Acoustic Sounds (Update) Catalog.

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The Director Line Stage Page 34


The Director

…a line stage with a twist The Director fulfills the basic preamplifier functions of input selection, volume adjustment and gain but in an entirely unique and refined way. There’s no need to hit a switch to go from phono to CD or whatever other function with The Director, you simply hit “play” or drop your stylus and let The Director figure out whether you’re playing CD, or LP, etc. Pretty cool!

By focusing on sound and leaving out the unnecessary jewelry, Sutherland was able to keep the price down. The Director feature s : • a simple, well-designed case • a reasonably priced power cord • a compact, lightweight remote control Sutherland repeatedly bench marked The Dire c t o r’s p e rf o rmance to “cost-no-object” options. With the standard of excellence set by Sutherland’s Ph.D. and AcousTech PH-1P phono preamplifiers — both Stereophile Class-A – The Director is another smash hit with excellent price, perf o rmance, and innovation.

See the back cover for your chance to win The D i rector in Acoustic Sounds latest giveaway!

To order The Director, call 1-800-716-3553 or order online at

P.O. Box 1905 Salina, KS 67402-1905 • USA TELEPHONE: (785) 825-8609 FAX: (785) 825-0156

Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75 Turntables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Tonearms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-22 Phono Preamps . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-27 ARCAM Equipment . . . . . . . . . . 28-31 CD, SACD, Universal and DVD Players. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Preamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 Power Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . 37-39 Integrated Amplifiers . . . . . . . . 40-41 Receivers and Tuners . . . . . . . . . . 42 Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-45 Headphone Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . 46 Earphones and Headphones . . 4 6 - 4 9 Table Radios and Mini Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51 Power Conditioners . . . . . . . . . 52-54 Room Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 R e c o rd Cleaning Machines . . . . . . 56 R e c o rd Cleaning Fluids . . . . . . . . . 57 R e c o rd Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 CD Accessories and Care . . . . . . . 59 Analog Interconnects. . . . . . . . . . . 60 Speaker Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Digital Interconnects and Power Cords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Line Conditioners . . . . . . . . . . . 64-65 ISO Devices and Vibration Contro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-67 System Set-up and Tu rntable Set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69 Record Mats and Clamps . . . . . . . 70 Contact Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Equipment Racks/MediaStorage/ Speaker Stands . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-75 New Music. . . . . . . . . . . . 76-142 APO Direct-To-Disc Recordings . . . .77 Fantasy 45 Jazz LPs . . . . . . . . .78-80 John Hammond. . . . . . . . . . . . .84-85 Jimmy D. Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Fantasy SACDs . . . . . . . . . . . .96-97 Fonè SACDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 RCA Living Stereo SACDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-103 Mercury Living Presence SACDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108-109 APO Releases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 CCR Box Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-123 Analogue Productions SACDs . . . 128 Linn SACDs . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 Ella Fitzgerald Box Set. . . . . . . . . 133 Dafos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 JImi Hendrix Box Set. . . . . . . . . . . 140 John Coltrane Box Set. . . . . . . . . . 140 The Rolling Stones . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Under The Radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 O rder Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

The new home of Acoustic Sounds.

Dear Customer, It’s been a long time coming (20 years to be exact), but Acoustic Sounds is finally home. Not to say we were out on the streets previously, but our company has grown so steadily over these past 20 years that we’ve never been able to comfortably settle into a building with ample space. We’ve outgrown four buildings (that’s a rate of one every five years!), but now we’ve moved to an 18,000-square-foot former grocery store. We’ve got big plans for the next 20 years, and this space is perfect. We thank you sincerely for all that you’ve done to help our company’s success and most importantly this audiophile industry’s success. If you’re ever in the middle of Kansas, we hope that you’ll stop by to see what you helped build. In the meantime, please read about it on pages 2-3. A bigger warehouse means more music and more equipment. We’ve long been the industry leader in audiophile recordings, but we’re quickly gaining status on the hardware front. Again with this issue, you’ll find new offerings of turntables, electronics, accessories, speakers etc. We’ve also hired another high-end salesman to help you achieve the sound you desire. His name is Chad Stelly and with many years experience in this industry, he knows his stuff. Call Stelly (we’re going to call him by his last name to avoid confusion with another Chad we’ve got onboard), or Clark Williams, for help in getting the most for your money. Be sure to check out Ron Sutherland’s newest creation, The Director, on page 34. The Director is a $3,000 line stage with some very cool features. This preamp will give you some serious bang for your buck. You’ve certainly heard the buzz about Sutherland’s battery-powered phono stage, The Ph.D., and how it’s been noted for its value and innovation. Well, Sutherland’s done it again. Back to the recording side of things: Sonoma Records, in tandem with Sony, has produced what is rightfully being considered the ultimate SACD. Music For Organ, Brass and Timpani by Anthony Newman & The Graham Ashton Ensemble was recorded and post-produced entirely in the Direct Stream Digital domain. Harry Pearson’s raved about it. David Kawakami, Director of the Super Audio CD Project at Sony, has raved about it. The sound, music – everything – on this disc is awesome. If you can play SACD, you need to own this disc. Read about it on page 118. Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday (CST). To order, call 800-716-3553 or shop online anytime at Thank you very much for your continued support. Sincerely,

Chad Kassem Acoustic Sounds, Inc. CEO


Movin’to the In December of last year, Acoustic Sounds moved to its fifth and likely final location, an 18,000square-foot warehouse. It’s been 20 years in the making, but we’ve built the audiophile Fort Knox. Here’s a brief look at our history, our present and our future.

BELOW: Trace the growth of Acoustic Sounds

through our locations: a two-bedroom upstairs ap a rtment; a four-bedroom ranch-style house; a downtown store front; a warehouse with basement and loading dock; and fi n a l ly, our brand new digs — an 18,000 sq. ft. warehouse with plenty of room to grow !

It started in 1985 in a cluttere d, twobedroom, upstairs ap a rtment. A modest record collection grew mutant and within a couple years, Chad Kassem litera l ly lived in a field of vinyl. LPs stacked in the living room, then the bedrooms, the closets, the kitchen and finally even the bathroom. A small ap a rtment shrunk to o n ly a few pat h ways — one from the listening position to the kitchen; another f rom the listening room to the bat h room; and one to each of the bedrooms. The walls we re made of boxes. The phone started ri n gi n g. Acoustic Sounds wa s born. And it was time to move. Th at was 1988, and Chad Kassem’s budding success allowed him to purch a s e a nice, four-bedroom, ranch-styled house. Initially, it even looked like a home. But then came the re c o rds. They devoured the basement, wh e re Chad’s now fulltime

business had added a few employees. They started climbing the stairs and soon controlled the living room and bedroom. This time the bat h rooms we re spare d, but little else in Chad’s 100-hour-a-week office (he also lived there, but that came second) escaped the vinyl. He hired more employees for a shrinking workspace. Finally, when 18-wh e e l e rs started pulling up to Chad’s residential address to deliver pallets, it was time to move. So in 1991, he scouted out a fo rmer dance studio in this mid-sized Kansas downtown. At first the space was a dream. Th e re was room for shelves to stock inve n t o ry. Th e re was a conventional shipping-and-receiving area. But Acoustic Sounds continued to grow, Chad hire d more employees, he and others launched audiophile reissue labels meaning more inve n t o ry, and the records again began to stack in strange places. In less time than he had thought, it again was time to move. Chad found a wa rehouse in 1994 with enough room for his growing inve n t o ry and plenty of office space. Th e re was a loading dock for the shipping. Th e re was a large basement fo r overstock. The building wa s p e r fect for about eight years. But

Music finally, records began to stack on and a round employees’ desks, across the floor of wh at was supposed to be the shipping and receiving area and in eve ry single corner of the building. Plus, Acoustic Sounds started to sell more equipment, wh i ch meant turntables, CD players, accessories and the like had to compete with the LPs and CDs for the limited space. So after 10 years in the warehouse, it was time to move. And so here we are with no expectations to move again. We gutted a 50-ye a r-old, 18,000-squarefoot fo rmer grocery store built we l l enough to double as a fallout shelter and started from scrat ch. Seventeen office worke rs now enjoy spacious l u x u ry, and there is ample room for several more. Our wa rehouse is huge enough to accommodate a fo rklift, not to mention all the vinyl, CDs, equipment and accessories we ’ll ever n e e d. And still to come are two noexpense-spared, s t ate-of-the art listening rooms wh e re our staff and customers can demo today ’s finest products and recordings. The local utility company has already installed t h ree new Howa rd 25 tra n s formers just for our building, so that we can be

g u a ranteed clean, consistent powe r. Wh at it all means is that we can better serve you. We can stock more titles, meaning a gre ater selection and less backord e rs; we can hire more employe e s , meaning quicker, more dedicated service; and we can demo s t e reo equipment for those brave enough to find Salina, Kansas. Wh at it ultimately means is that we’re not going anywh e re anytime soon. And we sincere ly thank you for your part in our growth and success. It may still be smack dab in the m i ddle of Kansas, but we ’ve built it, and yo u ’re welcome to come.

RIGHT FROM TO P: Just a few of the thousands of

CDs and SACDs in stock; our expansive shipping and re c e iving area; a view of a part of our 18,000 sq. ft. wa rehouse from ab ove.




Not only does Acoustic Sounds sell top-rated audiophile equipment and accessories, along with the latest and best in analog and digital recordings, but we love, live and breathe the music!

All the great products and customer service you’ve come to expect:

To prove our point: Acoustic Sounds owns two record labels, the Analogue Productions reissue label as well as our Analogue Productions Originals label, both of which regularly receive glowing reviews from the music press.

Acoustic Sounds carries the largest selection of audiophile recordings in the world. Acoustic Sounds’ entire sta f f has a passion for music, so that we can offer you unparalleled sales, service, support and shipping.

Acoustic Sounds has created a world-class recording studio, Blue Heaven Studios, with top-notch gear and personnel. Acoustic Sounds is part owner of AcousTech, a state-of-the-art mastering room in California. Pink Floyd's vinyl reissue of Dark Side of the Moo n, and our recent Creedence Clearwater Revival titles were mastered there. Two highly-acclaimed products are manufactured specifically for Acoustic Sounds: the Sutherland Ph.D. phono stage and the AcousTech PH-1P phono stage, both of which have received rave reviews from music lovers and the press and have been featured as Stereophile Class A recommended components.

Acoustic Sounds’ resident audio expert, Clark Williams, makes sure you understand your purchase. He has the experience and knowledge to answer all your questions and has already auditioned most products.

5 ways to experience the AS difference WEB


www. Great selection — fast and convenient! Shop 24/7!

785-825-0156 Fax us your order and we’ll respond promptly.




www. orders@ Our sales staff is ready subscribe to take your order. With a click of the mouse, you can have your order Find out what’s new at Acoustic Sounds. in process.



The Exorcist PROBLEM: Residual magnetism from the powerful permanent magnets in phono cartridges can spread and magnetize adjacent metal parts, with serious consequences for sound quality. SOLUTION: The Gryphon Exorcist applies the same principle used by vintage “cartridge demagnetizers” to your entire audio system at line-level. And for MM (Moving Magnet) or MC (Moving Coil) phono cartridges, the Gryphon Black Exorcist dispels harmful magnetic build-up in the iron core or other metal parts. The Exorcist System Demagnetizer The entire signal path from preamplifier input to speaker drivers contains conductive parts that can be magnetized. When an audio signal passes through a magnetic field, it is prone to magnetically induced distortion (MID) that manifests itself as a “whiteness,” a lack of inter- t ransient silence and reduced soundstage depth. Regular use guards against the gradual degradation and ensures the highest level of musical performance by dispelling magnetic buildup. S EXORCISTW $190.00 The Black Exorcist Cartridge Demagnetizer MM cartridges accumu l ate residual magnetism on the pole pieces, while the iron core around wh i ch the coils are wound gradually becomes magnetized in MC cartridges. In both cases, sonic perfo rmance is seri o u s ly degra d e d.The Black Exorcist ge n e rates a pure sinewave swe ep of d e c reasing amplitude into the cartri d ge, eliminating harmful magnetic build-up in MM or MC phono cartridges. Pe riodic demagnetizing focuses the magnet’s flux and ke eps your cartri d ge fine-tuned. S EXORCIST $190.00

To order, call 1-800-716-3553, or order online at w w

PO Box 1905 • Salina, KS 67402-1905 USA PH 785-825-8609 • FAX 785-825-0156



Pro-Ject RM-9 During its 14-year existence, Pro-Ject has flourished while creating a sizable market demand for high-perf o rmance, reasonably priced analog playback products and accessories. Pro-Ject has won many international awards and regularly receives highly favorable reviews from the audio press around the globe. As a steadfast believer in analog technology

The RM-9 offers unique aesthetic and technical feature s that further advance the art of turntable design f rom Pro-Ject. The teard rop shaped plinth helps to avoid internal standing waves, while external vibrations are isolated from the system by way of height adjustable resonance damping feet. The massive acrylic platter and record weight assembly sit on top of an inverted thrust bearing, providing greater speed stability. The completely isolated motor and power supply virtually eliminates motor noise. The tonearm uses a carbon fiber arm tube and superior bearing assembly to allow for the use of even the most difficult to control Moving Coil cartridges. S RM-9 $1,499

and in the further refinement of its various


playback devices, Pro-Ject looks to the future

The Perspective is constructed with a clear acrylic plinth and a sophisticated sub-chassis system suspended by three height-adjustable springs. Additional feature s include an aluminum alloy platter with a vinyl mat, a threaded record clamp, adjustable cone feet and a silicone damping trough to eliminate unwanted resonance from the sub-chassis. There are female, chassismount RCA connectors on the rear panel to allow for the use of any interconnect cables.

maintaining its core virtues of performance, simplicity and value.


RM-6SB The minimal, circular plinth repels external vibration using three-point aluminum cones and the decoupled motor mount virtually eliminates any motor or noise vibration. A speed box is included to provide easy speed change between 331â „3, 45 and 78 RPM. S RM6SB $899

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Pro-Ject 2 Xperience An artful blending of perf o rmance and aesthetics, the 2 Xperience features exceptionally advanced technology that belies its modest cost. The height-adjustable transparent acrylic plinth mates the massive 4.5 lb resonance-optimized platter’s stainless-steel axle, Teflon bearing plate and bronze housing with the ultraquiet running decoupled AC synchronous motor. The advanced straight 9” carbon-fiber tonearm features a fixed aluminum headshell with high-grade copper wiring, inverted hardened Swiss-made stainlesssteel bearings, silicone-damped armlift and easy adjustment of stylus azimuth and vertical tracking angle. Fitted to the tonearm is a high-performance Sumiko Pearl Moving Magnet phono cartridge. A pair of plinth-mounted phono input jacks allows for the use of upgraded connecting cables for even better audio performance. A threaded record clamp is included. 18.1”w x 5.25”h (dustcover down) x 13.75”d. 15.4”h (dustcover open). 17 lbs. S PRO2-XP $999


Xpression Manual Turntable with Sumiko Oyster phono cartridge. Four shock-absorbing feet support the rigid MDF plinth and greatly reduce vibration. The motor is decoupled from the plinth to further reduce noise and vibration. The spun balanced aluminum platter weighs in at over 5 lbs and comes complete with a felt mat. S PRO1-XP $449

The Pro-Ject Debut includes a pre-mounted Ortofon OM5E Moving Magnet phono cartridge and is an excellent choice for the audiophile seeking a cost effective vinyl playback solution. A felt-covered steel platter mates to a chrome plated stainless-steel axle running in a brass bearing housing for exceptional speed stability and accuracy. The aluminum tonearm employs inverted hardened stainless-steel points for superior tracking with the supplied phono cartridge. A silicone-damped a rmlift is supplied. Matte Black finish. 16.5”w x 4.5”h (dust cover down) x 13.25”d. 14 lbs S DEBUTIII SB $279

DEBUT III Multicolor Same features and specifications as Pro-Ject Debut III but with plinth available in your choice of eight different colors. Please specify BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN, PIANO GLOSS BLACK, RED, SILVER, GLOSS WHITE OR CHAMPAGNE. S DEBUTIII $299

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3




VPI VPI Industries’ reputation for t u rning out tables of excellent made

in u.s.a.

value since 1981 has gained

them a cult-like status among audiophiles. Their products consistently hold long-term value thanks to the availability of upgrade kits. The VPI line includes the reference-level TNT series along with the more moderatelypriced Aries and Scout packages. And of course VPI offers other analog products, including our most popular record-cleaning machines and the JMW line of tonearm s .

TNT HR-X The HR-X is a souped-up TNT. This monster features a triple-laminated chassis, an integral air system which rejects 98 percent of acoustic feedback, and an inverted main bearing that incorporates a steel ball running on Teflon. The drive system uses two low-powered 24-pole motors driving a seven-pound flywheel, and the power supply provides a pure AC signal. The clamping system centers on the platter rather than the record, giving you vacuum-like coupling. Wow, flutter and rumble are all below measurability. And if that ain’t enough, this baby comes with the world-class JMW-12.6 tonearm bolted directly to the chassis for ultimate rigidity and easy adjustment. S VPI TNT-X $10,000


SCOUT SERIES Super Scoutmaster All of the features of the Scoutmaster (dual plinth, inverted bearing, JMW-9 tonearm) but with the addition of the HR-X dual motor assembly, periphery ring clamp and SDS speed controller. This is one killer turntable! S SUPSCTMAST $5,000

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VPI Aries 2 TNT MK-VI Hot-Rod Uses the same two-motor assembly, platter and inverted bearing as the HR-X, and the periphery ring is available as an option. The clamping assembly provides vacuum-like coupling of your LP to the platter. This rig also includes VPI’s Synchronous Drive System for speed control and power line filtration. All of this makes for a table with rumble, wow and flutter specifications below the limits of curre n t measurement. The TNT Hot Rod version comes with a JMW 12.6 tonearm mounted directly to the chassis, thereby eliminating the need for an armboard. S VPI TNTMKVI (TABLE ONLY) $6,000 S VPI TNT HR (WITH ARM) $8,000

The Aries 2 is the perfect choice for those looking for near-TNT perf o rmance in a smaller-sized package. The 1.75-inch-thick platter is comprised of black acrylic and incorporates an inverted bearing similar to that used in the TNT HR-X. The bearing shaft is 60 Rockwell hardness, ground and polished, and rides on a Teflon thrust plate. The motor assembly used for the Aries is the same as that used in the TNT but is one inch shorter and weighs four pounds less. S ARIES 2 (TABLE ONLY) $2,400 S VPIARIESJMW10 (W/JMW-10 TONEARM) $3,700 S ARIES2 JMW10.6 (W/JMW-10.6 TONEARM) $4,300

Aries 2 Extended Designed as a platform for the 12-inch Series of JMW tonearms, the Aries 2 Extended adds two inches in width to accommodate the longer arms. S VPI ARIESJMW12 (W/JMW-12 TONEARM) $4,300 S ARIES EX12.6 (W/JMW-12.6 TONEARM) $4,900


VPI Aries Black Knight


This more aff o rdable Aries turntable combo includes a JMW-9 tonearm, new inverted bearing, 13⁄4” thick black acrylic platter and the 300-RPM aluminum motor. S BLKNIGHT (WITH JMW-9 TONEARM) $2,800



The Scoutmaster combines key features from several of VPI’s most successful tables. It uses the Aries 2 platter and inverted bearing, the Black Knight solid aluminum motor assembly with a new 300-RPM motor, and the dual Scout chassis with a steel center. The Scoutmaster comes with the JMW-9 tonearm installed. The table stands 19" x 14" and weighs 15 pounds more than the Scout. Total weight is 48 pounds.

If you’re serious about your pursuit for real analog sound, the Aries Scout is our minimum requirement. This table is a smaller version of the groundbreaking Aries. Packaged with a unipivot J M W-9 tonearm, the Scout is an outstanding rig at a very reasonable price. Please note that the JMW-9 does include an RCA junction box which allows the use of RCA-terminated interconnects. This package is a great value and gets you to a special level of perf o rmance. Upgrade your Scout to a Scoutmaster, or for other VPI turntable upgrades see

Like its baby brother the VPI Scout, the Scoutmaster is priced to move. Once again, VPI comes through with some serious bang for your buck.

S SCOUT JMW9 $1,600 S SCOUT $900 or call us!


t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3




Thorens For the past 100 years, Thorens has been one of the leading turntable manufacturers

TD 2030 F rom whichever side you look at the new TD 2030, you're in for a surprise. A brand new sandwich technology has been used to create an absolutely stunning look. From above or from the side, you'll see a cool, colorful blue. From the front you'll see a clear and transparent turntable. The 38-mm aluminum platter is backside coated with a vibration-damping material. The platter runs in a new silent run bearing which is maintenance-free for its entire lifetime. The external motor has no contact with the chassis and therefore no vibrations are transferred. It is supplied by a state-of-the-art electronic motor drive which completely decouples the motor from the mains power supply. The 33mm sandwich chassis is standing on damping feet to absorb any vibration. The TD 2030 comes with a Thorens TP 300 tonearm or a TP 250 tonearm with VTA mounted.

in the world. Very well-known masterpieces with worldwide recognition have been produced by Thorens, all of them with legendary reliability.

S TD2030A $3,299

TD 2010 The TD 2010 is made with the most up-to-date manufacturing technology and the latest tools in re s e a rch and development. The chassis is made of 25-mm polished acrylic and the platter is a more than 4 kg heavy polished piece of aluminum with a backside coating for vibration damping. The external motor is supplied by a state-of-the-art motor drive unit. The new inverted silent run bearing is also an integral part of Thorens' design philosophy. This bearing runs dry without any maintenance during its entire lifetime. The TD 2010 comes with a Thorens TP 300 tonearm or a TP 250 tonearm with VTA mounted.

Thorens Stabilizer This device achieves better contact between the record and the platter mat, whether it be felt or rubber. Resonances of vinyl records are well absorbed and the trackability of less than perfectly flat records is greatly improved. S STABILIZER $169

S TD2010A $2,499

TD 295

TD 240 An outstanding table using a solid wood chassis in a sandwich technology. A massive aluminum platter weighing 2.3 kg is used to get enough inertia and weight to make sure that vibration is absorbed and that speed fluctuation is very low. The motor is fully electronic and s y n c h ronous, using a belt to drive the platter. This table stands on decoupling rubber feet and offers both speeds 33 1â „3 and 45 RPM by e l e c t ronic speed selection. This rig comes complete with an Ortofon OM 10 cartridge. The TD 295 also offers a semi-automatic switch-off made with opto-electronic devices that add no extra mass to the tonearm. S TD295 $999

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

This new re c o rd player achieves w h e re others fail: in a selfevident kind of way it combines high-class technology with noble, u n o b t rusive elegance. It is neither hiding its functions nor imposing. The beautiful chassis is finished with genuine beechwood veneer or black piano lacquer. A matchless teamwork of outstanding technology and stylistic harm o n y. S TD240 $899


Thorens TD 850 The chassis is made of 19-mm thick high-density wood. This is flexibly bonded to a 15-mm thick steel plate and a second 19-mm thick wood plate. The newly invented sandwich is so much better than ordinary construction in signal behavior and resonance absorption that you will immediately hear the difference. The steel plate has precision lazer-made cutouts to make sure that no magnetic distortion influences the audio signal. The low noise AC-motor is supplied from an electronic motor drive unit. The output signal is generated completely independent from the mains power. With this you get much better wow/flutter and virtually no distortion from the mains power source. The four-kg, 24-mm thick platter is made of aluminum with a damping coating on the back side. To avoid any vibration, it is belt driven. Comes with a Thorens TP 300 t o n e a rmor TP 250 tonearm with VTA mounted. S TD850 $2,299

TD 810 Includes all the features of the TD 850 but the TD 810 comes with a T h o rens TP 250 tonearm mounted. S TD810 $1,999

TD 800 The chassis is made of 19-mm thick high-density wood. Standing on three polymer-damped adjustable feet that are also height adjustable, the chassis is decoupled and isolated from the mounting surface. The Thorens silent run bearing is made of two sinter bushes with a polished stainless steel axle running inside. The tungsten ball at the end is running on a self-lubricating and absolutely maintenance-free bearing point. The low-noise AC motor is supplied from an electronic motor drive unit. The output signal is generated completely independent from the mains power. With this you get much better wow/flutter and virtually no distortion from the mains power source. Comes with Thorens TP 250 tonearm . S TD800 $1,799

TD 190

TD 158

The TD 190 is the epitome of functionality. Forget the technical mumbo jumbo and time-consuming fidgeting, and get to the music. The TD 190 delivers in spades. Includes fully automatic switch-off and lift. Comes with an Ortofon OM10 cartridge.

• Belt-drive, 2-speed (33 and 45 RPM) • Electronic DC controlled motor • Mechanical switch-off and lift • Dual cartridge • Proprietary low noise bearing system • Includes dust cover

S TD190 $499

S TD158 $399

to o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 - 35 53




Clearaudio Clearaudio manufactures a complete line of turntables, tonearms, cartridges, phono stages, interconnect cables and more. This German-based company's ultra-high precision construction techniques yield extremely high-quality, tight-tolerance turntables for enjoyable vinyl playback and complete solutions for your analog needs.

The Champion Champion Level 2 The Champion Level 2 includes a reference version 70-mm Silicon/Acrylic platter with inverted main bearing design and outboard motor. The dual GS-Acrylic plinth structural plates are separated by l a rge stainless steel resonance damping devices. Supplied with a stainless steel motor support. To n e a rmsold separately. S CHAMP2 $3,500

Champion Level 1 The Champion Level 1 includes a Silicon/Acrylic 30-mm platter with inverted main bearing design and outboard motor. Dual GS-Acrylic plinth structural plate for improved isolation and resolution. Can be upgraded to Champion Level 2. To n e a rmsold separately. S CHAMP1 $2,500

Champion The Champion turntable is your gateway to high-end analog performance. It employs the same high quality, specially-selected materials and attention to detail that has c reated Clearaudio’s reputation for audio excellence. Includes a Silicon/Acrylic 30-mm platter with inverted main bearing design, outboard motor and single GS-Acrylic plinth. Can be upgraded to Level 1 or Level 2. To n e a rmsold separately. S CHAMP $1,500

The Emotion Emotion The Emotion turntable possesses all the qualities of a high-end analog turntable. High-value, carefully-selected materials, excellent technical attributes, an elegant appearance and the design philosophy derived from re f e rence-quality products. Computer controlled Clearaudio-machined parts made in their German factory. S EMOTION $1,000

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m



Sound Solution Maximum Solution Dubbed the "Mini-Master Reference" it will come startling close in performance and sculptural design for $6,000 less! It is equipped with the three-motor drive system which supplies motion to the platter evenly and ensures extremely low wow and flutter figures. The Accurate Power Generator is also included to isolate the motors from the often-polluted electrical service and to provide a perfect voltage source for rock-solid speed stability. The Maximum Solution is able to accommodate up to three tonearms. Includes a Silicon/Acrylic 70-mm platter, secondary GS-Acrylic plinth and three outboard motors. Tonearm sold separately. S MAXSOL $12,000

Master Solution This upgraded Solution model includes a Silicon/Acrylic 70-mm platter with inverted bearing design, stainless steel supports and GSAcrylic open plinth. The Master Solution improves on the Solution in the areas of bass extension and articulation. Its improved isolation translates into finer detail retrieval and larger soundstage. To n e a rmsold separately. S MSOL $5,000

Solution Beautiful design is but one characteristic of Clearaudio's turntables. Another is the use of carefully-selected materials and resonance-avoiding construction. All these virtues are evident in the Solution. All Solution models allow the analog aficionado the ability to mount up to three tonearms. Includes a Silicon/Acrylic 30-mm platter with inverted bearing design, GS-Acrylic open-plinth and outboard motor. To n e a rmsold separately. S SOLU $2,000

t o o r d e r, c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 1 6 - 3 5 5 3




Music Hall Music Hall specializes in the manufacture of audiophile turntables at budget prices. If you're new to this hobby, these tables are a great starting point. For pure value and very acceptable sound, Music Hall is tough to beat.



The new MMF-9 turntable is a two-speed belt driven audiophile turntable employing the unique triple-plinth construction originated by Music Hall. The distinctive design isolates the critical sound-reproducing components; platter, main bearing, tonearm, and cartridge on the top platform from the adjustable tiptoe feet, electronic speed control, and wiring which are mounted on the bottom platform. The motor is isolated on its own platform and completely decoupled from the t u rntable. Four Sorbothane hemispheres separate each of the three plinths and provide additional vibration damping. The MMF-9 comes in a high-gloss piano black lacquer finish and is available with or without cartridge. S MMF-9 $1,529 WITHOUT CARTRIDGE S MMF-9NOCART $1,349

MMF-7 The MMF-7 turntable is one of the best values in the world of analog. This audiophile quality turntable has a completely isolated stand-alone motor and a heavily damped split plinth finished in high gloss piano black lacquer. Other features include a heavy acrylic platter with a supplied record clamp, a Project 9 tonearm with a solid aluminum arm tube, decoupled counterweight, adjustable VTA and high purity copper wiring t e rminated with RCA jacks. In addition, a high quality phono cable is included AND a $400 Goldring Eroica High Output MC cartridge! The MMF7 is a complete turntable package. Couple the MMF-7 with an AcousTech PH-1 phono preamp for true re f e rence level perf o rmance. S MMF-7 $1,079 (REG $1,199) WITHOUT CARTRIDGE S MMF-7NOCART $899 (REG $999)

MMF-5 This is a two-speed, belt-driven entry level turntable. It has an original and unique two-plinth design with six rubber springs separating the bottom platform from the top. This gives the t u rntable an extra level of isolation. A metal screw-on record clamp is included as is a built-in level. The tonearm comes mounted with a high-quality Goldring G1012 Moving Magnet cartridge (a $175 value). The Music Hall MMF-5 comes with a 45-RPM adapter and dust cover. S MMF-5 $566 (REG $629)

The MMF-5SE turntable is a two-speed belt driven audiophile turntable employing the unique dual-plinth construction originated by Music Hall. New for the MMF-5SE is a real wood walnut veneered top plinth. The distinctive design isolates the critical sound reproducing components; platter, main bearing, tonearm, and cartridge on the top platform from the motor, switch, wiring, and feet which are mounted on the bottom platform. Isolation between the separate platforms is supplied via Sorbothane which provides vibration damping. Includes upgraded non-captive RCA's, adjustable tiptoe feet and the MMF-7 tonearm! Comes complete with a Goldring G1022 cartridge premounted. S MMF-5SE $810

MMF-2.1 This is a true audiophile turntable at a budget price. The MMF-2.1 is a belt-driven, two-speed t u rntable with a high quality tonearm and a Goldring Elan cartridge mounted at the factory. The tonearm has adjustable VTA for precise cartridge alignment. The Music Hall MMF-2.1 is easy to assemble and comes with an excellent instruction manual and 45-RPM adapter. Dust cover included. S MMF-2.1 $314

MMF-2.1LE Say goodbye to boring, and greet the highgloss Ferrari red finish of Music Hall's limited edition MMF-2.1LE t u rntable. It comes with a factory-installed Music Hall moving magnet phono cartridge offering excellent detail and dynamics for the price. Also included with the MMF2.1LE is a soft felt mat, phono cartridge alignment gauge, 45-RPM record adapter, dust cover and installation manual. S MMF-2.1LE $360

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

for LPs 45s Shellac & Plastic 78s Edison Diamond Discs Acetates & Lacquers

Recommended by Richard Foster of Phonogram; Po s i t ive Feedback; Listener Magazine; Audiophile Voice; SoundStage!; The Absolute Sound and Stereophile. Michael Fre m er’s recommendations can be found in the Ju ly 2001 issue of S t e reophile.

The Disc Doctor’s Miracle Record Cleaner Available in pint, quart, 1⁄2 gallon and gallon bottles; a concentrate is available for international delivery. The 4 oz. flip-cap dispenser shown at left accompanies each bottle of cleaner. Detailed instructions are included. PINT QUART 1⁄2 GALLON GALLON

The Disc Doctor’s Stylus Cleaner This cleaner does not leave a residue on the cantilever or stylus. 16ML


Kits contain 12” LP-sized applicators plus cleaner. PINT KIT QUART KIT 12 ⁄ GALLON KIT GALLON KIT




$23.50 $36.25 $58.75 $112.50

Concentrate for International customers:


The Disc Doctor’s Miracle Record Cleaning Kits


$65.50 $78.25 $100.75 $154.50

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 t o1 6o -r3d 5e 5 r ,3 c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 1 6 - 3 5 5 3


S DDPTC $23.50 S DD1GC $112.50




Phantom B-44 Reference

Model 2.2


The Phantom is the first completely new state-of-the-art tonearm from Graham Engineering since the first Model 1.0 was announced over 15 years ago. Bob Graham's latest triumph is the result of re s e a rch into design theory, materials analysis, and extensive testing. The result is a t o n e a rmthat delivers an unsurpassed musical experience. New features include a new oversized bearing with lower center of gravity, new counterweight design and larger diameter a rmtube featuring a more rigid locking system. Finally, a patented Magnaglide magnetic azimuth and damping adjustment provides i m p roved stability for both handling and sonic performance.

The new Graham 2.2 improves one of the most-highly-re g a rded tonearms available. A new bearing system with different design characteristics and materials yields significant improvements in the areas of bass extension, midbass/midrange fullness and high frequency smoothness. The Model 2.2 comes complete with a Ceramic armtube, tungsten sideweights and all necessary tools and an alignment gauge.

The new Graham Robin is a revelation for a product under the $1,000 price point. It offers perf o rmance that far exceeds its price tag!

S B-44REF $3,900

S MODEL2.2 $3,200

Graham tonearms reveal new levels of fidelity and enjoyment from your precious re c o rds. Owner Bob Graham is a perfectionist, and his products are meticulously thought out. No detail is left unconsidered. These

S ROBIN $645

Model 2.1 Basic The Model 2.1 Basic is the value version of the Series 2 line and features an aluminum SW-1 armwand with copper wire, aluminum bearing cap and brass side weights. It comes with no setup tools and is intended for dealer installation. The tool set as well as the CA-2 are available as optional equipment. S GRM2.1B $1,995

tonearms are designed with physics in mind,

Model 2.1 Basic Ceramic

yet each one is tuned by ear.

S GRM2B $2495

Clearaudio As records are cut using a linear system, it stands to reason that the most accurate way to reproduce the signal stored in your vinyl is with a linear tonearm. Clearaudio is the industry leader for such arms.

Tangent This tonearm gives you all the technical and design benefits of all the linear tracking tonearms from Clearaudio. It uses the Titanium arm wand and even has a set of female RCA jacks on the back, which allow you to use any cable you prefer. S TANGENT $2,250

Master TQ-1 Master TQ-1 incorporates a Quartz arm wand and Quartz shafts for the arm carriage bearings to roll on. The Master TQ-1 truly represents the re f e rence in musical reproduction. S MASTER TQ1 $7,000

TQ-1 2000 The TQ-1 2000 represents all of the best design philosophies to date. It has been evolving since the mid 1980s and has been the foundation of all re s e a rch and development.

Unify This unique design is built around a unipivot sapphire bearing that sits on top of a hardened steel spike. The construction features include a stainless-steel base, aluminum tonearm bearing housing and a carbon fiber tonearm tube. The Unify offers all of the various adjustments necessary, including VTA, anti-skating and azimuth. S UNIFY14 14" S UNIFY12 12" S UNIFY9 9"

$1,800 $1,600 $1,200

S TQI 2000 $3,500

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


VPI It takes a very brave soul to tamper with success. But anyone who knows Harry Weisfeld wouldn't expect anything less. Weisfeld is the ultimate tweaker – always searching for ways to made

in u.s.a.

bring the sound of his products one step closer to real music. The culmination of Weisfeld's continuing efforts to produce the ultimate t o n e a rm is the VPI JMW-12.6 Memorial arm, a unipivot design based upon the highly acclaimed JMW Memorial arm.


JMW 10.5/JMW 12.6


Sonically, the JMW 10.5 and 12.6 are a cut above the already impressive 10 and 12. In usual VPI tradition, existing JMW 10 and 12 t o n e a rms may be upgraded to the 10.5 and 12.6 respectively at a reasonable cost.

The JMW Memorial tonearm is the culmination of years of research into the mechanics of tonearm design and is an assault on state-ofthe-art analog reproduction at a time of renewed interest in vinyl playback.

S VPI 10.5 $2,000 S VPI 12.5 $2,400

S VPI 10 $1,400 S VPI 12 $1,800

The JMW-9 tonearm offers all of the advantages of a unipivot tonearm at a bargain price. The a rm has a low friction bearing mounted on a solid stainless steel rod with markings to set VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle). As with the more expensive JMW-10 and JMW-12 arms, the t o n e a rmassembly of the JMW-9 can be removed and replaced in seconds, allowing instant cartridge changes with multiple a rmwands. An RCA junction box allows any RCA-terminated interconnects to be used. S VPITONEARMJMW9 $900

Air Tight Disc Flatter


PT 9 Medium mass and adjustable optional-use damping allows optimum perf o rmance from a very wide range of cartridges. Expanded foam on the inside and polyolefin sheathing on the outside provide damping of the headshell, finger lift and arm tube in order to prevent a rm resonance. PT 9 Extreme Includes Teflon-tubed solid Perfect-Surface Silver tonearm cable. S PT-9 EXTREME $1,250

The Air Tight Disc Flatter uses a unique heating technique which is applied with two semiconductor heater films, one on the top and one on the bottom. By thermally controlling the heating-up phase and cooling-down phase, the warped record is allowed to properly relax and re t u rn to its original flat state. The machine heats only the outer edge and center of the record. The grooves are not heated and t h e re f o retheir sonic shape is preserved. The entire process takes four hours; two to heat up and two to cool down. We know it's hard to believe, but we tried this thing with one of our most dished re c o rds and it worked perfectly. S FLATTENER $1,995

Poly Sleeve While paper sleeves attract dust, add static and consistently scratch your records, these sleeves are a safe and affordable option for keeping your grooves clean.

S PT9+ $850

S POLYSLV 100 $15 S POLYSLV 500 $50 S POLYSLV 2000 $160

PT 9 Basic Includes generic nonAudioQuest tonearm cable.

12'' Outer Record Sleeve

PT 9+ Includes Teflon-tubed solid PerfectSurface Copper+ tonearm cable.

S PT-9 BASIC $550

Fits over album jacket. 123⁄4 x 123⁄4, 3mil poly. NonResealable. 100 count.

to ord e r, call 1-800-716-3553





Benz Micro The Glider

NEW! The LP Ebony F rom the creative minds of Benz comes the next evolution of the Ruby phono cartridge, the LP Ebony. Special aged Ebony wood from Mozambique forms the cartridge’s outer shell.

MC Reference 3 Copper

The price perf o rmance king in aff o rdable high end audio is now available in three output levels, the L2, M2 and H2.

The Benz Reference 3 Copper incorporates the new improved pole pieces with a copper wound cross-coil generator.


$795 $795 $795

S REF3 COPPER $2,000

The ACE Advanced Cartridge Engineering. Cost/performance breakthrough.

S LP EBONY $4,700

S BENZ ACE (HIGH) $550 S BENZ ACE.8 (MED) $550 S BENZ ACE.4 (LOW) $550

The H2, M2, L2 Ruby 3, Ruby H, Ebony H Using a non-magnetic, ruby pole for the coil windings, it resides in that rarified class of those items that can truly be called “the best.” A w a rmer tonal balance compared to most other Moving Coils but still very quick and lively. These cartridges have a midrange presence and immediacy that has to be experienced first hand. S RUBY 3 $3,000 S RUBY H $3,000 (.7mV output) S EBONY H $3,000 (Higher 2.5mV output)

The least expensive offering in the Benz Micro "wood-body" series, but less expensive doesn't have to be synonymous with compromise. This cartridge will give you more than just a taste of high-end sound. In fact, it is good enough to complement the world's finest turntables. Using the same construction techniques as the Ruby and Ref, it will delight the most critical listener with its involving and musical presentation. S L2 $1,295 S M2 $1,295 S H2 $1,295

The MC-Gold, MC-Silver, MC20EII Budget perf o rmers that retain more than a little of the famous Benz musicality and accuracy. S MCGOLD S MCSILVER S MC20 II

$350 $350 $175


Our audio experts are qualified to help you build or tweak your dream system.

MOVING MAGNET Vi rtuoso Wood The latest edition to the Clearaudio Moving Magnet lineup, the Virtuoso has many of the virtues of the Moving Coil series with a healthy 3.6mv that is compatible with standard phono stages. S VIRT W $800

MOVING COIL Insider Reference Wood The Clearaudio Insider R e f e rence cartridge represents the utmost perf o rmance that can be achieved using today’s technical and mechanical design standards. S INSIDER REF $13,000

Aurum Series Four cartridges that redefine what is possible in their respective price ranges. Tighter tolerances and more exotic stylus profile as you proceed through the line. Stereophile recommended. S S S S


$500 $400 $300 $200

Insider Gold Handcrafted at CIearaudio from a solid block of lead-alloy, with a total mass of 10.5 grams, it is completely free of trapped air. S INSIDER G $10,000





The Reference series of wooden cartridges are a fixed coil design, hand-crafted at Grado labs from a specially selected species of mahogany. An intricate procedure of curing is done between production steps to achieve optimal sonic quality. Unlike the Prestige series, the Reference series generator/stylus module is not replaceable, allowing a redesigned one piece magnetic c i rcuit and a reduction of chassis resonances. The Reference series uses manufacturing and assembly techniques of fantastic accuracy and precision, the result is virtual perfection in a phono pickup resulting in the finest pickups in the world without exception.

The Statement The best Grado ever built and one of the world’s finest sounding cartridges, with all of the Grado hallmarks but taken to the “Ultimate” level. S STATE $2,500

R e f e rence/Statement “The Reference” The top of the Reference line uses an exotic five-piece cantilever design and a true ellipsoid diamond stylus. Available in .5mv and 4.0mv outputs. S GRADOREFERENCE (.5MV) $1,200 S REF (4.0MV) $1,200

Reference/ Statement Sonata A true upgrade over the Platinum, its ability to resolve complex musical passages in a relaxed fashion and with more apparent detail will appeal to the discriminating listener. Available in .5mv, 1.5mv or 4.0mv outputs. S SON (.5MV) $500 S GRADOSONATA (4.0MV) $500

R e f e rence/Statement Platinum The entry-level model of the “wood-bodied” lineup is warm and sweet and is a great enhancement for those looking to improve the sound of their systems. Available in the .5mv and 4.0mv outputs. S PLAT (.5MV) $300 S GRADO PLATINUM (4.0MV) $300

R e f e rence/Statement Master Using the same five-piece cantilever as the R e f e rence but with an elliptical stylus that has a 5% lower tip-mass than the Sonata and Platinum models. Specify .5mv or 4.0 mv output.

MOVING COIL Accurate Blazingly fast. Highfrequency extension without being bright. A creamy smooth midrange. The body of the Accurate has a handpolished, heavy gold-plated and tempered surface, showing the same technical precision as the other Clearaudio cartridges. S ACCURATE $5,000

Discovery The Discovery features a custom magnesium body and the same unique design and construction as the other models. The cantilevered construction

Prestige Gold Uses a four-piece OTL cantilever technology, ultra-high purity long crystal (UHPLC), oxygen-free copper wire in the coils and Grado’s specially designed elliptical diamond mounted on a brass bushing. S GRADO GOLD $180

Prestige Blue Uses a four-piece OTL cantilever technology, standard oxygen-free wire in the coils and Grado’s specially designed elliptical diamond mounted on a brass bushing. S GRADO BLUE $80

Prestige Green S GREEN $60


S MAST (.5MV) $800 S GRADO MASTER (4.0MV) $800


The Prestige series of MM cartridges are designed for high output and stability under the most demanding of conditions. All of the range use Grado's patented Optimized Transmission Line technology which carefully dissipates any resonances.

Prestige Black S GRADO BLKPMT $40 (P-MOUNT) S GRADO BLK $40

All Clearaudio cartridges use their unique patented symmetrical construction, where the electrical, mechanical and magnetic parameters are arranged in perfect symmetry. This is achieved by Clearaudio Tolerance Field Technology. Using this technology to good effect, Clearaudio offers some of the highest performing cartridges available. helps provide superior mechanical, electrical and magnetic symmetry, which, among other advantages, results in exceptional channel separation. S DISCOVERY $3,800

Sigma Wood The latest MC cartridge c reation from Clearaudio also constructed from specially-machined and hand-crafted wooden bodies. Because of the Fernambuk bodies, these cartridges are a perfect match for light and medium weight tonearms. S SIGMA $1,350

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3

Vi c t o ry H Clearaudio’s first of a series of MC cartridges that have speciallymachined and hand-crafted bodies made of MgAlSi alloy. S VICTORY $1,800

Signature The Signature is the most affordable Clearaudio Moving Coil incorporating the classic lead-alloy body design. S SIGNATURE $3,000





Sumiko Celebration

Helikon Titan The flagship model from Lyra and replacement for the Parnassus D.C.t. The Titan is also the most advanced cartridge that Ly r a has ever made. S LYTITAN $4,500

Argo The Argo replaces the discontinued Lydian Beta and has made tremendous strides in sonic performance, trackability and ease of setup. S LYRA ARGO $1,195

✹ NEW! Dorian

Lyra has found a way to bring their sonic signature to a more aff o rdable price point. Introducing the Dorian, a machinewound Moving Coil cartridge that retains much of the magic of Lyra's more expensive handwound cartridges. S LYRA DORIAN $749

The Helikon has received unanimous accolades from every reviewer who has had the pleasure of an audition. It has the speed and accuracy of some of the more “analytical” designs coupled with the warmth and musicality that make listening to vinyl so rewarding. Its .4mv output is compatible with most Moving Coil phono stages. S HELIKON $1,995

Helikon Mono The Lyra Helikon Mono is a low-impedance Moving Coil cartridge that has been designed specifically to play monaural LP re c o rds in the highest fidelity possible. It is completely insensitive to the vertical axis, which works wonders for the signal/noise ratio.

This is a hand-fitted cartridge with a silky pearwood body. Complementary components were carefully selected, including a classic Alnico magnet for a robust .5mv output, a low mass PH stylus for ease of setup, a long-grain boron cantilever for selfquieting stiffness, and new synthetic rubber elastomers in the suspension system. S CELEBRATION $1,500

Blackbird Designed for exceedinglylow noise levels and wide dynamic range. The main advantage of a highoutput Moving Coil cartridge is the elimination of any additional gain stages, resulting in an overall reduction of the noise floor. The best possible signal-to-noise ratio is realized with a 2.5mv output directly driving a standard 47k Ohm RIAA phono stage. S BLACKBIRD $749


Blue Point Special EVO III Helikon SL The Helikon SL is exclusively intended for use with phono preamplifiers with particularly high gain and low noise. It shares the standard Helikon’s neutral tonal balance but improves lowlevel resolution, image size, focus and soundstage width and depth. It should only be chosen over the regular Helikon when it is absolutely sure the phono amp will be capable of handling its low output with satisfactory S/N ratio and resolution. S HELIKON SL $2,195


Like the Blue Point, this cartridge offers a 2.5mv output and alloy cantilever, but this Special EVO III version is better than the original and includes an open generator design. S BLUEPTSPCL $349

Blue Point This Moving Coil cartridge has a high output of 2.5 mv, an alloy cantilever and a Blue Point Elliptical diamond stylus. New standard half-inch mounting. S BLUEPT $249

Black Pearl Moving Magnet phono cartridge with alloy cantilever and bonded spherical stylus, 4.0mV output. S BLACKPEARL $75


V15 Styli

This Shure cartridge will make magic. Close in perf o rmance to the V15VxMR at one third the price.

Replacement stylus for the Shure V15VxMR cartridge. This stereo Dynetic stylus is precision manufactured by Shure Inc.


S SHURE 5XMR $199.99

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Oyster Moving Magnet phono cartridge with alloy cantilever. Bonded spherical stylus, 4.0mV output. S OYSTER CART $55




90X MC

Tiger Eye Platinum

A superbly-neutral, true-to-the-music Moving Coil cartridge. The 90X won The Absolute Sound's Phono Cartridge of the Year for 2004 because of its ability to combine transient speed with rich timbres. Each note is clear and real. Bass extension is out of this world.


Jade Platinum S KOETSUJADEPLAT $7,500

S 90X MC $2,700


The 901 delivers a tasteful, dynamic sound that's h a rmonically rich and doesn't get in the way of the music. Bass is natural, high frequencies come in crisp and clean, and phrasing and voices are real and distinct.

Enjoy the legendary Shelter cartridge sound without breaking the bank. Introducing the 301 Moving Coil .3MV output. The 301, like all Shelter cartridges, is made by Mr. Ozawa, a f o rmer employee of Fidelity Research. The 301 has the same body as the 501 but in a beautiful silver. This cartridge is quickly gaining acclaim as a great bargain. Shelter cartridges have been known for their ability to compete with cartridges costing two to three times more. S 301MC $549

Red S KOETSU RED $2,500


Black S KOETSU BL $1,500


501II MC

301 MC


Rosewood Signature Platinum

S 901MC $1,499

S 501II MC $799

Rosewood Signature

Onyx Platinum

901 MC

Owners of this wonderful cartridge have said the Shelter 501II easily fills the sonic shoes of cartridges costing two or three times as much. The 501II blends its musical presentation with a warm, extremely musical midrange, deep, authoritative bass and a smooth-as-silk top end. Instruments shine and are easily placed, showing plenty of soul. With a .4mV output and great tracking, the 501II is stunning.

For decades, the Koetsu sound has been legend in audiophile lore. But only a pro u d few have owned and experienced the unequaled magic these hand-built cartridges evoke. Many of the converted s e a rch out second and third Koetsus. Why? Maybe it’s time you hear for yourself.

S URISHI $4,000



Karat 17D2 Low Output with Diamond Cantilever, the 17D2 MKll 'Karat Diamond' is the first cartridge built using “dispersion” theory. Its Micro-Ridge stylus and very short (1.7mm long) solid diamond cantilever give a reduction in “dispersion” along with improved high frequency extension all the way up to 100KHz. S KARAT $750

DV-20X DV-20X has a solid aluminum-alloy body which makes a rigid p l a t f o rmfor the cartridge motor and aids secure fitting to the arm. The cantilever is a 6mm length hard aluminum pipe cantilever with a perfect elliptical nude diamond stylus. The magnetic flux damping and softened magnetism along with powerful

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3

Neodymium magnet gives the 20XH a healthy 2.8mV output at a suitable impedance for most MM inputs. The 20XL has an output of 0.3mV ideal for most MC phono stages. (LOW OUTPUT) S DV-20XL $525 (HIGH OUTPUT) S DV-20XH $525

DV-10X5 The 10X5 now features Dynavector's unique magnetic flux damping and softened magnetism (patent) along with a powerful Neodymium magnet that combine to eliminate any h a rdness or irritating edginess that commonly occurs in many Moving Coil cartridges. S DV-10X5 $360

Call Clark for expert advice on system integration.









Tracking Forc e C a rtridge Weight

Part Number


MC 20II MC Silver MC Gold Ace Low Ace Medium Ace High Glider Low Glider Medium Glider High L2 M2 H2 Ref 2 Silver Ruby 3 Ruby H LP Ebony LP Ebony H

$175 $350 $350 $550 $550 $550 $795 $795 $795 $1,295 $1,295 $1,295 $2,000 $3,000 $3,000 $4,700 $4,700


2.2mv 2mv .4mv .4mv .8mv 2.5mv .4mv .8mv 2.5mv .3mv .8mv 2.5mv .3mv .3mv .7mv .28mv 2.5mv

elliptical elliptical elliptical van den hul van den hul van den hul van den hul van den hul van den hul elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical micro line micro line micro line dynascan

2-2.5 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2

4g 5.7g 5.7g 8.8g 8.8g 8.8g 6.8g 6.8g 6.8g 9g 9g 9g 9g 9g 9g 10.7g 10.7g



Classic A u rum Alpha A u rum Beta A u rum Beta S Vi rtuoso Wood Sigma Wood Victory H Signature Discovery Accurate Insider Gold Insider Reference Wood

$200 $300 $400 $500 $800 $1,350 $1,800 $3,000 $3,800 $5,000 $10,000 $13,000


3.3mv 3.3mv 3.3mv 3.3mv 3.3mv .6mv .5mv .6mv .6mv .6mv .7mv .7mv

elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical Trygon II Trygon II Trygon II Trygon II Trygon II Trygon II Trygon II

2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.8 2.8

10g 10g 10g 10g 10g 4g 9.4g 12g 9.4g 12.2g 10.5g 3g



DV-10X5 DV-20X Low Output DV-20X High Output Karat 17D2 MkII

$360 $525 $525 $750


2.5mv .3mv 2.8mv .26mv

elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical

1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2

6.6g 8.6g 8.6g 5.3g

S DV- 1 0 X 5 S DV- 2 0 X L S DV- 2 0 X H S KARAT

Grado Prestige

Black Green Blue Gold

$40 $60 $80 $180


5.0mv 5.0mv 5.0mv 5.0mv

elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

5.5g 5.5g 5.5g 5.5g


Grado Reference

Platinum Sonata Master Reference

$300 $500 $800 $1,200


4.0mv 4.0mv 4.0mv 4.0mv

elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

6.5g 6.5g 6.5g 6.5g


Grado Statement

Platinum Sonata Master Reference Statement

$300 $500 $800 $1,200 $2,500


.5mv .5mv .5mv .5mv .5mv

elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

6.5g 6.5g 6.5g 6.5g 6.5g



Dorian Argo Helikon Helikon SL Helikon Mono Ti t a n

$749 $1,195 $1,995 $1,995 $2,195 $4,500


.6mv .45mv .5mv .25mv .25mv .5mv

micro ridge microline microline microline line contact line contact

1.8-2.0 1.7-2.0 1.6-1.75 1.6-1.75 1.6-1.75 1.6-1.75

6.4g 8g 8g 8g 8g 12g



Black Red Rosewood Signature Urishi Rosewood Signature Platinum Onyx Platinum Jade Platinum Tiger Eye Platinum

$1,500 $2,500 $3,500 $4,000 $5,500 $7,500 $7,500 $13,000


.6mv .6mv .6mv .4mv .2mv .2mv .2mv .2mv

quadrahedron quadrahedron quadrahedron quadrahedron quadrahedron quadrahedron quadrahedron quadrahedron

1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a












301 501 901 901X

$549 $799 $1,499 $2,700


.3mv .4mv .5mv .65mv

conical elliptical elliptical elliptical

1.4-2.0 1.4-2.0 1.4-2.0 1.4-2.0

8.1g 8.1g 9.1g 9.7g

S 301MC S 501II MC S 901MC S 90XMC


Blue Point Blue Point Special Blackbird Celebration

$249 $349 $749 $1,500


2.5mv 2.5mv 2.5mv .5mv

elliptical elliptical elliptical elliptical

1.5-1.8 1.4-2.1 1.8-2.2 1.9-2.2

6g 9g 9.6g 7g



“ This is, and by a good margin, the finest phono amplifier I have ever heard, in my system or anyone else’s.” Scot Markwell, Reproduced by permission of

“ Overall, the Steelhead delivered the best vinyl playback I’ve heard from my system.” Michael Fremer, Stereophile, Dec. 2001

“ I’m still shaking my head over what I heard tonight.” Bob Ludwig, Gateway Mastering Studios

Hear for yourself what some of the leading industry professionals are raving about. The Manley Steelhead redefines the art of LP playback. Give us a call today, and experience the magic. Separate power supply not shown. For pricing or more information, call Clark at Acoustic Sounds.

1-800-716-3553 For more information about the Manley Steelhead or other vacuum tube hi-fi p roducts, check out




Class A performance for less than you think. AcousTech PH-1P Building on the design of the original PH-1, Ron Sutherland has created a Premium Edition. The PH-1P has gold-plated circuit boards with hand-matched parts that take its perf o rmance to the next level. In fact, the PH-1P received a coveted “Class-A” rating in Stereophile’s Recommended Components. What makes this even more special is that most of the “Class-A” competition costs several times the AcousTech’s asking price. S PH1P $1,500

Sam Tellig, who has owned the original PH-1 since its introduction, had this to say about the PH-1 Premium Edition: “…the PH-1P gave me a welcome and worthwhile sonic i m p rovement. The sound opened up. Highs became more extended. I heard more spatial resolution. I noted a small but significant gain in overall transparency, including better-defined bass…with either version of the PH-1, setting up for MM or MC is a breeze…” — Stereophile, August 2002

Manley Labs

Steelhead Reference Phono Stage The Steelhead completely redefines what is possible in the arena of vinyl playback and music reproduction in general. It is also the most flexible phono-preamp ever designed. It will work with the lowest-output Moving Coil and the most robust Moving Magnet cartridges. And its front panel impedance and capacitive loading options can be set “on-the-fly” while listening to your favorite recordings. Also has 1 line input. You can eliminate your preamp and use as a stand-alone unit. S STEELHEAD $7,300

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

"A Golden Ear Aw a rd winner this year, Manley Labs' Steelhead is one of the gre a t preamps. Ostensibly a phonostage, the Steelhead also has a pair of line-level inputs (and the freshly caught Skipjack switcher lets you add more) that allows you to use it as your main preamp. Which is what you'll want to do, as the Steelhead is one of the quietest, most detailed, and highly musical preamps out there." — Wayne Garcia, The Absolute Sound, February / M a rch 2005



The Sutherland Ph.D. There’s never been anything quite like it. Ph.D. Phono Stage The Ph.D. doesn't even have a power cord. Instead, 16 alkaline D cell batteries line the sides of the chassis. After about 800 hours of playing time (roughly half the life of a cartridge), a red light will indicate that your batteries are running low. Replacements cost about a buck a piece. The Ph.D. turns on the moment your stylus is stimulated. From there, the unit automatically looks for a signal every half-hour for just a fraction of a second. If it doesn't find a signal, it will stay on for an additional half-hour with a yellow light indicating that it is preparing to turn off. What's more, the Ph.D. has four different loading options and gain-stage settings that are simple to adjust. There's never been anything quite like the Ph.D. S PhD $3,000

Ph.D. High Gain Card Additional gain cards for the Sutherland Ph.D. 62, 64, 66 and 68 db gain for low output MC cartridges. Blank boards also available. S PHD HG $70 (PAIR) S PHD BB $50 (BLANK BOARD)

"The PhD is a wonderful unit and a great bargain...Its personality, not surprisingly, is very similar to that of Ron Sutherland's earlier, cost-no-object designs, but, as MF noted, at 'a stiff but still minor-league price.' The PhD does many things very well, and its purity and freedom from e l e c t ronic haze is quite special – something that every analog lover should hear for him – or herself. It's on my short list. Highly recommended." — Brian Damkroger, Stereophile, May 2005 "I have my Sutherland Ph.D. in my mastering room. When I audition LP test pressings I need the most accurate reproduction possible. Since I have the actual master tape right beside me, I need to hear exactly what is on my mastered LP, and the Sutherland does that for me. Also, the absence of hum or noise from my record playback is quite a joy after years of trying to ignore it. The battery powered Sutherland phono pre is so quiet I don't even know it's on. That is so important in my work. Record playback is now a treat!" — Mastering Engineer Steve Hoffman

"...Although the Sutherland sounded immediate and articulate, at the same time, it had a hard-to-describe naturalness none of the other phono-stages quite matched. It's as though the Sutherland preserved more of the individuality of each tone colour, creating a sound that was both vivid and subtly varied...You consistently got a much better idea of specific tonalities and timbres, rather than everything and everyone heading in the same general d i rection. This individuality is, I feel, the hallmark of great hi-fi...It sounds clean, focused, sharply detailed, and very articulate. At the same time there's superb naturalness and a complete lack of exaggeration and false drama...You really feel you want to turn it up loud – not because the sound lacks presence or punch, but because it's so effortlessly smooth and natural...In many respects the Sutherland produces a very tube-like sound – very open, very smooth, very liquid. At the same time there's the speed and attack of good solid state. Bass is deep and powerful, with good definition and i m p ressive weight. The top-end is beautifully smooth and silky. But it's the mid-band that steals the show – very liquid and effortlessly natural. There's no hint of exaggeration, which gives the whole sound a very natural realistic feel." — Jimmy Hughes, Hi-Fi+, Issue 34, pages 88 to 91

to ord e r, call 1-800-716-3553





Balanced Reference Phono Stage Clearaudio’s ultimate phono stage. •Dual mono, dual chassis design. •Adjustable gain from 10 db to 63 db. •The option to connect the phono stage directly to power amplifiers. •Balanced XLR or single-ended RCA inputs and outputs. •Cartridge impedance and capacitance settings are accessible on the circuit board or on the outside of the unit. •Hand selected and matched electronic parts.


Lukaschek PP-1 Phono Preamp Winner of The Absolute Sound's Golden Ear Award 2000 for Best Component! High quality phono pre amplifier, designed without compromise, for use with Benz-Micro or other high-quality, low output Moving Coil cartridges. S PP-1 $1,350

Creek Audio

S REFBAL $4,500


PH-1 Phono Grado’s phono equalization technique is a derivative of the principals used in their highlyre g a rded RA-1 headphone amplifier. The PH-1 offers Grado’s usual warm, smooth, fullbodied, non-fatiguing and rich sound qualities that everyone has embraced. Switch for low or high output MMs. S PH1 GRADO $500

Herron Audio

OBH-15 Phono Preamp

Basic Phono Stage The Basic phono stage offers both MM and MC capabilities with enough gain to drive the lowest output cartridges. Includes a dedicated power transformer, which resides outside the actual phono stage to keep the audio circuit as quiet as possible. Available in both black and silver finish.

The OBH-15 combines Moving Magnet and Moving Coil phono preamplifiers into one diminutive chassis. You can switch from MM to MC with a simple push of a rear-panel button. Also, as this preamp has two input c i rcuits optimized for each type of cartridge, it allows for the connection of two turntables. S OBH-15 $450

S CBP $600

HL-1 Solid State Line Stage w/internal PH-1 Phono Stage Designed to take the listener as close as possible to the original live musical perf o rmance. State-of-the-art components and design are combined using a purist approach that provides utmost clarity and reproduces the emotion, dynamics and passion of the musical perf o rmance without adding or subtracting any colorations or distortions of its own. The clarity of its perf o rmance is true to the sourc e . S HL-1PH-1 $4,995

OBH-18 Phono Preamp

M i c ro Basic Phono Stage

The OBH-18 is designed for use only with Moving Magnet cartridges. The Creek phono stage delivers a transparent, fast, well balanced sound that utterly belies their price and size.

Convenient and aff o rdable – using a small audio chassis and a special mounting pass-through hole, the Micro Basic can be positioned very close to the signal source. D i rect switching between MM-MC operation is via a switch on the circuit board accessible through the chassis.

S OBH-18 $250


G reat phono preamp for the under-$600 price point. Simple to use with either Moving Magnet or Moving Coil cartridges. A very flexible, all-tube design.

Pro-Ject Tube Box


w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

VTPH-1MC Plus Moving Coil, Vacuum Tube Phono Preamplifier (includes additional front end amplifier)

Continuous refinement keeps the VTPH-1 the first choice for vinyl lovers. Accolades include Stereophile Class A Recommended Component for 2000, 2001, 2002; The Absolute Sound Recommended Systems; and Soundstage! Network Reviewer's Choice 2001. S VTPH-1MC $2,625 SALE (RETAIL $3,250) S VTPH-1MM $2,750


Musical Fidelity

Reading for Audiophiles Vinyl Junkies: Adventures in R e c o rd Collecting

X-LPS Phono Stage V3 Musical Fidelity's popular X Series components have been completely redesigned. As Musical Fidelity says it, the perf o rmance of the new X-LPS V3 phono-toline stage "is in a diff e rent league to the outgoing model." Distortion is much lower, the signal-to-noise has improved by 6dB, RIAA accuracy is better and the ability to drive the load has been enhanced.

Author Brett Milano details the mystique, adventure , addiction and insanity of record collecting. Maybe it's you he's writing about. Anyone who's fallen for this hobby of collecting vinyl ought to read this one. And if it's turned into more than a hobby if record collecting has become your obsession, then you'll NEED Vinyl Junkies. Milano's book is filled with first-hand accounts of true vinyl junkies, who tell their stories of prized finds, strange dealings and what records have meant to them. The book includes interviews with Peter Buck of R.E.M., Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth, Robert Crumb and many other collectors. S BK 30427 $14.95

S X-LPS V3 $449

The LP Is Back

Musical Surroundings

Your complete guide to LP care and maintenance. This recently published new collection of article reprints contains everything the serious LP music collector needs to get the most out of both vintage re c o rds and the highest quality new pressings. Includes projects and equipment care tips on various products! 35 Articles, 160 pages, softcover. S BK AA49 $7.95


“Long Live Analog” T- s h i rts

Stereophile Class B Recommended Component! At last! A truly affordable phonostage with high-end refinement. Musical S u rroundings introduces: Phonomena. No op-amps in this signal path! Compare the guts of Phonomena with other budget phono stages. Value, quality, adjustability and, most of all, great sound, make this first offering under the Musical Surroundings marquee something phenomenal!

Women’s Desert Wash Pigment-Dyed T- s h i rt 100% cotton pigment-dyed fine jersey-knit side-seamed T-shirt. Taped shoulder-to-shoulder. N a rrow collar. Fitted silhouette. Color: Prickly Pear. (L or XL) B ANALOGW $20


Men’s Pigment-dyed T-shirt 100% preshrunk heavyweight pigment-dyed cotton T-shirt. Seamless collar. Taped shoulder-to-shoulder. Fully double-needle stitched. Generous cut. Color: Stone. Short or long sleeve.



Zphono An entry-level phono preamp for a very reasonable price. We don't think you'll do better for $150. Take those LPs out of storage and get back to the real sound of vinyl. This elegantly simple and aff o rdable component allows your turntable to be used with any preamplifier or receiver. Long live vinyl!

Back side all shirts.


t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3




Bringing music and movies to life. ARCAM, located in Cambridge England, manufactures an extensive range of electronics including CD & DVD players, tuners, surround receivers and processors, and amplifiers. Their reputation has been built around delivering products that consistently provide true high-end performance at prices only slightly above those of mass-market components.

