GFS Bulletin: The Photo Issue, Vol. I 2018

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VOLUME I | 2018


THE PHOTO ISSUE Our Trees Are Tops: Campus Arboretum Celebration of Light


ALUMNI WEEKEND Return. Reconnect. Reminisce. MAY 18–20, 20 18

Special reunions are planned for classes with years ending in ’3 and ’8. Check our website for more details about on-campus events.


News & Noteworthy How the Strategy Through Inquiry process is informing our campus master plan; Michael Buckmire ’17 on wearing a Duke jersey; three alumni find success at Sundance; GFS’s inaugural South African Leadership Academy program; the new school schedule and CoLab; and more.


Let it Shine The GFS community celebrated the unifying power of light with its first Lantern Festival. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 Photographs by Michael Branscom


We’ve Got Roots With more than 250 unique trees and shrubs across 12 acres, the GFS campus was recently designated an arboretum. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 Photographs by Robert Reinhardt

FRONT 1 2 3 11 13 16

In This Issue From the Head of School News & Noteworthy Tiger Beat Supporting GFS Faculty Focus

B AC K 34 39

Class Notes In Memoriam

O N T H E COV E R Haven Arms ’21 with a lantern she designed for the fall festival. Photograph by Scott B. Foley

This magazine is printed on recycled paper.

Volume I 2018 |


Dear Friends, Welcome to the photography issue of the Bulletin, which brings to life two significant occasions in our community this school year: our fall lantern festival and the official certification of our campus as an arboretum. Here in Germantown, we are HEAD OF SCHOOL


Sam Rhoads ’82 DIR ECTOR OF C O M M U N I C AT I O N S

Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91 EDITOR

Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 CON TR IBU TOR S

Michael Branscom, photography Alyce Callison Scott B. Foley, photography Kate Hanssen ’00 Adam Hotek Diane Mallery ’80 Robert Reinhardt, photography Zaynab Sanogo ’19 Lisa Solinsky

The GFS Bulletin is published twice a year for the alumni, parents, faculty, and friends of Germantown Friends School. We welcome your comments to the editor at:


delighting in the process of regeneration that surrounds us in springtime. The new shoots that are on display in our magnificent campus gardens are emblematic of the growth experienced by our energetic young people as they raise their voices to help the world understand what matters most to them, and begin to shape their own agendas as our future leaders. Thus, it seems only fitting to be memorializing the life of Betty Cary through the dedication of The Betty Cary Arboretum of Germantown Friends School. Mrs. Cary (as she was known to students) was a powerful voice of integrity, community, and stewardship on our campus for 70 years, and continues to be wonderfully present to all who knew her. In the pages that follow, you will see her spirit shine through a photographic journal of the trees at GFS, captured by Middle School art teacher Bob Reinhardt. Also in this issue, we remember our beloved friend Dick Wade, who led this school for two decades with vision, kindness, and grace. To Dick, we owe an enormous debt of gratitude for showing us what it is to nurture community, truly seeing people for who they are and recognizing and appreciating all of their gifts. As we reflect on how best to prepare our students to confront the chal-

lenges that face them and navigate the complexities of our future, we are pleased to announce the establishment of the Maguire Innovation Fund for Progressive Education. This pioneering $1 million fund will encourage the incubation of creative ideas and new programming that will benefit students at GFS and beyond our campus. Meanwhile, we are joyfully cheering for you, our many alumni and friends, as you lead your lives with intention, and we treasure hearing from you along the way. We are also pleased to be reconnecting with those of you who have joined the Alumni of Color Initiative and look forward to seeing more of you during Alumni Weekend, May 18-20. This publication captures just a small sliver of the many exciting pursuits of our students and alumni, and I am comforted knowing that all of you are out there, each making your own remarkable contributions to the world. Sincerely,

Dana Weeks Head of School



Creating Space for the Future of Education Last year’s Strategy Through Inquiry process engaged the GFS community in examining our future aspirations, approaches, and priorities. Now, as our School Committee distills its findings into a course of action, we have turned our attention to developing a comprehensive campus master plan. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85

STI working group clerks and a School Committee member at the May 2017 Ideas Salon. LAST MAY, MEMBERS OF THE GFS COMMUNITY GATHERED WITH THOUGHT A ND I NNOVATION LEA DE R S FROM

around the country for “The Future of Leading Through Listening,” a three-day Ideas Salon on education, co-created by GFS and Epic Decade, the design thinking studio hired to help the school navigate its Strategy Through Inquiry (STI) process. A culminating event of this 18-month strategic visioning initiative, the Salon served as a workshop to develop the

philosophical positions, directions, and themes that emerged from the STI discovery period. The STI work, which relied heavily on Quaker process and design thinking methodology to encourage community dialogue about consequential topics facing GFS and education in general, was led by 12 faculty clerks, who worked in teams to plan community experiences around six topics: Teaching and Learning; Whole Being; Diversity and Inclusion; Access and

Affordability; Living Systems; and Public Impact. This “working group” designed, produced, and hosted more than 40 interactive “experiences,” which took place in Philadelphia (both on and off campus) and in select cities with significant concentrations of GFS alumni. Materials from each event were collected, reviewed, recorded, and archived. Throughout the STI process, more than 1,300 members of the extended GFS community engaged in discourse about one or more of the topics of inquiry. Following the May 2017 Ideas Salon, and based on their discoveries over the course of the 2016-17 school year, the working group developed a blueprint for the future of GFS that identifies the major initiatives and some of the resources required to achieve these goals. Although the clerks designed six individual philosophical statements (one representing each query), they were able to synthesize their findings and recommendations into a single summative directive: “Through educational programming and practices, Germantown Friends School seeks to create a campus and extended community that, in every respect, models and exemplifies a world in which we Volume I 2018 |



want to live; a world that witnesses and demonstrates the values of equity, peace, stewardship, simplicity, and integrity; and a world that sees the uniqueness in each individual with whom we share the earth.” In addition to articulating this vision, the group made recommendations—essentially a roadmap—for how to realize it. To share just one example, in order to model and exemplify on campus a world in which we want to live, GFS must, “Intentionally build a campus community that—in both content and character—reflects the diversity of cultures, beliefs, and identities represented in our world.” Possible ways to achieve this include developing structural models that remove barriers to success for all members of our campus community; addressing inequities in access that exist among GFS students; and examining the kinds of stewardship positions in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to be sure they support the work of all academic and operational departments, as well as students and parents in all divisions of our school community. “GFS starts from a place of ideological and spiritual terra firma,” says Head of School Dana Weeks. “We are well positioned, locally

GFS faculty and staff members, who live in Germantown, convene to discuss the school’s relationship with the neighborhood.

The outcome of STI is also informing the priorities of our campus master planning process, which launched in September. The administration and the School Committee selected the Philadelphia firm DIGSAU and New York’s Leslie Gill Architect to jointly lead this work. Their charge was sixfold: to come up with a plan that supports the school’s mission; builds on preliminary work done in the past few years; optimizes the considerable existing assets; improves accessibility and partnerships; enhances sustainability; and presents some implementation strategies. During Phase

“Through educational practices and programming, GFS seeks to create a campus and extended community that models and exemplifies a world in which we want to live.” and nationally, to establish, implement, and model an educational approach that not only exceeds the limits of traditional educational models, but also demonstrates new ways for our students to design and experience a more just, equitable, and peaceful world.”


I of the project, the architects spent numerous hours touring the campus and getting to know each and every existing building and green space, as well as talking to groups—28 to date—of various constituents and stakeholders to determine how the campus is used programmatically,

communally, spiritually, and socially. They also studied the history of the school to track the evolution of its physical footprint over time. As they continue to gather and consider information, the architects will move into Phase II of the campus master planning process: identifying priorities and making recommendations. Some of the projects that seem to be high on the list include enlarging and improving the cafeteria; consolidating the Lower School; strengthening the relationship between the performing arts programs and spaces; consolidating the athletics facilities; and creating a unifying principle for the campus—all with an eye toward enhancing the campus’ sustainability. Final recommendations and implementation strategies are due to the School Committee in June. “The architects who are leading this work were deliberately chosen for their expertise in the field of design—particularly in education— and for their deep understanding of Quaker values and principles,” says Weeks. “They see their work as conserving and enhancing that which is sacred to our community—both culturally and programmatically—and they have allowed the testimony of Simplicity to be constantly present in their thinking and approach to this project.”

The Interview: Michael Buckmire Last August, when the GFS community first learned that one of its own, Michael Buckmire ’17, had walked onto the Duke University basketball team, the outpouring of love, admiration, and support was overwhelming. But no one was more excited for Buckmire than his former coach, Shawn Werdt. “What’s most impressive about Michael is not how many points he scored or assists he had; his greatest accomplishment is the lasting imprint he has had on the culture of our boys basketball program,” Werdt said of the four-year starter for the Tigers, who captained the team as both a junior and as a senior. “When your best player is also your hardest worker, you are going to have a lot of success, and we had a lot of success during Mike’s [time] here.” Earning 1,144 career points at GFS (with an average of 22.1 points per game during his senior year), Buckmire now proudly wears #51 for the Blue Devils. We caught up with the six-foot-two guard from Blue Bell, PA, about life in the NCAA. WHEN YOU FOUND OUT THAT YOU HAD MADE THE DUKE BASKETBALL TEAM, WHAT WAS YOUR INITIAL REACTION?

