyatt Wistar Brown Fund Jeff Zeelander and Maureen Welsh * Deceased

Fiscal Year 2016 |



2015-16 Donors We are grateful to all of our donors who have made 2015-16 a successful fundraising year. Their generous donations have supported every area of the school, including scholarships, faculty salaries, academic programs and athletics. After many years of publishing our Report of Gifts in a magazine format, we are excited to share that we plan to bring it to you in a new interactive format in 2017. This change will allow the school to better recognize our donors, share the impact of their gifts, save crucial financial resources, and help protect the environment. Again, many thanks to all who have generously supported GFS! Anonymous Craig Ablin and Pam Vassilikos Richard Abraham ’63 Bonnie Acker ’66 Lamonte and Zarah Adams Sarah Marinoff Adler ’94 Sue Axford Aemisegger ’50 Matthew Affron and Sophia Rosenfeld Susan Agard Francisco Aguilera ’61 and Barbara Harris Aguilera ’61 Lynn Thomas Alberi ’61 Mary Spring Frazier Albrecht ’53 Anthony Albrecht ’48 John Albrecht ’55 William Alexander ’57 Mary Rhoads Alexander ’74 Eleanor Alger Robert Alig and Gwenn-ael Danet-Desnoyers Madison Alig ’11 Christopher Allen ’09 Jennifer Allen ’81 Marie-Christine Allen ’71 John Allen and Joyce Krajian Sally Owrid Allison ’62 R. Christopher Almy ’67 David Altenhofen and Mariette Buchman American Express Foundation Mark Anderson Jane Timmons Andress ’38 Leigh Andrews ’11 Anne and Philip Glatfelter Foundation William Anninger and Carol O’Donoghue J. Mark Appleberry and Maureen Carr Heather Harland Applegate ’61 Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation Stephen Arms ’87 and Jennifer Arms Myron and Caroline Arms Rev. Richard Armstrong Richard Armstrong ’50 Andrew Armstrong ’70 Edward Arnett ’40 and Sylvia Arnett Regner and Carolyn Arvidson Kayla Ashcroft



Sarah Scattergood Ashe ’60 Eric Askew ’91 and Abigail Stevens ’91 Sarah K. S. Auerbach ’00 Tom Avril and Karen Cheney Axon Group Michael and Sally Bailin Samuel Baily ’54 Peter Baily ’70 Kenneth Baily ’74 Eric and Diane Baisch Gene and Judy Baisch Patricia Welsh Baker ’53 Malcolm Baker ’90 Jenna Balaban ’02 Ruth McKinney Balderston ’46 Elisa Moore Baldwin ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Balka J. Bradley Bank ’71 and Daryl Stoner ’71 Bank of America Foundation Tracy Banks ’72 Peter Bansen ’73 Sarah Bansen ’76 Richard Bansen Skip Barber ’54 Rachel Barenbaum ’94 Elliott Baron ’13 Richard and Jane Baron Rachel Barone ’01 David Barr ’16 Robert and Nony Barr The Barra Foundation, Inc. George Barrett and Deborah Neimeth Kate Barrett ’02 Rosemary Gerould Barrett ’66 Maria Barstow ’08 Elias Bartholomew ’13 Matthew Bartholomew and Laura Silverman Timothy Bartik ’72 Pat Bass John Bateman and Xenia Tuton Bateman ’94 Seth Battis ’94 Melissa Battis ’97 Max Batzer ’61 Madalyn Powers Bauer ’55

Alan Bawden ’75 John Baxter ’45 Norman and Shayna Bayard Michael Baylson and Frances Batzer Baylson ’64 Todd Baylson ’94 Mira Baylson ’00 and Hal Morra Jill Bazelon ’94 and Joel Zuercher ’92 Lara Bazelon ’92 Richard and Eileen Bazelon Eric Bazilian ’71 and Sarah Bazilian Beajon LLC Robert Bean Henry Bean ’63 George Bean ’66 Matthew Beck ’96 James Becker Peregrine Beckman ’80 Mette Ottesen Beecroft ’54 Catherine Behrend ’66 Daniel Behrend ’62 Kenneth and Brenda Beiser Thomas Bell ’61 Gary Bell ’75 Amy Bell ’02 Barry and Maribeth Benjamin Shaun Bennett and Maully Shah Peter Benoliel and Willo Carey D. Jeffry Benoliel and Amy Branch Connie Benoliel-Rock Daniel Berg ’04 Jesse Berg ’88 Fredericka Nolde Berger ’50 Vincenzo Berghella and Paola Luzi Julia Bergman ’07 Amelia Bodine Bergmann ’65 Daniel Berkman ’02 Berkshire Hathaway John Berman ’84 and Audrey Berman ’84 Michael Berman ’88 Jeffrey Berman ’87 Steven Berman and Diane Newbury Amy Bernhardt ’76 Douglas Bernstein ’99 Joanna Bernstein ’05 Jeffrey Bernstein

Michael Berry ’77 Sarah Besnoff ’05 Jesse Biddle ’10 Daniel Bigelow and Suzanne Cole Brigitte Sapin Binctin ’61 Janet McPhedran Bingham ’44 Carol Bingham ’67 Frederick Bingham ’79 John Bingley ’58 F. James Bingley ’54 Suzanne Williams Birch ’48 Susan Freisem Birkhead ’69 Nancy Bishop ’44 William Bishop ’92 and Lauren Bishop Caleb Bissinger ’09 Kelly Bixby ’02 H. William Bixby and Sandra Baur Bixby ’72 Albert Bixler and Leslie Cheeseman Mitchell and Barbara Black Robert and Ilene Blain Matthew Blain ’92 Frances Blair ’57 Guy and Elizabeth Blaylock Charles and Nancy Block Annie Block ’15 Jessica Bluebond-Langner ’99 Rachel Bluebond-Langner ’95 Adam Blum ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blum Phoebe Washburn ’92 and Andrew Bocchino ’92 Elizabeth Reimann Bodine ’37 Margot Boigon and Jody Berg Michael Bolds ’04 Thomas Boldt ’89 Patricia Ziegler Bonsall ’52 Michael Boorse ’89 Penny Boorse Nancy Mutch Booth ’60 Barbara Paul Borst ’59 Mark Borton ’80 Jordan Boslego ’04 Bruce Bounds ’63 A. Pierce Bounds ’66 Edward Bowditch ’81 William Bowditch ’85 Atsuko Arai Boyd ’87 Pamela Boynton ’69 Laurie Boynton ’74 Janet Kahlenberg Brace ’52 Debra Brackett Millicent Bracy Rachel Bradburd Christian Brady ’12 Melissa Braff ’07

Carolyn Braff ’03 Deborah Branden Hannah Cooperman Bray ’82 Martha Harold Breiden ’45 Nancy Breiden ’73 Chris Brenn ’87 Benjamin Brier-Rosenfield ’05 Sally Soast Briggs ’52 Eli and Eileen Brill Barbara Mitchell Brock ’55 Janis Brodie Edward Brodkin and Stephanie Heck Micah Brodsky ’89 Lloyd and Merrill Brotman Baird and Carol Brown Stephen and Pelley Brown Jessica Brown ’84 Jonathan Brown ’84 Taylor Brown ’02 Lenore Ebeling Brown ’54 Virginia Mauger Brown ’47 Colin Browne and Karolye Eldridge Lois Bruckner and Debbie Lipshutz Cheryl Bruttomesso and Deborah Clarke Sophie Bryan ’92 Phyllis Buchanan ’52 Philip Buck and Lisa Mostovoy John Buckey ’52 Joseph and Kathleen Buckley Thomas Buckley and Alfred Zaher Peter and Marilou Buffum Rebecca Buffum ’91 Chris Burba and Sarah Light Rebecca Burk ’02 Francesca Gilberti Burke ’06 Jeremy Heep and Tia Burke Laura Burn ’76 William Burnett and Lisa Sherman Burnett ’87 Sandy and Alisa Burnham Michael and Jessica Burns John and Lisa Hemphill Burns Nancy Burrows Ellen Osgood Bush ’68 David Bushnell and Kimberly Pelkey Robert Busser ’56 Todd Bustard ’06 Satya Butler ’15 Michael Butler and Sarah Macdonald Katherine Butler Marigene Butler Peter and Frances Buttenheim Sarah Buttenwieser ’81 Jo Buyske Robert and Kimberly Bynum Robert Cahall

Kathryn Goldberg Cahan ’97 Frederick C. Calder Grant Calder ’76 Wynn Calder ’79 Sam and Barbara Caldwell David Camp ’62 Nelson Camp ’65 and Alice Maxfield ’65 Polly Miller Campbell ’44 Anne Campbell Mariel Capanna ’06 Dan Capecchi and Katherine Fleming Capecchi ’97 Victor and Jennifer Caraballo Jennifer Cardoso ’72 Claire Carey ’55 Mrs. John S. Carnes, Sr. Bob and Erica Carpenter Sierra Carter-Gordon ’11 Mary Carter-Rhoads Peter Case ’04 Leslie Bland Casey ’65 Alan Cayo ’48 Stephen and Riza Cebula Elizabeth Marvin Cecil ’54 Daniel Ceisler ’10 Larry Ceisler and Lina Hartocollis Robert and Jennifer Celata Elizabeth Celata ’07 Rosetta Celentano Amy Celentano Wendy Blank Chaikin ’94 Robert Chambers ’49 Robert Chaney and Ellen Napier Ronaldo Cheek, Jr. ’73 John Chenoweth ’97 Nancy Chenoweth Arthur and Marcia Chernoff Michael and Karen Cherubini Michael and Maureen Cherubini Children’s Literature Assembly National Council of Teachers Daniel Childs ’72 and Marda Donner ’72 J. Norris Childs ’64 and Usha Childs Marion Childs ’69 Carla Childs ’66 and William Cozzens Jung Soo and Sullae Choe Suzanne Chow ’91 Jennifer Chu ’03 Carol Chung ’00 John Cieslinski Caroline Cilio ’11 Harriet Weaver Claggett ’40 Anthony Clark ’61 Monica Clark-Reed ’83 Kenneth Class ’70 and Margaret Miller Class ’71 Fiscal Year 2016 |


REPORT OF GIFTS Abigail Clauson-Wolf ’15 Tyler Clauson-Wolf ’11 Reiss Clauson-Wolf ’09 Barry Claxton ’77 Bart Rieman Clayton ’76 Julia Clayton Andrew and Michele Clayton Alyson Greenlaw Cleary ’71 Richard Close ’39 Robert and Anne Clothier James Coan Putnam and Amy Coes David and Rhonda Cohen Polly Cohen Bonnie McClintock Cohen ’66 Michael Cohen ’82 and Amy Cohen Jonathan Cohen ’88 and Julia Pershan Arielle Cohen ’03 Max Cohen ’05 Amy Cohn ’64 Julie Cohn ’76 David Cohn ’61 Hardin Coleman ’71 LeShawna Coleman Lynn Collins L. Robert Collins, Jr. ’67 Comcast Corporation Harold and Carolyn Commons Computer Systems Resource , Inc. Jonathan and Emily Conant Noah Cook and Debra Jih Sid Cook and Megan Hess Bob and Michelle Cooney Susan Cooper Sally Hill Cooper ’48 Samuel Cooper ’78 Jacqueline Cooperman ’91 Esther Leeds Cooperman ’44 Nancy May Copple ’49 Thomas Corlett and Jill Wacker Carol Corson ’57 Matthew Countryman ’81 Ed Jakmauh and Joan Countryman ’58 Donielle Wright Couture ’97 Theodore Coxe ’66 Christopher Coxe ’70 Daniel Cozzens ’99 Ian Cozzens ’96 B.J. Erb Crabtree ’70 Ronald Craig ’91 Ben and Laura Craig Elizabeth Allen Craigie ’68 David Craine ’71 Bryan Crenshaw and Tara Rachinsky Allan and Esther Cristol James Cristol and Rebecca Kittell



