Erectile dysfunction one of the side effects of high blood pressure

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Erectile Dysfunction - One Of The Side Effects Of High Blood Pressure Erectile Dysfunction caused by High Blood Pressure? The majority of us know what this means and even those who don't exactly know the complete technical and medical reasons for the condition know about its implications, or so it would seem. The reason I mention this is to ensure that any editorial policy makers out there reading (or scanning) their way through this article can be reassured that it is indeed about a medical condition and not some salacious attempt at titillation by deceit. There are more men suffering (and by default women suffering from the effects also) from Erectile Dysfunction than you would wish to admit. It is one of the more common symptoms of High Blood Pressure and is certainly one of the most common side effects of the medication prescribed for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension It is an intensely personal and privately agonising matter that actually can be dealt with and rectified far easier than most think. The purpose of this article is not to provide a detailed medical prognosis or lurid description of the condition rather an attempt to highlight the fact that if approached correctly that it is possible to have this condition treated. For more information about the condition and its potential causes / side effects then follow the links at the bottom of this article. The difficulty is in overcoming that first step and recognising that you do have a problem and that this problem needs to be confronted and not ignored. Ignore it and try and pretend that it isn't happening by and large will only make matters worse. You will begin to worry about it more and more and the effects of this worry may actually exacerbate and exaggerate the problem or the manifestation of it. Namely, excessive worrying about whether you can perform will by and large cause additional stress and lead to more non performance. I appreciate that it can sometime be difficult to admit a problem of this nature. It is easy to believe that a problem of this nature is almost a reflection on the relative stature of ones masculinity; you're ability to be a man. Nothing could be further from the truth and it is essential that you take on board the attitude that it is a medical condition that could be causing all of these problems. Not a lack of testosterone or hormones. Talk to your Doctor / Healthcare Practitioner as soon as you can. You owe it to yourself and to your wife, girlfriend, and partner to come to terms with this. You may well be surprised at their approach too. After all if they love you then it is quite often in their interests to help get this condition treated too.

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