When I first found out I had made the team, I was very proud of myself and the work I had put in over the last four years. I was also extremely excited because this had been a goal of mine since the beginning of the summer. But I knew that making this team was not just a goal of mine; I had a lot of people behind me, supporting me, including GFS and my family, so I was also excited to share the news with them. But I was determined to do more than just walk on: Making the team was the first step, but actually having an impact is my real goal.

basketball fan since I can remember, an impact in Durham and with young and have always dreamed of what it basketball players around the world. would be like to put on a Duke jersey with my name. It has honestly been a HOW DID YOUR EXPERIENCE PLAYING BASKETBALL AT GFS (AND YOUR GFS dream come true. HOW HAS YOUR GAME IMPROVED SINCE JOINING THE TEAM? WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT YOURSELF AS A PLAYER?

Playing at this level, I have had to become quicker and faster and have had to adjust to the speed of the game. I am playing against future pro players at a speed I have never played at before. But I’ve learned that with time and more practice, I am able to adjust to the faster-paced game and absorb the style and strategies that we use. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING A MEMBER OF THE TEAM?

Being able to meet and play with some of the best basketball minds and players in the world has been amazing. IF YOU COULD COMPARE THE EXCITE- I have gotten to learn from and play MENT OF MAKING THE TEAM TO ANY with the best, and I have only gotten OTHER ACHIEVEMENT IN YOUR LIFE, better. The exposure and the fame are WHAT WOULD IT BE? I do not think I can definitely there, but I personally enjoy honestly compare it to anything else the fact that as an elite program, we in my life. I have always been a Duke have such a huge platform to make


Playing under Coach Shawn Werdt and the rest of the coaching staff at GFS helped me a lot in transitioning to Duke. Coach Werdt holds all of his players to high standards on and off the court, which is similar to what happens here. He taught me to stay confident and composed no matter what the situation or role I am in. His coaching has had a huge impact on my success today. BASED ON YOUR SUCCESS, WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE GFS STUDENTS WHO ASPIRE TO PLAY BALL IN COLLEGE?

Never sell yourself short in setting goals. The majority of people told me there was no chance that I would make this team. I used that to fuel my desire to walk on even more. But with high goals comes a lot of hard work. If one is willing to put in the work, everything will work itself out in the end. –M.C.R. Volume I 2018 |




celebrities who flock to the quaint resort town to hobnob and promote their latest projects. This year, it was also the stomping ground for three GFS alumni: Jennifer Fox ’77, Nathaniel Kahn ’81, and Myles Pettengill ’01 all brought their many talents to this year’s festival. In fact, Pettengill and Kahn (pictured) had to go all the way to Utah to meet one another and discover that they have a lot in common. In addition to being GFS lifers, their hearts and careers are both rooted in the film industry. Pettengill was working as a Sundance Portrait Studio photographer, and Kahn’s latest​ documentary,​ ​​​The Price of Everything, which dives deep into the contemporary art world, ​​with

unprecedented access to pivotal artists and the white-hot international art market, was nominated in Sundance’s U.S. Documentary category. (Kahn’s 2003 documentary, My Architect, about his search to understand his late father, the notable and enigmatic architect Louis Kahn, was nominated for an Academy Award.) At the festival, HBO picked up The Price of Everything for an undisclosed sum. ​​​ Fox also received big buzz ​and a nomination for her feature-length narrative film, ​The Tale​,​​​ ​​a deeply moving and personal coming-ofage story of sexual abuse, which transpired over the course of a summer at a Carolina horse farm when she was 13. (Her documentary, Beirut: The Last Home Movie, about a noble family living in the midst of the Lebanese civil war, won Sundance’s Grand Jury Documentary Prize in

1988.) The Tale was the most talked about film at this year’s festival. “The reason I put my name on it was so that nobody could say it was a lie,” Fox told the Los Angeles Times of The Tale, which was also acquired for release by HBO. “Nobody could chop the film down by saying, ‘Oh, it’s just fiction. Sexual abuse doesn’t look like that.’ I am here to represent that it does.” –Alyce Callison​

All That Jazz tion program for jazz piano, and also earned Finalist accolades in the Grammy Band competition. national recognition this year. She The National YoungArts Foundawas selected as a Merit winner in tion program recognizes emerging the National YoungArts Founda- artists ages 15–18 (or in grades 10–12) in the United States. There are three tiers of winners—Finalist, Honorable Mention, and Merit—and this year, 757 of the nation’s most promising young artists were honored. Merit winners are invited to participate in a regional program, and Keren is eager for the opportunity. “I’ll have the chance to [take part] in a weeklong program in New York City in April, where I get to attend master classes with wonderful musicians and network with other jazz musicians,” says the virtuoso, who began playing the piano when she was seven years old. Grammy Band, which brings together the best high school jazz musicians in America for a weeklong DESCRIBED BY A MUSIC TEACHER AS “ONE OF THE PROS,” MAYA KEREN ’18’S MUSICAL TALENTS HAVE EARNED HER


tour, also honored Keren’s work this year. Says teacher and fellow jazz musician Jeff Torchon, who has been working with Keren since she was in sixth grade: “Maya is a phenomenal musician and person, and has really become an emerging pro in the area of jazz piano. When professional musicians are asked about how she plays, they tell me that they would play gigs with her if given the opportunity.” Keren, who will attend Princeton University this fall, definitely sees music in her future. “I am beyond grateful to have been recognized by these programs and am excited to be part of a network of alumni for both foundations,” she shares. “I am planning to continue playing music in college and for the rest of my life. I hope to doublemajor in music and engineering, and to eventually pursue a career that combines music and science.” –A.C.

Leading the Way GFS’ newest program with the African Leadership Academy offers students a crash course in social justice and entrepreneurialism.

Seniors (from left) Giza Molenaar, Teasha McKoy, Portia McKoy, Lily Zukin, Taryn Barrett, and Celia Meyer in Cape Town. (Missing from photo: Layah Taylor.) IN JANUARY, GFS SENT A GROUP OF SEVEN SENIORS, TWO CHAPERONES,

and a photographer on a three-week inaugural program to the African Leadership Academy (ALA) in Johannesburg, South Africa. ALA’s primary mission is to transform Africa by developing young people into ethical and entrepreneurial leaders who will energetically and astutely confront such issues as poverty, famine, and war. Students who participated in the exchange began with a week of intensive preparation involving close examination of primary sources on South African postcolonial history. While at ALA, they lived in dorms with their “chommies” (a South African Xhosa term meaning “friend”), and attended classes in African Studies, Writing, Entrepreneurial Leadership, and Rhetoric, plus an array of other Cambridge A Level courses. GFS students also participated in a series of team-building exercises, and took design thinking and problem-solving seminars, grappling with the weight of history and social justice in a range of settings that included Johannesburg, Soweto, and Cape Town. The idea for this partnership stemmed from a conversation between Head of School, Dana Weeks, and former GFS parent Dan Gordon, who connected the leadership at the two schools and now helps support the ALA program, along with several other donors. Here, some of the seniors reflect on their experiences. –Kate Hanssen ’00 and Adam Hotek, faculty chaperones “MY EXPERIENCE AT ALA ALLOWED ME

to sail by certain cultural misconceptions about Africa. The people of this continent are too often perceived as poor and ignorant; my experience exploded these misleading stereotypes. The students and faculty at ALA were brilliant, articulate, and heterogeneous (they came from different walks of life, and from all over Africa). In this rich educational environment, I appreciated the generous give-and-take that students and faculty members

those with minority views are often not given a platform to speak. At ALA, students truly heard and respected other opinions, even as they held firmly to their own beliefs.” –Giza Molenaar “ONE ASPECT OF MY ALA EXPERIENCE

that stood out was our trip to Soweto, a suburb of Johannesburg. The tour guide was amazing. She talked about some key aspects of the history of the township in very powerful and inspiring ways. The tour involved walking through the streets of Soweto, a unique way to be exposed to this [urban settlement]. On the one hand, we were tourists—outsiders looking in. On the other hand, this experience felt very intimate. I will always remember Soweto and her people.” –Portia McKoy

had with each other. I felt inspired and empowered as a student and “I LIKED HOW STUDENTS AND as a woman of color.” –Layah Taylor faculty at ALA had an energetic and innovative approach to learning. Not “I LIKED HOW THE SEMINAR CLASSES only are students invited to think were conducted at ALA. Students in ‘outside the box,’ they also work colthis program explored ‘seminal read- laboratively and productively with one ings,’ which were texts that featured another. I also appreciated the practiimportant and sensitive political and cal aspects of the curriculum. Students social issues. It was impressive to see are strongly encouraged to apply what how students were able to openly voice they’ve learned to real-life situations their opinions about these issues and and problems.” –Teasha McKoy listen to others. [In my experience,]