Heather Cristol ’87 Jeremy D. Cristol ’01 Elizabeth Maxfield Crofts ’59 David Cromley ’85 and Stacey Cromley Lisa Cromley ’81 Deborah Cromley ’83 Karen Cromley Marsha Croninger ’65 Stephen Culbert ’84 Regina Vogel Culbert ’77 Reginald Cummings and Kimberli Smith Constance Cunningham ’78 John and Jennifer Curry Patrick Curtin and Jennifer Taylor James and Susan Curtis Christopher Curtis ’64 Peter Curtis ’62 F. Bennett Cushman II ’72 and George Tuttle Katharine Mallery Cusick ’14 Charles Dabezies ’09 Edward and Emily Daeschler Michael and Cindy Dahl Karen Daiter ’74 George Dallas ’52 Isabel Daly Edward D’Ancona Matt and Nadia Daniel David and Susan Dannenberg Beverly Davenport ’69 S. Edgar David ’76 and Karen David Kim David ’72 and Christine David F. Louise David ’45 Caroline Davidson Jennifer Davidson ’88 Steven Davidson and Simone Mogul Roland and Margaret Davies Byron and Erin Davis Marvin Davis and Lynn Finley-Davis Mary Ann Davis Roslyn Davis Charles Davis III ’54 Kathryn Davis ’64 Charles Day and Harriet Zubar Day ’57 Nadya Zubar Day ’79 Ann Lansbury de Journo ’51 Benjamin Dean ’82 Josephine Heard Deans Judy DeBrandt Robert DeBrandt ’53 Ellen Willauer Decker ’51 Eric and Kristin Defrancisco Peter M. Deibler ’73 Paul and Kathy Deitrick James Delaplane ’85 and Mark O’Donnell

Pamela Dembe Gerald Denisof ’53 Joan Mallery Denne ’55 Gerry Deseve’90 and Jennifer Torpie ’90 Thomas and Sarah Detwiler Amanda Devercelli ’99 Lynn Rudolph Devine ’62 Katherine Felsen Di Pietro ’84 Deena Boehm Dickerson ’60 Nina McNeely Diefenbach ’76 Charles Dilks, Jr. ’93 Marc DiNardo ’80 and Elizabeth Drum Thomas DiNardo ’54 Nicholas Dobrowolski, Jr. ’05 Geneva Dodson ’01 Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Tom Dolgenos and Sarah Ricks Jean Harold Dolph ’46 Anne Cohn Donnelly ’63 Michael P. Donnelly Roofing Company Benjamin Donner ’92 Melissa Donner ’98 Henry and Katherine Donner Thomas and Helen Dooley Harold and Kathleen Drake Drumcliff Foundation Sarah Dry ’91 Louise Duback ’68 Peter Duffey and Caroline Beard Martin Duffy Laura Duggan Richard Dugger ’51 and Patricia Cooke Dugger ’54 Dick Dupuis ’75 and Marjorie Little Laura Evans Durant ’70 Paul DuSold and Sharon Doerner Florian Dussler and Allegra Millan Susan Dwyer-Shick Beth Dzwil Will Ea ’05 Jane Easley John and Grace Ecclestone Frederic and Karen Edelstein Philip Edelstein ’03 Camille Edwards William Eigabroadt and Helen Eigabroadt ’63 Edwin Einbender-Luks ’09 Andrew and Ricki Eisenstein Harriet Lentz Eisman ’67 Jennifer Elder ’80 David Elesh Thomas and Eleanor Elkinton Ellason & Molly L. Downs Trust Catherine Domanska Elliott ’02 Barbara Sayre Ellis ’38*

Josephine Elwell ’63 Margaret Emerson ’75 Scott and Yvonne Emerson Alice Emerson Robert and Beth Emmott Russell Endo ’74 Katherine Epes ’71 Jane Erickson Mark and Linda Erlacher Janet Erlick ’84 Peter Erskine ’56 Laura Erstad ’08 Douglas and Tema Esberg Sally Eshleman ’65 Alina Esquenazi ’10 Gabriel Esquenazi ’06 Danaya Etheredge ’10 Kendall Etheridge Donald and Olivia Evans Elizabeth Evans ’74 Frank Evans ’52 J. Morris Evans ’39 Jeffrey Evans ’70 Joseph Evans, Jr. ’64 and Carolyn Evans Marjory Evans ’63 Owen Evans ’76 Peter Evans ’76 and Ellen Evans Robert Evans ’62 Sarah Malone Evans Walter Evans ’66 William Evoy ’56 Julia Ewing ’00 Hannah Ewing ’03 Alexandra Ewing ’07 Rudy Fabry Peter and Mina Fader Elizabeth Falconi ’68 Paul Farber ’01 Ivan Farber ’90 Barry and Ruth Farber Linda Adams Farmin ’51 Christopher Farrell and Mary Pisculli Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP Christian Fascione ’78 Joan Rice Faulkner ’40 Erik Federman ’09 Frank Feinberg ’79 Andrew Feinberg ’81 Daniel Feingold ’09 Eric Feingold and Penny Rezet Albert Feldman David Feldman ’76 and Marilyn Frank Emily Feldman-Kravitz ’78 Jill Greenfield Feldman ’86 Sarah Feldman ’06

William Felix ’54 and Margaret Trotter Felix ’54 David Felsen David Felsen ’88 Kent Felton Jordan and Robyn Felzer James Fernberger ’74 and Mary Walto Edward Fernberger ’67 and Kathleen Fernberger Nicholas Fessenden ’61 Abbe Fessenden ’58 Hal and Susan Fichandler Maxine Field Benjamin Field and Viktoriya Torchinsky-Field Michael Field and Linda Seidel Vincent Figueredo and Ann West Figueredo ’80 Jonathan Fingerut ’90 Jerald and Joyce Fingerut Theodore and Ruth Fink Kenneth Finkel and Margaret Kirk Jarod and Leah Finlay Graham and Katharine Finney Kenneth and Lois Fischbeck Allen Fischer ’55 Mary Jane Fischer ’65 David Fischer ’64 and Paula Fischer Emily Hargroves Fisher ’53 Sandra Fisher Jacob Fisher and Ronnie Rubin Elaine Flanagan Marshall and Margaret Fleisher Deborah Fleisher Robert and Susan Fleming Anne Fleming ’05 Cindy Fleming-Powell Abbey Ruthrauff Flink ’87 Anne Middleton Flood ’47 Mary Flounders-Arnett ’44 Thomas and Lori Flynn Alexandra Fogel ’54 Anne Scattergood Fogg ’58 Kenneth and Joanne Ford Julie Keller Forsythe ’60 Josh and Caroline Fosnot Virginia Smith Fosse ’75 John Foster ’59 Margaretta M. Foulk ’70 David Foulke ’84 Foulkeways Doreen Foust Sydney Miller Fox ’74 Jonathan Fox ’61 Dale Frank and Elizabeth Hexner Norman and Nikki Franke

Fred and Diane Frankel Deborah Franklin J. Christopher Franklin ’74 Meredith Martindale Frapier ’54 Herbert Fraser Rosemary Frasso Elizabeth Fredette ’98 Michael Freed ’72 Jonathan Freedman ’95 Barry and Meryl Freedman Samuel Freeman ’54 and Margaret Freeman Stanley Freilich Karen Freisem ’70 Erica Frenkel ’99 Douglas Frenkel and Marlene Weinstein Marilyn Martin Fricker ’57 Nataya Friedan ’09 Jonathan Friedan Joseph Friedberg Julie Friedberg ’89 John and Carolyn Friedman Sara Friend ’08 Madeleine Fromell ’07 Daniel Fuller ’99 Mary Ann Furin Eric Furst and Teresa Chang GTPHL Polly Gable Gaffney Fabrics Duncan Gallagher ’14 Mia Gannon Noah Gans-Pfister and Francesca Gans-Pfister Andrew Garfinkel ’13 Kate Garrity Michael and Sandra Garz Emily Gasthalter ’01 Amber Gay ’92 Anne Geckle Jonathan Gell ’47 Evan and Bernadette Geller Jeffrey Gelles and Sharon Gornstein Benjamin Gemberling-Johnson ’08 General Electric Foundation Steven and Kathleen Genyk Elan Gepner ’01 Katharine Gerbner ’01 Emily Gerbner ’06 Zachary Gerbner ’10 John and Anne Gerbner Sarah Gerould ’71 Leigh Gerson ’04 Robert Giess ’57 Bari Gilbert ’12 Gene and Judith Gilbert Fiscal Year 2016 |


REPORT OF GIFTS Wayne Giles ’79 Justin Gilmore ’96 Tom Gilmore and Sally Walker Tom Ginsberg and Leslie Hurtig Elizabeth Glatfelter GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Richard and Wendy Glazer Matthew Glazer ’96 and Ariella Baylson Glazer ’96 Linda Bauer Glenn ’60 Charles Glueck, Jr. ’58 Robert Goddard ’65 Deirdre Godin Stephen and Barbara Gold Jay and Natalie Goldberg Joshua Goldberg and Andrea Kirshenbaum David Goldberg and Jennifer Stetzer Goldberg ’95 Andrew Goldberg ’92 Bruce and Michelle Golden Rita Goldman Richard and Claire Goldman Justin Goldman ’03 Jenna Goldman ’99 Daniel Goldner ’92 Rebecca Goldner Meg Goldner Rabinowitz John Goldsborough and Julia Stein Edmund and Susan Goldsborough Gary Goldstein and Cynthia Randall Eugene Golson and Marie Bundy Golson ’77 Christopher Golson ’11 Felicia Fogg Gonzalez ’52 Deborah Churchill Goodell ’57 Mark Goodheart ’95 Adam Goodheart ’88 Sarah Goodman ’05 Noah Goodman ’08 Ann Gordon ’62 Jennifer Goren ’80 Joan Mohr Gorga ’62 David Gould ’07 Amina Gould ’10 Frank Gould and Janet Weinstein Peter Gould and Sharon Askew Marion Busser Gourlay ’50 Marcia Bell Grace ’55 Gradian Health Systems Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) Matthew and Carolyn Grady Henry and Anita Gratwick Patricia Levesque Gray ’60 Jessica Gray ’07



R. Matthew Greenawalt ’02 and Anna Stowell Rich and Peggy Greenawalt David Greenberg and Susan Stein Ellen Green-Ceisler Ann Greene Zachary Greene ’11 Benjamin Greenfield ’00 Sarah Parke Greenough ’61 Richard Greenwald and Nancy Katz Claire Marrazzo Greenwood ’97 Johanna Peters-Burton Greeson ’93 Christopher Griffin ’97 Rick and Hallie Grodin Linda Grodin Richard Grossman ’61 Gardy Guiteau and Mirangela Buggs Oren Gur ’02 Alon Gur ’08 Adrian Gurzau ’71 Hanna Gustafsson ’02 John Needles and Mara Guth ’83 H. Jane Gutman ’69 James Gutman ’64 and Patricia Phillips Nicholas Gutowski ’05 Robert Gutowski and Madelyn Ladner Stephen Guy and Ruth Frank Chelsea Guy-Frank ’08 David Haas Jill Major HaLevi ’83 Walter Hallowell ’51 Paul Halpern and Felicia Hurewitz Michael and Emma Halpert Greta Ham Kevin Hamel and Lisa States Andrew and Jill Hamilton Alex Hamilton and Leslie Benoliel Peirce Hammond III ’60 Holliday Hammond ’64 Allen and Daphne Hanford Catherine Hanssen ’00 Jay and Mary Haon Mary Mengert Harding ’47 John and Margaret Harkins Jennifer Harland ’77 Marilyn Harmelin Gwendolyn Waterfield Harper ’54 John Harris ’57 Louise Broomell Harris ’57 Jeffrey Harris ’75 Thomas and Holly Harrity Francis Hartung, Jr. ’45 and Cynthia Luden ’45 Daniel Hartzog and Lorrin Thomas John and Leigh Hassler Lenora Haston

