DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY GFS encourages students to take initiative in their own education. Last year, more than 150 students pursued their particular interests beyond the GFS course catalog by developing a Directed Independent Study (DIS) in consultation with a faculty advisor. A D I S M I G H T B E COM P OS E D O F O N E O F T H E FO L LOW I N G :
Individual or group study with a GFS teacher on a subject of mutual interest Language classes taught by a part-time instructor An online course not already included in the GFS catalog A significant weekly project (such as tutoring in a neighborhood school)
DIS Major
major elective | grades: 11, 12
Students in the upper grades may elect a program of Directed Independent Study as part of their academic schedule. A DIS major is equivalent to a full-credit course and graded in the same way. DIS majors may not replace a preexisting course offering without the permission of the department in question. In the past year, students have created DIS majors in Arabic, Japanese, Philosophy, Creative Writing, and Animation.
Proposing a DIS Major Interested students first consult with the Director of Independent Study. Students must submit a formal proposal to the Director of Independent Study by early May for approval by the Academic Standards Committee. Students choosing independent study are required to keep a journal, to write a major paper each quarter, and to make periodic informal presentations of their work. In the spring, they are required to make a
Upper School Course Catalog 2022–2023
formal presentation of their work to their advisor and two other faculty members. Students should expect to meet regularly with an advisor (a member of the faculty or another adult) and with the Director of Independent Study.
DIS Minor minor elective | grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Students may elect a program of Directed Inde pendent Study as part of their academic schedule. A DIS minor should demand the same commitment as the equivalent of a minor elective course. DIS minors may not replace a preexisting course offering. Students may create a course of study that focuses on an academic interest or a community outreach project within GFS or in the Germantown community. DIS minors have included philosophy, biology research, oil painting, creative writing, computer programming, and tutoring at GFS or local elementary schools. Students must consult with the Director of Independent Study to discuss the details of their DIS. Those who develop a DIS minor after course sign-up must register for a DIS minor before October 1. For more details, email the Director of Independent Study.