Their components are divided into two product ranges; DiVA, which stands for Digitally integrated Video and Audio, and their “Full Metal Jacket” range, which is better known as simply FMJ. DiVA provides the best values in high-performance audio and video available in the market today. FMJ pushes the performance envelope.

The closest thing to actually being there. ARCAM’S award winning fusion of world-class audio engineering, and sleek elegant design takes high fidelity and home cinema to the next level. Territorial restrictions may apply. Acoustic Sounds will not sell ARCAM products in areas where there is already an authorized ARCAM dealer. Please refer to for the location of a dealer in your are a .

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m



p roduct range


AV8 Preamp Processor

C30 Modular Preamplifier

P7 7-Channel Power Amplifier

Widely acclaimed as one of the best surround processors in the world, the AV8 is among the few to deliver totally convincing per formance on both movies and music.

Designed with today's new high-resolution audio signals in mind. A degree of future proofing is provided by an optional multichannel input module, which adds two eight-channel inputs, allowing the C30 to serve as the core of an audiophile-grade s u rround music/home theater system.

The perfect companion to the AV8, this seven-channel power amp employs massive dual 1.5 kilowatt toroidal transformers to deliver enough power for the most demanding movies and yet is still capable of the high-resolution musical performance which has long been ARCAM's forte.

S C30 $1,999

S P7 $4,499

P1 Monoblock Power Amplifier

A32 Amplifier

P35 Power Amplifier

The perfect companion to the C30, the P1 monoblocks deliver 175 watts and feature balanced, as well as conventional, inputs.

ARCAM's best integrated, the A32 provides outstanding stereo perf o rmance today (including top-notch phono capabilities) as well as an upgrade path for the future . Possible upgrades include bi-amping and/or the addition of ARCAM's multichannel music module.

Available in both a two and three channel version, the P35 is frequently teamed up with the C30 in a number of different possible configurations. For example C30 & P35 for high-perf o rmance stereo amplification or a C30, multichannel module, P35 & P35-3 for surround music and/or home theater.

S AV8 $4,999


S P1 $1,799

S A32 $2,499

S P35-3 $2,199 (3 CHANNEL) S P35 $1,699 (2 CHANNEL)

DV29 DVD Player

CD33 CD Player

T31 FM/AM Tuner

A R C A M's best DVD player ever. The new DV29 offers superior audio and video performance. It is the first player in the world to use the new second generation HDMI (high definition multimedia interface) chips which output high resolution audio over HDMI, making it compatible with f u t u reAV receivers and processors.

Upsampling standard 16bit/44.1k CD data to 24bit/192k, the CD33 is ARCAM's top-of-the-range CD player. The 33 features dual power supplies, one for digital circuitry and a separate toroidal supply for the analog stages, and the FMJ laminated three-layer damped chassis.

A R C A M's best analog tuner, the T31 p rovides all the features of the T61 (RDS, station presets, direct access IR commands, etc.) along with the FMJ laminated three-layer damped chassis system and enhanced audio performance.

DVD Players, CD Players & Tuners

S CD33T $2,499

S DV29 $2,999

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3

S T31 $799



p roduct range


A65 Plus Amplifier

A80 Amplifier

A90 Amplifier

When teamed up with an ARCAM CD73T CD player, the A65 reveals how good a "budget" system can be. A surprisingly musical amplifier.

Based on design work originally done for the ARCAM A85/90 amplifiers, in the A80 the ARCAM design team made all the right c o m p romises to enable it to deliver true high-end performance while still coming in at a surprisingly aff o rdable price.

The A90 provides a feature-set comparable to that of the FMJ CD32 at a slightly more aff o rdable price. Like the A32, it provides a number of possible upgrade paths, including bi-amplification,multichannel music/home theater, and, for $199, the addition of a high-quality MM/MC phono module.

S A65 $599

S A80 $1,199

S A90 $1,799

Amplifiers & Receivers

P80 Power Amplifier

P90 Power Amplifier

AVR250 Surround Receiver

The most affordable A R C A M power amp, the P80 can be teamed up with the A80 Integrated in a bi-amp system. It is also f requently used on its own when highquality amplification is re q u i red in multizone systems.

The stereo P90 is often used with the A90 Integrated in bi-amp systems, while the three-channel version, combined with the A90 multichannel module, provides a convenient surround music or home theater upgrade path for A90 owners.

Sharing most of the features of the AVR300, this new receiver pro v i d e s outstanding perf o rmance at a very reasonable price.

S P80 $899

S P90-3 $1,649 (3 CHANNEL) S P90 $1,249 (2 CHANNEL)

S AVR250 $1,599

Receivers & CD Players

AVR300 Surround Sound Receiver

CD192 CD Player

CD73 CD Player

Based on lessons learned during the development of the AV8 and P7, the AVR300 is the first surround receiver to deliver perf o rmance comparable to that of more expensive separates, while still p roviding a full array of decode modes, effects, and other feature s .

ARCAM's most aff o rdable upsampling CD player ever, the new 192 uses the same DAC board as its more expensive big brother, the FMJ CD33.

Incorporating the latest generation 24-bit Wolfson DACs, toroidal transformer power supply, and ARCAM's recent advancements in grounding and power supplies, the CD73 provides outstanding performance and a very reasonable cost. In addition, it is upgradeable to CD82 or 93 levels of perf o rmance, making it ideal for the audiophile on a budget.

S CD192 $1,699

S AVR300 $1,999

S CD73T $699

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m



p roduct range

DVD Players & Tuners

DV78 Player

DV79 Player

T61 FM/AM Tuner

It's now possible to experience ARCAM's "film-like" video and stunning audio for under a grand. Toss in CD performance on par with similarly priced CD-only players, and the DV78 becomes an unusual value. An optional RS-232 module is available for $150.

A R C A M's newest player, and the first "aff o rdable" player from a specialist m a n u f a c t u rer to offer an HDMI digital video output as well as high-resolution DVD-Audio. Includes RS-232 for interfacing with multiroom control systems.

This high-performance AM/FM tuner feature s RDS (Radio Data System) which displays station call letters, song names, and other i n f o rmation broadcast by RDS-equipped radio stations. Thirty station presets and a full set of discrete IR commands makes this an ideal tuner for use in multi-room systems.

S DV79 $1,799

S DV78 $999

S T61 $449

The NEW ARCAM Solo Solo has been assembled using audiophile standard

Solo is flexible

components and design methods. CD playback is exceptional, radio perf o rmance is first class, and the amplifier delivers real power with finesse. S SOLO $1,599

enough to use with other entertainment devices that you may have — from your TV/satellite to

Territorial restrictions may apply. Acoustic Sounds will not sell ARCAM p roducts in areas where there is already an authorized ARCAM dealer. Please refer to for the location of a dealer in your area.

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3

your iPod or Playstation.


C D & S A C D P L AY E R S CD Players


SACD Players


Music Hall

FMJ CD33 Upsampling CD Player Upsampling standard 16bit/44.1k CD data to 24bit/192k, the CD33 is ARCAM's topof-the-range CD player. The 33 features dual power supplies, one for digital circuitry and a separate toroidal supply for the analog stages, and the FMJ laminated three-layer damped chassis. S CD33T $2,499

DiVA CD192 Upsampling CD Player

The Maverick SACD Player Oracle CD2500 CD Player The Oracle CD2500 uses the Philips CDM 12.4 P ro drive and lazer system for its sonic virtue and ease of upgrade. The internal D/A converter is based on a Cirrus Logic chipset. This player epitomizes the classic, beautiful Oracle style with the famous perf o rmance and build quality. S CD2500 $9,380

ARCAM's most affordable upsampling CD player ever, the new 192 uses the same DAC board as its more expensive big brother, the FMJ CD33.



S CD192 $1,699

DiVA CD73 Upgradeable CD Player Incorporating the latest generation 24-bit Wolfson DACs, toroidal transformer power supply, and ARCAM's recent advancements in grounding and power supplies, the CD73 provides outstanding perf o rmance at a very reasonable cost. In addition, it is upgradeable to CD82 or 93 levels of performance, making it ideal for the audiophile on a budget.

The Maverick SACD player takes full advantage of the higher sampling rate and sounds tru l y stunning. It has been meticulously designed to play uncompromising two-channel stereo from both Super Audio and traditional CDs. Upsampling can be selected for standard CDs via the built-in Crystal CS8420 24bit/96kHz chip. Inside, two transformers provide separate power to the analog and digital systems. Weighing in at 22lbs, sporting a thick aluminum faceplate, and standing atop vibration-canceling dimpled rubber feet, the Maverick is a true contender.

Oracle CD1500 CD Player The Oracle CD1500 player eliminates both the need and use for internal preamplification circuitry. The electronic parts are very similar to Oracle’s famous CD2500. S CD1500 $5,800


S CD73T $699

SCD-T200 SACD Player The SCD-T200 SACD player uses the latest Sony KHM-2334AAA drive and the Sony CXD2752R SACD decoding chip. The DAC is a Burr Brown PCM 1738 24 bit/192kHz custom made for SACD technology. The line output is tube and the headphone output tube amplified. The volume control is electronic. S SHSCDT200 $2,399 (RETAIL $2,695)

Creek Audio CD-T100 Tube CD Player

CD50mk2 With an improved and symmetrical layout with shorter signal paths, the mk2 has much better measured perf o rmance than its predecessor. Includes an attractive full feature Creek SRC1 system remote control handset. Designed to read all known ‘Copy Protected Discs’ that c u rrently exist. S CD50MK2 $1,345

This amazing player sounds as good as it looks. The CD-T100 features dual Burr-Brown 1704s per channel as well as the Crystal CS8420 for 24/96 kHz upsampling. Digital filtering is handled by the superb sounding Pacific Microsonics PMD-200 filter which also provides HDCD playback. This player feature s two sets of analog outputs, one from the 6N3P output tubes and the other from the well re g a rded Burr-Brown 2604 dual operational amplifiers. For headphone listeners, there is another set of 6N3P tubes for driving your favorite headphone. S SHCDT100 $1,795

We have gift certificates. 1-800-716-3553





FMJ DV29 DVD Player ARCAM's best DVD player ever. The new DV29 offers superior audio and video perf o rmance. It is the first player in the world to use the new 2nd generation HDMI (high definition multimedia interface) chips which output high resolution audio over HDMI, making it compatible with future AV receivers and processors. S DV29 $2,999

DiVA DV79 Player

Model Eleven CD/DVDA/DVDV/SACD Universal Player Still sitting on the fence trying to decide which new digital format to get behind? Now the shootout can be in your living room. The Muse Model Eleven supports virtually every known digital media available today, be that video or audio. This thing is SO flexible. It's equally suited to either an ultra high perf o rmance two-channel system or, with the simple and affordable installation of either the single-ended or balanced surround module, a complete multichannel system. And if standard CD is still your game, believe us, the Model Eleven is an AWESOME CD player that includes up/over sampling. It won't let you down. S MODEL 11 $3,995 (AVAILABLE IN SILVER OR BLACK) S MULTICHANNEL MODULE $395

A R C A M's newest player, and the first "aff o rdable" player from a specialist m a n u f a c t u rer to offer an HDMI digital video output as well as high-resolution DVD-Audio. Includes RS-232 for interfacing with multiroom control systems. S DV79 $1,799

DiVA DV78 Player It's now possible to experience Arcam's "film-like" video and stunning audio for under a grand. Toss in CD performance on par with similarly priced CD-only players, and the DV78 becomes an unusual value. An optional RS-232 module is available for $150. S DV78 $999

To get the most from your CD playback, check out our full line of CD accessories and tweaks as well as our high-quality interconnects and power cords. Maximize your listening experience! Call Clark for suggestions. t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3





The Director Perf o rmance, Price & Innovation — those are the key ingredients that made the Ph.D. a smash success. Now, designer Ron Sutherland's applied that same recipe to a line stage... Performance? By now Sutherland's track re c o rd speaks for itself. His designs, including the PH-1P and Ph.D. phono preamps, have garnered huge accolades, not just from the press but from a rapidly-growing list of customers. Wait'll you hear The Director. Price? Here's a product that costs $3,000 and sounds like $5,000–$6,000. That's no line. Sutherland skipped the unnecessary jewelry like the extravagantly-machined case and the milled and machined remote control. If it didn't contribute to sound quality, it didn't make the cut with The Director. Innovation? Like the Ph.D.'s batteries and smart circuitry, The Director has unique features, including automatic input selection and user-adjustable individual input attenuation. Ron Sutherland's done it again. The Director is available now. Call Clark at 1-800-716-3553 to order or for more information. S DIRECTOR $3,000


The Director in the next Acoustic Sounds email giveaway! Visit for details, and sign up now. Random drawing will be held December 21, 2005.

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Ron Sutherland is a genius at designing gear that can produce state-of-the-art sound for an affordable price. He's also become known for adding new and unique features to his products that make them simple and user-friendly. Well, he's done it again this time with The Director, a line stage with a twist. The Director fulfills the basic preamplifier functions of input selection, volume adjustment and gain but in an entirely unique and refined way. Take the input selection for example. There's no need to hit a switch to go from phono to CD or whatever other function. With The Director, you simply hit "play" or drop your stylus and let The Director figure out what you're listening to. It'll automatically recognize that you're playing CD, or LP etc. Pretty cool stuff. Acoustic Sounds Owner Chad Kassem has always loved Sutherland's previous line stage - the $8,000 C-2000, which is no longer being manufactured. Following the success of Sutherland's Ph.D. phono preamp, Kassem challenged Sutherland to recreate the C-2000 but for a much more aff o rdable price. After some consideration, Sutherland said that he thought he could do it. How? For The Director, Sutherland held off on the extravagantly-machined case that looked so nice on the C-2000 but didn't really contribute anything to the sound quality. He also used an adequate but reasonably-priced power cord. And the remote control is simple, compact, lightweight and functional rather than a machinecased fancy remote. Like the Ph.D., The Director's magic is in it's simplicity. By focusing on sound and leaving out the unnecessary jewelry, Sutherland was able to keep the price down. Sutherland repeatedly bench marked The Director's perf o rmance to "cost-no-object" options. The design was not complete until The Director could stand proudly among such Sutherland smash hits as the Ph.D. and AcousTech PH-1P phono preamplifiers, both Stereophile Class-A.


ARCAM C30 Modular Preamplifier Designed with today's new high-resolution audio signals in mind, the C30 delivers superb performance from stere o music sources. It even includes a high performance MM/MC phono stage. A degree of future - p roofing is p rovided by an optional multichannel input module, which adds two eight-channel inputs, allowing the C30 to serve as the core of an audiophile-grade surround music/home theater system. S C30 $1,999

AV8 Preamp Processor Widely acclaimed as one of the best surround processors in the world, the AV8 is among the few to deliver totally convincing performance of both movies and music. S AV8 $4,999

Manley Labs


12dAX7 Shrimp Preamplifier An ALL-TUBE, line-level preamplifier, the Shrimp is very quick and lively sounding. Its transparent presentation will bring out new details from your favorite re c o rdings. Directcoupled, non-inverting, two-tube gain stage uses 2 x 2AT7 and 2 x 7044. S SHRIMP $1,880

The Sutherland 12dAX7 takes computers t o red sound formats to the audiophile level, significantly out-perf o rming conventional low-fi soundcards. By using 12dAX7 tubes in unique circuit design, the harmonic structure of digitized music is restored. The sound takes on a smooth, relaxed presentation. S 12DAX7 $1600

Herron Audio

Creek Audio OBH 22

VTSP-1A/166 (Extended Range) Vacuum

HL-1 Solid State Line Stage

Tube Stereo Preamplifier

• The remote controlled electronic stepped attenuators provide distortionless volume control that will not degrade with time or use. • No audio signal path interference is generated from the display. • The front-panel input controls (and remote control) operate individual sealed goldcontact relays located at the input connectors for short signal paths and long life. • Available in black or silver with optional MM/MC switchable phono section.

VTSP-1A sets new standards for sound quality and value. Winner of Stereophile's Class A Recommended Component in 2000, 2001 and 2004, The Absolute Sound's Recommended Systems and Hi-Fi Review's P roduct of the Year in 2001. • Perfect tracking volume 166-step contro l system for unprecedented precision. • All-tube design operated conservatively for long life. • Relay input switching eliminates switching distortion. • Star grounding for low interference susceptibility and clean signal path.

S HL-1 $3,495

The function of the Creek OBH 22 passive preamplifier is to provide input selection and volume adjustment to a Hi-Fi system via infra-red remote control. S OBH-22 $500

Eastern Electric MiniMax Preamplifier Inside the MiniMax you’ll find an entirely hand-wired circuit using no printed c i rcuit boards (the most expensive way to build a preamp, but also the best sounding). S MINIMAX $1,195

S VTSP-1A $3,995

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3


IsoTek® are the UK’s leading manufacture of power line conditioners throughout Europe and Eastern European markets. Each product is designed and hand made in England with deep

consideration given to both style and functionality, performance and value for money. IsoTek® search for excellence at every level and do their best to meet new challenges wisely.

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Blockbuster Sounding MONOBLOCK! N u F o rce amplifier technology is based upon the principle that a power oscillator can be modulated by an audio signal so that it produces an amplified audio signal obtained with a reconstruction filter, without the bandwidth limitation of a fixed frequency carr i e r-based conventional PWM control. It uses a high-performance analog modulation technique and a close-loop control system. There f o re NuForce refers to its audio amplifier as Analog Switching Amplifier.

N u F o rce believes that uncompromising real world music re p roduction can only be achieved by having:

characteristic independent of and indifferent to the output power level or audio frequency.

High Bandwidth

Unlike the Class-D amplifier, NuForce's analog switching amplifier does not re q u i re a sawtooth waveform for modulation, but a proprietary naturally occurring modulating signal. In conjunction with taking the signal at the loudspeaker terminals there b y eliminating all distortions, NuForce's natural switching signal does not add noise into the system. The NuForce amplifier also does not suffer from the 180-degree phase shift caused by the output filter. The high bandwidth and unique close-loop system provide very high forward gain, well beyond the audio frequency range, at up to 10 MHz. All non-linearities are hence gre a t l y reduced to achieve an operating power bandwidth as high as 150 kHz, while at the same time maintaining a consistently low distortion across that frequency spectrum.

Unique close-loop design N u F o rce Analog Switching Amplifier p rovides a ru l e r-flat response from 5 to 100,000 Hz. Only a handful of very expensive high-end linear amplifiers have a bandwidth of 20-100,000Hz. Most linear or digital switching amplifiers h a rdly achieve 20-20,000Hz of bandwidth.

Low Distortion

“ The clarity, tonal balance and dimensionality from these amps are stunning. These mono amps are a steal!” — Clark Williams, Acoustic Sounds Audio Consultant

The majority of today's amplifiers provides a good number, typically less than 0.1% of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), when m e a s u red at 1W using a 1,000Hz sine wave. The manufacturers of these amplifiers do not tell you that at full power, the distortion of their amplifiers could be 10 to 100 times worse, and at higher frequencies, their distortion increases further. NuForc e ' s patent pending technologies actively cancel out the distortion at every cycle of operation. As a result, NuForce's analog switching amplifier has the same low distortion

to o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 - 35 53





ARCAM FMJ P7 7-Channel Power Amplifier The perfect companion to the AV8, this seven-channel power amp employs massive dual 1.5 kilowatt toroidal transformers to deliver enough power for the most demanding movies and yet is still capable of the high-resolution musical performance which has long been ARCAM's forte. S P7 $4,499

FMJ P1 Monoblock Power Amplifier The perfect companion to the C30, the P1 monoblocks deliver 175 watts and feature balanced, as well as conventional, inputs. S P1 $1,799 EACH

FMJ P35 Power Amplifier Available in both two and three channel version, the P35 is frequently teamed up with the C30 in a number of diff e rent possible configurations. For example, C30 & P35 for high-performance stereo amplification or a C30, multi-channel module, P35 & P35-3 for s u rround music and/or home theater. It is also commonly used to bi-amp in conjunction with an FMJ A32 Integrated. S P35 $1,699 (2 CHANNEL) S P35-3 $2,199 (3 CHANNEL)

DiVA P90 Power Amplifier The stereo P90 is often used with the A90 Integrated in bi-amp systems, while the threechannel version, combined with the A90 multichannel module, provides a convenient s u rround music or home theater upgrade path for A90 owners. S P90 $1,249 (2 CHANNEL) S P90-3 $1,649 (3 CHANNEL)

DiVA P80 The most affordable ARCAM power amp, the P80 can be teamed up with the A80 Integrated in a bi-amp system. It is also f requently used on its own when high-quality amplification is re q u i red in multi-zone systems. S P80 $899 (2 CHANNEL)

Territorial restrictions may apply. Acoustic Sounds will not sell ARCAM products in areas where there is already an authorized ARCAM dealer. Please refer to for the location of a dealer in your area. w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


Manley Labs Neo-Classic 500 Watt Monoblock Tried and true: The Manley 500 and 250 watt monoblocks are their most power ful push-pull production models. Both the circuit design and the selected componentry have been refined over years and years of development. Reliability that you can depend upon combined with musical accuracy and emotional authority is what these amplifiers p romise and deliver. S 500M $12,000 PAIR

Neo-Classic 250 Watt Monoblock

Herron Audio

As above, but 250 watts tetrode/100 watts triode output. These powerhouses can give the instant energy required for dynamic re p roduction of transient peaks, and their bass impact and weight often exceeds that of rival solid-state amplifiers. They also possess great delicacy and the seductive midrange that can only come from tubes. The EL-34 output stage can be switched between triode-mode for 100 watts per channel, or for more demanding musical f a re, tetrode mode yielding 250 watts. These amps will do justice to the world's finest ancillary components and speakers. S 250M $9,000 PAIR

M150 Monaural

Neo-Classic SE/PP 300B

The M150 has been converting tube zealots since its introduction. Its power, clarity and trouble-free operation belie its modest dimensions. The M150 is a full complementary symmetry bipolar implementation and contains no coupling capacitors in the forward direction. It employs the latest technology in wide band output devices with enhanced low level linearity. The unified current summation drive stage network eliminates the crossover notch problems common in many solid state amplifier designs.

The wonderfully simple 300B directlyheated triode tube perfected by We s t e rn Electric is the stuff of legends. “SingleEnded� amplifiers based on this topology have now been elevated to cult status, and many audiophiles take a religious stance when waxing emphatic about their sound.

S M150 $5,895 PAIR

S SE 300B $7,200 PAIR

Snapper Monoblock This brilliant design features a quartet of EL-34s per chassis in a fully-differential circuit topology. The Snapper can be driven full balanced all the way through via the XLR inputs. The unbalanced RCAs can also be used in this special topology with equally impressive results. S SNAPPER $4,250 PAIR

M1 Monaural New for 2004, the M1 matches the HL1 preamp cosmetically and is available in silver or black. Its new fast warm-up circuitry will please those with busy lifestyles. Packed inside is a chassis of the finest parts available which makes it sound extraordinary! S M-1 $5,895 PAIR

The Mahi Brand new styling. Looks like a miniSnapper. This is a monoblock version of the Stingray integrated amplifier. Includes 40 watts of Ultra-Linear or 20 watts of triode. UL/Triode switching is now a standard feature ! S MAHI $2,500 PAIR t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3




Arcam FMJ A32 A R C A M's best integrated, the A32 provides outstanding stereo performance today (including top-notch phono capabilities) as well as an upgrade path for the future. Possible upgrades including bi-amping and/or the addition of ARCAM's multichannel music module. S A32 $2,499

DiVA A90 The A90 provides a feature - s e t comparable to that of the FMJ CD32 at a slightly more affordable price. Like the A32, it provides a number of possible upgrade paths, including bi-amplification, multichannel music/home theater, and, for $199, the addition of a high-quality MM/MC phono module. S A90 $1,799

DiVA A80 The most affordable ARCAM power amp, the P80 can be teamed up with the A80 Integrated in a bi-amp system. It is also frequently used on its own when high-quality amplification is re q u i red in multi-zone systems. S A80 $1,199

DiVA A65 When teamed up with an ARCAM CD73T CD player, the A65 reveals how good a "budget" system can be. A surprisingly musical amplifier. S A65 $599

Territorial restrictions may apply. Acoustic Sounds will not sell ARCAM products in areas where there is already an authorized ARCAM dealer. Please refer to for the location of a dealer in your area.

Using world-class technology, engineering and design, ARCAM products bring your music and movies to life by delivering a level of performance that will captivate all who look and listen. w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


Manley Labs

Creek Audio

5350SE Winners of numerous global awards, the 53 series continues to impress. Featuring solid b rushed silver aluminum front panels, products from this range can be matched with any of the 50 series. Stereophile Class A rated integrated amplifier. S 5350SE $1,495

Stingray Integrated Amplifier This sweet-sounding, EL-84 Output, ALL-TUBE integrated amplifier can be factory configured for either 25 watts Triode or 50 watts Ultra-Linear operation. The distinguished chassis design came after careful re s e a rch of optimal component placement for the purity and symmetry of the signal path layout. Record-Out or Subwoofer Pre-Out available for $100 extra each.

A50i/A50iR The A50i/A50iR integrated amplifiers are the successors to the highly re v e red 4330SE. Whatever your musical pre f e rence, these C reek integrated amplifiers will satisfy the most critical of listeners. They are powerful yet subtle. You simply won’t want to switch off. Using proprietary circuitry developed by Creek engineers, the A50i guarantees an exceptional level of perf o rmance. There is no doubt that these integrated amplifiers will stand the test of time like few other products in their price category. 50 Watts/channel. S A50i $715 S A50iR $895 (WITH REMOTE)


STP-80 Tube Amplifier 50 Watts/channel remote volume control. Call for details.


Music Hall

Mambo The Mambo is a 50 watt/channel Class A integrated amp with 24-bit/96kHz PCM upsampling. Hidden behind Mambo’s sleek, yet brutish face is a technologically advanced assemblage of components. • 24-bit/96kHz Upsampling • Crystal CS8420 sample rate converter with Burr- B rown PCM1738 DAC. Processes all standard digital audio signal rates from 8kHz to 96kHz • Digitally-controlled analog audio volume control IC by Texas Instruments • 50 watt/channel Class A amplifier • Two digital inputs: one optical/one coaxial • Five analog inputs • Full remote-control operation • Heavy-duty detachable power cord . S MAMBO $1,295

S SHSTP-80 $1,750

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3




ARCAM DiVA AVR 300 Surround Sound Receiver Based on lessons learned during the development of the AV8 and P7, the AVR300 is the first surround receiver to deliver perf o rmance comparable to that of more expensive separates, while still providing a full a rray of decode modes, effects, and other features. S AVR300 $1,999

DiVA AVR 250 Surround Sound Receiver Sharing most of the features of the AVR300, this new receiver provides outstanding perf o rmance at a very reasonable price. S AVR250 $1,599

FMJ T31 FM/AM Tuner ARCAM's best analog tuner, the T31 provides all the features of the T61 (RDS, station presets, direct access IR commands, etc.) along with the FMJ laminated three-layer damped chassis system and enhanced audio performance. S T31 $799

DiVA T61 FM/AM Tuner This high-perf o rmance AM/FM tuner feature s RDS (Radio Data System) which displays station call letters, song names, and other i n f o rmation broadcast by RDS-equipped radio stations. Thirty station presets and a full set of discrete IR commands makes this an ideal tuner for use in multi-room systems. S T61 $449

Territorial restrictions may apply. Acoustic Sounds will not sell ARCAM products in areas where there is already an authorized ARCAM dealer. Please refer to for the location of a dealer in your area.

Creek Audio

Music Hall

T50 FM/AM Tuner

Maven Stereo Receiver

One of the great strengths of Creek Audio through the years has been the ability to produce exceptional tuners. The T50 carries on that tradition. Styled to complement the 50 range of integrated amplifiers and CD player, and released in August 2003, this tuner is the perfect match. Yet it will also sit perfectly well with the 53 series, providing the ability to mix and match the two series of products.

The Maven is a classic two-channel stereo receiver designed for the music lover. Music Hall chose a select group of technologically advanced components to create this powerful 100 watt/ channel receiver with 24-bit/96kHz upsampling and video switching. Music Hall's Maven is the perfect complement to the Maverick Super Audio CD player.

S T50 $765

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

S MAVEN $1,495


Epos M22 Loudspeaker The flagship of the Epos range, the M22, is tri-wirable thanks to three pairs of metal five-way binding posts. Available in black, light c h e rry or dark cherry. S M22 $1,795

ELS-5.1 System Includes two pair of ELS3, one ELS-3-Center and one ELS-Subwoofer. S ELS-5.1 $1,350

ELS-3 Loudspeaker The ELS-3 uses a two-way bass reflex design and incorporates a 130-mm woofer. It also has a dual magnet and shielding can, further enhancing its use in home theater setups. This new ELS-3 cabinet features a cost effective vinyl wrap finish.

M15.2 Two-Way Floor Standing Speaker The Epos M15.2 is a floor-standing, rear-ported, two-way speaker finished in a choice of black, light cherry or dark cherry veneer. The speakers are bi-wirable, thanks to two pairs of metal five-way binding posts.

ELS-SUB Active Subwoofer

S ELS-3 $296

S M12.2 $900 PAIR

300 watt powered subwoofer with a 10� driver with adjustable crossover and output levels. S ELS-SUB $630

S M15.2 $1,255

M8 Center Channel Speaker S M8 $540

ELS-3C Center Channel Speaker S ELS-3C $270

M12.2 Two-Way Bookshelf Speaker S M12.2 $805 PAIR

M5 Two-Way Satellite Speaker S M5 $585 PAIR

ST35 Speaker Stands

ST12 Stands

56cm high (without spikes) and has a solid top plate.

S ST12 $180

S ST35 (PAIR) $180

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3



Acoustic Sounds is the exclusive Since 1977, Harbeth has made i n d u s t ry-leading loudspeakers. This British company, led by Alan Shaw and recently joined by Derek Hughes (formerly of Spendor), has an i rrefutable reputation for quintessential and cutting-edge design and – most importantly – g reat sound. These speakers give you natural sound. There’s nothing overblown, nothing larger than life. Instead, music played through Harbeth speakers sounds like it’s supposed to – like music. It’s the wonderful, lush, dramatic, voluptuous and crystal clear sound of life itself.

• old-world, handmade craftsmanship • perfect matching with sophisticated •

measurement equipment design based on patented engineering process

▲ The award winning Super HL5 is the sixth generation of the Harbeth line that launched the company in 1977. The generous enclosure combines with the unique Harbeth Radial bass unit to create a warm, detailed sound that is completely box-less. S Super HL5 $3,995 pr. The HL Compact 7ES-2 is the core of the Harbeth sound. The launch model for the Radial driver, the Compact 7ES-2 is the quintessential sound of Harbeth: effortless, fantastically high resolution and seductive. S HL-C 7ES-2 $2,695 pr. The smallest Harbeth is the HL-P3ES-2. About the size of a shoe box, these incredible mini monitors have no equal for range and power. S HL-P3ES-2 $1,595 pr. “The Harbeth speakers are amazing! They are very neutral, yet very articulate. They have quite punchy low end for their size. Drums and percussion are reproduced with stunning weight and clarity. After using them as primary speakers to monitor a direct-to-disc recording, I can recommend them without hesitation!”

— Kevin Gray, AcousTech Mastering (A mastering and cutting engineer with more than 30 years experience, Kevin Gray has credits on multiple albums gone platinum and Grammy. Gray is the mastering engineer for and part owner of AcousTech Mastering in Camarillo, California.)

Photo by Richard S. Foster

Photo by Evan Semón


mail-order dealer for the famous “Harbeth sound.”

Engineered in England

The Monitor 30, featuring the patented Harbeth Radial cone, takes resolution a step further. The larger cabinet allows for greater power handling, and the Radial cone provides the most natural mid-band of any monitor. Used and trusted by sound engineers who are editing on very long shifts, the Monitor 30 is completely free f rom coloration and makes musicians and artists appear in front of you. S Monitor30 $3,695 pr.

The Monitor 40 is the most neutral, revealing and thoroughly user-friendly monitor speaker available today. The ultra-resolution performance is due to Harbeth’s own patented Radial mid-band driver, developed because of the unacceptable performance of commercial polypropylene units and is seamlessly blended with the very best tweeter and bass unit by a complex crossover. Think of the Monitor 40 not as a loudspeaker, but a window onto the sound stage. S Monitor40 $8,995 pr.

The NRG series brings the world famous “Harbeth sound” to a whole new generation of users. First and foremost, the NRG series is designed as a class-beating hi-fi product. Properly engineered to a high standard regardless of cost. Available to you at an incredibly reasonable price. Not only does NRG look great, what really sets it apart is its universality: perfect in two-channel stereo and incredible in home theatre multichannel mode as only Harbeth knows how. Made at Harbeth in England alongside their traditional lines with all the virtues of a truly British audio product, the NRG2 and NRG4 are available in the silver facia, silver grille and beech real wood veneer. S NRG2 $1,100 pr. S NRG4 $2,200 pr.

To experience the “Harbeth sound” for yourself, or for more information, call Clark at 1-800-716-3553. Acoustic Sounds will not sell these speakers in areas where there is already a Harbeth dealer.



Creek Audio

Musical Fidelity


OBH 21SE The OBH 21SE offers all of the same benefits of the OBH 21 but with higher-grade components. It also features two pairs of s t e reo phono sockets (RCA jacks) on the rear panel for input from any line-level source and chain linking to another product in a tape loop circuit. S OBH-21SE $450

OBH 21 The OBH 21 incorporates advanced circuitry utilizing professional standard operational amplifiers. Has high-grade integrated circuits providing a capability to drive diff e rent types and impedances of headphones without problem. S OBH-21 $295

OBH 11 The OBH 11 is a miniature audio amplifier designed specifically to drive headphones (from 30 ohms to 300 ohms) from a line-level s o u rce. Has stereo phono sockets (RCA jacks) on the rear panel for input from any line-level source, along with a DC power jack for connection to a custom OBH power supply adapter. S OBH-11 $225


X-CAN V3 Headphone Tube Amplifier This is an improvement on their alreadyexcellent headphone amp, the X-CANS. This product now raises the standards of excellence in tube-based audio components.

Shure Earphones E5c Sound Isolating Earphones

hearing specialist, after your purchase, for the best personalized fit and comfort.

The E5c is Shure’s top-of-theline model, offering the richest possible listening experience. Dual high energy microspeakers capture the high and low f requencies, while an in-line electronic crossover separates these outputs. You can hear your music like never b e f o re, where subtle details are brought forw a rd for a lush, complete listening experience.

S E3C $179

E3c Sound Isolating Earphones

RA-1 Headphone Amplifier

S RA1 $350 S RA1AC (AC VERSION) $425 S RA1HG (HIGH GAIN) $425


S MFXCAN V3 $448.95

S E5C $499

Designed to take your Grado headphones to new sonic heights. Machined from a solid block of Mahogany, it derives its power from two 9-volt batteries, good for 40-50 hours of playing.

Head Box The Head Box allows the connection of two sets of headphones, each with separate volume control and two additional line-level sources.

Enjoy an audiophile listening experience when music matters. The E3c combines precision components and remarkable sound isolation to provide studio quality sound every w h e re you go. High energy micro-speakers deliver g reat tonal balance across the entire frequency range. Flexible sleeves produce remarkable isolation, revealing the subtle details of original re c o rdings. The small compact earphone design fits securely in your ear, making it ideal for active listening and frequent travel. The E3c’s ear sleeves can even be custom-fit by a

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

E2c Sound Isolating Earphones

The E2c’s unique, aff o rdable design comes from Shure’s years of collaborating with professional musicians. Featuring a highe n e rgy speaker in a distinctive enclosure, the E2c produces studio-quality sound with excellent isolation from background noise. S E2C $99

E5c/E3c/E2c Carrying Case (E5C) S PA325 $15 (E3C/E2C) S PA322 $15

E5c Level Attenuator S PA235 $10


AKG Acoustics HEARO 999 Audiosphere II Wi reless Headphones The transmitter uses AKG’s IVA technology to achieve a natural, 3-D listening experience, and you can choose between s u rround and stereo modes. It is also fitted with a Dolby Digital decoder.

K240 Headphones The Studio version of these classic hi-fi stereo headphones uses XXL speakers with Varimotion diaphragms for higher sensitivity and a wider dynamic range. S K240STUDIO $99

Photo by Evan Semón

K206 AFC Wi reless RF Headphones

S HEARO999 $999

K501 Headphones The K501 are "concert hall headphones" for lovers of classical music and for purists. S K501 $199

K240 AKG Headphones endorsed by re c o rding engineer Micajah Ry a n …

Optimum radio transmission through walls and ceilings up to 330 ft. Semi-open circumaural design with patented AKG headband for automatic fit. Approximately 15 hours re c h a rgeable battery life. S K206AFC $99

"When I go into a studio to track it is reassuring to find AKG headphones. Because the artist is both the audience and the perf o rmer in a tracking situation, using AKG headphones provides a consistency that is a necessity in a recording situation. When setting up a headphone mix, I always know what I can expect. They provide a clarity and comfortable fit that I never need to w o rry about. AKG 240's enclose the ears and block out noise that can disturb and distract the artist, while giving a realistic, full sound that is necessary for great performances." — Micajah Ry a n, recording engineer at Blue Heaven Studios Micajah Ryan’s credits include re c o rding engineer for two Bob Dylan re c o rds (Good As I Been To You and World Gone Wrong) and assistant engineer for projects with Guns N' Roses, Michael Jackson, Prince, Joe Cocker, Eddie Money and many more.

Oz Fritz, sound engineer, on the AKG K501’s:

K14 Ear-buds

“The AKG K501 headphones are especially remarkable for their spatial imaging properties and well defined separation of instruments. One will distinctly feel the acoustic environment of the re c o rding. The listener will have a perceptual experience of being inside the music in direct contact with the rich, clear spectrum of sound.” — Oz Fritz

High-performance ear-buds with inline volume control S K14P $19.95

K24P Folding Semi-open Mini Headphones Photo by Evan Semón

Oz Fritz has worked as a sound engineer in both re c o rding studios and live concert environments for more than 25 years. His credits include work with Tom Waits, John Hammond, Iggy Pop, Ginger Baker, Herbie Hancock, George Clinton and many more. In August of 2004, Oz spent a week at Blue Heaven Studios re c o rding the John Hammond In Your Arms Again record.

Compact but on par with their larger counterparts in terms of sound, the new AKG mini headphones bespeak painstaking design work resulting in superior sound quality with clean, detailed high and mid ranges as well as a surprisingly forceful low end.

K12P Earphones These ultra-light ear buds will settle into your ears comfortably, and the Turbo Bass feature delivers an i n c redibly powerful sound. Perfect for joggers. S K12P $14.95

S K24P $29.95

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 7 16 -3 55 3







PXC 250 Collapsible Headphones


Grado’s best headphones are some of the finest available at any price. Those who like a w a rm, rich tonal balance and smooth highs and dynamic bass response will find much to like in these ’phones. The earpieces are made from a specially-cured Mahogany. Couple a pair of the RS-1s with the new Grado RA-1 headphone amp for referencelevel sound quality. The RS-1s are the only product ever nominated by Stereophile for their Product of the Year distinction two years in a row!


SR-325 Headphones Uses an aluminum alloy-casing and air chamber. S SR325 $295

SR-225 Headphones S h a re the same features as the SR-125 model but with a 50 percent increased air flow. S SR225 $200

SR-125 Headphones

S RS1 $695

Grado’s ability to combine lightness with e x t reme rigidity and internal damping has been put to good use.

RS-2 Headphones A close second in sonic quality to the RS-1s but using a smaller version of the speciallycured Mahogany earpieces. S RS2 $495

The PXC 250 is a closed, dynamic, supra-aural mini stereo headphone with NoiseGard active noise compensation. The headphones are foldable and come with a convenient belt pouch, making them an ideal travel companion. S PXC-250 $149

PX 40 The PX 40 are open, dynamic, supra-aural mini headphones for portable players. They are fitted with a convenient in-line volume control.

S SR125 $150

Etymotic Researc h

SR-80 Headphones Built like the SR-60 but with a four-conductor connecting cable and larger ear cushions.

ER-4 MicroPro Earphones Inconspicuous, yet entirely effective, these little bad boys are perfect for on-the-go listening. These are earplug-sized headphones that produce transparent, re f e rence-quality sound and unrivaled isolation. They have proven to be a reputable choice for audiophiles, performing musicians and recording engineers. S ER-4 $330

ER-6 Isolator Earphones The newest model from Etymotic Research, the ER-6 offers excellent sound quality and isolation in a small, ultra-lightweight package. Great with portable music and video players. S ER-6 $139

S PX40 $19.95

S SR80 $95

MX 500

SR-60 Headphones One of the best values in high-perf o rmance audio. S SR60 $69

CABLES & ADAPTERS Grado Extension Cable A 15 foot (450cm) extension cable t e rminated with a 1⁄4" (6.3mm) plug and a 1⁄4" (6.3mm) jack. S GREXT


Grado Y Adapter S GRADO Y $20

Grado Mini Adapter S GRADO MINI $14.95

Lightweight in-ear system headphones for listening on the move. Superior quality for your MP3 player, portable CD player or any other mobile audio source. S MX500 $19.95

Cardas Replacement Cable Fifteen-foot cable for Sennheiser HD 580, HD 600 & HD 650 headphones. S CARDAS REPL15 $200 (15’) S CARDAS REPLACE $150 (10’)


Sennheiser HD 600 Reference Headphones The HD 600 is an audiophile-quality, open dynamic hif i / p rofessional headphone. The advanced-diaphragm material eliminates standing waves for the ultimate in bass resolution and detail retrieval. The ergonomic design makes the HD 600s comfortable to wear for long listening sessions. Combine these with the Musical Fidelity X-Can V3 and a set of AudioQuest interconnects for true, state-of-theart headphone perf o rmance. S HD600 $349

HD 580 Precision Headphones The HD 580 Precision are award-winning, audiophile-quality, open dynamic hi-fi/professional stereo headphones. The advanced diaphragm design eliminates standing waves for warm, natural sound. The HD 580 Precision can be connected directly to hi-fi systems of the highest quality, in particular DAT, DVD, MiniDisc and CD players. S 580 $199

HD 590 Precision Headphones The HD 590s are audiophile, open-aire, hi-fi stereo headphones that re p roduce harmonic and superbly transparent sound with absolute minimum distortion. With a weight of only 9.4 ounces, a sophisticated design and a new dampening technique, the HD 590 is an ideal choice for the professional monitoring of classical music recordings. S HD590 $229

Sennheiser has always been synonymous with high-quality sound, and they are the acknowledged world leader in m i c rophone technology, headphone transducer design and, more recently, in the development of active noise-compensation. The g rowth of Sennheiser has been d i rectly attributable to ongoing re s e a rch, precision engineering skills and meticulous manufacturing standards. Sennheiser products have been the first choice for engineers in the music and film industries as well as for discriminating music lovers.

HD 650 Headphones The audiophile HD 650 is the ultimate in openaire, dynamic headphone design. Developed from the award-winning HD 600, the HD 650 features improved materials for even better sound reproduction. They captivate the listener with their expressiveness and emotion while maintaining absolute precision and lifelike reproduction. S HD650 $499

HD 280 Professional Headphones The HD 280 Pro boasts extremely robust construction combined with extensive features that meet the re q u i rements of today’s most demanding applications. The unique collapsible design combined with swiveling ear cups offers maximum flexibility in any application. S 280PRO $99 ($200 RETAIL)

HD 437 Ultra-Light Supraural Headphones S HD437 $29.95

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3



TA B L E R A D I O S & M I N I S Y S T E M S

Tivoli Tivoli Audio was started by Tom DeVesto, a respected and established leader in the audio industry, with the goal of bringing simple-to-use, high-quality audio products to the consumer at reasonable prices. Says DeVesto, "the Model One table radio is so impressive, I started a company to sell it." Tivoli's products are designed by the legendary Henry Kloss and m a n u f a c t u red in Tivoli's own factory, allowing for exceptional quality contro l .

Model Satellite Sirius/AM/FM Table Radio Tivoli Audio and SIRIUS have joined forces to bring to market an elegantly simple, yet technologically sophisticated satellite radio for home use. S MODEL SAT $299


SatelliteCombo combines the Tivoli Audio Model Satellite with their Model CD player and Stereo Speaker to create the world’s coolest digital stereo system. Metallic Taupe/Cherry. S SATELLITECOMBO $549

Model One AM/FM Table Radio Where perf o rmance and simplicity are paramount but space is sparse, the Model One mono table radio fits the bill. With just three knobs, it is the antithesis of today's ever more complex e l e c t ronic products. But behind the Model One's simple, innocent appearance, hides a multitude of technology facilitating higher sound reproduction and better reception over anything else near it in size or cost. S MODEL ONE


Platinum Model One AM/FM Table Radio Since Tivoli first introduced the Model One table radio in 2000, critics have praised both the sound quality and the real wood veneer cabinets. The superb design and fine craftsmanship did as much to set Tivoli apart from the competition as did the critically-acclaimed Henry Kloss tuner and high fidelity sound. With the Platinum Series, they’ve taken their trademark wood cabinets to new heights. Each Platinum Series Model One features a hand-lacquered, high gloss wood cabinet. These hand-crafted cabinets go through a lengthy, multi-layer process to achieve their rich luster and elegant finish. S MODEL ONE PLAT


Model Three AM/FM Clock Radio Start your day the Tivoli Audio way. You don't need a degree in rocket science to operate the Model Three clock radio. Like Tivoli’s other products, the Model Three is simple to use, so you won't lose sleep wondering if you'll wake up. S MODEL THREE $199

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


Need a compact system with a big sound? Look no further than RadioCombo. This system, which pairs Tivoli’s critically acclaimed Model Two AM/FM stereo radio with the Model CD player, will fit any room and any budget. Metallic Taupe/Cherry. S RADIOCOMBO $359

Model Two Two-Piece Stereo AM/FM Table Radio

Stereophonic reproduction involves the separation of the left and right audio channels. So why then do most "stereo" radios closelyspace two speakers in a single cabinet? The two-piece Model Two does stereo right – and left. Placing the matching stereo speaker, with its 15 feet of cord, several feet from the main unit provides the detailed imaging and accurate soundstage that is so essential for true stereo reproduction. S MODEL TWO $159

TA B L E R A D I O S & M I N I S Y S T E M S

Dual Alarm Speaker Stereo sound and a second alarm. By adding the Dual Alarm Speaker, you'll turn your Model Three clock radio into a t rue stereo music system, capable of filling a room with warm, rich, detailed sound. You'll also get an accurate quartz alarm clock with a sleek thumbwheel to set the alarm time, and a snooze button. External AC power supply included. One year warranty. Off e red in Metallic Taupe/Cherry. Operates on AC or 12v. S DUAL ALARM $99

Model Subwoofer

For the critical listener looking to get the most from their music, computer games, or television sound, the diminutive Model Subwoofer extends the Model Two and Model Three's bass response by a half-octave. Don't confuse the Model Subwoofer with inexpensive computer speaker subwoofers with sloppy bass. The Model Subwoofer's five inch bass driver, 20 watt i n t e rnal amplifier, front ported design, and wood cabinet all translate into rich, musical sound. The Boston Globe said the Model Subwoofer "adds heft and foundation to the music. And it's fairly tight, not too thumpy." S MODEL SUBWOOF $79

Model CD

Whether you're looking for a CD player to complement your Model One table radio or the Model Two stereo radio, or are in need of a smaller-sized CD player to add to a home s t e reo system, the Model CD satisfies on both counts. S MODEL CD $199

SongBook AM/FM Portable Radio SongBook AM/FM portable radio delivers the wealth of programming that FM and AM has to offer, in Tivoli’s hallmark high-fidelity sound. Add that to the sensitive digital tuner, a l a rmclock, sleep timer, and built-in charger for NiMH/NiCAD batteries, and you have a first class portable clock radio. The unique rubberized coating helps to protect SongBook f rom Mother Nature ’s elements and from everyday wear and tear. They’ve even included a rear keyhole cut-out for easy wall mounting. And with multiple colors to choose from, y o u ’ re sure to find one that suits your style. S SONGBOOK $159

PAL Portable AM/FM Radio Ever wish you could enjoy the Model One's trademark sound quality and reception outdoors? You can, if you have a PAL. The Henry Kloss Portable Audio Laboratory's treated 2.5" magnetically shielded driver and rubberized cabinet are weather resistant, so your PAL can keep you company by the pool or the patio and its environmentally-friendly re c h a rgeable Nickel Metal Hydride battery pack has no memory and fully charges in about 3 hours. The clever little green LED serves as both a power and battery status indicator. The PAL borrows the same geareddown 5:1 ratio analog tuning dial as used in Tivoli’s critically acclaimed Model One radio for easy, accurate tuning. Also on tap is an auxiliary input to connect a CD, MP3 player, or other device, and a stereo headphone output for private listening (headphones not included), as a recording output, or to use the PAL as a high-quality outboard tuner. Amazing/expansive sound which must be heard to be believed. Offered in a profusion of fun colors. S PAL $129

iPAL Portable AM/FM Radio The iPAL is the perfect complement to the iPod. Functionally the same as Tivoli’s other PAL radios, it matches the sleek, m o d e rn, white and chrome appearance of the iPod. S IPAL $129

S t e reo Speaker

ARCAM Wake up in stereo. By adding the Stereo Speaker, you'll turn your Model Three clock radio into a true stereo music system, capable of filling a room with warm, rich, detailed sound. Placing the companion speaker, with its 15 feet of cord, several feet from the main unit, provides the detailed imaging and accurate sound that is essential for stereo reproduction. S STEREO SPEAKER $49

Solo The ARCAM Solo has been assembled using audiophile standard components and design methods. CD playback is exceptional, radio performance is first class, and the amplifier delivers real power with finesse. It combines the functions of a high-perf o rmance CD Player, FM Tuner, Preamplifier, and Power Amplifier in one compact and attractive package. S SOLO $1,599

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3




Multi-Ways High-quality power distribution strips with upgradable flexibility. Available in 4, 6 or 8way configurations, this series of distribution strips offers surge protection coupled with proprietary technology which reduces product c ross contamination. The Multi-Ways deliver astonishing perf o rmance and value for money. Upgrade to Gemini and Orion circuits for increased performance. Units can be wall mounted. S MULTIWAY4 $299 S MULTIWAY6 $389 S MULTIWAY8 $425

Gemini & Orion Flexible system of products that can grow as a system expands. Two high quality sockets provide clean power through an individually parallel filtered network. Orion offers multiple shunt, multiple series and multiple delta filtering coupled. Ideal for sparse high-end audio or AV systems. S ORION $575 S ISO GEMINI $375

Wall Bracket A simple discrete three-piece bracket assembly which allows the Multi-Ways, Gemini or Orion units to be wall mounted either vertically or horizontally. S WALLBRACKET $29.95

IsoTek Power Cords sold separately. w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


IsoTek Solus High power distribution system with upgradable flexibility. Rack width distribution system featuring six sockets which remove mains noise through a complex series of parallel filter networks and proprietary ‘Polaris-X’ technology reducing product cross contamination. Upgrade to award-winning Mini Sub or Vision models. S SOLUS $575

GII Mini Sub & Vision The multi-award-winning rack width power distribution system. This unit features six individually-filtered outputs, two of which are high c u rrent for power amplifiers or other high c u rrent drawing products. The unit uses a multiple filtering network and sophisticated gating principles to deliver unrivaled perf o rmance at the price. S GII VISION $1,045 S GII MINISUB $950

Full System Enhancer A series of complex composite-algorithm signals have been designed to both thoroughly burn-in and break down magnetic fields within the components of an audio or AV system leading to complete demagnetization and system rejuvenation. This disc contains three tracks lasting a total of 65 minutes. S FULLSYS $29.95

IsoTek is the UK’s leading manufacturer of power line conditioners throughout Europe and Eastern European markets. Each product is designed and hand made in England with deep consideration given to both style and functionality, perf o rmance and value for money. IsoTek searches for excellence at every level and does their best to meet new challenges wisely.

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3


Richard Gray

RGPC High Tension Wi re

It’s all about power. Rich a rd Gray ’s Power Company: When You’re Ready For The Best RGPC SubStation This huge Isolation Step-down Transformer re-invents “Balanced Power” utilizing a 240volt line for total isolation of the AC circuit. Provides maximum lightning protection, no ground loops, and nearly 1,000 watts more than a 15-amp AC line. The SubStation provides the most stable and constant source of AC power yet. A 120-volt version is available for those who do not want to run a 240-volt line. S RG SUB $2,995

RGPC 400 Pro A four-outlet, audiophile-quality Power Delivery device with a 20-amp IEC cord for use with today’s highp o w e red amplifiers and digital devices. Upgraded outlets are wired in parallel like the 1200C. Designed to be placed next to the components needing line enhancement. Features four Hubbell AC outlets, 12-gauge internal wiring, a surge protection system, a six-foot 14-gauge power cord and an internal 15 amp IEC Connector and 15 amp slo-blow fuse.

This patent pending design allows more of the AC signal to pass through, unrestricted, than the high-end esoteric power cords. This new power cord is designed to power all components within a stereo or home theater system. Call about custom lengths. S HIWIRE 15 AMP 1.5 METER $595 S HIWIRE 20 AMP 1.5 METER $615

RGPC Pole Pig Like its big brother the SubStation, the Pole Pig acts as an isolation transformer that helps eliminate the annoying ground loops that can plague your system. The Pole Pig, with six Hubbell outlets, is perfect for isolating the front-end components (preamp, DVD player etc.) of a home theater system or for powering a complete high-end audio system. S RG POLEPIG $1,495

S RG 400PRO $795

While supplies last! RGPC 400 MK II S RG 400 $779

RGPC 1200S

RGPC 600S Offering all the same striking good looks and benefits of the larger RGPC 1200S at a more attractive price, the RGPC 600S is perfect for the more budgetconscious audio/video enthusiast with a smaller system. S RG 600 (BLACK) $1,295 S RG 600S (SILVER) $1,295

RGPC 1200S is housed in a knock-you-dead g o rgeous rack/shelf-mountable component, black anodized front panel and a rearilluminated RGPC retro-looking logo. It is the power of two RGPC 400MK IIs, wired i n t e rnally with 12-gauge wiring and 12 Hubbell AC Outlets. It includes a surge protection system, a six-foot 12-gauge heavy duty power cord, 20 amp IEC connector with twin 20 amp fast-blow fuses. S RG 1200 (BLACK) $2,195 S RG 1200S (SILVER) $2,195

RGPC Powerhouse Designed and engineered to power larger home theater and home automation systems, the P o w e rhouse can handle up to 6200-watts of continuous power and is the largest, most powerful rack-mountable Power Delivery product to date.

These line conditioners will clean up the grunge and distortion on your AC power line. Used in your home theater, you’ll notice more distinct and articulate voices, and you’ll actually see the difference in your picture. Critics agree, these are the ones to buy if you want the best.


A c o u stic Sounds will not sell these products in areas where there is already a Richard Gray dealer. w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


Echo Busters Echo Busters Phase 4

Probably the most

Four-way full frequency tunable bass towers. 4’ x 12” x 12”

important part of your s t e reo system, your

S PHASE4 $345

listening room, is often the most overlooked. Call Clark for consultation

EchoBuster 4’ x 18” The most common bad acoustical environment is a bright reflective room. We ’ re not just talking about a sun-drenched, tile-floored, bare-walled room, although these are exactly the kind of rooms which are bad acoustical spaces. The sound bounces back and forth, mercilessly ricocheting off the walls, windows, floors and ceilings, dying out about three seconds after the sound was issued. Echo Busters are specifically designed to absorb the echoes, reverberations and distortions which smear the soundstage your speakers are trying to recreate. In reducing reflected sound, a quieter and more revealing listening environment will be created. S ECHO4X18 $190 EACH S ECHO5X23 $265 EACH

Corner Buster

on room treatments to

Corner Busters are typically placed in the ceiling corners. This eliminates the "megaphone" effect corners are infamous for. Corners are also known for having ALL frequencies eventually find their way there. By neatly capping this corn e r juncture with a Corner Buster, you’ll create a surface that absorbs almost all the frequencies that hit upon it and prevent them from being ricocheted back into the room, amplified like a megaphone.

help you get the most out of your listening experience.


Bass Buster 4’ x 9” Bass Busters improve bass reproduction in your audio or home theater environment by removing unwanted low frequencies. Standing waves are formed by sound bouncing off walls, floors and ceilings and crashing into each o t h e r at certain points in the room. These low frequencies need to be removed to allow you to hear the full bass extension your speakers are capable of reproducing. Bass Busters increase the dimensionality of your soundstage imaging by reflecting unabsorbed sound in a hemispherical pattern back into the room. RECOMMENDED S BASS4X9 $289.50 EACH


Double Buster 4’ x 12” Double Busters create the soundfield diffusion that is the hallmark of a great acoustical space. By redirecting and scattering flat sound waves, a lively and involving listening experience is realized. Serving double duty through both absorption and reflection, Double Busters are invaluable for any home entertainment system. Available for wall mounting or on stands. S DOUBLE4X12 $195 EACH

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3

Echo Busters Phase 4




Nitty Gritty


Model 1.0

Model 2.5

Manual fluid application and scrubbing as well as manual rotation during vacuum cycles. Black vinyl wood-grain cabinet.

Automatic fluid application, automatic rotation during scrub and vacuum cycles.


Mini Pro

Built from the ground up using the highest quality parts; very quiet, effective and e x t remely durable. The record cleaning brush is user adjustable. Cleaning fluid application is accomplished with an integrated pump system that applies the cleaning solution to the LP surface during the vinyl wash cycle. This special micro-fibre cleaning brush effectively s c rubs the grooves to pick up every piece of dirt. The bi-directional platter allows complete coverage of the LP surface and deep cleaning into the groove during the scrubbing process. The vacuum pick-up system has two speeds to totally clean dirty records. Available in black or clear.

Automatically wets, rotates, scrubs and vacuums both sides simultaneously.



R e c o rd Master 1/2 Similar to Model 1.0 but includes built in adapter for all size records. S NGMASTER 1 $275 S NGMASTER 2 $325

Matrix Record Cleaner


VPI Model 1.5 Manual fluid application and automatic rotation during scrub and vacuum cycles. BLACK VINYL WOOD-GRAIN CABINET S NG 1.5 $419 OAK CABINET S NG 2.5 $469

Capstan Replacement Kit For Nitty Gritty LP cleaning machines. Kit contains four replacement capstans and a tube of adhesive for installation. S CAPSTAN $12



The HW-16.5 is VPI’s most-affordable record cleaning machine, but neither its build quality nor its cleaning power has been compromised. Clean your records with the HW-16.5 and hear what you’ve been missing.

The HW-17F cleans the oldest, dirtiest records thoroughly, providing a pristinely clean, dry, static-free record that sounds better than new. Ideal for audiophiles, record archives, radio stations, audio retailers and used record stores. 110V or 220V.

S VPI 16.5A $495 S VPI 16.5 $495 (230 VOLT)

110V S VPI HW17/F $949.99 220V S VPI HW17/FE $1,040




Smart Mild

Smart Premier Pre-Cleaner

For use with record cleaning machines. Smart Mild is designed for shellac or lacquer 78-RPM re c o rds, for “instant” one-off recordings, and for cellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate 16” electrical transcriptions. Contains no alcohol that will severely damage these materials. Features a mild surfactant, record lubricant, and antistatic solution. This formula is safe for all records. 8 oz. spray bottle.

Ideal for removing mold release compound from records. This sticky material is used in the record pressing operation to allow the record stampers to separate during manufacturing. Ozone safe, modern HFC substitute for Freon. Dissolves the residue and then quickly evaporates. Should be used on all new records. Follow the use of Premiér with your normal cleaning fluid. 11 oz. spray can

S MILD $9.95

S PREMIER $19.99

Smart Regular For use with record cleaning machines. F o rmulated specifically for vinyl m i c ro g roove 45 and 33 1⁄3-RPM re c o rds. Also may be used on 78RPM records produced around 1950 made from vinylite. Contains a small amount of industrial alcohol. Some contaminants on a vinyl record are water soluble and others are alcohol soluble. 8 oz. spray bottle. S REGULAR $12.95

Smart Potent For use with record cleaning machines. Smart Potent is for extremely abused re c o rds that are filthy. Aggressive, extra hard working solvent, along with other chemicals, are for heavy duty cleaning of dirty records. Ideal for re c o rd collectors that transfer their old, difficult LPs and 45s to CD or other digital media. Must be used only on vinyl records and vinyl electrical transcriptions. 8 oz. spray bottle. S POTENT $14.95

Smart Buggtussel Gold-Zyme Cleanser 2 oz Concentrate For use with record cleaning machines. Not a record cleaner at all, but a powerful enzyme that neutralizes and removes mold (sometimes spelled mould in scientific circles), spores, fungus, and bacteria that grow in the grooves of a re c o rd. Very effective in pre-cleaning a re c o rd. Should be followed with your n o rmal cleaning fluid.

LAST Record Cleaning Machine (RCM) Fluid This is the purest Record Cleaning Machine Fluid on the market. Last uses triple filtered deioinized water and re s e a rch-grade chemicals to ensure that no residue or impurities are left on your records. It is biodegradable, easy to use and safe for all vinyl records. Removes even the tough, sticky manufacturing residues from new records.

THE DISC DOCTOR Miracle Record Cleaning Kits Kits contain 12” LP-sized applicators ( Type A brush) plus cleaner. S S S S


$65.50 (PINT KIT) $78.25 (QUART KIT) $100.75 (1⁄2 GALLON KIT) $154.50 (GALLON KIT)

S RCM 01 $50

VPI RCM R e c o rd Cleaning Solution Concentrate Harry Wiesfeld at VPI developed RCM Concentrate. Just pour this 1 oz bottle of fluid into one gallon of pure water and Presto! — you've got a gallon of one of the best vinyl record cleaners in the world! S VPI CON FLUID $16

Genie in a Bottle Call for details. S GENIE $35 (25 ML)

THE DISC DOCTOR Miracle Record Cleaner Concentrate Available in pint, quart, 1⁄2 gallon and gallon bottles; a concentrate is available for international delivery. The 4 oz. flip-cap dispenser accompanies each bottle of cleaner. Detailed instructions are included. For LPs, 45s, Shellac & Plastic 78s, Edison Diamond Discs, Acetates and Lacquers (fluid only). S S S S

DDPT $23.50 (PINT) DDQT $36.25 (QUART) DD1⁄2 $58.75 (1⁄2 GALLON) DD1G $112.50 (GALLON)

THE DISC DOCTOR Miracle Record Brush S S S S

S GOLDZYME 2 OZ $49.99


$42 $30 $37 $42


THE DISC DOCTOR Replacement Pads

Sign up for our weekly e-mail – you may win The Director t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3

Replacement pads for Disc Doctor Record Brushes. S S S S



A $14 (12” LP BRUSH SIZE) B $14 (45 RPM BRUSH SIZE) C $14 (10” 78 BRUSH SIZE) D $14 (SIZE D)




Brushes AudioQuest Carbon Fiber Brush

Over one million polished carbon fibers gently remove particles of dirt from record grooves and eliminate static electricity. Works on LCD screens and keyboards, too! S AQ BRUSH $20

Hunt EDA Mark 6 R e c o rd Cleaning Brush Carbon-fiber bristles clean deep into your LP g rooves while a velvet bru s h simultaneously takes care of the record surface. And, the velvet pad acts as an opposing charge to the static buildup that the bristles create. This is a very cool product. S HUNT RB $25

Decca 2x2 Record Brush

Cleaners LAST Record Care Products LAST Record Preservative chemically enhances the molecular stability, and there f o re the cohesiveness, of your record groove surface so that it completely resists the damaging effects of stylus shock waves. The 30-second treatment affects the vinyl to a depth of about ten molecular layers and becomes part of the groove wall. There are no surface residues that can be picked up by the stylus. In fact, overuse is harmless. LAST Power Cleaner is specifically designed to remove pressing residues and contaminants left over from the manufacturing process. These sticky residues are tightly bound to the groove wall and attract and hold dirt and debris that cannot be removed by the usual water or water/alcohol mix re c o rd cleaner. LAST All Purpose Cleaner is the most advanced everyday record cleaning solution available. It is easy to use and apply plus economical and safe for both vinyl and 78s. S SFC O12 $53 (RECORD PRESERVATIVE 2 OZ & POWER CLEANER 3⁄4 OZ) S SF 100 $30 (POWER CLEANER 3⁄4 OZ) S PC 100 $178 (POWER CLEANER 4 OZ) S SF 200 $30 (RECORD PRESERVATIVE 2 OZ) S SFC O23 $43 (RECORD PRESERVATIVE & ALL PURPOSE CLEANER 2 OZ EACH)

Carbon fibers and polyimide bristles deepclean your grooves without scratching the vinyl. S DECCA2X2 $24.95

Nitty Gritty Bristle Brush Bristle Brush used to apply fluid deep into your record’s grooves. Recomended for moldie oldies and new pressings alike. Black nylon, 1⁄2” bristle. S NGBRISTLE $21.95

Nitty Gritty Record Cleaning Brush


LAST Microfiber Applicators For vinyl cleaning products. S APPLICAT $17.50 (PACK OF 10)

The Orbitrac is back after a long hiatus. The new design uses improved cleaning pads and special fluid to clean your LPs. It can be used on its own or as a “ p re-clean” to i m p rove the efficiency of a record-cleaning machine. Recommended and used by Stereophile’s Michael Fremer. S ORBITRAC 2 $39.99 S ORBITRAC PADS $11.50 (REPLACEMENT PADS) S ORBITRAC FLUID $3.99 (REPLACEMENT FLUID)

G ruv-Glide Record Treatment G ruv-Glide is a dry record treatment that actually enhances the sound of your records. In the past, even the highest quality cartridge could not truly access all the sonic nuances of a vinyl disc. Gruv-Glide changes all that by cleaning the g roove and bringing out the best possible sound. Each kit contains one 4.5 oz. aerosol treatment, two specialized applicator pads, directions and a static tester. S GRUV $24.95

R e c o rd Research Lab Super Deep Cleaner Concentrate for recordcleaning machines. S DEEP CLEANER $25 (16 OZ)

Nitty Gritty Purifier 2 General record cleaning fluid for all LPs. S PUR2-16 $16.95 (16 OZ.) S PUR2 1⁄2 GAL $39.95 (1⁄2 GALLON) S PUR2-GAL $60 (ONE GALLON)

Nitty Gritty Purifier 1 General record cleaning fluid for 78 RPMs. Record cleaning brush useful for bi-directional scrubbing.