Rhonda Haston ’85 Stephen Hauschka ’58 Robin Havens ’91 Madeline Hawes ’09 Ariel Hayes ’03 David Hayward ’68 Deborah Bailin Heacock ’92 Marion Heacock Nicholas Heavens ’01 Neil and Carole Hecht Teddy Heck ’84 Christopher Heckscher ’83 Martin and Cindy Heckscher Rebecca Smith Heider ’92 M. Theodore Heinecken ’49 David Helgerson and Bethany Wiggin Ken Hellendall ’73 and Nancy Hellendall Megan Hellendall ’15 Eleanor Wixom Helper ’45 Nancy Henderson ’67 Alan Henderson and Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91 Sara Hopkins Hendrickson ’75 Witold and Marcia Henisz Shawn Hennessey ’98 J. Allen Henryson ’60 Herb Scott Catering Mark Herr and Rachel Putman Herr ’80 J. Davis Herron ’03 Ellen Eiseman Hersh ’53 Daniel Hershberg ’02 Ted and Betsy Hershberg Anne Hess Laura Hess ’94 Rob Hewitt and Claire Duncan David and Lynn Heyman Richard Higashi ’45 Katrina High ’97 Steve Hill and Deborah Blair Hill ’60 Steven Hilton ’76 Catherine Hineline Eleanor Hinsey George and Elissa Hirschhorn James Hirsh ’56 Eleanor Thomas Hobbs ’65 Shirley Stevenson Hoch ’49 Marie Emlen Hochstrasser ’44 David Hock ’83 Douglas Hock ’77 and Kathy Hock Greg and Betsy Hocking Joy Hockman-Schless Gordon and Barbara Hodas Paul Hodge ’53 Alex-Michael Hoehne ’63 Lawrence Hoenig and Rebecca Rackin Hoenig ’77

Bonnie Hoffman-Adams ’76 Hillel Hoffmann and Sharon Webber John Hofmann ’02 Frank Hoke and Agatha Andrews Susan Bodine Holahan ’62 Sandra Smith Holder ’60 Lawrence Holland ’48 Lisa Hollett ’93 James Holloway ’74 Anita Mertz Holmes ’64 William Holt III ’71 Stephen Holt Linda Holtzman and Elizabeth Conston Todd Hoover and Lisa Kinney-Hoover Joan Hopkins B. Thomas Hopkins ’81 Carmen Hopson Lois Keates Horgan Joan Hergesheimer Horn ’51 Wendy Horwitz Richard and Jane Horwitz Nancy Hartung Hough ’47 Charles Hough, Jr. ’72 Jonathan and Jeni Howe Sabina Howell ’71 Robert Hubby Robert Hulshouser ’63 Cory and Amy Hunnicut Christine Hunter ’70 Abigail Huntington Vincent Hurtubise Charlotte Pancoast Hutchison ’36 IBM Michael Idinopulos and Katherina Rosqueta Caroline Goldberg Igra ’81 Daniel and Marilyn Irwin Sarah Tyler Ismail ’58 Robert Israel ’53 Jeffrey and Jane Istvan Mary Lynne Grove Ives ’55 Robert Ivins and Lara Measelle The J. Paul Getty Trust Tom and Sallie Jackal Benjamin Jackal ’04 Katharine Jaffe ’00 Emily Jaffe ’95 and Dan Shotz ’95 Anthony Jameson ’70 Patrick Jamieson ’92 and Laura Jamieson Robert and Kathleen Jamieson Jay Jans ’63 Isabel Janzen ’10 Scott Janzen and Sara Gordon Johannes Jarka-Sellers and Lucy Bell Jarka-Sellers ’82

Meera Jauhar Peter and Anne Javsicas Jonathan and Cordelia Jensen Sandra Jewett ’74 Emily Johnson ’76 Lawrence Weisberg and Rebecca Johnson ’70 Jeffrey Johnson ’71 Laura Johnson ’73 Karen Carnwath Johnson ’60 Amy Johnson ’78 Gwendolyn Johnson ’78 Linda Johnson ’76 Jay Johnson and Teri Gemberling-Johnson Gay Johnson* Christine Johnston Samantha Brown Johnston ’91 Sarah Finney Johnston ’76 William Jonas ’88 Jonathan E. Rhoads Trust Sabrina Jones ’78 Spencer Jones ’09 Brandon Jones ’00 and Leanne Jones Stephen Jones ’57 Barbara Freeman Jones ’50 Lauren Joseph ’04 Jacqueline Joseph ’82 R. Gilbert Jost ’60 Te Joon Jung and Claire Yoo Harold Juram * William Juram ’73 Sarah Juram ’80 Nathaniel Kahn ’81 Amy Day Kahn ’67 Nicole Kahn Sara Beth Kalb Betsy Kalish ’73 Hannah Kalkstein ’70 Harold Kalkstein ’74 Janet Kalkstein Arbetta Kambe ’77 Adam Kamens ’89 and Kim Kamens Victoria Forman Kamida ’80 Coleman Kane ’73 Sarah Kanes ’96 Lawrence and Kimberly Kanevsky Mingoo Kang Thomas and Jane Kang Arielle Kaplan ’08 Richard and Mary Kappel Peter Karp ’78 George Karr and Barbara Mulford Karr ’55 Natasha Kassell-Osborne Stephen and Judy Kastenberg

Peter Kastor ’85 Joel Katz and Patricia Thompson Madeline Kaufman ’07 Stephen Kaufman and Sydelle Zove Kasey Kaufman ’04 Nancy Kohn Kaufmann ’47 Jasia Kaulbach ’10 Tracey Kavanagh Michael and Kimberly Kearns Christopher Keats ’61 Robert and Carole Keidel Nancy Kelleher Adam Keller ’69 Lynn Keller ’69 David Kellogg ’77 Howard and Frances Kellogg Charles Kelsh ’07 Theodore Kennedy ’62 Joan Watson Kennedy-Berkey ’49 Ron Keren and Michelle Hu David Kern and Karen Vaccaro Michael Kerns Alexander and Marnie Kerr Rachel Feldman Kesselhaut ’74 Carol Kim ’01 Lauren Kim ’01 Caroline Kim ’91 Jonghyeog and Saeeun Kim Han Sun Kim Elizabeth Kimball ’02 Estate of Joan McKinney King ’49 John King Robert Kinney Priscilla Kinney Ann Kinsman William Kirber ’70 Harriette McLean Kirk ’44 Tripp Kise ’00 Ron Litman and Daphne Klausner Barry Kleban ’68 Peter Kleinbard ’62 Michael Kleiner ’76 and Lisa Kleiner Shawn and Colette Kleitz John Klopp ’48 Missy Apfelbaum Knee ’74 Kelsey Knowles ’15 William Knowles and Luisa Sanders Knowles ’87 Sandra Turner Knup ’58 Christopher Kocher and Michelle Dooley Anna Battis Kogan ’00 Robert and Frances Kohler Atul Kohli and Marie Gottschalk Geoffrey Kohn * Deceased

Fiscal Year 2016 |


REPORT OF GIFTS Peter Kohn and Alexandra Samuels Merle Kohn ’54 Kate Kolbert-Hyle ’06 James Kolker ’80 Barbara Konover William and Linda Koons Arcangelo Guida and Kristin Kopple ’81 Peter Korn ’69 Samuel Korus ’11 Hannah Korus ’09 Max Korus ’07 Gary and Deborah Korus Richard Kraemer, Jr. ’87 Linda Kramer John Krauser and Rachel Krauser ’82 Michaela Krauser ’13 Wendy Evans Kravitz ’68 Kim Kridsada ’07 Lydia Kring ’09 Adam Kuby ’79 Michael Kuby ’76 Sandra Kuby Elizabeth Browning Kuch ’68 Pamela Juram Kuhn ’75 Brenda Kukuia Kenneth Kulak and Katherine Hovde Job Kunkel ’72 Esther Kurtz Stephen and Joy Kushner Rebecca O’Brien Kuusinen ’93 Thor Kvande ’88 Aleni and Anthony Kyriakakis Craig and Elizabeth LaBan Natasha Labbe Abdul and Maria Labi Nadya Labi ’90 Aisha Labi ’86 James Labor and Karen Duckworth Mike Lachman Peter Lai Jennifer Laken-Shirk Geraldine Lamar Jon Landau and Signe Wilkinson Gregory Lane ’04 Robert Lane ’01 Elizabeth Laquer ’69 Christopher Laquer ’67 Colin Larkin ’93 Eleanor Scattergood Lash ’63 Ellen Laskow ’07 Seth Laver ’97 David Laver ’86 Adina Laver Richard and Emily Law Steven Lazin and Carol Kaminski Paul Lazorko



Jane Lea ’72 Nicole Leapheart Jeannine Rohrbach Leavenworth ’57 Marc Lebeau ’87 Stephen Lebowitz John Ledeboer, Jr. ’49 Mary Clay Platt Lee ’48 Andre Lee ’89 Heeseung Lee ’91 Charles and Eliza Lee Herbert Lee Andrew Lee Peter Lee and Jennifer O’Leary Edward Lees ’89 Wayne and Laurie Leevy Michael Lefevre ’07 Anthony Leidner ’52* William Lell, M.D. ’60 Jason Lempieri and Catherine Barbieri H. Chase Lenfest Anne Mullican Lent ’53 Sandra Eaton Lentz ’57 Martin Lentz ’59 and Bonnie Lentz ’58 Nathanael and Suzanne Lentz Harry Leonard, Jr. ’44 Rachel Leonard ’76 George Letchworth ’52 Deborah LeVeen ’59 Mark Levenstien and Laurel Glaser Peter Levesque ’57 Meera Levin ’02 Alexander Levin ’93 and Frauke Levin Michael and Caryl Levin Adam and Caren Levin William and Rhonda Levy Michael Levy and Porter Mason Steve Levy and Pinkie Hamilton Linda Rosenwald Levy ’59 Randolph and Kathleen Lewis Alexis Leyva-Yanoff ’00 Robert Li and Bonnie Ky Walter and Lois Licht Emily Licht ’00 Melissa McDonald Lide ’00 Victor and Katharine Lidz Farrell Lines Betsy Lingenheld ’69 Isabelle Linguiti ’13 Michael Lintulahti and Vanessa Williams Jane Lippman ’73 Judith Garfield Lipson ’66 and Steven Lipson Phyllis Thornton Littlefield ’56 Mary Liu ’68 Edmund Livingstone

Sandra Lloyd Duncan Lloyd ’02 Kate Lloyd ’00 Terry Lochhead ’65 Matthew and Kristen Loden Doris Loder Ted Loder and Janet Filing David Loder ’72 Mark Loder ’70 Thomas Loder ’76 and Amina Loder Karen Loder ’74 Marek Loder ’07 Kyle Loder ’09 Julya Loder ’11 David Loeb, Jr. ’51 and Barbara Loeb Norman and Nancy Loev Michael Loewy ’70 and Miae Shin Andreas Loewy ’72 Susan Plummer Looney’54 Stephen Lord ’57 Manuel Lorenzino-Sepp ’14 William Louchheim ’48 John Louchheim ’68 James and Shira Hammarhead Paul Loughnane ’85 and Deanna Loughnane Frank Loughran and Mary Lees Loughran ’42 Alison Love ’14 Jessica Love ’11 Jennifer Low ’02 Caitlin Low ’08 Tristin Lowe and Rebecca Zaslow-Lowe John Brady and Susan Lowry Andrea L’Tainen Karen Lubeck ’86 Martha and John Lubell Sylvia Johnson Lucas ’51 Cynthia Bounds Lucas ’59 Ernie and Sandy Lucier Deborah Kozart Ludtke ’84 Diane Luffy Nick and Priscilla Lukens Samuel Lukens, Jr. ’45 C. Edward Lukens ’49 Margaret Lukens ’73 Christopher Day and Elizabeth Lukens ’75 Christopher Lundberg ’74 Elizabeth Lundberg ’77 Robert and Laura Lynam Robert and Patricia Lynam James and Susan Lytle Joan Yarnall Ma ’74 W. Stewart MacColl ’46 John Paul MacDuffie and Jane Abrams