Volume I 2018 |



App-titude for Legislation


Dwight Evans told Zach Goldberg ’18 in reference to his work developing a web application called Pennsylvania Legislation Tracker, which earned him a place among the winners of the 2017 Congressional App Challenge. As Pennsylvania’s winner in the 2nd Congressional District, Goldberg was invited to Representative Evans’s

office on January 12, 2018, where he was presented with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition. During their meeting, Evans offered the GFS senior a bit of friendly advice: “There are what I call the three Cs— Conscience, Constitution, and Citizenship. The power is in your hands, and the greatest title is ‘Citizen.’” Goldberg was inspired to develop Pennsylvania Legislation Tracker

while interning with State Representative Chris Rabb for his Junior Project. During that time, he discovered a need for Pennsylvanians to be able to look up their state legislators, find out what legislation is in the works, and follow the progression of legislation from inception to passage (or defeat, as the case may be). It’s the first-ever nonpartisan resource for legislators, legislation, and happenings in the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Goldberg will attend the University of Pennsylvania next fall, where he plans to study computer engineering, but hopes to stay connected to political work, most likely behindthe-scenes. As part of winning the challenge, he was invited to present his Pennsylvania Legislation Tracker to the members of Congress and to members of the tech community at #HouseOfCode, a reception that will be held on Capitol Hill this spring. Goldberg’s recognition is now a permanent part of the Congressional Record. –A.C.


including members of the Germantown Monthly Meeting and Germantown Friends School alumni, parents, faculty, and former parents. This distinguished group sets policies and makes all final decisions regarding guiding principles, long-term direction, and priorities set forth for the school. This year, the School Committee welcomed the following new members: HILARY ALGER (top) is the parent of Amelia ’21 and serves on the finance committee. She is an independent nonprofit fundraising consultant and a senior consultant with Schultz & Williams, a national nonprofit consulting firm headquartered in Philadelphia. Previously, Alger was Director


of Development for the Pennsylvania Ballet for nine years. She serves on the boards of Pennsylvania Ballet and Target Margin Theater (NYC), as well as on the board of directors of The Alger Funds. Alger holds a BA from Yale University. MAUREEN CARR (bottom) is an education law attorney and a mediator. She holds a BA in English from Kenyon College and a JD from the Georgetown University Law Center. Carr has been active for many years in fundraising, the alumni association, and class agent work on behalf of Kenyon. The mother of Doulin Appleberry ’20 and Cara Appleberry ’24, she and her children are members of Germantown Monthly Meeting. –M.C.R.

Making Time for Collaboration A new school schedule provides more room for deep reflection and collective, community-based learning. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85


first significant schedule change since the 1980s. Designed to support a deeper, more flexible, and more robust curriculum, it features longer class periods in the Middle and Upper Schools, fewer transitions (resulting in a less frenetic pace-of-day), and a weekly professional learning community period for faculty. In the Upper School, one of the most compelling changes is the addition of CoLab, a “blank canvas” time set aside for teachers and students to learn in new ways with—and from—each other. Since the program launched in September, CoLabs have varied in tone and tenor, and have included everything from cultural celebrations and scientific exploration and inquiry, to reflection on race and American

politics and art investigation. Modeling our commitment to the Quaker testimonies, CoLab emphasizes collaborative rather than competitive learning, and interdisciplinary, crossgrade learning over learning in grade or disciplinary silos. It provides both teachers and students a flexible space to create unique educational experiences. CoLab also offers the opportunity for parents, alumni, and other experts connected to the community to teach and lead programming. In March, for example, two attorneys from The Public Interest Law Center—Michael Churchill ’57 and former parent and current School Committee member Mimi McKenzie, who brought a case against the Pennsylvania map— led a CoLab on gerrymandering. (McKenzie and Churchill won their case in late January.) McKenzie has previously referred to the

Pennsylvania map as “one of the worst gerrymanderers in American history,” bumping up against another one of CoLab’s inherent goals: To expose students to profoundly important issues and timely questions, even creating programs in response to current events. The Monument Lab CoLab last October, led by GFS alumnus and Monument Lab Executive Director Paul Farber ’01, invited Upper School students and faculty to engage in a larger national discussion of monuments that valorize those associated with racial oppression by addressing the Monument Lab question, “What is a fitting monument for Philadelphia today?” Following Farber’s keynote, students participated in a wide range of workshops. Some involved Farber’s local Monument Lab work, while others focused on original projects, such as the creation of the Monument to the Living, located inside the entranceway to the Main Building. Reflecting on the Quaker testimony of community, two CoLabs this year have been devoted to cross-cultural learning: Students and faculty learned to salsa from two world-champion dancers (pictured) and explored different Lunar New Year traditions, led by the Asian Student Association. “We are thrilled about the learning we are seeing in CoLab,” says Director of Academic Program, Carol Rawlings Miller. “We’ve been tweaking our concept along the way, listening to feedback, and making improvements. We love students creating programming—we have an incredible student body, and we’re really excited about what’s percolating in our Upper School for future CoLabs. We are only just beginning to cultivate the incredible talents and resources of our school community.” Volume I 2018 |




(PHYFF), a student-run event dedicated to helping aspiring teenage filmmakers find their voices—and a shared community. A great opportunity to exhibit work and receive critiques from industry experts, PHYFF also afforded the chance to network with peers and professionals from the Greater Philadelphia area. The festival founders—Noah Weinstein ’19, Hyungi Kim ’18, Adina Gerwirtzman ’18, and club leader Eli Eisenstein ’18 (pictured, left to right)—developed the concept after searching for free resources for young filmmakers and coming up short.

From almost 150 films submitted by high-school age students throughout the United States and the world, 12 were selected as award winners in four categories (narrative, documentary, experimental/other, and screenplay). The six-hour free event featured keynote speaker Tom

Myers ’76, a sound editor and designer at Skywalker Sound in Marin County, CA; workshops by professionals in the filmmaking industry; and a screening of the winning films. Weinstein is busy planning next year’s PHYFF, which is currently scheduled for February 2019. –M.C.R.


table in his City Hall conference room. As part of the Philadelphia Talkers January Term class—dedicated to bearing witness to the nuanced and varied stories of our city’s past—the students’ visit was designed to gain insight into the mayor’s experiences and unpack commonly-held notions about Philadelphia. The students prepared 26 questions for Mayor Kenney, including, How can we not displace or harm people in our neighborhoods? Are you going to


stick with the commitment to being a Sanctuary City? Why is Philly the poorest big city? Is Philadelphia’s soda tax working? The mayor spoke with candor about how his family’s history of fleeing desperate circumstances in Ireland has shaped his views on immigration. “We emigrated here in the 1840s because we were starving and had no other place to go,” he said. “When we crawled off the ships, we [were told] to go home: ‘We don’t want you here,’ ‘No Irish need apply.’ Now the same issues are being put out there about Muslims.” This understanding of the

common immigrant experience is at the root of the mayor’s commitment to remain a Sanctuary City. The mayor also addressed education, another top priority. Regarding the “soda tax” he’s implemented to help fund preschool programs, he said, “We have a 26 percent poverty rate. Education is the only solution to reducing that poverty rate.” He explained the many hurdles the new law has encountered, from merchants charging extra tax and pocketing the overage to misinformation among customers. “We [don’t want] high real estate taxes so we’re relying on the beverage tax to fund schools.” In addition to Mayor Kenney, the class interviewed police officers from the 14th district (where GFS is located) and Pennsylvania State Representative Chris Rabb. Said Robin Friedman of her motivation to teach the class, “It offers students the chance to challenge assumptions, build their own narrative, and narrow gaps that emerge in the absence of human experience and connection.” –Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91


A Season of Highs and Tries The fall featured multiple playoff appearances and a couple of league titles for the Tigers—and a whole lot of hope for next year. By Zaynab Sanogo ’19 BOYS SOCCER The boys had a phenomenal season, kicking it all the way into the Friends Schools League (FSL) semifinals. Along the way, they racked up numerous wins. From defeating Friends’ Central 2-0 to dominating the field in a match against Abington Friends, where the boys prevailed 7-3, the Tigers brought home several significant victories—including an FSL championship for the JV team. In his final season playing for the Tigers, co-captain and goalie Pietro Berghella ’18 (pictured top right) earned the most career shutouts in GFS history. Co-captain Isaac Myran ’18, David Harvey ’18, Berghella ’18, and Sam Webber ’19 were all named All League athletes, with Jacob Sternberg-Sher ’19 securing an Honorable Mention. Despite their successes, the boys experienced their share of defeat as well. In the Pennsylvania Independent Schools Athletic Association (PAISAA) tournament at the end of the season, the team suffered a 1-0 loss to Haverford. But they didn’t let it dampen their spirits. Summing up the season, Coach Sam McIlvain said, “Always give 100% of what you have.” GIRLS SOCCER The girls had a shaky start, but as the season progressed, the team began to find its footing and redeemed itself by bringing home the Quaker Cup with a 2-1 win over George School. The Cup wasn’t their only success: The Tigers captured a 1-0 win over George during the regular season as well, a 7-2 win against Abington Friends, and monumentally defeated Friends Select 8-0. Co-captain Portia McKoy ’18 (pictured right) made All League, and Celia Meyer ’18 and Lauryn Milbourne ’20 received Honorable Mentions. The

team’s success in league matches this also celebrated their 15th consecutive season forecasts good things to come year as FSL Champions and won the for next year. State title at the PAISAA Championships, with four runners placing within the top 10 of the 5000-meter race. BOYS CROSS COUNTRY “We went into this year expecting The team experienced a triumphant to have to work harder than last year season, remaining undefeated in FSL for the team titles at Friends League matches with a 6-0 record. The Tigers Champs and PAISAA, but when the Volume I 2018 |