Orbitrac 2

S PUR1-16 $15 (FOR 78 RPMs/16 OZ) S PUR1-GAL $60 (FOR 78 RPMs/ONE GAL)


w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

R e c o rd Research Lab Super Vinyl Wash Second step in the Record Research cleaning process. The Super Vinyl Wash goes hand-inhand with the Super Deep Cleaner. It eliminates any residue left from the Deep Cleaner. S VINYL WASH $25 (32 OZ)


CD Care CD sleeves Paper sleeve with window & flap. 50 per pack.

R e c o rd Research Lab Shine Ola CD/DVD/SACD Cleaner

Resealable CD sleeves

Carbon fibers and polyimide bristles deep-clean your grooves without scratching the vinyl.

100 per pack.


S CDW400 50 $7.50


SACD Jewel Case The same external dimensions as the Original Jewel Box means that it will fit retail and domestic storage systems. S t ronger hinges and disc clamp mean a huge improvement over other jewel boxes. The SACD logo is molded into the tray. S SACD JEWEL $1

SACD Jewel Case Fliptray (2 discs) This case has a fliptray to hold a second disc. S SACD SJB FLIP $1.50

Walker Audio Vivid CD & DVD Enhancer Walker Audio has developed a new product that improves the sound of CDs and the sound and picture quality of DVDs by as much as 30%. Vivid is called an "enhancer" because it does much more than clean the discs. It contains a cleaning agent, optical enhancer and de-static properties. This allows the CD or DVD player to receive more of the information that is on the disc and reproduce it with astonishing clarity. S WAV $70

Auric Illuminator Optical Disc Playback Resolution Enhancement DVDA Jewel Box (2 discs) Designed for DVD Audio. The box is one inch taller than the SJB Standard and an original jewel case.

Improves the audible and visible playback quality of all optical discs. S AURICILLUM $39.95

S DVDA SJB 2D $1.50

SACD Lift-Lock Jewel Case The locking mechanism of the jewel box literally locks the disc in place without putting all the pressure on the spindle hole of the disc. S SACDLIFT JEWEL $1

Check our web site for

Marigo Labs 3D Mat Designed to get the most f rom your SACD, DVD-A, DVD-V, and CD discs by addressing issues centered around vibration, stray magnetism, static, and optical diffraction. S 3D MAT $95 SIGNATURE 3D MAT S 3DSIG MAT $199

Audio Prism CD Backlight The CD Blacklight disc is comprised of multiple laminations of synthetic materials that are laid-up in a constrained layering scheme, which provides very good damping characteristics. Conductive carbon is used on the interface surface to guide electrostatic buildup (each CD spinning inside your transport generates a static charge just by rotating in air) away from the disc. The proprietary phosphorescence layer glows further to "bias" the laser, further reducing the effects of jitter. With CD Blacklight, music is more alive, neutral and detailed. S BLACKLIGHT $19.99

Audio Prism CD Stoplight During CD playback, a significant quantity of stray laser light bounces around inside a CD. This stray light eventually finds its way back to the pick-up assembly, creating jitter. CD Stoplight was developed to passively reduce the effects of stray light. By absorbing the stray light at the transport passively, rather than attempting to reduce its effects downstream electronically, jitter is reduced at the source, keeping it out of the playback chain. S STOPLITE $20


Nitty Gritty CD Cleaning Fluid For CD and laser discs. S PURE CD $12 (4 OZ.)







Au24 Interconnect

Sky Audio Interconnect Critically acclaimed, a w a rd winning i n t e rconnects.

King Cobra Interconnect

3 x 20 AWG PSS uses teflon air tubes (50% more air). 72v DBS.

36v DBS.

(DBS 1 METER) S AQSKY1M $2,100



(1 METER) S AQKINGCOBRA1M $175 (1.5 METER PAIR) S AU24-1.5 $670 (1 METER PAIR) S AU24-1 $502

Cheetah Audio Interconnect 3 x 21 AWG PSS uses teflon air tubes (50% more air). 36v DBS.

Maestro High Resolution Audio Cables Maestro cables are an excellent choice when high resolution combined with rugged construction and moderate price are called for.

Conductor cables are a highperformanceto-price-ratio, entry-level cable. They are an excellent choice and within most any audio budget.

The use of sophisticated design techniques, superior materials and an exceptional termination system combine to make Diamondback i n t e rconnects possible.

(DBS 1 METER) S AQCHE24V1 $1,000

Jaguar Audio Interconnect 3 x 21 AWG PSC plus teflon air tubes (50% more air). 36v DBS.

S AUDMAE1 $232

Conductor High Resolution Audio Cables

Diamondback Interconnect


(DBS 4 METER) S AQJAG4M $800 (DBS 3 METER) S AQJAG24V3 $650 2 METER) S AQJAG24V2 $500 1.5 METER) S AQJAG24V1.5 $425 1 METER) S AQJAG24V1 $350 1 METER) S AQJAG24V1XLR $300 .5 METER) S AQJAG24V.5 $275

(2 METER) S AQ DIAM 2M $185 (1.5 METER) S AQ DIAM 1.5M $155 (1 METER) S AQ DIAM $125

Copperhead Interconnect PSC Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving the Copperhead i n t e rconnects very clean sound. (1 METER PAIR) S AQ COP $75

Panther Audio Interconnect 3 x 21 AWG PSC plus teflon air tubes (50% more air). 36v DBS.

Sidewinder Interconnect An inexpensive cable that sounds great.

(DBS 1 METER) S AQPAN24V1 $700


(2 METER) S AUD COND2 $169 (1 METER) S AUD COND1 $154

G-Snake Interconnect (1 METER) S AQ GSNAKE 1M $25

Silver Circle Audio RCA Interconnect Timewise Interconnect Allows the presentation of marvelous detail and clarity while providing superior bass extension, all the while presenting music against a b a c k g round of the blackest silence. (2 METER BALANCED) S TIMEWISE 2MB $550 (1.5 METER BALANCED) S TIMEWISE 1.5MB $500 (1 METER BALANCED) S TIMEWISE 1MB $450 (2 METER) S TIMEWISE 2M $450 (1.5 METER) S TIMEWISE 1.5M $400

Silver Circle Audio i n t e rconnects are constructed from 2 conductor 18 AWG silver-plated copper. The conductors are c o v e red with an extruded Teflon dielectric and covered with a shield of silver-plated copper braid. The cable is then covered with another layer of Teflon and shielded a second time. The cable is then covered with a Teflon tape dielectric and t e rminated with silver-plated copper alloy locking RCA plugs. (2 METER) S SCA INT 2M $300 (1.5 METER) S SCA INT 1.5M $215 (1 METER) S SCA INT 1M $200


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Audience Au24 Speaker Cable T h e re is a common misconception that loudspeaker cable must be large in diameter and have a low DC resistance in order to provide good bass response. So while visual comparison to other more massively-constructed speaker cables may lead you to believe the Audience Au24 will sound “lean” or “thin,” once auditioned it will be obvious that aesthetics do not mean everything. In fact, the Audience designer initially encased the speaker wire in l a rge insulation and fancy cosmetic sleeving only to find the sound greatly deteriorate. 2 METER PAIR W/RHODIUM SPADE TERMINATIONS S AU24-S $931

Mont Blanc Cable 72 volt DBS Mont Blanc uses a c a refully finessed combination of PerfectSurface Copper (PSC) and extremely high purity Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) conductors. (8’ PAIR) S AQMONT24V8 $1,785

Pike's Peak Cable 36 volt DBS P i k e ’s Peak uses a c a refully finessed combination of PerfectSurface Copper (PSC) and extremely high purity Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) conductors.

construction of Type 4 allows for significantlybetter dynamic contrast and information retrieval than if the same conductors were run in parallel. Other lengths are available. (10’ PAIR) S AQ TYPE 4 $180 (8’ PAIR) S SPEAKER CABLE $164

Slate Speaker Cable Slate now uses the Flatrock geometry for full range or single-biwire use. It uses a lower grade of copper conductor than the CV-4, but makes up for it with a much l a rger gauge that allows for better bass reproduction. (8’ PAIR) S AQ SLATE 8FT $295

Gibraltar Speaker Cable Same design as Granite but adds PSC+ conductors with 36v DBS.

(8’ PAIR) S AQPIKES24V8 $1,100

AudioQuest Everest Cable 72 volt DBS Everest uses e x t remely high purity Perfect-Surface Silver (PSS) conductors. All conductors are solid, which prevents strand interaction, a major s o u rce of distortion. Surface quality is critical because a conductor can be considered as a rail-guide for both the electric fields within a conductor, and for the magnetic fields outside the conductor. The astonishingly smooth and pure PerfectSurface eliminates harshness and greatly increases clarity compared to other premium coppers or silvers. (8’ PAIR) S AQEVE24V8 $11,700

Kilimanjaro Cable 72 volt DBS Kilimanjaro uses e x t remely high purity Perfect-Surface Silver (PSS) conductors. (8’ PAIR) S AQKIL24V8 $6,400

CV-6 Speaker Cable A larger version of the AQ CV-4, the new CV-6 uses 6 solid conductors in a SST ( S p read Spectrum Technology) design. The increased surface area has the ability to deliver increased power and current with less resistance to your loudspeakers for even tighter and fuller bass and increased dynamic swings. The AQ CV-6 is available in any length or in a bi-wire configuration. (10’ PAIR) S AQ CV6 $675

CV-4 Speaker Cable Using the same solid-core SST geometry as the AQ Type-4, the CV-4 sonic i m p rovement is a result of the PSC (Perfect Surface Copper) used in its manufacturing. This unique metal allows the CV-4 to out-perf o rm previous AudioQuest cables that cost several times as much. The level of focus, transparency and detail are unprecedented at this price. The AQ CV-4 can be ordered in any length. (10’ PAIR) S AQ CV4 $450

Volcano Cable 72 volt DBS Volcano uses a carefully finessed combination of Perfect-Surface Copper (PSC) and extremely high purity PerfectSurface Copper+ (PSC+) conductors. Extremely high-purity PSC+ further minimizes distortion caused by grain boundaries, which exist within any metal conductor.

Type-4 Speaker Cable By using solid-core conductors and SST (Spread Spectrum Technology), the AQ Type-4 Speaker Cable minimizes the electrical and magnetic interaction between strands that is the most common source of distortion in other cables. The spiral

(8’ PAIR) S AQVOL24V8 $2,900

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B i w i re Jumpers Solid PSC copper jumpers replace factory fitted jumpers on most biwireable speakers. 4” x 4” pieces. S AQBIWIREJUMP $20

Silver Circle Audio Standard Speaker Wi re Silver Circle Audio has produced the first cables we know of to use conductors of diff e rent materials within the same speaker cable to produce a very specific effect. Within each run of cable we use 2 conductors of highquality 14 AWG copper and 2 of 12 AWG silver-plated copper. We have found that copper produces a better bass extension and response, whereas silver-plated copper produces exquisite detail and high-end extension. The conductors are twisted and a rranged in a Litz-type configuration. (20’ PAIR) S SCA STD 20FT $315 (10’ PAIR) S SCA STD 10FT $280 (8’ PAIR) S SCA STD 8FT $240 (10’ BI-WIRE PAIR) S SCA BIWIRE10FT $340



D I G I TA L I N T E R C O N N E C T S & P O W E R C O R D S

AudioQuest Hawk Audio Digital Interconnect

Audience PowerChord The Audience PowerChord’s unique stranded design makes them the most flexible and user-friendly to install. Once the PowerChords are in place you will be amazed by the lowered noise floor and removal of several layers of g runge and veiling that has been robbing your system from achieving its best sound. S AUPC $467 (6 FT)

(AES/EBU) uses Hard Cell Foam insulated solid PSS Silver conductors. Hawk is a dedicated 110W triple balanced design. Triple balanced means that each of the three "signals" has its own identical low distortion conductor. (110 OHMS) S AQ HAWK $950

AudioQuest Falcon Audio Digital Interconnect

AudioQuest NRG-2 (IEC-3 POLE) AC Power Cable NRG-2’s RF Stopper filters Radio Frequency Interference in both directions. It prevents outside interference from entering the equipment, and prevents equipment generated interference (from all digital equipment and tuners) from reaching other equipment in the system.

Hook up with Richard Gray’s High Tension Wire

(IEC-3 POLE) S AQ NRG-2 $175 (C7-2 POLE/SIX FT) S AQ NRG-1 6FT $75 (C7-2 POLE/THREE FT) S AQ NRG-1 $60

First Impressions Music Power Cord (SEVEN FT) S FIM PC7FT $1,600 (FIVE FT) S FIM PC5FT $1,400

(110 OHMS) S AQ FALCON $250

AudioQuest Optilink 1

When using a Toslink (EIA-J) fiber optic cable, it is the “one” most important audio cable in your system. The sound quality of all the channels, whether two or five or more, are dependent on this one cable to deliver an undistorted, smooth, clear and dynamic perf o rmance. The thoroughly engineered synthetic fiber in CinemaQuest OptiLink-1 minimizes signal loss and jitter. (1 METER) S OPTILINK1 $80

Silver Circle Audio Power Cord We've found a power cord that not only sounds great but is priced so low that we couldn't believe our ears. This is one hell of a cord. Incredible sound. Now's your chance to steal a 6-footer at $199 or an 8-footer for $240. Don't miss out. S PCA POWER 6 FT $199 S PCA POWER 8 FT $240

RGPC High Tension Wi re R i c h a rd Gray’s Power Company introduces an 8-gauge power cord termed RGPC HighTension Wi re. This patent pending design allows more of the AC signal to pass through, unrestricted, than the high-end esoteric power cords. It’s designed to power all components within a s t e reo or home theater system. Call about custom lengths. S HIWIRE 15AMP 11⁄2 METER $595 S HIWIRE 20AMP 11⁄2 METER $615

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AudioQuest Preamp Jumpers

Cardas Caps Cardas Caps fit over unused Female jacks in your stereo system, keeping RFI distortion out and your noise floor lower. Larger systems, with more unused jacks should benefit in particular.

First Impressions Music 307 Connector 20 amp IEC Male for chassis mounting. (20 AMP) S FIM 307 $25 (15 AMP) S FIM 306 $8

(PACK OF 12) S CCAPS $35.99

C a rdas Male/Female XLR Cap Cover S AQ PREJUMP $25 (PAIR)

Furutech Wall Plug FPW-2R (JP) AudioQuest P8M-S Speaker Cable Connector

Rhodium Audio-grade wall receptacle. Type: two-pole + earth. S FPW-2R $130 (RHODIUM) S FPW-2G $78 (GOLD)


Multi-Spade/Silver/set of four.

Furutech FI-25M (R) Hi-End Grade Rhodium Plated Male Plug First Impressions Music 880 Duplex Outlet

S AQ P8M-S $16

AudioQuest Crimp BFA-G Connectors Set of four.

(20 amp)

S AQ BFA $15

S FIM 880 $68

Furutech's flagship power plug. A 15-amp highend, audio-grade power connector. Delete the magnetic influence of screws and prevent overall electromagnetic effects. S FI-25MR $98

F u rutech FI-20[R], Rhodium Plated Audio Grade Power Connector Audio-grade IEC connector. Delete the magnetic influence of screws and prevent overall electromagnetic effects. S FI-20R $80

First Impressions Music 303 15 Amp Power Plug

AudioQuest Adapter Plug 3.5mm to 2 RCA S AQ PLUG3.5MM $12

AudioQuest Hard Y Adapter S AQ HARD Y $12

S FIM 303 $50

First Impressions Music 302 Connector

Cardas RDIN Phono Plug S R DIN $68

C a rdas Male XLR to Female RCA Adapter These custom made adapters mate a Cardas GRFA female or GRMO male RCA connector to either a female or male XLR. They feature Rhodium and Silver contact surfaces.

F u rutech FI-20M[R], Rhodium Plated Audio Grade Power Connector Audio-grade power connector. Delete the magnetic influence of screws and prevent overall electromagnetic effects. S FI-20MR $80

Furutech FI-15E[G] 24K Gold Plated OFC

15 amp female. For larger cables. S FIM 302 $50

Type: two-pole + earth.

First Impressions Music 301 Connector


Furutech FI-15E[G] Audio-Grade Power Connector

15 amp female. For smaller cables.

Type: two-pole + earth.

S FIM 301 $25 S FI-15MEG $36


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Furutech E-TP80 AC Power Filter A special material called GC-303 is paved on the chassis of the E-TP80 using a special Epoxy resin to absorb electromagnetic waves. Like an antenna that receives radio waves, the GC303, in a non-contact way, effectively absorbs the electromagnetic waves conducted by all of the internal fittings. The E-TP80 does not use any vertical or horizontal noise filters that potentially degrade audio quality because as electricity currents pass filters, audio output becomes less leaping and less powerful.

Quantum E l e c t roClear QRT Enhancement System E l e c t roClear is a new, space saving device that utilizes proven technology to minimize the electrical noise and interf e rence. It is a highly-refined shunt filter that installs across the power line, cleaning up noise and interference without affecting the flow of electrical power. S QRT-1 $49.95

Quantum Power Strip Completely parallel to the AC line. No power restriction. Enhances audio/ video signals.

S E-TP80 $499

Furutech E-TP60 AC Power Distributor This component minimizes the common problem of contaminated electrical power hindering AV equipment’s ability to perform at its peak level. Electrical power is pure and clean at the plant. But during transmission, noises generated from industrial motors, transformers and even home appliances will enter through the power cable and severely distort the voltage wave. For AV equipment this issue is especially important. S E-TP60 $399

Quantum Symphony Pro AC Line Conditioner The Symphony Pro utilizes the power of Quantum Resonance Technology (QRT), dramatically i m p roving your system. Your audio will have expanded range, deeper sound staging and more harmonic fullness.

S Q-BAR $199.95

IsoTek GII Mini-Sub

The multi-award-winning rack width power distribution system. This unit features six individually filtered outputs, two of which are high current for power amplifiers or other high c u rrent drawing products. The unit uses a multiple filtering network and sophisticated gating principles to deliver unrivaled performance at the price. S GII MINISUB $950

IsoTek Multi-Ways

IsoTek Nova

Designed primarily for high-end sourc e components but with enough power delivery to cope with the biggest of power amplifiers, the Nova provides a full system solution. The Nova features a cutting edge nine-stage directcoupled design which offers the highest possible common and diff e rential mode rejection. S NOVA $2,575

Available in 4, 6 or 8-way configurations this series of distribution strips offers surg e protection coupled with ‘Polaris-X’ technology to reduce product cross contamination. The Multi-Ways deliver astonishing performance and value for money and can also be upgraded to feature the more sophisticated Gemini and Orion circuts. S MULTIWAY4 $299 S MULTIWAY6 $389 S MULTIWAY8 $425

IsoTek Solus

IsoTek GII Vision


Quantum Symphony AC Line Conditioner The Quantum Symphony enhances audio, video, data and wireless em fields directly as well as AC power line signals. The technology employed lowers the component and system signal noise floor.

Same as the Mini-Sub but has an extra layer of filtering specifically for home systems. S GII VISION $1,045

Rack width distribution system featuring six sockets which remove main noise through a complex series of parallel filter networks and proprietary ‘Polaris-X’ technology, reducing product cross contamination. Upgrade to a w a rd-winning Mini Sub or vision models available. S SOLUS $575

S SYMPHONY $299.95

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IsoTek Orion

RGPC Pole Pig Like its big brother the SubStation, the Pole Pig acts as an isolation transformer that helps eliminate the annoying ground loops that can plague your system. The Pole Pig, with six Hubbell outlets, is perfect for isolating the front-end components (preamp, DVD player etc.) of a home theater system or for powering a complete high-end audio system.

Developed for high-end applications, the Orion is packed with the latest technological breakthroughs. Multiple shunt, multiple series, multiple delta filtering coupled with sophisticated gating principles and ‘PolarisX’ technology are used to isolate source from high current components.


S ORION $575

RGPC 600S IsoTek Gemini RGPC SubStation

This unit eliminates product cross contamination through sophisticated shunt filters coupled with IsoTek’s proprietary ‘Polaris-X’ technology. Gemini features two high quality outlets rated at 2,300 Watts, which are suitable for virtually all components. The compact design also offers easy ‘plug-nplay’ installation and can be safely used with all components. S ISO GEMINI $375

IsoTek Multi-way Wall Bracket A simple, discrete, t h ree-piece bracket assembly which allows the Multi-Ways, Gemini or Oiron units to be wall mounted either vertically or horizontally. S WALLBRACKET $29.95

This huge Isolation Step-down Transformer re-invents “Balanced Power” utilizing a 240volt line for total isolation of the AC circuit. Provides maximum lightning protection, no ground loops, and nearly 1,000 watts more than a 15-amp AC line. The SubStation provides the most stable and constant source of AC power yet. A 120-volt version is available for those who do not want to run a 240-volt line. S RG SUB $2,995

RGPC 1200S RGPC 1200S is housed in a knock-youdead gorgeous rack/shelf-mountable component, black anodized front panel and a rear-illuminated RGPC retro-looking logo. It is the power of two RGPC 400MK IIs, wired internally with 12-gauge wiring and 12 Hubbell AC Outlets. It includes a surge protection system, a six-foot 12-gauge heavy duty power cord, 20 amp IEC connector with twin 20 amp fast-blow fuses. S RG 1200 (BLACK) $2,195 S RG 1200S (SILVER) $2,195

Offering all the same striking good looks and benefits of the l a rger RGPC 1200S at a more attractive price, the RGPC 600S is perfect for the more budget-conscious audio/video enthusiast with a smaller system. S RG 600 (BLACK) $1,295 S RG 600S (SILVER) $1,295

RGPC 400 Pro A four-outlet, audiophilequality Power Delivery device with a 20-amp IEC cord for use with today’s high-powered amplifiers and digital devices. Upgraded outlets are w i red in parallel like the 1200C. Designed to be placed next to the components needing line enhancement. Features four Hubbell AC outlets, 12-gauge internal wiring, a surg e protection system, a six-foot 14-gauge power cord and an internal 15 amp IEC Connector and 15 amp slo-blow fuse. S RG 400PRO $795

Acoustic Sounds will not sell these p roducts in areas where there is a l ready a Richard Gray dealer. t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 - 80 0- 71 6- 35 53




Billy Bags Isolation Tips 1.5" aluminum adjustable Isolation Tips reduce vibration and maximize stability. Tips come with threaded shaft. Your choice of Black or Brushed Aluminum Finish. (SET OF 4) S BBD BB-T SPIKE $79

Bright Star Audio IsoRock 3 Reference Multilayer construction of high-density polymers, thick multi-density fiberboard , polymer adhesives and a non-resonant coating provides effective control of vibration and resonance to enhance the perf o rmance of sensitive audio and video components. The special IsoNode feet further decouple the IsoRock from floor-borne vibration.

Bright Star Audio IsoNode The IsoNode isolation feet provide the most cost-effective upgrade in the industry. The unique IsoNode polymer rejects a wide range of vibration trying to enter from u n d e rneath the component. The highly compliant IsoNode acts as both a liquid and a solid for superior vibration control. Adhesive backing is included. Set of four.

(SET OF FOUR) S FIM 305/4 $99 (SET OF THREE) S FIM 305/3 $86

Gingko Cloud 10 Platform

Clearaudio Magix Magnetic Isolation Feet Complete air suspension by opposing magnetic forces. Weight limit for each Magix is 13 lbs. S MAGIX2 $200

Isolation p l a t f o rmwith air bladder.

Isolation pucks and stainless steel ball bearings.



Bright Star Audio Air Mass Series

Fim 305 Isolation Kit

Dome Cones

(32.25” X 21.75” HOLDS 300 LBS) S AIRMASSTNT $549

The principle of this platform is simple: Eliminate outside vibrations and, in so doing, reduce any "smearing" in your soundstage. Basically, your equipment is isolated by a cushion of air. And man does it work. Talk about bass slam! Plus, the piece is gorgeous. Custom sizes are RECOMMENDED COMPONENT available in clear or black acrylic. (201⁄8 X 145⁄8 X 21⁄2) S PLAT CLOUD10 $329 (18 X 14) S CLOUD10 $299

(19.5” X 17” HOLDS 170 LBS) S AIRMASS2S $399

Set of four. Stainless.

(17.25” X 14” HOLDS 99 LBS) S AIRMASS3 $179


(19.5” X 17” HOLDS 150 LBS) S GEMINI2 $499

Dome Bases

Gingko Cloud 11 Platform

(17.25” X 14” HOLDS 120 LBS) S AIRMASSDVD $219

Bright Star Audio Little Rock Series For use as the top part of an isolation sandwich. Stack a Little Rock on top of your component and then load that onto an Air Mass or Big Rock platform . (17” X 13”) S LITTLEROCK2 $299 (16” X 10”) S LITTLEROCK4 $129

Bright Star Audio Big Rock Series The Big Rock has a composite wood frame filled with sand (which the user provides). The sand absorbs vibrational energ y, resulting in dramatic improvements in perf o rmance. (27.75” X 21.75”) S BIGROCKTNT $387 (19.5” X 17”) S BIGROCK2 $219 (17.25” X 14”) S BIGROCK4 $139

Bright Star Audio IsoRock 4 IsoRock 4 specifications = 18.5" x 15" x 15"; dual multilayer construction; includes four small IsoNode feet. Holds 28 pounds.

Set of four. Stainless. S LG BASE $30 S SM BASE $22

First Impressions Music Isolation Stand Solid maple construction with four sets of FIM isolation pucks and ball bearings.

The Cloud 11 offers the best performance with added features: • bottom plate designed with deeper wells for added safety in use • at 19” x 16”, top plate accommodates components with larger footprints • extra thickness of the bottom plate and the top plate skirt improve vibration reduction performance S CLOUD11 JUMBO $499 (26 X 20) S CLOUD11 SUPER $449 (22 X 16) S PLAT CLOUD11 $399 (19 X 16)

(14” X 18”) S FIM ISOSTAND $388

Gingko Audio Mini-Clouds First Impressions Music Isolation Platform Solid maple construction with t h ree sets of FIM isolation pucks and ball bearings. (14” X 18”) S FIM ISOPLAT $288 S MINI-CLOUDS $100

(18.5” X 15”) S ISOROCK4 $139

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GutWire SoundPad

Marigo VTS Tuning Dots


The SoundPad is a bigger version of the GutWire NotePad. This absorption device is filled with special f o rmulated cellulose high molecular polymer gel to absorb vibration or unwanted resonance. Each SoundPad will support 44 pounds (20 kg). For use with a CD/DVD/SACD player or transport.

They don't look like much, but customers swear by these simple little dots.

The Stillpoint consists of an outer case, two layers of ceramic balls, and a stainless steel pedestal. The Riser is an aluminum base with a stainless steel stud, which accepts the Stillpoint. The System functions as a shock absorber for vibrations and resonance. The System changes vertical vibration into horizontal vibration motion and absorbs it.


GutWire NotePad The NotePad is a smaller version of the Gut Wire Soundpad. S NOTEPAD $25

Marigo VTS Cabinet Superdots Used to tune your speaker cabinets. 40 mm, set of eight. S SUPERDOTS CAB $159 (BLACK)


Place these dots on your window panes to tune. 40 mm, set of eight. S SUPERDOTS WIN $159 (WHITE)

Marigo VTS Cabinet Tuning Dots Series II

$35 $35 $35 $35 $29



12) 12) 12) 12) 8) 6MM

High-tech constrained layerdampening material. The product comes in a package of three adhesivebacked strips measuring 1 3/8 inches by about 6 inches. The strips are made of Cromolin alloy and are an example of constrained layer damping at work for the world of audio. Improve depth and reduce glare. Tighten your sound. S CROMVIBCONT $36

Star Sound Technologies Audio Points Quality machined brass cones. Available in diff e rent heights, diameter and weight capacities. I n t e rnally and externally threaded variations available.

Apply these dots to your listening room walls, ceiling or windows for tuning. 40 mm, set of eight.

Marigo Window Superdots


Media Access Cromolin Vibration Control

Marigo Room Superdots




AP2.0AP 1D $35.99 AP1.5 $28.99 AP1.5AP-A $25.99 AP 1.0AP-H $22.99 AP1.0 $20.99 AP.2APD $14.99


Star Sound Technologies Isolation Feet

40 mm, set of eight.



Star Sound Technologies APCD2 Coupling Disc for Audio Points

Marigo Room Tuning Dots Series II 40 mm, set of eight. S DOTS ROOM $79 (WHITE)

Marigo Window Tuning Dots Series II 40 mm, set of eight. S DOTS WINDOW $79 (WHITE)

Custom machined point protectors for your valuable surfaces. S APCD 2 $6.99

Stillpoints Risers Adds .38” height. Pictured with Stillpoint.

Marigo VTS Tonearm Kit They don't look like much, but customers swear by these simple little dots. This set is designed for tonearm tuning. Install these on your tonearm's finger lift, arm tube and counterweight, and hear the difference.


Ta rget Spike Shoe S SPIKE SHOE $25

The Vibrapod Cone Use these new Vibrapod Cones to eliminate the internal and extern a l vibrations that are hampering your system. Vibrapods are the most cost-effective component isolation system that we have found. These cones can be used independently or in conjunction with Vibrapod Isolators. S VPCONE $8

Vibrapod Isolators Vibrapods are an e x t remely simple and effective design that trap air underneath their rubber body. This is used to isolate your components from outside vibration similar to high-end air platform devices. There are five different models available, which correspond to the weight of the equipment with which they will be used. (SUPPORTS (SUPPORTS (SUPPORTS (SUPPORTS (SUPPORTS

Walker Audio Ultimate Super Tuning Kit Three two-inch cones, each with three pressed in points on top with curved transmission shaped point on the bottom. Each cone weighs 1.4 pounds and comes with five 11⁄2” x 21⁄2” resonance control discs. S S S S


2-3 LBS) S VP1 $6 4-8 LBS) S VP2 $6 8-12 LBS) S VP3 $6 14-18 LBS) S VP4 $6 22-28 LBS) S VP5 $6


1/2” Resonance Disc S 1/2 DISC $33


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S Y S T E M S E T - U P & T U R N TA B L E S E T - U P T O O L S AudioQuest Binding Post Wrench

IsoTek Full System Enhancer

AudioQuest HL-5 Headshell Leads

Specially designed for audio. Wrench has metal inserts that fit 7⁄16" & 1⁄2". At $10 no one should be without one.



Clearaudio Bubble Level Benz Aesthetix ABCD-1 MC Cartridge Demagnetizer

When all your equipment is level, performance is enhanced. Housed in a machined stainless steel base. S BBL $50


Keep Trak Music & Video Library System

A convenient, innovative solution for keeping track of all your re c o rdings, videos or anything you want to catalog! This program is so easy to use, designed by an audiophile for audiophiles. Search thousands of entries with a click of your mouse with split-second response time.

A series of complex composite-algorithm signals have been designed to both thoroughly b u rn-in and break down magnetic fields within the components of an audio or AV system leading to complete demagnetization and system rejuvenation. This disc contains three tracks lasting a total of 65 minutes.

Cardas Frequency Sweep and Burn-In Record

Paul Speltz Naked Autoformer

The Cardas Frequency Sweep and Burn-In Record is a unique tuning tool for system set up, diagnostics and maintenance. It was produced by G e o rge Cardas and mastered by Stan Ricker. The Sweeper, in addition to the standard tones, include relative and absolute polarity checks, vocal channel identification and frequency sweeps that ultrasonically clean the cartridge stylus and degauss the entire system. And, locked, pink noise grooves that repeat endlessly blank plateaus, even a sync label to check platter speed. All on a 180-gram pressing.

Multiply the impedance of any speaker so that it “feels” like the optimum load for the amplifier being used. Helpful in matching speakers to amplifiers. S NAKEDAUTO $450 PAIR

Star Sound Technologies Digital Video Essentials This is the most advanced program for calibrating today’s televisions, including high definition, plasma, other state-of-the-art screens and home theater systems.

G ryphon Exorcist System Demagnetizer



S ABCD-1 $179.99

S FULLSYS $29.95


The Exorcist System Demagnetizer is housed in a perfectly-finished metal extrusion sized like a hand-held remote. It is powered by a 9V battery and c a rries instructions on the upper surface. Regular use g u a rds against the gradual degradation and ensures the highest level of musical performance by dispelling magnetic buildup.

A battery-powered device that will do much to re s t o re the perf o rmance of your Moving-Coil cartridge. Though recommended for most brands, give us a call to discuss compatibility with your model.


ACAR 3 $23.95

Clearaudio Exact Stylus Pressure Gauge E l e c t ronic digital stylus pressure gauge accurate up to 0.1g. Auto calibration and battery powered for universal use.

720 P HIGH DEFINITION SETUP S DVDI-3004 $89.99 SETUP S DVDI-0712 $24.99

Stillpoints ERS ERS re d i rects, absorbs and diffuses EMI/RFI frequencies. The benefits for audio/video are best heard with digital circuits due to the RFI creating aspect of the circuitry itself. Benefits of ERS can also be heard with AC power lines, signal cables, loudspeakers and electronics of all types.

S SFG $500

Clearaudio Pivoted Tonearm Alignment Gauge


Exactly align your cartridge overhang and offset with the pivoted tonearm alignment gauge. S CAG $200

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T U R N TA B L E S E T - U P T O O L S Stroboscopic Light

Extreme Phono “Skin”

Lyra Stylus Perf o rmance Treatment

For use with Clearaudio's Strobe Disc.

S BDMAT1 $45

The Lyra SPT helps keep your cartridge's stylus scrupulously clean. In doing this, it assists tracking and minimizes damage to your valuable re c o rd albums and the cartridge stylus. Unlike other cartridge stylus cleaners, the development of SPT utilized extensive listening tests with the express purpose of i m p roving the sound of your record albums.

Alloy Cartridge Mounting Kit

S CSL $150

Strobe Disc Clearaudio’srealtime speed c o n t rol strobe test re c o rd enables analogue fans to e n s u re that turntable speeds a re correct. The outer rings will check 331⁄3 rpm, the inner 45 R P M. Ideally, this disc should be used with Clearaudio’s calibrated 300Hz quartz light source. The Clearaudio S t roboscopic Speed Test Record also features inner grooves for cartridge burn in. S CST $60

D.B. Systems Cartridge Alignment Protractor Designed for standard , pivoting tonearms the dB Protrac (as we fondly refer to it) uses the tried and t rue dual alignment points that minimize tracking distortion over the arc of t o n e a rmtravel across the LP. The precisely printed alignment grid allows for easy comparison with various angles of the cartridge body, and the two stylus placement dots make the task of pin-point accuracy a simple one. The dB Systems Protrac comes with complete i n s t ructions as well as a sturdy leather c a rrying case to protect it. S PROTRAC $49

S CMKH $15

G ryphon Exorcist Phono Demagnetizer The Black Exorcist generates a pure sine wave sweep of decreasing amplitude into the cartridge, eliminating harmful magnetic build-up in MM or MC phono cartridges. Periodic demagnetizing focuses the magnet's flux and keeps your cartridge fine-tuned. S EXORCIST $190

Hi-Fi News Analogue Test LP This is the successor to the original Hi-Fi News Test LP. The original tracks have been re-cut with a frequency sweep track added and the Pink Noise tracks extended. The new 17-track version is an even finer pressing than the original. S TEST RECORD $45

KAB Speed Strobe Turntable Speed Tester



S SPT $44.99

Mobile Fidelity Geo-Disc Cartridge Alignment Disc This cartridge-alignment device is simple to use and extremely accurate. Just fit the disc on your platter and align using the simple printed graph based on the Baerwald alignment curve. S GEODISC $49.99

S h u re Stylus Force Gauge This gauge is a highly accurate beam balance instrument designed to measure the actual downward f o rce exerted by a stylus on a record over the range of 0.5 to 3.0 grams. Each gauge is individually calibrated, and displays readings in 0.05 gram increments in order to provide a precise measurement of stylus tracking force. S SHURESFG-2 $20

E x p ressimo Auto Tonearm Lift Eliminates excessive vinyl buildup on the sides of the stylus. CNCmachined from brass, hand d e - b u rred-polished and chrome plated. Height and balance are easily adjusted. S EXP LIFT $109 S EXP TALL LIFT $125

E x p ressimo MICRO-TECH Digital Tracking Force Gauge • small digital scale, only three inches in diameter • rotating lower pad 90 degrees exposes the meter • includes weight tray, stylus pad and carrying case • range = .01 to 120 grams RECOMMENDED COMPONENT • almost indestructible


KAB PreconLP

E x t reme Phono Original None Felt Mat With black skin.


S DMAT1 $35

Used for calibrating accurate speed on turntables.

KAB Stereo Channel Canceler The Stereo Canceler is designed to sum the two stereo channels out of phase. This cancels all sound produced by lateral stylus movement and leaves all sound produced by vertical stylus movement. Used with a mono recording, the Stereo Canceler can be used to optimize phono cartridge azimuth, by adjusting for maximum cancelation.

The PreconLP is designed to convert a line level signal to a phono level signal with the proper inverse RIAA response characteristics. It is very accurate and has several applications in audio engineering and Hi Fi systems. Used with a CD player and an appropriate burn in disc, the PreconLP can provide a burn in signal for your phono preamp. Used with a signal generator, the PreconLP can provide a reverse RIAA signal suitable for testing the accuracy of any phono preamp.

S EXP DFG $160

VPI Strobe Disc


S STROBE $19.99

Zerodust The Zerodust cleans your delicate stylus without using b rushes or fluids. The Zerodust will extend stylus life and enhance fidelity, and it can be used indefinitely. S ZERODUST $69

Z e rostat 3 Gun Z e rostat 3 reduces static on insulating surfaces such as Vinyl re c o rds. The Zerostat produces negative and positive ions that couple with the positive and negative static c h a rges on an object's surface, effectively neutralizing them. S ZEROSTAT $69.95



R E C O R D M AT S & C L A M P S

AudioQuest SorboGel Record Mat Using an AQ SorboGel Record Mat will greatly improve the sound of any turntable with a glass or metal platter. The AQ SorboGel Record Mat absorbs re c o rd and platter vibrations while maintaining a s t rong foundation for the record. S REC.MAT $95

Boston Audio Mat 1 Boston Audio's flagship product, the Mat 1 is a pure carbon re c o rd mat that sets a new standard for clarity in analog music reproduction. CNC machined and finished by hand, the Mat 1 is one of the most cost-effective upgrades you can make to your turntable. S BA MAT1 $195

Clearaudio Q u a d ro Clamp This version of a beautifully designed record clamp is intended for all Clearaudio tracking tonearms. S QUADROCLAMP $150

Clearaudio Souther Clever Clamp Ingenious lightweight and aff o rdable device for clamping the re c o rd to the platter. It is compatible with all turntables. S CLEVERCLAMP $30

E x t reme Phono “Speed” Carbon Graphite Turntable Mat S SPEED $119

KAB Record Grip with Level

Extreme Phono Donut None Felt Mat

S KAB GRIP $29.95

This just may well be one of the greatest audio tweaks we've come across. Record mats - the good ones at least - minimize the nasty vibrations that your turntable's motor creates. The problem is that some record mats do more h a rm than good. Not this one! "Amazing," says Acoustic Sounds high-end expert Roger Greene. "I've never heard a tweak that had so much effect, re g a rdless of price." S DMAT1 $35 S BDMAT1 $45 (W/BLACK OR GREEN SKIN)


VPI HR-X Ring Clamp Clamping a record at the periphery (outside edge of the record) solves the problems of wow on a record that is not completely flat. When you clamp a record at the disc's center, there is often still a visible warp at the outside of the record. You can see this by observing the tonearm move up and down because of the warp. The periphery clamp solves that problem. S HRXRINGCLAMP $500

Music Hall Ringmat Anniversary Turntable Mat Deluxe version with antiresonant cutouts. S ANNIV330 $140


VPI Stainless Steel/ Delrin Record Clamp Designed exclusively for use with the VPI line of turntables, it is designed to offer a sonic improvement over the standard two-piece and one-piece all Delrin clamps. Tightens bass and provides better i n s t rument focus. S VPI S CLAMP $150

VPI Cork Mat Replacement for record cleaning machines or turntables. S CORKMAT $12

Music Hall Ringmat 330 MKII XLR Turntable Mat Ringmat is a new method of record support and the first that has been properly designed for the generation of an accurate, low distortion signal. Its unique design enables 12" re c o rds to be supported so that the main vibrational modes of record movement – caused by the input of stylus energy – give the minimum possible error signal. This allows for improved tracking and, as a result, a reduction in stylus and record wear. With Ringmat, there is a reduction of background noise with a cleaner, crisper and yet more delicate sound, together with a wider and deeper soundstage; there is an enhanced sense of power, with greater weight and authority in the bass. RECOMMENDED S RINGMAT 330 $90

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m



CAIG Laboratories Pro Audio/Video Maintenance Kit Includes: ProGold Spray, ProGold Wipes, ProGold Pen, CaiLube MCL Spray, CaiKleen A/V Pump, CaiKleen IPA, lint-free cloths, lint-free swabs and cleaning brushes. S K-PAV50 $77.95

CAIG Laboratories Audio/Video S u rvival Kit Includes DeoxIT D5MS-15, P roGold G5MS-15, CaiLube MCL5MS-H15, DeoxIT D100L-2C, ProGold G100L-2C, CaiLube MCL100L-H2C, lint-free swabs, b rushes, cloths, display box (5� x 8� x 1") S SK-AV35 $35.95

CAIG Laboratories ProGold Audio/Video Signal Enhancer Kit Includes ProGold G5MS-15 Minispray, ProGold G100L-2DB brush applicator, lint-free swab, brush, cloth and clam shell case. S K-AV25 $34.95

CAIG Laboratories ProGold P roGold is a unique conditioning solution that i m p roves conductivity and protects gold, base metals and other precious metal contacts and connections. ProGold provides long-lasting protection on gold, silver, rhodium, copper, bronze, nickel and other precious metals.

CAIG Laboratories ProGold G100L Brush Applicator P roGold is a unique conditioning solution that i m p roves conductivity and protects gold, base metals and other precious metal contacts and connections. Use on plated connectors, contacts and metal surfaces for maximum perf o rmance and protection. (100% SOLUTION, 7.4 ML) S G100L $20.95

Includes DeoxIT squeeze tube, P roGold squeeze tube, PreservIT squeeze tube and CaiLube MCL Liquid squeeze tube. S K-2C $15.95

(12 PACK) S AB-12 $7.25

Kontak Cleaner & Conditioner

DeoxIT is a fast-acting deoxidizing solution that cleans, preserves, lubricates and improves conductivity on metal connectors and contacts. Use as a general treatment for connectors, contacts and other metal surfaces. (5% SOLUTION, 200 ML) S D5S-6 $10.95

S KONTAK $39.99

(MINI SPRAY 5% SOLUTION 20 ML) S D5MS-15 $6.95

Walker Audio Extreme Super SST

SQUEEZE TUBE (100% SOLUTION 2 ML) S D100L-2C $6.95

Specially-processed, ultra-pure, micron-size silver flakes treated with deep immersion cryogenic process. Amazing!

CAIG Laboratories DeoxIT Power Booster D5 Spray


CAIG Laboratories Lint-Free Cloth, Polypropylene

(SPRAY 200 ML) S G5S-6 $17.95

Fast acting deoxidizing solution that cleans, preser ves, lubricates and improves conductivity on metal electrical connections. Use as a general purpose treatment on all metal sur faces. When oxidation buildup on sur face is severe (enough to notice with the naked eye).

CAIG Laboratories Connector Cleaning Brushes

Kontak is an advanced cleaning solution (CFC-free) originally developed for military applications. It completely removes all traces of contaminants on any connecting surface, and greatly enhances signal flow. Benefits include improved bass response, enhanced low-level detail and transparency and a greater sense of dynamic range.

(PUMP 125 ML) S GXP5S-6

CAIG Laboratories R5 Power Booster Spray

(12 PACK) S SWPP12 $6.95

CAIG Laboratories Squeeze Tube Essentials Kit

$25.95 SQUEEZE TUBE (100% SOLUTION 2 ML) S G100L-2C $6.95

CAIG Laboratories Precision Foam Swabs

S LFC-C50 $7.25

Questions? Give us a call! 1-800-716-3553

Walker Audio SST- Super Silver Treatment Super Silver Treatment will dramatically improve the sound and/or video of any system. SST is made from an ultra-pure, thin, long micronsized silver flake suspended in an organic fluid for its dielectric characteristics and excellent sound. Simply apply a thin layer of SST to interc o nnects, power cords, speaker cables and other connectors and experience stunning results. S SST $70

(5% SOLUTION, 225 ML) S R5S-6 $25.95

t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3





Billy Bags #5505 Audio Rack

Pro-35 Turntable Rack

Unit is designed to support two bays of components and video monitor or t u rntables. Tips, Casters and Center Legs optional. Side columns can be capped off for filling.

#Pro-1.5-4 Audio Rack Considered the "Mini-Pro," this rack uses a one-and-a-half inch outer "exo-frame" as opposed to a two-inch variety as is used typically with the PRO racks. Achieve superior isolation by filling the legs with lead-shot and/or sand. Isolation tips or casters cost extra. S PRO1.5-4 $995

#245 Turntable/ Speaker Shelf Wall Mount

#4603 Component Center

S BBD4603 $1,150

Rack HF570 S HF570 $399 (5 SHELVES)

S BBD4803 $1,249

Double-bay rack with truss system for increased rigidity. The top shelf is perfect for a large turntable or for an up-to40”, direct-view television. Dimensions can be changed to your specifications. 46" W x 20.5" D x 30" H. Interior shelf dimensions each bay: 20" W x 18.5" D. Shelf spacing from bottom up: 9", 6", 7" H. Tips and casters are optional. Side columns can be capped off for filling. Weight: 105 lbs.

S HF470 $319 (4 SHELVES)

S BBD5505 $989

additional cost.

#4803 Component Center

Rack HF470

The stability and rigidity of these stands are unsurpassed. Available in brushed steel and graphite nebula.

P ro-35 turntable stand holds LPs and one component. Optional b rushed steel finish with black star granite high gloss top and shelves at S PRO35 $1,450

All racks are available in silver or black.

Does your floor bounce when you walk a c ross the room? This is the best-built turntable wall-shelf we have seen. See why many audiophiles feel that wall mounting offers the greatest degree of isolation from fidelity-robbing vibration. S BBD#245 $459

See a large selection of Billy Bags racks listed with m e a s u rements at

Billy Bags products come fully assembled. Shipping charges apply.

Rack HF3122 S HF3122 $349

Finite Element Pagode Signature Series After seven years, the Finite Element Pagode E Series is now getting a successor that will certainly also become a modern classic in audio rooms. The Pagode Signature promises an even better sound experience – not least because it comes with all the best extra features from its predecessor fitted as standard. Available in natural maple or anthracite (black).

Model E12 S PAGODE E12 $1,595 (3 LEVELS 24” H)

Model E13 S PAGODE E13 $1,895 (4 LEVELS 24” H)

Bright Star Audio The Rack Of Gibraltar 2 Gibraltar 2 is 100% welded, using heavy 14 gauge steel. Double bracing provides extre m e rigidity and strength as well as full shelf support - the shelves will not sag under the heaviest of amplifiers. Little Rock, Big Rock and Air Mass can be optionally placed on each shelf for a c o n t rolled environment of high mass and high absorption and shielding to significantly enhance the perf o rmance of your system. Gibraltar 2 has been nominated by Stereophile for Accessory of the Year. S GIBRALTAR2 (CALL FOR PRICE)

Model E14 S PAGODE E14 $1,995 (4 LEVELS 33 1⁄2” H)

The Rack Of Gibraltar 4 The Rack Of Gibraltar 4 uses 1" x 1.5" heavy gauge steel that is fully welded to achieve superior rigidity and has four fixed shelves made of thick 5/8" MDF and the beautiful solid-hardwood trim complements all decors. The Gibraltar 4 includes a patented Gemini isolation twin at the top shelf position for exceptional vibration c o n t rol. S GIBRALTAR4 (CALL FOR PRICE)

Model E15 S PAGODE E15 $2.295 (5 LEVELS 33 1⁄2” H)

Segment X Now with cable shield! Curved side panels, f i l i g ree equipment shelves, conical tensioning bolts, stabilizing back panel – to form a shelving system that is simply convincing. The innovative tensioning system uses basic elements of mechanics for its stability, and the resonance-optimized materials make it sound good. BLUE, RED, ALUMINUM OR BLACK S SEGXO1 $795 BIRCH OR WALNUT S SEGX02 $895


Billy Bags

Tri-Pro 2 Amp Stand Including Tips 3/8'' Glass

Pro 23 Monoblock Amp Stand with Truss

28"W x 25"D x 20"H Shelf Depth: 20" x 20"

23"W x 23"D x 5"H


S BBDPRO23 $479

S BBD2020 $249

Pro-24 Amp Stand We have not found an amp stand that looks this cool and with virtually-unlimited weight capacity. It's just the ticket for that mega-watt tube amp or solid-state arc-welder that is now residing on your floor. You won't believe how much better your amp will look (and sound) when prominently displayed on the Billy Bags PRO-24. Includes PRO-Series Isolation Tips. 29" W x 24" D x 9" H. Unique truss supports surround entire stand. Weight: 25 lbs. When columns are loaded – Weight: 49 lbs.

2020 Amp Stand This is designed to support amplifiers while offering increased cooling and isolation from floor- b o rne vibration. Includes isolation tips. 20" W x 20" D x 4" H. Weight: 12 lbs.

2323 Square Amp Stand 23"W x 23"D x 18"H S BBD2323 $475

1422 Amp Stand 22"W x 14"D x 4.5"H S BBD1422 $219

1823 Amp Stand 18"W x 23"D x 18"H S BBD1823 $439

S PRO24 $749

1616 Sub Woofer Stand 16"W x 16"D x 4.5"H S BBD1616 $209

Tri-Pro 22 Amp Stand with Truss 29"W x 24"D x 5"H S PRO-22 $499

1824 Amp Stand including Tips Isolation Tips and casters are optional. Side columns can be capped off for filling. Dimensions can be changed to customer's specifications.

Finite Element

S BBD1824 $279

Tri-Pro 1 Amp Stand Including Tips 3/8'' Glass

1628 Amp Stand

Pagode Signature Amp Stand

28"W x 25"D x 5"H

28"W x 16"D x 4.5"H

Natural Maple or Anthracite (black)


S BBD1628 $269

S PAGODE E21 $650

Billy Bags products can be custom built to order. t o o r d e r, c a ll 1- 80 0- 71 6- 3 55 3



M E D I A S T O R A G E & S P E A K E R S TA N D S

Billy Bags 3650 LP Storage Rack This rack will hold up to 600 LPs. Show off your valuable LP collection in style. Dimensions can be changed to your specifications. S BBD3650 $799

Pro-500 CD Storage Rack

Billy Bags 1212 Speaker Stands

42"W x 7"D x 42"H 5 Levels, holds 500 CDs.

S BBD1212 $349 (EACH)

12"W x 12"D x 14"H

S BBDPRO500 $489

Pro-1000 CD Storage Rack

3678 LP Storage Rack

42"W x 7"D x 77"H 10 Levels, holds 1,000 CDs.

36"W x 16"D x 78"H Holds 1,000 LPs

S BBDPRO1000 $658

Billy Bags 1214 Speaker Stands 12"W x 12"D x 24"H S BBD1214 $399 (EACH)

S BBD3678 $1,079

Pro-2000 CD Storage Rack 4248 LP Storage Rack 48"W x 16"D x 42"H Holds 1,000 LPs S BBD4248 $789

83"W x 7"D x 77"H Holds 2,000 CDs. S BBDPRO2000 $989

6650 LP Storage Rack This rack will hold up to 1,200 LPs. Show off your valuable LP collection in style. Dimensions can be changed to your

Pro-660 CD Storage Rack 34"W x 7"D x 60"H Holds 650 CDs S BBDPROCD660 $519

Billy Bags products are custom built to order and ship fully assembled. Normal lead time Is approximately 4 weeks.

Epos Epos ST12 Speaker Stands S ST12 $175

specifications. S 6650 $1,399

8248 Open Air Shelf LP Storage Rack

Pro-400 DVD Storage Rack

This storage rack will hold 300 LPs per shelf for a total of 1,800. Rear truss supports enhance stability.


34"W x 7"D x 60"H Holds 360 DVDs

Epos ST35 Speaker Stands

S 8248 $1,149

LP, DVD, CD Storage Rack The solution to your diverse s o f t w a re-storage needs. Designed to hold a combination of LPs, DVDs or CDs. The shelf spacing can be modified to the customer's specifications.

Pro-560 DVD Storage Rack 42"W x 7"D x 77"H Holds 560 DVDs S BBDPRODVD560 $629


w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

56cm high (without spikes) and has a solid top plate. S ST35 $180 (PAIR)


Finally, a furniture system with sonic virtue equal to an actual playback component. That’s right: Zoethecus products are more than s t u rdy stands. This system, consisting of a frame, shelf suspension, slab and floor barrier, works as an incredible energy sink that eliminates the vibrations that blur your music. And what’s cool is you can custom order your Zoethecus system to fit your exact needs.

Ava i l able in map l e, m a h oga ny, ch e rry or bl a ck finish.

Z Slab The heart of the Zoethecus system is the Z Slab. The hand-laid composite core consists of 10 discrete sub-layers of phenolic, viscous damping fluid, aluminum and high density fiberboardto thoroughly dissipate component resonance. This top-of-the-line 15-pound slab is perfect for heavy amps, transports and turntables.


S Z SLAB $220

Z Pod Platform Or you can choose a Pod P l a t f o rmthat eliminates the central shelf area, thereby c reating ventilation for your tube gear if you need it. Zoethecus platforms rest on self-leveling corner brackets called IsoDiscs.


Super Structures Zoethecus produces equipment superstru c t u res with up to 40 inches of vertical space that will accommodate two to six shelves depending on your spacing requirements. You may select or mix any of the platform options into your customized design. 2 3 4 5 6




Z.2/R Z.3/R Z.4/R Z.5/R Z.6/R

$569 $855 $1,140 $1,397 $1,682

E Series Platform If you’re not ready for the Z Slab, the E Series Platform offers a more economical option. The E Series is made of one-inch medium density fiberboard. Combined with the Isodiscs, this shelf option gets you into the Zoethecus system, and may save you a few bucks. An option for your second-tier gear. S Z.ESHELF $34

Zoethecus Amp Stands Zoethecus amp stands handle the heavy load of ultimate isolation for power amps. They come in three dimensions, one and two shelf options and include the Z slabs. Z.BLOCK1 AMP STAND S Z.BLOCK1 $640 Z.BLOCK1D AMP STAND S Z.BLOCK1D $1,249 Z.BLOCK2 AMP STAND S Z.BLOCK2 $615 Z.BLOCK2D AMP STAND S Z.BLOCK2D $1,200 Z.BLOCK3 AMP STAND S Z.BLOCK3 $615 Z.BLOCK3D AMP STAND S Z.BLOCK3D $1,200











Speakers Corner LPs

new music Refer to this legend for easy recognition of recording processes, pressings & recommendations

24 Karat Gold

Acoustic Sounds Recommended

High Definition Compatible Digital by

Pacific Microsonics Manufactured by JVC

Mastered at AcousTech Mastering

Manufactured by JVC

Manufactured by JVC


Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson Here is one of the classic pairings in jazz. There are no arrangements to speak of — an 8-bar intro is fancy stuff here — the better to let Ben Webster, he of the breathy, cavernous sound, blow a program of timeless songs. Pianist Oscar Peterson is the perfect foil. His effortless swing setting up the tenor saxophonist just the way he liked it. A master class in tenor saxophone ballads. Musicians include Ray Brown on bass and Ed Thigpen on drums. This record is in the same league as the classic Ben Webster’s Soulville. Mastered at AcousTech exclusively for Acoustic Sounds!

Tube Mastering

DVD Audio

180 Gram High Quality LP Pressed at Record Technology, Inc.

150 Gram

Stereophile Record To Die For

200 Gram Vinyl Classic Records

Recorded at Blue Heaven Studios

180 Gram+ High Quality LP Pressing

The Absolute Sound Recommended

AVER 8349 $30.00 (Stereo)

g ra 0-

Hybrid Stereo SACD

m vi r g i n v

Single Layer Multichannel SACD

Hybrid Multichannel SACD



AVER 8274 $30.00

Single Layer Stereo SACD


e xc

r l u s i v e l y fo


pressed at RTI


Ben Webster, wrote the jazz historian J.E. Behrend, "was two men in one: in fast pieces he was a musician with a throaty, croaking vibrato, while in slow ones he was a master of erotic and intensive ballads." In this compilation of both his own works and standard numbers with the promising title of Soulville, "Big Ben" shows the gentleand the rougher sides of his nature. After starting off with two bluesy originals — the slow burning title track and the gutsy “Late Date” — Webster gets to the heart of things on five wistful ballads. In the classic hits "Lover Come Back To Me" and "Makin' Whoopee," the very heartbeat of the Age of Swing can be easily discerned. And it's well worth taking a look at the small print on the cover. Joining the prominent members of the Oscar Peterson trio are Herb Ellis and Stan Levey. It's hardly necessary to add that the sound reproduction on this Verve recording made in the 1950s is of the very highest quality.

SACD Super Audio Hybrid Mono Single Layer SACD SACD Compact Disc

Under The Radar


Ben Webster Quintet – Soulville

u s ti c S o u n

180 Gram Vinyl Pressed at RTI from OJC Stampers.

OP = Out of Print

SE = Special Edition

ALUM = Aluminum

UP = U.S. Pressing

THIS CATALOG... This catalog supersedes all previous price in Acoustic Sounds catalogs and flyers. These prices are subject to change without notice.




More Direct-to-Disc recordings from Blue Heaven Studios There was magic in the sanctuary of Blue Heaven Studios one Saturday afternoon in October 2004. On the altar sat Leroy Jodie Pierson, cross-legged and cradling his National ResoLectric steel guitar, creating dramatic yet buttery-smooth takes of six numbers. Pierson rarely takes his craft far from his St. Louis home, but once you hear this direct-to-disc you might be inspired to join a crusade to change that. Leroy Jodie Pierson is that good, and this recording is as close as you can possibly get to having him over for a visit. Up next was St. Louis harmonica master Arthur Williams, accompanied by his acoustic guitar-playing partner Jesse Hoggard, throwing down their interpretations of six classic 12-bar blues. No Williams’ recording since his debut on Jewel Records back in 1966 with Frank Frost has captured such an in-person feeling. The duo really nails the front-porch feeling that the best acoustic blues was born from, and the dynamics on this direct-to-disc recording are almost frightening. About 80 feet away, in the Blue Heaven control room, Kevin Gray gave an equally-inspiring performance. Recording direct-to-disc is no simple process. Every nuance and detail has to be aligned on the spot and adjustments made on the fly. It’s Kevin’s responsibility to see that the grooves of that raw lacquer contain nothing but pure audiophile sound. Once that platter starts turning and the musicians start playing, there’s no break until the end of the side. Thankfully, Kevin was up to the challenge and captured perfectly the lush ambience and air of the Blue Heaven Studios sanctuary along with the strippeddown perfect performance of these fine artists.

Leroy Jodie Pierson Direct-To-Disc LP = AAPO 005 $25.00 Arthur Williams & Jesse Hoggard Direct-To-Disc LP = AAPO 006 $25.00

To order, call 1-800-716-3553, or order online at



First 25 Jazz Titles in the Top 100 FANTASY 45 SERIES THE CRITICS ARE SAYING… " This double 45 RPM set positively kills the Riverside original in every way: I know because I've owned a copy since the mid '60s...I played this miraculously mastered 2 LP set for a friend who's owned the original since it was first issued and he sat there slack jawed. What Gray and Hoffman have done here is astounding. If you know the record, you will be stunned by the clarity, transparency and dynamic slam of this edition, and you'll marvel at the harmonic complexity and percussive purity of the piano, which sounds boxy on every other edition I've ever heard. If you don't think a mono record can deliver enormous soundstage depth, wait until you hear where Roach's drum kit sits in the soundfield." — Review by Michael Fremer of the remastered Thelonious Monk/Brilliant Corners double-45 set. Read the full review at " Way Out West sounds so real. It feels like the drummer is in the room. I could almost see the sweat on the musicians' foreheads. It gave me goose bumps. The whole series is phenomenal. Sign me up for the rest. I'm hooked." — Jamil Sofer, Acoustic Sounds customer


OUT D L O S Miles Davis Relaxin’ LP = AJAZ 7129 $50.00

Bill Evans Waltz For Debby LP = AJAZ 9399 $50.00


Bill Evans Trio Sunday at the Village Vanguard LP = AJAZ 9376 $50.00


Duke Ellington Quartet Duke’s Big 4 LP = AJAZ 2310-703 $50.00

Willie Dixon & Memphis Slim Willie’s Blues LP = AJAZ 1003 $50.00

Ben Webster At The Renaissance LP = AJAZ 7646 $50.00

OUT D L O S Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane LP = AJAZ 46 $50.00

Thelonious Monk Brilliant Corners LP = AJAZ 12-226 $50.00

Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section LP = AJAZ 7532 $50.00

Sonny Rollins Saxophone Colossus LP = AJAZ 7079 $50.00

Count Basie & His Orchestra 88 Basie Street LP = AJAZ 2310-901 $50.00

Gene Ammons Boss Tenor LP = AJAZ 7180 $50.00


Wes Montgomery Full House LP = AJAZ 9434 $50.00

N THA LESS EMAIN 50 R Chet Baker Chet LP = AJAZ 1135 $50.00




N THA IN S S E L EMA 50 R John Coltrane Soultrane LP = AJAZ 7142 $50.00


Sonny Rollins Way Out West LP = AJAZ 7530 $50.00

N THA IN S S E L REMA 100 Count Basie Meets Oscar Peterson Lightnin’ Hopkins with Sonny The Timekeepers Terry – Last Night Blues LP = AJAZ 2310-896 $50.00 LP = AJAZ 1029 $50.00

Coleman Hawkins Night Hawk LP = AJAZ 2016 $50.00

Cannonball Adderley With Bill Evans – Know What I Mean? LP = AJAZ 9433 $50.00

Miles Davis Bags’ Groove LP = AJAZ 7109 $50.00

Sonny Rollins Quartet Tenor Madness LP = AJAZ 7047 $50.00

Bill Evans Trio Moon Beams LP = AJAZ 9428 $50.00

N THA IN S S E A L REM 100 Miles Davis Cookin’ LP = AJAZ 7094 $50.00

Vince Guaraldi Trio Jazz Impressions of Black Orpheus LP = AJAZ 8089 $50.00

Limited Edition 1,000 of each title (less than 200 of these LPs remain except where noted) w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m



Gene Ammons Blue Gene LP = AJAZ 7146 $50.00

Kenny Burrell & John Coltrane LP = AJAZ 8276 $50.00

John Coltrane Settin’ The Pace LP = AJAZ 7213 $50.00

John Coltrane Lush Life LP = AJAZ 7188 $50.00

The Miles Davis Quintet Steamin’ LP = AJAZ 7200 $50.00

"These are the best LPs I've ever heard.” — Joseph Kajewski, Acoustic Sounds customer

Kenny Dorham Quiet Kenny LP = AJAZ 8225 $50.00

Duke Ellington and Ray Brown This One’s for Blanton LP = AJAZ 2310-721 $50.00

Bill Evans Trio Everybody Digs Bill Evans LP = AJAZ 1129 $50.00

Bill Evans Trio Portrait In Jazz LP = AJAZ 1162 $50.00

Ella Fitzgerald • Joe Pass Take Love Easy LP = AJAZ 2310-702 $50.00

The first 50 titles have been released. If you’ve already signed up, call us to keep your number. Milt Jackson & Wes Montgomery Bags Meets Wes! LP = AJAZ 9407 $50.00

Thelonious Monk Thelonious In Action LP = AJAZ 1190 $50.00

Count Basie For The Second Time LP = AJAZ 2310-878 $50.00

John Lee Hooker That’s My Story LP = AJAZ 12-321 $50.00

Blue Mitchell Blue’s Moods LP = AJAZ 9336 $50.00

Thelonious Monk and Gerry Mulligan – Mulligan Meets Monk LP = AJAZ 1106 $50.00

Thelonious Monk Septet Monk’s Music LP = AJAZ 1102 $50.00

The Montgomery Brothers Groove Yard LP = AJAZ 9362 $50.00

Lightnin’ Hopkins Goin’ Away LP = AJAZ 1073 $50.00

Art Pepper Art Pepper + Eleven LP = AJAZ 7568 $50.00

Sonny Rollins – Sonny Rollins and the Contemporary Leaders LP = AJAZ 7564 $50.00

Johnny Griffin The Kerry Dancers LP = AJAZ 9420 $50.00

Sonny Rollins Plus 4 LP = AJAZ 7038 $50.00

Miles Davis The New Miles Davis Quintet LP = AJAZ 7014 $50.00

Bill Evans Trio Explorations LP = AJAZ 9351 $50.00

Limited Edition 1,000 of each title t o o r d e r, c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 1 6 - 3 5 5 3



Below is a sampling of what critics and customers have had to say:


Miles Davis Quintet Workin’with the Miles Davis Quintet LP = AJAZ 7166 $50.00

Miles Davis - Miles Davis & The Modern Jazz Giants LP = AJAZ 7150 $50.00

Cannonball Adderley Art Pepper Quintet Cannonball Adderley in San Francisco Smack Up LP = AJAZ 1157 $50.00 LP = AJAZ 7602 $50.00

Bill Evans Interplay LP = AJAZ 9445 $50.00

Bill Evans Trio How My Heart Sings! LP = AJAZ 9473 $50.00

Sonny Rollins The Sound of Sonny LP = AJAZ 241 $50.00

Sonny Terry Sonny is King LP = AJAZ 1059 $50.00

“…It is now possible to believe that John Coltrane, Bill Evans and Sonny Rollins are in your music room without ingesting Tony Bennett & Bill Evans The Tony Bennett Bill Evans Album psychosomatic substances to LP = AJAZ 9489 $50.00 enhance your powers of perception… AcousTech definitely got it right!… Do whatever you have to, but make sure that you don’t miss these releases… Lightnin’ Hopkins Don't let this fantasy become a Lightnin’ LP = AJAZ 1019 $50.00 missed opportunity.” - Dennis Davis, Hi-Fi+ Magazine

Thelonious Monk Quartet Misterioso LP = AJAZ 1133 $50.00

Wynton Kelly Kelly Blue LP = AJAZ 1142 $50.00

John Coltrane Standard Coltrane LP = AJAZ 7243 $50.00

Johnny Griffin The Little Giant LP = AJAZ 1149 $50.00

Count Basie Big Band Farmers Market Barbecue LP = AJAZ 2310-874 $50.00

“They are simply magnificent. I cannot recall anything that can match them, not even the RCAs or the Mercuries.” - Zain Azahari, Acoustic Sounds customer

"Some of the best pressings I own.… Keep me on the list for all 100." - Randall Fulton, Acoustic Sounds customer Count Basie Basie Jam LP = AJAZ 2310-718 $50.00

Ella Fitzgerald & Oscar Peterson Dizzy Gillespie Ella and Oscar Dizzy Gillespie’s Big 4 LP = AJAZ 2310-759 $50.00 LP = AJAZ 2310-719 $50.00

Coleman Hawkins Good Old Broadway LP = AJAZ 23 $50.00

The Modern Jazz Quartet Django LP = AJAZ 7057 $50.00

Thelonious Monk The Unique Thelonious Monk LP = AJAZ 209 $50.00

Charlie Byrd Trio Byrd at The Gate LP = AJAZ 9467 $50.00

Miles Davis All Stars Gene Ammons The Soulful Moods of Gene Ammons Walkin’ LP = AJAZ 7076 $50.00 LP = AJAZ 28 $50.00

“Basically, I think the sound quality is unmatched for any of these cuts that have previously been released by anyone else. They’re just wonderful. “ - Art Trujillo, Acoustic Sounds customer

Kenny Burrell with Coleman Hawkins - Bluesey Burrell LP = AJAZ 29 $50.00

Limited Edition 1,000 of each title t o o r d e r, c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 1 6 - 3 5 5 3

The Fantasy 45 Series will eventually include 100 titles, released in sets of 25. Check out the third set, pictured at left, and watch for more to come!