Paul Macht ’44 Doris Conklin Mackenzie ’45 Whit Maclaughlin and Catharine Slusar Christopher and Alina Macneal Pat Macpherson Jim and Nancy MacRae Rob MacRae and Suzanne Biemiller Macy’s Jerome Maddox and Valarie Allen Robert Magaziner ’73 Fred and Phyllis Magaziner ’65 Benjamin Maguire ’67 James and Lisa Maguire Maguire Enterprises LP The Maguire Foundation Sumeet and Monica Mainigi Ani Maitin ’86 David Major and Evelyn Eskin William Malandra ’60 Donald Malcolm, Jr. ’51 Jack Malinowski and Deborah Frazer Judith Chappell Mallery ’52 Diane Mallery ’80 Helen Wilson Mallon ’74 Stephen Malone ’73 Judith Malone ’79 Shelagh Maloney ’84 Donald Maloney Peter Mancall ’77 Gregory Mandel ’87 and Alyson Mandel Rosario Manion Elizabeth Manlove ’75 Jason Mann ’98 Susan Mann ’03 Robin Mann Iourii Manovskii and Elena Krasnokutskaya Deneen Maloney Mantegani ’78 Michael and Diane Marinoff Ann Fischer Markel ’65 Vicki Markovitz ’87 and Larry Dubinski Keith and Lise Marlowe Jeffrey Marrazzo ’96 and Elinor Marrazzo Michael Cooke and Julie Marren Michelle Marshall Edward Marshall and Joanna Bassert John Marston ’97 Helen Marter Anne Martin Emily Martin ’06 Nora Martin ’08 George Martin ’58

Wallace Martindale ’48 and Henrietta Martindale ’49 Robert Marvin ’57 E. Wellford Mason, Jr. ’59 Andrew Mason ’52 and Dorothy Mason Marjorie Mason Evan Mason-Beeney ’74 Larry Mass ’88 and Christine Hunter Burton and Lynne Mass Deborah Mateffy T. Michael and Barbara Mather William Matlack ’46 Naila Mattison-Jones John Matzko ’81 Anthony and Linda Mauro Rebecca Maury William Maxfield ’62 Abby Maxman ’84 Melissa Maxman ’78 John and Nathalie May Thomas Mayer ’73 Lester Mayer III ’71 Nora Mazur ’76 Brian McAllister ’77 Luzerne McAllister II ’01 Marian McAllister Janet McCabe Robert McCabe Robert McCafferty and Nancy Kelleher Cornelia Bodine McCann ’73 Charles McClelland ’11 Philip McClelland and Karen Banos Michael McCord ’63 Peter McCord ’59 Benjamin McCoubrey ’13 Richard McCourt and Rebecca Simmons R. Chase McDaniel II ’50 McDonald’s Corporation Alex McDowell ’88 Joseph McGeary M. Kevin McGill ’80 Frances McGinty Malcolm McHarg ’75 Richard McIlhenny and Marissa Vergnetti Sam McIlvaine ’85 and Miranda Kany Joan McIlvaine Patricia McInerney Molly McKaughan ’63 Theodore McKee and Ana Pujols-McKee Emilia McKee Vassallo ’04 Lydie McKenzie ’12 Jake McKenzie ’08 Gus McKenzie ’10 Jim and Mimi McKenzie Rebecca Webster McKinnon ’64

John McKoy ’62 Thomas and Brandi McLaughlin Sarah McMenamin Eliza McNabb ’06 Megan McNamara ’96 George McNeely IV ’78 Nancy McKinney McNeil ’44 Peter McPhedran ’54 and Letitia McPhedran ’54 Robert and Cheryl McQuade Joseph and Susannah McQuillan ’85 Susanna Juram McVaugh ’69 Nicholas Mealy ’92 Matthew Botvinick and Amory Meigs ’85 Garrett and Barbara Melby Elizabeth Mellor ’37 Peter Meltzer ’76 Eric Meltzer and Ann King Roy Mendelssohn ’67 Marvin Mendelssohn ’65 Elmer Menges, Jr. ’51 Michael Meredith ’61 Merck Partnership for Giving Robert Mertz ’61 Oscar Mertz III ’75 Michael and Nicki Metelits Michael Metz Paul Metzger, Jr. ’48 James and Sandra Meyer John and Karen Meyer Marjorie Meyers ’74 Della Micah Charles Milbourne and Denise Caffee-Milbourne Catherine Cooper Millard ’57 Nancy McDaniel Miller ’47 Eugene Miller, Jr. ’39 Evelyn Murphey Miller ’41 Julia Miller ’07 Carol and Jim Miller Kevin and Claudia MIller LaToya Miller Susan Mills Georgiy and Natalia Minasyan Diane Mincey Daniel Mines and Liza Somers Michael Mini and Florence Battis Mini Handsel and Karen Minyard James and Rachel Mirage James and Catherine Mitchell Oliver Mitchell-Boyask ’15 Allen Model and Roberta Gausas The Leo Model Foundation Feroze Mohamed and Shaila Prabhakar Nicole Monson ’91 Anne Monteith ’83 Fiscal Year 2016 |


REPORT OF GIFTS Mary Benedict Monteith ’55 Joy Fletcher Montgomery ’56 Pekka Mooar and Sally Pullman-Mooar Ronald Moody and Carol Baldwin Moody ’74 Edith Shipley Moore ’54 Edgar Moore ’46 Earle and Joanne Moore Joanne Morgan Elizabeth and John Moriarty ’92 Anna Black Morin ’01 Takashi and Mey-Yen Moriuchi Eleanor Smith Morris ’52 C. Richard Morris ’55 Carol Bell Mosher ’64 Joshua Mosley and Sarah Zwerling Eric Moss and Margaret von Mehren Michael Moulton Mario Moussa and Robin Komita David Moyer ’83 and Amanda Moyer Anne Doberstein Moyle ’52 Catherine Kelly Mulgrew ’97 Kiera Murasko-Blank Florence Webb Murphy ’59 Richard Murray and Patricia Bailey Nancy Dehne Myers ’57 Stanley Myers ’45 and Margaret Myers Thomas Myers ’76 Tom Myran and Laura Sharpless Myran ’78 Douglas and Frances Nadel Robin Locke Nagele ’75 Karen Zweizig Naghski ’79 Caroline Hearn Nairn ’82 Moses Nakamura ’09 Alexander and Alison Nalle Arthur Napier III ’66 Sivaraman and Shobha Natarajan Jane Nathanson ’00 Gabriel Nathanson ’90 National Constitution Center Lucy Bodine Nattrass ’68 Carol Thomas Neely ’57 Nick Nehez ’91 and Alex Auder Joao and Elizabeth Neiva (de Figueiredo) Robert and Genevieve Nelson Hetty Smith Nerod ’81 Elizabeth Quereau Nevius ’54 Jeremey Newberg ’83 and Fran Newberg Estate of Dorothy Newnham Virginia Niebuhr ’75 Natalie Weathers Nixon ’87 Aichlee Njoroge ’05 Daniel and Sahirah Norwood Richard and Robin Nourie Michael Nourie ’07



Michael and Marissa O’Connell David and Kristin O’Connor Matthew O’Connor ’15 Allison O’Connor ’13 Edward Odgers, Jr. ’48 Wilson Oelkers ’59 and Emily Novotny Oelkers ’59 Sally Fricke Oesterling ’52 William Oldach III ’80 The Open Door Joseph Operhall and Ana Hartl L. Nicholas Ornston III ’57 Fredrick Ortega and Michelle Dusold Ortega Isaac Ortiz ’08 Barbara Osborn ’84 Ann Osborn ’76 Brian Osborne and Tara Culp Andrea Sachs Otto ’92 Charles and Barbara Overholser Charles and RenΓ©e Overholser Sarah Pacifico John and Glennis Pagano Constantine and Jeanette Pailas Frederick Paisley ’76 C. Davis Palmer ’59 Eugene Palmer ’74 Michelle Palmer and Conrad Waldron John Palmer and Madhuri Malkani Grant and Heather Palmer David and Audrey Pancoe Scott Panzer ’77 Stefan Parisi and Olivia Prud’homme Suzanne Parker ’07 Gilbert Parker ’44 Louis Parrott and Suzanne Newman Barbara Broomell Parry ’60 Charles Parry ’96 Leigh Partridge Julie Paschkis ’75 David Patchefsky and Rachel Fuld Cara Patchell Pankaj Patel and Seema Nayyar Marilyn Patel James Paterson ’84 Peter Paul ’49 Kathleen Paulmier ’79 Martha Payne Warren Pear and Cadence Kim Dixie Palmer Peaslee ’56 Nancy Lukens Pegnam ’48 Sagun Pendse and Page Pendse Christine Price Penglase ’59 Lorraine Fletcher Pennell ’58 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company Caroline Pennypacker ’73 PepsiCo Foundation Paul Peranteau Zachary Perch ’02 Richard Perelman and Justine Gerety Sara Perine James Perot ’56 and Melissa Perot Ann Perrone Olga Wagner Perry ’56 David Perry ’65 Lauren Persichetti ’62 Matthew Peterson ’15 Michael Peterson and Sarah Mather Peterson ’86 Michael and Christina Peterson The Pew Charitable Trusts Sanford Pfeffer Elizabeth Pfeffer ’11 The Philadelphia Foundation Philadelphia Insurance Companies Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Philip Rosenau Co., Inc Mary Stokes Phillips ’51 Alan Pichanick and Jessica Covitz James Pifer and Jodeen Hobbs Sue Pifer Ralph and Cheryl Pinkus Wayne and Jill Pinover Emmanuel Pirvulescu Carol Pixton ’67 Thomas Pixton ’71 and Barbara Pixton ’71 Andrea Plasky Versha Pleasant ’00 David and Elizabeth Plimack Harri Plotnick ’11 Jim Polk ’81 Samuel Pompa ’51 Katherine Aronstein Porter ’68 Jeffrey Porter and Marnie Simon R. Willis Post ’57 Ralph Pothel and Michelle Williams Thomas Powell, Jr. ’46 Aaron Preetam and Carole Loeffler Gwyn Prentice ’92 and Andrew Atterbury Nancy Drum Price ’51 Linda Price ’62 Kara Pride ’14 Kane Pride ’12 Keith and Kimberly Pride Sara-Lee Primo Carol Pringle ’73 Gail VanderHorst Procter ’60 Matthew Prowler ’97 and Reina Prowler ’02

Jeffrey Purdy ’74 Philip Purdy ’71 Barbara Purinton ’67 and Charles Purinton Dale Purves ’56 Edward and Kathryn Putnam Raymond Quaglia and Kelly Nelson The Quaker Chemical Foundation Jean McLean Quay ’46 Quentin Quereau ’56 James Query ’10 Anna Query ’07 Parker Quillen ’56 Joshua Rabinowitz Barbara Rabinowitz Don Ragas and Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 Joseph Ragg, Jr. and M. Catherine Driscoll Lindsley Raines ’81 John Rainey ’63 and Kimberly Fleer Rainey ’65 Estate of Ruth Raisley ’33 Dolores Ramos Carter Ramsay and Margot Rae Ramsay ’98 Joseph and Devra Ramsey Richard and Judith Rappaport Laura Rappaport ’79 Nina Rappaport ’76 Susan Shaffer Rappaport ’52 Paul Rardin ’83 Jared and Susan Rardin Kevin Rasmussen and Vivian Su David and Theresa Raufer Ted and Eileen Raven LaRose Ray Lawrence Raymond ’53 Roger Read ’76 Charlotte Read Christine Reardon and Michael Davidson Margo Borten Reardon Daniel Reardon George Reath, Jr. Marie Louise Thompson Reese ’40 Abigail Reifsnyder ’76 Susan Moyle Reilly ’78 Robert Reinhardt Peter Reinke Judeth Butterworth Reinke ’55 John and Stephanie Reitano Jason Rekulak and Julie Scott John Relman ’75 Robert Rhoades Caroline Rhoads ’79 Jonathan Rhoads ’56 and Julia Rhoads

Margaret Whitall Rhoads ’50 Nancy Rhoads ’50 Samuel Rhoads ’82 and Nicole Rhoads Priscilla Rich ’70 Kirk Richardson ’78 Hollis Richardson ’03 Jessica Rigby ’93 Benjamin Rigby ’90 Greg Rigdon and Molly Murphy John and Ann Riggan Brian Riggs Michael Riley and Hillary Bogner Philip Ritter ’52 Daniel and Kathleen Rittler Stefano Rivella and Kimberly Young Jessica Riviere Noah Robbin ’03 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Miriam Roberts ’06 Gainor Roberts ’59 Lindsay Roberts Joan Todd Robinette ’47 Edward Robinette ’73 Susan Kinney Robinson ’99 Thomas Roby ’75 Rachel Rock ’83 and Josh Levy Barbara Johnston Rodgers ’51 John and Shuchi Rodgers Michael and Fran Rodgers Ashley Rodney ’06 Benjamin Rogers ’11 Peter Rook ’98 Kermit Roosevelt and Felicia Lewis Alison Root ’68 Cynthia Root ’65 Estate of Stanley W. Root, Jr. ’40 James Rose V ’71 Molly Rose ’05 Patricia Rose and Marta Dabezies Ilan Rosenberg and Jane Rosenberg ’92 Rand Rosenblatt and Ann Freedman Robert Rosenbluth ’81 and Ian O’Donnell ’93 Bruce Rosenfield and Bonnie Brier Julius Rosenwald III ’65 Lewis Rosewater ’54 Dan Rosin ’88 and Anya Rosin Jeremy T. Ross ’69 Ellen Rothman Daniel and Barbara Rottenberg Julie Rottenberg ’88 Nathan Rouse’02 Daniel Rouse and Carol Sudtelgte Shannon Rowley-Lavelle Walter Rubel ’48 Elizabeth Rubenstone ’73