JV guys from last year came up to Varsity, we actually had a really great squad,” said co-captain Colin Riley ’18. “They added their own quirk to the team culture, which was as light and fun as ever. I think that’s what always gives us the extra drive to go out on the courses and win.” GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY Fall marked a hugely successful season for the girls cross country team (pictured above). The Tigers ran strong and celebrated a 5-1 success in FSL matches. They finished second overall in the FSL Championships, with all runners ranking in the top 20, while the JV team brought home its third ever FSL Chapionship title. Runners Annika Marcelis ’22, Isabel Reilly ’21, Maribel Carpenter ’20, Corin Grady ’18, and Charlotte Perine ’20 were named All League, and co-captain Sophie Quaglia ’18 received an Honorable Mention. The team also secured fourth place out of 12 in the PAISAA Championships, with Marcelis ’22 taking third out of 83 runners. With several underclassman filling the top spots on the team, the future looks promising for the girls cross country program.




Girls tennis had a spectacular season, racking up several wins in league matches, and eventually making it to the FSL semifinals. The team fought hard, but ultimately succumbed to Shipley 2-3. They had several impressive wins over the course of the season, besting Abington Friends 3-2 (with Mesgana Afessa ’18 and Caroline Burnham ’20 clinching the final win), Westtown 4-1, and Friends Select, with an impressive score of 5-0. Malana Li ’19 was named All League, and co-captain Lindsey Golden ’18, cocaptain Alice Daeschler ’18, and Tsega Afessa ’20 all received Honorable Mentions. The girls’ ability to work together on and off the court landed them a total of six wins over the course of the season. “It was so much fun co-leading the team this past fall,” reflected cocaptain Caroline Kavanagh ’18 on the team’s amazing bonding abilities. “It was such a pleasure to bond with my teammates, both on and off the court. I will truly miss playing for GFS next year.”

The field hockey team started out strong, with a 13-0 win over Solebury School, but the rest of the season was devoted to development. Although the team didn’t find as much success as they had hoped, the girls’ spirit remained positive. “We were a young team with a lot of freshmen,” said goalie and cocaptain Layah Taylor ’18. “We didn’t win a lot, but it was great to see so many girls come out for hockey this year. Everyone wanted to be there and showed up to practice each day. We had a lot of fun throughout the season.” Added new coach Julie deLaurentis, who played for Muhlenberg College and previously coached at the Hill School, “We were better at the end of the season than we were at the beginning, and that’s what you want as a coach. If we can keep everyone together and passionate [about the sport], we look to have a very bright and competitive future!”


New Fund Fuels Progressive Education Initiatives A generous $1 million gift will support creative thinking and innovative programming at GFS in perpetuity. By Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91


rely on it to drive innovation and, ultimately, revenue—is not typically an area of investment for K-12 schools. Teachers struggle to find enough time to manage their day-to-day, let alone develop and test new programming. During GFS’ Strategy Through Inquiry (STI) conversations, one of the questions raised was whether the R&D model of investing in research and experimentation could be introduced into the world of independent schools. This line of inquiry brought Head of School, Dana Weeks, together with GFS parents Jamie and Lisa Maguire (pictured), who were intrigued by the creative thinking and discourse taking place as a result of the STI process. “We were just so impressed by Dana and her leadership,” says Lisa Maguire. “She showed a willingness to take risks and an ability to work with the faculty to move incredible programs forward, like January Term.”

To support more such programming and fuel creative thinking at GFS, the Maguires established the Maguire Innovation Fund for Progressive Education. They engaged the Maguire Foundation, led by Megan Maguire Nicoletti, to match their generous gift and create a $1 million endowment that will support innovative programming in perpetuity. “Through my work, I have had the opportunity to visit schools of all kinds in our area, and I know how important strong leadership is,” says Nicoletti. “With this fund, we are investing in the people at GFS—in your bright, risk-taking, innovative, creative, unconventional people, who are curious about how things work and how to provide students with rich, outside-the-box learning experiences.” The fund will further GFS’ mission, creating the conditions to optimize the potential of GFS students and/or support educational access and opportunity for Philadelphia-area students. The projects it funds may ultimately

become permanent components of the GFS experience and, as such, would transition to being funded through the operational budget. “It’s one thing to give a building, it’s another to fund the mind,” says Jamie Maguire. “The entrepreneurial spirit this fund encourages is a big part of what inspired us. The possibility of providing great learning opportunities beyond the GFS community is exciting.” The fund’s inaugural project is the Algebra Enrichment Project, led by GFS math teacher Mark Anderson, which commenced last fall and provides talented students in Philadelphia public, charter, and parochial schools access to Algebra I during their eighthgrade year. Currently, public, charter, and some parochial schools don’t offer Algebra I to Middle School students, making them less likely to be considered for admission to some of the area’s top independent schools. Completing a quality Algebra I program improves their chances of entering calculus by twelfth grade, and better positions them to pursue math and science in college. Students who complete the course receive a certificate and letter of recommendation from GFS. The Maguire Innovation Fund will yield approximately $50,000 annually to support one or more projects in a given year, and is available to GFS faculty and staff, as well as to GFS students and regional partners. “We are deeply grateful to Jamie and Lisa Maguire and the Maguire Foundation, who have been generous supporters of GFS for many years,” says Weeks. “They believe deeply in GFS and see it as fertile ground for innovation in education—a wonderful testament to the work of our talented faculty and staff.” Volume I 2018 |



Embracing a Culture of Wellness With the addition of a strength and conditioning coach and an investment in the school’s fitness center, GFS is prioritizing its commitment to student well-being. By Lisa Solinsky EARLIER THIS YEAR , GFS LAUNCHED A FUNDRAISING INITIATIVE AIMED AT RAISING $75,000 FOR THE SCHOOL’S


strength and conditioning program. This investment will allow a talented team of professionals to more fully support athletic success, injury prevention, and health and wellness through the purchase of new fitness and training tools. The aim of the campaign is to upgrade the fitness center to become a fully-equipped training facility, and provide new equipment, including weight machines, air bikes, free weights, and kettle bells, to enhance the overall fitness program. This will not only provide significant benefit to studentathletes, but to the larger school community as well. This initiative was identified through work done during last year’s Strategy Through Inquiry (STI), the community-wide, faculty-led, strategic visioning process that focused on six inquiry areas. One of those areas, Whole Being, advocates for increased attention to physical and emotional well-being and developing healthy lifestyle practices, paving the way for lifelong fitness—all important objectives of physical education and athletics at GFS. The school has assembled a tremendous team of professionals to guide our students in this work, drawing from another STI priority that reaffirms the heart of the GFS learning community: our faculty and staff. In August 2017, GFS welcomed Matt Sheehan as its strength and conditioning coach, a new position with responsibilities in both the physical education and athletics programs. He is an enthusiastic part of the school’s full-court press on well-being, and couldn’t be better suited to his role. In addition to his

background as an athlete, he holds a master’s in education—and knows firsthand how important fitness is to injury prevention and emotional wellbeing. Recruited to play football at La Salle University, Sheehan suffered a career-ending injury during his first year. After a multiyear recovery process, he successfully walked onto La Salle’s Varsity Basketball team his senior year. In his new role at GFS, Sheehan is at the ready to put together a customized training plan for whoever walks through his door or provide counsel for successful injury recovery. “I am so excited to be here and feel so supported already,” he shares. “My goal is to squash stereotypes of who belongs in [the fitness center]. I want to teach kids how to take care of their bodies and minds.” Sheehan has already noticed a surge in the number of students and faculty and staff members using the

fitness center. And as the campus master planning process continues to unfold and the school prioritizes its facilities needs, GFS is moving forward to secure new fitness equipment that will immediately benefit our wellness and athletic programs for today’s students. These enhancements can easily be incorporated into any future facility improvements. Alumni and parents are already responding enthusiastically to the initiative. “[It] absolutely resonates with me and compelled me to make a gift,” says Kate Clark Aitken ’98, a three-sport athlete while at GFS. “I’m so pleased to hear that GFS is making this investment.” Interested in learning more? Contact Catherine Kelly Mulgrew ’97 at cmulgrew@germantownfriends. org or (215) 951-2340, or visit to make a gift.


