Upper School Course Catalog 2022-23

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ART The Upper School Art Program provides depth and breadth—students are introduced to appropriate skills and concepts that gradually build in complexity. Through the exploration of various materials and media, students investigate formal and conceptual issues with increasing independence. We are concerned not only with the making of art, but also with the development of critical thinking, visual literacy, and art history awareness. Using a problem-solving format, criteria are first presented and examined, and then students develop individual solutions to answer assigned problems creatively. Each assignment culminates in a group critique in which students use appropriate visual arts language to inform their critical thinking. Students learn to recognize effective visual communication and to appreciate the uniqueness and diversity of effective responses. • The course Foundation is a required minor and a prerequisite for all other art electives. • Students must select a first and second choice for art electives with the exception of Foundation. • Each course may be taken only once. • Art courses may be chosen individually as minors or together in certain configurations to form an Art Major. A R T M A J O R

An Art Major is comprised of two art minors taken simultaneously; these two courses make up an Art Major. At course sign-up, students in grades 10-12 wishing to create an Art Major should select their two minors and also select ART790 Art Major. A R T G R A D U A T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T

As of the class of 2024, and for all subsequent classes, students must complete one full year of Art. For the Classes of 2023 and 2022, students must take the equivalent of two semesters of theatre or art.

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required minor | grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

This course is designed to introduce and investigate visual concepts. These concepts of 2D and 3D composition include line, plane, negative/positive space, perspective, color, value, and figure/ground. Each unit of study is tailored to build technical skill and theoretical understanding, as well as to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills regardless of prior experience. Through critiques, students learn to use a visual vocabulary to analyze the




Upper School Course Catalog 2022–2023

ef­fec­ti­­ve­ness of visual images. Successful completion of this course is a prerequisite for all subsequent Art courses. ART830

Color & Design

minor elective | grades: 10, 11, 12 | prerequisite: Foundation

In this course, students concentrate on how color and design can be used to describe and communicate ideas through visual means. We investigate color as it can be used emotionally and psychologically for practical and poetic ends. Students will study

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