Gabriela Ruchelli ’07 Peter Rudnytsky ’69 Lynne Ruff ’71 George and Jean Ruff Peter and Ann Ruger Theodore Ruger and Jennifer Prah Ruger Keith Russell ’73 Eric Russell ’78 Christopher Russo and Elizabeth Lundy Lindsay Ruth ’78 Nicholas Ruth ’82 Rachel Ruth ’74 William Ruthrauff ’97 and Heather Ruthrauff ’99 Karen Rutledge Diana Ryan ’07 Eivind Rynning and Virginia Rynning ’53 Alfred Saah and Andrea Imredy Saah Herbert and Alice Sachs Robert and Teresa Sachs Elizabeth Sachs ’10 Robert Sachs ’96 Deborah Sachs Rothman ’91 Carol Sacks Safeguard Scientifics Timothy Safford and Lynn Karoly Hannah Safford ’15 Alana Sagin ’00 Paul Saint-Amour and Alison Buttenheim Susan Saltonstall ’69 Robert and Joyce Sammis William Sample ’48 Max Samuel ’04 Chris Sanchirico and Hilary Alger David Sanders and Sara Sanders ’77 Judith Tattersfield Sandorf ’57 Adrianne Sanogo Karen Sarpolis Ann Satterthwaite ’61 Edward Satterthwaite ’66 Ridge Satterthwaite ’54 David Sauerman ’76 Barbara Savacool ’67 Emily Savin ’04 Rebecca Sawyer ’69 Sarah Vaughan Sayre ’65 Mary Ellen Scarborough ’60 Robert Scarborough ’57 Donald Scarborough ’55 Lee Scarborough-Kirk ’66 Estate of Elizabeth Scattergood Thomas Scattergood ’66 and Kate Flynn Eli Scearce Fiscal Year 2016 |


REPORT OF GIFTS Aletta Schaap ’66 Rachel Simmons Schade ’75 Walter and Nan Schanbacher Ned Schefer ’08 Heidi Scheller ’88 Barbara Bauer Schiavetti ’56 Herbert Schiele III ’71 Thomas Schiele ’69 Edith Schiele Alan Schiff and Judith Stavisky Evan Schiff ’97 Alan and Barbara Schindler Claire Schmidt ’14 Courtland Schmidt and Colleen Christian Emma Schmidt ’11 Benjamin Schneeberg ’69 C. Suzanne Schneider ’56 Robert Schoenberg ’51 Margaret Smith Schoettle ’59 Jason Schogel ’91 Rachel Schorr ’08 Stephen and Julia Schott Claude and Catherine Schrader Courtney Schreiber ’89 Jennifer Toll Schulman ’99 Jacob Schulz ’98 Geoffrey Schulz and Miriam Galster Joseph Schulze ’59 Frederick Schulze ’56 Todd Schwartz’86 and Susan Schwartz Jeremy Schwartz ’04 Henry Schwartz and Lori Olson Thomas Schwarz Mark Schwemler and Colleen Owsiany Anthony and Susan Scirica Ben Scirica ’88 Emma Scott ’06 Robert McNair Scott ’56 Donald Scott III ’53 Jonathan and Grace Scott ’70 Craig Scott ’72 Benjamin Seaver ’77 Robert and Ruth Seeley Barbara Bell Seely ’63 Christopher Segal ’01 Ellen Satterthwaite Seibert ’56 Christopher Seibert ’56 Alex and Stefanie Seldin Lucy Bell Sellers Mortimer Sellers ’76 Suzanne Sellers ’81 Carlen Sellers ’85 Eric Sellin ’51 Geoffrey and Cecily Selling Kurt Semke and Alice Steele Semke ’52



Sara Spedden Senior ’48 Eric Sennhenn ’61 Seva Global Foundation Michelle Singer and David Senoff Gunter and Emily Seydel Barbara Bennett Shadden ’65 Brian and Julie Shaffer Udayan Shah and Barbara Ziv Henry Shah ’13 Steve Shapiro Francis and Toni Sharp Parvin and Jean Sharpless Lilliane Sharpless Catherine Sharrar ’02 Katherine Boehm Shaw ’63 John Shaw ’61 Deborah Shaw Norman Sheppard ’63 Diane Magaziner Sheppard ’78 Daniel Sher and Juliet Sternberg Nathaniel Shils ’09 Lauren Shinn ’13 Kevin Shinn and Anne Yo-Shinn Thomas Shipley ’78 Christopher Shipley ’81 Wesley Shirk, Jr. ’47 Nadya Shmavonian ’77 Julia Shreiber ’14 Lindsay Shreiber and Elisabeth Hasslacher Charles Shubin ’58 Elliot Shubin ’60 William Sicks ’99 and Shoshana Kuriloff Sicks ’00 Daniel Signorelli ’90 Nancy Keates Siker ’82 Emily Holt Silbersher ’92 Michael and Gail Silver Katherine Simko ’06 Sally Simmons Stephen Simons ’88 and Geeta Simons Andrew Simons ’85 Laird Simons II ’55 Megan Maloney Sims ’73 David Sinclair ’46 Rubin Singer Shireen Singh Sonali Singh ’13 F. Seth Singleton ’58 Wharton Sinkler ’79 Nicole Williams Sitaraman ’96 Jonathan Sitrin ’05 Robert and Beverly Sitrin Skippack Energy LLC Joshua and Nadine Slavitt Richard Sloane ’60

Glenda Smiley ’05 Talitha Smith ’08 Cara Smith ’07 Lauren Smith ’03 Mary Minor Smith ’65 Robert Smith ’68 J. Wynn Smith ’72 Meredith Smith ’75 Victoria Smith ’74 Manning Smith III ’58 Frederick Smith ’61 Sarah Smith ’60 Samuel Smith ’55 Arthur Smith and Sally Nimoityn Smith Frances Smith Thomas and Joan Smith Jody Smith Stephen Smith and Ellen Kurtz Craig Smith and Michele Frank Randall Smith and Karen Kabnick Richard and Annette Snape Snave Foundation Samuel Snipes William Snodgrass ’59 Derek Snowten ’75 Marcia Soast ’63 Lisa and Jason Solinsky Ellen Solomon Brian Solomon ’84 and Alyson Solomon Henry and Beth Sommer R. Laird Sommerville, Jr. ’49 Zuofeng Song and Dongmei Li Andrew Soprano ’04 and Kiri Cook Soprano ’04 Erzsi Sousa ’04 Damaris South Edmund Spaeth ’38* and Nancy Spaeth ’38* George L. Spaeth ’50 Estate of Edmund B. Spaeth Jr. ’38 Edmund Spaeth ’69 and Marjorie Spaeth Andrew and Laura Sparks Richard Spaulding ’59 David Spielberg ’01 Stephen and Laurel Spielberg Alan Spielman Darren Spielman ’90 William and Carol Spiker Peter Spitz ’43 T. Alexander Spratt ’61 and Anne Spratt ’63 Declan Spring and Robin Friedman Adhimoolam and Shanthi Sriram Gary and Deborah Stahl Eric Stahl ’05 and Sarah Gavigan Besnoff ’05

Lawrence Staib ’78 Joseph Staples ’49 Starnet Management, LLC Stephen Starr Esther Starrels ’72 William and Anne Stassen J. Webster Stayman III ’62 Thomas and Faye Steacy James and Nancy Steele Donald Steele ’51 Scott Steele and Rachel Plasky Steele ’95 D. Munn Steelman ’51 Charles Stehle ’52 Donald Stehle ’48 Anne Marie Stein ’74 Herman and Anita Stein Sarah Stein Greenberg ’96 Susan Steinberg ’81 David and Chaile Steinberg Deborah Steinig Betsy Wolf Stephens ’55 Catherine Stern ’83 Richard Stern and Mindy Brown Paul Stetzer Craig Stevens Lauren Stevens ’56 Nancy Leonard Stevens ’53 John Stevens ’51 Richard Stevenson ’57 and Laura Thomas Stevenson ’59 Emily Stiebel ’01 Louise Stillman John Stine ’72 and Karen Stine Matthew Stitt ’05 Dyson Parke Stockman ’66 Francis Stokes III ’57 David Stokes ’40 Susan Stokes ’77 Sybil Stokes Estate of Enid Stone Andrew Stone and Gene Bishop Jeffrey Stone II ’78 B. Corey Stone, Jr. ’75 J. Bradley Bank’71 and Daryl Stoner ’78 Anthony and Iwona Stover Dorothy Sharpless Strang ’59 Sally Lees Wenzel Strehle ’56 Peter Struck and Natalie Dohrmann Laura Struzyna ’07 Jane MacDougall Stubenbord ’57 Ben and Jean Su Katherine Suckle ’74 Scott and Gail Sudduth Matthew and Anne Sudduth Charlotte Sudduth Julie Buttenwieser Suh ’84

Margaret Schiele Sullivan ’73 Bayh Sullivan Meghan Sullivan Nicole Sumner ’76 Elissa Sunshine Margaret Surbeck ’59 Ellen Sussman ’65 Paul Sutro ’48 Robert Sutton ’65 Katherine Day Sutton ’64 Elizabeth Suzuki ’00 Margery Broomell Swanson ’64 Kirk Swenson ’82 Edward Swenson ’95 Neil Swenson ’86 Jane Swett ’57 Nancy Machler Swift ’56 Eleanor Stokes Szanton ’53 T. Wistar Brown Teachers’ Fund Minh Ta ’93 Albert Ta and Nghi Thi Ma Carl and Sabina Tannenbaum Seth Tannenbaum ’04 Heather Tannenbaum ’07 Abby Taylor David Taylor Jeannette Hargroves Taylor ’56 John Taylor ’66 Matthew Taylor ’90 Richard Taylor ’50 Robert Taylor ’61 Veronica Taylor ’01 William Taylor ’70 Robert and Penny Teitelbaum Deborah Teller ’72 Aaron Temin ’76 Michael Temin and Anne Hearn Willard and Holly Terry Alfred Test, Jr. ’45 Mathew Thachet ’09 Bruce and Letty Thall William Thode ’65 David Thomas ’67 Christopher Thomas ’62 Elizabeth Montgomery Thomas ’56 Gloria Thomas Marianna Thomas Nancy Fischer Thomason ’69 Anne LeBlond Thompson ’69 Eric Thompson ’59 Susan Thompson and Patricia Morris Mark and Connie Thompson Dr. T. Ramsey Thorp ’54 and Beth Thorp Lydia Thorp ’96 Christopher Thorp ’85 Nora Tickell ’06

Simon and Jean Benoit Tickell Theodros and Hana Tilahoun David Tilley ’83 Sandy Tilney and Gail Harrity Cassandra Todd ’80 J. Christopher Todd ’75 Michelle Toll ’87 Nikki Spencer Toole ’51 Gabriel Torres ’04 Lindsay Ross Torrico ’01 Touchpoint Frank Tow and Ronnie Klein Howard Trachtman and Ivy Gilbert Andrew Trackman Ernest and Hazel Tracy Cynthia Bansen Travis ’76 Gail Trimble Julia Scott Trout ’79 Jason Tucker ’03 Mark and Lynne Tucker Bronwen Taylor Tudor ’63 Jon Tullis and Jeannette Newman Brett Turner and Ceil McColgan Russell and Deirdre Turner Devon Turner ’06 Brendan Turner ’10 Kelsey Turner ’11 John Tuton and Lucy Wolf Tuton ’67 Roman Tybinko and Helen Mangelsdorf Nancy Tyson Lilly Tyson ’11 UGI Energy Services UGI Storage Company Lynne Havsy Unikel ’92 United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey Bernard Unti ’78 Utica National Insurance Group Joan Minnick Valiente ’57 Emory and Kathy Van Cleve Michele van Gobes ’68 Lisa Pollard Van Vleck ’62 Ian Van Wert ’94 Ross VanDenbergh ’58 Gretchen VanDenbergh ’56 William Vandever, Jr. ’52 The Vanguard Group Foundation Carol Vanover ’56 Francis Vargas ’90 Robert Victor and Lexa Edsall Ursa Vincent Alvin Vincent Dilip Viswanath and Carmen Guerra Richard Voith and Daniela Voith ’71 Joe and Beth Volk Anne von Scheven ’81 Fiscal Year 2016 |