aging and finances. Lovida Hardin Coleman Sr. and her husband, William T. Coleman Jr., were committed to including philanthropy—and Germantown Friends School—in their estate plans. Parents of William T. Coleman III ’65, Lovida H. Coleman Jr. ’67, and Hardin L. K. Coleman ’71, they had been proud supporters of GFS for decades. In the 1960s, Mrs. Coleman served on the School Committee, and her work on the admissions committee—especially in helping to raise money for and award scholarships to families with financial need—convinced her to direct her own gift to an endowed scholarship. In 2014, with the support of her family, Mrs. Coleman established the Lovida Hardin Coleman Sr. Scholarship, saying later, “It was important to have my name on the scholarship to show others that if I could give a scholarship, they could, too.” Mr. Coleman, a former United States Secretary of Transportation under President Gerald Ford, died in 2017. Earlier this year, the Coleman family suffered another loss when Lovida H. Coleman Jr. ’67 passed away. She was a trailblazing attorney, human rights

Lovida Coleman Jr. (first row, holding the ball) as a senior on the 1967 GFS varsity basketball team.

champion (including assignments as an International Election Observer in Pakistan, Haiti, Chile, and Paraguay), philanthropist, and indomitable spirit. On the occasion of her 50th reunion last year, Lovida ’67 updated her estate plans to name GFS, and the Coleman Scholarship, a beneficiary of her IRA. To honor her memory and reflect on this bequest, the family scholarship will now be known as the Lovida Hardin Coleman Sr. and Lovida H. Coleman Jr. ’67 Scholarship. Due to the generosity and forethought of

these two women and their family, this endowed fund will help talented students in need receive a GFS education in perpetuity. GFS is honored to recognize the Coleman family for supporting student financial aid. If you are interested in learning more about naming GFS as a beneficiary of your retirement account, or other options for estate planning, please contact the Advancement Office at 215-951-2340 or —Lisa Solinsky

GE R M A N TOW N FR I E NDS SCHOOL invites you to join the

BLUE & WHITE SOCIETY Celebrating the leadership of our most generous annual supporters. Make your gift before June 30, 2018.

Head’s Circle $50,000+ Coulter Street Stewards $25,000-$49,999 Germantown Avenue Assocites $10,000-$24,999 Tiger Torchbearers $5,000-$9,999 1845 Partners $1,845-$4,999

Young alumni in these classes are invited to join at the following levels: Classes of 2003-08 $1,000+ Classes of 2009-17 $250+

For your convenience, recurring donations may be made monthly or quarterly at

Volume I 2018 |



Standing Up for Social Justice GFS’ newest administrator has devoted his career to the pursuit of diversity, equity, and inclusion. By Hannah Caldwell Henderson ’91

Last August, GFS welcomed Tchet Dorman, the new Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Since this role was first formalized in the early ’90s, its scope has grown significantly to support the ongoing development and design of anti-racist and social justice-focused curriculum; serve as a resource for student groups and initiatives; liaise with the Multicultural Parents Alliance and the Lesbian and Gay Parents and Friends Alliance; train faculty and staff; help with student recruitment; and support strong hiring practices. Dorman has dedicated his career to working with students and professionals on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion. He has demonstrated a deep and sustained commitment to developing the awareness, knowledge, and skills that make communities welcoming to people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, gender expressions, sexual orientations, socioeconomic experiences, and religions. “As a Quaker school, GFS sees it as a moral imperative to foster a deep understanding of the roots of inequity and justice, as well as develop proficiency in asking informed questions, seeking answers, and taking action to change the course of our history on these issues,” says Head of School Dana Weeks. “Tchet not only has a wealth of experience carrying out this work in educational settings, but he is deeply thoughtful and clear in his approach to moving forward.” Dorman came to GFS from Millersville University, where he served as Director of Diversity and Social Justice, providing strategic support to the Office of the President and managing commissions on the status of women, cultural diversity and inclusion, and gender and sexual diversity. Prior to Millersville, he was the director of Temple University’s Center for Social Justice and Multicultural Education, where he planned and implemented a variety of programs to support administration, faculty, and students on matters of diversity. While at Temple, he also became a master facilitator of Intergroup Dialogue, offering hundreds of trainings and workshops for professionals, including Germantown Friends School faculty. Dorman was recognized for his work with the Educator of the Year Award from the National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME).


Dorman, who holds a master’s degree and a PhD in African American Studies from Temple University, is thrilled to return to Germantown, where he spent his early years as a student at the John B. Kelly Elementary School. “I appreciate GFS’ long history of actively engaging in thoughtful practice and action around diversity, equity, and inclusion,” says Dorman. “The focus of my work is to expand the institutional capacity of GFS by supporting each person’s learning and development, and to promote deep and constructive practices for intergroup understanding, engagement, and collaboration.” Since coming to GFS, Dorman has been working closely with colleagues to expand the opportunities for people throughout the school to improve their capacity for intergroup engagement through dialogue; there are currently three groups of faculty and staff members and one group of students participating in dialogues covering a host of subjects, though mainly focused on race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. He has also partnered with Head of Library Services, Kate Garrity, to offer a Real Talk Race Dialogue Series to GFS employees, parents, and community members in an effort to foster healthy, constructive conversations for students and adults. “I’m honored to be in a community where so many people are doing such extraordinary diversity, equity, and inclusion work,” he says. “This work is deeply embedded in the daily practice here at GFS, and I’ve noticed that individual efforts aren’t always known throughout the community. We are working to capture and celebrate all that is happening so that we can build complementary experiences going forward.”

LET IT SHINE The GFS community celebrated the unifying power of light with its first Lantern Festival. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 | Photographs by Michael Branscom

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For thousands of years, cultures around the world have gathered to celebrate light, promoting unity, peace, and family—and the triumph of light over darkness. On October 21, 2017, as a culminating event of the 2016-17 Strategy Through Inquiry strategic visioning initiative, GFS organized a community Lantern Festival, honoring the Light in all people through arts, music, and food, and building on the time-honored tradition of the school’s fall Fun Day. Quaker tradition and the GFS mission are rooted in the ideology that a Light exists within each of us. In preparation for the festival, students, faculty and staff, parents, neighbors, and friends created lanterns under the guidance of visual and teaching artist-in-residence Gowri Savoor. Art and woodshop teachers were trained in lantern-making and supported Savoor in the creative process, as did parents, who assembled poles and outfitted the lanterns with lights in the weeks leading up to the event. At sunset, as Fun Day concluded, the greater GFS community processed with their lanterns through the streets surrounding campus, creating a beautiful and magical river of light. “Through the Lantern Festival, we celebrated a Quaker experience and belief that is fundamental to how we live and learn at GFS,” says Head of School Dana Weeks. “This belief that we all have a unique Inner Light serves to guide us and brings us together in community.”

P R E V I O U S PA G E : The amazing tiger lantern was created by

Michael Kerns, GFS’ director of technical theater, and his Upper School theater tech class, with the assistance of Lower School students in the after-school program.

C L O C K W I S E F R O M R I G H T: Lanterns waiting to be claimed for the

procession; Upper School students make lanterns for the festival; two Middle Schoolers enjoy the festivites before the parade.


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T H I S S P R E A D : With lanterns in tow, students and families gather in the Campus Common before assembling for the procession route, the square Volume I 2018 |GFS. block surrounding


C L O C K W I S E F R O M T O P L E F T: Street scene of the festival of light; artist-in-residence Gowri Savoor with her brilliant light house; the evening’s finale featured SpinCo, a Philadelphia-based, non-profit movement arts organization, which erected an LED pyramid on the school’s front lawn; Head of School Dana Weeks leads the community procession.


Volume I 2018 |



WE’VE GOT ROOTS With more than 230 unique trees and shrubs across 12 acres, the GFS campus was recently designated an arboretum. By Meg Cohen Ragas ’85 Photographs by Robert Reinhardt Volume I 2018 |


Germantown Friends School has been lauded as a leading academic institution at the forefront of progressive education, an inclusive and engaged community, and a committed neighborhood partner. Now, we are honored to add certified arboretum to that list. In November 2017, The Betty Cary Arboretum of Germantown Friends School received Level 1 accreditation from ArbNet, an international community of arboreta and tree-focused professionals. The idea to designate the campus as an arboretum first surfaced in the fall of 2015, when the school’s archivist (and former GFS parent) Kate Stover joined the stewardship committee and introduced the concept after a visit to Friends’ Central School, where she noticed that many of the trees were tagged with descriptive and historical information. “Andrew [DeGothseir, the school’s horticulturist] and I had already been doing a lot of research about the trees,” explains Stover, “so we invited him into the conversation. He said we could already easily qualify for a Level 1 certification, which requires only 25 different woody plants, trees, or shrubs.” Between GFS’ main campus and its playing fields, there are more than 230 unique species, including a state champion, the Siebold Viburnum in the Pennsbury Playground, directly behind the Smith Gym. To begin the accreditation process, science teacher Karen Cherubini, also a member of the school’s stewardship committee, and DeGothseir worked with the Lower School Environmental Action Club (EAC) students, taking them on tree tours of the campus, pointing out “trees of interest”—those with special stories behind them—and collecting information for individual tags (plaques) for each one (there are currently 102 tagged). Every tag has its own QR code that links to a web page on, where interested parties can disP R E V I O U S S P R E A D : The BALD CYPRESS (in the dead graveyard)

was brought as a seedling in a tin can from Florida by the Haines family in 1810. Three were planted in 1824 as family grave markers because the Germantown Monthly Meeting no longer permitted head stones in the graveyard anymore.