Act Company – Alto


Jo rdi Savall — The Orchestra of Louis XIII

Act Company SACD Lars Danielsson — Libera Me L a rs Danielsson does not just play bass, but he also - like his main influence, Claus Ogerman - uses the myriad of tone colors of a symphony orchestra to great effect. With the bass as the central pivot and the dazzling grandeur of the orchestra, Danielsson leads one here through the most varied sound worlds. SACD = CACT 9800 SA $17.98

AIX Records DVDAs Emil Richards/Joe Porcaro Allstar Big Band — Odd Men In

"Jordi Savall is among the leading instrumentalists and conductors of the European early music scene, specializing in Renaissance and Medieval music. He began studying music when he was six, learning cello and pursuing that instrument at the Barcelona Conservatory. He took an interest in early music, and began learning the viola da gamba. Savall also gained proficiency in the various members of the viola family. He studied the gamba and early music research and practice with Wieland Kuijken in Brussels." - All Music Guide SACD = CALI 9824 SA $19.99

Jo rdi Savall — Isabel I, Reina de Castilla

This may be the biggest band sound you'll ever hear. Emil and Joe brought their big band into Zipper Auditorium one afternoon and three hours later, AIX had captured the intensity and inspiration that only happens with "live" recording. Most of the cuts we re first takes. The charts, by Emil Richards, Sammy Nestico, A l lyn Ferguson and Quincy Jones, make use of the full array of first call L.A. session players. Recorded using half a dozen AEA ri bbon mics, the sound on this project is what high-resolution audio is all about. DVDA = CAIX 80035 $22.99

Alia Vox's series Musicas Reales (Royal Music) focuses on music from the Spanish royal c o u rts through the centuries. For the third volume, now available in Dolby 5.1 surround sound on this hybrid mu l t i channel SACD, Jo rdi Savall leads Montserrat Figueras, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Hesperion XXI in a program devoted to Isabella I, Queen of Castile, also known as Isabella the Catholic. Most of the pieces on this album were composed directly in relation to some historic event in the life of the queen; the remainder derive from local sources and illustrate various aspects of musical culture on the Iberian Peninsula. The disc also includes pieces of instrumental and dance music current in Spain during the period. SACD = CALI 9838 SA $19.99

Bad Haggis — Span

Couperin: Les Concerts Royaux/Jo rdi Savall

Eric Rigler, famous for his pipe playing in Braveheart and Titanic leads this Celtic/Latin fusion band and performs on a variety of bagpipes and whistles. Joining him on this exclusive re c o rding is Ruben Blades, actor, s i n ger and Grammy-nominated musician. Imagine a highpowered electric Celtic groove with Latin percussion and you’ve got an idea of what Bad Haggis is all about. The disc includes interviews with all of the band members, behind-thescenes fo o t age, re h e a rsal video, discography/filmography of Ruben and multiple mixes. DVDA = CAIX 80037 $22.99

Alba SACD The In Time Quintet — In Time - Music by Astor Piazzolla The In Time Quintet, featuring violin, piano, guitar, bass and oboe with accompaniment from the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra navigate through the tango music of Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). SACD = CABC 199 SA $19.99

Alia Vox SACDs Jo rdi Savall — El Cant de la Sibil La Vol. 3 Originally released in 1999 on standard CD, this is the third volume of Songs of the Sibyls, a series of recordings begun with Auvidis in 1988. The origins of the series dates back to the sixth century BC. Simi-divine beings, the sibyls had oracular powers that enabled them to predict the future. The myth of the sibyl was appropriated by the early Christians to prophesy the second coming of Christ, heralding the last judgment and the end of the world. Montserrat Figueras truly lives and bre athes this repertoire; as alway s , her performance is impassioned and mov i n g. To hear this re c o rding in multichannel SACD sound is unquestionably a reve l ation. The conversion to DSD format from the original tra cks - originally re c o rded in 24 bit/96 KHz high definition - reveals a new warmth to the sound, as well as dynamic richness and authentic explosion of harmonies. SACD = CALI 9806 SA $19.99

" These pieces are suitable not only for the harpsichord, but also the violin, the flute, the o b o e, the viol and the bassoon. I wrote them for the little chamber concerts commanded by Louis XIV almost every Sunday throughout the year. The pieces were performed by Messrs. Duval, Philidor, Alarius and Dubois: I myself played the harpsichord. In the hope that they will please the general public as much as they did the late King, I herewith publish several complete volumes." - Fracois Couperin, 1722 SACD = CALI 9840 SA $19.99

Alto LP C h a rlie Byrd — Byrd By the Sea C h a rlie Byrd occupied a unique place in the guitar firmament. One of a select few to perform exclusively on the amplified classical guitar, Byrd (1925-1999) mastered virtually every significant style associated with his instrument. He was as much at home playing flamenco and classical pieces (as a young man, Byrd had studied with Maestro Andres Segovia) and bossa nova (with Stan Getz he re c o rded the 1962 LP Jazz Samba, wh i ch did much to bring Brazil's bossa nova to the world) as he was with mainstream jazz, Appalachian folk, acoustic blues and pop tunes, both Tin Pan Alley and contemporary. This 1974 set, recorded live at a fabled California club and containing seven previously-unissued tracks, presents Byrd at his best. The tensile strength of his multifaceted work, backed expertly by his brother Joe on basses and Bertell Knox on drums, makes for an exceptional guitar legacy. LP = AATP 030 $34.99

Bach: The A rt of Fugue/Jo rdi Savall Originally released in 1986, Alia Vox's 2001 CD reissue of Bach's The Art of Fugue sparked renewed interest in this critically acclaimed recording. The Art of Fugue is a perfect synthesis of the skill and genius in Bach's art of counterpoint. His phenomenal capacity for invention, his extraordinary sense of form, structure and number, not to mention the expressive and musical aspect of composition, are clearly in evidence here. Jordi Savall's reading brings out its full musical breadth, achieving the perfect synthesis of form and emotional content. The SACD version of this recording was taken from original analog tracks, directly conve rted to the high resolution DSD format. This direct transfer ensures that the sound quality is as close as possible to the original analog sound. SACD = CALI 9818 SA $39.99 (two discs)

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED A&M The Carpenters – Singles 1969-1981 The greatest songs from one of the g reatest vocal duos. The Carpenters crafted beautiful, light and airy tunes with meticulous arrangements. All of the memorable ones are included h e re. SACD = CA&M 299636 SA $17.98

Jo rdi Savall — Tous Les Matins Du Monde " This disc is as lovely now as it was 10 years stands well on its own terms, unlike some other movie soundtracks. When the first release was issued, I listened to it over and over again...a strongly recommended purchase." - SACD = CALI 9821 SA $19.99


R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Amati – ARTS Music


Amati SACDs Mozart: Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute)/Sigi swald Kuijken

Artemis Classics SACD M att Haimovitz — Please Welcome...

"Sometimes we are simply transported like children into a fairytale.At other moments we are participants of esoteric tests and celebrations. Nevertheless the big mira cle about "The Magic Flute" is not its deep intellectual and emotional content but the final completeness in which all these elements naturally melt together and fascinate and thrill us at any time. Mozart - the unique magician..." - Sigi swald Kuijken, f rom the liner notes SACD = CAMA 2301/3 SA $49.99 (three discs)

Listen to the sound of the most exciting young cellist of his generation - Matt Haimovitz. In recording and in concert he challenges audiences to a new classical music experience. He brings Bach , the masters of European classical music, great American living composers and even rock and roll guitar legends to concert stages and to music clubs around the world. Now on this specially priced SACD release featuring works from his five Oxingale recordings, his wide ranging talents are on display, for all to hear, in spectacular surround sound. "Reinventing the classical recital for the new millennium." - San Francisco Chronicle "Matt Haimovitz wins new classical music fans with his ardent playing and unorthodox choice of venues." - The Wall Street Journal SACD = CATM 1229 SA $13.98

APO Records Direct-To-Disc LPs L e roy Jodie Piers o n “Leroy is really one of the very best bluesmen I’ve ever played with, and I’ve played with most of the greats, guys like Walter Davis, Robert Nighthawk, Sonny Boy Williamson, Robert Johnson and Roosevelt Sykes. Leroy is up there with those greats.” – Henry Townsend With an endorsement like that from one of blues’ most historic figures, it’s a major wonder that Leroy Jodie Pierson isn’t a star himself. Instead, he rarely takes his craft far from his St. Louis home. Once you hear this direct-to-disc you might be inspired to join a crusade to change that. Leroy Jodie Pierson is that good, and this recording is as close as you can possibly get to having him over for a visit. Th e re was magic in the sanctuary of Blue Heaven Studios that October 2004 Saturday afternoon. On the altar sat Leroy, cross-legged and cradling his National ResoLectric steel guitar with a glass slide encasing his left pinky finger and caressing the strings, while his right fingers aggressively plucked and strummed. The result is a dramatic yet buttery-smooth take of five killer blues numbers and one gospel tune. This direct-to-disc cut by Kevin Gray. LP = AAPO 005 $25.00 (recorded direct to disc)

A rthur Williams & Jesse Hogga rd Harmonica master Arthur Williams and his acoustic guitar-playing partner Jesse Hoggard interp ret six classic 12-bar blues – four sung by Arthur and two by Jesse. This duo really nails the front-porch feeling that the best acoustic blues was born from. Jesse’s guitar is perfectly steady with simple, tasteful fills. Arthur’s acoustic harp wo rk is the showstopper. Arthur Williams was born in Tunica, Mississippi in 1937, was raised in Chicago and made his recording debut backing Frank Frost on Jewel Records in 1966. In 1972, he moved to his current home of St. Louis. He still perfo rmed but his recording career was dormant as he concentrated on a day job. In the 1990s, he appeared on a few records and put out a few of his own. But no release before this one has captured such an in-person feeling. The dynamics on this direct-to-disc recording are almost frightening. This direct-to-disc cut by Kevin Gray. LP = AAPO 006 $25.00 (recorded direct to disc)

Arista DualDisc Usher — 8701 "...a classy, seductive affair masterminded by Usher, Jermaine Dupri, and Antonio 'L.A' b ably his strongest material yet." - All Music Guide DD = CARI 57915 $17.98

Arista (Classic Records) LP Alan Parsons Project — The Turn of a Friendly Card Although numerous doubts abounded that concept albums with thematic focus were not what people wanted to hear, Alan Parsons’ somewhat egomaniacal projects always found a broad public. Of course one can listen to the perfe c t lystyled sound of the music wh i ch this man created at the mixing console and concentrate on its programmatic contents or wallow in its esoteric tonal depths. But you don’t have to, for Parsons’ velvety mixture of ballads and rock numbers will get your ears’ nerve endings tingling without lyrics and themes. The album The Tu rn Of A Friendly Card i n cludes two of Parsons’ very best songs: "Time," and "Games People Play". LP = AARC 8226Q $29.99

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

ARTS Music DVDAs Shostakovich: Symphonies 5 & 6/Oleg Caetani/Philharmonie Chemnitz "It is the immediate quality of the sound that makes this disc of particular interest: we are close to the playe rs yet there is sufficient resonance to soften rough edges and flatter the lower s t rings." - Gramophone DVDA = CART 45001 $17.99

Vivaldi: L'Estro Armonico Op. 3 - Volume 1/Ottavio Dantone The Accademia Bizantina and its leader Ottavio Dantone present the complete recording of Vivaldi's most famous cycle of concerts, L' Estro Armonico in two volumes (this is Volume One). Vivaldi himself regarded the 12 concertos as his most important cycle and also the gre at J. S. Bach was inspired to transcribe some of the concertos for organ. The Accademia Bizantina has become the leading Italian baroque ensemble. Their recordings for ARTS so far have been acclaimed throughout the international press. DVDA = CART 45002 $17.99

Vivaldi: L'Estro Armonico Op. 3 - Volume 2/Ottavio Dantone The Accademia Bizantina and its leader Ottavio Dantone present the complete recording of Vivaldi's most famous cycle of concerts, L' Estro Armonico in two volumes (this is Volume Two). This is baroque music played with verve. DVDA = CART 45003 $17.99

Wagner: Overtures & Preludes/Oleg Caetani/Philharmonie Chemnitz "Enthusiastic performance." - The San Francisco Examiner "Exciting release." - Pizzicato DVDA = CART 45004 $17.99

Order online anytime! SPECIAL PRICE Buy these four AudioQuest LPs for $25 total! AADQ SET $25.00 Rob Mullins — One Night In Houston LP = AADQ 1020 $7.50 James Newton — Suite For Frida Kahlo LP = AADQ 1023 $7.50 Edwa rd Simon Group — Beauty Within (featuring Anthony Ja ckson and Horacio Hernandez) LP = AADQ 1025 $7.50 Kei A k agi — Mirror Puzzle LP = AADQ 1028 $7.50


ARTS Music – Back Porch Record s

Handel: Messiah/Diego Fasolis

Saint-Saens: Piano Concertos, Volume 2/Thomas Sanderling

"Handel says that he wishes to do nothing next winter, but I hope I can persuade him to write the music to a new excerpt from the Bible wh i ch I have compiled for him to perform under his own name in the Easter Week. I hope he will apply his whole genius and ability to this work, and that the composition will surpass all of his previous compositions, for the theme itself surpasses all other themes; the theme is Messiah…" These words of Charles Jennens, the librettist of the Messiah, were expressed on Ju ly 10, 1741, full of confidence and hope. He had written previous librettos for Handel, but the composer was only accustomed to creating a specific work only on commission. As fate would have it, such an event was presented to Handel at just about this time. The Irish viceroy, William Cavendish, invited Handel to Dublin for the winter season in order to perform a series of concerts there. Of course music that had alre a dy been composed would be performed, but it was also clear that Handel would be expected to create a new work. The Jennens’text was just the thing. He began the work on August 24, 1741 and completed it by September 14, 1741. This confirms the unbelievable speed (only 24 days) in wh i ch Handel completed his masterpiece. DVDA = CART 45007 $17.99 (two discs)

These works present some of the most modern music in Fre n ch instrumental repertoire f rom C. 1870. SACD = CAUD 92510 SA $19.99

Atlantic (Classic Records) 45-RPM LPs David Cro s by — If I Could Only Remember My Name David Cro s by's debut solo album If I Could Only Remember My Name is a one-shot wonder of dre a my but ominous California ambience. The songs ra n ge from brief snapshots of inspiration (the angelic chorale-vocal showcase on "Orleans" and the a cappella closer, "I'd Swear Th e re Was Somebody Here") to the full-blown, rambling Western epic "Cowboy Movie," and there are absolutely no false notes struck or missteps taken. No one before or since has gotten as much mileage out of a wordless vocal as Cro s by does on "Tamalpais High (At About 3)" and "Song With No Words (Tree With No Leaves)," and because the music is so relaxed, each song turns into its own panoramic vista. LP = AATC 7203Q $29.99 LP = AATC 7203-45Q $50.00 (four 45-RPM LPs)

Atma Classique SACD Bach: Psalm 51 and Cantata 82/Bern a rd Labadie/Les Violons du Roy Bernard Labadie was born in Quebec City and completed most of his musical training there. He has become a remarkable ambassador for his nat ive city through the work of two groups, the chamber orch e s t ra Les Violons du Roy (1984) and the chamber choir La Chapelle de Quebec (1985), which he founded and now conducts. Since 2003, he has conducted Les Violons du Roy at Lincoln Center in New York, at the Barbican in London, at the Saint-Denis Basilica in Paris, at the Salzburg Festival, at the Rheingua and Schleswig-Holstein festivals in Germany, at the Carinthian Summer Festival in Austria, and at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. SACD = CATC 22342 SA $18.99

Audio Fidelity Gold CD Deep Purple — Who Do We Think We Are Released in 1973 at the height of the band's popularity, Who Do We Think We Are furthers Deep Purple's reputation as hard ro ck pioneers. Highlights include the hit "Woman From Tokyo" and "Rat Bat Blue." CD = CAFZG 027 $19.98


Schubert: Symphony Nos. 8 & 3/Rafael Kubelik/Bavarian Radio Symphony "For me he is the most modern composer of the past...His music is not compact or forced but breathes as though it were an organism. It is not tense but relaxed, flow i n g, soft and incre d i bly subtle." - Adriana Holszky SACD = CAUD 92542 SA $19.99

Back Porch Records CD John Hammond — In Your A rms Again N o b o dy is better than John Hammond at interpreting blues. He is an absolute master at taking the classics and sometimes forgotten tunes of the blues greats and recasting them as his own. Having done so for 40 years to worldwide acclaim, John Hammond is himself a blues great. What he never had been was a composer. His first ever ori ginal song came in 2003 with his Ready For Love record. For In Your Arms Again, his 30th record overall, Hammond penned two tunes and now jokes that he's becoming a songwriter in his old age. Both originals, the title tra ck and "Come To Find Out," are among the strongest tracks on this release. The other tunes are brilliant interpre t ations of songs by Ray Charles, John Lee Hooker, Howlin' Wolf, Bukka Wh i t e, Jimmy Reed and Bob Dylan. In Your A rms Again was recorded in Acoustic Sounds' church-turned-recording studio, Blue Heaven Studios. Hammond fell in love with the acoustics and ambience of the room while there to perform a concert in 2002. He and his wife, Marla, arra n ged a backing combo of Stephen Hodges on drums and percussion and Marty Ballou on acoustic bass. Th e stripped-down, acoustic trio works magi c a l lywith Hammond's arrangements and the church's reverberant sanctuary. Add the fact that they re c o rded on a host of vintage mics to analog tape, m o s t ly live-to-two track, and you've got an audiophile and blues masterpiece. Wh at a way to ring in the 30th re c o rd of a true American legend. CD = CBPR 74815 $17.98 New music arrives daily – stay updated with our “New Arrival” emails. Sign up on our web site today. RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED ATLANTIC (Classic Record s )

Audite LPs & SACDs Mahler: Symphony No. 6/Rafael Kubelik/Bava rian Radio Symphony Orchestra With the Sixth Symphony, Audite continues its successful Mahler series with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orch e s t ra under its legendary Music Director Rafael Kubelik. Mahler himself called his Sixth the "Tragi c." It unconditionally duplicates the imaginary hero’s path into the final and ultimate downfall. Its instrumentation has grown to gigantic proportions, its expression intensified to the utmost. The Bavarian Radio Symphony Orch e s t ra tackles this act of power with bravura: enormous expressive power and the highest technical precision are combined in Kubelik’s direction to form an impressive sonic experience. LP = AAUD 80480 $50.00 (two LPs)

Saint-Saens: Piano Concertos, Volume 1/ Thomas Sanderling For those who associate Camille Saint-Saens only with Carnival of the Animals and the Danse macabre, large parts of the oeuvre of this universal Fre n chmusician remain to be discovered. Among them are the five piano concertos, the first portion of which are presented on this recording: brilliantly composed show-pieces containing an abundance of melodies. SACD = CAUD 92509 SA $17.99

Crosby, Stills & Nash – Crosby, Stills & Nash Finding a common musical spirit in the hills above Hollywood, David Crosby (bounced from the Byrds) and Graham Nash (drawn to So. California from The Hollies) joined with Stephen Stills (after Buffalo Springfield imploded) unleashing three part harmonies and a c reative force that was unstoppable. Their first sessions on Atlantic, in 1969, produced the mega hits: "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes," "Marrakesh Express," "Helplessly Hoping," "Wooden Ships" and "49 Bye Byes" among others. LP = AATC 8229Q $29.99 LP = AATC 8229-45Q $50.00 (four 45-RPM LPs)

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3







John Hammond is an absolute master at taking both the classic and sometimes forgotten tunes of the blues greats and recasting them as his own. Having done so for 40 years to worldwide acclaim, John Hammond is himself a blues great. What he never had been was a composer. His first ever original song came in 2003 with his Ready For Love record. For In Your Arms Again, his 30th overall record, Hammond penned two tunes and now jokes that he’s becoming a songwriter in his old age. Both originals, the title track and “Come To Find Out,” are among the strongest tracks on this new release. The other tunes are brilliant interpretations of songs by Ray Charles, John Lee Hooker, Howlin’ Wolf, Bukka White, Jimmy Reed and Bob Dylan.

John Hammond recorded his latest album in state-of-the-art recording facilities at Blue Heaven Studios, a converted 1920s church owned by Acoustic Sounds in Salina, Kansas.

In Your Arms Again was recorded in August 2004 at Acoustic Sounds’ church-turned-recording studio, Blue Heaven Studios. Hammond fell in love with the acoustics and ambience of the room while there to perform a concert in 2002. He and his wife, Marla, arranged a backing combo of Stephen Hodges on drums and percussion and Marty Ballou on acoustic bass. The stripped-down, acoustic trio works magically with Hammond’s arrangements and the church’s reverberant sanctuary. Add the fact that they recorded on a host of vintage mics to analog tape, mostly live-to-two track, and you’ve got an audiophile and blues masterpiece. What a way to ring in the 30th record of a true American legend. In this interview with Marc Sheforgen from Acoustic Sounds, Hammond reflects on the new record, his time at Blue Heaven Studios and his career overall.









JH: It was a fantastic adventure. We really got into

number 30. What an accomplishment. You’ve said that each one of your records differs from the others. How would you describe this one in comparison? JOHN HAMMOND: I think it’s an important one for me because what I did with the trio are things that I can do solo. My whole career basically has been as a solo artist with a few exceptions. So this one is the first one I’ve done in a while that is basically what I do when I’m performing. Here was a chance to do stuff without heavy arrangements, to do it the way I play it solo just embellished with drums and bass. And the material we chose to do was in my ballpark. It wasn’t a stretch for me. AS: I know you’ve been trying out your new tunes on the road. What kind of audience reaction have you had? JH: Very good. It’s been very humbling to play the new stuff and have it go over big-time. This is very exciting for me. It’s what I do best. I think my acoustic playing is my major strength. We’ve heard so many nice things from folks on this tour. One of the biggest FM stations here in New York City, WFUV, flipped out over it. They’re playing songs from it three times a day, and I’ve heard that tomorrow (Feb. 4) they’re going to play the entire record. It’s very exciting for me, you know, to turn on the radio in my hometown and hear my songs. AS: Do you feel different performing your own compositions after all of these years of playing your interpretations of other people’s songs? JH: I never thought of myself as an interpreter. I’m a blues singer. I’ve always sung songs that I can make my own. So to do those songs is in the same parameters. If I can feel it, that’s the only criteria I need. AS: When you started, you were credited with bringing songs by blues masters to the forefront, helping to bring those musicians back to an audience through your performances. Now, having done so for 40 years with such success, you’re considered one of those blues masters. Is that something you had ever envisioned for yourself? JH: I’ve always wanted to be as good as I could be. I’ve always loved the music and the style. I just tried my best to be what I feel in my heart about the music. I never thought of myself as a teacher or an educator as such. If my involvement in blues and my passion has resulted in the music being more acknowledged, I’m very happy. But my intention was always to play what I felt in my heart. That that should be influential to others, I’m very pleased with. My intention has been to put the songs across that I felt were the most important. I think the blues is timeless. It’s the human condition exposed – with humor, with pathos, with all of the emotional range that goes into the music. A good blues song is never dated. AS: Tell me about your time at Blue Heaven Studios. What do you think about the acoustics and ambience in the old church sanctuary?

the whole idea of the sound. And also got into the ambience of the room. It was very inspirational to be there. It was an adventure in that we didn’t know what to expect, but then it all came together so well. We were very pleased. I think it was great. And we got to know so many great folks in Salina. We’re very pleased. Chad (Kassem, Acoustic Sounds and Blue Heaven Studios owner) was right on about all of his predictions. He was very instrumental in it all coming together. And we’re very pleased. And I’ve got to thank Marla (Hammond, John’s wife, who had the idea to record at Blue Heaven following John’s 2002 performance there) for having the instincts to take advantage of the situation. We had a goal in mind. And we had the sound that we wanted in mind. And the church was the perfect place to get these beautiful overall sounds. AS: What about recording to analog tape instead of digital? JH: This is not a stretch for me at all. It’s the way I’ve recorded all of my recordings. Maybe I’m still living in the past, I don’t know. The sound (of tape) is so big and fresh. It was great to drive the masters to Milwaukee (where the mastering was done) and to watch the mastering engineer flip out and say ‘I barely have to do anything.’ Oz (Fritz, recording and mixing engineer) had it down. It was mixed very well. He’s a cool guy. I thank Tom Waits for having introduced him to us. We were so impressed immediately. On the Wicked Grin album (Hammond’s 2001 release of Tom Waits covers), the first two days were recorded in a heavy metal rehearsal studio that was such a mess you can’t even imagine. It was awful. And Oz made it sound great. AS: Who do you and Marla listen to when you’re putting in all those miles on the Nissan (the couple drives to almost all of their state-side gigs, totaling more than 50,000 miles a year between their car and rental cars)? JH: Very often we don’t listen to anything. We talk to each other. We just got a thing called The Roots of Robert Johnson. He said that Robert Johnson was of the first generation that could actually buy records. Whereas in the ‘20s these blues artists like Blind Lemon Jefferson and Blind Willie McTell never got to hear recordings of other blues artists. But to have the records and be able to use them as source material. Robert Johnson could listen to his predecessors, like Peetie Wheatstraw, and hear the styles and the various moods and incorporate them into his own music. And we’re on shows with artists who give us their CDs, so we’ll listen to those. Some you can tell that as talented as they are, they didn’t have a good engineer or they got a lousy sound in the studio. And then we put in our new one and we go, ‘ooh, yeah!’

FROM TOP: Bassist Marty Ballou; drummer Stephen Hodges; engineer Oz Fritz at Blue Heaven’s Neve 5106, 36-input console. BELOW: John Hammond’s new album, In Your Arms Again, recorded at Blue Heaven Studios.


Bayer Records – Blue Note (Classic Record s )


Bayer Records SACD Mozart: Requiem K626/Dieter Kurz "With highly expressive music bar any re s t o rative tendencies, Hans Georg Pfluger went his own way in the pluralistic field of new music." The new Harenberg dictionary of composers introducing the 760 most important composers in the history of music in single portraits begins the article about the composer with this sentence. Such an assessment, long shared by insiders, is a serious confirmation of Pfluger's worth and should be an incentive for musicians and listeners alike to earnestly engage in his work. He wrote his Requiem in the clear understanding of making a final statement. SACD = CBAY 800855 SA $18.99

Bell (Speakers Corner) LP The 5th Dimension — Po rt ra i t The Fifth Dimension cannot be pigeon-holed as regards their musical style. All the numbers come from va rying stylistic directions and are refreshingly different and we l l contrasted in character. Alongside the funky, rock title "Puppet Man" and the groovy "Feelin’ Alright?" there are soul-like, provocative, solidarity songs such as "Save The Country" and "People Gotta Be Free". Of course romantic pop ballads typical of the times have also found their niche here, such as "This Is Your Life" and Burt Bacharach’s hit "One Less Bell To Answer". The vocal qualities of soloists Billy Davis Jr., Marylin McCoo Davis and Florence LaRue Gordon certainly deserve to be heard over and over again. No wonder, then, t h at this album has often been praised as the best the group ever record e d. LP = ABEL 6045 $30.00

BIS Records SACDs Beethoven: Complete Works for Solo Piano, Vol. 1/Ronald Brautigam, fo rt epiano With what is possibly the most famous C minor chord in the history of classical music, Ronald Brautigam begins a new Herculean travail on BIS. The slow introduction of the Pathetique S o n ata is the starting signal for a projected 17 CD series of Beethoven’s complete works for solo piano, following Brautigam’s surveys of the piano music by Haydn and Mozart. Both these series have been unanimously praised in the music press. The works on this first volume were composed between 1797 and 1800, by a composer not yet 30 years old. Performed on a fort epiano specially built for this re c o rding project by Paul McNutty, after a Walther & Sohn instrument built around 1802, and recorded in multichannel, Brautigam’s interpre t ations are certain to make the listener sit up and take notice. SACD = CBIS M1362 SA $18.99

Daydreams" is the wo rk of a 26-year-old composer, and one that Tchaikovsky cherished all his life, referring to it as "a sin of my sweet youth." It is not hard to find characteristics of his later music in this work, such as its melodic richness and its often extremely skilful orchestration. Two other fa i rly early works in the composer’s catalog complete the programme. SACD = CBIS M1398 SA $18.99

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E Minor/Neeme Jarvi On the third volume of the the Neeme Jarvi/Gothenburg SO cy cle of Tchaikovsky's symphonies, the turn has come to Symphony No. 5 - one of the composer's "fate symphonies." The work, wh i ch begins in deathly sadness but ends in a jubilant mood, was first performed in 1888 under the baton of the composer himself. In spite of the audience's enthusiastic response,Tchaikovsky had reservations about the work, worrying that it was "too colourful, too massive" and speculating that he had reached the end of his creative career. On a lighter n o t e, this disc ends with one of the most popular and joyful works by Tchaikovsky: Capriccio Italien. Written some eight ye a rs before Symphony No. 5, it was inspired by the composer's experiences while visiting Italy, and actually began during his stay in Rome 1880. SACD = CBIS M1408 SA $18.99

B e e t h oven: Symphonies No. 4 & 5/Osmo Vanska/Minnesota Orch e s t ra This is the first volume in what will be one of the first complete cycles of Beethoven’s symphonies in surround sound. Osmo Vanska - described as an "exemplary Beethoven conductor" (Andrew Clements, The Guardian) - has chosen to open his cycle with Symphonies No. 4 and No. 5 on a disc wh i ch is sure to make its mark. Hear the first-class acoustics of Orch e s t ra Hall in Minneapolis in these exciting performances. " These performances are as compelling as any, beautifully realized in every respect. Music lovers purchasing this remarkable disc will find ample cause for delight, and there’s plenty t h at even the most jaded Beethoven collectors have never heard before, or heard so well." Classics To d SACD = CBIS M1416 SA $18.99

Blue Note DVDA & DVD Cassandra Wilson — Traveling Miles In 1999, Cassandra Wilson released her Grammy nominated tribute to Miles Davis, Traveling Miles. Newly remastered in 5.1 surround sound, this recording is comprised of Miles Davis-inspired songs with words and music by Cassandra Wilson, songs made famous by Miles and songs written by Miles with new lyrics by Cassandra. Widely regarded as the top jazz singer of her generation, Cassandra Wilson has been praised as an innovator who reinvented the art form and expanded its boundaries on such albums as Blue Light 'Til Daw n, New Moon Daughter and her most recent, Glamoured.

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 1 in G minor/Neeme Jarvi/Gothenbu rg Symphony Orchestra On the second installment in BIS’ series of Tchaikovsky Symphonies with the Gothenburg SO and Neeme Jarvi, we go directly from the composer’s symphonic testament, Symphony No. 6 "Pathetique," to his first attempt at the form. Symphony No. 1 in G Minor "Winter

DVDA = CBLU 54123 $24.98

N o rah Jones and The Handsome Band — Live in 2004

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED BLUE NOTE (Classic Record s ) Patricia Barber – Live: A Fortnight in France Critically-acclaimed jazz pianist-vocalist Patricia Barber perf o rms live in France with her outstanding quartet delighting listeners with a mix of original compositions and standards including "Witchcraft," "Call Me" and "Norwegian Wood." Recorded in March and April 2004 at clubs in three French cities (L’Arsenal in Metz, La Coursive in La Rochelle and La Cigale in Paris), Live: A Fortnight In France is her eighth release, and offers further proof that Patricia Barber is at the vanguard of the new school of jazz singer/songwriters who are continuing to explore intriguing improvisational terrain. LP = ABNC 5007Q $39.99 (two LPs)

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Following her historic quadruple plat i num 2004 release Feels Like Home and her massive 55-city North American tour, during wh i ch she played to a half-million fans and charmed critics everywhere, Norah Jones’historic ride continues with the release of an amazing DVD. Filmed in August 2004 at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium, the concert film includes performances of most of the songs from Feels Like Home, as well as hits from her landmark d ebut album Come Away With Me, and choice cove rs. Special guests include Dolly Parton, Gillian We l ch and David Rawlings. DVD = CBLU 99793 $19.98

Blue Note (Classic Records) LPs Lee Morgan — Volume 3 (mono) With a backing band comprised of GiGi Gryce, Benny Golson, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers and Charlie Persip, Lee Morgan trumpets his way through one of the famed and highly desirable 1500 series Blue Note records. As part of the Classic Blue Note Signature Series this LP was cut from the original fulltrack mono master tapes on an all-tube mono cutting system and pressed on 200-gram vinyl. LP = ABNC 1557Q $29.99

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Jo h n ny Gri ffin — A Blowin' Session (mono) Talk about A Blowing Session. Lee Morgan, Hank Mobley, John Coltrane, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers and Art Blakey back Johnny Griffin on this one. As part of the Classic Blue Note Series, this LP was cut f rom the original full-track mono master tapes on an all-tube mono cutting system and pressed on 200gram vinyl. LP = ABNC 1559Q $29.99

Blue Note (Classic Records) – Capitol


Brilliant Classics SACDs Brahms: C h o ral Works/Nicol Matt/Chamber Choir of Europe Johannes Brahms is often regarded as a gre at symphonist and as a composer of fine chamber music. The success of his major choral work "Ein deutsches Requiem" op. 45 and the number of large-scale works for chorus and orch e s t ra that followed like the "AltoR h ap s o dy" lose sight of the fact that Brahms also composed numerous sacred and secular works for women’s, men’s and mixed choirs of more modest proportions. These works combine two of Brahms’ basic musical ideals, that of early music and folk song. Th e transform ation of these principals into Brahms’ own romantic idiom makes his choral works so rewarding to sing and hear. SACD = CBRL 92206 SA $14.99

Mendelssohn: C h o ral Wo rks/Nicol Matt Hank Mobl ey — Hank (mono) Another of the fantastic Hank Mobley Blue Note recordings featuring Donald Byrd, John Jenkins, Bobby Timmons, Wilbur Ware and "Philly" Joe Jones. As part of the Classic Blue Note Signature Series this LP was cut from the original full-track mono master tapes on an all-tube mono cutting system and pressed on 200-gram vinyl. LP = ABNC 1560Q $29.99

Sonny Clark — Dial “S” For Sonny (mono) Dial "S" for Sonny, Sonny Clark’s first session for Blue Note Records and his first session as a leader, is a terrific set of laid-back bop, highlighted by Clark’s liquid, swinging solos. Clark leads a first-rate group - Art Fa rmer (trumpet), Curtis Fuller (trombone), Hank Mobley (tenor sax), Wilbur Ware (bass), Louis Hayes (drums) - through four ori ginals and two standards, balancing the selections between sw i n ging bop and reflective ballads. Th e re are traces of Bud Powell in Clark’s style, but he’s beginning to come into his own, developing a style that’s alternat e ly edgy and ch a rm i n g ly relaxed. This is a fine set of straight-ahead bop. LP = ABNC 1570M $29.99

Sonny Clark — Sonny's Crib (mono) Another of the famous 1500 series Rudy Van Gelder Blue Note re c o rdings and part of the Classic Blue Note Signature LP reissue series transferred from the original mono master tapes and cut on Classic’s all-tube mono cutting system by Bernie Grundman. Sonny Clark is joined by Donald Byrd, Curtis Fuller, Paul Chambers, Art Taylor and special guest John Coltrane. LP = ABNC 1576M $29.99

Another original DSD re c o rding by Brilliant Classics and conductor Nicol Matt. Under the direction of Nicol Matt, the Chamber Choir of Europe has developed since 1998 into one of the leading chamber choirs worldw i d e. SACD = CBRL 92207 SA $14.99

Schutz: Symphoniae Sacrae/Matteo Messori/Capella Augustana Heinrich Schutz’ rep u t ation is indeed a strange one: t h at of a composer who continues to be the victim of some kind of confessional prejudice. While to a gre at extent he is still ignored in Catholic sacred music circles, at the same time he has enjoyed (the last few decades at least) wide interest as a pre-Bachian interpreter of Lutheran religiosity. Schutz, like Bach (another Th u ri n gian Kapellmeister of Lutheran faith) a century later, though this time in an even more exhaustive, wide-ranging way, brought to completion and perfection the great Italian Catholic tradition in wh i ch both had been trained. The ensemble Cappella Augustana has been founded by the harpsichordist and organist M atteo Messori and brings together young performers who boast of many collaborations with the best European early music ensembles. The Cappella Augustana is particularly interested in the study of the relationships between Italy - Cradle of Fine Arts - and the transalpine countries during the late Renaissance and the Baroque. SACD = CBRL 92210 SA $14.99

Brushfire Records LP Ja ck Johnson — In Between Dreams In the past five years, Ja ck Johnson has gone from filmmaker, shooting and scoring his 16mm surf films to a well-known singer-songwriter. After spending the remainder of 2003 on the road in support of On and On, and slowing down in 2004 to welcome his new baby boy, Johnson is now ready to release his third, and most musically upbeat release to date, In Between Dreams. LP = ABFR 414901 $14.98

Johnny Gri ffin — The Congregation (mono) Another giant Van Gelder Blue Note mono recording. Griffin, on tenor sax, is joined by Sonny Clark on piano, Paul Chambers on bass and Kenny Dennis on drums. Cut from the original mono masters. LP = ABNC 1580M $29.99

Jackie McLean — Swing Swang Swingin' (mono) Another installment in Classic's Blue Note Signature LP Series. McLean is joined by Art Taylor on drums, Walter Bishop Jr. on piano and Jimmy Garrison on bass and delivers a great session of tunes i n cluding "What's New," "Let's Face the Music and Dance," "Stable Mates," "I'll Remember You," "I Love You," "I'll Take Romance" and "11th and Lenox." R e c o rded by Rudy Van Gelder and transferred from the ori ginal analog master tapes on Classic's all-tube mono cutting system. LP = ABNC 4024M $29.99

Sonny Red — Out of the Blue (mono) An ultra rare Sonny Red Blue Note title featuring Sonny on alto sax, Wynton Kelly on piano, Sam Jones and Paul Chambers on bass with Roy Brooks and Jimmy Cobb on drums. The Reid Miles cover design and the Rudy Van Gelder re c o rding on this LP are worth the price of admission. LP = ABNC 4032M $29.99

Capitol CDs & DVDs The Beatles — Capitol Albums Vol. 1 For the first time on CD, the original 1964 Capitol albums presented in stereo and mono. Compiled from the original U. S. master tapes. Special packaging includes original album cover artwork and a 48-page collector’s booklet. CD = CCAP 66878 $59.98 (four CDs)

The Beatles — Anthology More than 10 hours of The Beatles spread over five DVDs. The Beatles Anthology chronicles the history of the band from their beginnings in Liverpool, England to their worldwide fame and eventuallyto their breakup. This is packed with interviews and rare footage of The Beatles performing. A must have for any serious fan. DVD = CCAP 92975 $59.98 (five DVDs)

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Capri – Channel Classics

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC von Biber: Soldiers, Gypsies, Farmers & A Night Watchman/Jan Willem de Vriend/Combuttimento Consort Amsterdam

Capri SACDs Flutology — Fi rst Date The new band Flutology brings a dazzling freshness of conception and execution to the traditional role of the jazz flute on their debut album First Date. With world-class flutists Frank Wess, Holly Hofmann and Ali Ryerson in the front line, Fi rst Date is an exciting summit meeting in the studio that makes for compulsory listening. SACD = CCPR 74060 SA $14.98

Holly Hoffman — Minor Mira cle Oozing with genuine charm, flutist Holly Hofmann interprets mainstream jazz the way it's supposed to be. Her view of the world has been seasoned by mentors and musical partners such as Ray Brown, Mike Wofford, Bill Cunliffe and John Clayton. "On Minor Miracle Hofmann blows her bluesy, hard driving flute in front of an ex c eptional rhythm section - pianist Mike Wofford, bassist Peter Washington, and drummer Victor Lewis - on an exceptionally fine set of mainstream and Latin sounds." - Dan McClenaghan SACD = CCPR 74066 SA $14.98

Mike Wofford Trio — Live at Athenaeum Jazz The resplendence of pianist Mike Wofford is captured in an incredible live re c o rding at the auditorium of The Neurosciences Institute for the Anthenaeum Jazz concert series in San Diego. In the 15-year history of this gre at series, this is the only re c o rding that has been made. It is appropriate that Wofford, who was there at the beginning, would be the musician of choice for this recording. To quote Dan Atkinson, the director of the Anthenaeum jazz series, "He is an artist who brings together a rare combination of intelligence, stylistic versatility, phenomenal instrumental technique, and a passionate expressiveness that is instantly re c og n i z able as his own." "One of the outstanding pianists of our time. Mike Wofford is a pianist with a mind of his own, a fine touch, a very musical sound, and technique to spare." - DownBeat SACD = CCPR 74067 SA $14.98

Challenge Records SACDs Saint-Saens: Complete Piano Trios/Altenberg Trio Wien Since its debut at the 1994 Salzburg Mozert Week, the Altenberg Trio has enjoyed gre at success with performances in the United States, Canada and all over Euro p e. In Au s t ria the trio presents a regular concert series at Vienna’s famed Musikverein. Their numerous re c o rdings for the Challenge Classics label have earned critical acclaim throughout the musical world. Saint-Saens (1835-1921) first attempted to write a piano trio at the age of 13, but it remained unfinished. He completed his Trio No. 1 in 1864; it is a masterpiece that influenced all later French chamber composers, including Ravel, who loved the work. The Trio No. 2 was launched in 1892 and was immediately proclaimed "monumental." SACD = CCHR 72111 SA $17.99

Nearly all the pieces on this CD have an extramusical program. Whether humorous or serious, it always tells us something about the culture in which the music functioned. The works presented here were performed in intimate settings during evening concerts, or were intended to mark the arrival of important guests. Founded in 1982 by violinist Jan Willem de Vri e n d, the Combattimento Amsterdam has developed into a close-knit ensemble specializing in music from 1600 to 1800. Their wish not to focus solely on the standard repertoire has resulted in many interesting programs featuring remarkable and little-known works, some of wh i ch are only ava i l able in manuscript. SACD = CCHR 72132 SA $17.99

Chandos SACDs Barber: Vanessa/Opera in 4 Acts/Leonard S l atkin/BBC Symphony Orchestra Samuel Barber’s Vanessa has long been in need of reconsideration. The only other re c o rding was made in the sixties. The Pulitzer prize-winning opera is a remarkable study of sex, delusion and disillusionment. Enthusiasticallyreceived at its star- s t u dded premiere it s p a rked controversy - some re ckoned that the score, undeniably influenced by Puccini and Strauss, was too European to be a model for contemporary American opera. Leonard Slatkin has long been a champion of the works of Samuel Barber. He conducted an all-star concert performance of Vanessa at the Barbican in 2003 - one of the few performances of the work ever to be staged in the UK, and the only one to assemble the caliber of cast worthy of the work’s stature. American mezzo-soprano Susan Graham is one of today’s most popular and critically acclaimed singers, in gre at demand at home and abroad for opera, concert and recital engagements. SACD = CCHA 5032 SA $35.98(two discs)

Walton: C h ristopher Columbus - A Music Journey / R i ch a rd Hickox/BBC N ational Orchestra Christopher Columbus was a radio play written to celebrate the 450th annivers a ry of Columbus' discovery of the New World in 1492. William Walton wrote over an hour of incidental music for the play. Some of the music has been available in the recording catalog as a suite, but the full score has not, until now. For this "concert scenario" the dialogue was condensed,but the dramatic cohesion of the story remains. This exciting release is conducted by Richard Hickox, the recipient of numerous accolades for previous recordings of Walton's music and features father and son actors Julian and Jamie Glover. SACD = CCHA 5034 SA $24.98

Corigliano: Symphony No. 2; The Red Violin/Yuli Turov s ky, cello/I Musici de Montreal

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED CHESS (Speakers Corner) Sonny Boy Williamson – The Real Folk Blues This collection includes some of Rice Miller's (A.K.A. Sonny Boy Williamson No. 2) greatest and most famous compositions from the Chess and Checker labels. Recorded in the early 1960s, Sonny Boy's trademark harp and vocals are accompanied by stars like Robert Lockwood Jr., Otis Spann, Willie Dixon and Matt "Guitar" Murphy. Every record collection needs some Sonny Boy, and this is a great place to start.

I Musici de Montreal's core of 14 artists, under the direction of cellist Yuli Turovsky, lends its musical talents to a wide spectrum of chamber rep e rt o i re, f rom Baroque to twentieth-century works. The string orchestra has recorded over 30 compact discs for Chandos Records. SACD = CCHA 5035 SA $24.98

Channel Classics SACDs Rachmaninov Symphony No. 2/Ivan Fischer/Budapest Festival Orch e s t ra "As the major labels bury their collective heads in the sand, many worthy artists and ensembles are migrating to the independents, and if this union between Ivan Fischer, his B u d apest Festival Orchestra, and Channel Classics is any indication of what’s in store, then music lovers have reason to rejoice. Fischer turns in what is unquestionably the finest version of the Rachmaninov Second Symphony to come along in years. His affection for and identification with the composer’s idiom is complete. The performance flows majestically, with a lightness of texture that never precludes passion, and real emotional warmth that never turns sticky or overly sentimental. In this symphony, that is no mean achievement." - Classics To d SACD = CCCS M21604 SA $19.99


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R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 in F minor, Op. 36/Romeo and Juliet Overture/Ivan Fischer/Budapest Festival Orch e s t ra "From the first tragic accents in Romeo and Juliet, or the first brutal blows in the Fourth Symphony we enter a world of fate and passion that moves on and on, through modulations, repetitions, sequences. There is a constant, irresistible drive in Tchaikov s ky's faster movements. We seem to be surrounded by desires, dreams, obsessions and fateful blows, all more powerful than we are...This music seems to lead us through ballrooms of the Frenchspeaking Russian aristocracy, to the settings of To l s t oy's novels. Tchaikovsky is the gre at poet of a unique combination of western style and eastern passion." - Ivan Fischer SACD = CCCS M21704 SA $19.99

Alfredo Marcucci — A Life of Ta n go With A Life Of Tango we celebrate Maestro A l f redo Marucci's 75th birthday. On this release,he performs with tango musicians Juan Masondo and Dirk van Esbroeck, who brought him back to the Ta n go in 1986. He started recording again and founded Orquesta Tipica. Lat e r, he performed with ensembles including his own Sexteto Veritango, with guitarist Baltazar Benitez, and the Belgian string quartet Piacevo l e. SACD = CCCS M21904 SA $19.99

Bach: St. John Passion/Jos Van Veldhoven/The Netherlands Bach Society The Netherlands Bach Society's 2003 release of B a ch's Christmas Oratorio was met with high praise not only for its musical excellence, but also for its lavish packaging. Channel Classics offers this recording of Bach's St. John Passion made with similar forces, and again, thanks to the label's collab o ration with the Catharijneconvent Museum of Utrecht, the set is accompanied by a richly illustrated book featuring liturgical art from one of Europe's premier collections. Conductor Jos van Veldhoven has chosen to record Bach's earliest version of this work (1724) in a reconstruction by musicologist Dr. Pieter Dirksen. This perfo rmance feat u res a small-scale scoring with 10 singers and 11 instrumentalists, with not distinction being made between choristers and soloists. SACD = CCCS M22005 SA $44.99 (two discs)

Chesky CDs & SACDs Va rious Artists — Night Songs: She Sings Alone there is something intriguing about the night, but coupled with the right music it can become captivating. That is the concept behind Night Songs, a new compilation from Chesky Records. This album combines these two separate entities into one collection of groovy and cool mid-tempo music and features selections performed by female vocalists. With the splendid quality of this recording one can enjoy all the subtleties of the night, even if played in the middle of the day. CD = CCRJ 270 $15.00

C h u ck Mangione — The Feeling's Back Chuck Mangione, the jazz artist who made the world "feel so good," has brought the feeling back. On his magnificent Chesky debut, Chuck showcases why he is a major fo rce in contemporary jazz and famous for his impact in the smooth jazz format. Soothing melodies glide effortlessly above seductive Brazilian rhythms, and the sound of his legendary horn is front and center as he perfo rms his own compositions, as well as those by Antonio Carlos Jobim, Luis Bonfa, Dorival Caymmi and more. SACD = CCRJ 282 SA $19.99

Carlos Fra n zetti — The Jazz Kamerata Composer/Conductor Carlos Franzetti’s musical range seems to know no limits. Symphonic and chamber works, big band and Latin jazz and film scores have all been the focus of his vast talent. Here he is on piano accompanied by saxophone, fl u t e, violin, viola, cello and bass tackling the music of jazz greats like Miles Davis, Wayne Shorter, Pat Metheny, Keith Ja rrett, Bill Evans and more. CD = CCRJ 283 $15.00 SACD = CCRJ 287 SA $19.99

Marta Gomez — Cantos de Agua Dulce With her velvety voice and jazz infused arrangements, Marta Gomez takes South American indigenous folk music into a hip new realm. Marta not only traverses a whole ra n ge of rhythms based on South American folklore, she also writes melodies and refrains that translate across all languages. "With an exquisite vo i c e,Marta manages to sound like a pure folk-traditionalist and jazzy pop adventurer at the same time." - The Boston Herald SACD = CCRJ 285 SA $19.99

Channel Classics – Chesky


Va rious A rtists — Blues & Grass: The 52nd Street Blues Project Featuring Charlie Burnham, Aubrey Dayle, Queen Esther, M a rk Peterson and James "Blood" Ulmer. "We want to take this music back to the church, where the blues was misunderstood people thought it was a song of the devil, but it was the soul of a man for sure." - James "Blood" Ulmer SACD = CCRJ 286 SA $19.99

David Chesky — Area 31 Area 31 is released on SACD but offered at the price of a regular CD. Chesky believes that this is one of the finest re c o rdings ever made of a soprano and orchestra. It was done with one mic and you will hear absolute perfect imaging, depth, and space. This is real - not some hyped-up, top-end miked Hi Fi recording. This is how real instruments sound. Natural. Th ey should sound rich and full on your system. If you have a good system you will get the feeling t h at you can literally walk into the soundstage. You should hear spaces between the instruments, if you have a good D/A you will hear amazing low level resolution. And Chesky points out they have some new D/A converters that re a l lytake digital into the next age - digital can sound great if you have the right front end D/A converter. This re c o rding was the hit of the CES shows, many manufacturers used it as a set up disc. Of course, you will enjoy the music as well. Give it a test drive if you want to hear state of the art in audio. SACD = CCRC 288 SA $15.98

Rosa Passos & Ron Carter — Entre Amigos Singer Rosa Passos, bassist Ron Carter and their collaborators have recre ated Brazilian music in their own image. Given the splendid re c o rding quality of this recital, we have a front row seat to bask in the sepia glow of Ron Carter’s warm, woody acoustic bass violin, as he uses his singing sound, big percussive beat and canny harmonic sensibility to ru dder this ship of song with the firm yet gentle understatement of a true Brazilian. And when you consider just how daunting the language barriers were, it’s remark able how well Carter and company have captured both the letter and spirit of these traditions. Th roughout these arrangements, the bassist’s playing contains great depth, dignity, simplicity…and authenticity — a decidedly definitive recital. SACD = CCRJ 291 SA $19.99

Candido & Graciela — Inolvidabl e Havana-born Latin music legends Candido and Graciela are two of the survivors of the Cubop movements of the late 1940s, which fused Cuban rhythms with big-band jazz. These m a s t e rsof the art bring a unique style and ease of camara d e rie to this new recording, highlighted by Graciela’s call-and-response interplay with the band and Candido’s subtle wizardry on the conga drums. Wh at you have is Inolvidable, unforge t t able. SACD = CCRJ 297 SA $19.99

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED TRACK RECORD ( Classic Records) The Who – Who’s Next Originally released in August 1971, Who's Next became The Who's most acclaimed work and one of the most important albums in the history of rock. Springing out of Pete Townshend's never-fully-realized Lifehouse Project, it revolutionized popular music by introducing the use of p re - p rogrammed synthesizers and sequencing. Who's Next also feature d some of the Who's all-time biggest tracks, including "Baba O'Riley," "Behind Blue Eyes" and "Won't Get Fooled Again." LP = ACCS 79182Q $29.99

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Chesky – Columbia (Classic Record s )


Paquito D'Riviera — Port raits Of Cuba This absolutely classic jazz recording is a milestone project of Paquito D'Rivera. Arranged by Carlos Franzetti, the large band ensemble provides an orchestral ambiance akin to the legendary Gil Evans sound with Miles Davis, in the classic Sketches of Spain. This recording couldn't come at a better time, as it presents an artistic commentary on a national and social transition as it unfolds in a new and evolving Cuba. It is truly a work that will be applauded worldwide as the quality of the writing and perfo rmance is at a level few artists are capable of achieving today. SACD = CCRJ 298 SA $19.99

Cisco SACD Lara St. John — Gypsy Famed violinist Lara St. John understands and envelops the fi e rypassion and wistful lyricism of Gypsy music. She interprets Franz Waxman’s C a rmen Fantasie (after Bizet’s opera), Kreisler’s La Gitana, Ravel’s Tzigane, along with three actual Gypsy pieces with spirit and great affection. There has never been a group on earth that has inspired more lore, fables and dreams than the Gypsies. Traveling in rustic caravans, they have beckoned the romantic and adve n t u rous at heart for centuries. Two essential aspects of their nature are their nomadic way of life and their remarkable musical gifts. Gypsy clans have influenced the Gitano of Spain, the passion of cante jondo (flamenco), the manouche of Perpignan in the south of France, with their rituals on horseback by the sea; and especially the Cigany of Hungary, from whom have sprung generations of great Gypsy violinists. Gypsy violin is at once dark and brooding with the sorrow of displacement and prejudice, and carefree and soaring with the love of unfettered life. SACD = CCIS 2053 SA $24.98

Classic Records HDADs 24/96 24/192 Muddy Wat e rs — Folk Singe r Well here it is, wait no longe r. The most talked about true audiophile blues recording ever. Captured from the original 1964 Chess analog master tapes, this true 24/96 tra n s fer will bring the intimate and spooky studio production further into your listening room than ever before. If you thought the Gold CD was one of the gre atest analog sounding CDs released,you're in for a real tre at with DAD. Muddy's supporting cast includes B u ddy Guy on guitar, with occasional visits by Chess veteran drummer Clifton James, Otis Spann's piano and Willie Dixon at the upright bass. One side plays on DVD audio players at the sampling rate of 24/192 , the other side plays on DVD video players at the sampling rate of 24/96. HDAD = CHDD 2008 $19.99

Classic Rock Legends DVDA U riah Heep — Gold From the Byron Era Featuring previouslyunreleased versions of Heep classics from the original studio recording sessions. These brand new alternative versions have been taken from recently rediscovered studio sessions and meticulously re-mixed for 5.1 audio from the original studio t apes. When David Byron died alone and neglected at the age of 38, the world lost a truly gre at talent. This is the first time that completely new versions of Byron classics have been cre ated from alternative studio sessions. Recorded during 1970 and 1971 as the band was working up the material for the first three Uriah Heep albums these rediscovered masters have yielded a wealth of altern ate takes and completely new versions of classic songs. With the dawning of the multichannel world of surround sound there was at last an opportunity to showcase the wealth of material. DVDA = CCRL 1674 $23.98

Col Legno SACD Nono: Vocal Music/Manfred Schreier/Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttga rt Neue Vocalsolisten was founded in 1984 by Manfred Schreier as an ensemble for contemporary vocal music under the auspices of the organization "Musik der Jahrhunderte" and has been an artistically autonomous chamber ensemble for voices since 2000. Eight concert and opera soloists, ranging from coloratura soprano by way of countertenor to basso profundo, assume individual responsibility for their tasks and - despite all the differences among the individual personalities - have developed an exemplary standard of cooperation, of unpretentious and productive collegiality. SACD = CCLG 20603 SA $17.99

Columbia (Classic Records) LPs B e e t h oven: Symphony No. 3 ''Eroica''/Bruno Walter/Columbia Symphony Orch e s t ra A very strong interpretation of Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony by Bruno Walter conducting the Columbia Symphony Orchestra in Hollywo o d. Transferred from the original three-tra ck session master tapes dire c t ly to master lacquer on Bernie Grundman’s all-tube cutting system. LP = ACCS 6036Q $29.99

Dave Brubeck Quartet — Time Out Containing the monster hit "Take Five," Time Out firmly establishes the Dave Bru b e ck Quartet outside of the jazz world. This seminal recording is highlighted by the moody arrangements and saxophone work of Paul Desmond. LP = ACCS 8192-45Q $50.00 (four single-sided 45-RPM LPs)

D u ke Ellington — Piano In The Background Piano In The Background is the sister, albeit earlier, recording to Piano In The Foreground but this time featuring Ellington with orch e s t ral accompaniment. The band is amazing as are the original three-track master tapes used to cut dire c t lyto master lacquer on Bernie Grundman’s all-tube cutting system. LP = ACCS 8346Q $29.99


D u ke Ellington — Piano In The Foreground

Duke Ellington – Jazz Party in Stereo The tremendously detailed audio effect achieved by Columbia's engineers is brought back to life by Classic R e c o rds. Dizzy's spectacular trumpet blooms amidst the Ellingtonian a g g regate. The sometimes tender, sometimes shouting blues style of Jimmy Rushing provides nice contrast in one of the most varied and satisfying Ellington recordings ever. LP = ACCS 8127Q $29.99

Produced by the famous jazz producer Irving Townshend, this Ellington trio recording done in one afternoon feat u res the Duke out in front doing what he does best - play piano. Transferred from the original three-tra ck analog master tapes directly to master lacquer using Bernie Grundman’s all-tube cutting system reveals nuances on this recording never before heard on previous pressings. LP = ACCS 8829Q $29.99

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Order online anytime!


JIMMY D. LANE with Double Trouble IT’S TIME

“Jimmy D. Lane is a natural-born guitar monster.” BOB MARGOLIN Producer and engineer Eddie Kramer (Hendrix, Zeppelin, Buddy Guy etc.), the Double Trouble rhythm section of Chris “Whipper” Layton and Tommy Shannon and keys master Mike Finnigan are all onboard to give Jimmy the nudge he needs to clear the launching pad. It’s Time.

It’s Time CD = CAPO 2020 $16 LP = AAPO 2020-45 $30 (45 RPM, 2 LPs) SACD = CAPO 2020 SA $25


Chris Layton, Mike Finnigan, Jimmy D. Lane, Eddie Kramer

Long Gone CD = CAPO 2003 LP = AAPO 2003

$16 $25

Analogue Productions Originals P.O. Box 1905 • Salina, Kansas 67402-1905 Phone 785-825-8609 • Fax 785-825-0156

To order, call 1-800-716-3553 or purchase online at

Legacy CD = CAPO 2005 LP = AAPO 2005

$16 $25


Columbia (Classic Records) – Def Soul


Simon & Garfunkel — Bri d ge Over Tro u bled Water Bridge Over Troubled Water was one of the biggest selling albums of its decade, and it hasn't fallen too far down on the list in the 30-plus years since. The album was perhaps the most delicately textured album to close out the 1960s from any major rock act. This album is sometimes ambitious and bold, sometimes quietly reassuring and always just plain fun. LP = ACCS 9914Q $29.99 LP = ACCS 9914-45Q $50.00 (four single-sided 45-RPM LPs)

CPO SACD Dupre: Le Chemin de la Croix/Hans Hermann Jansen The present recording conveys an authentic sound picture by means of which the listener is practically transported into the church space. The special sound features of the Romanesque basilica with its specific unique resonances and the resulting frequency overlappings and the individual tone speech of the organ stops in connection with the noises produced by the playing and stop action made possible a vibrant and natural sound experience with the character of a concert. SACD = CCPO 777128 SA $16.99

Cybele SACDs Va rious Artists — Günther Becker: Collected Works/Electroacoustic Music For the exact placement of multifaceted reality in art, especially in music, the invention of electroacoustic sound storage and reproduction, especially the development of tape around 1950, naturally played a decisive role. Any preexisting sound can now, one by one, be integrated into music, thanks to the digital possibilities of today and the ever-improving technology of loudspeakers. Or, as is often the case in the contemporary composition, any existing sound can serve as the foundation for a work derived only from this sound, with which the distance between art and the mundane,between art and nature is noticeably diminished. Amongst these poles, in the flowing continuum of ab s t raction and the concrete, are situated the electroacoustic works of Gunther Becker. SACD = CCYB 960401 SA $16.99

Michael Denhoff — Credo The Creed is not a text reserved for religious specialists; it has its place in re l i gious service and must at least in principle be generally accessibl e. The public hearing of Michael Denhoff's composition is in itself a communal activity, but he has further involved the community both directly and indirectly in his Cre d o. The work lasts for a total of about 35 minutes. It opens with a musically important introduction lasting for some five minutes, a sort of overture or perhaps better, an "approach" consisting of soft music with high-playing strings and wind instruments, building one large and almost unisono phrase. At predefined points within or above this phrase the public or the singers of the choir are asked to incant subjective, perhaps spontaneous confessions of faith. SACD = CCYB 860301 SA $16.99

Dagored LP Trinidad Steel Band — Trinidad Steel Band The music on this disc represents an important part in the history of music from Trinidad. During the years of British colonization, the Trinidad nat ives were banned from using skin drums in an attempt by the British to take away A f rican tribal customs. The Trinidad musicians began using steel tubes and sticks to cre ate a new sound and musical expression. Th at is the music represented here. LP = ADAG 157 $14.99

Decca SACDs, DVDAs, CDs & DVD Mahler: S y m p h o nyNo. 2/Riccardo Chailly/Royal Concert gebouw Orch e s t ra "Mortality is not just wh at the symphony recognizes; it attempts to offer humankind an experience of it, in sound, not only of death but beyond death. Death was mere ly Mahler’s point of departure. This was a journey from post-cessation to and through the afterlife. How extraordinary that no sooner was the Second off his desk that Mahler started work on his Third, no less than an evolutionary history of the creation of the world. Th e re was no stopping him, was there?" - Donald Mitchell, from the liner notes This DVD Audio disc features uncompressed five - channel Surround Sound, plus Stereo and Dolby Digital Surround Sound. In addition to outstanding audio quality, it offers screen menus, a photo gallery and selected artist discography. DVDA = CDEC 334519 $17.98

Billie Holiday — The Ultimate Collection (2 CD/DVD Combo) The most comprehensive portrait of Lady Day ever! 2 CDs - 42 tracks, 1935 to 1958. All of her key recordings: "Lover Man," Don't Explain" & "God Bless the Child." The DVD contains rare classic performances from movies & TV, 3 previouslyunseen in 50 years, Rare interviews & an image-filled interactive timeline. DVD = CDEC 391800 $39.98 (two CDs + DVD)

Mahler: S y m p h o nyNo. 9/Riccardo Chailly/Royal Concert gebouw Orch e s t ra The completion of the acclaimed Chailly/Mahler cycle. Recorded right after a live performance of Mahler 9, Chailly’s last concert as music director of the Concertgebouw orch e s t ra. The Ninth Symphony is Gustav Mahler’s last completed symphony and is considered to be one of his "two gre atest works," (the other being the song cycle Das Lied von Erde). Like every one of Mahler’s symphonies, if not most all of his works, it is a grand musical exposition of his innermost conflicts, of the tensions arising from a profound fear of d e ath and a genuine yearning for the joys of life. It is perhaps the most eloquent, pure ly orch e s t ral expression of his lifetime obsession with death. SACD = CDEC 475619 SA $17.98 (two discs)

Renee Fleming — Handel One of the most respected singers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries further proves her versatility with this, her tackling of Handel. SACD = CDEC 4756186 SA $17.98

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED COLUMBIA (Classic Records) Willie Nelson – Stardust The record label didn't want Nelson to do this project, inspired partially by the death of pop crooner Bing Crosby. Standard material - "Moonlight in Ve rmont," "All of Me," "Don't Get A round Much Anymore" - is arranged by Booker T. Jones of "Green Onions" fame and re c o rded in Nelson's inimitable style in Emmylou Harris' house.