REPORT OF GIFTS Kaye Barber Vosburgh ’60 The Estate of Florine Vrooman ’45 Richard and Cheryl Wade David Wade ’00 Nela Wagman ’79 Jonah Wagner ’04 Claire Wagner ’06 David and Keay Wagner Daniel Wagner and Mary Eno Alison Wald ’83 Lonnie Walden and Ellen Tedaldi Beth Bready Walker ’52 James Walker ’59 Josephine Walker ’55 Stephen and Rebecca Walker William Walker ’55 Kathleen Wallace James and HoLynn Wallace Andrew Wallerstein ’74 Joseph Wallerstein ’09 Trudy Pomerantz Walter ’66 Margaret Jones Walters ’59 Howard Walton ’53 Matthew Ward ’85 and Lindsay Wheelock Emily Field Warm ’81 Anne Warner ’01 Phoebe Washburn ’92 and A.J. Bocchino ’92 Waste Management Alice Parke Watson ’59 Madeleine Wattenbarger ’12 Richard and Miriam Wattenbarger Kathy Weaver ’70 Oscar Weber Steven Webster ’66 Maurice Webster, Jr. ’35 William and Dana Weeks Margie Weil Bruce Weinberg ’87 Richard Weiner Ken and Judy Weinstein Ari Weinstein ’12 Jesse Weinstein-Gould ’05 Margaret Miller Weir ’52 Molly Weisberg ’05 Anna Weisberg ’06 David Weiss ’71 Jonathan Weiss and Abigail Wolf ’85 Brendan and Catherine Weiss David and Cynthia Welch John Wellenbach ’75 Scott Wellenbach ’69 Mary Paul Wells ’71 Jane Wells ’70 JoAnne Wells ’92



Emily Wells ’81 Cynthia Wells ’79 Anthony Wells Alicia Wells Sandor and Laura Welsh Caroline West ’75 and Jonathan Sprague Catherine West ’05 D. Bruce West ’74 and P.R. Woy West ’75 David West ’49 and Susan Quillen West ’49 Edward West ’71 and Anna Louchheim West ’71 Gloria West Gordon West ’50 James West ’84 Sarah West Susan West ’03 Tom West ’82 and Eve West Caroline Kane Weston ’74 Ethel Wetherill Stephen Weyl ’65 Donald Weyl ’63 White and Richardson Trust Firth Whitehouse ’78 David Whitman ’73 Randal and Leanna Lee Whitman Daniel Widyono and Danielle Wagner Theodore Wiedemann ’52 Nick Wilcox ’63 Robert Wilcox ’66 Beverly Mason Wilde ’56 Perry Wilder and Marion Wilder ’37 Perry Wilder III ’64 L. Eric Wildrick ’70 and Lucy Binzen Wildrick ’70 Whitney Wildrick ’04 Carol Ruff Wilhelm ’78 Alison Bradley Wilhelm ’49 Marie Wilkes ’69 John and Virginia Wilkinson George Willauer ’53 E. Crosby Willet’46 and Augusta Winter Willet ’49 The William Penn Foundation Albert Williams III ’58 Andrew Williams ’72 and Sally West Williams ’72 Carrie Williams Catherine Williams ’00 Elizabeth Williams Nicole Williams ’06 Rebecca Williams ’08 Samuel Williams ’08 Sarah Williams Ted Williams ’03 Michael Williamson

David Williamson and Erin Daly Iris Williamson ’12 Avery Williamson ’09 Peter Willing ’62 Richard Willis ’57 and Evelyn Willis Wilma Theater Jean Martindale Wilson ’50 Sally Johnson Wilson ’78 Alan Wilson ’76 and Eva Wilson Geoffrey Wilson Tyler Hays and Jen Wink Hays Ruben Winkler-Rhoades ’03 Justin Winokur ’06 Sarah Winters ’91 Susan Witt ’95 Thomas and Loretta Witt William Wixom ’47 Ted Wolf ’47 and Stevie Wolf Daniel Wolf ’75 and Heidi Schultz Jerry and Maureen Wolf Flora Barth Wolf Wolfe Scott Associates Inc. Sally Beadle Wolff ’42 Morris Wolff ’54 Judy Wilder Wood ’54 Phoebe Reeves Wood ’61 Urquhart Wood ’75 Roger and Valerie Wood Timothy Wood and Kate Stover Robert and Deborah Wood Joan Rieger Woodcock ’47 Molly Woodward ’01 Betty Ann Workman* Ellen Wright Kathleen Wright Ellicott Wright ’46 Harrison Wright ’46 W. Redwood Wright ’45 Jeffrey and Maria Wyant Wyatt Wistar Brown Fund Barbara Langston Wyly ’70 Qi and Wei Xia Yong Xue Brian Yachyshen and Jackie McCrea N. Bruce Yager II ’73 and Kathleen Reddick Philip Yannella and April Trissel Jonathan Yarnall ’65 Thomas Yarnell ’06 Peter Yeomans and Kate O’Shea Robert York ’11 Marion Friedman Young ’96 Constance Young ’80 Katharine Stehle Young ’54 David Younkin and Diana Gomez YourCause, LLC

David Yudis ’86 Jonathan Ari Yudis ’90 Mary Ellen Yuhas Hagner S. Erik Zapf ’55 and Susie Zapf Jeff Zeelander and Maureen Welsh Robert and Ann Zemsky Tobi Zemsky ’86 Cecily Kerr Ziegler ’91 Joel Ziegler and Michelle Salerno-Ziegler Robert Zimmermann ’55 William Zimmermann, Jr. ’48 Kate Zipin ’05 Laura Zipin ’07 Matthew and Melinda Zipin Dr. and Mrs. Philip Ziring Jeremy Zucker ’73

Seth Zuckerman ’02 Joel Zuercher ’92 and Jill Bazelon ’94 Wayne Zukin and Susan Smith Kate Zweifler ’00

Note: The Advancement Office has worked carefully to prepare the names for this report. In spite of our sincere effort to avoid errors, they do occasionally occur. If you were a donor between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016, and your name was omitted, we hope that you will forgive us and advise us of the mistake by calling the Advancement Office at 215-951-2340.

Gifts in Honor We gratefully acknowledge gifts made in honor of the following people. These gifts were given to commemorate an important occasion or to celebrate the individual’s service to or association with Germantown Friends School. GFS is thankful to those who inspired these giftsβ€”and to those who so thoughtfully gave them. IN HONOR OF Jessica Agner Kenneth Aldridge Karen Barbarese Elizabeth Reimann Bodine ’37 Roger Bracy ’85 Mirangela Buggs Lisa Burns Barbara Baily Butts ’50 Lucy Curtis Katharine Mallery Cusick ’14 Byron Davis Ellen Willauer Decker ’51 Emma Detwiler Tobias Detwiler Gigi Dietrick Lexi Dietrick Rosalie Emerson Spencer Emerson Rebecca Emerson ’77 Peter Emerson ’80 Debbie Evans David Feldman ’76 Jeffrey Fetterman Margaret Fleisher Bernadette Geller Anne Gerbner Jennifer Stetzer Goldberg ’95

Rita Goldman Max Grodin Jack Grodin Mary Haon Taia Harlos Shawn Hennessey ’98 Rob Hewitt Larry Hoenig Adam Hotek Michael Jameson Ricardo Jaramillo ’14 Livia Jaramillo ’12 Lucy Bell Jarka-Sellers ’82 Nicole Kahn Cassandra Kaldor ’98 Janet Kalkstein Ellen Kanarek ’66 Hyunji Kim Isabel Kinsman Wiroj Kridsada Stephen Kushner Peter Lai Marie Larkin Michael Lefevre ’07 Rhonda Levy Doris Loder Susan Lowry Robert Lynam Rob MacRae

Jane MacRae Caroline Macrae Teresa Maebori Diane Mallery ’80 Judith Chappell Mallery ’52 Katie Bergstrom Mark Julie Marren Jim McKenzie Mimi McKenzie LaToya Miller Florence Mini Carol Baldwin Moody ’74 Malik Mubashshir Tom Myran James Nalle Gen Nelson Sarah Pacifico Rebecca Payne-Passmore ’10 Cheryl Pinkus Aaron Preetam Caroline Putnam Emily Putnam Devra Ramsey Bob Rhoades Jeremy Ross ’69 Helen Ruger Margaret Ruger Henry Ruger Mia Rutledge

Barton Sacks Erin Schott Gabrielle Schwartz Zachary Schwartz Hank Segal Geoffrey Selling Lauren Smith ’03 Alyson Solomon Marjorie Spaeth Kate Stover Ella Sudduth Carl Tannenbaum Will Terry Julian Tropea Richard Tyre Francis Vargas ’90 Richard Wade Katherine Walden ’13 Josephine Walker ’55 Dana Weeks George Willauer ’53 Sally West Williams ’72 David Williamson Stevie Wolf Ted Wolf ’47 Timothy Wood Arrietty Xia

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Gifts in Memory We are thankful to those who made gifts to GFS in memory of the family and friends listed below. These contributions both strengthen the GFS community and live on in perpetuity as a mark of love and respect for those who are remembered.

IN MEMORY OF Barbara Allen ’42 Charles Allen Elizabeth Bansen ’83 Shirley Bansen ’45 Dara Barr Dr. Peter Berman Gustavus Bird Michael Bird ’76 John Weeks Bodine Robert Boynton Joe Cadbury Elizabeth Ann Cahall ’38 Gail Calder Elizabeth Summers Cary John Childs, Jr. ’40 Kimberly Chu ’03 Naida Cohn Windsor Cousins ’48 Stacey Coverdale ’84 William Cromley Emily D’Ancona ’93 Dennis DeBrandt ’56 Helen Duffy Anne Tall Evans ’39 Carolyn β€œBunny” L. Evans ’38 Ellen Jonas Feldman ’48 Kitty Fessenden Sam Fessenden ’28 Howard Field Eric Fleer ’71 George Foust ’31 Amanda Hilles Fraser ’40 Jenny Freilich ’87 Kathy Freilich ’82 Alan Gewirtz David Godin Ed Gordon Katherine Masella Gordon-Clark ’52



John Hagner ’48 Andrew Harkins ’81 Daniel Harwi ’02 Jeremy Hopkins ’83 Michael Jameson Virginia Jameson Gay Johnson Eric Johnson ’36 R. Bruce Jones ’30 Matthew Kahn ’03 Elizabeth Goodrich Kalkstein ’35 James Kilik Bruce Koch Isabel Krauser ’09 Katherine Kukuia ’95 Roger Lansbury ’63 Duane Large Amelia Lebowitz-Begg ’06 Katharine Leech ’75 Justin Warren Leevy ’89 Burton Lochhead Helen Lochhead Edmund Ludwig ’45 The Lukens Family Elizabeth Murray Macht ’50 David Mallery ’41 Joan Markman A. Freeman Mason ’49 Dolores Mateffy Sterrett Mayson ’66 Aloysius McCabe ’45 Ian McClelland ’11 Gary Miller Stasha Miller Elizabeth Evans Mischler ’30 James Monteith ’54 Charles Morgan Margaret Lane Myers Thomas Osborne ’83 Herman Panzer