R I G H T: The DOGWOOD in front of the Friends Free Library was

planted in memory of art teacher Jayne Wilhelm, who taught at GFS from 1961-81.


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cover more information about each tree or shrub. “Having the labels out there helps the students and the community learn the history and importance of the trees,” says DeGothseir. Also currently in the works: audio stories about the various species, recorded by the students, and an illustrated map for self-guided tours, which helps satisfy one of the re-

“Our arboretum status makes it public that we are working toward conservation in an urban setting,” says science teacher Karen Cherubini. quirements of arboretum Level 1 certification—public access—while also supporting the GFS mission. In addition to the educational component the arboretum status adds, it also demonstrates the school’s commitment to stewardship. “It makes it public that we are working towards conservation, particularly in an urban setting, which can be quite challenging,” says Cherubini. “It gives us distinction in the community. I think it brings the school up to a whole other level in terms of our grounds.” The arboretum is named for the late Betty Cary, who worked tirelessly at GFS from 1945-2011 in various (Continued on page 32) C L O C K W I S E F R O M L E F T: The WILLOW OAK stands tall

by the school’s main driveway entrance, adjacent to the Meetinghouse. It was planted circa 1940. The RED MAPLE was planted next to the entrance of the Friends Free Library in the early ’70s. The SYCAMORE, at the edge of the dead graveyard bordering Germantown Avenue, is the oldest tree on campus. It was planted in approximately 1776. Volume I 2018 |



C L O C K W I S E F R O M T O P L E F T:

The SIEBOLD VIBURNUM was planted in 1925, around the time the Smith Gym was built, and is the arboretum’s only state champion. (It is actually classified as a shrub, not a tree.) Standing across from the Meetinghouse in the live graveyard, the SUGAR MAPLE is named for Kindergarten teacher Mary Fearey, who taught at GFS from 1971-1990. She used to tap maple trees to make syrup with her students. The SWEET GUM, also in the live graveyard, is “a beautiful specimen,” says school horticulturist Andrew DeGothseir. The COPPER BEECH, in the dead graveyard, is adjacent to the wall that runs alongside the Sharpless Building. (The wall is the oldest nonbuilding structure in Germantown.) The PARROTIA tree, planted in memory of Betty Cary, is the newest tree on campus, and stands at the center of “Betty’s Triangle.” The benches were donated by Ann Cary SampsonVolume ’69 andI Betty’s 2018 | grandchildren.


capacities, and then continued to volunteer until 2014. Just as she cared so graciously for our community, she also took an interest in the campus gardens and trees, knew their stories, and loved to tend to them. Cary kept extensive notes on all of the trees, and had strong opinions about where the school should plant what species; she loved to consult with Director

“I often find myself looking up into the canopy above in awe,” says DeGothseir. “What we have here on campus is incredible.” of Buildings and Grounds, Nick Dobrowolski, regarding all acquisitions. When she died in 2015, GFS planted a Parrotia tree in her honor, in what is now known as “Betty’s Triangle.” “She really liked that species and we didn’t have one on campus yet,” explains DeGothseir. “It’s a four-season interest tree, with interesting bark, and beautiful purple flowers in the spring. “I have the greatest office and classroom at GFS,” he adds. “The opportunity to share the beauty, history, and evolution of the campus and its trees provides motivation for the work I do. I often catch myself looking up into the canopy above in awe. What we have here on campus, in an urban environment, is incredible. We owe a lot to those who have come before us, especially Betty, for having the vision, passion, and love for the trees to make sure they were around for our generation to enjoy. I am hopeful that my efforts will grace future generations at GFS.” The Betty Cary Arboretum of Germantown Friends School was officially dedicated on Arbor Day, April 27, 2018.

There were originally four GINKGO trees in front of the Lower School Cary Building, donated by Karl Mertz in 1935 as a gift from the Class of ’35. GFS opted to have the two females removed in the early ’90s because students were tracking the stinky berries all over campus.


Volume I 2018 |



CLASS NOTES Want to stay connected? We encourage you to visit the GFS website at to share your stories and submit Class Notes. FOLLOW US!



Germantown Friends School


NANCY BISHOP writes, “Another great summer in Maine. Traveled to Okavango Delta and Europe this year.” HARRY LEONARD reports, “I keep our graduation photo on my kitchen mantel, still thrills me to recognize every lovely face!”

1946 On Friday evening, December 15, 2017, an intrepid group of GFS alumni braved snow and ice to come together on campus for the kick-off of the Alumni of Color Initiative. Joining them in conversation were a number of faculty, staff, and student leaders from Sistahs (an affinity group for female students of color), BASE (Brothers for Academic and Social Enrichment), and the Asian Students Alliance. The gathering marked the first public event in this new initiative, organized to encourage alumni of color to reconnect with one another and with the school, share their stories, and hear about the latest happenings at GFS. The program included a video presentation by ANDRÉ ROBERT LEE ’89 of current students voicing the need for a more supportive community, and an impassioned speech by SANDRA JEWETT ’74 about the recent changes she has witnessed at GFS: “To my fellow alums, I urge you to seize the day. Take your seat at the table without fear or hesitation, join the conversation, share your story authentically, and re-engage with the desire to ‘pass it forward’ in any way you can. Let me enthusiastically reiterate that this is an exciting time. Let’s help one another learn from the past, transform, and press forward to do greater things in the future.” Among the evening’s guests were several members of the Class of ’91, pictured above, from left to right: GILLIAN GRANNUM, HANNAH CALDWELL HENDERSON, MELISSA IVEY-LAWTON, HEESEUNG LEE, and ERIC ASKEW.

THOMAS R. POWELL, JR. writes, “We have been happily living in Kendal at Hanover, in Hanover, NH, for the past 12 years.”


TED WOLF shares, “In a topsyturvy world, GFS has been a bedrock foundation for me and my family. Thanks, keep up the good work!”


TED LUKENS writes, “In November 2016, George Hagey published a 600-page book entitled Paper, Quill, and Ink. It was a dual-purpose updated history of Towamencin Township, combined with a presentation of the diaries of George Lukens (1768-1849), Quaker, farmer, schoolmaster, and abolitionist. In 1805, his father, John Lukens, had built a large home for the family on the farm, and that same building is now the Administrative Building for Dock Mennonite Academy.

CLASS NOTES IN THE BULLETIN: It is sometimes necessary to edit notes to reduce the length so that we can accommodate as many entries as possible. We hope we have retained the essence of your news while also providing space to include messages from your classmates. Please contact us at 215-941-2340 or alumni@ if you have questions or want more information.


I’m working with the DMA folks to fashion a suitable plaque for formally memorializing the Lukens component of DMA’s history.”


JEAN MARTINDALE WILSON writes, “In October 2016, I traveled to Bhutan with my granddaughter for a three-week Buddhist study tour; beautiful colorful scenery, friendly people, arduous travel with difficult road conditions.” GEORGE L. SPEATH reports that he continues to be invited to teach at institutions and meetings around the world. He credits “the years at GFS, where I came to know and act on the knowledge that each person is unique and deserving, and that there is that of God in every person and we can and have a responsibility to make the world better!” SUE AXFORD AEMISEGGER shares, “On March 14, 2018, my husband, Bob, and I were married 65 years.” GORDON WEST writes that he had a book signing for his recently published autobiography, Checkers, which t​ races his life from birth during the depths of the depression in Philadelphia to active retirement in Florida. Checkers has been well reviewed and is available on Amazon. ​


JOAN HERGESHEIMER HORN was inducted into the Greene County Women’s Hall of Fame at their 37th annual luncheon held at the Walnut Grove Country Club in Dayton, OH. Recognized as an educator and community volunteer, she described it as “a total surprise.” The ceremony was held on September 23, 2017, which was a most propitious date, as it fell on her 84th birthday.


BILL HAVILAND writes that he has been in “failed retirement” since leaving the University of Vermont

18 years ago. “By failed retirement, I mean that I have been working as hard as ever, but not getting paid! I have published 12 books, four chapters in other books, nine journal articles, and 51 guest columns for local newspapers. I also lecture periodically to various civic groups and have been president of the local land trust and the local historical society. I currently serve on the board of the Abbe Museum in Bar Harbor, ME (another member of that board is MARGO LUKENS ’73).”


VIRGINIA BUSSER RYNNING writes, “No big travels this year. Went to Bhutan in 2016, Tibet in 2013, and London and Norway last year.” DON SCOTT shares, “Regret that I will miss the reunion. I’ve had three surgeries this year.” ELEANOR STOKES SZANTON writes, “GFS had a transformative effect on me, even though I was already a Quaker and lived one block away.”