LP = ACCS 35305-45Q $50.00 (four single-sided 45-RPM LPs)

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Juan Diego Florez — Gre at Tenor Arias Juan Diego Florez in top form through 150 ye a rs of Great Tenor Arias - from Gluck to Puccini. In the space of just a few short years, Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Florez has established himself as a thrilling world-class artist and one of Opera’s most exciting stars. Great Tenor Arias sees Juan Diego Florez exploring new territory, placing the bel-canto repertoire within more than 150 years of virtuoso arias for the tenor voice, in both Italian and French - from the classical expression of Gluck to the romantic passion of Puccini. SACD = CDEC 4756187 SA $17.98

Def Soul LP One Twe l ve — Pleasure & Pain "Equally rooted in gospel, soul and hip-hop, 112 was the first and most successful urban vocal group to emerge from Sean 'Puffy' Combs' Bad Boy Records roster. Not only was the group's eponymous 1996 debut popular, but the group could be heard on records by such Bad Boy artists as Puff Daddy. Unlike most artists on Bad Boy, 112's image was clean, pure and wholesome, which helped the group cross over to a more mainstream audience." - All Music Guide LP = ADEF 378401 $14.98


Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7/Kleiber/Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra This is the SACD release of Kleiber’s legendary recording of the Beethoven Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7 from 1976. It offers superb audio rep roduction of conventional stereo recordings as well as lifelike surround sound. The SACD transfer takes full advantage of the new technology, offering sound of greater warmth, depth and cl a rity achieved by means of a wider dynamic range and frequency response than is possible with the conventional compact disc. "This is the finest Fifth we have had for at least a decade. It is a glorious achievement: Vienna’s answer to earlier Fifths made in London with Klemperer, and in Berlin with Karajan; and a further feather in the cap of the celebrated fa m i ly Kleiber." - Gramophone SACD = CDGR 471630 SA $17.98 DVDA = CDGR 311619 $17.98

Mozart: Requiem/Herbert von Karajan/Berliner Philharmoniker Mozart’s famous Requiem as interpreted by the great Herbert von Karajan and the Berliner Philharmoniker. SACD = CDGR 471639 SA $17.98 DVDA = CDGR 311519 $17.98

Elgar: Violin Concerto,Op. 61/Hilary Hahn, violin/Colin Davis/London Symphony Orchestra Hilary Hahn’s new recording features two landmark works from the English violin repertoire: Edward Elgar’s Violin Concerto, Op. 61 and Ralph Vaughan-Williams’ The Lark Ascending. Her English partners, the London Symphony Orch e s t ra under the direction of Sir Colin Davis, guarantee an authentic, heartfelt interpretation. SACD = CDGR 474873 SA $17.98

Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto/Anne-Sophie Mutter/London Symphony Orchestra "Anne-Sophie makes the structure of Korngold's piece cl e a rer than anyone else," writes conductor André Previn in the liner notes of his wife's performance of Korngold's Violin Concerto. To be more precise,it is Previn who makes the structure clearer, who, indeed, makes this the most persuasive performance of the piece ever recorded. An old hand at the music of Korngold, P revin's sensitive conducting shapes an ardent but cogent performance, a performance that lets Korngold's lines sing and soar but always in context of a convincing structure. Mutter, who thankfully has not added any hint of "contemporary music" to Korngold's neo-Romantic piece, plays with all the subtlety, taste, and beauty of which she is capabl e. The result is one of the most completely compelling performances of the work ever recorded. Deutsche Grammophon's sound is transparent with a slight hint of reverberation.” - All Music Guide SACD = CDGR 474874 SA $17.98

Chopin: Scherzi/Impromptus 1-3/Yundi Li "Stunning playing...Powerful, punctilious and heroic his performances...The recordings, made in Berlin, are excellent." - Bryce Morrison, Gramophone SACD = CDGR 474878 SA $17.98

Anna Netreb ko — Sempre Libera Here is the voice of individual color - and here is the woman who personifies "sempre libera," a woman born free and re a dy to take on any challenge. Anna Netrebko has become a highly acclaimed opera star and a successful re c o rding artist. This is a grand opera throughout: a roller-coaster ride of strong emotions with the fragile courtesan Violetta, the innocent sleepwalking Amina, the desperate made scenes of Elvira and Lucia, the sad willow song and prayer of Desdemona, and as an encore the alluring "O mio babbino caro" from Gianni Sch i c chi. SACD = CDGR 474881 SA $17.98

Gluck: Orphee et Eurydice/Minkow s k i / The Musicians of the Louvre Marc Minkowski has garnered enthusiastic reviews everywhere for Armide and Iphigenie en Tauride, his first Gluck projects on A rchiv Producktion. He is now continuing the cycle with Gluck’s most popular opera, Orphee et Eurydice. It is a live recording of the 1774 version, in which the role of Orphee is sung by a tenor. No mere transcription of the earlier Italian version, this is a considerably extended and more dramatic new wo rk. And as there aren’t many tenors around who can sing this very demanding role, only a few recordings are available. SACD = CDGR 474993 SA $29.98 (two discs)

Deutsche Grammophon – Eagle Eye Media


Verdi: La Traviata/Carlos Kleiber When Deutsche Grammophon’s new recording of La Traviata first appeared in the shops at the end of 1977, there were alre a dy some dozen other versions of this most popular of Verdi’s works to choose from. From the standpoint of the re c o rded repertory, then, there was really no reason for a further retelling of poor Violetta Valery’s life in Parisian high society in the ye a rs around 1700. This new recording, however, was conducted by no ordinary Verdian, but by Carlos Kleiber, a conductor as stubborn as he is brilliant and one whom any record company would have been only too hap py to sign up, no matter wh at the recording project. Kleiber’s recording proved exemplary not only in the short term, but also in the longer term: even today it remains a model of what can be achieved when Verdi is taken seri o u s ly. SACD = CDGR 477077 SA $29.98 (two discs)

G ab rielli: Music For San Rocco/Paul McCreesh/Gabrieli Consort & P l aye rs On August 16, 1995, the Gab rieli Consort & Players recreated a famous musical event that took place on August 16, 1608 at the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice. The program commemorates the 700th annivers a ry of the birth in 1295 of St. Roch (San Rocco), a saint famed for his miraculous healing powers. The spectacular program performed by the Gabrieli Consort & Players with their acclaimed director Paul McCreesh was recorded for release on Archiv Pord u cktion. It features some of Giovanni Gabrieli’s finest work, as well as solo vocal motets by Barbarino. SACD = CDGR 477086 SA $17.98 (two discs)

Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2/Lang Lang "Lang Lang is a prodigi o u s lygifted artist." - Gramophone "Lang Lang is a marvel, his ease of virtuosity astonishing, his stage presence magnetic." The Times SACD = CDGR 477549 SA $17.98

Devil In The Woods LPs A m e rican Music Club — Love Songs For Pat riots "While American Music Club was often regarded as Mark Eitzel and four other guys during their initial lifetime, the jagged panoramas of Vudi’s guitar and the patient but ominous report of Dan Pearson’s bass and Tim Mooney’s drums cre ate such perfect settings for these songs here that you sense this was that rare reunion prompted by aesthetics ab ove all else, and this album tru ly succeeds on a creative level." - All Music Guide LP = ADIW 80 $16.99 (two LPs)

Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter — Reckless Burning Jesse Sykes is an extraordinary singer and amazing songwriter whose dark songs of dislocation and reconciliation fall somewhere between the warm country-noir of Giant Sand, Poor Down Like Silver-era Richard/Linda Thompson, and the glacial indie-rock of Low. LP = ADIW 85 $14.99

Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter — Oh, My Girl Jesse Sykes' stark songs roil with themes of loss, resignation and love laid bare. Oh, My G i rl is the second full-length resulting from Sykes' partnership with guitarist/songwriter Phil Wandscher, whose previous musical project was Wh i s keytown. LP = ADIW 86 $14.99

Eagle Eye Media DVDs R oy Orbison — Greatest Hits: Special Edition With the DVD of this collectors’ edition, you not only experience the magic of Roy Orbison’s amazing vocals being re s t o red from his gre atest live performances into Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround and DTS Digital Surround, but you will also enjoy the rare visual performances. The CD has been remastered in stereo. Also included on the DVD is neverbefore-seen bonus material that will take you behind the scenes of Roy’s career, i n cluding a unique acetate recording discovered in the Orbison vaults and restored especially for this package. From his earliest concert performances to his climatic resurgence shortly before his death, this set takes you on a journey through the early days of Rock & Roll to the ultimate pinnacle of success and legendary mystique of one of the most influential performers, artists and songwriters of our time. DVD = CEAG 30092 $19.98 (includes bonus CD) ACOUSTIC SOUNDS GIFT CERT I F I C ATES AVA I L A B L E

Call 1-800-716-3553 or purchase online at

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Eagle Eye Media – Epic


Nat King Cole — When I Fall in Love: The One and Only When I Fall In Love: The One And Only Nat King Cole includes exclusive interviews with Cole family members: his wife, Maria; Nat’s youngest brother, musician Fre ddy Cole; and his daughters Natalie,Casey and Timolin. Bob Henry, the producer/director of the original series, is also on board to share insightful comments. This program celebrates Nat’s immense humanity and incomparable talent. Fans, both past and present, will be amazed and gratified by these 60 minutes of musical magic. The live performances clearly demonstrate why he ranks as one of the most admired artists of all time. After all is said and done, he continues to be…The One And Only Nat King Cole. DVD = CEAG 39034 $19.98

Elektra LP Metallica — Reload Metallica recorded so much mat e rial for Load - their first album in five years - that they had to leave many songs unfinished, otherwise they would have missed their deadline. During the supporting tour for Load, they continued to wo rk on the unfinished material, as well as write new songs, and they soon had enough material for a new album, Reload, released in 1997. LP = AELE 62126 $12.98

EMI LPs M e nuhin & Brahms: Violin Concerto/Rudolf Ke m p e, violin/Berlin P h i l h a rmonic Orchestra

R ay Charles — Ray Charles Live In Concert With the Edmonton Symphony A Ray Charles concert was always a special event, but this show, filmed in Canada in 1981, wh e re he is accompanied by the Edmonton Symphony will surely go down as one of his finest performances. It features classic Ray Charles songs such as "Georgia On My Mind," "Hit The Road Ja ck" and "Take These Chains From My Heart" all delivered in his inimitable style. As ever, throughout his long and illustrious career, R ay Charles defines the true meaning of soul. DVD = CEAG 39070 $11.98

Diana Krall — Live In Paris R e c o rded live at the Paris Olympia to a sold out audience, the cap t ivating voice of Diana Krall delivers a sensual collection of romantic ballads and bossa novas. Diana is accompanied by the Orch e s t re Symphonique European and Paris Jazz Big Band, as well as her own re c o rding jazz band members flown in especially from LA. In addition to this she also welcomes legendary conductor Claus Ogerman. This concert performance features tracks from her latest album The Look Of Love and the full set from her sensational world tour. DVD = CEAG 190129 $14.98

Cat Stevens — Majikat: E a rth Tour 1976 C at Stevens' Majikat: Earth To u r, was re c o rded during his last legendary North American tour in 1976. It was an ambitious production involving live magicians, synchro n i zed film projection and large innovat ive stage set. This was the ultimate tour of Cat Stevens before he quit the music business and became Yusuf Islam; he didn't perform on stage again for nearly 30 years. DVD = CEAG 300499 $19.98

Johnny Cash — Live at Montreux 1994 The year 1994 was to prove to be the great Johnny Cash's only appearance at the Montreux Festival. The "Man in Black" had just released his acclaimed "American Recordings" album and his European tour took in Montreux on Ju ly 5. This classic concert features a number of tracks from his new album coupled with favo rites from across his career including "Folsom Prison Blues," "Ghost Riders In The Sky," "Orange Blossom Special" and "San Quentin." An added bonus is the guest appearance of his wife June Carter Cash on two tracks. DVD = CEAG 390429 $14.98

Ella Fitzgerald — Live at Montreux 1994 A 1969 performance from "The First Lady Of Song" featuring "I Love You Madly," "Sunshine Of Your Love" and "A House Is Not A Home. " Founded in 1967, the Montreux Jazz Festival has established itself as one of the most prestigious annual music events in the world. DVD = CEAG 390489 $14.98

Eighty-Eight’s LP The New Sound Quartet — Summer Knows The New Sound Quartet is a co-leader project featuring Joe Locke and Geoff rey Keezer. Two ge nuine artists evoke each other’s inspiration to the extreme - and the "new sound" is created. The classic standard tunes are carefully arrange d, given original and fresh new lives. It first might be difficult to tell "All The Things You Are" by blind fold; it is arranged by Keezer, who had the idea for nearly 10 years. Th e tre atment perfectly mat ches the group name - "the new sound." Keezer’s "Tulipa" is named after the scientific name for the flower "tulip." According to Keezer, the song is dedicated to vibraphonist Bobby Hutcherson, who loves to cultivate tulips. LP = AEES 7021 $29.99

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

The opportunities for personal display in the Romantic concerto for soloist and orchestra, typified by the half-legendary reputation of Paganini, had by the middle of the nineteenth century produced a marked decline in musical quality. Even Liszt, who as a progressive modern composer exerted an immense influence, did not in his concertos avoid a meretricious element, while Schumann, whose sense of values was sound, evaded the issue by curbing the leaven of virtuosity. It was the destiny of Brahms, friend of Schumann and devout admirer of Bach and Beethoven, to seize the manifold advances of instrumental technique, develop them still further, and yet at the same time make them serve his own neo-classical ideal. LP = AEMI 264 $34.99

D e ep Purple — Burn - 30th Anniversary Edition A two-re c o rd set with the second re c o rd featuring new remixes. Digitally remastered. " The departure of vocalist Ian Gillan and bassist Roger Glover seemed to rejuve n ate Deep Purple, and 1974’s Burn was a huge improvement over their previous effort, the lackluster Who Do We Think We Are." - All Music Guide LP = AEMI 47359 $29.99 (two LPs)

Empyrean Records LPs Super Furry Animals — Phantom Phorce Phantom Phorce is a masterful collection of reworkings that takes the tra cks from the band's sixth album, Phantom Power, and whips them into a fierc e, diverse musical frenzy. From Killa Kela's beat-box laden "Golden Retriever," to Four Tet's organic-soul "Piccolo Snare," to Frieband's blippy-trippy "Hello Sunshine," Phantom Phorce bre athes new life into now-classic SFA treasures. LP = AEMP 4 $19.99 (two LPs)

Epic LPs, DVD & DualDiscs AC/DC — Live at Donington When AC/DC came crashing through the gates of Castle Donington in August of 1991, they were headlining their third "Monsters Of Rock" festival at the fabled venue. They proceeded to assault the massive audience with a two-hour set chock-full of their greatest hits, and an over-the-top visual spectacle that included firing cannons, the hells bell and a giant inflat able Rosie. Filmed in 35mm Panavision with 26 cameras (including a helicopter), AC/DC Live At Donington is one of the gre atest concert documents of all time. DVD = CEPI 56963 $14.98

The Clash — London Calling "Rock as revolution…It’s so rich and far-reaching that it leaves you not just exhilarated, but exalted and triumphantly alive. The #1 album of the eighties." - Rolling Stone LP = AEPI 63885 $24.98 (two LPs)

Ben Folds — Songs For Silverman Singer/pianist Ben Folds is best-known as the leader of the power trio Ben Folds Five, but has also struck out on his own as a solo artist. LP = AEPI 87104 $18.98 (two LPs)

Je n n i fer Lopez — Rebirth The Rebirth DualDisc includes a full-length CD album on one side and a DVD featuring an exclusive documentary about the making of the record on the other side. The program features footage from an intimate listening session, behind the scenes footage from the "Get Right" and "Hold You Down" video shoots and from Jennifer's European promo trip. LP = AEPI 90622 $16.98 DD = CEPI 93958 $18.98


Epic – First Impression Music


Judas Priest — A n gel of Retri bution

A rt Pepper — Gettin' Together

A reunion effort by Judas Priest, who describe A n gel Of Retri bution as part two of 1976's Sad Wings Of Destiny. This is the sixteenth album by the pioneers of British heavy metal. DD = CEPI 93966 $18.98

Art Pepper (1925-82) deserves to be remembered for his artistic achievement rather than for the sensationalism of his autobiography. Fortunately Lester Koening of Contempora ry was always able to record him during Art’s best days, and with the best possible rhythm sections. For this occasion he hired what was the the Miles Davis team (Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers, and Jimmy Cobb), with Conte Candoli to share the front line on three tracks. Pepper and Candoli were then working together regularly at the Lighthouse. Though the alto sax was his principal outlet, he occasionally doubled on tenor, as is demonstrated effectively on the title number, an absorbing and passionate blues. SACD = CFAN 7573 SA $18.99

Pe a rl Jam — Rearv i ew m i rror Gre atest Hits 1991-2003 The first-ever gre atest hits package from one of the most influential bands of the last 15 years. This collection includes 33 tracks on four LPs, including new mixes for "Black," "Alive" and "Once." LP = AEPI 93535 $29.98 (four LPs)

Fantasy SACDs Va rious Artists — All below 8 Fantasy SACD Titles - 5th Set SACD = CFAN 50 SA - $142.50

Thelonious Monk & Gerry Mulligan — M u l l i gan Meets Monk Three decades ago, when Rive rside paired Thelonious Monk and Gerry Mulligan on this album, it seemed a daring move. These two appeared to represent opposite ends of the jazz spectrum, separated by geography (East Coast and West) as much as by style (bop vs. cool). Actually, it was a rather safe project: producer Orrin Keepnews had learned that the two men were friends; even more importantly, it is now clear that both were the kind of revolutionaries who had substantial (and not dissimilar) respect for jazz tradition. The album was, as advertised, a meeting of giants, but its most lasting value may be as proof that there was a strong bond connecting theoretically opposing forms of early modern jazz. SACD = CFAN 1106 SA $18.99

Bobby Timmons — This Here is Bobby Timmons Bobby Timmons quick ly became a pillar of the soul phenomenon in the jazz of the 1950s. Horace Silver and Art Blakey had the movement underway when Kenny Dorham took Timmons to New York from Pittsburgh in 1956, but the young pianist soon joined Art Blakey and wrote "Moanin’," then Cannonball Adderl ey and wrote "This Here." The pieces became hits and established Timmons not only as a composer but also a pianist to be re ckoned with. He wrote a third anthem of the movement, "Dat Dere," and although his talents we re broader than those gospel-oriented pieces indicat e d, he was pegged for the rest of his career as that soul man. SACD = CFAN 1164 SA $18.99

Nat Add e rly — Work Song Although Nat Adderley had recorded apart from his older brother Julian "Cannonball" Adderley before, Work Song firmly established him as a distinctive jazz personality. His title composition had qualities in common with others in the soul bag, but its appeal reached beyond the hard-core jazz audience to general listeners. That, however, was not Adderley’s only innovation in this unusual album. The "horns" in the front line are Nat’s cornet, Wes Montgomery’s guitar, and Sam Jones’cello, creating an ensemble sound unlike any other. Pianist Bobby Timmons and drummer Louis Hayes from brother Cannonball’s group were aboard, along with Keter Betts and Percy Heath, who alternated on bass. In addition to unusual textures and an effective repertoire of ori ginals and standards, Work Song is compelling for the quality and joyous spirit of the soloing, reproduced here for the first time in glorious SACD sound. SACD = CFAN 1167 SA $18.99

Stan Getz/Cal Tjader Sextet — Stan Getz With Cal Tjader There is no guarantee that you can throw a collection of gifted musicians into a studio and emerge at the end of the day with a great recording. Plenty of dull all-star jam sessions on record prove otherwise. Sometimes, however, the quick mix-and-match approach works. There are few instances of its working better than in this encounter between Cal Tjader and Stan Getz. No one could have predicted that the result would be one of the finest albums of both men’s careers. The quality of the other participants improved the odds, even though in 1958 none of them was, by any stretch of the term, an all-star. Vince Guaraldi and Eddie Duran had achieved small national reputations, but Scott LaFaro and Billy Higgins we re barely known outside of Los Angeles jazz circles. With the uncanny ESP that sometimes operates in meetings of like-minded strangers who happen to be first-rate jazz artists, they coalesced behind Getz and Tjader and worked hand-in-glove with one another. Guaraldi’s "Ginza" and Tjader’s "Liz-Anne" have become jazz standards. SACD = CFAN 3266 SA $18.99

Milt Jackson & Wes Montgo m e ry — Bags Meets Wes! Milt Jackson and Wes Montgomery were made to play together. Each had redefined the technical and expressive capacities of their respective instruments, displayed limitless melodic invention and rhythmic resourcefulness, and provided models of honest, unaffected soul. Their pairing occurred when Jackson joined Montgomery as a Riverside recording artist in 1961 and placed them amidst what amounted to the label’s house rhythm section of Wynton Kelly, Sam Jones and Philly Joe Jones. The entire session is a model of relaxed, conversational blowing by five masters. SACD = CFAN 9407 SA $18.99

A rt Blakey & The Jazz Messenge rs — Caravan Art Blakey led many editions of his Jazz Messenge rs over more than three decades, but a s t rong argument can be made that the Messenge rs of his Rive rside period constituted his strongest unit. With Freddie Hubbard, Wayne Shorter and Curtis Fuller in the front line, with Cedar Walton and Reggie Workman as Blakey’s rhythm-section mates, its combination of musicianship and sheer swinging force has rarely been equaled in a small band. Caravan was the first of Blakey’s Rive rside albums and endures as a living monument to his nonpareil drumming and leadership. His solo on the title tune is one of the finest recorded examples of Blakey’s unique melding of precision and power. Hubb a rdand Shorter contributed memorable compositions and, with Fuller and Walton, some of the greatest soloing of the 1960s. SACD = CFAN 9438 SA $18.99

First Impression Music SACDs & XRCD Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio — Midnight Sugar Award Winner, Best Engineering Award, Jazz Disk Awa rd of Swing Journal, 1974. SACD = CFIM 035 SA $24.99

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED FANTASY Benny Carter – Jazz Giant Though he moved to Hollywood more than four decades ago, Benny Carter transcends any geographical style; for more than a half century, he has been just what he is called in this album - a giant of every jazz era. Here he displays three of his many talents, principally as an alto saxophonist, but also as a composer on two numbers and a trumpeter on two. The company he kept, with Ben Webster and Frank Rosolino rounding out the front line, and such fellow giants as Andre Previn, Barney Kessel, Leroy Vinnegar, and Shelly Manne in the rhythm section (Jimmy Rowles replaces Previn on two tracks) left no doubt that this album would be a milestone in straight-ahead, small group, mainstream jazz. SACD = CFAN 7555 SA $18.99

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


SET #1 Buy all 10 for $175

Fantasy SACDs Set 1 CFAN 10 SA $175

Bill Evans Trio Portrait in Jazz CFAN 1162 SA $18.99

Wes Montgomery The Incredible Jazz Guitar of Wes Montgomery CFAN 1169 SA $18.99

Zoot Sims Dave Brubeck Zoot Sims and the Gershwin Brothers Jazz at Oberlin CFAN 2310-744 SA $18.99 CFAN 3245 SA $18.99

Creedence Clearwater Revival The Concert CFAN 4501 SA $18.99

Gil Evans Gil Evans & Ten CFAN 7120 SA $18.99

John Coltrane Lush Life CFAN 7188 SA $18.99

Albert King with Stevie Ray Vaughan The Vince Guaraldi Trio In Session A Charlie Brown Christmas CFAN 7501 SA $18.99 CFAN 8431 SA $18.99

Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane CFAN 946 SA $18.99

SET #2 Buy all 10 for $175

Fantasy SACDs Set 2 CFAN 20 SA $175

The Quintet Wynton Kelly Trio & Sextet Jazz at Massey Hall with Charlie Parker Kelly Blue and Dizzy Gillespie SACD = CFAN 1142 SA $18.99 SACD = CFAN 124 SA $18.99

Cannonball Adderley Quintet In San Francisco SACD = CFAN 1157 SA $18.99

Leo Kottke 6- and 12-String Guitar SACD = CFAN 6503 SA $18.99

Sonny Rollins Tenor Madness SACD = CFAN 7047 SA $18.99

The Miles Davis Quintet Relaxin’ SACD = CFAN 7129 SA $18.99

Eric Dolphy Out There SACD = CFAN 8252 SA $18.99

Kenny Burrell & John Coltrane SACD = CFAN 8276 SA $18.99

Isaac Hayes Shaft SACD = CFAN 88002 SA $18.99

Art Pepper+Eleven SACD = CFAN 7568 SA $18.99

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


FANTASY SACDs SET #3 Buyall 5 for$105 $18.99 each* Buy a whole set, get free shipping! Fantasy SACDs Set 3 CFAN 30 SA $105

Amadeus Marriner (2 discs) CFAN 1791 SA $39.99

*Certain exceptions apply. Thelonious Monk Brilliant Corners CFAN 226 SA $18.99

SET #4 Buy all 10 for$175 Fantasy SACDs Set 4 CFAN 40 SA $175 The Isaac Hayes Movement CFAN 1010 SA $18.99

Peterson, Grappelli, Pass, Roker, Pedersen Skol CFAN 2308-232 SA $18.99

The Wes Montgomery Trio CFAN 1156 SA $18.99 Thelonious Monk Monk’s Music CFAN 1102 SA $18.99

Albert King I’ll Play the Blues for You CFAN 3009 SA $18.99

The Modern Jazz Quartet Django CFAN 7057 SA $18.99 Chet Baker Chet Baker in New York CFAN 1119 SA $18.99

Big Star #1 Record – Radio City CFAN 60025 SA $18.99

Fantasy, Inc., that great independent label that holds all of the cards when it comes to the most coveted master tapes in jazz, has entered the SACD arena. Four sets of SACD classics are now available.

Collect them all! SET #5 newest releases. See page 95 for list of titles.

Jerry Garcia with Merle Saunders Live at Keystone/Vol. 1 CFAN 7701 SA $18.99 Cannonball Adderley with Milt Jackson Things Are Getting Better CFAN 1128 SA $18.99

Vince Guaraldi Trio A Boy Named Charlie Brown CFAN 8430 SA $18.99 Sonny Rollins The Sound of Sonny CFAN 241 SA $18.99

Bill Evans Trio Explorations CFAN 9351 SA $18.99

t o o r d e r, c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 1 6 - 3 5 5 3


Fonè is an Italian label that specializes in audiophile recordings of classical and operatic music. In fact, Fonè was the first Italian label to release SACDs. These are magnificent recordings of beautiful and historic music by some of the world’s best performers. The discs not only sound great but also include deluxe packaging with detailed liner notes. Acoustic Sounds is proud to offer this set of titles from a very promising audiophile label.

Paganini: 24 Capricci/Salvatore Accardo SACD = CFON 032 SA $27.99 (two discs)

Dvorak: The Jakobin/Alexandre Voloschuk SACD = CFON 024 SA $29.99 (two discs)

Massenet: Sapho/Jean-Luc Tingaud SACD = CFON 023 SA $29.99 (two discs)

Al Qantarah: Abballati, Abballati! SACD = CFON 001 SA $19.99

Locatelli: Orchestra del Festival“Michelangeli” di Brescia e Bergamo/Agostino Orozio SACD = CFON 004 SA $19.99

Flotow: Alessandro Stradella/Daniele Callegari SACD = CFON 022 SA $29.99 (two discs)

Piazzolla: Le Grand Tango/Salvatore Accardo SACD = CFON 021 SA $19.99

Piazzolla: Adios Nonino/Salvatore Accardo SACD = CFON 020 SA $19.99

Piazzolla: Oblivion/Salvatore Accardo SACD = CFON 019 SA $19.99

Kabaivanska, Remigio, Ciofi: Invito all’Opera/Leone Magiera SACD = CFON 006 SA $19.99

Brahms: Sonatas for Violin and Piano/ Salvatore Accardo SACD = CFON 008 SA $19.99

Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Mark Fornaciari SACD = CFON 005 SA $19.99

Palestrina: Missarum liber primus/ Roberto Gabbiani SACD = CFON 033 SA $29.99 (three discs)

Homage to Fritz Kreisler: I violini di Cremona/Accardo, Manzini SACD = CFON 003 SA $19.99

Just for a While/Cole,Pezzenati SACD = CFON 010 SA $19.99

Metastasio: Anfossi/Giuseppe Riconosciuto Pelliccia SACD = CFON 013 SA $29.99 (two discs)

Monastic Choir of the Abbey of Montecasino: Vir Dei Benedictus/Stefano Concordia SACD = CFON 002 SA $19.99

Girl of My Dreams/Jazz Makers SACD = CFON 014 SA $19.99

Homage to Fritz Kreisler: I violini di Cremona/Accardo, Manzini SACD = CFON 030 SA $19.99

Audiophile Trip SACD = CFON 015 SA $17.99

t o o r d e r, c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 1 6 - 3 5 5 3


First Impression Music – Fone


Va rious Artists — All-Star Smooth Jazz Festival

James Leary — James

The title spells it out. Featuring Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio, Jeremy Monteiro Trio, John Witney Trio, Theresa Perez, M a a rten Ornstein and Dave Packer. SACD = CFIM 055 SA $24.99

The recorded presentation of a Bass Choir (five full upright string basses or Bass-Viols or D o u ble Bass, as they are correctly termed) is a musical rarity. Bill Lee (father of director Spike) produced an album in New York some ye a rs back. A Fre n ch group has also released a CD fairly recently, but without the star talent of some of America's bass-playing giants; without too the masterful compositions and string-bass arra n gements of James Leary, himself a mega-bassman. James played bass on To dd Cochran's album and was totally captivated by the simple miking and purist audiophile re c o rding techniques I like to use. He said 'I'd like to hear my bass choir arra n gements re c o rded like that , but nobody would have the guts to release it...' (Which is the wrong thing to say to me, knowing, as I do, the profound pleasure t h at audiophiles derive from different and intensely interesting music!) And so the project was on." - Giulio Cesare Ricci, Fone Produced and engineered by David Manley. This is a pure analogue recording cut at 45 RPM and released as a single-sided pressing on 180-gram virgin vinyl. Put those facts together and you have a very special audiophile release by a company fast gaining reputation as a no-nonsense audiophile label. LP = AFON 006 $99.99 (four 45-RPM single-sided pressings)

Hui Fen Min — The Gossamer Song Madam Hui Fen MIN is regarded as the most esteemed master of Erhu artistry in China. Over the years, Madam MIN has made many recordings for quite a few labels in China. In 2001, FIM had the privilege of producing her masterful album - R iver Of Sorrow. It has enjoyed numeral accolades and awards worldwide and is also one of the most successful and reputed titles hitherto in the FIM catalog. The pieces selected emerged as beautifully poetic and very much a reflection of Madam MIN’s supreme artistry, especiallythe theme piece, "The Gossamer Song." This piece is a palatial dance portraying the old myth of the love between a hero and the Moon’s Fairy. The celestial melody brings about a truly heave n ly sensation to the listener. XRCD24 = CFIM 059 $26.99

Ayako Hosokawa — Mr. Wonderful Discover both East and West with Ayako Hosakawa. At the age of 14, she was alre a dy performing in the American military clubs in Japan, picking up the English language by singing intern ational pop songs of that time. Nowadays, she rep resents feeling and soul within her songs, no matter whether she sings in English or Japanese. After her marriage, she moved to the United States and was discovered and sponsored by Earl "Fatha" Hines. She found her enthusiastic fans touring San Francisco, Las Vegas, Montreal and lots of places in California, performing in the clubs, local radio stations or on TV. In the ‘80s, she started a roving life between the United States and Japan. Due to her recordings for TBM and the performances for the radio stations and on TV, she became one of the best-known pop and jazz singers throughout her country SACD = CFIM 061 SA $24.99

Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio — Misty Imagine listening to a piano trio, alone in the middle of the night as you sip your favorite drink. Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio offers just such a mood. Yamamoto is highly musical and his expressions nat u ral, neither overly technical nor overly serious, and his performance is relaxed and melodious. This album is his second, after the debut Midnight Suga r. The same closely-knit trio plays here, with Isao Fukui on bass and TetsujiroObara on drums. SACD = CFIM 062 SA $24.99

Hui Fen Min — The Gossamer Song Madam Hui Fen MIN is regarded as the most esteemed master of Erhu artistry in China. Over the years, Madam MIN has made many recordings for quite a few labels in China. In 2001, FIM had the privilege of producing her masterful album - River Of Sorrow. It has enjoyed numerous accolades and awards worldwide and is also one of the most successful and reputed titles hitherto in the FIM catalog. The pieces selected emerged as beautifully poetic and very mu ch a reflection of Madam MIN’s supreme art i s t ry, especially the theme piece, "The Gossamer Song." This piece is a palatial dance portraying the old myth of the love between a hero and the Moon’s Fairy. The celestial melody brings about a truly heavenly sensation to the listener. SACD = CFIM 063 SA $29.99

Fone LPs & SACDs Vivaldi: Le Quat t ro Stagioni/Fone Ensemble This is a pure analogue re c o rding cut at 45 RPM and released as a single-sided pressing on 180-gram virgin vinyl. Put those facts together and you have a very special audiophile release by a company fast gaining reputation as a no-nonsense audiophile label. Equipment: valve microphones Neumann U47, U48, M49; Signoricci mike preamplifiers; Signoricci line, microphone and s u p p lycables; two-track Studer C37 LP = AFON 001 $99.99 (four 45-RPM single-sided pressings)

Piazzolla: Oblivion/Salvat o re Accardo "...Astor Piazzolla, ingenious composer, master of many diverse styles (film music, tango, pieces of classical structure such as fugues etc.) on wh i ch he was able to impose the strength and honesty of his personality of musician, so varied and deep, thus moving and thrilling listeners of different age, sensitivity and taste; but also and especially the image of Piazzolla as a virtuoso of bandoneon, a small instrument of huge possibilities, with wh i ch he was able to reach supreme peaks of expressiveness, through a relentless rhythmical style which, nevertheless, could offer moments of ineffable nostalgia and lyricism." - Francesco Fiore This is a pure analogue re c o rding cut at 45 RPM and released as a single-sided pressing on 180-gram virgin vinyl. Put those facts together and you have a very special audiophile release by a company fast gaining reputation as a no-nonsense audiophile label. LP = AFON 002 $99.99 (four 45-RPM single-sided pressings)

Pri mus Ex Apostolis/Roberta Cristoni/Ensemble Weltgesang The Ensemble Weltgesang began its life in the spring of 1993 as a chamber choir, which held as its aim the study and analysis of vocal expression in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. The name of the Ensembl e, which means "song of the world" is taken from a canon with words by Goethe and also links b a ck to the spiritual implications therein contained, in that it is in harmony with the places in wh i ch sacred music is practiced and performed by the group. Th e group is made up of 14 members, a number wellsuited to the execution of polyphonic sacred music of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries; the vocal emission has been rigorously studied, and it is the result of a careful philological analysis of each piece. SACD = CFON 007 SA $19.99

Anna Maria Castelli — Something to Remember Something To Remember was cre ated by chance during one of the many jazz festivals spread all over the world, exactly at the Gaume Jazz Festival. On that night, three soloists happened to meet, s at down and went back, with their memory and heart, to the best songs, which had marked significantly their artistic and human experience. The result was this record with its genuine, refine and essential songs. Instead of virtuosity and affectation we have exalted sounds, colors, timbres and above all emotions, which have been too often neglected. In cre ating and interp reting these songs, in a strange fusion of accordion, piano and voice, I meant to leave something which remains for those willing to hear what belonged to the past, great tradition of Italian jazz, and which can last in the future, just not to forget. SACD = CFON 009 SA $19.99

Va rious A rtists — Esoteric Audiophile Trip Another great audiophile sampler (this one mostly classical) from Fone of Italy. SACD = CFON 011 SA $17.99

Metastasio: La Passione di Gesu Cristo/ Antonio Salieri "Salieri is a German man ri ch in Italian spirit." With this concise and evocative statement, the composer Niccolo Piccinni, belonging to the generation that immediat e ly preceded that of the musician born in Legnago in 1750, emblemat i c a l ly summed up the entire life and artistic career of one of the major leaders of the Viennese musical world between the second half of the 18th century and the first decades of the 19th. SACD = CFON 012 SA $29.99

Ludus Danielis: Daniel and the Lions/Frederi ck Renz/New York's Ensemble for Early Music Specialists in the music and music-drama of the medieval and renaissance periods, New York’s Ensemble for Early Music is world-renowned for its scintillating performances of everything from bawdy ballads of worldly brilliance to the mystical glories of sacred motets. Consisting of young, American virtuoso specialists, the Ensemble vividly recre ates the rich colors of the era by using an array of authentic instruments and techniques of performance t h at blend imaginative insight with sound scholarship. SACD = CFON 016 SA $19.99

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Fone – Harmonia Mundi


Mozart: Piano Music/Charles Rosen, piano "With this recording, wh i ch has Maestro Charles Rosen as its pro t agonist, I am starting a new series based on the encounter of the great music with the highest expression of the Garden Culture, ‘The Gardens of Ninfa.’All this is aimed at giving continuity to the binomial garden-music that was a constant artistic element for Roffredo and Lelia Caetani, and it is in the very ‘Sala Musica Caetani,’ l o c ated in the heart of the Gardens of Ninfa, that I have set this recording. In this place so full of history, so overflowing with great and memorable artistic emotions, the piano that belonged first to Franz Liszt and then to Roffredo Caetani has been brought to new life. Each element is scrupulously in its own place as in an incredibly perfect design, in the historical memory of those thoughts, colours and musical notes that have floated through and beyond time, in this place." - Giulio Cesare Ricci, Fone SACD = CFON 025 SA $19.99

Cavalli: M u s i che Sacre Concertate/Romano Vettori We can assume that Cavalli avoided, perhaps for excessive modesty, to pursue an adequate dissemination of his works in prints, if in the preface to his anthology of Sacred Music of 1656 he said, "My genius has always kept away from prints, and I have more quickly consented to let my weaknesses go where Fortune brought them by means of the pen, rather than the press. In the end, however, I let myself be convinced." Venice was the goal of pupils and musicians coming from all over Europe; Schutz refined there his polychoral style, and his mixed concertato for small choir. To this particular field is dedicated a conspicuous part of Cavalli’s anthology, from which the pieces presented in this CD have been chosen and which, on top of showing the ingenuous composer’s traits, store exquisite vocal and instrumental surprises. SACD = CFON 031 SA $19.99

Groove Note LPs & SACD Jacintha — Here's to Ben: A Vocal Tribute to Ben Webster Jacintha's U.S. debut is a tribute to the legendary tenor saxophone player: Ben Webster. The songs have been specially selected to reflect this premise, i.e. they are mostly great vocal standards and/or ballads that have been recorded by Webster many times and are thus associated with his particular style and name. Some of these songs like "Stardust," "Georgia," "Our Love Is Here To Stay" and "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" are Webster classics. SACD = CGRNSA 1001 $24.99 LP = AGRN 1001-45 $29.99 (two 45-RPM LPs)

R oy Gaines — I've Got the T-Bone Blues Roy Gaines is one of the gre atest living blues guitarists that you pro b ably don't know anything about. He also possesses one of the most magnificent blues voices aro u n d. Born in Houston in 1937, Roy started playing the guitar as a teenager and soon developed a reputation as an instrumental pro d i gy. By 14, he was actually being invited on stage to play with the legendary T-Bone Walker during the latter's live gigs in Houston and became known as T-Bone Jr. By his early 20s, Roy was playing and recording with Roy Milton's band in LA, but re t u rned to Houston to join the Duke/Peacock blues label as a full time session guitarist on such seminal blues recordings as Bobby Bland's "It's My Life Baby" and Junior Pa rker's "Driving Me Mad." The focus of this album is on the music and spirit of the late and very great T-Bone Walker. SACD = CGRNSA 1002 $24.99 LP = AGRN 1002 $29.99

Lisa Ono — Dans Mon Ile

Geffen DVD The Eagles — Hell Fre e zes Over After almost 15 years apart, The Eagles regrouped for Hell Freezes Over, the re c o rd, tour and this televised special, wh i ch features the band performing. A mix of new mat e rial and old classics. This is an enjoyabl e, mellow performance. DVD = CGEF 437709 $24.99

New music arrives daily – stay updated with our “New Arrival” emails. Sign up on our web site today. RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED GROOVE NOTE Illinois Jacquet – Birthday Party Birthday Party was originally released in 1975 on Elektra Record s and by the Jacquet Record Co. as JRC11434. It is undoubtedly one of the finest Illinois Jacquet records that has ever been produced. Licensed directly by Analogue Archive from Mr. Jacquet, this is the first reissue on the G rooveNote label and the third title in their catalogue overall. This is also the first reissue of this title on any format since the album went out of print in 1978. The album was recorded in Japan in 1975. Illinois Jacquet was part of an all star jazz band touring Japan on behalf of Toshiba. Other members of this all star group were Gerry Mulligan, Art Farmer, Roy Haynes and Kenny Burrell. LP = AGRN 1003 $29.99

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

The very first LP version of one of Asia's favorite and top-selling female vocalists. Th i s seductive chanteuese has been re c o rding sexy and charming versions of bossa nova and other Latin-tinged classics for several years now and has always been a big hit with audiophiles in Asia. This 180-gram RTI pressing brings the singing of this talented performer to a whole new audience. Mastered by Bernie Grundman. Performed in French. LP = AGRN 1027 $29.99

Harmonia Mundi SACDs Haydn: The Seasons/Rene Jacobs The transition from Winckelmann to Rousseau marked one of the biggest upheavals of thought in the Enlightenment - and it is perfectly illustrated in these four Seasons with their decidedly Romantic "descriptivism"! In this music, even though lambs frisk, fish teem and thunder booms, it is the question of Man within Nature that is the central issue. SACD = CHAR 801829/0 SA $37.98 (two discs)

A n o nymous 4 — Wolcum Yule Anonymous 4 offers a wealth of Yuletide music, favorite and rare, from the British Isles, interweaving English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh ballads and carols with well-loved pieces by John Tavener (The Lamb), Benjamin Britten and a newly commissioned work by Peter Maxwell Davies. Andrew Law rence-King adds special color playing psaltery, Baroque harp, and a remarkable Irish "Queen Mary" harp which sounds as if it contains its own peal of heavenly bells. SACD = CHAR 807325 SA $19.99

H i l d ega rd Von Bingen: O ri gin of Fire / A n o nymous 4 Returning to the music of Hildegard of Bingen, the 12th-century German abbess and mystic, Anonymous 4 explores the theme of the Pentecostal power of the "Fiery Spirit." Hildegard's intensely emotional chants and visions (including the monumental hymn "O ignee spiritus" and some of her finest antiphons) are presented here framed by hymns and sequences that she and her convent sisters would have heard and sung every day. SACD = CHAR 807327 SA $19.99

Paul Hillier — Baltic Voices II Paul Hillier leads the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir in Volume 2 of Baltic Voices - a pioneering project to explore the choral riches of the Baltic Sea countries, with special attention to the choir’s native Estonia. This program features sacred music from all three bra n ches of Christianity which are practiced in the Baltic region: Orthodox (Schnittke, Grigorjeva), C atholic (Sisask, Tulev), and Protestant (Norgard). SACD = CHAR 807331 SA $19.99

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Vivaldi: Concertos for the Emperor/Andrew Manze / The English Concert Andrew Manze, leading The English Concert in their second recording together, demonstrates the electrifying, spontaneous style of playing which has made him one of the hottest properties on the classical music scene. This program brings together for the first time a reconstruction of six violin concertos from the manu s c ript wh i chVivaldi presented to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI in 1728. A royal tre at indeed. SACD = CHAR 807332 SA $19.99

Heads Up SACD Yellowjackets — Altered State Keyboardist Russell Ferra n t e,saxophonist Bob Mintzer, bassist Jimmy Haslip and drummer Marcus Baylor are known collectively as the Yellow j a ckets, a quartet that has carved a unique niche in jazz by relentlessly exploring these alternate planes of consciousness time and again for more than two decades. Altered State, their new Heads Up International album, is a celebration of that transcendental experience. SACD = CHED 9097 SA $19.99

Hollywood DVDs Los Lobos — Live at the Fillmore In their 30 ye a rs together, Los Lobos has built a rep u t ation as a powerful live band, but there was no way for their fans to relive the experience at home. Th at all changes with their debut DVD, Los Lobos Live At The Fillmore. Two sold out shows were filmed at the infamous Fillmore in San Francisco. The band picked their favorites and had their fans vote for songs they would like to hear live, which means that many of these songs are rarely ever played by the band during their normal tour. DVD = CHOL 162489 $13.98

Queen — On Fire Live at the Bowl A version of this concert aired on British television and MTV in conjunction with the original tour. For this first-ever home release, the band returned to the original fo o t age, the concert is restored to its full length and presented,for the first time, in its entirety. This amounts to an additional 47 minutes of previouslyunseen performance. The sound is offered in both a brand new PCM stereo mix, and a fabulous DTS 5.1 surround sound mix. It’s as if you were there. . . DVD = CHOL 162490 $18.98

Hyperion SACDs Chopin: Nocturnes/Angela Hewitt, piano "One of the most elegant pianists around, the Canadian virtuoso Angela Hewitt interrupts her epic B a ch and Couperin cy cles for Hyperion to explore some of Chopin's most refined music, the complete Nocturnes and Impromptus. Hewitt's innat e sophistication and delicacy of touch are perfe c t ly suited to these exquisite pieces, 25 of them over two discs, by a master of the ge n re at the height of his fragile powe rs. Spanning almost his entire creative l i fe, the Nocturnes amount to a re m a rk able graph of Chopin's emotional mat u rity, t o u ch i n g ly re flected in the affectionate care Hewitt brings to wh at sounds like a labour of love." - The Observer SACD = CHYP 67371 SA $44.99 (two discs)

Arvo Pa rt — Triodion A new release from Polyphony, with Stephen Layton at the helm, always brings with it an assurance of singing of the highest possible caliber. Bring together a choir of such quality and the composer responsible for some of the most beautiful, transcendent music ever written, and the resulting disc is surely what must be one of the most spectacular releases of the year. "A triumph…sublime, ethereal beauty…Polyphony’s is a gorgeous performance." Gramophone " The singing on this disc is little short of stunning…a deeply satisfying listening experience." - The Daily Telegraph SACD = CHYP 67375 SA $21.99

Monteverdi: Sacred Music-Vol. 2/Robert King/The King's Consort "Sumptuous surround sound and full-blooded performances from Robert King and Co. combine to thrilling effect in the second release in their fabulous Monteverdi cycle" - Classic FM Magazine "…there are joys here to melt icebergs…I want Volume 3 immediately." - The Times "Monteverdi is one of those composers who re a l lydoes merit a complete recording of his

Harmonia Mundi – Interscope


output. The sacred works have been a little neglected, and this splendid new series, with its informed and intelligent booklet notes, is putting things right." - BBC Music Magazine SACD = CHYP 67438 SA $21.99

Lauridsen: Lux Aeterna/Stephen Layton Vaughan Williams once asserted that the "object of art is to stretch out to the ultimate realities through the medium of beauty." No composer working today exemplifies Vaughan Williams' dictum more than M o rten Lauridsen, whose music - sonoro u s ly beautiful and immaculat e ly crafted - reaches out towa rd hitherto unknown regions of emotion and contemplation. Working deliberat e ly and care f u l ly, Lauridsen has cre ated a body of vocal and ch o ral music that enriches the experience of perform e rs and listeners alike through its remarkable ability to communicate clearly wh at Wordsworth once identified as "thoughts too deep for tears." SACD = CHYP 67449 SA $21.99

Tavener: N ew Choral Wo rk s / S t ephen Layton If John Tavener's music has always been concerned with eternity, and if it has always confounded those who have horizons no wider than Western traditions of the recent past, it is also true to say that the ways in wh i ch he has dealt with the sacred in his work have been characterized by considerable variety, and have never ceased on occasion to surprise. Initially, surprise was caused by his stripping away of the unnecessary, his quest for the musically and therefore spiri t u a l ly- essential. This quest led to a vast outpouring of music, encompassing a great many miniatures and large-scale compositions of the stature of the Vigil Service and Eis Thanaton. SACD = CHYP 67475 SA $21.99

Couperin: Keyboard Music - 2/Angela Hewitt, piano Angela Hewitt's hugely successful first volume of Francois Couperin's Pieces de Clavecin presented works from Books II and III of the cycl e. Here we have a further 21 pieces, this time from Book IV. "Hewitt's playing is equally representative of her general appro a ch to his music. Her touch is amazingly light, incre d i bly crisp and alert to the possibilities afforded by the piano." Gramophone SACD = CHYP 67480 SA $19.99

Monteverdi: Sacred Music - Vol. 3/Robert King/The King's Consort " The warmly enveloping acoustics is ex a c t lyright for this opulent, exciting music; and Robert King's trusty group disport themselves with the usual trim gusto. With performances like these I'd be happy if this series rolled on forever." - The Times SACD = CHYP 67487 SA $19.99

Rachmaninov: Piano Concerti-Complete/Stephen Hough/Dallas Symphony Orch e s t ra " This is the best set of Rachmaninov Piano Concertos ever recorded. You have no idea how hard I worked not to come to this conclusion, knowing full well just how skeptically such a claim is likely to be received. I compared Stephen Hough to multiple Ashkenazy renditions, to Earl Wild, to Zoltan Kocsis, to Argerich, Rubinstein, Richter, Rodriguez, and Horowitz. I ploughed through several obscure Russian recordings, two cy cles on Naxos, and a slew of EMIs. I re-auditioned Pletnev and sampled two separate remasterings of Rachmaninov’s own performances. I listened with scores, then waited a few days, and then tried again without them. I played these discs to colleagues, to friends, and to people whose musical judgment I trust as much if not more than my own. But the conclusion was inescapable: t h e re never has been a complete cycle at this level of consistent excellence. Th e re’s no doubt about it." - SACD = CHYP 67501/2 SA $44.99 (two discs)

Interscope LPs, SACDs & DualDiscs Trail of Dead — Wo rlds Ap a rt " Though the band sounds as angry, regretful, and hopeful as they did when they started, this is a much more polished album than the band's breakthrough, Source Tags & Codes, and their fiery sound is tempered by nods to '70s prog and album rock." - All Music Guide LP = AINT 329001 $16.98

ACOUSTIC SOUNDS GIFT CERT I F I C ATES AVA I L A B L E Call 1-800-716-3553 or purchase online at

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Saint Saens: Symphony No. 3/Debussy: La Mer - Charles Munch/Boston Symphony Orchestra SACD = CRCA 61387 SA $11.98

Ravel: Daphnis Et Chloe - Charles Munch/Boston Symphony Orchestra SACD = CRCA 61388 SA $11.98

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 “Pathétique” - Pierre Monteux/Boston Symphony Orchestra SACD = CRCA 61397 SA $11.98

Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1/ Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 Fritz Reiner/Kiril Kondrashin SACD = CRCA 61392 SA $11.98

Beethoven: Violin Concerto In D/ Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor Charles Munch/BSO SACD = CRCA 61391 SA $11.98

Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra/Ein Heldenleben/Fritz Reiner/ Chicago Symphony SACD = CRCA 61389 SA $11.98

Verdi & Puccini Arias Leontyne Price SACD = CRCA 61395 SA $11.98

Chopin: Ballades Arthur Rubinstein SACD = CRCA 61396 SA $11.98

Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition & Other Russian Showpieces - Fritz Reiner/Chicago Symphony Orchestra SACD = CRCA 61394 SA $11.98

SET ONE Various Artists

Buy all 10 RCA Living Stereo Titles on this page. SACD = CRCA SET SA $109.99 Living Stereo SACDs, remastered from the original source tapes, feature legendary performances from RCA Red Seal’s greatest artists. These hybrid discs play back on both SACD and standard CD players. Packaged in a super jewel box featuring the original cover art, updated with a contemporary new look, and including original liner notes as well as a brochure


Bartok: Concerto For Orchestra Fritz Reiner/Chicago Symphony Orchestra SACD = CRCA 61390 SA $11.98

explaining the SACD technology and listening experience.


Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue/Concerto In F/American in Paris/Arthur Feidler/Boston Pops CRCA 61393 SA $11.98

Offenbach: Orch. Rosenthal/Gaite Parisienne/ Rossini-Respighi: La Boutique Fantastique/Arthur Feidler/Boston Pops CRCA 66419 SA $11.98

Brass & Percussion/Morton Gould CRCA 66371 SA $11.98

Sibelius/Prokofiev/Glazunov Violin Concertos/Jascha Heifetz, violin CRCA 66372 SA $11.98

Berlioz: Requiem/Charles Munch/BSO CRCA 66373 SA $11.98 (two discs)

Ravel: Bolero/La Valse/Rapsodie Espagnole/Debussy: Images/Charles Munch/BSO CRCA 66374 SA $11.98

Dvorak: & Walton/Cello Concertos/Gregor Piatigorsky/Charles Munch/BSO CRCA 66375 SA $11.98

Dvorak: New World Symphony/Carnival Overture/Smetana/Bartered Bride Overture/Fritz Reiner/CSO CRCA 66376 SA $11.98

Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade/Stravinsky: Song of the Nightingale/Fritz Reiner/CSO CRCA 66377 SA $11.98

SET TWO Various Artists

Buy all 10 RCA Living Stereo Titles on this page. SACD = CRCA SET2 SA $109.99 Living Stereo SACDs, remastered from the original source tapes, feature legendary performances from RCA Red Seal’s greatest artists. These hybrid discs play back on both SACD and standard CD players. Packaged in a super jewel box featuring the original cover art, updated with a contemporary new look, and including original liner notes as well as a brochure Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1/Arthur Rubinstein/Fritz Reiner/CSO CRCA 66378 SA $11.98

explaining the SACD technology and listening experience.


Interscope – J Record s


Beck — Guero Th ree years after the critically-acclaimed and heart wre n ching opus Sea Change, threetime Grammy winner and five-time MTV video music award winner Beck returns with his most diverse, accomplished and compelling work to date: Guero. Guero both reunites Beck with classic co-conspirators the Dust Brothers and explores territories uncharted by even this most innovative artist of his generation. LP = AINT 354601 $18.98

Island LPs U2 — How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb This is U2 at their simplest, playing straight-ahead rock. This 2004 release is a successful attempt for U2 to get back in touch with its roots and stray from the electronica and dance-inspired music they’d put out recently. Gone are the heavy dance beats and multiple synthesizers. If you liked early U2, you’ll probably like this one. This LP release also includes a 12-page booklet with lyrics and photos. LP = AISL 214 $34.99

Snow Pat rol — Final Straw "Whenever we go anywhere new, we’re like kids in a huge empty house. We want to explore all these big spaces, climb into the attic and rake among boxes and get down into the basement and find the stuff that has been stashed away. For us the world could never be too big." - Gary Lightbody The same no-frills sense of adventure informs Final Straw, Snow Patrol’s third album. Alre a dy established as a heart-crushing mix of distorted British pedal ro ck and U.S. alternative guitar pop on home soil, the album sees the band grow up, fill out and with some aplomb, make one of the best British records you’ll hear this ye a r. DD = CINT 375682 $17.98

Nine Inch Nails — The Downwa rd Spiral Originally released in 1994, Trent Reznor cre ated The Downward Spiral as both concept album and modern day classic, almost sounding like a nihilistic Phil Spector’s wet dream. This influential ‘90s classic is Trent Reznor’s industrial-cum-tragic opera view of the world and the soul’s sonically detailed fall from grace. The Downward Spiral delves into despair and anger with hard guitars and brutal beats. SACD = CINT 373936 SA $29.99 (two discs) DD = CINT 376282 $17.98

Keane — Hopes and Fears R i ch vocals and lush instrumentation define this alternative rock group, hailed by the English press as the “ n ext big thing” upon their 2001 debut. SACD = CINT 375536 SA $17.98 DD = CINT 378582 $17.98

Will Smith — Lost and Found Another entertaining and thoughtful album tailor made for young kids, made by rapperturned-actor Will Smith. The songs are genera l ly light-hearted and humorous, the same style you're accustomed to hearing from him. LP = AINT 430601 $15.98 (two LPs)

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED JAZZ PLANET (Classic Records) Ray Charles & Cleo Laine – Porgy & Bess This is a flat-out killer and a must-own. Ray Charles is in top form on this famous version that was supposed to have Gladys Knight singing the part of Bess. Gladys, having just had the hit "Midnight Train To Georgia," was not available for the part after her management insisted to Ray that she own the master tapes. If you know much about Ray Charles' story, you know that he always owned his own masters. So, Ray's next choice was Cleo Laine, who did a beautiful job of singing the part. This two-LP set was mastered from the original analog tapes. "I have to tell you man. In listening to sound, I guess what I'm after is the closest thing that I can get to reality. Now, I know it's not going to be reality, cause the thing gotta go through wires and gotta go through filters and this and that. I understand all that. But what I really like is to get as close to the natural sound of the instruments as possible. That's why I like analog as opposed to digital. Because I don't give a shit what anybody tells you man, I know what you guys are going to tell me...'Oh yeah, but it's clean Ray!' Well it's clean but it don't got no balls!!!" - 1999 interview with Ray Charles by Michael Hobson of Classic Records LP = ARCA 1831Q $50.00 (two LPs)

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Marc Bro u s s a rd — Carencro Broussard’s high-octane take-off uses no formula at all. Instead he offers a blend of abilities, styles and enthusiasms uniquely adapted to himself on his debut album, Carencro. He calls himself a "white boy singing soul music." But that’s deceptive because his music draws from eve rything he’s absorbed. "I feel like I’ve melded a bunch of things together that people haven’t focused on for a long time." In his songs can be heard influences and accents ranging from soul men like Stevie Wonder and Brian McKnight to Louisiana icons like Johnny Allan and G.G. Shin to road warriors like Dave Matthews. LP = AISL 293801 $10.98

Blue Merle — Burning in the Sun " gorgeous you wanted to wrap his voice in silk and store it carefully in a safe for protection." - The Washington Post "Blue Merle has made its mark...through its combination of musical acumen, compositional savvy and performance brilliance." - Nashville City Paper LP = AISL 296101 $11.98

M a riah Carey — The Emancipation of Mimi Mariah Carey's career is truly the stuff of lege n d. Beginning her re c o rding career at age 20, M a riah has since become the best-selling female performer of all time, with an incredible 15 No. 1 singles and multiple Grammy awards. Along the way she became the only artist to top the charts in each year of the 1990s, and with "Heartbreaker," she pushed ahead of Th e Beatles as the artist with the most cumulative weeks spent atop Billboard's Hot 100 singles chart. Mariah's new album features the songstress writing and co-producing with such A-list names as The Neptunes, Kanye West and R. Ke l ly among others. The album, wh i ch is lyri c a l lyvery personal, showcases Mariah's stunning vo i c e,prolific songwriting and incre d i ble versatility. LP = AISL 394301 $14.98

The Brave ry — The Brave ry Born out of the recent New York based electro-clash movement, The Bravery emerge with an eerily emotive, self-titled debut album. The band's sound unveils the dark side of the eighties in true Morrissey-Robert Smith fashion, while fusing urban dance club beats with moody keyboard lines. LP = AISL 416301 $11.98

N i ck Drake — A Treasury This is Nick Drake’s definitive collection - his 15 most essential tracks. This disc serves as an outstanding introduction to a sadly-missed artist who left us far too soon. For many, a Vo l k swagen TV commercial in 2000 featuring Drake’s "Pink Moon" tune served as their introduction to this gre at talent. Now’s the chance to dig deeper. LP = AISL 9867923 $32.99

J Records DualDiscs Gavin DeGraw — Chariot "Not as baroque as Rufus Wainwright, and more downtown than Matchbox Twenty, but e m b o dying elements of both acts, Gavin DeGraw's J Records debut is a strong showcase for his soulful wail and piano playing." - All Music Guide DD = CJAY 67476 $18.98

M a rio Brunello — Turning Point DD = CJAY 67478 $18.98 New music arrives daily – stay updated with our “New Arrival” emails. Sign up on our web site today.


Jag Jaguwar – JVC

Rossini Overtures/Pierino Gamba/London Symphony Orch e s t ra

Jag Jaguwar LPs Okkervil River — Black Sheep Boy

This special collection of music composed by G i o a chino Rossini contains five of his most famous works including "The Barber of Seville," one of the most famous pieces of operatic music. The Rossini Overtures, performed here by the London Symphony Orch e s t ra and conducted by Pierino Gamba, are a true delight to any connoisseur of classical music. This important work also includes "The Thieving Magpie," " The Silken Ladder" and "William Tell," the last opera Rossini ever wrote. Ava i l able on CD for the very first time, this title will dazzle you with a spectrum of

"Combining folk-rock inspirations and alternative rock sways, Okkervil River cre ates a particular visionary sound, strongly founded on dark and profound lyrics and on chaotic visions of patterned sound compounds." - All Music Guide LP = AJAG 80 $14.98

The Skygreen Leopards — Life & Love in Sparrow's Meadow The Sky green Leopards emerge from the Jewelled Antler forest of sound with stra n ge psych - folk rites of rebirth and the eternal imagination. "Rural folk for the hook-obsessed pop fan." - Pitchfork LP = AJAG 82 $14.98

Jive Records DualDiscs Three Days Grace — Three Days Grace This self-titled debut showcases the band's simple, straight-forward alternative metal. DD = CJIV 68133 $18.98

Britney Spears — In the Zone 2005 Grammy Awards: Best Dance Recording, Britney Spears/Avant & Bloodshy, producers; Niklas Flyckt, mixer. Features the smash singles "Toxic" and "Me Against The Music" with Madonna, plus "(I Got Th at) Boom Boom" with Ying Yang Twins, "Outrageous," "Everytime" and more. DD = CJIV 68134 $18.98

musical energy. XRCD24 = CJVC 229 $26.99

Salena Jones — Jazz Vocal Best Collection Salena Jones picks her favorite jazz standards from seven of her earlier albums for this XRCD 24. This "Best Of" features such gems as "My Funny Valentine," "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing," "Singin' In The Rain" and "When You Wish Upon A Star." XRCD24 = CJVC 1048 $26.99

Va rious A rtists — JVC XRCD 24 Sampler JVC has released two previous XRCD Samplers that demonstrate the high quality of sound that can be produced on a standard CD using JVC's special patented XRCD process. The third XRCD Sampler continues with this tradition. Featuring a nicelyblended selection of jazz from such well-known artists as Salena Jones, Helen Merrill, Perez Prado and Tetsuo Sakurai, this release demonstrates the wide spectrum of music styles that can be enhanced by XRCD. Your regular CD player will never sound any better than when it sings with this XRCD 24 release.

JSP Records SACDs Deitra Farr — Let It Go! So Near...So Farr! Deitra Farr has the "close-to-you" sound that most singers seek in vain. Whether it's her mellow, soulful vo i c e,the fact that she writes her own material, or the years spent performing to live audiences, we'll leave you to decide. Deitra sings on and wrote all the tra cks featured here. She also hand-picked the musicians. And as producer, she OK'd nothing until it met her exacting standards. This is The Blues...delivered by an artist who never, ever gives her second best. SACD = CJSP 5105 SA $16.99

Byther Smith — Addressing the Nation With the Blues "Uncompromising, filled with raw bleak images and bone chilling lead guitar phrasing. Intense...some of the toughest blues in town!" - Bill Dahl, L iving Blues SACD = CJSP 5106 SA $16.99

Guitar Shorty with Otis Grand — My Way or The Highway A superb guitarist who was a big influence on Jimi Hendrix and who had hits in the 1950s, Guitar Shorty burns it up on this set from 1991. This record includes superb, tasteful backing by guitarist Otis Grand and his English band. Often times, when American blues stars are paired with English backing bands, the results lack the classic sound and groove that stateside bands can provide. But in this case, the Englishmen were flawless. This was the first of several collaborations Grand made with American bluesmen for JSP. SACD = CJSP 5107 SA $16.99


XRCD24 = CJVC 1049 $26.99

Slava — Ave Maria A new XRCD 24 featuring the many different versions of "Ave Maria" performed by the talented artist known as Slava. XRCD24 = CJVC 1050 $29.99

B oys Air Choir — Merry Christmas + 5 A XRCD 24 Christmas album featuring the talents of the world renown Boys Air Choir. Features 18 tra cks of your favorite Christmas Music with incre d i ble clarity and resolution. XRCD24 = CJVC 1051 $29.99


JVC XRCDs Sarasate: Carmen Fantasie/Ruggiero Ricci, violin/Gamba/London Symphony Orch e s t ra Available on CD for the very first time, this classic Decca title has been given the complete JVC XRCD 24 "makeover" recog n i zed by audiophiles worldw i d e. Carmen Fantasie is performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Pierino Gamba, and features the impressive talents of American-born violinist Ruggiero Ricci. Ricci, a child prodigy, first became recog n i zed for his virtuoso talent on his performances of several concertos by such well-known composers as Felix Mendelssohn and Niccolo Paganini. Arra n ged by Pablo Sarasate, a violinist known for both his Spanish flavor and Hungarian Gypsy style of musical compositions, Carmen Fantaise was recorded by Decca in 1959 in the Kingsway Hall in London. XRCD24 = CJVC 227 $26.99

Ray Brown & Laurindo Almeida – Moonlight Serenade Artists Ray Brown, bass, and Laurindo Almeida, guitar, transcribe the works of an eclectic mix of composers from Beethoven to Thelonious Monk. A harmonious encounter which blends classical music, jazz and South American melodies. Transparent, dreamy, late night music.