Jennifer Pinkus ’92 John Prescott ’73 Penny Rainey Kevin Raphael ’76 Donald Rappaport Eric Reath ’84 Pat Reifsnyder Rebecca Rosin ’92 Joseph Rubenstone ’40 Barbara Russell Ross Rutledge ’04 Sabrina Sampson-Knapp ’04 Henry Scattergood ’29 Sally Scattergood Sam Scattergood Herbert Schiele, Jr. David Seaver Peter Sellers Thomas T. Sharpless ’83 Mary Strawbridge Shipley ’24 Walter Penn Shipley, Jr. ’15 Edythe Rubenstone Simon Gavin Smith ’86 David Stokes ’40 Nancy Tessler Robert Thanhauser, Jr. ’59 Ella King Torrey ’75 Marguerite Tucker Florine Vrooman ’45 Alexander Walbridge ’01 Barbra Watson-Riley ’86 Wallburga E. Weber Nancy Webster ’36 Rachel Praul Wilkinson ’32 Edward Williamson Louise Williamson Jean Stout Wilson ’38 Robert Wisdom ’81 Andrew Wolf ’61 Betty Ann Workman

Community Scholars 50th Anniversary Gala Sponsors FIFT Y-Y EA R SPONSORS


Ted Wolf ’47 & Stevie Wolf The children of Ted & Stevie Wolf The Class of 1974 Linda E. Johnson ’76

Anonymous CSP Devotee Sally & Michael Bailin Brenda & Ken Beiser Michael Berry ’77 Suzanne Biemiller & Rob MacRae Amy Branch & Jeff Benoliel Sandy Bixby ’72 & Bill Bixby Merrill & Lloyd Brotman Fred Calder Polly Miller Campbell ’44 Ronaldo Cheek ’73 & Yolanda Acevedo The Coleman Family Nadia & Matt Daniel Caroline Davidson Kristin & Eric DeFrancisco Ricki & Andrew Eisenstein Ellie & Tom Elkinton Jim Fernberger ’74 & Mary Walto Susan & Rob Fleming Anne & John Gerbner Gabriela Godin ’19 & Deirdre Godin Natalie & Jay Goldberg Claire & Richard Goldman Rita Goldman Marie Bundy Golson ’77 & Eugene Golson Hannah Henderson ’91 & Alan Henderson Katrina High ’97 Betsy & Greg Hocking Lara Measelle & Robert Ivins Sandra Jewett ’74

TA BLE SPONSORS The Evans Family The Loder Family Andrew Wallerstein ’74 & Mary Sloane Sally West Williams ’72 & Andy Williams ’72

IMPACT SPONSORS Anonymous Michael Cohen ’82 & Amy Cohen Jamey Delaplane ’85 & Mark O’Donnell Marc T. DiNardo ’80 & Elizabeth T. Drum David Feldman ’76 & Marilyn Frank Peggy & Rich Greenawalt Jen Wink Hays & Tyler Hays Steve Hilton ’76 Jim & Mimi McKenzie Carol Baldwin Moody ’74 & Ronald Moody Sarah Mather Peterson ’86 & Michael Peterson Nicole Sitaraman ’96 & Sankar Sitaraman Alexandra Edsall & Robert Victor Dana & Bill Weeks

Rebecca Johnson ’70 & Lawrence Weisberg Alexander & Marnie Kerr Colette & Shawn Kleitz Aleni Pappas & Anthony Kyriakakis Rebecca Zaslow-Lowe & Tristin Lowe Stewart MacColl ’46 & Jane MacColl Fred Magaziner ’65 & Phyllis Magaziner Carol & Jim Miller Rachel & Jim Mirage Jeremey Newberg ’83 & Fran Newberg Barbara & Charles Overholser Page Fahrig-Pendse & Sagun Pendse Betsy & David Plimack Kathy & Ned Putnam Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 & Don Ragas Eileen & Ted Raven Christy Reardon & Michael Davidson Rachel Rock ’83 Patricia Rose & Marta Dabezies Rachel V. Ruth ’74 & Paul F. Gorgen Terry & Rob Sachs Colleen Christian & Courtland Schmidt Stefanie & Alex Seldin Laura & Andrew Sparks Lisa & Jason Solinsky Caroline West ’75 & Jonathan Sprague Anne & Matthew Sudduth Judy & Ken Weinstein Randal & Leanna Lee Whitman Loretta & Tom Witt Flora Barth Wolf Kate Stover & Tim Wood Cecily Kerr Ziegler ’91

We would like to thank our event sponsors, The National Constitution Center and South Restaurant, for their generous support. For more about this evening and its impact, please see page 70.

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Endowed Funds at Germantown Friends School The following list of endowed funds have been created by generous alumni, current parents, parents of alumni, foundations and friends of GFS to support the students, faculty and physical resources of Germantown Friends School. Endowed funds are invested in accordance with the school’s investment policy, and a portion of the income is spent each year in support of its designated program. We are grateful to the donors who have enriched our community with their legacy, and to those who continue to support these funds with new gifts.


The endowed funds below were created between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Gerald A. Denisof ’53 Community Scholars Fund Established in 2016 by Gerry Denisof ’53 to recognize the 50th Anniversary of the Community Scholars Program. The Anne and Philip Glatfelter III Family Community Scholars Fund Established in 2016 by The Anne and Philip Glatfelter III Family Foundation, a longtime supporter of the Community Scholars Program, in recognition of the program’s 50th Anniversary. Andrew W. Mason ’52 and Dorothy M. Mason Scholarship Fund Established in 2015 by Andrew Mason ’52 and his wife Dorothy to recognize the 50th Anniversary of the Community Scholars Program. Ted and Stevie Wolf Community Scholars Fund Established in 2016 by the GFS School Committee to honor Ted Wolf ’47 and Stevie Wolf on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Community Scholars Program. This endowment was funded by proceeds from the CSP 50th Anniversary Gala. ENDOW ED FUNDS SUPPORTING ACCESS A ND A FFOR DA BILIT Y

Community Scholars Program The endowed funds below provide support for students who have been designated Community Scholars. Class of 1944 Lower School Community Scholarship Established by the Class of 1944 on the occasion of their 60th Reunion, to support Lower School Community Scholars.



Justin Berg Memorial Community Scholarship Fund Established in 1992 by Ronald Berg and Roberta Berg, parents of Daniel ’04 and Lauren ’04, in memory of Ronald’s father, Justin Berg. Community Scholars Program Endowment As the original endowment fund for this program, hundreds of alumni, faculty and staff, parents, parents of alumni and friends of Germantown Friends School have contributed to this fund. DeWitt Wallace – Reader’s Digest Fund The DeWitt Wallace - Reader’s Digest Fund established this scholarship in 1992 to further their mission of helping American youth fulfill their education and career aspirations. Today this organization is known as The Wallace Foundation. Kathy and Jenny Freilich Memorial Community Scholarship Fund Established in 1986 by Stanley Freilich and Judy Freilich in memory of their daughters, Kathy ’82 & Jenny ’87. Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund Established in 1995 with a grant from the Edward E. Ford Foundation. Harriet Fuerst Lower School Community Scholarship Fund Established in 1998 by William and Jill Steinberg in honor of Jill’s grandmother, Harriet Fuerst. David Godin Scholarship Fund Established in 2014 by PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc. with the support of Deirdre Godin and Gabriela Godin ’19, in memory of David Godin.

Richard P. Goldman Scholarship

J. Morris and Anne T. Evans Scholarship Fund

Established in 2002 on the occasion of Dick Goldman’s retirement from GFS as Associate Head for Finance and Development, to recognize his particular interest and expertise in ensuring access and affordability. This scholarship benefits a Lower School student.

Established in 2013 by J. Morris β€œMorrie” Evans ’39 and his children, Peter ’76, Laura ’70, Wendy ’68, Wally ’66 and Joe ’64, in memory of his wife Anne ’39.

Howland Community Scholars Program Endowment Established in 1995 by Nancy Howland, parent of Lyle ’75, Courtney ’72 and Alexandra ’64. Lower School Community Scholars Fund Established in 1999 with broad community support, fulfilling the recommendation of the School’s Strategic Planning Committee to provide funding specifically for Lower School Scholars. Florence R. C. Murray Scholarship Fund Established in 1984 by the trustees of the Florence R. C. Murray Charitable Trust. Jonathan E. Rhoads ’56 Community Scholarship Fund Established in 1996 by the Annenberg Foundation, in honor of Jonathan E. Rhoads ’56. Alice and Herbert Sachs Scholarship for Lower School Community Scholars Established in 2010 by Alice Sachs, a longtime GFS faculty member, and her husband Herbert Sachs. Alice and Herbert are the parents of Rob ’96, Andrea ’92 and Michael ’91. Financial Aid The endowed funds below are used to provide scholarships to students with demonstrated financial need. Lovida Hardin Coleman, Sr. Scholarship Established in 2014 by Lovida and Bill Coleman Jr., parents of Hardin ’71, Lovida ’67 and Bill ’65, with the support their family. Emily D’Ancona ’93 β€œLittle Person’s Fund” Established in 2008 in memory of Emily D’Ancona ’93 by her family and friends to support a Lower School student.

Financial Aid for Quaker Children Established in 1995 by the trustees of the Tyson Memorial Fund. Andrew Harkins ’81 Memorial Scholarship Established in 1993 in memory of Andrew Harkins ’81, by his classmates. This scholarship is awarded to an Upper School student with particular talent in the visual arts. Sterrett Mayson ’66 Endowment Scholarship Fund Keith Morgan established this Fund to honor Sterrett’s memory in 2001. This scholarship is given to an Upper School student with preference given to a student(s) whose parent(s) is deceased. Mertz Family Scholarship Fund This scholarship was established by the Mertz family, a multi-generational GFS family, to be given to a β€œfine and worthy student” in need. The family includes Oscar Sr. 1928, Martha 1934, Karl 1935, Robert ’61, Martha ’63, Anita ’64 and Oscar Jr. ’75. Northwest Philadelphia Scholarship Fund Established in 2012 by an anonymous donor to benefit students living in Northwest Philadelphia. Ross Roby Memorial Scholarship Fund Established by Tom Roby ’75 and his siblings, Kate ’71, Dan ’69 and Nick ’67, in memory of their father Ross Roby. Scholarship Endowment Fund This general endowment fund provides scholarships to any student with demonstrated financial need. West Williams Family Scholarship Established in 1999 as the West Family Scholarship by Ted West ’71 and Anna Louchheim West ’71, Sally West Williams ’72 and Andy Williams ’72, Bruce West ’74 and P.R. West ’75, Ann West Figueredo ’80 and Vince Figueredo, and Tom West ’82 and Eve West, in honor of their parents David and Susan Quillen West, both graduates of the class of ’49. This fund was renamed in 2015 to honor Sally and Andy Williams for their decades of service to GFS. The scholarship is awarded to the child of a GFS alumnus/a. Fiscal Year 2016 |



Beatrice Gaylord Wistar Ufford, Class of 1925 Memorial Scholarship


Established in 1991 in memory of Beatrice Gaylord Wistar Ufford, Class of 1925, by Wilbur Ufford, her husband, and her children, Charles and Beatrice.

David Mallery ’41 Professional Development Fund

Auxiliary Scholarships Recognizing that there are expenses beyond tuition associated with a GFS education, these funds support co-curricular needs of students including academic, artistic and athletic opportunities. The Abigail Rebecca Cohen ’91 Fund for Study and Travel Established in 2015 by Jonathan Cohen ’88 and Julia Pershan in memory of Jonathan’s sister. This fund provides financial assistance for students participating in school-sponsored academic travel and study programs.

Established in 2010 by David’s wife, Judith Chappell Mallery ’52, and by his children, Roger ’77 and Diane ’80, as well as by David Loeb ’51 and his wife Barbara, and David and Susan Quillen West, both from the Class of 1949, this fund recognizes David’s extraordinary contributions to the GFS community as an alumnus, teacher, School Committee member, parent, national leader in the field of professional development for educators and a beloved friend to many. This fund, in addition to generating its own stream of directed income, serves as the umbrella fund for other named funds designated to support professional development at GFS. Class of 1952 Faculty Study Grant

Established in 2014 in memory of Don Kawash, beloved music and history teacher serving 32 years at GFS, by his cousins, Joe and Kathy Buckley, to support students with a love of music.

Established in honor of their 50th reunion by the Class of 1952, this endowment funds a study grant each year for a faculty member(s) from any discipline, with preference given to a proposal that reflects a desire to explore and analyze issues confronting our world, especially for study in developing countries, or areas of social concern around the globe.