RIDGE SATTERTHWAITE reports, “I continue to work as a ‘Daily Money Manager,’ helping elderly clients, some now younger than me, with their finances, taxes, and a whole lot more. Still love living in Vermont.”


STEVE HAUSCHKA writes, “Still enjoying experiments in the lab, mentoring students, playing the cello, making trails, gardening, and exploring life goals with the grandkids.”


MARGARET A. MINEHART retired as the medical director of the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health & Intellectual Disabilities on June 30, 2015.


BARBARA BROOMELL PARRY shares, “My son Charlie ‘96 and his wife, Dina, gave me my first grandchild on May 26, 2017. Madison Quinn Parry arrived two months early, but thankfully she is thriving. Now, if they would just move closer to New Hampshire!”


MOLLY MCKAUGHAN reports, “MARCIA SOAST and I had a great safari in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park. We saw 400 elephants and 19 lionesses rising from a meadow to hunt.”


TERRY LOCHHEAD shares, “I am co-chairing a Climate Change Team for the UNH Marine Docents, grandparent to four boys, and missing my wonderful sister SHIRLEY STEVENSON HOCH ’49, who passed away last year. Living with Tom Ryan and spending a lot of time with my daughter, a self-employed immigration attorney with two small children, who has been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” WILLIAM H. THODE is still enjoying family, movies, eating out, and retirement. He also has parttime jobs to keep him busy.


ELLEN OSGOOD BUSH writes, “Hi, Classmates, I’m lucky to still be living up here in beautiful Concord, MA. I still work at the local hospital as a supervisor of many volunteers doing transport jobs. It’s very active and rewarding and I love it. I have a husband, dog, cat, and a son, who also live in MA.” TOM WELCH reports that he “retired from his position as chairman of Maine Public Utilities Commission at the end of 2014 (held that position 1993 to 2005 and 2011 through 2014). Now happily retired, living on the coast of Maine, Volume I 2018 |




with a bit of travel and some work overseas for USAID.”

1969 1937



J. MORRIS EVANS December 16, 2017


DAVID E. STOKES September 28, 2017


JOAN SCHIMPF ROOT ’43 January 16, 2018






M. THEODORE HEINECKEN February 3, 2018 R. LAIRD SOMMERVILLE July 18, 2017 WILLIAM B. RITTER July 23, 2017


DAVID S. LOEB June 25, 2017


SAMUEL M. FREEMAN June 14, 2017



JAMES G. HIRSH August 28, 2017

MARIE GIBBY WILKES shares, “Happy to announce the arrival of grandchild on September 18, 2017. I am still working in public health and painting in oils during my free time.”


LAURA EVANS DURANT writes, “Happily, our daughter, Claire, was married last spring and our two granddaughters continue to delight us! Sadly, Steve lost his Mom (she was 91) and my father, J. MORRIS EVANS ’39, died this December at age 96. The circle of life.”

loving grandchildren, thinking fondly of GFS from California (30 years now!)” BRAD BANK writes, “I remain a mediocre athlete, but stayed healthy enough during the summer of 2016 to win my age group for the Greater Atlantic MultiSport Triathlon series over their 11-race season. Not on the level of ageless LARRY COXE ’73, and no, not ironman distance, but being injury-free for a season does wonders. DARYL STONER ’78 and the girls are doing great, the end of med and grad school tuitions are in sight, so only 10 more years restoring houses until possible retirement! Love to my classmates, GFSers I coached, and the teachers I frustrated.”

ANDREW C. ARMSTRONG shares, “My wife, Caroline, and I had a most enjoyable visit with classmate STEVE LOTSPEICH and his wife, Judy, and daughter, Cholena, at their home in Waterbury Center, VT, during a June trip.”

WILLIAM J. HOLT shares that his granddaughter, Isla, was born on October 22, 2017.



JIM MAYER shares that he went skiing with his brother, TOM MAYER ’73, JIM FERNBERGER ’74, and STACY MOGUL ’74, plus assorted members of the next generation, in Utah in March.


HENRY W. ROOT was presented with the 2017 Ed Rubin Award by the American Bar Association’s Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries at the forum’s annual meeting on October 6, PRISCILLA DREBY RICH writes, “We are changing the world! Moving 2017. This award is the forum’s highest honor, and is given to one our BeTheExample Contest onto member each year in recognition college campuses and out of state. of outstanding leadership and We plan to mobilize Community service. Henry is a partner in the Choice Energy (aka Renewable entertainment law firm Lapidus, Power) to more states beyond the seven that currently have it (CA, IL, Root & Sacharow, LLP in Santa Monica, CA. OH, NY, MA, RI, NJ).”

ADRIAN GURZAU writes, “Hello, all! Vickie and I are well here in the Princeton area. Continue to work, but thinking of wrapping it up in 2018. Our youngest son, Jason, is getting married next year, so lots of excitement there. All the best to my classmates, families, and friends.”

TED WEST and ANNA LOUCHHEIM WEST report, “Working hard, staying healthy,

DAVID E. LODER writes, “Overwhelmed and saddened by the loss of a classmate and wonderful friend, ANDY WILLIAMS, after a courageous fight upon receiving a double lung transplant. Much love to Sally and the entire Williams-West family.”

DAVID RELMAN shares that he is “continuing to research the human microbiome and to support policy towards anticipating and mitigating future biological threats.” He welcomes contact from GFSers!


HELEN WILSON MALLON reports that she is writing, teaching, and growing.


JULIE COHN shares, “My first book, The Grid: Biography of an American Technology, was released in December 2017 by MIT Press. The book traces the development of North America’s power grid through most of the 20th century. Leslie Heath, grandfather of our classmate DAVID HEATH, makes important appearances in the narrative!” MICHAEL KUBY writes, “My family was out in the wine country of California for a wedding and I got to play tennis with ANNIE OSBORN at her ‘Vineyard of Dreams’ court (pictured below). What a day and what a backdrop, especially on the weekend of the French Open Finals! A little tennis and a lot of wine made for a fun mini-reunion. Paging LINDA JOHNSON and ROGER READ—mixed doubles at the 45th reunion? On another note, it’s been an interesting experience being a political spouse. My wife, Lauren, is running for reelection to Tempe City Council in Arizona. She’s big on sustainability, and is gaining a bit of a national reputation fighting against state legislative preemption of city initiatives.”


CONSTANCE L. CUNNINGHAM writes, “Loving my job as a mental health therapist at Wedge Medical Center. Also, devoted to my Buddhist practice. Wishing everyone well!” NEIL F. TRUEBLOOD has been keeping busy with managing construction and properties, selling real estate, clerking for the Gwynedd Monthly Meeting, and sitting on the board of both the Wissahickon Watershed and Foulkeways.


WYNN CALDER writes, “Dan Shechtman made physical activity fun and interesting. He was enthusiastic and creative. I’ll never forget his crazy games and his venturing into local rock climbing.” LAURA HUNGER STODDART shares that last summer she married her classmate, FRANK STODDART. Present at the celebration were longtime friends EMILY VON SCHEVEN, her husband, MARK SHOSTACK, and KATHY NICHOLSON PAULMIER.


Classmates PERN BECKMAN and PATRICK TUCKER (pictured below) reunite in Chicago.





MICHAEL L. RAINEY December 7, 2017




DAVID F. CADBURY February 5, 2018 FREDERICK P. WOLL January 16, 2018


LOVIDA H. COLEMAN January 5, 2018


ANDREW WILLIAMS November 18, 2017


J. MICHAEL FRIEDMAN September 9, 2017


CHRISTOPHER J. ALLEN August 26, 2017


WILLIAM FISHER January 3, 2018

Faculty DAVID CHARLES ABELL was named Principal Guest Conductor of The Philly POPS. He was in Philadelphia last September, conducting the Philadelphia Opera Company’s stellar production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute.


For news of NATHANIEL KAHN, see page 6. ​

RONALD LUNDBERG December 12, 2017 RICHARD L. WADE November 13, 2017

Volume I 2018 |




LUCY BELL JARKA-SELLERS writes, “I have just finished an illustrated book about a Quaker superhero from Germantown (made of bun dough) who relocates Trump and his associates. It’s a funny book about serious ideas, called Meet John Dough, Superhero: A Political Fantasy. There is a lot of local Northwestern Philadelphia color and a long poem by my mother about passenger pigeons (sung by a scholarly pigeon who lives at 30th Street Station).”


IAN O’DONNELL reports, “I was recently hired to design and launch a menswear line for Splendid, a women’s brand in LA. The new line will be called Mills Supply and will debut this coming fall in specialty retail stores and online. This comes on the heels of LE Sport, the activewear line I launched a couple of years ago for Lands’ End, but marks my first official time as head of design for a label.”

JEN COHEN ZIELINSKI writes, “We are so very excited to be back in the Greater Philadelphia area after 13 years of living all over the country! The siren song of family PHILIP GRATWICK reports, “I and friends (not to mention Wawa have moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, with my wife, Marina, and son Peter. and the shore!) was too great, so this past October we picked up and I’m teaching social studies at the moved from Chicago to Doylestown. Pine Crest School.” We couldn’t be happier!”