LP = AJET 33004 $37.99 (two 45-RPM LPs) CD = CJET 60005 $21.99

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3



JVC – Linn

Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio — Midnight Sugar Touring with the Micky Curtis Band,Yamamoto had the chance to explore several international experiences that he would later use on this album as he worked with this band in France, England and Switzerland. On Midnight Sugar the T s u yoshi Yamamoto Trio plays two of Tsuyoshi’s own blues improvisations followed by jazz ballads that became standards for the trio. The combination of these titles is nothing but exceptional. It is Yamamoto’s unmistakable skill and his jazz feeling wh i ch adds that certain touch of liveliness and spontaneity and makes Midnight Sugar a unique experience. XRCD24 = CJVC 5023 $26.99

Brahms: Violin Concerto/Szeryng & Monteux/London Symphony Orchestra Featuring the breathtaking talent of Henryk Szeryng on violin and backed by the London Symphony Orchestra, this classic RCA Living Stereo release demonstrates the vibrant color of Brahm’s popular Violin Concert o. Recorded in Kingsway Hall in London in 1958 by RCA, this release highlights the classical work of Johannes Brahms, known as one of the top three composers of Romantic Classical Music. Conducted by Pierre Monteux, himself a talented violinist, this performance forces Szeryng to demonstrate his unique abilities on the violin. XRCD24 = CJVC 24021 $26.99

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2/Gilels & Reiner/Chicago Symphony Emil Gilels is known as one of the most talented pianists of the modern day. Born and raised in Russia, Gilels did not become well known to the rest of the world until after the end of World War II, when he was fi n a l lyallowed to tour the world. The dynamics of the piano on this release is incre d i ble to hear and features Johannes Brahms, impressive Piano Concert o No. 2 in B Flat major. This concerto is conducted perfectly by Fritz Reiner and performed by the help of the ever-talented Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The Stereo version of this performance is rare to find. XRCD24 = CJVC 24022 $26.99

Tchaikovsky: Concerto No. 1/Arthur Rubinstein/Boston Symphony Orch . This romantic piano concerto written by Tchaikovsky was first previewed to his mentor Nikolai Rubinstein in a private audition in 1874. However, Rubinstein demanded several changes wh i ch Tchaikovsky refused to make. Years later, as this important piece of music became one of the leading examples of Romantic Piano Concertos, it was embraced by Rubinstein and he began to use it in his own repertoire. Eri ch Leinsdorf, known mainly for his talent conducting Operas such as Madam Butterfly, conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra on this album originally re c o rded by RCA and accompanied by the legendary piano talent of Arthur Rubinstein. One can hear both the drama and the passion that made this music popular on this XRCD. XRCD24 = CJVC 24023 $26.99

Order online anytime! RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED JVC Holst: The Planets/Zubin Mehta/ The Los Angeles Philharmonic Written by Gustav Holst over a threeyear period in 1914, The Planets is a true masterpiece of classical music and features seven movements based on the planets in our own solar system, excluding Pluto and the Earth itself. This world renowned piece, that has always overshadowed Holst’s other famous works of music, is conducted by Zubin Mehta and perf o rmed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. F rom the thunderously charged emotion of "Mars, the Bringer of Wars" to the faint and distant passages of "Neptune, the Mystic," this release demonstrates the high quality of recordings made by Decca in the early ‘70s, as well as the highly refined sound of the XRCD 24 process. Listen and compare. XRCD24 = CJVC 228 $26.99

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2/Arthur Rubinstein/Fritz Reiner/Chicago Symphony This release of Arthur Rubinstein on piano contains two classical works by world famous composers Sergey Rachmaninov and Franz Liszt. It is a celebration of the sound that can be created by the skillful combination of the piano and a full orchestra. Rubinstein is masterfully conducted on this album by Fritz Reiner and A l f red Wallenstein. Rachmaninov's melodic Piano Concerto No. 2 and Liszt's dramatic Piano Concerto No. 1 are both highlighted on this important release. XRCD24 = CJVC 24024 $26.99

Fritz Reiner — Vienna Fritz Reiner, the most famous conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, is back on this wonderful collection of waltzes put together as a tribute to the music of Au s t ria. This wonderful addition to the Living Stereo Series includes Reiner’s powerful interruptions of the songs: “Beautiful Blue Danube” “Emperor Waltz” “Village Swallows” and many more. The music from this release will make you feel you are back in Au s t ria, during a simpler and m o re eloquent time period. XRCD24 = CJVC 24025 $26.99

Prokofiev: Lieutenant Kije/Stravinsky: Song of the Nightinga l e / Fritz Reiner/Chicago Symphony This Living Stereo title features several compositions written by Prokofieff and Stravinsky, i n cluding Prokofieff's piece Lieutenant Kije, written for a movie, and Strav i n s ky's Song of the Nightingale, written as a tribute to Hans Christian Anderson. Conducted by the legendary Fritz Reiner and performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, this release is an explosion of musical expression. XRCD24 = CJVC 24026 $26.99

Hiroko Kokubu — New York Uncovered Recorded in New York in 2004 with Christian McBride on bass and Mino Cinelu on drums this new jazz release is sure to become a classic. XRCD24 = CJVC 61241 $26.99

JVC (Jazz Fine) XRCD Isao Suzuki Tri o - Q u a rtet — Blow Up 2 Isao Suzuki’s masterful sequel to his classic jazz album, Blow Up. Isao really outdoes himself with this new jazz album that re a l lysounds like a classic jazz album re c o rded many many years ago. Includes a few standards and a few new songs. XRCD24 = CJVC 002J $29.99

Linn CD & SACDs Concerto Caledonia — Fi ddler Ta m - The Music of Thomas Erskine, 6th E a rl of Kellie This is the first re c o rding devoted to the works of one of the most significant composers of the 18th century, and includes several pieces previouslyunrecorded. This recording was made possible by the years of research carried out by David McGuiness, John Purser and David Johnson. Thomas Alexander Erskine, the sixth Earl of Kellie, was best known as Fiddler Tam. He was born in 1732, making him a contemporary of Haydn. He studied composition at Mannheim with Stamitz and he was the first to exploit in the UK the new disciplined Mannheim style with its dramatic crescendos. David McGuinness is one of the UK's most versatile keyboard players, moving effortlessly b e t ween early music, traditional music, rock and classical. David has ap p e a red as harpsichord soloist with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, and also plays regularly in the SCO. SACD = CLIN 240 SA $22.99

Barb Ju n gr — Love Me Tender "...the finest cabaret singer in recent times, Barb Jungr shows real soul: quirky, intelligent cabaret music of the highest order." - The Rough Guide To Cult Pop "I watched and listened with genuine, rapt awe, it dawned on me in one of those spinetingling realizations that she might just be the best cabaret singer we have got in Britain today." - The Stage Some of the greatest song writing talents of the fifties, sixties and seventies wrote for the

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC legendary singer Elvis Presley. Barb Jungr, regarded as Britain's fo remost chansonnier and finest song stylist, takes these songs and embarks on a journey through love, loneliness, obsession and finally, faith. The show features some of Presley's most well known songs as well as the gospel and Bob Dylan songs he sang. With the accompaniment of Britain's top musicians and stunning arrangements, the songs and their history come together, and we hear the ly rics anew. SACD = CLIN 255 SA $22.99

Francesco Corbetta: La Guitarre Royalle/William Carter, guitar "When a fifth string was added to the Renaissance guitar in the 1580s, it started a guitar craze that swept through Europe for more than a century, with stable boys and wandering minstrels joining regal fingers in strumming their way through all sorts of chord patterns of increasing complexity. King of the quality composers for the instrument was Francesco Corbetta (c. 1615-1681), whose minuets, gigues and chaconnes combines tender lyricism with elegant refinement. William Carter of the Palladian Ensemble performs them here with gre at agility and eloquence, on a first solo disc with as mu ch appeal for fans of Eric Clapton as those of John Williams." - The Observer, 2004 CD = CLIN 185 $16.99

Benjamin Britten: Les Illuminations/Vari ations on a Theme of Frank Bridge/Serenade for Tenor, Horn & Strings/Scottish Ensemble This disc brings together three youthful masterworks all composed by Benjamin Britten before his 30th birthday within the space of a mere six years. Individually and collective ly they demonstrate a fertile imagi n ation of a high order combined with astonishing technical skills. SACD = CLIN 226 SA $22.99

S a rah Moule — Something's Gotta Give In the past few ye a rs singer Sarah Moule has established a rapidly growing rep u t ation as one of Britain’s most exciting new jazz talents. Her highly acclaimed debut album It’s A Nice Thought showed t h at in lyricist Fran Landesman and composer Simon Wallace, she has found a source of contemporary, literate and often funny songs which are ruthlessly honest about human foibles, strengths and frailties, and which lend themselves to Moule’s emotionally direct vocal style. Something’s Gotta Give marries a collection of new Landesman/Wallace mat e rial with classic songs by one of the gre atest of the American Songbook lyricists, Johnny Mercer. Mercer and Landesman first met in the late 1950s when Landesman and composer Tommy Wolf were enjoying great success with songs such as "Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most" and "The Ballad Of The Sad Young Men." SACD = CLIN 239 SA $22.99

Linn – LSO


work comprising seven albums with Toad (which collectively have sold close to four million units) and three as a solo artist. The latest, Winter Pays for Summer - his first for Lost Highway - is at once the most richly melodic and the most intensely personal album of his career. Phillips says the musical inspiration for Winter Pays for Summer was a handful of albums "that really ripped my heart out as a kid" - classics like XTC's English Settlement and Peter Gabriel's So. "I guess I wanted in some ways to make an '80s record that had aged re a l lywell." LP = ALOS 353301 $11.98

M a ry Gauthier — Mercy Now Mercy Now features 10 songs overflowing with beauty, darkness, raw emotion and unflinching honesty, from a truly compelling artist. Gauthier's life has taken her on a path through devastation and despair. Her songwriting is a direct reflection of personal life experience. Mary Gauthier has beaten back demons, learned from the streets, hit ro ck bottom and risen from the ashes - all before writing her first song at the age of 35. LP = ALOS 357001 $11.98

Elvis Costello — The Clarksdale Sessions (10'' Vinyl) During the recording of The Delivery Man, Elvis Costello & The Imposters spent a day going over songs from the new record, live in Clarksdale, Mississippi in a tiny one-room studio that was originally a radio station in the early 20th century. The results from this record i n g, The Clarksdale Sessions, are presented here in Delta-Verite (Elvis’term for the offthe-cuff re c o rding style, see Cinema Verite). The 10" is pack aged in a deluxe die-cut cover. The Clarksdale Sessions contains five alternate versions of songs from The Delivery Man as well as a cover of "Dark End Of The Street" and "In Another Room" an Elvis Costello original unheard elsewh e re. LP = ALOS 390501 $9.98

Va rious A rtists — Deadwood (Music From The HBO Series) The soundtra ck to the HBO original series about life on the western frontier in the late 1800s. Artists include June Carter Cash, Lyle Lovett, Jelly Roll Morton, Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee, Bukka White and Mississippi John Hurt. LP = ALOS 401201 $11.98

LSO SACDs Shostakovich: Symphony No. 11 - Year 1905/Mstislav Rostropovich/London Symphony Orchestra Shostakovich's atmospheric Eleventh Symphony recounts the events surrounding the First Russian Revolution of 1905 while reflecting on the brutality of the later Soviet regime. Its cinematic depiction of winter cold and military might is utterly compelling, and never more so than under the baton of the composer's friend Mstislav Rostropovich. SACD = CLSO 0535 SA $17.99

Shostakovich: Symphony No. 11/Alexander Lazarev Alexander Lazarev is one of Russia's foremost conductors. He studied with Leo Ginsbourg at the Moscow Conservat o ry, gra d u ating with first class honors. In 1971 he won first prize in the Soviet Union's national competition for conductors, and the following year went on to win first prize and gold medal in the Karajan Competition in Berlin. Shostakovich's Eleventh Symphony is sometimes dubbed "a film score without the film," and it is true that the music sometimes moves at the rate of a camera panning across a vast open space. So it is in The Palace Square, which seems to evoke dawn on the bright but bitterly cold morning of Bloody Sunday itself. The opening musical ideas are the only ones in the symphony that are not quotes or derivations from revolutionary songs, and they will prove crucial to the overall design. SACD = CLIN 247 SA $22.99

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED LINN C a rol Kidd – All My Tomorrows R e c o rded in 1985, All My Tomorrows f e a t u res the original “When I Dream” with the late Alex Moore on guitar, the irre p ressible Sandy Taylor at the piano, a string quartet on ballads and a guest appearance by Martin Taylor on electric guitar. Completely natural and spontaneous, as much at home with a freewheeling swinger as with the most intimate ballad, Carol is the most definitive jazz singer Britain has ever produced.

Artur Pizarro — Reminiscences - Fre d e ric Chopin Since winning the Leeds Intern ational Competition in 1990, Po rtuguese key b o a rd maestro A rtur Pizarro has continued to impress and astonish with the incre d i ble ra n ge of his art i s t ry and dazzling virtuosity. On this ve ry full CD - 79 cap t ivating minutes P i z a rro, in his own words, looks back to his early contact with Chopin, revisiting mu ch of the rep e rt o i rehe was introduced to as a ch i l d. This is a well-compiled progra m , demonstrating the melodic gra c e, the va riety of invention and the harmonic ri chness that Chopin drew from his favo red instrument. SACD = CLIN 248 SA $22.99

LP = ALIN 257 $39.99

Lost Highway LPs Glen Phillips — Winter Pays For Summer Glen Phillips has been making music for two decades now, starting as the 14-year-old frontman of Toad the Wet Spro cket. During that time, he's accumu l ated a sizable body of

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Speakers Corner scores the

Mercury Living Presence Catalog

Roger Sessions: The Black Maskers/Colin McPhee: Tabuh-Tabuhan/Howard Hanson/Eastman-Rochester Orchestra LP = AMER 90103 $30

Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet Suites Nos. 1 & 2/Stanislaw Skrowaczewski/Minneapolis Symphony LP = AMER 90315 $30

British Band Classics Vol. 2 Frederick Fennell/Eastman Wind Ensemble LP = AMER 90197 $30

Organ Recital Marcel Dupre LP = AMER 90169 $30

Debussy: Prélude a L’Apres-midi d’un faune/Petite Suite/Ravel: Valses nobles et sentimentales/Le Tombeau de Couperin/Paul Paray/The Detroit Symphony Orchestra LP = AMER 90213 $30

Dvorak: Concerto for Cello & Orchestra in B Minor Janos Starker/LSO LP = AMER 90303 $30

Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Opus 30/Antal Dorati/London Symphony Orchestra LP = AMER 90283 $30

Coming June 15, 2005

T h e

M e r c u r y

L i v i n g

This is one of the most exciting reissue series of the last several years. The Mercury Living Presence label has been treasured by audiophiles since its beginning. Originals are extremely rare and the prices are sky-high. Mint, quiet originals are almost nonexistent. Simply put, these things sound absolutely awesome! The recording method was pure and simple. As the New York Times once said, these recordings do sound as though you are in the “living presence” of the performer. And now Speakers Corner has licensed the original analog masters. So, how did Speakers Corner pull in such a coveted line of titles? Well, for some perspective, let's look briefly at the history of Mercury Living Presence.

P r e s e n c e

S t o r y

Beginning in 1954, Philips had an agreement with Columbia (CBS). Columbia recordings were released in Europe by Philips, and Philips recordings were released in the USA on the Epic label. When American trade regulations changed, making it easier for foreign companies to be based in the U.S., Philips looked for a company to get its feet on U.S. ground and bought Mercury in 1961. Later, “Philips Phonographische Industrie” became Phonogram and bought, as PolyGram, the Decca label in 1980. In 1999, PolyGram, along with all its sub-labels, was sold to Universal. Universal decided to concentrate their various classical labels.

Thus, Westminster became part of Deutsche Grammophon, and Philips merged with Decca. That is the reason that Decca now controls the Mercury Living Presence repertoire that we’re talking about here. Speakers Corner, having reissued close to 100 Decca/London titles since 1993, has an excellent relationship with Decca. Therefore, they won the incredible opportunity to do this mostexciting Mercury Living Presence reissue series. But Speakers Corner’s relation to these legendary titles goes even a step further. Many of the original master tapes are stored in Hannover, Germany. Speakers Corner’s cutting engineer,

109 M e r c u r y

L i v i n g

P r e s e n c e

S e r i e s

Bach: 6 Solo Cello Suites/Starker, cello LP Box Set = AMER 39016 $90 (three LPs) Rare originals of this recording have been going on Ebay for upwards of $1,500. The sound quality and performance are absolutely to-die-for. Today, it is difficult to understand that despite the tremendous Bach renaissance that took place in the 19th century, many compositions by the Cantor of St. Thomas’ Church in Leipzig had been underrated. The Cello Suites, for example, have been regarded for almost 300 years as purely a set of tricky etudes that every virtuoso in the making simply must tackle. Janos Starker’s recording of the Suites from 1965 makes a lasting impression on the listener, and even record producers who are well used to recorded excellence have been highly impressed. Starker’s full-bodied sound and technical brilliance are complemented by his finely chiseled interpretation that lends immense expression to Bach’s thrilling harmony and verve to the strict rhythmic construction of the movements. Also available: Only 40 copies left of 200 numbered-edition signed by Starker for $200 each. These will not last long. LP Box Set = AMER 39016A $200

Respighi: Birds & Brazilian Impressions /Antal Dorati/ London Symphony Orchestra LP = AMER 90153 $30

The Living Presence Of 20th-Century Music (three-LP Set)

Winds in Hi-Fi — Grainger, Rogers, Milhaud, Strauss/Frederick Fennell/Eastman Wind Ensemble LP = AMER 90173 $30

Schoenberg/Webern/Berg: Vienna 1908-1914/ Antal Dorati Alban Berg: Suites from Wozzeck and Lulu Gunther Schuller: Seven Studies on Themes of Paul Klee/Paul Fetler: Contrasts for Orchestra LP Box Set = AMER 1 $85 (three LPs) Less than 50 copies remain.


Willem Makkee, has his cutting operation in the same building as the Mercury Living Presence tape library. That gives him direct access to the Willem Makkee, mastering engineer masters. For these reissues, Makkee used the magnetic tapes mixed down to two-track by Robert Fine himself. This is, without question, one of Speakers Corner’s most important projects to date. Look for several more of these MLPs in the coming years. What a Tenth Anniversary celebration for Speakers Corner!

Latest releases just in! Enesco: Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1/Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos. 1-6/Antal Dorati/ London Symphony Orchestra SACD = CMER 4756185 SA $17.98 Dvorak: Cello Concerto/Tchaikovsky: Rococco/Janos Starker, cello/Dorati/ London Symphony Orchestra SACD = CMER 4756608 SA $17.98 Balalaika Favorites - Vitaly Gnutov Rudolf Belov, Osipov State Russian Folk Orchestra, Vitaly Gnutov SACD = CMER 4756610 SA $17.98 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 1/Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 3/Byron Janis/ Kondrashin/Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra SACD = CMER 4756607 SA $17.98 Screamers: Marches by Goldman & Others/Frederick Fennell/Eastman Wind Ensemble SACD = CMER 4756619 SA $17.98 Various Artists - All 5 Mercury SACDS/3rd Set/Free Shipping SACD = CMER SET3 SA $79.99



Rare 45 RPM Merc u ry LPs Brahms: Symphony No. 3/Serenade No. 2/Bernard Haitink/London Symphony Orchestra The first and final movements of Brahms' Third Symphony contain some of the most dra m atic music he was to compose, yet both end sere n e ly and enclose two beautiful and lyrical inner movements. The equally exquisite Serenade No. 2, unusually scored for wind instruments, violas, cellos and double basses, was one of his own personal favorites. SACD = CLSO 0544 SA $17.99

Brahms: Symphony No. 4/Bern a rd Haitink/London Symphony Orchestra Loaded with German Romanticism and including variations on a Bach cantata, Brahms final symphony is a remarkable example of his mastery of symphonic composition. A rich, warm work that builds on a sense of movement and intensity right up to the final bars. SACD = CLSO 0547 SA $17.99

Sibelius: Symphony Nos. 3 & 7/Sir Colin Davis/London Symphony Orchestra With his Third Symphony, Sibelius began a process of innovation that was to culminate in his seventh and final symphony. He discarded the conventional structure of a symphony and into each work condensed a unique aura that evokes beauty, my s t e ry, color and light together with his love of his Finnish homeland. SACD = CLSO 0552 SA $17.99

Lyrinx SACDs Marie-Joséphe Jude & Yu ri Gandelsman — Brahms/Schumann SACD = CLYX 2226 SA $29.95

Mozart: Sonate Nos. 10, 12, 14/Fantaisie/Jo n athan Gilad Since 1991, Jo n athan Gilad has been studying with Dmitri Bashkirov, first in Colmar and later in Madrid and Salzburg. Gilad has performed at some of Europe’s most important festivals and with many major orchestras under the baton of such famous conductors as Daniel Barenboim, Seiji Ozawa, Sir Neville Mariner, Jesus Lopez Cobos etc. SACD = CLYX 2234 SA $29.95

Market Square SACD Eleanor McEvoy — I'll Be Willing Th ree songs taken from Eleanor McEvoy’s Early Hours record. Very good sound. SACD = CMAR 130 SA $13.99

Matador LPs Mogwai — Government Commissions: BBC Sessions 1996-2004 It's a treacherous business trying to explain Mogwai. Pretension and hyperbole lurk around every punctuation mark. Oceanic torrents of adjectives come easier than words which actually mean something. Confronted with a music that has all the emotional impact of the greatest rock, but few of its obvious signifiers, you're left struggling to make sense of the nebulous, but powerful feelings they provoke. Mog wai's Gove rnment Commissions (BBC Sessions 19962003), an artifact wh i ch in the rich tradition of Mogwai's album-length releases, will enlighten with selections culled from a career's worth of visits to the BBC studios. LP = AMAT 646 $19.98 (two LPs)

MCA LP & DualDisc Lee Ann Wo m a ck — There's More Where That Came From

LAST CHANCE TO PURCHASE — less than 25 each remain. The original 33-RPM versions were cut so hot that most cartridges had difficulty extracting all the detail and dynamics. At 45 RPM, the stylus can better track the cavernous grooves, and the result is a new level of analog LP retrieval that will astonish you. The Mercuries listed below have been out of print for over a year and are extremely limited.!

Prokofiev: Scythian Suite and the Love For Three Oranges/Dorati/LSO Dorat i ’s super-charged readings of these scores are unsurpassed. Acclaimed by critics and audiophiles alike as among the very best of the Mercuries, this dramatic and riveting combination of Prokofiev, Dorati and Merc u ry Living Presence is a sure winner. LP = AMER 90006-45 $75.00 (4 LPs)LP = Hi-Fi A La Espanola/Fennell The highly-coveted Hi-Fi A La Espanola is one of the rarest and most va l u able Mercuries of all. The original goes for about $1,500. This reissue is a flat and quiet 180gram pressing from RTI. LP = AMER 90144-45 $75.00 (1 LP, double sided) Chabrier: Espana/Suite Pa s t o rale/Fete Polonaise/Paul Pa ray/Detroit Symphony Orchestra Paul Paray is widely acclaimed as an acknowledged specialist in the Fre n ch repertoire. The Chabrier pieces are sparkling, buoyant, joyful, and infectious. The sheer zing, gaiety, and color of the others will send spirits soaring. LP = AMER 90212-45 $75.00 (4 LPs) Stravinsky: The Fi reb i rd Ballet in Two Scenes/Dorati/LSO This famous and desirable Mercury Living Presence title was recorded by Wilma and Robert Fine at Wat ford Town Hall in the outskirts of London. Dorati’s interpretation of the ballet is considered one of the greatest record e d. Mastered for LP by Bernie Grundman with supervision by Wilma Cozart Fine. LP = AMER 90226-45 $150.00 (3 LPs) Limited stock

There's More Where Th at Came From - the follow-up to Womack's 2004 Greatest Hits collection - is for everyone who's ever love d, lost and learned hard-earned lessons and lived to tell about it, including the singer herself. " These are the songs that aren't afraid to tell the truth," says Wo m a ck. "It is defi n i t e ly honest music as far as the lyrics go. They ' re a slice of life - the good, bad and the ugly." LP = AMCA 307301 $14.98

Balalaika Favorites: Rudolf Belov/Vitaly Gnutov/Osipov State Russian Folk Orchestra First recordings ever made in the Soviet Union by American musical and technical staff and equipment. R e c o rded by Mercury on location in Moscow. LP = AMER 90310-45 $65.00 (4 LPs)

Lee Ann Wo m a ck — Greatest Hits

Ravel: Rapsodie Espagnole/Alborada del Gracioso/Pavane pour une Infante Défunte/La Valse Pa ray/DSO Origi n a l lyrecorded at the Cass Technical High School Auditorium in Detroit, this ex c eptional mixture of French composition was re c o rded using a three-microphone rig to 35mm magnetic film. Using a film medium was an extremely expensive procedure, but the technical advantages, i n cluding no hiss, truer transient response, no flutter plus extremely accurate delineation of the t i m b re of the instruments was worth it. Another 10+ recording transferred by Grundman and Cozart - Fine for Classic Records. Selected tra cks from Ravel. LP = AMER 90313-45 $75.00 (2 LPs)

Since her 1997 debut, Lee Ann Wo m a ck has been a major contemporary country star. Th i s disc contains her biggest hits, including “I Hope You Dance” plus two new songs. DD = CMCA 432182 $17.98

MDG SACDs & DVDA Martin: Violin Concertos/Jac van Steen Featuring Michael Erxleben on violin, Adrienne Soos and Ivo Haag on piano duo and the Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur conducted by Jac van Steen. SACD = CMDG 9011280 SA $34.98

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Haydn: Symphony Nos. 92 & 94/Franziska Hirze l / H aydn Philharmonie SACD = CMDG 9011325 SA $34.98

Shostakovich: Symphonies No. 5 & 9/Roman Kofman/Beethoven Orchester Bonn The Beethoven Orchester Bonn is among the top German orchestras, and its origins can be traced back to 1897. The orch e s t ra has alre a dy produced several CDs with the innovative firm Dabringhaus + Grimm. At the moment, under its new artistic director Roman Kofman, the orchestra is producing the complete symphonies by Dmitri Shostakov i ch with the DVD Audio system. DVDA = CMDG 9371202 $26.98

Shostakovich: Complete Symphonies Vol. 3/Roman Kofman SACD = CMDG 9371203 SA $34.98

Mercury Living Presence CDs Tchaikovsky: Symphonies 1-6/Antal Dorati/London Symphony Orch./Minneapolis Symphony This collection has the six Tchaikovsky Symphonies and a selection of other orchestral pieces in acclaimed re c o rdings by Antal Dorati. CD = CMER 756261 $29.99 (five discs)

Paul Paray — Fre n ch Orchestral Music/Detroit Symphony Orchestra This set presents a varied selection of French orchestral masterpieces as well as a few rarities under the direction of Paul Paray. One of the highlights of the set is the acclaimed re c o rding of Saint-Saens’Organ Symphony with the lege n d a ry Marcel Dupre as soloist. CD = CMER 756268 $29.99 (five discs)

Howard Hanson/Eastman-Rochester Orchestra — A m e rican Masterwo rk s This collection features a varied selection of American orchestral masterworks from many of the "big names" in American music. Rarities by such famous names as Barber (Capricorn Concerto and the Medea Ballet Suite) and Ives (Three Places in New England and Symphony No. 3) can be found in this selection alongside other composers and their works which deserve a wider audience, pieces such as Chadwick’s Symphonic Sketches and MacDowell’s Suite for Large Orchestra. CD = CMER 756274 $29.99 (five discs)

Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra/Antal Dorati/BBC Symphony/London Symphony/Minneapolis Symphony This set presents Bartok’s major orch e s t ral works, along with a riveting performance of the Second Violin Concerto with Yehudi Menuhin, and the composer’s only opera, Bluebeard’s Castle. These legendary re c o rdings are under the musical direction of the gre at Hungarian conductor and champion of Bartok, Antal Dorati. CD = CMER 756255 $29.99 (five discs)

Mercury (Speakers Corner) LP Quincy Jones — The Birth of a Band The Birth Of A Band - could this title be an indication of big-talking self-confidence? Or could it be that Quincy Jones intended to modestly signal to America’s big-band fans that his newly established formation of youngsters was going to play in the "first division" along with the well-established gre at names? Well, it was probably a mixture of both, for what was hatched out of the egg at the end of the Fifties, and was soon to go on a tour of Europe, set new standards in mainstream jazz. Jones adhered to the unwritten rule of all new arrangers in that he kept to the evergreens in order to spotlight his extraordinary talents as a bandleader. Melodic development, coupled with intense rhythms ranging from hard to gentle,with plenty of room for solo interludes, characterize these early adaptations, all of wh i ch display Jones’ unique personal style wh i ch eventually wrote jazz history. LP = AMER 60129 $30.00 Mercury Living Presence (Speakers Corner) LP

Roger Sessions: The Black Maske rs/Colin McPhee: TabuhTabu h a n / H owa rd Hanson/Eastman-Rochester Orch e s t ra Although not well known in Euro p e, Roger Sessions is cited as being one of his native America’s truly gre at composers. He has often been described as the “American Brahms” due to the musical independence of his compositions in wh i ch traditional musical forms play an important ro l e. One astounding fact is that Sessions does not sound in the least “American,” for neither jazz elements nor folk melodies are to be found in his music. Sessions’highly individual style made itself heard and lent character to his complete incidental music for Leonid Andreyev’s drama The Black Maskers as early as 1923. The four symphonically conceived movements are filled with a sharply jagged rhythm, a well-developed feeling for a

MDG – Merc u ry Living Presence (Speakers Corn e r )


contrapuntally ramified skeletal framework, and a masterly use of all the possibilities offered by a large orchestra. Colin McPhee’s Tabuh Tabuhan is rich in exotic harmonies. Subtitled a “Toccata for Orchestra,” the work is based on Balinese melodies which the composer brings to life on western instruments. LP = AMER 90103 $30.00

Marcel Duprel– Organ Recital The organ, queen of instruments, stood for centuries solely in the service of church music. Widor, who as an organist felt himself bound to follow the traditions of Johann Sebastian Bach, was daring enough to undertake a histori c a l lysignificant step by founding the French organ school. Its representatives strove for the authentic performance of Bach’s works and redefined the almost boundless possibilities of their instrument in their own compositions. Widor’s Organ Symphonies, which were certainly intended to incorporate orchestral characteristics, are notable for their finely worked counterpoint, prominent rhythm, sure sense of form and massive tonal efforts, as is impressively demonstrated here in this performance of the Allegro from Symphony No. 6. Likewise, Dupre’s Prelude and Fugue is imbued with a sacral character, whereby the s c u rrying Prelude culminates in a powerful main section. Wh at is more, the 6,900 organ pipes of New York’s St. Thomas Church ensure that the listener will enjoy a truly powerful sound. LP = AMER 90169 $30.00

Frederi ck Fennell — British Band Classics Vol. 2 B ritish military bands are as much a part of life in England as is the famous cup of tea. Just as the hot drink has its very own aroma, British bands have their very own inimitable sound, which is only to be found where it is brewed. Of course, there’s always an exception, such as when the highly decorated and well-versed Eastman Wind Ensemble and their experienced leader Frederick Fennell set their foot on English soil. The American musicians prove that they can do more than justice to Gordon Jacob’s arrangements of suite movements, which William Byrd originally wrote for the harpsichord in the 17th century. With well-marked rhythmic contours and a freshness of tone, Fennell’s men pipe the music in lofty heights. In Gustav Holst’s Hammersmith, the ensemble really flexes its muscles and produces precisely the saturated, organ-like cascades of sound that only a wind band can. The “Eastmen” pull out all the stops, as it were, in Walton’s Crown Imperial March, thus following the dramaturgical plan of this album, which begins softly and dies away in splendor. LP = AMER 90197 $30.00

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED MERCURY LIVING PRESENCE (Speakers Corner) Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet Suites Nos. 1 & 2/Stanislaw S k rowaczewski/Minneapolis Symphony As is widely known, ballet suites are the "little sisters" of large ballet compositions that have been compiled by the composer mostly at a later date for perf o rmance in the concert hall. Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet is another story however. Strangely enough, his two Suites were given their first performance before the premiere of the complete ballet. This music is one of the pillars of a good re c o rd collection - and with good reason. Both Suites contain a wealth of delightful melodies that are given substance by colorful harmonic writing. Just how ideal Prokofiev can sound is brought to us by Stanislaw Skrowacziewski and the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. In the first Suite he lets his musicians sweep with elan through the Burlesque, the splendor of the Love Theme is full of lyrical intensity and rises to a forceful climax filled with sharp dissonances in Death of Tybalt. The Second Suite, too, is of the very highest standard, both from an artistic and re c o rding point of view. The characteristic themes and motifs are well contoured and b rought to the fore while embedded in a fresh and natural carpet of sound which is sometimes filled with immense warmth. LP = AMER 90315 $30.00

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


MK2 – Monument (Classic Records)


MK2 SACD Ray Charles — Live at the Olympia 2000

Bela Fleck's D rive is a landmark album that helped forge and define the "new grass" sound without alienating traditional blue grass enthusiasts. Drive features tight ensemble playing and astounding i m p rovisation from bona fide blue grass masters such as dobro player Je rry Douglas, flat-picker Tony Rice, mandolinist Sam Bush, fiddlers Stuart Duncan and Mark O'Connor and bassist Mark Schatz. Th i s rediscovered classic is fi n a l lypolished to full sonic fruition with Mobile Fidelity's GAIN 2 DSD mastering. SACD = CMOB 7003 SA $19.99

R ay Charles final concert at Paris’ O lympia. Incomparable! For the fi rst time in a half a century, "The Genius" plays with a trio. This is a pivotal moment in Ray Charles’ h i s t o ry. SACD = CMK2 640747 SA $34.99

Mobile Fidelity LPs, SACDs & Gold CD John Lennon — Mind Games The title cut was one of John Lennon’s most Spector-esque singles with its voluminous sound and gorgeous melody delivering his "nutopian" message. The album is one of his most stylistically diverse, ranging from the aforementioned ballad to the upbeat jaunt of "Tight As" to the sonic funkiness of "Meat City" and all points in between. This 1973 album was re c o rded at New York City’s Record Plant with the finest studio cats of the day: Michael Brecker, David Spinozza, Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Jim Keltner and many others. CD = CMOB 761 $24.99

John Lennon — Plastic Ono Band John Lennon’s first official solo album, Plastic Ono Band is a breathtakingly-honest and powerful record first released in 1970. Produced by John and Yoko with Phil Spector, this release features such defining songs as “Mother,” “Working Class Hero,” “God” and “Love.” LP = AMOB 1280 $24.99

Gershwin: Rhapsody In Blue/American in Paris/Leonard Slatkin/St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Gershwin's classic R h ap s o dy In Blue pointed the way for a whole generation of American composers who followed his lead. It has maintained its hold on the affections of the public for more than 60 ye a rs. SACD = CMOB 4007 SA $24.99

Ravel: D aphnis et Chloe/Ma MereL'Oye/Stanislaw Skrowa c zewski/ Minneapolis Orch e s t ra Featuring four discrete channels (as well as a spectacular stereo mix) of stunning, quadraphonic clarity and mastered via MFSL's proprietary GAIN 2 system, this warmhearted performance by the Minnesota Orchestra, as conducted by Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, will leave discerning listeners utterly impressed. SACD = CMOB 4008 SA $24.99

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED MOBILE FIDELITY Patricia Barber – Café Blue Café Blue has been a reference recording for almost every top-of-theline stereo retailer from its initial release in 1994. This breakthrough collection has all her signature elements — the spare electric atmosphere, the haunting voice, the wry, witty songwriting and inventive arrangements of songs from Bobbie Gentry, Miles Davis, Luis Bonfa and Frank Loesser.

Pat ricia Barber — Nightcl u b Nightclub is her most recent album and her first featuring all standards. The bonus tra ck is her rendition of "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town," formerly on Mp3 only. She's joined on several tra cks by guitarist Charlie Hunter and bassist Marc Johnson. While still retaining her cutting edge, this album will also appeal to fans of Diana Krall and other more-traditional singers. LP = AMOB 45004 $49.99 (two 45-RPM LPs)

Patricia Barber — Companion How does one follow-up two consecutive Stereophile M agazine "Records To Die For"? With a Stereophile "Recording of the Month," of course. Companion,Vocalist/pianist/ composer Patricia Barber's first live re c o rd, did just that (Jan. 2000, Stereophile). Of Ms. Barber's live performances, The New Yo rk Times said "a knockout...Ms. Barber's style s u ggests an intensely romantic spirit examining itself through a microscope." DownBeat Magazine gave Companion 4-1/2 stars (following M o d e rn Cool's 5 s t a rs) saying "the sound of this recording is extraordinary... engineer Jim Anderson gets not only the band but the electric night air." Stereophile simply said "Ms. Barber is an emerging star." LP = AMOB 45003 $49.99 (two 45-RPM discs)

Pat ricia Barber — Modern Cool Modern Cool was dubbed by Audio magazine "one of the best jazz records of the century" and this LP features a previously - u n released bonus track, Lennon & McCartney's "The Fool On The Hill." With the same sonic palette of deep dark dazzle as Cafe' Blue, her re-worked renditions of the Doors' "Light My Fire" and Paul Anka's "She's A Lady" join original songs and an adaptation of an E.E. Cummings poem performed with a full choir. LP = AMOB 45005 $59.99 (three 45-RPM discs)

Monitor LP Cass McCombs — PREfection "One of the most gifted lyricists the indi-rock world has seen in a long time." - Time Out New Yo rk "...lush, inscrutable, enigmatic." - Mojo A collection of genu i n e ly intelligent, lyric-dominant rock songs. The tunes are complex and allusive. LP = AMTR 20 $14.98

Monument (Classic Records) LP Roy Orbison — Gre atest Hits This is the first collection of Roy Orbison hit tunes. About half are taken from the first two albums, Lonely and Blue and Crying, with the remaining songs being singles that were not released on LP. This title was released in 1962, prior to Orbison's third album. It was cut on an all-tube cutting system by Bernie Grundman from a compilation analog reel assembled from the actual session masters - not copies. LP = AMON 18000Q $29.99

LP = AMOB 45002 $59.99 (three 45-RPM LPs)

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APO 2001 Jimmy Rogers Blue Bird LP = AAPO 2001 CD = CAPO 2001

APO 2002 Nancy Bryan Lay Me Down $25 $16

LP = AAPO 2002 CD = CAPO 2002

APO 2003 Jimmy D. Lane Long Gone $25 $16

APO 2005 Jimmy D. Lane Legacy LP = AAPO 2005 CD = CAPO 2005

$25 $16

LP = AAPO 2003 CD = CAPO 2003

APO 2004 H u b e rt Sumlin I Know You $25 $16

LP = AAPO 2004 CD = CAPO 2004

APO 2006 Jimmie Lee Robinson Remember Me

APO 2007 Little Hatch Goin’ Back

LP = AAPO 2006 CD = CAPO 2006

LP = AAPO 2007 CD = CAPO 2007

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$25 $16

APO 2008 Eomot RaSun Three Days Walkin’

APO 2009 Weepin’ Willie At Last, On Time

APO 2010 Honeyboy Edwards Shake‘Em On Down

APO 2011 Jimmie Lee Robinson All My Life

LP = AAPO 2008 CD = CAPO 2008

LP = AAPO 2009 CD = CAPO 2009

LP = AAPO 2010 CD = CAPO 2010 SACD = CAPO 2010 SA DVD = CAPOD 2010

LP = AAPO 2011-45 (45 RPM, 2 LPs) CD = CAPO 2011 SACD = CAPO 2011 SA

$25 $16

APO 2012 Little Hatch Rock With Me Baby

APO 2013 Nancy Bryan Neon Angel

LP = AAPO 2012-45 (45 RPM, 2 LPs) CD = CAPO 2012

LP = AAPO 2013-45 (45 RPM, 2 LPs) CD = CAPO 2013 SACD = CAPO 2013 SA

$30 $16

$25 $16

$25 $16 $25 $30

APO 2014 Henry Townsend My Story $30 $16

CD = CAPO 2014 SACD = CAPO 2014 SA

$30 $16 $25

APO 2015 Wild Child Butler Sho’ ‘Nuff $16 $25


LP = AAPO 2015-45 (45 RPM, 2 LPs) CD = CAPO 2015 SACD = CAPO 2015 SA

$30 $16 $25

New Release! APO 2016 Harry Hypolite Louisiana Country Boy

APO 2017 Myra Taylor My Night To Dream

CD = CAPO 2016 SACD = CAPO 2016 SA

LP = AAPO 2017-45 (45 RPM, 2 LPs) CD = CAPO 2017 SACD = CAPO 2017 SA

$16 $25

$30 $16 $25

APO 2018 Noah Wotherspoon & The Stratocats Buzz Me CD = CAPO 2018

APO 2020 Jimmy D. Lane It’s Time $16

LP = AAPO 2020-45 (45 RPM, 2 LPs) CD = CAPO 2020 SACD = CAPO 2020 SA

$30 $16 $25



Mosaic – Naxos

Mosaic LPs Miles Davis — The Complete 1963-64 Columbia Recordings (10 LP Box Set) It's one thing to visit the art of Picasso in a museum. And something different to have wat ched over his shoulder as he painted. The extraordinary recordings made by Miles Davis in 1963 and 1964 provide comparable insight into his artistic process, his restless search and his creative rebirth. Collected at long last on LP in one set by Mosaic Records, with edited portions re s t o red and many forgotten tracks i n cluded for the very first time, the selections allow you to follow the steps he took, one by one, ch a n ge by change, until he arrived at the nucleus of the quintet music he would be making for the rest of the decade. It's an unusually revealing collection. Since most of the set was re c o rded in concert, in many cases the same tunes - all stalwarts from Miles' book at the time - get rethought, reconfigured and completely reexamined. It's fascinating to hear tunes evolve as different personnel attempt them. LP = AMOS 226 $180.00 (ten LP box set)

Mosco Vinyl LP Eleanor McEvoy — Early Hours Early Hours takes McEvoy’s music to new heights. Couched now in a mat u re jazz/blues context, her melodic and sensitive songs - packed as ever with wryly insightful social observation - benefit from first rate performances by McEvoy and her amazing players. Early Hours is all the more sumptuous for the high quality recording at London’s Metropolis Studio. LP = AMSC 101 $29.99

Motown SACD Michael McDonald — Motown Two M i chael McDonald again harvests the Motown catalog with another 14 selections from such gre ats as Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and Smokey Robinson. McDonald is a powerful enough vocalist to bring something significant to classics that lesser singers wouldn’t dare touch. SACD = CMOT 347236 SA $17.98

Myutopia DualDiscs DJ Haul and Mason — Half Baked Goods DJ/Producing Duo's first full length album of original mat e rial. DD = CMYU 4167 $19.99

Josh One — Narrow Pat h The debut album from Josh One featuring "Miss Me" and the international hit "Contemplation." "Chock full of lazy beats, R&B divas and guest rap p e rs…some of the tracks have a heavy jazz feel…others a more beats and samples vibe. Either way, it all works." - music culture DD = CMYU 4170 $19.99

Naxos DVDAs & SACDs Vivaldi: Flute Concert i , Op. 10/Helmut Muller-Bruhl/Cologne Chamber Orchestra Best-known for The Four Seasons, Vivaldi has been credited with the development of the Italian solo concerto as a popular form in the early 18th century. The Flute Concertos are especially innovat ive both as documents of performance technique and examples of the composer's most imaginative writing. Three of the Concertos have descriptive titles which, although not strictly programmatic, clearly evoke the mood and characteristics of a sea-storm (La tempesta di mare) , night (La notte) and the goldfinch (Il cardellino). SACD = CNAX 6110008 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110008 $13.99

Shostakovich: Hamlet/Dmitry Yablonsky/Russian Philharmonic Shostakovich was particularly happy with this score though a planned symphonic poem on the same theme came to nothing and he turned instead to his Ninth String Quart e t. Th e film won pri zes at various film festivals while the score was acclaimed and used for several Hamlet ballets. In 1964 Shostakovich’s friend Lev Atovmian arranged a suite and its eight movements have been integrated into this recording of the published score. SACD = CNAX 6110062 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110062 $13.99

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Arvo Part: B e rliner Messe/Noel Edison/Elora Festival Singers and Orch e s t ra Composed in 1977 for soprano, alto, tenor and bass soloists or choir, Summa was recast in 1990 as the Credo in Part’s B e rliner Messe, at wh i ch time it was also arranged for string quartet. Unlike the revision, the original version proceeds unequivo c a l lyin the minor mode, an indication, perhaps, of the genesis of the piece at a time when public avowal of religious faith was forbidden in Estonia. SACD = CNAX 6110052 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110052 $13.99

Vaughan Williams: Orch e s t ral Music/James Judd/New Zealand Symphony Orch e s t ra One of the leading English composers of his generation, Vaughan Williams went some way towards cre ating a specifically English musical idiom. Although he was highly influenced by folk-song,as represented here most cl e a rly in the Norfolk Rhap s o dy No. 1 and in the Fantasia on Greensleeves, these works are far more than just direct quotations of familiar tunes, and have become orch e s t ral favorites of the twentieth century. SACD = CNAX 6110053 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110053 $13.99

Mozart: Flute Concertos/Pat ri ck Gallois, flute On his European tour of 1777-8, the young Mozart sought to escape the re s t rictions and limitations of his position in Salzburg and seek his fortune. Along the way, various amateur p l ayers and rich patrons commissioned works, among them the two Flute Concertos and the Concerto for Flute and Harp. Although written for amateur players, these works are no less challenging for the soloists or enjoyable for the listener. Th ey include many examples of the characteristically rich melodies and daring harmonies that were later to immort a l i zeMozart’s gre atest music. SACD = CNAX 6110055 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110055 $13.99

Vivaldi: Sacred Music Vol. 1/Kevin Mallon/Arcadia Ensemble and Chorus Volume 1 of Vivaldi’s complete sacred music features the impressive if less familiar of the two settings of the Gloria, RV 588, the second setting of the vespers psalm Dixit Dominus and Nulla in mundo pax sincera, used with striking effect in the film Shine. With texts divided between soloists and chorus, both compositions bear all the hallmarks of Vivaldi’s finest choral works: festive brilliance, dra m atic ch a n ges of mood and texture and passages of aching melancholy. Conductor Kevin Mallon founded the Arcadia Ensemble in 1996 and has already made 20 highly regarded recordings with the group for Naxos. SACD = CNAX 6110064 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110064 $13.99

Jo s eph Canteloube: Chants d' Au ve rgne/Jean-Claude Casadesus/Orchestre N ational de Lille Since his death in 1957, Canteloube has become widely known for his folk-song arrangements, particularly his enchanting Chants d' Auvergne which have won increasing popularity. Written between 1924 and 1955, they comprise a series of original folk-songs, some accompanied by instrumental ensemble, others by full orchestra, evoking the sounds of the countryside. The charming and sensual songs on this disc are all accompanied by full orchestra, and given a ravishing performance by Veronique Gens, herself a nat ive to the Auvergne region. SACD = CNAX 6110065 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110065 $13.99

Rachmaninov: Ve s p e rs (All Night Vigil)/Eric-Olof Soderstrom/Finnish N ational Opera Chorus Written during Rachmaninov’s most creative period, wh i ch culminated in the Second and Third Piano Concert o s, the 1915 All-Night Vigil, popularly known as Vespers, is a masterpiece of 20th-century sacred music. Inspired by the Sat u rd ay All-Night Vigil celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church, Rachmaninov’s setting is remarkable for its melodic invention, choral virtuosity and Slavic intensity. This performance features Finland’s only full-time professional choir, the Finnish National Opera Chorus, which celebrates its 60th annivers a ry in 2005. The conservat o ry - t rained soloists bring a wealth of talent to this record i n g, which was rendered under the direction of famed conductor and choirmaster EricOlof Soders t rom. SACD = CNAX 6110067 SA $14.99

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Kalman: Die Csardasfurstin/Rich a rd Bony n ge Kalman’s gre atest popular success, Die Csardasfurstin (The Gypsy Prince), is a marvelously varied score, without a single weak number. The characters are viv i d ly etch e d, the comic dialogue, centered on a mismat ch between aristocrat and showgirl, is still genuinely funny, and the volte face wh i ch transforms doom and gloom in a happy ending is a classic of its kind. SACD = CNAX 6110075 SA $29.99 (two discs)

Brahms: Symphony No. 1/Tragic Overture/Academic Festival Overture/Marin Alsop/London Philharmonic Orch e s t ra Completed in 1877, Brahms' remark able and impressive Symphony No. 1 was the result of a fourteen-year gestation period and established the composer as the leading German symphonist of his ge n e ration. This inaugural issue in a major new cy cle on Naxos brings together the internationally acclaimed London Philharmonic Orch e s t ra and conductor Marin Alsop, feted by The Guardian as "...well on her way to becoming one of the best Brahms interpre t e rs." SACD = CNAX 6110077 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110077 $13.99

S t ravinsky: The Firebird/Petrushka/Robert Craft/Philharmonia Orchestra This is the fi rst recording of the complete original version of Stravinsky's most popular work, The Firebird. Among the many differences between the p resent recording and its predecessorsis the restoration of two long, valveless trumpets on stage, each playing a single note standing out above the entire orchestra. This is a thrilling effect in all likelihood heard for the fi rst time since 1910 on this recording. Compared to the lush orchestra of The Firebird, the sonorities of Petrushka may seem brittle but harmonically, rhythmically, and instrumentally the wo rk is innovative on every page, a drama of great power and originality. SACD = CNAX 6110081 SA $14.99

Steiner: The A dventures of Mark Twain/William Stromberg / M o s c ow Symphony Orchestra and Chorus Highly entertaining as film accompaniment, enormously satisfying heard purely on its musical merits, Steiner’s richly orch e s t rat e d, rollicking score for The A dventures Of Mark Twain deserves far more attention than it has received over the ye a rs. While the music is a far cry from that emerging in American concert halls at the time, i n cluding the works of Aaron Copland, Roy Harris and Virgil Thomson, Steiner’s music is defi a n t lyAmerican in a way that eluded many of his film-scoring peers, particularly celebrated Warner Bros. colleague Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Many years of arra n ging and conducting duties on Broadway, working alongside American-born composers such as Jerome Kern and George Gershwin, saw to that. Well before Korngold, Franz Waxman and other foreign-born Hollywood composers sought safety in the United States from the Nazi menace, Steiner gained deep insights into American art forms, popular music and audiences that aided him immeasurably during his early days in Hollywood, working at RKO. He never lost, however, his steep regard for Wagner as a film composer who never was. SACD = CNAX 6110087 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110087 $13.99

Peter Breiner — Christmas Choral Spectacular SACD = CNAX 6110095 SA $14.99 DVDA = CNAX 5110095 $13.99

Bach: Mass in B minor/Helmut Muller-Bruhl/Cologne Chamber Orchestra One of the great choral masterpieces, Bach's monumental Mass in B Minor - a setting of the complete Roman Catholic Mass by a Lutheran Protestant - is a magnificent synthesis of Italian melodic invention, Fre n ch rhythmic dance forms and German contrapuntal mastery. Written over two decades and completed the year before Bach's death, it can be viewed as a retrospective of a lifetime's work and the ultimate affirmation of his religious faith. SACD = CNAX 6110102 SA $27.99 (two discs) DVDA = CNAX 5110102 $29.99 (two discs)

Shostakovich: Jazz Suite Nos. 1 & 2/Dmitry Yablonsky Although the symphonies, string quartets and concertos represent the core of his achievement, Shostakovich had wide sympathies across the musical spectrum: hence his oftrepeated comment that he enjoyed all music from Bach to Offenbach. All the works on this disc - wh i ch opens with a suite from the ballet The Bolt (the scenario of industrial espionage is a pretext for music drawing on circus-likefarce) and concludes with his orchestration of Tea for Two - attest to a composer who entered into the spirit of "light music" with enjoyment

Naxos – Opus 3


and enthusiasm. The so-called Jazz Suite No. 2 (sketches for the original Jazz Suite No. 2 have only recently been discovered) is in fact the Suite for Stage Variety Orchestra, drawn from various ballet, film and theatres scores, with saxophones and accordion to the fore. The Second Waltz, recently found popularity as the title music for Stanley Kubrick’s last film, Eyes Wide Shut. SACD = CNAX 6110104 SA $14.99

NBD TV DVD Pink Floyd — The Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett Story The sudden departure of Pink Floyd’s founding member Syd Barrett in 1968 marked the cl o s u re of the first prolific ch apter in the Pink Floyd story. A maverick artist and true individual, Syd Barrett helped forge the British psychedelic scene when he formed Pink Floyd with Roger Waters, Rick Wright and Nick Mason in 1965. This special charts the band’s rise to fame under the guidance of Barrett’s influence to his premature departure under a cloud of drug abuse and psychological problems. Richly illustrated with rare early fo o t age of the band performing, alongside new interviews with the members of the band - David Gilmour, R i ck Wright, R oger Waters and Nick Mason - and their associates, fans and friends including Jerry Shirley (Humble Pie), Graham Coxon (Blur) and original band member Bob Klose. Featuring classic early Pink Floyd songs "Shine On You Crazy Diamond," "Interstellar Overdrive," "Arnold Lay n e," "See E m i ly Play" and "Bike." DVD = CNBD 473 $16.98

Oehms SACDs Gershwin: Concerto in F/Ravel: Concerto in G Major/Pascal Roge, piano Fre n ch pianist Pascal Roge (winner of the Grand Prix du Disque, Edison Award and Gramophone Award) interprets piano concertos by Gershwin and Ravel along with the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Bertrand de Billy. SACD = COEH 601 SA $17.99

Wagner: Tristan und Isolde Highlights/Deb o rah Polaski/RSO Wien Since her Bayreuth-debut in 1988's Ring (Barenboim/ Kupfer), the American soprano Deborah Polaski undoubtedly numbers among the great Wagner interpre t e rs. Here she's b a cked by the Vienna Radio Symphony Orch e s t ra and conductor Bertrand de Billy. SACD = COEH 602 SA $17.99

Opus 3 SACDs K atinka Wilson — One Life One Life, Katinka Wilson’s debut album, was recorded in an acoustic environment and with an occasional touch of Pop. Katinka is not only a singer/guitarist, but also composes the music and writes the lyrics in a very personal, sensual style. SACD = COPU 22032 SA $19.99

E rik We s t b e rg Vocal Ensemble — A Star is Shining This is a Christmas album, but with a difference. The basic idea was to make a classical Christmas album, but not with all the usual Christmas songs that people have heard enough of. Still, these are songs that are more or less associated with Christmas when it comes to feeling and timbre. This is an easy to listen to album with some extra spices and not just a c appella. SACD = COPU 22041 SA $24.95

Peder af Ugglas — Autumn Shuffle Peder af Ugglas moves equally unerringly and tastefully between various styles. He develops a blues-saturated tonal picture in "Wino's Dance" without slide. With the electric slide, smartly used wah wah pedal and heavy organ chords, he performs a freely flowing blues in "Central South." Otherwise he moves freely between delta-blues and Gospel, occasionallyspiced with New Orleans. Ugglas' guitar playing is warm and full. His solos are precise and expressive, and the Spanish guitar in "Passion" is so soft and passionate that time stands still. SACD = COPU 22042 SA $19.99

Va rious A rtists — Showcase 2005 A selection from the latest albums in the Opus 3 catalog. Music here includes blues (sometimes with just a spice of Rock ) , Jazz, World Music and Classical. SACD = COPU 22050 SA $19.99

O rder online anytime! t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3



Pentatone – Polyvinyl

Pentatone SACD Wagner: Preludes & Overtures/Yakov Kreizberg/Netherlands P h i l h a rmonic Orch e s t raAmsterdam "...if you have a five-speaker system of fairly similar speakers, you will be transported by the fire and gusto of these re c o rdings. This reading of the F lying Dutchman Overture will make you realize why the music was once used on the soundtrack of so many movie serials and TV shows." - John Sunier, Audiophile Audition "Gre at playing by an orch e s t ra which clearly has this music in its veins conducted by a chef who seems to be born for this repertoire...for those who own a super-audio set with 5 speakers a 'must.' - Rene Segers, Luister SACD = CPEN 186041 SA $19.99

Philips SACDs & DVDAs Strauss: Alpine Symphony/Seiji Ozawa / Wiener Philharmonic S t rauss was working on his Alpine Symphony on the day in May 1911 when he heard that his friend and colleague Gustav Mahler had died in Vienna. He was deep ly moved and scarc e ly spoke to anyone for days. In his diary he mused on how Mahler, born Jewish, had been uplifted by Christianity, like Wagner in his later years. Religion of this kind played no part in Strauss’life. "I will call my Alpine Symphony the Antichrist," he wrote,"because in it there is moral purification by means of one’s own strength, liberation through work, worship of glorious, eternal nature." Stra n ge philosophical statements to be associated with a work which has mainly been regarded as Strauss’most opulent, descriptive and easy-going tone poem. DVDA = CPHI 334619 $17.98

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique/Sir Colin Davis/Wiener Philharmonic One of music’s most controversial composers was Hector Berlioz (1803-69), who aroused as mu ch partisan reaction to his compositions in his day as he still does a century and more lat e r. No work epitomizes his output more than the Symphonie Fantastique. It was first performed in 1830, three ye a rs after Beethoven’s death and two after Schubert’s, and if those composers’ ninth and final symphonies took the progress of music a quantum l e ap forward, Berlioz’s symphony (the work of a young man) became a worthy travelling companion to those of his Vienna-based colleagues. This DVD Audio disc features uncompressed five-channel Surround Sound, plus Stereo and Dolby Digital Surround Sound. In addition to outstanding audio quality, it offers screen menus, a photo gallery and selected artist discography. DVDA = CPHI 334719 $17.98

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED PURE AUDIOPHILE Ray Charles – Genius Loves Company The last studio album completed by the untouchable Ray Charles before his death. Charles sings a dozen duets with a dazzling array of guest artists from virtually every genre. "We cover it all," Charles said, "from country to R&B, pop, rock and blues. I’ve never let them put me in a little box, and this (record) expresses that open feeling. A beautiful song is a beautiful song - and to sing with so many beautiful singers is a blessing f rom God." Genius Loves Company stands as a remarkable hallmark in a remarkable career, including duets with Norah Jones, Elton John, Van Morrison, Diana Krall, Natalie Cole, James Taylor, Bonnie Raitt, Willie Nelson, Michael McDonald, B.B. King, Gladys Knight and Johnny Mathis. LP mastered by Stan Ricker from half-inch analog tape at 30 inches per second. SACD = CCON 1033 SA $17.99 LP = APUR 009 $50.00 (two LPs)

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

A n d rea Bocelli — A n d rea (limited edition) The breathtaking new pop album from the world’s best-selling tenor. Andrea is Bocelli’s first pop release since Cieli di Toscana (2001), which was the successor to his multi-platinum selling albums Sogno and Romanza. The new album has a distinctly international flavor and features 13 songs in Italian, English and Spanish. SACD = CPHI 372936 SA $18.98

B ru ckner: Symphony 7/Seiji Ozawa/Saito Kinen Orchestra Seji Ozawa conducts his celebrated Saito Kinen Orchestra in one of the landmark works of the romantic symphonic repertoire - Bruckner’s popular Seventh Symphony, with its famous homage to Wagner in the slow movement. This is Ozawa’s first Bru ckner recording and follows his acclaimed recent recordings of the Beethoven symphonies with the top Japanese orchestra. SACD = CPHI 470657 SA $17.98

Akiko Suwanai — Poeme Includes "Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso," "Op.28, Havanaise," "Op.83, Guitare, " "Op.28, Poème, Op.25" and more. SACD = CPHI 4756189 SA $17.98

Shostakovich: Symphony No. 4/Va l e ry Gergiev Valery Gergiev, today’s outstanding champion of the music of Shostakovich, leads the Kirov Orchestra in a blazing account of the first of the War Symphonies. "…a white hot score bursting with invention and passion." - from the album liner notes SACD = CPHI 4756190 SA $17.98

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4/Valery Gergiev SACD = CPHI 4756196 SA $17.98

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6/Valery Gergiev SACD = CPHI 4756197 SA $17.98

Polyvinyl Record Co LPs O wen — Owen Following the dissolvement of the band American Football, Mike Kinsella took American Football’s sound, stripped it down and created Owen. On his debut, self-titled album, Owe n, Mike wrote and performed the entire album by himself: guitars, drums, bass, vocals everything. While retaining all the hooks and charms of his previous band, the album is much m o re subdued and sparse than anything he had attempted before, resulting in a beautiful album that gained cult status. LP = APRC 043 $10.98

O wen — No Good For No One Now "Picking up wh e re his self-titled debut left off, No Good For No One Now is Mike Kinsella’s second album under the Owen moniker. The seven tunes lay out on the table for all to see Kinsella’s self-deprecation in the tenderest form: an album dedicated to his feelings of worthlessness and frustration about a lost relation. With song titles such as ‘Nobody’s Nothing’ and ‘ The Ghost of What Should’ve Been,’ it’s quite clear that Kinsella’s not letting anyone in for 40 minutes of upbeat joy. Rather…Kinsella takes the listener through song after song of the one that got away." - All Music Guide LP = APRC 055 $10.98

O wen — I do perc e ive. With each new album, Chicago’s Mike Kinsella continually reinvents and refines the musicianship which has followed him since he first began playing drums in Cap’n Jazz as a teenager over a decade ago. I do perc e ive. is no different. The full-length follow-up to 2004’s The EP, I do perc e ive. continues the new collaborative direction Mike has been taking with Owen. Cousin Nate Kinsella (Make Believe, Joan of Arc) this time lends assistance both on instrumentation and behind the knobs of the soundboard, helping to cre ate eight gorgeous cuts that are above and beyond anything Owen has done before. I do perc e ive. differentiates itself from previous Owen releases. While the poetic songwriting and intricate musicianship remain, upbeat arra n gements accompany each song’s development, culminating in an effect that is both majestic and wonderful. A must have. LP = APRC 080 $10.98

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Praga – Pure Pleasure


Johnny Shines — Last Night's Dream

Praga SACDs Ravel & Debussy: S t ring Quartets/Parkanyi Quartet This record is dedicated to the frequent association of two French scores, gems from "la Belle Epoque" ( m o re or less the Edwardian Era), p l ayed by a string quartet which, following their mentor Sandor Vegh’s example, is undertaking a new career: after a first and brilliant appearance (1976-84) under the name of Orlando, the quartet is back as Parkanyi Quartet, from the name of the Hungarian born "primarius," Istvan Parkanyi. Only one member was changed, the cellist M i chael Muller replacing Stefan Metz. SACD = CPRA 250208 SA $19.99

Haydn: S t ring Quartets Op. 74, Nos 1-3/Kocian Quart e t Haydn conceived these three quartets specifically for public performances, in the large hall of Hannover Square in London, where the draper-violinist-impresario Johann Peter Solomon used to organize chamber and orchestral concerts. In this way, this trilogy opus 74 requires a resolutely symphonic style in order to reach a full splendor, as the first and famous London Symphonies, from the same time. SACD = CPRA 250212 SA $19.99

Proprius SACD Kornet Har Sin Vila — Now the Green Blade Riseth The Stockholm Cathedral Choir and Childrens Choir sing hymns old and modern as arra n ged by Bendt Berg for organ, guitar, flute and bass. Exquisite record i n g. Simple, straightforward organ and guitar accompaniments carry the melody with clarity while flutes sound playfully under the church’s vaulted ceiling. SACD = CPRO 9093 SA $24.95

Pure Audiophile LPs Cal Tjader — La Onda Va Bien La Onda Va Bien is the re c o rding that launched the Concord Picante label in 1980 and the first of a half-dozen albums that Cal Tjader would make for Concord. This is a Cal Tjader classic, a fact recog n i zed when it was honored with a Grammy for "Best Latin Recording." From the mesmerizing "Speak Low" to the blazing-hot "Mambo Mindoro" to the tasty "Sabor," Cal Tjader’s vibrant vibraphone resonates with a previously-unheard depth and nuance on this audiophile 45-RPM release. Features Cal Tjader on vibes, Mark Levine on piano and Po n cho Sanchez on congas. The LPs were plated and pressed at Record Technology, Inc. on 180-gram virgin vinyl. Stan Ricker mastered the limited two-LP set at half-speed and cut it at 45 RPM. The gatefold jackets are each individuallynumbered. LP = APUR 006 $50.00 (two 45-RPM LPs)

Pure Pleasure LPs R a n dy Weston — Little Niles Starting with the gospel and bop according to Thelonious Monk, R a n dyWeston gradually absorbed the letter and spirit of African and Caribbean rhythms and tunes, welding everything together into a searching, energizing, often celeb rat o ry blend. His piano work ranges across a profusion of styles from boogie-woogie through bop into dissonance marked by a stabbing quality reminiscent of, but not totally indebted to Monk. This album combines Weston’s rhythmicallyintriguing explorations with the Ellington-like arrangements of Melba Liston and represented a high point in his career at the time. All of the tunes written by Weston were inspired by his children Niles and Pamela. The innocence, excitement, anticipation and tension of childhood are all displayed here in these warm vinyl grooves. LP = APPR 4011 $29.99

Abbey Lincoln — Straight Ahead This is one of Abbey Lincoln's gre atest re c o rdings. It is a testament to the credibility of her very honest music (and her talents) that Lincoln's sidemen on this date include the immortal tenor saxophonist Coleman Hawkins, who takes a memorable solo on "Blue Monk), Eric Dolphy on flute and alto, trumpeter Booker Little (whose melancholy tone is very important in the ensembles), pianist Mal Waldron and drummer Max Roach (her husband from 1962 to 1970). LP = APPR 9015 $29.99

Another wonderful production from Mike Vernon and released on his Blue Hori zon label. Engineered and re c o rded in 1968 by Malcolm Chisholm at the Chess Records Ter-Mar studios in Chicago, the same studio where the audiophile classic Muddy Waters Folk Singer was recorded. Johnny Shines is at the height of his skills and is joined by the cream of the Chicago blues musicians of the day - guys like Otis Spann on piano, Big Walter Horton on harp, Willie Dixon on bass and Clifton James on drums. Killer sound! "Johnny Shines is the ultimate Delta bluesman, combining the classic styles he learned as a youth into a very personal style, fluent, creative and forcefullytalented as both a singer and guitarist." - Jim DeKoester "A forceful explosive blues singer whose strong, vibrato laden voice possesses a range and sensitivity wh i ch is rivaled by few other bluesmen." - Peter Gura l n i ck LP = APPR 63212 $29.99

Otis Spann — The Biggest Thing Since Colossus Remastered by Ray Staff from the original quarterinch analog master tapes and pressed at Pallas in Germany. In Ja nuary of 1969, Fleetwood Mac were at Chess Studios, Chicago, jamming with the likes of Willie Dixon, Honeyboy Edwards, S.P. Leary, J. T. Brown and longtime Muddy Waters pianist Otis Spann. The end result of those sessions was the classic double album Blues Jam At Chess. The rapport between Mac and Otis Spann was such that they re c o rded another whole album together, The B i ggest Thing Since Colossus. Otis Spann is his usual emotive and exciting self, feeling t o t a l lyrelaxed alongside his regular drummer, S.P. Leary. This coupled with Peter Green’s guitar playing, wh i ch is pro b ably at its peak on these recordings, makes for a blue album of substance. The Biggest Thing Since Colossus is probably one of the most underrated blues albums. Long out of print. LP = APPR 63217 $29.99

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED PURE PLEASURE Jazz Artists Guild – Newport Rebels "The one positive accomplishment of the 1960 Newport Festival was the c reation in rebellion of a musicians' festival at Cliff Walk Manor. As the 'official' rites were ending because of ugly rioting in the streets several hundred people were listening in calm and pleasure to the rebels at Cliff Walk. The dissidents had been organized by Charles Mingus and Max Roach in p rotest against the accelerating commercialization of the annual Ben-Hurwith-a-horn production of Freebody Park. It was exhilarating for the musicians involved to realize that for once in their careers, they were capable of formulating and sustaining their own ground rules without booking agents, impressarios, and other middlemen. The rebels set up their own tents for sleeping quarters, even stitching the canvas themselves; handled advertising and promotion; alternated as announcers of the rebels; and took tickets. (Mr. Mingus roamed the grounds besides, asking for payment from freeloaders outside the fence)." - from the original 1961 liner notes by Nat Hentoff Includes perf o rmances by Roy Eldridge, Jimmy Knepper, Eric Dolphy, Tommy Flanagan, Charles Mingus, Jo Jones, Booker Little, Benny Bailey, Kenny Dorham and more. LP = APPR 9022 $29.99

O rder online anytime!