Class of ’66 Sterrett Mayson ’66 Fund for Students

Class of 1959 Memorial Fund

The Don Kawash Fund

Established by the Class of 1966 in memory of Sterrett Mayson, this fund assists students who pursue international travel or study, artistic projects, academic work, research, or community service in the summer after junior year at GFS. Carol Baldwin Moody/Mary F. Morgan Scholarship Fund Carol Baldwin Moody ’74 established this fund in 2006, in memory of her mother Mary Morgan, to support seniors who are challenged with expenses associated with college applications. The Joseph M. Rubenstone ’40 Fund Established by his wife, Eddi, and daughters, Sally ’69 and Liz ’73. Supported by hundreds of donors, the Rubenstone Fund provides for non-tuition needs, such as books, class trips, music lessons and athletic equipment for Community Scholars. The Isaac B. Starr ’90 Memorial Fund


Faculty Professional Development

This fund, established in 2001, by Emmy and Harold Starr in memory of their son, Isaac ’90, provides financial support associated with program-related travel, including language, music, art and drama, and/ or college-admissions-related travel expenses. GFS B U L L E T I N

Created in memory of deceased classmates on the occasion of their 50th reunion, this fund honors the excellent teachers from whom the Class of 1959 benefitted and supports enrichment programs for current faculty. Class of 1960 Professional Development Fund Created in celebration of their 50th reunion, this fund honors the excellent teachers from whom the Class of 1960 benefitted and supports enrichment programs for current faculty. Rainey/Reinke Faculty Arts and Humanities Fund Established in 1996 by Nancy Hoffman and Bob Schwartz in appreciation of the excellent teaching at GFS, and especially in honor of Peter Reinke and Penny Rainey. This fund supports professional development opportunities for GFS Middle and Upper School teachers in the arts and humanities, including summer study, research or curriculum development.

Faculty Compensation

Patricia Reifsnyder History Endowed Fund

Faculty Leadership Fund

Established in 2012 by Ted Fernberger ’67, on the occasion of his 45th Reunion, to honor GFS history teacher Pat Reifsnyder and the inspiration she provided him, the Class of 1967, and generations of GFS students, this fund supports the history program at Germantown Friends School.

Established in 2011 by David West and Susan Quillen West, both from the Class of 1949, with significant gifts from many others, this fund recognizes the leadership, service and commitment of faculty members by providing supplemental salary support based on both leadership and classroom teaching performance. Teachers’ Salaries Endowment Fund One of the school’s oldest endowed funds, this fund recognizes the school’s longterm commitment to maintaining competitive salaries and honoring teaching as a profession. McClelland Fund Established in 1982 in memory of Mary Warner Sharpless McClelland ’36 by her classmates, and later joined by friends and family. This fund supports salaries for Master Teachers. Waring Teachership Created in 1988 by Margaret Waring Evans, Class of 1928, and Ann Waring Thompson, Class of 1931, along with family and friends to recognize excellence in teaching at GFS. Nancy Webster ’36 Mentorship Fund Created in 2012 in memory of Nancy Landenberger Webster ’36 by her husband Maurice Webster ’35 and their children, Rebecca Webster McKinnon ’64 and Stephen Webster ’61. This fund supports stipends for teachers who mentor other faculty members. Departments Barker Endowment for Classics Established in 2006 by a bequest from Elizabeth Barker ’37 to support the ongoing excellence of the Classics Department. Abigail Rebecca Cohen ’91 Art Fund In memory of his sister, Jonathan Cohen ’88 and his wife Julia Pershan established this endowment in 2002. This fund supports the annual Abigail Rebecca Cohen ’91 Art Lecture, bringing renowned artists to GFS to present their works and stories to students, as well as supports the art department.

David Loeb ’51 and Barbara Loeb Funds for Technical Theater These two funds were created in 2012 to establish the full-time position of Technical Theater Director, as well as to provide resources for the maintenance and acquisition of equipment that will support consistent, first-rate performances and events in the Loeb Performing Arts Center; facilitate audio/ visual recording and streaming; and offer hands-on training to students interested in learning technical theater skills. Edith Levy Schneewind ’50 Fund Established by Louis E. Levy ’46, Joan Levy Coale ’4 4, Carol Levy Franklin ’58 and their mother Margaret Wasserman Levy to advance the teaching of reading. Funds may be used for books and equipment, tutoring, or teacher salaries. Peter H. Spitz ’43 Science Fund Established in 1990 by Peter and his wife Hilda to support and enrich the science department. Ella King Torrey ’75 Memorial Arts Fund Established in 2007 in memory of Ella King by her mother Ella R. Torrey, with additional gifts from family and friends, including John F. McCloskey. This fund supports the arts at GFS and named the Ella King Torrey ’75 Gallery in the Front Hall of the Main Building. Warren L. Towle ’30 International Language Fund Established in 1987 by Warren L. Towle ’30 to support the Modern Language Department. Supporting Student Work Frank Stokes ’57 Student Research Fund Established in 2013 by Frank Stokes ’57 to honor the tenure of Dick Wade, head of GFS from 1993-2013. This fund supports independent student research projects, with preference for science-related projects.

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Amelia Lebowitz-Begg ’06 Fund

Our Campus

Established in 2007 in memory of Amelia by her family and friends. This fund memorializes and celebrates Amelia as a passionate artist and writer whose creativity and spirit greatly enriched the GFS community. This fund supports Polyphony, the GFS literary magazine.

Class of 1958 Campus Beautification Fund

Unrestricted Endowment Maurice and Nancy Webster Family Endowment Established in 2006 by Maurice Webster ’35 and his wife Nancy Landenberger Webster ’36, and supported by their family, in recognition of the importance of unrestricted funds to meet unexpected needs and seize opportunities. Athletics David E. Stokes ’69 Memorial Fund Established in 2006 by David Stokes ’40 and his wife Joanne in memory of their son David E. Stokes ’69, who died in his junior year during a basketball practice. This fund endows the Stokes Athletic Banquet, held each year to recognize senior athletes.



Established on the occasion of their 50th reunion, this fund provides ongoing support for campus improvement and beautification projects. Friends Free Library Fund At the request of the Library Committee of the GerΒ­ mantown Monthly Meeting in 1976, all adminΒ­istrative and financial operations of the Library were merged with and assumed by Germantown Friends School. This fund supports the operations of the Friends Free Library and is augmented by the Poley Trusts. Levy Family Fund for the Library Established in 2004 by Louis E. Levy ’46 and his wife Jane Delaplaine Levy ’4 8, with additional gifts from family and friends. This fund supports the Friends Free Library. David and Barbara Loeb Music Fund Established in 2011, this fund supports the maintenance and, as needed, acquisition of instruments used in all three divisions of the GFS music department.

Ways of Giving to GFS BLUE ENVELOPE: GFS accepts checks and credit

card gifts by using the blue envelope insert. Donors may also make credit card gifts online by visiting SECURITIES: GFS welcomes gifts of appreciated securi-

ties. You may avoid capital gains tax and take a charitable deduction for the full value of the stock.

BEQUESTS: A bequest to GFS (naming GFS in your will)

is a gift that can be made by almost everyone. It involves no immediate loss of capital or income, and tax benefits minimize the ultimate cost to one’s heirs. There are several different types of bequests, and we would be happy to provide you with information about them. CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY: Of all the gifts that pay you a life income, the charitable gift annuity is the simplest and most popular. In exchange for your gift of cash, securities or other property, Germantown Friends School will agree to pay you or your designated annuitants a fixed income for life. A portion of the annuity payment is tax-free to you.

LIFE INSURANCE: If you have a life insurance policy

which you no longer rely on, consider putting the money to work for GFS. This can be done in two ways. You can take an existing policy and amend it so that the beneficiary is GFS; or you can take a policy on which you have paid some of the premiums, but not all, and give it to GFS. SUPPORT GFS THROUGH UNITED WAY: If your em-

ployer offers the opportunity to make gifts through the UWSEP Donor Choice Program your designation of GFS – Code #1925 – will supply important support to Germantown Friends School. EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT TAX CREDIT PROGRAM (EITC) AND OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP TAX CREDIT (OSTC) Tax credits are available from the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for eligible businesses contributing to qualified scholarship organizations, of which GFS is one.

TRUSTS: A trust permits you to make a gift to GFS during

your lifetime while still receiving the income from capital, securities, or other property involved. Two of the most common charitable trusts are the unitrust and annuity trust. In both cases the income is available to you for your lifetime, and if desired, for the lifetime of a beneficiary. At the same time you will receive a charitable contribution deduction on your income tax and capital gain, if any, is exempt from tax. POOLED INCOME FUND: GFS established a Pooled

Income Fund to receive commingled gifts from a number of donors. This fund is managed by the school and invested in mutual funds managed by the Vanguard Group. You receive steady annual income consistent with current yields based upon your share of the total assets of the Fund. RETIREMENT ASSETS: You may be able to designate GFS

as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(K), or other retirement plan. This can help to reduce income and estate taxes.

IRA CHARITABLE ROLLOVER: Donors who are 70 1/2

years of age or older can contribute to GFS directly from their IRA without recognizing the amount of the gift as income. PERSONAL PROPERTY: You can make an outright gift of

To learn more about any of these opportunities, please call the Advancement Office at (215) 951-2340.

your residence or other real estate to the school and qualify for a charitable deduction. A gift in this form enables you to avoid a capital gains tax on the appreciation of the property, just as with gifts of appreciated securities. Fiscal Year 2016 |



CSP Turns 50!

β€œGFS and the Community Scholars Program have taken the motto β€˜Behold I have set before thee an open door’ and kicked the door down,” said Ben Thomas, a Community Scholar from the class of 2014, who spoke recognize the scholars and their families, and honor at the event. β€œI want to thank everyone who came here Ted Wolf ’47 and his wife Stevie for their vision for, and in support of the program so that stories like mine, from longtime support of, CSP. Chaired by Carol Baldwin students like me, never leave the fabric of GFS.” Moody ’74, the gala raised money for the Ted and Stevie Wolf Community Scholars Fund, a new endowed schol- CLOCK W ISE FROM TOP LEFT: arshipβ€”contributing to the grand total of more than $2 Community Scholars and their families; million raised during the course of the 2015-16 school year. Head of School Dana Weeks with Ben Thomas ’14, Gala Chair After dinner, dancing and some inspirational remarks, Carol Baldwin Moody ’74 and Stevie and Ted Wolf ’47; sponsors continued the celebration at the after party, Ted Wolf ’47 and Stevie Wolf, who established the Ted and hosted by SOUTH Kitchen & Jazz Bar, capping off a Stevie Wolf Community Scholars Fund; perfect, feel-good evening. Carol Baldwin Moody ’74 (left), with her daughter Jessica Moody ’10 and her niece, Chloe White-Johnson ’26. ON APRIL 15, 2016, 450 FRIENDS OF THE COMMUNIT Y SCHOLARS PROGRAM (CSP) GATHERED AT PHILADELPHIA’S NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER TO CELEBRATE THE GROUNDBREAKING INITIATIVE’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY,


GERMANTOWN FRIENDS SCHOOL A Photographic History, 1845-2015

β€œI thought I’d just glance through it briefly… and 76 pages later, I finally tore myself away.” –Florence Battis Mini, retired GFS Classics teacher

β€œA picture truly is worth a thousand words, and the creative blend of photos and narrative successfully capture the spirit of our fine school. Not only is the story interesting in itself, but it serves as a reminder that each generation builds on the shoulders of the previous one.” –Dick Wade, former head of Germantown Friends School, 1993-2013

FROM ITS QUIET BEGINNING IN 1845, when it was established under the care of the Germantown Monthly Meeting, to its current position as one of the country’s leading independent, college-preparatory institutions, Germantown Friends School’s compelling story encompasses the place of religion in our society, the struggle for gender and racial equality, and the fluctuating stability of our urban communities. In this new, captivating book, more than 200 photographs become the lens through which we examine how these stories have played out over the past 170 years, beautifully illustrating our school’s rich, groundbreaking history.


Volume II 2016 |




31 West Coulter Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 215.951.2300

Students make a volcano erupt during β€œMad Scientist Week” at the GFS Explorers Day Camp. Photographed by Michael Branscom on June 29, 2016.

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