2001 BECKY WOLF ROSHON has been on a local publicity tour for her sci-fi book, Haven. In October, she shared a table at the Collingswood, NJ, Book Festival, and did a talk, Q&A, and book signing at the Wilmington University Library (New Castle, DE). She shares, “My husband and I are still very involved with our local Lions Club, and I now have a District Cabinet position that puts me in a leadership role for five of the clubs in our state. While I am doing the leadership side of things, my husband goes to Nicaragua every year on a Sight Mission to help the people who wouldn’t otherwise get any help with their vision health!”

For news of MYLES PETTENGILL, see page 6.


JENNIFER CHU shares, “In June, I married Friends’ Central alumnus Jacob Fogel in Philadelphia (pictured above). SARAH LASKOW SHERIDAN was Matron of Honor. LAUREN SMITH and VICTORIA MURRAY FLANAGAN ’02 were also in attendance. I honored my late sister KIMMI CHU as Maid of Honor in

memoriam. During the ceremony, GFS and FCS alumni sang the Benediction, “Lord Bless You and Keep You,” as both GFS and FCS choirs know the song!”


JESSICA GRAY writes, “I recently relocated from Philly to DC for a new job at George Washington University. I am still working in athletics, but working solely in student-athlete development.”


JASON MITCHELL-BOYASK reports, “I now work in a job that combines my three great loves— education, the arts, and social justice advocacy. I’m forever grateful to GFS for nurturing each of these loves on such a profoundly deep level.”


LAURENCE XU shares, “I am concentrating in finance and statistics at Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania.”


YASMIN KHAN reports, “Just moved back to Philly after 29 years in DC! It’s great to be home!” DERRECK J. ROBINSON writes, “Family, work, friends, travel. Preparing our final two children for college (currently a senior and a junior). Looking forward to life as empty nesters.”

Your love for GFS is a sure thing, and now your support can be, too! A recurring gift is convenient, customizable, and paperless. Recurring gifts can be set up monthly, quarterly, or annually to support the Annual Fund, and designated for an area that resonates with you, such as arts, athletics, acade­mic programs, general scholarships, or simply the areas of greatest need. To find out more, or to schedule your recurring gift, visit



Pillars of Philanthropy Remembering three men who championed GFS throughout their lives. By Diane Mallery ’80 J. MORRIS EVANS ’39 1921–2017 J. Morris “Morrie” Evans ’39 was a diehard GFS Tiger, who supported the school with his gifts of heart and self, first as a student and continuing until his death. He spent his working life at PQ Corporation, founded by his great-great grandfather, and rose to become CEO and Board Chairman. Though a businessman by vocation, Morrie was an historian and philanthropist by avocation. His philanthropy was boundless: He created the SNAVE Foundation to sustain and support institutions and causes close to his heart. Morrie served GFS in many key roles, including being a longtime member and treasurer of the School Committee. Morrie’s wife of 68 years was his GFS classmate and best friend, Anne Tall Evans ’39, who passed away in 2012. They supported GFS through numerous campaigns; Morrie founded the J. Morris and Anne T. Evans Scholarship Fund after Anne died. Morrie was a superior athlete, excelling in every sport he played at GFS, particularly soccer and track (which he continued at Haverford College). He remains one of the school’s all-time greatest athletes. Morrie and Anne’s five children all attended GFS: Joe ’64, Wally ’66, Wendy ’68, Laura ’70, and Peter ‘76. He is also survived by 19 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. DAVID S. LOEB, JR . ’51 1933–2017 David lived an extraordinary life in every sense of the word. He inspired so many, leading by quiet, determined, and joyous example. An accident at age 20 left him a quadriplegic, but his indomitable spirit conquered this tow-

ering adversity: He lived life more fully than anyone ever thought possible. David enriched​the lives of everyone around him. He was the consummate family man, a loving, caring, and engaged husband and father. He had a 60-year career as a master financial advisor, active right up until his death. David’s generosity to GFS was extraordinary. His devotion shaped and strengthened our hallmark performing arts program, and his support of the Choir’s tours enabled countless students to have the transformative experience of traveling to other countries and sharing the gift of music. David’s spirit and legacy live on in the David and Barbara Loeb Performing Arts Center. ANDREW WILLIAMS ’72 1954–2017 After a successful lung transplant and a brave battle thereafter, Andy Williams died peacefully, surrounded by family. He was devoted to this community in numerous ways, and dedicated much of his time and talents to GFS. A longtime School Committee member, he served on both the finance and investment committees, and led by example through many campaigns. Andy and his GFS sweetheartturned-beloved-wife of 41 years, Sally West Williams ’72, hosted countless GFS gatherings, an undeniable source of strength and joy for their classmates. Andy loved nothing more than to spend time with Sally and their extended family and treasured friends in Blue Bell or on Nantucket. Andy founded and managed a thriving investment practice. He From top: Morrie Evans, yearbook photo; was a devoted father to Kate ’00, Ted David Loeb; Andy Williams with Sally. ’03, Sam ’08, and Rebecca ’08, and a doting grandfather to Anna ’30, Cassie, and Dana. Volume I 2018 |



Richard L. Wade, 1948-2017 at the forefront of his decisions. He was much-loved and will be sadly missed.” –Frannie Smith, parent of Jamal ’93 and Johari ’97 and former School Committee member “ I WA S OFFE R E D T H E HONOR OF

sitting on a visiting team for a school accreditation, and the very first person I wanted to share that with was Dick. He and Cheryl have been my supports and mentors throughout my life, and have been there to give guidance every step of the way. Every time I have doubted my ability or questioned whether or not I was ready to take on a new role, I would turn to Dick and talk through the decision with him. When I chose to take a new path, or explore a new opportunity, I always wanted to share that with him. He was a mentor, a cheerleader, and always a voice of wisdom, and I will miss greatly our LAST FALL , THE GFS COMMUNITY LOST ONE OF ITS GIANTS. DICK WADE , conversations and his sage advice.” head of school from 1992-2012, died on November 13, 2017. He made a pro- –Melissa Battis ’97 found impact on so many lives over the course of his tenure at 31 W. Coulter Street. While he will certainly be remembered for successfully stewarding “I USED TO THINK DICK WADE WAS the school through 20 years of extraordinary growth, his intangible gifts of the president. He was a tall white self were his hallmark—as was evidenced at his beautiful memorial service. man with a southern accent and he Many who couldn’t attend the service sent in written remembrances. Here always wore a suit, and I was a child are just a handful of those wonderful recollections—what better way to honor of the Clinton/Gore era. It added up. I Dick than with the words of those who loved him. don’t know whether I thought he was president of the whole country or just “I AM HEARTBROKEN TO LEARN OF I felt when seeing him at games and sort of our local president, but I was Dick Wade’s passing. It is impossible musical performances. When I took in awe of him. So it felt extra special for me to think of GFS without think- money out of my first meager pay- to me that President Dick Wade knew ing of him. I was always and continue check and sent a small donation to who I was. He always greeted me to be amazed by his ability to know GFS to give a little back to a place and by name and with a smile. I hardly every student’s name and be able to teachers who gave me so much, Dick dared look him in the eye, but I was engage with them as if no one else wrote me a thank you note that I still grateful. After I got past my secondmattered. He was one of the kindest, have to this day. Gratitude, respect, grade confusion, I still felt glad to be warmest people I have ever had the and love for him always!” –Lucille acknowledged by Dick Wade. I don’t privilege of knowing. He is the kind Songhai ’02 know how he managed to get to know of person most of us strive to be. I every student’s name, but he did, and will never forget him.” –John Wood “I WAS FORTUNATE TO BE PART OF his “Hi, Em” always made me feel welDick’s administrative team from 1993 Quartana ’09 to 2000. Dick taught us all how to be comed and part of things. Special, “SOME OF MY BEST MEMORIES WERE graceful, kind, and humble leaders. even. He was warm and approachable sitting in Dick’s office and being His good humor, level-headedness, and kind, and he made me feel like I schooled in the ways of the world. He integrity, gentleness, compassion, and belonged. And that’s how you make a modeled how to be a more thoughtful, empathy were displayed each and community.” –Emily Savin ’04 compassionate person. How to laugh every day. Dick worked diligently to To read more tributes to Dick Wade, and not take things so seriously. The ensure that the Quaker values upon please visit high fives in the hallway, the support which GFS was founded were always



S U M M E R C A M PS featuring sports, arts, technology, and more ages 3 & up

31 West Coulter Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215) 951-2384 | Volume I 2018 | 41



31 West Coulter Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 TEL: 215.951.2300

Upper School students celebrate Classics Day on March 15, 2018, by honoring hometown heroes the Eagles. Each year, senior Classics students determine the theme of the Triumph, and since the Eagles won the Super Bowl for the first time in NFL history, they felt that celebrating them would be both “Classical” (the eagle is a symbol of Jupiter’s authority) as well as contemporarily relevant. “Volate, Aquilae, Volate!” (Fly, Eagles, Fly!). Photo by Scott B. Foley.

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