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Sonoma Records, a label specifically established to encourage the exploration of what SACD can ultimately deliver, offered a challenge to Steve Epstein, one of the best classical producers in the world. They asked him to come up with a project that fully exploits the technology of SACD, offers great music, and features great musicians. Did he successfully meet the challenge? You be the judge! CSNR 001 SA $19.99

A pure DSD recording from Sonoma Records. Produced by 12-time Grammy award winner Steve Epstein and engineered by Richard King, Music for Organ, Brass and Timpani was recorded and post-produced entirely in the DSD domain on a Sonoma Workstation. Featuring arrangements by Graham Ashton, as head of the Brass Ensemble, this is a sonically superior disc, and is outstanding musically as well. Organist Anthony Newman, along with the Ashton Ensemble, are sensational. Individual tracks include selections from Richard Strauss, Bach, Rachmaninoff, as well as the “Great Gate of Kiev” from Pictures at an Exhibition.

“I can tell you that this really is going to be a ‘super’ disc sonically; but to me, perhaps every bit as impressive are its musical values.” - Harry Pearson THE ABSOLUTE SOUND

“This record is a great example of what the Sonoma Workstation and the SACD format can deliver.” - David Kawakami DIRECTOR OF THE SUPER AUDIO CD PROJECT AT SONY CORPORATION OF AMERICA Recorded in the sanctuary of St. Ignatius Loyola, which houses the grand N.P. Mander Organ, the largest mechanical pipe organ in New York City. To order, call 1-800-716-3553, or order online at

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Georgie Fame —The Th i rd Face of Fame Georgie Fame’s swinging, surprisingly cre d i ble blend of jazz and American R&B earned him a substantial following in his native U.K., where he scored three number one singles during the ‘60s and a top ten hit with "Bonnie & Clyde" in the States. Fame played piano and organ in addition to singing and was influenced by the likes of Mose Allison, Ray Charles, Booker T and the MG’s and Louis Jordan. Early in his career, he also pep p e red his repertoire with Jamaican ska and blue beat tunes, helping to popularize that genre in England. This set finds him in a suaver, jazzier vein accompanied by a band made up of the cream of jazz musicians on the U.K. scene at the time. It was at this time, 1967 and 1968, that to mu ch acclaim, he toured as featured vocalist with the Count Basie Orchestra throughout the UK and Europe. This reissue was remastered from the original master tapes by Ray Staff at Alchemy and pressed on 180-gram vinyl by Pallas. LP = APPR 63293 $29.99

Fleetwood Mac with Various Artists — Blues Jam at Chess Remastered by Ray Staff from the original quarter-inch analog master tapes and pressed at Pallas in Germany. No introduction is needed for this fabulous release. Just checking out the personnel says it all. Personnel includes Otis Spann, Willie Dixon, Shakey Horton, J. T. Brown, Guitar Buddy, Honey Boy Edwards & S. P. Leary. Origi n a l lyreleased on Mike Vernon’s highly collectable and revered Blue Horizon label in 1969, this pressing will become a must for all serious collectors. LP = APPR 66227 $34.99 (two LPs)

RCA LP, SACD & DualDiscs John Tavener — The Veil of the Temple The Veil of the Temple: The All-Night Vigil was commissioned by the Temple Music Trust for performance in the Temple Church, London, by the Choir of the Temple Church with the Holst Singers. The first performance was overnight, June 27-28, 2003. Tavener had alway s planned to create, from the All-Night Vigil, The Veil Of The Temple in a concert-length version. This is The Veil that is presented here. The first performance of this version was at the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall, August 1, 2004. The premiere performances of 2003 were recorded live. The present set has been drawn from these live re c o rdings. SACD = CRCA 66154 SA $29.98 (two discs)

The Kills — No Wow The Kills are VV (vocals, guitar) and Hotel (drums, vocals, guitar), and they're finally re a dy to end the wait. No Wow is their heavily anticipated follow-up to 2002's Ke ep On Your Mean Side, and the album's seminal sweat i n g, sultry stomp is sure to cause a stir. You see, as experts of reduction seduction, The Kills have that rare ability to speak volumes without saying mu ch. No Wow cl i cks and seethes with glorious understatements. " The Kills are on intimate terms with betrayal and decay, and they make dark, kick-ass ro ck out of it." - Rolling Stone LP = ARCA 66403 $12.98

P u re Pleasure – RCA Living Stere o


Dvorak: & Walton/Cello Concertos/Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony Dvorak: New World Symphony/Carnival Overture/ Smetana/Bartered Bride Overture/Fritz Reiner/CSO Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade/Stravinsky: Song of the Nightingale/Fritz Reiner/CSO Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1/Arthur Rubinstein/Fritz Reiner SACD = CRCA SET2 SA $109.99

Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue/Concerto In F/American in Pari s / A rthur Fiedler/Boston Pops Orchestra With the addition of the Cuban Overture, this best-selling Living Stereo compilation now offers both landmark Fiedler-Gershwin recordings complete, in demonstration-quality DSD audiophile remasterings. Two complete Living Stereo LPs on a single disc. SACD = CRCA 61393 SA $11.98

Mahler: S y m p h o nyNo. 8 ''Symphony of a Thousand''/Sir Colin Davis Sir Colin Davis leads an all-star cast that includes world-renowned singers such as Vesselina Kasarova, Ben Heppner, Rene Pape, Alessandra Marc, among others. "In this Mahler sound, the soloists fit in perfectly and cre ate a brilliant musical experience." - Audio SACD = CRCA 62834 SA $19.98 (two discs)

M o rton Gould & His Orch e s t ra — Brass & Percussion A soul-stirri n g, speaker-shaking sonic spectacular sounds even more sensational in this new DSD remastering. Added to the previously released CD program is Gould’s concert band masterpiece, "Jericho," with its blazing trumpets and thunderous, tumbling walls. SACD = CRCA 66371 SA $11.98

Ja s cha Heifetz — Sibelius/Prokofiev/Glazunov/Violin Concertos Heifetz had long associations with each of these works, and made the premiere recordings of Sibelius and Prokofiev concertos. These Living Stereo remakes display all the luster, virtuosity and wisdom that we re his hallmarks. SACD = CRCA 66372 SA $11.98

Av ril Lavigne — Under My Skin CD Side: Includes the hits "Don't Tell Me," "My Hap py Ending" and "Nobody's Home." DVD Side: E n t i re album in enhanced stereo; videos for "Nobody's Home," "My Hap py Ending" and "Don't Tell Me"; new photo ga l l e ry; behind the scenes special feature exclusive interviews, live footage and much more. DD = CRCA 67289 $18.98


Ve l vet Revolver — Contraband


What began as a 2002 jam session involving Guns N’ Roses alumni Slash (guitar), Duff McKagan (bass) and Matt Sorum (drums), turned into The Project. A well-publicized search for a singer seemed to last forever, but when Scott Weiland,of Stone Temple Pilots fame, came onboard, The Project became Velvet Revolver. The music here includes many of Guns N’ Roses’ trademarks, i n cluding the blistering guitar of Slash, but Velvet Revolver adds a touch of maturity to the hedonistic style. DD = CRCA 67290 $18.98

Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade/ Stravinsky: Song of the Nightingale/ Fritz Reiner/CSO Enchantment awaits within. A magic carpet of Living Stereo sound conveys us to mythic Arabia and China, guided by two of Russia’s greatest orchestral masters. A disc of supple and sensuous perf o rmances, its clarity and definition improved by the new DSD remastering.

RCA Living Stereo SACDs Va rious Artists — All below ten RCA Titles Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue/Concerto In F/American in Paris/Arthur Fiedler & the Boston Pops Orch e s t ra Offenbach: Orch. Rosenthal/Gaite Parisienne/Rossini-Respighi: La Boutique Fantastique/Arthur Fiedler & the Boston Pops Orchestra Morton Gould & His Orchestra - Brass & Percussion Jascha Heifetz - Sibelius/Prokofiev/Glazunov Violin Concertos Berlioz: Requiem/Charles Munch/BSO (two discs) Ravel: Bolero/La Valse/Rapsodie Espagnole/Debussy: Images/Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony

SACD = CRCA 66377 SA $11.98

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


RCA Living Stereo – RCA (Speakers Corner)


Berlioz: Requiem/Charles Munch/Boston Symphony Orchestra

performances never touch the ground.

A monumental work for a huge chorus and orchestra, i n cluding four extra brass choirs, in a duly monumental re c o rding by the gre atest Berlioz orchestra and conductor of their time. The unique Berlioz sound world benefits greatly from DSD remastering. SACD = CRCA 66373 SA $11.98 (two discs)

SACD = CRCA 66419 SA $11.98

Ravel: Bolero/La Valse/Rapsodie Espagnole/Debussy: I m ages/Charles M u n ch/Boston Symphony

RCA Living Stereo (Classic Records) LPs Ernest Ansermet — The Royal Ballet/Gala Performances The Royal Ballet has histori c a l lybeen the most highly sought after of the RCA Living Stereo releases. R e c o rded in Kingsway Hall by the legendary Kenneth Wilkinson, this title features selections from The Nutcracker Suite, Swan Lake and S l e eping Beauty among others. The performances are conducted by Ernest Ansermet directing the Royal Opera House Orch e s t ra and the sonics are incomparabl e. LP = ALSC 6065-45Q $120.00 (nine LPs)

A ferocious performance of Bolero, each repetition exceptionally articulated, anchors this program of M u n ch/Boston specialties. This swirling program focuses on Spain, with a touch of Vienna, refracted through the sensibilities of two French impressionist masters. SACD = CRCA 66374 SA $11.98

Dvorak & Walton: Cello Concertos/Gregor Piatigorsky/Charles Munch/ Boston Symphony Piatigorsky, a frequent partner of Heifetz, was one of the gre atest cellists of the 20th century. His passionate Living Stereo recording of Dvorak’s masterpiece is paired with the Walton, the first re c o rding of a modern masterwork which he premiered, and which the composer dedicated to him. SACD = CRCA 66375 SA $11.98

Dvorak: N ew World Symphony/Carnival Overture/Smetana/Bartered Bride Overture / Fritz Reiner/CSO Reiner and Chicago capture the passion and nobility of this popular symphony and make it seem newly-minted. In this new DSD remasteri n g, the strings soar, the brasses bl a ze with brilliance, and the infamous lyrical English horn solo ("Goin’ Home") will linger long in memory. SACD = CRCA 66376 SA $11.98

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1/Arthur Rubinstein/Fritz Reiner/CSO A classic recording from the fi rst months of the Living Stereo era, p a i ring artistic giants Rubinstein and Reiner with the youthful passion and towe ring genius of the yo u n g B rahms. SACD = CRCA 66378 SA $11.98

Offenbach: Gaite Parisienne/Rossini-Respighi: La Boutique Fantastique/ Arthur Fiedler/Boston Pops Orchestra Two sparkling ballet scores from the great master of light classics with the champagne touch. Filled with waltzes, polkas, the inevitable Cancan and the timeless Barcarolle, these buoyant

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RHINO Wilco – A Ghost is Born 2005 Grammy Aw a rds: Best Alternative Music Album, Best Recording Package Peter Buchanan-Smith & Dan Nadel, art d i rectors (Wilco) "There’s really no one making better rock records." - Tracks Magazine, from their lead review of Ghost A Ghost Is Born represents another giant step in the evolution of Wilco from alternative country pioneers to genre bashing sonic daredevils. The Chicago band’s second Nonesuch release is full of extended guitar reveries and rave-ups, hushed late night balladry, orchestral pop and beautifully sculpted noise that more than lives up to the promise of its illustrious predecessor, Wilco’s watershed 2002 release, Yankee Hotel Foxtro t. Bandleader Jeff Tweedy and co-producer/co-conspirator Jim O’Rourke, a recently enlisted member of Sonic Youth and longtime luminary on rock’s avant edge, went for a live-in-the-studio feel this time around. LP = ARHI 76492 $24.98 (two LPs)

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

RCA (Speakers Corner) LPs E s q u ivel & Orchestra — Exploring New Sounds in Stereo In the early days of stereophony, musicians were inspired to explore this new technology wh i ch opened the gate to an exciting new potpourri of sounds, as is testified to in re c o rdings of the day. Should the thud of the bongos come out of the right or left channel? Shall we have the background singer humming from the depths of the room, or should we zoom him in right in front of our nose, as it were? How can a tinkling harpsichord hold its own against the crashing waves of sound produced by a big band? One question after another arose - to which Juan Garcia Esquivel with his sound machine found highly entertaining answers. In the early years, Esquivel - who later created a sensation with his own pop compositions - kept well known cocktail-lounge favorites. The instruments he employed were far from conventional however: with Chinese bells, gongs, Jew's harp, a well-assorted battery of percussion, a solid brass section and driving Latin rhythms, his ensemble is all set to astound the listener. And while you're still wondering whether that was a train whistle you just heard or perhaps a steel guitar, the next sound is already massaging your acoustic nerve. This is easy listening at its best LP = ALSP 1978 $30.00

Paul Desmond: Take Ten No, not "Take Five" but "Take Ten" is the title of this LP and its very first number. Certainly this should be taken as a hint that it was not Dave Bru b e ck but Paul Desmond who was the composer of this 'million seller'. At the recording session, the guitarist Jim Hall was m o re than a substitute for the piano - he contributed to the quartet a whole new sound colouring which was tinged with the influences of bossa nova. RCA’s re c o rding and rep roduction tech n o l ogy was ahead of its time. The music of these South-American-sounding gems comes out of the loudspeakers with brilliance, cl a rity and at last - without the frustrating crackle of a second-hand LP. LP = ALSP-2569 $30.00

Chet Baker — Chet Is Back Forty-two ye a rs ago, Chet Baker - one of the most tragic figures of jazz who lived in the fast lane and ruined himself with drugs and alcohol - was constantly on the road from one European jazz club to another. Local rhythm groups were not always top notch so it was only logical to pick the very best from several countries for a fi l m - music production in Italy. And it was equally logical that RCA's Italian subsidiary brought the musicians into the studio in Ja nuary 1962. With one exception, the eight titles on this disc are all so-called standards. The two winds demand total concentration from the rhythm section while maintaining relaxed and laid-back harmonic patterns. The two ballads - "These Foolish Things" and the only new composition "Ballata In Forma Di Blues" - are tucked in between the other numbers and give the listener space to breathe. They are surrounded by numbers with a fast tempo, all of which demonstrate Chet Baker's and Bobby Jasper's high standard of musicianship. LP = ARCA 10307 $30.00


Red Ink – Saddle Creek


R oy Orbison — Pretty Woman (two-sided single 33/45)

Red Ink SACD Kodo — Mondo Head P roduced by Mickey Hart and featuring Charlie Musselwh i t e, Giovanni Hidalgo, Zakir Hussain, Airto Moreira and others. The recording quality is first-rat e, making this SACD a very good test disc. The music is a bit eclectic with styles from several different cultures, including Nat ive American, Japanese and Middle Eastern. SACD = CRED 56111 SA $21.98

Reprise CDs & DVDs Neil Young — Greatest Hits His first ever gre atest hits collection, Neil Young’s Greatest Hits is a long-awaited retrospective from one of rock’s most influential and enduring singer/songwriters. With 16 selections spanning his entire career since 1969, Gre atest Hits features some of the greatest hits of rock ‘n’ roll, period. CD = CREP 48924 $19.99 (CD & DVD)

Eric Clapton — Sessions For Robert J Live, intimate and raw, Sessions For Robert J is the essential audio/video companion to Eric Clapton’s 2004 gold, Top 10 Me And Mr. Johnson. Filmed during tour rehearsals in London and Dallas plus a Los Angeles hotel room and the Dallas warehouse where Johnson made some of his final recordings, Sessions For Robert J finds Clapton performing all Robert Johnson songs with his touring band, acousticallywith Doyle Bramhall II and solo, as well as discussing Johnson and his influence. CD = CREP 48926 $24.98 (CD & DVD)

Rhino DVD Ray Charles — O-Genio: Ray Charles Live in Brazil, 1963 Featuring a very rare 1963 performance of Ray Charles in Sao Paulo, Brazil, re c o rded one day before his 33rd birthday, the concert mat e rial showcased on this disc is a remark able find. Beyond its historical significance, the video provides enormous pleasure: we get to see and hear Ray, the Genius (O-Genio means "The Genius" in Portuguese), at his absolute best, ex a c t lyas it was shown then, complete with Brazilian commercials. DVD = CRHI 970389 $14.99

Riverside Records LP Abbey Lincoln — Abbey is Blue For many years, Abbey Lincoln has been recognized as a strong and strong-minded, racially aware and rhythmicallysecure artist. But early in her c a reer - as a striking-looking young woman making the transition from being a sleek supper-club performer - it was difficult to gain acceptance as a true jazz singer. This seems hard to understand now, listening to her tre atments of material by such musicians as Duke Ellington and Kurt Weill, accompanied by a galaxy of players (who always knew her worth) like Max Roach, Wynton Kelly, Cedar Walton, Kenny Dorham, Stanley Turrentine, Sam Jones and Philly Joe Jones. LP = ARVS 1153 $29.99

Rock The House (Classic Records) LPs Jimi Hendrix — Band Of Gypsies Released by Capitol to fulfill a previous contract, this 1969 New Year's Eve Concert at the Fillmore East, recorded by Wally Heider, showcased Hendrix's l atest lineup; one that had evolved from Jimi's showclosing set the previous summer at Woodstock. Buddy Miles on drums/vocals and Bill Cox's bass make up two-thirds of the trio, with guitar genius filling in the rest. Machine Gun, the album's highlight, features some of Hendrix's greatest playing. Rock guitar has never been the same. Mastered exclusively from the original two-track analog master tapes. LP = ARTH 0472Q $27.99

ACOUSTIC SOUNDS GIFT CERT I F I C ATES AVA I L A B L E Call 1-800-716-3553 or purchase online at

While technicallynot on the first Roy Orbison Gre atest Hits LP, Classic Records decided t h at "Oh Pretty Woman" just had to be made ava i l able and as such have cut it from the original analog master tapes on an all-tube cutting system in stereo at 33 and 45 RPM as a two-sided single. LP = ARTH 1001-33/45Q $18.75

S a rah McLachlan — Mirrorball Mirrorball is a take-home sampler of the live perfo rmances that have catapulted McLachlan into the modern rock stratosphere. Over half of the album's 14 songs are radio hits (including four of the fi rst five), p roving McLachlan's worth as a pop songstress bar none. With little dialogue between songs, and the sound quality so pristine, if it weren't for the occasional hoot and holler from the audience, one would never know it's a live album. LP = ARTH 2010Q $39.99 (two LPs)

Noel Redding — The Experience Sessions The Experience Sessions presents a collection of rare and previously - u n released studio recordings made by Noel Redding, who played bass for two-and-three-quarter years with the Jimi Hendrix Experience. The record also contains the master takes of Redding's two standout original compositions, "Little Miss Strange" and "She's So Fine," both of wh i ch turned up on Hendrix records. The record also includes previously-unreleased altern ate recordings of these two tracks, offering a fascinating insight into the inner-workings of the group in the studio. This disc is a cause for celebration simply for the fact that many of the tra cks feature blistering guitar work from Jimi Hendrix. And on one previously-unreleased song, "Dream," Hendrix plays the bass and Redding the guitar. LP = ARTH 2017 $15.00 (180-gram Burgundy vinyl) LP = ARTH 2017Q $27.99 (200-gram Black vinyl)

Rough Trade LP The Libertines — The Libertines "A record as good as this only comes along once in a ge n e ration. Yeah, you had it with The Clash. And now it’s The Libertines’ turn." - Mick Jones, The Clash LP = ARUF 83250 $18.98

Saddle Creek LPs B right Eyes — I'm Wide Awa ke, It's Morning "Nobody can skewer young love with such ga u che emotion, m o rdant wit or rude detail of Conor Oberst. The Bright Eyes maestro is only 24, but he's broken a career's worth of hearts, s t rumming his acoustic guitar and ch ronicling his romantic torments in indie-rock gems such as 'Going For The Gold.' He commands a cult of hot, sullen Conorites who would gladly crawl through broken glass to lick his plectrum." - Rolling Stone LP = ASAD 72 $12.98

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED ROCK THE HOUSE ( Classic Records) A a ron Neville – Wa rm Your Heart Aaron Neville collaborates with Linda Ronstadt, Rita Coolidge, Dr. John, David Lindley and others on this star-studded effort. The album starts with a great version of Randy Newman’s "Louisiana" and also includes "Feels Like Rain," "Ave Maria," "Please Stay," "Angola Bound" and the hit "Close Your Eyes" as a duet with Ronstadt. This longtime audiophile favorite was produced by Neville, Ronstadt and George Massenburg who also engineered and mixed the tracks. This is one of those records that gets to the end of a side too quickly, but what a delight when you turn it over to play the other side. Mastered by B e rnie Grundman from the original master tapes and cut on an all-tube cutting system. LP = ARTH 5354Q $29.99

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Think these classic CCR songs sounded better than ever on Analogue Productions’ recent LP reissues?


Well, you’re right of course. Or at least you WERE right.

BOX SETS SACD = CAPP CCR7 SA ....$250 LP = AAPP CCR7................$250 45RPM = AAPP CCR7-45....$200

BOX SETS SACD = CAPP CCR7 SA ........$250 LP = AAPP CCR7...................$250 45RPM = AAPP CCR7-45......$200 ▲ BONUS LP Includes rare wide-stereo mixes of “Bad Moon Rising” and “Proud Mary.” Available only with box set.


CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL SACD = CAPP 8382 SA ..............$25 LP = AAPP 8382 ..........................$25 45RPM = AAPP 8382-45 ............$20

BAYOU COUNTRY SACD = CAPP 8387 SA ..............$25 LP = AAPP 8387 ..........................$25 45RPM = AAPP 8387-45 ............$20

GREEN RIVER SACD = CAPP 8393 SA ..............$25 LP = AAPP 8393 ..........................$25 45RPM = AAPP 8393-45 ............$20

S P E C I A L L I M I T E D E D I T I O N B O X S E T N O W AVA I L A B L E O N 4 5 R P M ! Rolling Stone fame, and photos by Baron Wolman and Didi Zill, both of whom were there to document CCR “back in the day.” There is also an essay by Steve Hoffman who, along with Kevin Gray, remastered these gems at AcousTech Mastering. We’ve also included a bonus record that includes rare wide stereo mixes of “Bad Moon Rising” and “Proud Mary,” cut at 45 of course.

Now they sound even better. That’s because we’ve cut the choicest tracks from each of these seven albums at 45 RPM. With so few songs on each side (some releases have only one song per side) and at 45 RPM, your cartridge is going to track better and ultimately sing sweeter. Along with the biggest hits from each record you’ll get in-depth liners by rock critic extraordinare Ben Fong-Torres of


Here’s what Art Dudley from Stereophile magazine had to say

“ I own a few test pressings from Chad Kassem’s original run of individual LP reissues, and I can vouch for their superb sound and clean surfaces – but what impressed me most about Absolute Originals was the high quality of the booklet

WILLIE AND THE POORBOYS SACD = CAPP 8397 SA ..............$25 LP = AAPP 8397 ..........................$25 45RPM = AAPP 8397-45 ............$20

COSMO’S FACTORY SACD = CAPP 8402 SA ..............$25 LP = AAPP 8402 ..........................$25 45RPM = AAPP 8402-45 ............$20

that comes with the boxed version. Whoever was the art director of that project deserves a raise, and Chad deserves thanks for creating a package that exceeds our expectations rather than just tossing off some junky scan.”

PENDULUM SACD = CAPP 8410 SA ..............$25 LP = AAPP 8410 ..........................$25 45RPM = AAPP 8410-45 ............$20

MARDI GRAS SACD = CAPP 9404 SA ..............$25 LP = AAPP 9404 ..........................$25 45RPM = AAPP 9404-45 ............$20


Saddle Creek – Silverline


Bright Eyes — Digital Ash in a Digital Urn

A n t o ny And The Johnsons — I'm A Bird Now

"Bright Eyes is the musical vehicle of Conor Oberst, a young singer-songwriter from Nebraska, who first attracted the attention of the indie music world in 1994 - when he was just 14 ye a rs old - as the singer and guitarist for Commander Venus. After releasing two albums, Commander Ve nus broke up, but not before the band members started their own re c o rd label, Saddle Creek...Bright Eyes is anchored by Oberst's frayed lyrics and his shivering, unnerving vo i c e." - All Music Guide LP = ASAD 73 $12.98

"Antony and the Johnsons' second full-length recording, the haunting and affecting I Am A Bird Now, is a far more intimate affair than their debut. Antony's bluesy parlor room cadence is more upfront here, resulting in a listening experience that's both exhilarating and disquieting." - All Music Guide LP = ASEC 105 $14.98

Salz LP Thomas Dolby — Forty "...this entertaining, superbly recorded and self-produced live 40th birt h d ay EP demonstrates a man who is more a techno-hipster romantic than a novelty song writer, and more a sonic gourmet than a technofile...The carefully drawn arra n gements are spare, striking and intimate; the recording, though digital, is startlingly three-dimensional, delicate and transparent. Whatever you think 'digital' sounds like, please check it at the door. This set was re c o rded on an old TASCAM D-88 multi-tra ck digital recorder off the mixing board and it will amaze you. Don't ask me what engineer Todd Wollersheim did to achieve these results...A pleasant surprise and highly recommended for music and three dimensional, transparent sound - and don't let the digital recording stop you!" - Michael Fremer, LP = ASAL 014 $19.99

San Francisco Symphony SACDs Mahler: Symphony No. 2/Michael Tilson Thomas/San Francisco Symphony Mahler’s Second is one of the great epics of the symphonic repertory, tracing a path from purgatorial terror to a vision of heaven. This massive work features the San Francisco Symphony, SFS Chorus and internationally-acclaimed vocal soloists, soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian and mezzo-soprano Lorraine Hunt Lieberson. SACD = CSFS 60006 SA $27.98

Mahler: Symphony No. 9/Michael Tilson Thomas/San Francisco Symphony The latest release from the San Francisco Symphony's complete Mahler cycle. Recorded live at Davies Symphony Hall during the concerts on September 28 through October 4, 2004, Mahler's last completed symphony covers territory from the amiable Austrian pastoral to the fury of its "Burleske" to the uninhibited baring, in the finale, of the unprotected heart. SACD = CSFS 60007 SA $27.98

Silverline DualDiscs & DVDA London Symphony Highlights — Handel's Messiah Truly one of the best-known and best-loved classical masterpieces continues to inspire generations. The London Symphony Orch e s t ra performs the highlights of this spiritual favorite presented here in two breathtaking six-channel audio options, Dolby Digital and DTS. One of the accompanying visual choices features entertaining and interesting perspectives on the composer and the compositions. DD = CSIL 4020 $19.99

Classic Christmas — London Symphony Includes performances of "The First Noel," "Silent Night," "What Child is This," "O Come All Ye Faithful" and more. DD = CSIL 4021 $19.99

The Cool Yule All-Stars — Big Band Christmas Swing into the season and bounce to the jingle bell beat. A unique collection of holiday favorites given the big band jazz treatment by the Cool Yule All-Stars. DD = CSIL 4022 $19.99

D i s h walla — Opaline Dishwalla consistently demonstrates a unique ability to write music that elevates the personal to the universal and magnify the effect with their signat u re sound-a-swirling blend of softly-curved melodies and resonating guitars. Includes artist commentary, rare photos and studio video. DD = CSIL 4101 $19.99

Jane Monheit — In the Sun Secretly Canadian LPs Damien Ju rado — On My Way To Absence Th e re comes a time in every artist's career when he disconnects himself from the public. Fans, friends, critics, they'll all be left behind in the creative process; maybe for only a spell, maybe forevermore. When that break happens, it's both liberating and terrifying. With On My Way To Absence, Damien Ju rado has made such a break. He hung up the phone and left it lying there on the counter, and in the process has created a quintessential Ju rado piece of work; a masterpiece by one of today's most incre d i ble voices. On My Way To Absence has ultimat e ly become what Ju rado refers to as "a tribute to jealousy." It appro a ches a dangerous ledge and by the album's end, with the powerful "A Jealous Heart Is A Heavy Heart," the listener is left somewhat dangling in a scary place. LP = ASEC 88 $14.98

The Impossible Shapes — Horus The Impossible Shapes is a quartet from the southern reaches of Indiana featuring bass/keysman Aaron Deer, guitar/bassist Jason Groth, drummer Mark Rice, and songwriter/singer/guitarist Chris Barth. Horus is the group's fifth proper full-length album since 2000. Their previous Secretly Canadian album, We Like It Wild carried a rock n' roll torch with both hands. On Horu s, the momentum resurfaces into an air of suspension. Th e band's guitar/drum swagger has slowed, allowing the slanted rhythms more time to curl around each verse, organ pump and moonlight howl. LP = ASEC 97 $14.98

Magnolia Electric Co. — Wh at Comes After the Blues On the heels of Magnolia Electric Co.'s recent live release on Secretly Canadian, the raw and incendiary Trials and Errors, comes what is perhaps Jason Molina's most fully-realized studio project yet. Recorded live-in-the-studio by Steve Albini, Wh at Comes After the Blues captures the simpatico chemistry of Molina's touring band, cra ckling with connective electricity that can only be ge n e rated by the mutual experience of the ro a d. On the writing end of the equation, the song cycle of What Comes After the Blues is a conscious step forward for Molina in songwriting appro a ch and intent. LP = ASEC 102 $14.98

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Vocalist Jane Monheit burst onto the New York music scene in 1998 becoming one of the highest touted female jazz singers around. Quickly getting a record deal, she released two highly acclaimed albums which showcased her range and talents. With her third DualDisc release on Silverl i n e, Jane's songs play up her appeal as a pop vocalist rather than her conservative jazz vocal skills heard on previous albums. Accompanying Monheit on this disc is an allstar cast featuring strings arranged by Alan Broadbent, bassist Ron Carter, trumpeter Tom Harrell, drummer Kenny Washington and tenor sax by Joel Frahm. Th e disc is produced by Joel Dorn. DD = CSIL 4103 $19.99

Big Phat Band — Swingin' For the Fences Arra n ger/Composer and two-time Emmy winner Gordon Goodwin calls upon an all-star lineup of L.A. session players and jazz gre ats to exercise their musical muscles on a wide variety of styles and genres while remaining true to the legacy of the great big bands. Swingin' For The Fences features incredible performances by Arturo Sandoval, E ddie Daniels, Brandon Fields, Eric Marienthal, Grant Geissman, Carl Ve r h ayen and more. DD = CSIL 4107 $19.99

Tipper — Surrounded "Take seven hundred hours of surround studio time, add incre d i ble art and videos and the result is one of the most remarkable and innovative discs ever produced. ‘Surrounded’ is a down-tempo driven musical immersion cre ated specifically for 5.1 utilizing the latest technological advances." - High Fidelity Review DD = CSIL 4112 $19.99

Jane Monheit — Come Dream With Me “Monheit’s exquisite voice is becoming more seasoned and expressive, particularly on sassier numbers like ‘Hit the Road to Dreamland’ and ‘I’m Through With Love.’ She also wraps her seductive charm around Jobim’s swaying free association poem. ‘Waters of March ’



and takes on two of jazz’ grand ballads, Billy Strayhorn’s ‘Something to Live For’ and Fran Landesman’s ‘Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most.’ The latter, a duet with Kenny Barron, prompts one to compare and contrast Chaka Khan’s rendition with Chick Corea on 1982’s Echoes of an Era.” - All Music Guide DD = CSIL 4139 $19.99

Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf/Lieutenant Kije Symphonic Suite/Mario Rossi Prokofiev wrote Peter and the Wolf in 1936. He wanted this work to be instructional as well as entertaining to children, so he took a well-known Russian folk tale and set the piece to music. Each of the story’s characters is rep resented by an instrument and is narrated to make the experience like hearing a story told with musical pictures. The gre at Boris Karloff, best known for his role as Frankenstein, narrated this work. Coupled with a selection of his original music for the motion picture Lieutenant Kije, this piece captures Prokofiev’s innovative genius.

Jane Monheit — Never Never Land Jane Monheit broke into the jazz world with confidence and poise that launched her successful career. Vocal warmth, control and expressiveness are the unique characteristics that set critics’ ears alight. Jane’s experimentation with arrangements, styles and influences has proven that she belongs on the short list of top female jazz singers. “Jane Monheit is a real professional at such a young age. Intonation, phrasing, material she’s got it all.” - Kenny Barron “If there is a better young singer, give me a call.” - Ron Carter “Jane exhibits confidence and self-assurance that is usually heard in singers with many more years experience. A real treat!” - Lewis Nash DD = CSIL 4140 $19.99

Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos/Carl Pini/Academy of St. James These concertos represent some of Bach ’s most popular works and capture instruments and techniques of the Baroque period. Renowned conductor and soloist Carl Pini brings Bach to life at the helm of The Academy of Saint James, an ensemble of some of the finest chamber music and Baroque players in Sydney, Australia. DD = CSIL 4200 $19.99

Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake/Maurice A b ravanel/Utah Symphony Orchestra Swan Lake is one of the gre atest of all Russian ballets. Of Tchaikovsky's three full-length ballets the one with the gre atest number of memorable themes is Swan Lake, with its brilliant orchestration, dazzling rhythms, deeply expressive melodies and extended symphonic structure. DD = CSIL 4201 $19.99

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 36/Sergiu Comissiona/ Baltimore Symphony Orch e s t ra Tchaikovsky is an all-time great composer known for his passion, style and romanticism. Symphony No. 4 is a quintessential Russian Romantic Era symphony full of pathos and touching melodies played by a tremendous orchestra. This piece is his first dedicated to wealthy Russian benefactor Nadezhda Von Meck whose support allowed him to devote his full energy to developing music. DD = CSIL 4202 $19.99

Sibelius: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4/Maurice A b ravanel/Utah Symphony Orchestra Jean Sibelius is known as Finland’s greatest composer and was one of the most important influences on the development of the symphonic form. His Symphony No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 39 and Symphony No. 4 in A Minor, Op. 63 capture the strong spirit of nationalism that distinguishes this emblematic composer. DD = CSIL 4203 $19.99

Fi ddle Fa ddle/15 Favo rites of Leroy Anderson/Maurice A b ravanel/Utah Symphony Orchestra Leroy Anderson’s works were deeply rooted in American culture and he became one of the most influential and iconographic figures in American music. This selection of popular favorites spans his c a reer over four decades and includes the 1951 charttopping hit "Blue Tango," one of the first instrumental releases ever to sell over one million copies. "It's an indication of Abravanel's personality that he appro a ched these light pieces just as he would a more s e rious symphony or concerto, and we get cap t ivating performances that are free of the 'just-play-the-notes' style that so much MOR music sounds like. Not a gre at deal to analy ze or discuss about this music - just listen and enjoy." - John Sunier, Audiophile Audition,July / August 2004 DD = CSIL 4204 $19.99

Berlioz: Requiem/Maurice Abravanel/Utah Symphony Orchestra Today, the Requiem stands as one of Berlioz’s most famous works. This massive piece is a large-scale example of Berlioz’s compositional genius and fiery sense of the dramat i c,and the instrumental forces alone set the Requiem apart as one of the most ambitious compositions ever penned. This recording, with Abravanel at the helm, was considered one of the most magnificent and dramatic of its time, and the superb perfo rmances of the Utah Symphony Orchestra and Unive rsity Civic Chorale find new glory in the surround mix of this theatrical piece. DD = CSIL 4205 $19.99


DD = CSIL 4213 $19.99

Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracke r / M a u rice A b ravanel/Utah Symphony Orch e s t ra Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker remains a favorite holiday classic. Here, the Utah Symphony offers a superb rendition under the baton of the lege n d a ry Maurice Abravanel, and this performance of the timeless masterpiece finds new life for the first time in stunning s u rround sound. DD = CSIL 4214 $19.99

Mahler: S y m p h o nyNo. 6/Maurice Abravanel/Utah Symphony Orchestra The inspired combination of Abravanel and Mahler in this classic 1974 record i n g. Remastered from the original master tapes. DD = CSIL 4218 $19.99

B e e t h oven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor/Sir A d rian Boult/Philharmonic Promenade Orch e s t ra of London Adrian Boult conducts one of the best known pieces in classical music. DD = CSIL 4219 $19.99

Slaughter — Then and Now When Slaughter emerged in the early '90s, "popular" rock music was quickly evolving and fragmenting into different directions. The glam era had run its course and rock fans once again searched to embrace new and creative artists. Th ey looked for bands who could not only write great songs but those who could equally deliver them live on stage. Slaughter's image and talents were a nat u ral fit and they immediately connected with the fans, radio, MTV, VH1 and the press. Then and Now highlights the songs that contributed to Slaughter's success story and reflects why their music still has widespread appeal today. DD = CSIL 4501 $19.99

The Pentangle — Basket of Light “Although Sweet Child is usually cited as the group's high-water mark, Basket of Light finds them at their most progressive and exciting. Highlights of this album - which actually reached the Top Five in the U.K. - include the buzzing jazz dynamics of "Light Flight," their moving rendition of the traditional folk song "Once I Had a Sweetheart," their reinvention of the girl group smash "Sally Go Round the Roses," and "Springtime Promises," one of their finest original tunes.” - All Music Guide DD = CSIL 4502 $19.99

R oy Ayers — Live at Ronnie Scott's Captured back in 1988 within the intimate setting of London’s lege n d a ryWest End jazz haunt, Ronnie Scott’s in Soho, Roy Ayers delivers his unique fusion of funk, jazz and soul topped by his trademark jazz vibe playing. The album includes infectious reworkings of such club classics as "Running Away," "Everybody Loves The Sunshine" and "Can’t You See Me." DD = CSIL 4503 $19.99

S t ray Cats — Rockabilly Rules Includes performances of "Rock This Town," "Stray Cat Strut," "(She's) Sexy And Seventeen," "Mystery Train," "Rumble In Brighton" and more. DD = CSIL 4504 $19.99

Utopia — KSAN 95FM Live '79 Includes performances of "Trap p e d," "Love of the Common Man," "Can We Still Be Friends?" "Just One Victory" and more. DD = CSIL 4505 $19.99

ACOUSTIC SOUNDS GIFT CERT I F I C ATES AVA I L A B L E Call 1-800-716-3553 or purchase online at

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3




Various Artists — British Are Coming

L iving Colour — Collideoscope

The British Invasion had such a phenomenal impact in America that it has often been called the second coming of rock 'n' roll. The British groups delved deeper into R&B than most American bands, refining a new brand of rock. Hear the Foundations, David Bowie, Donovan and others as they reinvented contemporary music. DD = CSIL 4506 $19.99

Living Colour broke rock’s color barrier years ago with the blistering debut, Viv i d. Two m o re albums, a couple of Grammies and relentless touring followed. Then they took a break. Lucky for us, you can’t ke ep a good band down. Th ey’ve returned with their first album of new material in over 10 ye a rs. Says guitarist, Vernon Reid of the reformation: “No matter wh at I was doing over the past few years on my own - working on other projects, jammin’ with different musicians, experimenting with hip hop, jazz and Latin influences - Living Colour was always in the background, I give the guys a lot of credit for coming back together.” DD = CSIL 4534 $19.99

Lyny rd Sky ny rd — Then and Now Blues Traveler — Truth Be Told Truth Be Told is the lucky number seven studio album from the multi-platinum selling band, Blues Traveler. The New York-based blues-ro ck quartet, f ronted by the effervescent John Popper, has been a favorite live band ever since H.O.R.D. E. in 1992, one of the most successful annual tour pack ages of the decade. Breaking through with mainstream success in 1994 with Four and the track "Run-Around," the band continues to write hooky blues-based gems peppered with harmonica. From the opening track "Unable To Get Free," a classic BT sound to "Sweet And Broken" and "Let Her Go," there are plenty of great tracks to get us through until the next release. DD = CSIL 4507 $19.99

Lynyrd Skynyrd is the definitive no-frills Southern Rock band. Then And Now captures the s p i rit of a band that shaped a movement, split for a decade, then reunited to take over Rock-nRoll once more. This live disc features a "Simple Man" live video and an array of hits that have spanned - and defined - a generation. DD = CSIL 4536 $19.99

The Maveri cks — The Maveri ck s The Grammy-winning, platinum recording artists, The Mavericks are back with their first studio record in five ye a rs. Recorded this summer at Nashville’s famed Ocean Way Studios, the highly anticipated sixth studio album from the recently reunited group was co-produced by Mavericks front man Raul Malo with Kenny Greenberg and mixed by Michael Brauer. Willie Nelson joins Malo for vocals on “Time Goes By,” blending the signat u re-style vocal of these two timeless troubadours for their first-ever recorded collaboration. DD = CSIL 4541 $19.99

Fleetwood Mac — Live at the BBC A substantial supplement to the band's recorded legacy with Peter Green, this album features 36 songs broadcast between 1967 and 1971. The music presents more solid evidence of the band's skills in both blues and rock during its earliest incarn ation. DD = CSIL 4508 $19.99

Blue Oyster Cult — A Long Day's Night Includes performances of "Stairway To The Stars," "Burning For You," "Godzilla," "Don’t Fear The Reaper" and more. DD = CSIL 4509 $19.99

C u rtis May field — Live at Ronnie Scott's

"1980's Ace of Spades was the album that put Motorhead on the top of the heavy metal heap, albeit for a brief length of time. The band's raw sound was still in place, but the anthemic title track broke the band through to a broader audience; the single reached the British Top 20, while the album peaked at number four on the charts." - All Music Guide DD = CSIL 4510 $19.99

In this electrifying 1988 performance from the ve n e rable Ronnie Scott's jazz club in London, captured here in all its glory, Mayfield is in fine presence and voice from the opening number "Little Child Running Wild," working in front of a four-piece band. He is thoroughly in his element in the club setting, presenting spirited performances of "It's Alright," "People Get Ready," "Move On Up," "Fre ddie's Dead," and more. Mayfield's guitar work is outstanding and revs up the enthusiastic audience and is yet another definitive recorded document in the lege n d a ry May field legacy. DD = CSIL 4542 $19.99

Robert Cray — Time Will Tell

G a ry Moore — Back to the Blues

Motorhead — Ace of Spades

Robert Cray is a modern blues master. His distinctly powerful, soulful voice is instantly re c og n i z able to fans who’ve followed him throughout his three-decade career. Time Will Tell opens a new chapter built on the style that’s won Robert a half-dozen Top Ten Blues albums, hit singles and a Grammy. DD = CSIL 4515 $19.99

Donovan — Fa i ry Tale Donovan's second album found the Scottish folkie in possession of his own voice, a style of earnest, occasionallymystical musings. DD = CSIL 4520 $19.99

Astrud Gilberto — Now R e c o rded in 1972, Astrud Gilberto's N owwas a far cry from "The Girl From Ipanema." It featured an array of jazz talent, i n cluding Deodat o , Airto Moreiara, M i ckey Roker, Bill Cobham, Mike Longo, Patrick Adams and Ron Carter. Brazilian jazz has never sounded better. DD = CSIL 4527 $19.99

Sammy Hagar and the Wabo's — Live Hallelujah The Red Rocker returns with a 17-tra ck collection of live greatest hits that span his entire career. This DualDisc also includes some very special performances with ex-Van Halen singer Gary Cherone and Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony. DD = CSIL 4529 $19.99

Humble Pie — Live at the Wh i s ky A-Go-Go '69 Live At The Wh i s ky A-Go-Go documents the first-ever US tour in December 1969 by Steve Marriott, Peter Frampton, Greg Ridley and Jerry Shirley. This early live show offers unique insight into a band that later dominated the US stadium circuit. DD = CSIL 4532 $19.99

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Blues guitarist Gary Moore pulls off a full-bodied, blues-ro ck at t a ckwith several passionate originals and a rollicking version of B.B. King's "You Upset Me Baby." DD = CSIL 4547 $19.99

Motorhead — Overkill This 1979 studio album established Motorhead as one of the all-time great metal bands and a cornerstone of the new British heavy metal movement. Features such Motorhead standards as the title cut, "Stay Clean," "No Class" and "Louie, Louie". DD = CSIL 4550 $19.99

Q u e e n s ry che — Tri b e Put simply, Tribe is THE return to form that Queensryche fans have been waiting for. But that’s not all. This album marks the first time in six years that the band’s original lineup has written and recorded together as a unit. Yes, you read that correctly: Chris DeGarmo, Geoff Tat e, M i chael Wilton, Eddie Ja ckson and Scott Rockenfield writing and recording as a band for the first time in six years. Going from moments of unabashed heaviness to quiet reflection, Queensryche’s musical palette has always run the emotional gamut. Tribe is no different, and DeGarmo’s return has provided a musical rebirth for one of rock’s most important and influential bands. DD = CSIL 4560 $19.99

Jo ey Ramone — Don't Wo rry About Me Don’t Wo rry About Me could be heralded as the best record made by The Ramones since the ‘70s and probably will, ex c ept that it’s actually the long-awaited solo effort by the band’s lege n d a ry singer, Jo ey Ramone. After The Ramones hung up their jackets in 1996, Jo ey Ramone continued to work diligently writing and recording songs. Don’t Wo rry About Me is the result. These solo efforts garnered re c ognition as Joey Ramone’s best work. Producer, guitarist and longtime friend Daniel Ray worked alongside Joey, who also recruited worldclass bassist Andy Shernoff (The Dictat o rs). The drumming duties are split between Frank Funaro (Cra cker and Del Lords) and special guest Marky Ramone. DD = CSIL 4562 $19.99

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC The Search e rs— The Ve ry Best of The Search e rs "Needles and Pins," "Sugar and Spice" and The Searchers' other '60s hits conjure up all the lost innocence of an era when Liverpool groups led the world. DD = CSIL 4570 $19.99

Taj Mahal — Live at Ronnie Scott's Taj Mahal's Live at Ronnie Scott's was recorded in 1988 at the famous Ronnie Scott's club. Keyboardist Wayne Henderson, bassist Ward Allen, singer Carey Williams, drummer Ozzie Williams and percussionist Kester Smith back Mahal. The band is tight, flexible, and totally in sync with Mahal on signature tunes like "Mailbox Blues," "Come On In My Kitchen," "Fishing Blues," and "StatesboroBlues." DD = CSIL 4579 $19.99

Geoff Tate — Geoff Tate Multi-platinum ro ckers Queensryche have proven to be one of the most enduring bands not afraid to experiment and journey into new territories. Frontman Geoff Tate ke eps this vision intact while embarking on his debut solo album. This contemporary songwriting masterpiece includes songs that are rooted in modern-rock, electronica and even a bit of acoustic styling and world music. DD = CSIL 4580 $19.99

Silverline – Simax


Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac — Live At Th e BBC A substantial supplement to the band's re c o rded legacy with Peter Green, this album features 36 songs, broadcast b e t ween 1967 and 1971. The music presents more solid evidence of the band's skills in both blues and rock during its e a rliest incarnation. DVDA = CSIL 8122 $17.99

Simax Classics SACD Kleiberg: Requiem for the Victims of Nazi Persecution/Michael McCarthy Written for three vocal soloists, choir and orchestra, the music stands well in the tradition for a Missa di Requiem - a mass for the dead. Norwegian composer Stale Kleiberg has written it in memory of all those who were victims because of their ethnic origin or sexual orientation under the Nazi-regime of the last century. After hearing the world premiere, conductor Michael McCarthy was so moved by this music that he wanted to perform the piece with his own choir of the Washington National Cat h e d ral. One thing led to another and on September 11, 2004 the Requiem was released on SACD/CD and performed in the Washington National Cat h e d ral - in memory of victims of terror all over the world. SACD = CSIM 1257 SA $17.99

Tesla — Standing Room Only This 13-track live release shows why Tesla were considered one of the best live hard rock acts to emerge during the ‘80s hair metal era. Nothing but the classics are included here including the expected riff rockers ("Cumin' Atcha Live," "Heaven's Trail"), melodic rockers ("Gettin' Better," "Little Suzi"), and soft rockers ("Signs," "Love Song"), Tesla is certainly back in business, and Standing Room Only is all the proof you'll need. DD = CSIL 4582 $19.99

Wishbone Ash — Bare Bones During the early and middle '70s, Wishbone Ash was among England's most popular hard ro ck acts. After three decades and a constant influx of new and fresh talent, the band has become a time-honored staple of the ro ck scene and are still going strong with non-stop worldwide touring. DD = CSIL 4593 $19.99

Blondie — The Curse of Blondie The Curse Of Blondie is the band’s eighth studio album, featuring the club hit "Good Boys." DD = CSIL 4599 $19.99

Todd Rundgren — Liars Todd Rundgren kicked off his solo career more than 30 ye a rs ago with Something/ Anything,which quick ly went Gold, having spawned the now classic hits "I Saw The Light" and "Hello, It’s Me." A gifted and visionary artist, Rundgren is a legend of the pop/ro ck pantheon and is a recog n i zed innovator in music technology. Throughout the past 30 years, Todd Rundgren has released numerous successful solo albums and singles alongside many sought-after albums with his band, Utopia. As a producer, Rundgren has earned himself a gre at reputation working with such artists as Meat Loaf, XTC, Grand Funk Railroad, New York Dolls and many others. Most recently, he produced music for the film Dumb & Dumber. Liars is Todd’s first all-new studio album in a decade. Rundgren recorded, produced and mixed this exciting new album at his home studio in Hawaii. He wrote all 14 songs, performed all of the vocals and played all of the instruments himself. Liars tells the truth: Todd Rundgren has returned with one of his strongest efforts ever. DD = CSIL 4600 $19.99

The Hiss — Panic Movement Hailing from Atlanta, The Hiss’d ebut, Panic Movement,p a cks the sonic punch of "Definitely Maybe"-era Oasis with the southern blues swagger of Kings of Leon and the raw aggression of the Datsuns. Having heard about the band from Owen Morris, Noel Gallagher personally handpicked the band to open for Oasis in Europe during the summer of 2003. DD = CSIL 4602 $19.99

Va rious Artists — Is It Rolling Bob? — A Reggae Tribute To Bob Dylan, Vol. 1 Th i rteen Dylan classics by today's best Reggae artists. Includes seven additional Reggae dub tracks. DD = CSIL 4603 $19.99

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED SONOMA Anthony Newman & The Graham Ashton Ensemble — Music for Organ, Brass and Timpani A pure DSD re c o rding from Sonoma Records. Produced by 12-time Grammy award winner Steven Epstein and engineered by Richard King, Music for O rgan, Brass and Timpani was recorded and post-produced entirely in the DSD domain on a Sonoma Workstation. "The music on this disc is a series of a rrangements for the aforementioned i n s t ruments, cleverly crafted by Graham Ashton, who heads his epononymous Brass Ensemble. The music ranges from a knockout of a piece by Richard Strauss, to Bach, Rachmaninoff, and even the 'Great Gate of Kiev' from Pictures at an Exhibition...The entire process, from re c o rding to editing to production stayed within the DSD encoding, instead of, as so often happened in the past, being taken out of DSD for editing purposes...I can tell you that this really is going to be a 'super' disc sonically; but, to me, perhaps every bit as impressive are its musical values. The Ashton Ensemble is sensational, and so is the celebrated Newman. Just wait till you hear the lowest notes on the Strauss. Or the brass seated (on some cuts) in a semic i rcle stretching out into your listening room." - Harry Pearson, The Absolute Sound, February / M a rch 2005 "For the re c o rding venue, I knew I wanted to use the sanctuary of St. Ignatius Loyola which houses the grand N.P. Mander Organ, the largest mechanical pipe organ in New York City. The acoustics are perfectly suited for this repertoire. For organist, the clear choice was Anthony Newman, the internationally celebrated artist, who has made many critically acclaimed re c o rdings for CBS Masterworks/Sony Classical. For brass, we were most fortunate to have the Graham Ashton Brass Ensemble which is comprised of some of the finest brass players in the world, led by virtuoso trumpeter, Graham Ashton. On this record, Graham's ensemble was joined by timpanist Duncan Patton." - Steven Epstein, producer "This record is a great example of what the Sonoma Workstation and the SACD format can deliver." - David Kawakami, Director of the Super Audio CD Project at Sony Corporation of America SACD = CSNR 001 SA $19.99 TOP SELLER

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3

128 Art Pepper


Meets the Rhythm Section SACD = CAPJ 7532 SA $25

These legendary Fantasy titles available on SACD from Acoustic Sounds.

The analog transfers on these Super Audio CDs were done using the latest third-generation Analogto-DSD converters by Ed Meitner of EMM Labs. They were specially-modified for The Mastering Lab and Doug Sax. These titles are among the best-selling and mostlegendary in the Fantasy catalog.

Sonny Rollins

Vince Guaraldi Trio

Bill Evans Trio

Saxophone Colossus SACD = CAPJ 7079 SA $25

Jazz Impressions of Black Orpheus SACD = CAPJ 8089 SA $25

Sunday at the Village Vanguard SACD = CAPJ 9376 SA $25

Sonny Rollins

Bill Evans Trio

John Coltrane

Cannonball Adderley/Bill Evans

Way Out West SACD = CAPJ 7530 SA $25

Waltz For Debby SACD = CAPJ 9399 SA $25

Standard Coltrane SACD = CAPJ 7243 SA $25

Know What I Mean? SACD = CAPJ 9433 SA $25

Miles Davis

Chet Baker

Bill Evans Trio

Thelonious Monk

Cookin’ SACD = CAPJ 7094 SA $25

Chet SACD = CAPJ 1135 SA $25

Moon Beams SACD = CAPJ 9428 SA $25

5 by Monk by 5 SACD = CAPJ 1150 SA $25

This music was recorded using only vacuum-tube components. As this is the primary reason the sound is so lush and natural, Doug Sax mastered these recordings from the original analog tapes using the Mastering Lab's proprietary all-tube electronics until the final digital conversion. Sax used the latest third-generation Analog-to-DSD converters by Ed Meitner/EMM Labs to transfer the music to the SACD layer. The CD layer was transferred directly to the Sony PCM 1630 system through a modified George Massenburg A/D converter. We feel that this approach demonstrates the finest merits of each format.

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Steamhammer LPs The Who — Live at the Royal A l b e rt Hall

Steamhammer – Tacet

edifice that will stand as long as the pharaoh's pyramids. LP = ASUN 5179 $29.99 (two LPs)

R e c o rded live at the Royal Albert Hall on November 27, 2000. All of the big hits are here along with some lesser-known cuts. Special guests include Bryan Adams, Noel Gallagher, Kelly Jones, Ke n n e dy, E ddie Vedder and Paul Weller. LP = ASTM 19342 $49.99 (four LPs)

S p i rit — Model Shop S p i rit was born to record movie soundtracks. Unfortunately, they cut only one, for the seldom-seen 1969 Jacques Demy film Model Shop, but what a triumph it is: a magical blend of John Locke's eerie keyboards, the soaring guitar of Randy California and Jay Ferguson's impassioned vocals and percussion, b a cked by the rock-steady bass and drums of Mark Andes and Ed Cassidy. It's mind boggling that something as dazzling as the Model Shop soundtra ck recorded by the classic Spirit lineup - has been languishing unreleased in the vaults for over 35 years. LP = ASUN 5180 $16.98

Sub Pop LPs The Postal Service — Give Up Well, it’s been nearly two years since Sub Pop released the monumentallysuccessful Postal Service album Give Up which brought together Death Cab For Cutie’s Ben Gibbard and Jimmy Tamborello, aka Dntel. The album has scanned over 350,000 copies and is curre n t ly enjoying sales that are consistently better than any other period during its release. The vinyl edition of Give Up will include a bonus six-tra ck EP wh i ch contains the B-sides of both commercially ava i l able Postal Service CD singles. Includes covers by The Shins and Iron & Wine as well as the remixes from "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" single. LP = ASUB 70595 $15.98 (two LPs)

Low — The Gre at Destroyer Formed in 1993, Low is a trio from Duluth, Minnesota comprised of guitarist/vocalist Alan Sparhawk, percussionist/vocalist Mimi Parker and bassist Zak Sally. Throughout Low's history, the band has accumulated acclaim from critics and musicians. The band's seventh full-length album, The Great Destroyer, is fascinating in that it blends the band's austere melodies ("On the Edge Of," "Silver Rider") with an aggressive guitar onslaught into a single song ("When I Go Deaf"). Co-produced by Low and David Fridmann, The Gre at Destroyer is a welcome surprise and, in the end, a ro ck n' roll revelation. LP = ASUB 70643 $11.98

Iron & Wine — Woman King Aside from the immediacy and intimacy of his re c o rded work, there is one thing clear about Iron & Wine's Sam Beam: he is wonderfully prolifi c. In just short of two-and-a-half years, he has released two albums (2002's The Creek Drank The Cradle and 2004's Our Endless Numbered Days) and two EPs (this and 2003's The Sea and the Rhythm). Recorded in August 2004 with Brian Deck at his Engine Studios, Iron & Wine's latest release is striking both for its broadened palette (percussion, piano, violin, electric guitar) and its thematic focus on female characters both archetypal and personal. "Beam is a fearlessly accessible songwriter, framing his melancholy in concrete imagery and solid, inviting melodies. He writes with the self-confidence of a man at peace with his gauzy gifts. He sings like a father talking to a child he respects or like a husband to a wife he adores." - SPIN LP = ASUB 70665 $8.98

Sugar Hill Records (Classic Records) LPs & DVD Grey De Lisle — The Graceful Ghost An avowed audiophile, Grey DeLisle recorded The Graceful Ghost, her Sugar Hill Records debut, in her living room, using every piece of antique equipment she could get her hands on. "We wanted to convey the feeling of being out on the porch making music," she explains. "Growing up, music was a big part of my family gatherings and I wanted to capture that family atmosphere…sitting around in a circle, candles burn i n g, very loose, just having fun. There’s something that happens when you can see each other playing. You make eye contact, wat ch each other’s hands, move to the rhythm. That doesn’t happen when people do things in separate rooms." The orga n i c,elegant feel of the record evokes a simpler era and maintains the purity of expression that permeates DeLisle’s music. Package includes: DVD Making of The Graceful Ghost, a limited edition of Willie We Have Missed You, a 45 RPM 7" single side disc, a poster and a postcard. LP = ASUG 3985 $20.00

Sundazed LPs Johnny Cash — Ori ginal Sun Singles '54-'58 (mono) To hear Johnny Cash's swaggering Sun Record s - e ra material is to marvel at one of the primal source-streams of wh at was fast becoming the headwat e rs of rock 'n' roll. Cash's craggy, l u n ch bucket vocals on gleaming original versions of songs like "Cry, Cry, Cry," "Get Rhythm," "Big River" and "I Walk The Line," backed by the signat u re guitar style of Luther Perkins and Marshall Grant's steady bass, are really just the tip of the iceberg corralled on this 180-gram double LP. "Folsom Prison Blues," "Hey Porter" and "So Doggone Lonesome" and plenty more just as exciting - are rock-solid corn e rstones of the Johnny Cash legend, an


Link Wray — Ja ck the Ripper With his raw and ravaged instrumentals from the early '60s, Link Wray single-handedly made the guitar the ultimately cool instrument of choice for a whole new generation. Link Wray - who created the blueprint for everyone from the Kingsmen to the Cramps with his flame-throwing sound - proceeded to outdo himself with this rare LP from 1963. Mastered f rom the original Swan mono master tapes. LP = ASUN 5192 $16.98

C h a rlie Rich — Lonely Weekends (mono) A great collection for anyone interested in Charlie Rich's early career at Sun Records in the late '50s and early '60s. LP = ASUN 5203 $19.99

Tacet SACDs & DVDAs Bach: Partiten/Florin Paul, violin For this recording, F l o rin Paul played a violin by Antonio Stradivari which was built in 1689 and in form closely resembles the "Sancy" of 1713. The famous CMV3, the first condenser microphone which was suitable for studio use, was succeeded in 1947 by the U47. The tubes built into these microphones have for several years now no longer been availabl e. For this and other reasons, the U47 has long been the "cult microphone" in certain collectors’ c i rcles from the USA to Japan. These microphones in proper working order can command fabulous prizes. For this recording, two microphones of this sort we re chosen, after a thorough comparison with modern microphones and other valve microphones. The reason they were chosen was that their sound harmonized best with the sound of the violin. SACD = CTAC 10 SA $29.99

Va rious A rtists — Das Mikrofon/Microphone & Music Sampler This release includes the history of the condenser microphone from 1927 until today with entertaining samples from the Tacet repertoire and detailed explanations. SACD = CTAC 17 SA $29.99

Saschko Gawriloff — Wh at About This, Mr. Paganini? On December 28, 1995, seven violins, selected instruments created by the world’s most famous violinmakers, met for a high-class competition. Who is the fairest in the land? Th at was and is the question. The violins, all played by Saschko Gawriloff, are Amati, Guadagini, A. Guarneri, P. Guarneri, Horvath, Stradivari and Vuillaume. The music includes works by Bach, Veracini, Kreisler, Dvorak, Paganini and Webern. SACD = CTAC 36 SA $29.99

Va rious A rtists — Das Mikrofon II/Microphone & Music Sampler Enjoy fine mainstream jazz played by the Georg Rox Quartet, recorded with ribbon microphones from the 1930s and ‘40s, with the oldest a condenser microphone from 1927. M i c rophones included are from Bruel & Kjaer, Clara, Coles, Elektro-Vo i c e,MBHO, Microtech Gefell, Neumann, RCA, Schoeps, Sennheiser and Sony. SACD = CTAC 49 SA $29.99

B e e t h oven: S t ring Quartets Op. 18, 1-6/Au ryn Quartet/Au ryn's Beethoven Volume 3 DVDA = CTAC 124 $29.99

B e e t h oven: S t ring Quartets Op. 59, 1-3, 74/Au ryn Quartet/Auryn's B e e t h oven Volume 2 DVDA = CTAC 125 $29.99

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3



Tacet – Te l a rc

Beethoven: S t ring Quartets Op. 97, 127, 132/Auryn Quartet/Auryn's Beethoven Volume 3

Mozart: Flute Concertos/Symphony No. 41/Jacques Zoon, flute/Martin Pe a rlman/Boston Baroque

DVDA = CTAC 126 $29.99

DVDA = CTAC 130 $29.99

Continuing with their tradition of recording gre at works in a period fashion, Boston B a roque returns with special guest flutist Jacques Zoon, who records on period flute for the first time on Mozart's two glorious Flute Concertos. Rounding out the program on this recording is Mozart's gre at Jupiter Symphony. SACD = CTEL 60624 SA $19.99

Debussy: Preludes For Piano/Evgeni Koroliov

Tu rtle Island String Quartet with Ying Quartet — 4 + Four

DVDA = CTAC 131 $29.99

The Turtle Island String Quartet makes a premiere recording on Te l a rc with the release of 4 + Fo u r, a collaborative project with the Ying Quartet, featuring a diverse mix of classical and jazz by two of today's most acclaimed ensembles. SACD = CTEL 60630 SA $19.99

Au ryn Quartet — Au ryn's Beethoven Volume 4/Beethoven's String Q u a rtets Op. 130, 131, 133, 135

Schubert: Octet in F Major/Camerata Freden C a m e rata Freden presents Schubert’s great Octet in an interpretation that opens up a world of extremes. This Tacet recording combines a Bruckner-like insistence, unobtrusive ly witty playing, delicately interwoven melodic lines and irresistible enthusiasm. It moves from climax to climax. DVDA = CTAC 133 $29.99

Wo j c i e ch Rajski — The Tube Only Night Music DVDA = CTAC 136 $29.99

Rozsa: Three Choral Suites/Eri ch Kunzel Telarc presents the world premiere of Three Choral Suites by Miklos Rozsa from conductor Eri ch Ku n zel featuring the Cincinnati Pops Orch e s t ra and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. SACD = CTEL 60631 SA $19.99

Popov: Symphony No. 1/Leon Botstein/London Symphony Orchestra

Tacet (Speakers Corner) LP Enrique Granados: Danzas Espanola Op. 37 Nos. 5, 7, 10 This is not an historical recording: quite the opposite. Tacet’s tube-only recording technique,renowned for their crystal cl a rity and spaciousness, score another triumph here. Yet the music is heard in the original interpretations, a c c u rate to within a hair’s breadth. The key to the my s t e ryis that the original performer was present at the recent recording session, but not physically. As if by time machine, the music is heard played on a modern Steinway, without the loss of sound quality usually inev i t able with historical re c o rdings. Never has music stored in the Welte-Mignon system sounded so "right" and so well. And because the mechanism of the Welte-Mignon system has recently been meticulously adjusted by the leading expert, Hans W. Schmitz, it is now possible to get to know the interpre t ations of yesteryear really well - and the results are sometimes unexpected. The Welte-Mignon’s treasures are only now systematically unveiled - by Tacet - because at last the necessary requirements have been met. The Welte-Mignon "player-piano" and its rep roduction mechanism were invented in 1904. LP = ATAC L139 $30.00

Talent SACD Dvorak: Symphony No. 9 in E/Jan Valach/Philharmonica Hungarica The Slovakian born organist, conductor and composer Jan Valach has been one of the most remarkable artists on the Belgian music scene for several ye a rs now. He studied both medicine and music at the Bratislava University and continued his musical studies at the High School for Music in P rague. He obtained the highest distinctions for organ and conducting. In 1967 Charles Munch invited him to play the organ part in Saint-Saens’ Third Symphony at the occasion of the opening of the new concert hall in Cairo. He gave organ concerts at the festival of Flanders, the Bach week at Gre i f swald and the Handel concerts at Halle and was asked to give a recital at the Pontifical Institute of Rome in the presence of Pope John Paul II. He conducted all the Belgian orchestras, Philharmonia Hungarica, Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra and others. SACD = CTAL 17 SA $18.99

Telarc SACDs Va rious Artists — Telarc Classical SACD Sampler 4 This sampler is yet another tool for reaching out to the consumer and giving them a selection of classical music in surround. SACD = CTEL 60009 SA $19.99

Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun/Paavo Jarvi/Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Paavo Jarvi leads the Cincinnati Symphony Orch e s t ra through an exquisite Telarc re c o rding of several of Debussy's more well-known works: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, Nocturnes, La Mer and the seldom re c o rded Berceuse Heroique. SACD = CTEL 60617 SA $19.99

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Leon Botstein first performed Gavriil Popov’s Symphony No. 1 with the American Symphony Orch e s t ra in New York - although it was completed in 1934 - this performance was its U.S. premiere. SACD = CTEL 60642 SA $19.99

Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture/Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue/Eri ch Kunzel/Cincinnati Symphony Orch e s t ra Telarc’s all-time bestselling re c o rding of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, Cap riccio Italien and Cossack Dance f rom Mazeppa under the leadership of Eri ch Kunzel and the Cincinnati Symphony Orch e s t ra is coupled with Gershwin’s An A m e rican In Paris and Rhap s o dy In Blue. SACD = CTEL 60646 SA $19.99

Copland: Ap p a l a chian Spring/Rodeo/Fanfare for the Common Man/ Hindemith: Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes/Louis Lane/Robert S h aw/Atlanta Symphony Orch e s t ra Known to audiophiles the world over for its stunning clarity, Louis Lane and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s recording of Copland’s Appalachian Spring, Rodeo and Fanfare for the Common Man is one of the earliest CDs available from Telarc. This glorious recording is paired with the great Robert Shaw’s recording of Hindemith’s Symphonic Metamorphosis. SACD = CTEL 60648 SA $19.99

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique/Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite/Lorin Maazel/Cleveland Orch e s t ra Telarc has combined Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantastique and Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracke r Suite. These recordings with the Cleveland Orch e s t ra and Lorin Maazel are a very important p a rt of Telarc’s catalog and are often referred to as the backbone of its extensive recording rep e rt o i re. SACD = CTEL 60650 SA $19.99

Va rious A rtists — Telarc/Heads Up SACD Sampler 5 Back by popular demand, Telarc releases its fifth SACD multi-genre sampler featuring music from Te l a rc and Heads Up. The sampler is yet another tool for reaching out to the consumer and giving them a selection of jazz, blues, crossover and alt-country music in s u rro u n d. SACD = CTEL 63010 SA $19.99

Va rious A rtists — A Love A ffair: The Songs of Ivan Lins A stellar group of pop and jazz gre ats unite with Brazil’s platinum selling composer, Ivan Lins. Featuring the tra ck “She Walks This Earth” which earned Sting the Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. SACD = CTEL 63496 SA $19.99

M i chel Camilo — Solo Well-known for his exuberant style and intimate familiarity with a vast range of jazz and l atin idioms, M i chel Camilo has always had a sense of musical adventure and Solo, his first solo album, marks a major milestone in his career. SACD = CTEL 63613 SA $19.99

John Pizzarelli — Knowing You For more than 25 years, John Pizzarelli, best known as a leading interpreter of the great American songbook, has traveled the world making records and performing for all types of

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC audiences in venues large and small. The singer/guitarist celebrates this journey with the release of Knowing Yo u, a tribute to the many talented musicians and songwriters he's met along the way. SACD = CTEL 63615 SA $19.99

Three Blind Mice LPs & XRCD Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio — Misty One of Three Blind Mice’s most popular LPs gets a fresh and truly glorious makeover. This reference standard of intern ational jazz has now been cut at 45 RPM on 180-gram vinyl. Th ree Blind Mice founder Takeshi "Tee" Fujii mandated that the new release sound "more clean, open and nat u ral" for this release. He worked with JVC Japan’s lege n d a ry cutting e n gineer Tohru Kotetsu for over four days to cut these sides. The results of such devotion are nothing short of breathtaking. Even if you alre a dy own Misty, the enhanced soundstage, deeper noise floor and increased dynamic ra n ge of the 45-RPM pressing makes this a must-have for every audiophile. Misty will be strictly limited to 1,000 individually-numbered pieces. LP = ATBM 30-45 $49.99 (two 45-RPM LPs)

Thrill Jockey LP Je ff Pa rker — The Relatives The Relatives is a quartet of like-minded musicians drawn from the Chicago Underground Orchestra. Jeff Pa rker has been working with bassist Chris Lopes since college days, when they we re at Berklee together in Boston in the mid-80s. Drummer Chad Taylor, who recently moved back to New York after a fruitful period in Chicago, has been a colleague of Parker's since just after the guitarist moved to Chicago in 1991. The newest comrade, Sam Barsheshet, who plays electric piano on the record, sat in on a gig with Parker in 2002. Parker says this session, which was waxed in Ja nuary 2004 at SOMA and engineered by John McEntire, is "more songoriented than the previous album, and less of a jazz-oriented blowing date." LP = ATHJ 70129 $11.98

Too Pure LP Monade — A Few Steps More Monade is Stereolab co-founder Laetitia Sadier's side project. Pronounced "mon-ard," this duo features Sadier, who is a renowned musician and songwriter based in France, and Pram's Rosie Cuckston. The two began collaborating in the mid-'90s, and Sadier re c o rded the first Monade tra cks in 1996 at Pram's studio, with Cuckston playing. LP = ATPR 80159 $11.98

Top Music International LPs Carol Rosenberger — Dynamic Piano/Beethoven Piano Sonatas "'The piano is, after all, an unsatisfactory i n s t rument' Beethoven complained to his publisher upon completion of his last piano sonata, the sublime Op. 111. Beethoven's fru s t ration over the pace of the piano's development during his lifetime is entirely consistent with a musical vision which was always focused beyond the limitations of contemporary i n s t ruments and performers. He continu o u s lypushed the piano makers towards new developments in the piano's dynamic range, s t rength of tone and resonance,and brought his innovative genius and catalytic energy to exploit each of these new developments to the fullest. Yet throughout his creative life he wrote, not only for the piano he knew, but far beyond it." - Carol Rosenberger Pianist Carol Rosenberger plays a Bosendorfer Imperial Concert Gra n d. Producer: Amelia S. Haygo o d, Balance Engineer: Stan Ricker, R e c o rding Engineer: Bruce Leek LP = ATOP 8001 $39.99


Vivaldi: The Four Seasons/Gera rd S ch warz/Los A n geles Chamber Orchestra Delos used two Schoeps 221B omni-directional microphones in a basic stereo placement to achieve a recording of optimum clarity and natural balance. Th e orch e s t ra was positioned left to right of the conductor: first violins, violas, celli, second violins and bass behind celli. The harpsichord was placed center and the soloist stood somewh at right of center to give the d e s i red antiphonal effect with the concertmaster (left) for sections of the concerti where this balance lends excitement and clarification to the phrases wh i ch are tossed back and forth between the two violinists. Violinist Elmar Oliveira plays his Stradivarius 1731 for this recording, recorded by Marc Aubort. LP = ATOP 8003 $39.99

L ex Vandyke — The Latin Sound of Lex Vandyke - Concierto de Aranjuez Internationally renowned guitarist Lex Vandyke turns his attention to Latin American music with this collection of well-known melodies. Playing favorites from the Great Latin Songbook from "Besame M u cho," "Amor, Amor, Amor," "Perfidia," "Malguena" and "La Comparsa" to the tunes of the bossa nova era including "Manha de Carnaval," "Th e Girl From Ipanema" and "Wave," Lex Vandyke endows each with the special blend of musicality and tenderness that makes his re c o rdings so irresistible to listeners around the globe.

Va rious Artists — Super Analog Sound of Th ree Blind Mice The most popular TBM title is now recently remastered and manufa c t u red using the high quality XRCD 24 format. Contains 10 famous tracks by such well-known TBM artists as the Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio, Bingo Miki & Inner Galaxy Orchestra and Isao Suzuki Quartet. Out of print for over a year, this is a must have title for anyone who appreciates the special sound cre ated by TBM that has remained true for over 30 years. XRCD24 = CJVC 9002 $26.99

Telarc – Turtle Record s

LP = ATOP 8921 $32.99

Janos Starker — Starker Plays Kodaly "Starker is not just a cellist. He is widely recog n i zed as one of the finest of the last 50 ye a rs. His playing is that of a comfortable sort that speaks of someone who has lived with his instrument and with the music written for it for so long that it's inconceivable that anything could go wrong. Starker's use of vibrato was so subtle that a study could be made of that one part of his technique alone. He ranges from a firm, steady and fairly large 'shake' to none at all to cre ate colors and shadings rarely equaled by his contemporaries." - Indianapolis Star LP = ATOP 9002 $62.99 (two LPs)

Turtle Records SACDs G e ra rd Bouwhuis & Cees Van Zeeland — Pianoduo There are few CDs that in the space of one hour paint such a representative picture of the historyof Western music down the course of one century. The CD released by Pianoduo does just that and what a century it reflects. More happened in the 20th century than in the four p receding ones together; not just to music, but in the fine arts and sciences as well. For over a thousand years, Western music was dominated by the Church modes and the tonality derived f rom it based on major and minor scales: in barely 25 years this trusted system was totally overthrown to pave way for the "emancipation of dissonance" and atonality based on Schoenberg's 12-tone system, serialism. The three piano wo rks on this CD reflect the struggle between tonality and atonality, and its fall and subsequent regeneration. SACD = CTUT 0021 SA $27.95

Liszt: Annees de Peleri n age, Troisieme Annee/Yo ram Ish-Hurwitz, piano If one were to characteri ze the third volume of the Annes de Pelerinage in two words, they would be "religion" and "depression." And while much can be said about the first, one can m o s t ly speculate about the latter. The premature deaths of his son Daniel and daughter Blandine may well have caused his despair; so could the thwarted marriage with Princess Carolyne Wittgenstein in Rome on top of his inability to realize his artistic ambitions concerning the "Music of the Future" in the small-minded Weimar during the 1850s. Fact is t h at on his fifty-first birthday, Liszt was entering the bl a ckest and most troubled phase of his life. The result is this terrific work. SACD = CTUT 0022 SA $27.95

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Clark Tracey: Stability SACD = CLIN 196 SA $22.99

As a recording company committed to innovation and the highest standard

Thomas Tallis: Spem in alium/Magnificat SACD = CLIN 233 SA $22.99

Barb Jungr: E v e ry Grain of Sand SACD = CLIN 230 SA $22.99

C a rol Kidd: Debut SACD = CLIN 228 SA $22.99

Gerard Presencer: Platypus SACD = CLIN 139 SA $22.99

Linn Records was created by and for music lovers, and boasts a catalog of around 150 re c o rdings of some of the most engaging, entertaining music you’ll ever hear. Tommy Smith: Blue Smith SACD = CLIN 136 SA $22.99

of sound reproduction,

C l a i re Martin: Take My Heart SACD = CLIN 137 SA $22.99

Tommy Smith: The Sound of Love SACD = CLIN 138 SA $22.99

Hue & Cry: Next Move SACD = CLIN 131 SA $22.99

Linn Records has fully embraced the SACD format. All new releases since June 2003 have been recorded on Super

P e rfect Houseplants: New Folk Songs SACD = CLIN 165 SA $22.99

G e r a rdPresencer: The Optimist SACD = CLIN 166 SA $22.99

Barb Jungr: Chanson-The Space In Between SACD = CLIN 167 SA $22.99

Palladian Ensemble: Held By The Ears SACD = CLIN 168 SA $22.99

Concerto Caledonia-Fiddler Tam: M u s i c of Thomas Erskine, 6th Earl of Kellie SACD = CLIN 240 SA $22.99

C a rol Kidd: Nice Work SACD = CLIN 229 SA $22.99

Artur Pizarro: Beethoven-Last Three Piano Sonatas SACD = CLIN 225 SA $22.99

Barb Jungr: Waterloo Sunset SACD = CLIN 222 SA $22.99

Marais & Rebel/Palladian Ensemble: Les Elemens SACD = CLIN 221 SA $22.99

Joseph Swensen: Sibelius Theatre Music SACD = CLIN 220 SA $22.99

Various Artists: Linn Selektions SACD = CLIN 245 SA $9.99

Wil l a rd White: The Paul Robeson Legacy SACD = CLIN 218 SA $22.99

Pamela Thorby/Sonnerie: Baroque Recorder Concertos SACD = CLIN 217 SA $22.99

Scottish Ensemble: Ravel/Shostakovich SACD = CLIN 215 SA $22.99

Boismortier: Passacaglia-Suites and Sonatas SACD = CLIN 204 SA $22.99

Mackenzie & William Jackson: Notes From A Hebridean Island SACD = CLIN 197 SA $22.99

John Dowland: Lachrimae-Norwegian B a roque Orchestra SACD = CLIN 194 SA $22.99

Dame Gillian Weir: Poulenc-Concerto for Organ SACD = CLIN 180 SA $22.99

Rheinberger, Strauss & Elgar: Trumpets That Time Forgot Freeman-Atwood, Wallace & Care y SACD = CLIN 242 SA $22.99

Artur Pizarro: Beethoven-Piano Sonatas SACD = CLIN 244 SA $22.99

Claire Martin: Too Darn Hot! SACD = CLIN 243 SA $22.99

Emma Bell: Songs by Richard Strauss, Bruno Walter & Joseph Marx SACD = CLIN 238 SA $22.99

Audio format in either Stereo or Multichannel, with plans to release all future recordings as hybrid SACD s .

Sir Charles Mackerras: Mozart-Requiem Carol Kidd: All My Tomorrows SACD = CLIN 211 SA $22.99 SACD = CLIN 210 SA $22.99

Nigel North: Go From My Window SACD = CLIN 176 SA $22.99

Sir Charles Mackerras: B a rtok: Music for Strings, Percussion & Celeste SACD = CLIN 234 SA$ 2 2 . 9 9

Claire Martin: P e rfect Alibi SACD = CLIN 149 SA $22.99

Joseph Swensen-Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3 “Scottish”/Scottish Chamber Orchestra SACD = CLIN 216 SA $ 2 2 . 9 9

Ella Fitzgerald Sings The George And Ira Gershwin Songbooks Scottish Ensemble-Benjamin Britten: Les Illuminations/Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge/Serenade for Tenor, Horn & Strings SACD = CLIN 226 SA $22.99

Joseph Swensen-Brahms: Vi o l i n Concertos/Hungarian Dances SACD = CLIN 224 SA $22.99

M a rtin Taylor: A rtistry SACD = CLIN 235 SA $22.99

M a rtin Taylor: Spirit of Django SACD = CLIN 237 SA $22.99

Sarah Moule: Something's Gotta Give SACD = CLIN 239SA $22.99

Barb Jungr: Love Me Tender SACD = CLIN 255SA $22.99

You can’t go wrong with a Gershwin tune! How often this statement was h e a rdat Ella Fitzgerald’s concerts, regardless of whether she perfo rmed with a big band, in a duet with Joe Pass, or at the Jazz at the Philharmonic jam sessions. One thing’s absolutely certain: everyone — all the musicians and every single member of the audience knew the song. The virtually impossible task of picking out the ve ry best of the thousands of musical numbers and dashed-off compositions by George and Ira Gershwin was taken on by producer Norman Granz. The arra n ger and orchestra leader Nelson Riddle took more than a year to free the chosen titles from their touch of Broadway and tre at them to a touch of jazz instead. And Ella herself had six months to set the wo rks down in the studio to her complete satisfaction. All in all, this was a gigantic project, and one which could only be affo rded by a large company such as Ve rve. All these songs have been perfo rmed dozens, even hundreds of times, by a my riad of American entertainers. Almost all of them have been sung or played numerous times in gre atly varying arra n gements by jazz vocalists and instrumentalists — avant-garde, conventional — you name it. Th e re isn’t, and there never will be, a “definitive” version, but one thing is sure : in her Gershwin Songbook, Ella Fitzge rald has given us a whole series of absolutely first-class interpretations — and all the songs are complemented by their appro p ri ate introduction in the complete version. The Gershwin brothers turned their hand to the broad spectrum ranging from the Broadway musical to sw i n ging jazz, and in doing so offered Ella a welcome opportunity to present her remarkably versatile vocal talent in songs with diverse styles. Ella surpasses herself in such numbers as “The Man I Love,” “Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off” and “They Can’t Take That Away From Me.” Standards such as “Embraceable You” and “A Foggy Day” a re absolutely the tops. “Slap Th at Bass” and “Who Cares” are pure jazz numbers and demonstrate the Gershwin brothers’affinity with jazz. LP = AVER 6082 $250.00 Only a few left

Linn’s audio expertise captures the unique atmosphere and emotion of the original live performance. This creates a listening experience of striking realism and emotional power. C l a i re Martin: S e c ret Love SACD = CLIN 246 SA $22.99

Alexander Lazarev: Shostakovich: Symphony No. 11 SACD = CLIN 247 SA $22.99

A Linn recording is ‘Music For Life’, not just the soundtrack to six months.

Artur Pizarro: ReminiscencesF rederic Chopin SACD = CLIN 248 SA $22.99

5 LPs + one 10 inch; 56-page hardcover book; 5 prints



Turtle Records – Va n g u a rd


Distler: Vari ation ''Ei du feiner Reiter''/Anne Galowich Harpsichord works written by Johann Sebastian Bach, his son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and Hugo Distler performed by Anne Galowich. SACD = CTUT 0024 SA $27.95

United Artists Jazz (Classic Records) LP

Duke Ellington — Money Jungle Like Ellington’s Piano In The Foregro u n d, Money Jungle is a trio recording in this case featuring Charlie Mingus on bass and Max Roach on drums. Recorded in September of 1962, this United Artists original three-tra ck recording was transferred dire c t lyfrom the session master tapes to master lacquer using Bernie Grundman’s all-tube cutting system, revealing nuances on this recording never before heard on previous pressings. LP = ACCS 15017Q $29.99

Universal Records LPs & SACDs Bjork — Medulla (import) With Medulla, Bjork has sculpted "an album out of almost nothing but singing and vocal samples. Before Medulla’s release, she declared that ‘instruments are so over,’ and considering what a distinctive voice and vision she has, it’s almost a reasonable claim. The album’s title and concept refer to the truest, most undiluted essence of something, and Medulla explores the ritual power of the human voice and some of the most essential themes of Bjork’s music in a way that’s both primal and elaborat e." - All Music Guide SACD = CUNI 1001 SA $44.99

We e zer — Weezer "Falling between the warped pop of The Pixies and the straight ahead thump of arena rock, Weezer’s debut album offers embarrassingly pleasurable pop thrills. Weezer is unabashedly pop. Songs like ‘ B u ddy Holly,’ ‘Undone - The Sweater Song,’ ‘In The Garage,’ ‘The World Has Turned and Left Me Here,’ and ‘Surf Wax America’ are filled with strong, simple guitar hooks and relentlessly cat chy melodies. What makes the band so enjoyable is their charming geekiness; instead of singing about despair, they sing about love, which is kind of refreshing in the gloom-dre n ched world of ‘90s guitar pop." - All Music Guide LP = AUNI 24629 $29.99

Elton John — Peachtree Road Released in 2004, Peachtree Road "proves that he’s back to making go o d, solid records focused on songs, not hits, the way he did at the outset of his career." - All Music Guide SACD = CUNI 364736 SA $17.98

purity. Waylon fought this battle his own way, b a ck in the day. But the sun has sunk and the shadows have spread deeper across country music since then. And as cowboy poseurs roam this dim and dre a ry land, Shooter sets it abl a ze with an affirmation that country music - real country music - is back. The passion on "Southern Comfort," scraped raw from the walls of some back woods church...the guitars on "Daddy's Farm," stacked, harmonized and slathered in deep-fried soul..."4th of Ju ly," a crank-it-up summer celeb ration sweetened by a sprinkling of George Jones...the thread-shredding, back-road, hairpin spin of "Busted in Baylor County"...and,above all, "Put the 'O' Back In Country," wh i ch jabs a finger in the eye of everything that's wrong with America's music today. LP = AUNI 381601 $9.98

A n d rea Bocelli — A n d rea (import) The breathtaking new pop album from the world’s best-selling tenor. Andrea is Bocelli’s first pop release since Cieli di Toscana (2001), which was the successor to his multi-platinum selling albums Sogno and Romanza. The new album has a distinctly international flavor and features 13 songs in Italian, English and Spanish. SACD = CUNI 9867974 SA $29.99

V2 Records DVD The White Stripes — Under Blackpool Lights "See Ja ck and Meg lay down their heavy law in this no-frills (or extras) January '04 concert. The breakneck run through 26 songs includes covers of Bob Dylan and Dolly Parton. And whoever sewed their tro u s e rsdeserves the Nobel Prize for Pants." - Rolling Stone DVD = CV2 27228 $19.98

Vanguard SACDs Moussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition/Sir C h a rles Mackerras/New Philharmonia Orch e s t ra Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition and Khovanshchina Prelude were recorded on eight tracks, placing the listener at the center of the orchestra, with strings (left), horns, flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons, trumpets and harps arrayed left to right on the front three channels and the timpani/percussion, strings (right), trombones, tuba, bass drum/percussion arrayed left to right on the rear channels. SACD = CVAN 1504 SA $14.98

Shooter Jennings — Put the 'O' Back in Country

S t ravinsky: Petro u chka/Sir Charles Macke rras/London Symphony

The son of legendary parents Waylon Jennings and Jessi Colter, Shooter Jennings attempts to make his own mark with this, his debut record. Shooter aims to restore country music's

Petrouchka, re c o rded in the Wat ford Town Hall, London, is an eight-track re c o rding in wh i ch the instruments of the orchestra are spread in a large semicircle on the floor of the hall, with the seats removed. Essentially, the concept of this recording was to cre ate a recording h e a rd from the va n t age point of the conductor. In order to make a more plausible balance f rom the listener’s point of view, certain instruments, such as drums and piano, were placed to the rear of the conductor, so that effectively, on this disc, the conductor and the listener as well are placed literally in the center of the orch e s t ra. SACD = CVAN 1505 SA $14.98

RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED VANGUARD Stravinsky: Soldier's Tale/Leopold Stokowski/Instrumental Ensemble "This SACD is dedicated with great affection to David Baker. David worked for Vanguard for over three decades. He was particularly excited to get a chance to work on the three-channel release of this historic recording, having advocated its release since I began working with him in 2003. He had just completed the work, and was approving the tapes of this recording p roject when he passed away unexpectedly in July 2004. The fact that this was the first re c o rding to use the Dolby noise reduction system in the United States was a constant source of pride and David never failed to remind me that the consumer had yet to truly experience this re c o rding in its fullest glory." Greg Barbero, Va n g u a rd Classics SACD = CVAN 1559 SA $13.98

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

Berlioz: Requiem/Maurice A b ravanel/Utah Symphony Orchestra The Berlioz Requiem was recorded in the Mormon Tabern a cle during the same period as Mahler’s Symphony No. 1. Both are four-channel recordings with the main orchestral microphones up front and the ambient sound from the rear. Vanguard did not utilize the center channel in this multichannel SACD remastering. This Requiem calls for immense instrumental and vocal re s o u rces used not only for power but also for the most subtle and varied refinement of color, and at times making distinct use of music heard to come from different directions. The main orch e s t ra consists of four flutes, two oboes, two English horns, four clarinets, 12 horns, eight bassoons, four cornets, four tubas, 16 kettle drums, two bass drums, four tamtams, 10 cymbals and an enormous complement of strings. SACD = CVAN 1506 SA $14.98 (two discs)

Vaughan Williams: Orch e s t ral Works/Maurice A b ravanel/Utah Symphony Orch e s t ra The Vaughan Williams disc contains two and three-track re c o rdings but Vanguard decided to make them available on this SACD in their two-track form only. This was done to avoid the center channel from going in and out during the playback of this SACD, wh i ch would have cre ated confusion for the listener. SACD = CVAN 1507 SA $14.98

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Bach: Brandenburg Concertos/Johannes Somary/English Chamber Orchestra These six Brandenburg Concerti of J.S. Bach were recorded onto four tra cks and were done from the va n t agepoint of the conductor. Since each of the concerti is differently orchestrat e d, there is not enough space here to give this information in detail. Genera l ly, most of the tutti are heard from the front two channels. However, in many movements where there is dialogue between winds and strings, these alternate between the front and rear speakers. This recording is an example of how creative producing and engineering can clarify orchestral textures. This is a brilliantlyplayed and exquisitely recorded program of Bach’s most beloved music. SACD = CVAN 1517 SA $19.98 (two discs)

Handel: Water Music/Royal Fireworks Music/Johannes Somary/English Chamber Orchestra In this multichannel re c o rding of the R oyal Firewo rks Music, Vanguard has chosen to arra n ge the instruments so that the listener effectively hears the music through all the speakers, as if he or she were placed in the center of the ensembl e. The Suite from the Water Music has the main body of the instruments emanating from the front channels, while the musical interplay between strings and winds are heard from the front and back. SACD = CVAN 1519 SA $13.98

Gabrieli: Processional & Ceremonial Music/Edmond Appia/Choir and Orch e s t ra of The Gab rielli Festival Two sciences - musicology and electronics - have joined fo rces to make possible this unique recording. In it the splendor of Gab rieli's musical conceptions is p resented with as absolute an authenticity of style and color as modern research in the Baroque and Renaissance eras have made possible. The scholars did their part, the perform e rs were rehearsed, and then the burden was thrown to the engineers. There are few more challenging musical-engineering projects than that of recording these Gab rieli motets as the composer conceived them in sound. Added to the problem of refinements of balance between voices and supporting instruments was the spatial character of Gab rieli's conceptions. Often he employed two and even three antiphonal choirs, with the music flowing from one to the other, and sometimes pealed forth by all together, filling the great hall. How triumphantly this challenge has been met may be heard on the present Vanguard Quality Control recording. SACD = CVAN 1553 SA $13.98

Bach: Organ Works/Anton Heiller, o rgan

Vanguard – Velvel


of that name that a flower has to seed, and they are a form Chopin made his own. SACD = CVAN 1589 SA $13.98

Vanguard (Classic Records) LP Berlioz: Requiem/Maurice A b ravanel/Utah Symphony Orchestra This Requiem calls for immense instrumental and vocal resources used not only for power but also for the most subtle and va ried refinement of color, and at times making distinct use of music heard to come from diffe rent directions. The main orchestra consists of four flutes, two oboes, two English horns, four clarinets, 12 horns, eight bassoons, four cornets, four tubas, 16 kettle drums, two bass drums, four tamtams, 10 cymbals and an enormous complement of strings. LP = AVAN 10070Q $39.99

Varese Sarabande SACDs & DVD Je rry Goldsmith — The Gre at Train Robb e ry The Great Train Robbery is a Je rry Goldsmith classic. In the film directed by Michael Crichton (and based on his own book), Sean Connery played Edward Pierce, an ingenious and daring thief who moved between London's richest and most prominent citizens and the dark corn e rs of its criminal underwo rld with great ease. To score this grand and stylish adventure, Crichton sought his trusted friend Je rry Goldsmith. The Great Train Robbery proved to be a radical stylistic departure from the two other films occupying the composer in 1979. As it was, the tortured and gritty Alien could not have contrasted more with the romantic and heroic vision of the future that Goldsmith captured in his score for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. But when you add The Great Train Robbery to the pair of science fiction opposites, it reemphasizes the extreme extents that the composer's stylistic range encompasses. To this day, all three scores from 1979 remain among Goldsmith's most loved and well-remembered offerings. SACD = CVAR 066500 SA $16.98

Je rry Goldsmith — Timeline For what turned out to be his second-to-last score, Je rry Goldsmith composed an orch e s t ral tour-de-force of epic proportions. With its release we celebrate the memory of a gre at man who led one of the most exemplary careers in film music history. Jerry Goldsmith’s Timeline is an ex c eptional work. It’s grand in concep t , detailed in execution, melodically and rhythmically inspired, exquisitely beautiful and exhilarating. Poised to be another epic merging of the virtuoso words of Michael Cri chton and the music of Jerry Goldsmith, the film Timeline was also to bring about a rather historic reunion…that between Goldsmith and director Richard Donner. The two hadn’t worked together since The Omen, in 1976, the score wh i ch earned its composer an Academy Award. SACD = CVAR 066600 SA $16.98

Townes Van Zandt — Houston 1988: A Private Concert This DVD captures Townes Van Zandt in 1988 at the height of his career in a very personal setting in Houston, Texas. It’s totally impromptu - just the music and the man. Th i s is a rare chance to see such an intensely private and personal artist perform without an audience, or the usual club noise and distractions of live performances. DVD = CVAR 066610 $18.98

Anton Heiller (1923-1979) was one of the great organists of his time. He was also renowned as a keyboard improviser in the tradition of Bach himself, as evidenced in many of the recordings he made for Vanguard Classics. Born in Vienna, he studied composition and keyboard performance at the Vienna Conservatory and in 1945 became a professor of organ at the Vienna Academy in the department of church music. His brilliant technique and interpretive artistry, on both the organ and the harpsichord, established him as one of the foremost performers and re c o rding artists of the era. As a composer, his work won increasing admiration in European circles and was performed in Venice, Paris and London, as well as at various festivals. Heiller had a unique conception of the sound he wanted to hear for any specific repertoire, and he chose the instrument that would best bring that conception to life. For the performance on this recording, he selected the organ at the St. Mary Church at Helsingborg in Sweden. SACD = CVAN 1554 SA $13.98

Velvel SACDs The Kinks — Sleep walker

Mozart: Piano Concerto Nos. 9 & 14/Alfred Brendel, piano

The Kinks — Soap Opera

Th at the two gre at Mozart (1756-1791) piano concertos on this recording are no longer novelties to the music-loving public is a tribute to the rediscovery of the "forgotten Mozart" that has taken place in the last three decades. The 27 key b o a rd concertos by Mozart, outside of the five "baby works" wh i ch as a child prodigy he arranged from music by other composers, stand as one of the supreme bodies of composition in a single form. For a long time after Mozart’s death, four or five piano sonatas were selected to stand for his entire output in this form. And in both cases, the loss to the music lover was considerable. SACD = CVAN 1587 SA $13.98

Originally released in 1975, Soap Opera m ay be the best and most entertaining of Th e Kinks’ celebrated concept albums. Built on themes of stardom vs. ordinary life, this album is a showcase for some of the most beautiful songs in The Kinks’ catalog, i n cluding "You Make It All Worthwhile," "Underneath The Neon Sign" and the classic hit single "Everybody’s A Star." Now, for the first time, SACD brings this classic the gre at sound it has a lways deserve d. SACD = CVEL 79811 SA $14.98

Chopin: Polonaises/Alfred Brendel, piano This is an original two - channel recording. Vanguard Classics uses the SACD tech n o l ogy to offer the most exact and technologi c a l lysuperior method of reproducing their original master tapes. What you will hear on Vanguard Classics SACDs is the best version possible from the master tap e. No additional channels will be added to the Vanguard Classics SACDs. The Polonaises of Frederic Chopin (1810-1849) have the relation to the Polish national dance

This album from 1977 marked the beginning of The Kinks’ golden era on Artista Records, as well as a return to the upper reaches of the ro ck charts. Mixing hit singles like the title song with gre at power ballads and arena-re a dy anthems like "Ju ke Box Music," this album is prized by devoted Kinks followers and fans of classic rock. SACD = CVEL 79810 SA $14.98

The Kinks — Come Dancing With the Kinks This "Best Of Kinks" collection spans The Kinks' Arista years, in wh i ch the band reached the pinnacle of their commercial success, this deluxe Digi p a ck edition features a lavish 16p age booklet and dramat i c a l lyimproved audio. SACD = CVEL 79812 SA $17.98

t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


You Are There! — The True Story Sampler Nearly 40 years have passed since the first stereo recordings were issued on Mercury Living Presence, recordings that are still looked upon as the standard to which all others must rise… musically and sonically. It’s an American success story. Combining tireless devotion and a deep love of music with the simple but strong desire to get the best sound possible, a small band of American cultural crusaders rewrote the rules on recording, and now their commitment continues with the presentation of these great recordings on compact disc. This Mercury Living Presence compact disc (deluxe booklet and CD), tells the detailed story of how this marvelous company’s grasp far exceeded its reach; these 22 stunning musical excerpts drive this point home. The deluxe 160-page booklet contains the history of Mercury Living Presence, plus reminiscences by artist Byron Janis, Janos Starker and Frederick Fennell about ground-breaking Mercury projects like The Moscow Recordings and The Civil War Project. It also includes other artist biographies and a description of every Living Presence CD released to its date. It’s a perfect keepsake for the Mercury collector and the perfect introduction for new listeners. CD = CMER 442541 Special Price! $9.99

Mickey Hart, Airto and Flora Purim — Däfos

An Acoustic Sounds exclusive!


In the autumn of 1982 and spring of 1983, Mickey Hart teamed up with percussion heavyweight Airto Moreira and his acclaimed vocalist wife, Flora Purim, for largely improvisational performances at the Japan Center Theatre in San Francisco. Using a large and varied multicultural assortment of percussion instruments as well as woodwinds and bass, and backed up by Jose Lorenzo’s Brazilian percussion group, Batucaje, they performed live, without overdub. The thematic core of the performances was to conjure the musical ethnography of an imaginary country, traversing an inner soundscape; the resulting tracks range from infectious Brazilian rhythm celebrations to sinuous sparse vocals to Indonesian gamelan. Each piece reflects a different piece of the musical “topography” of Däfos, from desert to polar ice floes to subterranean caves. The original release, on Reference Recordings in 1983, was immediately deemed by audiophiles as one of the finest recordings ever produced. CD = CREF 12 $15.00

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC Venus LPs (Japanese Imports 200 gram)

Eddie Higgins Trio — If Dreams Come True Vol. 1 Jazz pianist Eddie Higgins is back for another go - round with Venus, this time on a twovolume set that includes Jay Leonhart on bass and Joe Ascione on drums. Volume 1 features eight songs, i n cluding ones by Gershwin and Cole Porter. LP = AVEN 19138 $29.99

Venus – Verve (Speakers Corner)


Hollywood. Mastered by Doug Sax and Robert Hadley at The Mastering Lab, Los Angeles. DD = CVER 375882 $17.98

Diana Krall — Live at the Montreal Jazz Festival

Volume 2 features eight songs, including ones by W.C. Handy, Duke Ellington and Higgins himself. LP = AVEN 19139 $29.99

On June 29, 2004, Grammy-winning superstar vocalist and pianist Diana Krall, gave a career-defining performance to over 15,000 fans on opening night of the Montreal Jazz Festival’s 25th Anniversary celebration. Mainly playing selections from her latest Verve release The Girl In The Other Room, Krall and her quartet mesmerized the crowd with a dazzling display of expert musicianship, romantic charm and graceful swing. The concert i n cluded a special encore performance of "Secret Heart" with singer/ songwriter Ron Sexsmith. DVD = CVER 378009 $14.98

Harold Mab e rn Trio — Fantasy

Jamie Cullum — TwentySomething

Harold Mabern was born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1936 and spent some of his early years in Chicago before moving to New York in the early 1960s. There he began to work with Lionel Hampton, Art Farmer's Jazztet and J. J. Johnson. Mabern has accompanied many vocalists including Joe Williams, Sarah Vaughan, Dakota Staton, I rene Reid and Arthur Prysock. He's also worked with Roland Kirk, Sonny Rollins, Fre ddie Hubbard, Lee Morgan, Roy Haynes, Wes Montgomery, C l a rkTerry, Billy Harper, Joe Newman and George Coleman. On this re c o rd, he's joined by Joe Farnsworth and Dwayne Burno. LP = AVEN 19141 $29.99

On twentysomething,Jamie Cullum celebrates jazz and retrofits standards to accommodate elements of the music he grew up with, from rock to rap to drum and bass. Just as gracefully, he recasts the works of contemporary luminaries like Radiohead and Jeff Buckley with a harmonic vo c abulary he learned picking through old Gershwin tunes. But this young upstart has drawn raves as more than just an interpreter with a slate of originals, both by Jamie and his older brother, Ben, that draw upon, and reflect, the experience of his own ge n e ration. It is Jamie’s forte as a writer - not just a singer and performer - of songs that has garnered his latest kudos. DD = CVER 380682 $17.98

Eddie Higgins Trio — If Dreams Come True Vol. 2

Super Trio — Super Standard A truly super trio of Kenny Barron on piano, Jay Leonhart on bass and Al Foster on drums, performing eight jazz standards. LP = AVEN 19142 $29.99

Steve Kuhn Trio — Easy to Love "Steve Kuhn has had an interesting career. A talented jazz pianist, he has worked in many types of settings through the years. He began classical piano lessons when he was five, studied with Madame Chaloff, and accompanied her son, baritonist Serge Chaloff, on some gigs when the pianist was 14. He freelanced in Boston as a teenager, gra d u ated from Harvard, and moved to New York where he worked with Kenny Dorham's group (1959-1960). Kuhn was the ori ginal pianist in John Coltrane's Quartet, playing for two months before McCoy Tyner succeeded him. He was with the bands of Stan Getz (1961-1963) and Art Farmer (1964-1966), lived in Europe (1967-1970), and then returned to the U.S. in 1971...After a period of playing commercial music, he formed an acoustic trio in the mid-'80s, which has been his main vehicle ever since." - All Music Guide LP = AVEN 19143 $29.99

Danilo Rea Trio — Romantica Italian pianist Danilo Rea started playing jazz in 1975 with the well-known Trio di Roma. Through the years he's worked with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Bob Berg, M i chael Bre cker, Tony Oxley, Dave Liebman, Kenny Wheeler and John Scofield. Here he's accompanied by accomplished jazz players Ares Tavolazzi and Roberto Gatto. LP = AVEN 19144 $29.99

Verve (Speakers Corner) LPs

Coleman Hawkins — The Genius Of Coleman Hawkins The tre n ch warfare over the two very different playing styles of Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins came to an end with the date of this recording. At the Jazz at the Philharmonic concerts the two musicians even stood on the stage together. Following up on these JATP live events, the re c o rding company Verve brought the rhythm group and "Hawk" into the studio. The standard numbers were well-known and wellpracticed, the re c o rding equipment was all set up and off they went. Just listen to the fabulous flow of i m p rovisation - it was not first with this re c o rding that Coleman Hawkins proved that he was the first tenor saxophonist who knew how to turn into music wh at he heard in his head. And then he has this glori o u s lywarm yet thrilling sound; no matter whether it’s a slow tempo or a racy piece, "Hawk" remains superb, always recognizable and always an individualist. In the way he constructs his improvisations, one has the feeling that it just has to be like that , that there’s no other path to follow. LP = AVER 6033 $30.00

Bob Kindred Quartet — Blue Moon "It's fair to say that Kindred now ranks with the giants of his instrument, with Ben Webster, Sonny Rollins, Stan Getz, John Coltrane and Zoot Sims." - Chuck Berg, Jazz Times LP = AVEN 19147 $29.99


Verve SACD, DVD & DualDiscs Chet Baker — Baker's Holiday

VERVE Shirley Horn With Strings — Here's to Life H e re's To Life is Shirley Horn at her grandest. Her soothing voice and piano blend with the sparkling orchestral arrangements of Johnny Mandel to c reate an emotional theme throughout the album. Shirley's impeccable song selection mixes vintage romantic ballads with gentle uptempo songs, and builds an aura of "musical champagne": dry, subtle, charming and just a little intoxicating. R e c o rded by David Baker.

"This CD finds him effectively paying tribute to Billie Holiday with mellow trumpet solos and occasional vocals. Baker is backed by a full sax section and a four-piece rhythm section that includes pianist Hank Jones; Jimmy Mundy contributed the colorful arrangements. His performance of ten songs associated with Lady Day (most of which he had not recorded previously) is often exquisite." - All Music Guide SACD = CVER 327916 SA $17.98

Diana Krall — The Girl In The Other Room Featuring original songs co-written with Elvis Costello, plus brilliant tunes by Mose Allison, Joni Mitchell and Tom Waits. P roduced by Tommy LiPuma and Diana Krall. Recorded by Al Schmitt at Capitol Studios, Hollywood and Avatar Studios, New York. Mixed by Al Schmitt at Capitol Studios,

SACD = CVER 238436 SA $17.98

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


Vi rgin – Wa rner Brothers


Virgin LPs, SACD & DVD

Ben Harper and the Blind Boys of A l abama — Live At the Apollo This Grammy-winning album featuring the Blind Boys of Alabama won for Best Traditional Soul Gospel Album and Best Pop Instrumental Performance. When The Blind Boys of Alabama open their mouths to sing, what comes out is older than salvation, older than redemption. It is the sound of oppression and strugg l e. It is the sound of reve l ation and liberation. It is a sound as old as time. The Blind Boys of A l abama are the pyramids of gospel music; the birthplace of sacred soul. One cannot simply classify the raw appeal of Ben Harper. He is a musician, an artist, an individualist. Whether it's through the soul dances of southern Gospel, '70s funk or electric blues, Harper maintains a stance for a simple beauty. DVD = CVIR 44406 $19.98

Bryan Ferry — Boys and Girl s Bryan Ferry returned to solo work with this album, dedicated to his father. B oys and Girl s is most famous for its smash single "Slave to Love." This is '80s Ferry at its finest. SACD = CVIR 66883 SA $18.98

Warner Brothers CDs, Dual Disc, DVD & DVDAs Mark Knopfler — Sailing To Philadelphia The first pop-song album from Dire Straits leader Mark Knopfler in four years, and just the second solo album in his illustrious career, 2000’s criticallyacclaimed Sailing To Philadelphia marked the singer/songwriter/guitarist’s long-awaited return to the signature sound that made Dire Strait’s one of rock’s most acclaimed and popular groups. DVDA = CWAR 48119 $24.98 (CD + DVDA)

"Shangri La, Mark Knopfler’s fourth solo release and his first since breaking his collarbone, shoulder and seven ribs in a motorcycle crash in March 2003, finds the eternally laid back Dire Straits front man in familiar territory…Knopfler has more or less abandoned the British-folk and Celtic-influenced pop that began to surface on his previous two recordings, opting instead for a full-blown, yet quiet and considerate collection of country-folk ballads and bluesy, mid-tempo dirges that revel in their uncharacteristic sparseness… lovers of Chet Atkins, Gordon Lightfoot and J. J. Cale, as well as late-night poker players and early ri s e rs with an acerbic streak will find much to love here." - All Music Guide DVDA = CWAR 48918 $24.98 (CD + DVDA)

Simon & Garfunkel — Old Friends Live On Stage For an entire generation, the concert event of the new millennium was the 2003 Old Friends tour from Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. Their first national concert tour in two decades, performing songs that rank among the most memorable of the ‘60s, was a sold-out sensation in more than 30 cities across the country. Now many of those unforgettable performances are heard on Old Friends Live On Stage. CD = CWAR 48967 $32.98 (two CDs + DVD)

R.E.M. — Around the Sun (with Bonus CD) Around The Sun, R.E.M.'s first new studio album since 2001's gold Reveal, is as emotional and ultimately uplifting as its "Leaving New York" single. With a renewed band dynamic and songs influenced by world events, Around The Sun surprises and satisfies and is both political and poignant. Says M i chael Stipe: "Even the most dep ressing R.E.M. song is going to have a glimmer of hope." For fans of one of rock's most acclaimed bands, hope revolves around R.E.M. DVDA = CWAR 49315 $24.98

Seal — Seal Best 1991-2004 Multi-platinum selling, Grammy-winning, criticallyacclaimed Seal unveils his first gre atest hits collection with Seal Best 1991-2004. But there’s even m o re - original album versions of 12 of his hits and best-loved tra cks plus a cover song newly-recorded by Seal ("Walk On By"), plus newly recorded acoustic versions of nine of those cuts (and four others). DVDA = CWAR 48776 $18.98 (CD + DVDA)

Order online anytime! RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED V E RVE (Speakers Corner) Ella Fitzgerald — Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Irving Berlin Songbook With the Irving Berlin Songbook, an album has been crafted in which the small variations on well-known melodies (such as "Cheek To Cheek" and "How Deep Is The Ocean") can be truly appreciated, and magical moments or lesser known songs discovered or hummed along to ("I Used To Be Color Blind" and "Lazy"). But this is also an album which mirrors the history of Broadway musicals in the 1920s and 1930s, the majority of which were written by the Gershwins, Jerome Kern, Rodgers and Hammerstein, and a good many of them by Irving Berlin. Nobody knew the tricks of the entertainment trade better than Ella: not only a brilliant scat singer, she was also the very best interpreter of the ballad. And should you need any proof of this, just listen to any song from this songbook. LP = AVER 6005 $55.00 (two LPs)

R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m

R.E.M. — Green (with Bonus CD) Released in 1988, this is classic R.E.M. at their '80s best. Included are the brilliant "Ora n ge Crush" and the pop standard "Stand." DVDA = CWAR 73948 $24.98 (CD + DVDA)

R.E.M. — Up (with Bonus CD) R.E.M. returns with Up, the much anticipated first recording by the band's now three-man lineup. Musically ambitious, melodically ri ch and filled with provocative new textures and sounds, Up marks the beginning of a bold new creative era for one of the world's finest bands. The album was re c o rded with producer Pat McCarthy (U2, Counting Crows, K . D. Lang, Hole), and features additional musical contributions from Barrett Martin (Screaming Trees, Tuatara) and Scott McCaughey (The Minus Five,Young Fresh Fellows) as well as Joey Waronker (Beck) and Bruce Kaphan (American Music Club). DVDA = CWAR 73952 $24.98 (CD + DVDA)

R.E.M. — Reveal (with Bonus CD) "...a conscious return to their classic sound. Since they ' re fierc e ly protective of their anointed position of underground pioneers, they're not content to sit still and spin their wheels, turning out a record that apes Automatic For The People. So, they return to the lushness of Out Of Ti m e, melding it with the song-oriented Automatic - and undercutting it all with the sober sonic trickery of Up and New A dventures In Hi-Fi. DVDA = CWAR 76539 $24.98 (CD + DVDA)

R.E.M. — Monster (with Bonus CD) R.E.M.'s follow-up to Automatic For The People, has the band putting away their acoustic instruments, plugging in their amps and making a no-holds-barred rock 'n' roll record. Monster, Bill Berry declares, is bold and in your face. DVDA = CWAR 73949 $24.98 (CD + DVDA) New music arrives daily – stay updated with our “New Arrival” emails. Sign up on our web site today.

NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC NEWMUSIC R.E.M. — New Adventures In Hi-Fi (with Bonus CD) After the Monster tour with a huge quantity of newly written material, R.E.M. quickly began the task of transforming it into an album. The result is New Adventures In Hi-Fi, the most dramatic and wide-ranging musical statement the group has ever had. The 14 new songs here - running time is more than 65 minutes - range from hushed acoustic to full-on electri c, from studio recordings in Seattle to an acoustic jam in a Philadelphia bathroom. Both spontaneous-sounding and intensely focused, the album represents the band at the pinnacle of their creative powers. DVDA = CWAR 73950 $24.98 (CD + DVDA)

Grateful Dead — A m e rican Beauty American Beauty was released by Warner Bros. in 1970 and became an instant classic of American roots rock. It is widely regarded as one of the high points of the Grateful Dead’s long career, and it continues to be one of the band’s best-selling albums. Note: M i ckey Hart personally remixed this album into the Surround Sound format using the original album multitracks; during this process he unearthed some "hidden treasures," such as alternate endings to some songs. Hart also remixed "Sugar Magnolia" to make Garcia’s pedal steel guitar the lead instrument. This has resulted in a fresh new take on this album, fully sanctioned by the Grateful Dead. DD = CWAR 74385 $17.98

Wide Hive Records LP

Phil Ranelin — Inspiration From his rather disconcerting debut in his hometown of Indianapolis, Indiana (where a club owner once told him that "trombones were only meant to be heard in a circus"), to his triumphant redemption performing in his hometown at age 19 with jazz greats Wes Montgomery, E ddie Harris, Grant Green and Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Phil Ranelin has stood the test of time. In the early and mid 1960s, when trumpeter Fre ddie Hubbard performed in Indianapolis, it was not at all unusual to find Ranelin on the bandstand with Hubbard. Around that same time, 1967, at the suggestion of Hubbard, Phil briefly moved to New York, but after a short stay decided on a more permanent move to Detroit (1968). It was there in Detroit where his infamous cult-label known as Tribe was creat e d. In 2004, Phil Ranelin surfaced with a beautifully crafted album on Wide Hive Records, fusing youth with wisdom to cre ate Inspiration. LP = AWHR 258 $14.99


Zoe Records LP

K athleen Edwa rds — Back To Me "Rocks even harder and digs even deeper than her debut." - Tracks "Back To Me shows how beautifully the life of the inner heart can be expressed through the skills of the master storyteller." - H a rp K athleen Edwards has delivered on the promise of Failer with a roots rock masterpiece. Back To Me confirms Kathleen Edwards as one of today's most talented new artists. LP = AZOE 431047 $12.98

R.E.M. — Out of Time (with Bonus CD) R.E.M.'s 1991 release features the masterpiece and big-time hit "Losing My Religion." Out Of Time included more production than their previous stripped-down, live-sounding releases. This record features string sections, keyboards, mandolins and cameos by the B-52's Kate Pierson and rapper KRS-1. DVDA = CWAR 73951 $24.98 (CD + DVDA)

Wa rner Brothers – Zoe Record s


Vi nyl Junkies: A dventures in Record Collecting/Brett Milano Author Brett Milano details the mystique, adventure, addiction and insanity of record collecting. Maybe it's yo u he's writing about. Anyone who's fallen for this hobby of collecting vinyl ought to read this one. And if it's turned into m o re than a hobby - if record collecting has become your obsession, then you'll NEED Vinyl Junkies. Milano's book is filled with first-hand accounts of true vinyl junkies, who tell their stories of pri zed finds, stra n ge dealings and what records have meant to them. The book includes interviews with Peter B u ck of R.E.M., Th u rston Moore of Sonic Youth, Robert Crumb and many other collectors. BOOK = S BK 30427 $14.95


Xenon DVD Ray Charles — Soul of the Holy Land: August 1973


The world recently lost one of the most influential entertainers of all time, an artist who conquered nearly every genre of popular music in a career spanning six decades. Here, now, is the long overdue release of his 1973 concert Tel Aviv, not seen for over 30 years. Ray Charles’ 1973 tour of the Holy Land is memorialized in this newly discovered concert documentary, featuring his sold-out performance in Tel Aviv. Soul of the Holy Land is a testament to a great man and a gre at artist, as well as a collectable and lasting memorial. DVD = CXEN 4312 $18.98

Ben Harper and the Blind Boys of Alabama — There Will Be a Light 2005 Grammy Aw a rds: Best Pop Instrumental Perf o rmance: "11th Commandment", Ben Harper, Best Traditional Soul Gospel Album.

LP = AVIR 71206 $15.98 (two LPs)

O rder online anytime! R E C O M M E N D E D RECOMMENDED R E C O M M E N D E D t o o r d e r, ca l l 1 -8 00 -7 16 -3 55 3


MCA Heavy Vinyl LPs

Jimi Hendrix — The Jimi Hendrix Experience Rare alternative takes of classics, including: “Purple Haze,” “Hey Joe,” and “Little Wing” (instrumental). This box set also includes newly-discovered songs, which have never before appeared on any Hendrix album. Includes live performances from Maui, Monterey, Paris, Stockholm, LA and Isle of Wight. Each LP is 180-gram vinyl and packaged in a unique color jacket, showing rare photos and track listings. The complete box set is packaged in a lavish box covered in purple velvet. The music totals more than four hours. The previouslyunpublished front cover group photo is printed on special holographic paper, and the Jimi Hendrix Experience logo is heat-stamped in gold foil on the front of the box. The set also includes a 12” X 12,” 40-page color booklet. This vinyl set was and will be manufactured once only. Very limited! LP = AMCA 112316 $89.99 (8 LPs)

Rhino LPs & CDs

John Coltrane — The Heavyweight Champion (The Complete Atlantic Recording Sessions) John Coltrane is, by universal acclaim, one of the half-dozen or so most important artists in the history of jazz. Original Atlantic producer Joel Dorn supervised this reissue from the earliest generation masters Coltrane recorded during his 1959-1961 stint with the label. In the process he discovered an entire reel of tape from John’s first Atlantic solo sessions. This unissued material, including revealing takes of such classics as “Giant Steps” and “Naima,” makes up an entire album of this 12x12, 12-LP box set. The deluxe booklet features notes by Coltrane biographer Louis Porter, plus testimonials from such contemporaries as Yusef Lateef and Charles Lloyd and a rare interview with “Cousin Mary” Alexander, offering a personal view of jazz’s true Heavyweight Champion. Album sleeves reproduced from original art, plus a lavish 44-page booklet that includes rare interviews and never-beforepublished photographs. Such greats as Milt Jackson, Don Cherry, Charlie Haden, McCoy Tyner, Elvin Jones, Eric Dolphy and others can be heard playing in support on Heavyweight Champion. LP includes Giant Steps, Coltrane Jazz, My Favorite Things, Bags & Trane (with Milt Jackson), Olé Coltrane, Coltrane Plays the Blues, Coltrane’s Sound, The Avant-Garde (with Don Cherry), The Coltrane Legacy, Alternate Takes and the double LP Outtakes. LP = ARHI 7784 $200.00 (12 LP Box Set with deluxe booklet)


England’s Newest Hit Makers

Out Of Our Heads (UK Version)

LP = AABK 93751 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9375 SA $16.99

LP = AABK 94301 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9430 SA $16.99

The Rolling Stones — Aftermath (UK Version) SACD = CABK 9477 SA $16.99

Big Hits (High Tide & Green Grass) LP = AABK 90011 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9001 SA $16.99

B e t ween The Buttons (UK Version) LP = AABK 95001 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9500 SA $16.99


180-gram LPs Pressed at RTI

ALSO AVAILABLE on SACD Their Satanic Majesties Request SACD = CABK 9002 SA $16.99

12 X 5

Between The Buttons

SACD = CABK 9402 SA $16.99

SACD = CABK 9499 SA $16.99



SACD = CABK 9420 SA $16.99

SACD = CABK 9509 SA $16.99

Out Of Our Heads

Through The Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2)

SACD = CABK 9429 SA $16.99

December’s Children SACD = CABK 9451 SA $16.99

More Hot Rocks


SACD = CABK 9626 SA $33.99 (two discs)

SACD = CABK 9476 SA $16.99

Aftermath (U. K. version) SACD = CABK 9477 SA $16.99

Got Live If You Want It Begge r ’s Banquet

SACD = CABK 9003 SA $16.99

SACD = CABK 9493 SA $16.99

LP = AABK 95391 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9539 SA $16.99

Singles Collection (The London Years) SACD = CABK 9231 SA $49.99 (three discs)

Sympathy For The Devil SACD = CABK 9666 SA $6.99

Abkco Records LPs & SACDs This new series, The Rolling Stones Remastered, encompasses 22 albums by “the world’s greatest rock ‘n roll band” recorded between 1963 and 1970 when Mick, Keith, Brian, Charlie and Bill were in their fiery youth. This monumental series of hybrid SACDs and now 8 LPs, is one of the most comprehensive restoration and remastering programs ever undertaken for a major catalog.

Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out!

Let It Bleed

Hot Rocks 1964 – 1971


LP = AABK 90051 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9005 SA $16.99

LP = AABK 90041 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9004 SA $16.99

SACD = CABK 9667 SA $33.99 (two discs)

LP = AABK 90061 $19.98 SACD = CABK 9006 SA $16.99


Jack Johnson — In Between Dreams LP = ABFR 414901 $14.98

American Music Club — Love Songs For Patriots LP = ADIW 80 $16.99 (two LPs)

Under The Radar LPs Great records you may have missed from lesser-known artists. Look for this icon throughout the New Music section for more“under the radar blips”.

Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter — Oh, My Girl LP = ADIW 86 $14.99

Blue Merle — Burning in the Sun LP = AISL 296101 $11.98

The Skygreen Leopards — Life & Love in Sparrow’s Meadow LP = AJAG 82 $14.98

Mary Gauthier — Mercy Now LP = ALOS 357001 $11.98

Bright Eyes — I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning LP = ASAD 72 $12.98

Iron & Wine — Woman King LP = ASUB 70665 $8.98

Mogwai — Govt. Commissions: BBC Sessions 1996-2004

Eleanor McEvoy — Early Hours LP = AMSC 101 $29.99

Grey De Lisle — The Graceful Ghost LP = ASUG 3985 $20.00

Low — The Great Destroyer LP = ASUB 70643 $11.98

Esquivel & Orchestra — Exploring New Sounds in Stereo LP = ALSP 1978 $30.00

The Postal Service — Give Up LP = ASUB 70595 $15.98 (two LPs)

Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter — Reckless Burning LP = ADIW 85 $14.99

LP = AMAT 646 $19.98 (two LPs)

Owen — Owen LP = APRC 043 $10.98

w w w. a c o u s t i c s o u n d s . c o m


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Ordering: Domestic orders processed same day if received by 3:00 p.m. (CST). International orders, please allow 1-2 days for processing. All orders received after 3:00 p.m. (CST) on Fridays, will be processed on the next Monday. Hours: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. weekdays, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. (CST) on Saturdays. We are closed on Sundays. By Web: Add the items to your“cart”and complete the order form. By Phone: To ensure fast and efficient service, please have the item numbers ready. We recommend that you fill out the order form with the complete item numbers. Please be sure your order is complete at the time you place it, to ensure it goes out the same day. We send orders to the warehouse as soon as they are placed, therefore, no changes can be made or items added. Have your Mastercard, Visa, Discover or American Express card handy. Then call us toll-free at 1800-716-3553 (U.S.only). By Mail: Please supply all of the information requested on the order form. We will accept payment by bank draft (no Eurocheques), money order, personal check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover or American Express (we must have the credit card e x p i ration date). Ord e rs held until ch e ck is cleared by your bank. By Fax: Fill out the order form just as if you were mailing it, then fax it to (785) 825-0156, 24 hours a day. Your fax order is considered an original order, please do not send a confirmation by mail. We cannot be responsible for duplicate orders. Shipping and Handling: Customers who refuse shipments will be charged shipping charges to and from Acoustic Sounds. U.S.: FedEx Ground ch a rge is $5.95 for any size order except equipment, supplies and box sets. FedEx 2-Day charge is $14.95 for any size order

e xcept equipment, supplies and box sets. Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico are based on actual weight. International duties and taxes are not our responsibility. However, we can estimate these duties and taxes for you upon request. Should Acoustic Sounds be billed for these unpaid duties and/or taxes, we will then directly charge your account. Canada: $50 minimum per ord e r. C h a rges for all shipping methods are based on actual weight. Taxes can be paid up front using FedEx. Overseas: $50 minimum per order. For packages lighter than five pounds, Airmail will be least expensive. Otherwise, we recommend FedEx as it is faster and safer than Airmail, and we are able to track your package through FedEx. Shipping overseas through USPS can take up to four weeks. In the event that an order is lost, we cannot start a claim for 75 days with an additional four weeks for processing. We will ship according to your preference, but if you do not specify a shipping method, we will choose the method we feel is best as outlined in the above paragraph. Regarding insurance, if you request a lowered insured value, we can only be responsible for that lowered amount. Overseas Shipping Time: FedEx Economy: 4 to 10 business days. FedEx Priority: 1 to 3 business days. Airmail: 7 to 14 business days. Shipping time will vary according to holidays. Specials/Sales: Special discounts on quantity purchases, equipment and sales may not display pricing and or shipping correctly on the online shopping cart. These will be calculated on the final invoice.

l i sted in the catalog. At times, however, some items may be te mp o ra ri ly out of sto ck. By ch e cking the Backo rder box on the o rder fo rm, you may put the item(s) on backorder. We will ship i n - sto ck items and place the out-of-sto ck item(s) on backorder. Acoustic Sounds will not charge shipping and handling for backordered items, but all backorders will be sent the best way. If you re qu e st to put an item on back order that we know will not be available within 30 days, it will be kept on backo rder by us and shipped as soon as it arrives. You do not need to reorder that item again. BACKORDERS ARE NOT AVA I LABLE ON INTERNAT I O NAL ORDERS. Preorders: Preordered albums are those that have been announced but are not yet available from the manufacturer. You will be charged shipping and handling for preordered items with the same provisions as apply to all regular in-stock items. If you do not wish to be charged this extra shipping, request “ship in full” and the whole order will be shipped at once. Returns: We will accept returns of any defective or damaged item for replacement of the same item. Customer is responsible for shipping charge on returned items. We will pay the shipping back to you. Replacements are available only to domestic customers. We will credit the accounts of overseas customers. Phono cartridges are NOT returnable. If defective we will exchange for the same cartridge. Restocking fee 20% on non-defective merchandise. We will accept returns within 30 days of the order date. Please call for an RA# prior to returning.

B a ckorders: We try to keep a current supply of eve ry thing that is

PLUS, If you order: $250 to $499.99 — Receive free postage (for continental U.S. by FedEx ground). $500 to $749.99 — Receive 5% discount, plus free postage (for continental U.S. by FedEx ground) or $5.00 off overseas postage. $750 to $999.99 — Receive 7% discount, plus free postage (for continental U.S. by FedEx ground) or $5.00 off overseas postage. $1,000 or more — Receive 10% discount, plus free postage (for continental U.S. by FedEx ground) or $10.00 off overseas postage. These discounts can not include sale or hard wa re items, box sets, 45-RPM LPs and their to tals cannot be combined with regular-priced items.

To Order, Call 1-800-716-3553 • Online:

Gift Certificates Available! Available in any denomination.

• Fax: 1-785-825-0156 • Customer Service: 1-785-825-8609

No smoke. No mirrors. Not even a power cord.

Just the magic sounds of the battery-powered Ph.D. It’s not re all y magic. Designer Ron Sutherland knows there’s only one way around the annoying noise of AC power lines: BATTERIES.

Abracadabra! You can get a Ph.D. and still have money in the bank! See our personalized trade-in offers at

One of the noisiest components in your home stereo is the incoming AC power. Even if it were delivered to your home as idealized 60 Hz sine wave, it wouldn’t stay that way for long. The audio power amplifier doesn’t draw current from the power line evenly. There’s a large current spike drawn when the sine wave reaches its voltage extremes, while at other times current draw is essentially zero. High frequency harmonics and noise are introduced into the same power line that’s used for sensitive phono preamplification. The battery-powered Sutherland Ph.D. phono preamp doesn’t even have a power cord. Instead, 16 alkaline D cell batteries line the sides of the chassis. The Ph.D. turns on the moment your stylus is stimulated. From there, the unit automatically looks for a signal every half-hour for just a fraction of a second. If it doesn’t find a signal, it will stay on for an additional half-hour with a yellow light indicating that it’s preparing to turn off. This “smart circuitry” maximizes the life of your batteries. After about 800 hours of playing time (roughly half the life of a cartridge), a red light will indicate that your batteries are running low. Replacements cost about a buck apiece. The Ph.D. even has four different loading options and gain-stage settings that are simple to adjust. Call Acoustic Sounds today at 1-800-716-3553 and ask for Clark, our resident magician’s assistant. He doesn’t know how to pull a rabbit out of a hat, but he can make your system sound like magic.

Ph.D. dimensions: 17" W x 4" H x 14" D

Sound Smart.

“I have my Sutherland Ph.D. in my mastering room. When I audition LP test pressings I need the most accurate reproduction possible. Since I have the actual master tape right beside me, I need to hear exactly what is on my mastered LP – and the Ph.D. does that for me. The absence of hum or noise from my record playback is quite a joy after years of trying to i g n o re it. The battery-powered Sutherland Ph.D. is so quiet I don’t even know it’s on. That’s so important in my work. Record playback now sounds magical!” – Steve Hoffman, Mastering Engineer

To order the Ph.D., call 1-800-716-3553, or order online at w w


Ron Sutherland’s innovative new line stage

The Director

in the next Acoustic Sounds email giveaway!

Sign up for our free email newsletter

and The Director line stage could be yours! Go to and sign up to receive the free New Arrivals email newsletter. Then every week, not only will you get the lowdown on all the latest audiophile releases and specials exclusive to email subscribers, but you’ll also be eligible to win The Director line stage, to be given away on December 21, 2005. The Director has unique features, including automatic input selection and user-adjustable individual input attenuation. Its incredible sound

is comparable to units costing twice as much – but you won’t pay a dime if you’re the winner in Acoustic Sounds’ new giveaway! In past giveaways, New Arr i v a l s readers have won a pair of MartinLogan Odyssey loudspeakers, a $1,000 Acoustic Sounds shopping spree, and a pair of Avalon Symbol speakers. Now YOU can win The Director line stage – just by visiting and signing up to start receiving New Arrivals now!

After December 21, 2005, will have details about the next big giveaway!

internet address = email address = P.O. Box 1905 Salina, KS 67402-1905 • USA TELEPHONE: (785) 825-8609 • FAX: (785) 825-0156

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