Health Benefits of Coconut Water Since ages coconut are praised for their therapeutic properties and nutritional qualities. The history, nutrition facts and health benefits of coconut water are good to know because it's becoming a very popular sports drink and healthy, lifestyle beverage. Coconut water has been receiving a lot of positive response in recent years because it's wonderful health benefits. It's mostly recognized for its ability to rehydrate the human body and is highly touted as an ALL NATURAL, isotonic sports drink. An isotonic beverage is one that replaces fluids and electrolytes that are lost during physical exercise or extended, strenuous activity. 100% pure coconut water is all natural and has a long, and interesting history. Here are a couple of historical notes that showcase its health benefits. 1. It's been used by hunters, gatherers, labourers, fisherman, farmers and warriors for thousands of years across Southeast Asia, the South Pacific Islands and South America, to help them stay hydrated in their intense lives. 2. During World War II, coconut water was injected into the veins of soldiers when medics were out of blood plasma because it has the same electrolyte balance as our blood. It truly is, "the fluid of life." The reason coconut water is such a great sports drink is because of its high concentration of electrolytes, most notably, sodium and potassium, while magnesium, phosphorous and calcium are also included. Sodium helps the body stay hydrated because your body will retain more fluids. Not only will your body lose fluid through sweating during your activities, but your body is also going to produce urine, and burn additional liquid through your respiratory functions. Potassium helps your heart function and helps regulate your blood pressure, keeping it at lower levels during peak performance. This helps your body temperature stay lower, which in turn, will help you retain more fluids. As a result, it will help you stay more hydrated, staving off headaches and cramping. One 8.5 ounce serving has more potassium than two and a half bananas and has 15 times more potassium than other leading sports drinks on the market. In theory, you could say that coconut water rehydrates you 15 times better than any other sports drink on the market. In addition to helping your body stay hydrated during physical activity, coconut water has other health benefits that are sometimes overlooked. Aside from being best hangover cure ever, it also has antiviral properties that help your body fight disease and sickness, and give you, a stronger immune system. Claims have also been made that coconut water helps combat cancer.
Increased circulation is another health benefit that helps clean your blood and detoxify your system. With cleaner blood and a cleaner system, you'll also be rewarded with more clear, vibrant skin. Furthermore, it can also help boost your metabolism, helping shed, and keep off those unwanted pounds. The nutritional facts about coconut water are also very impressive because it's a very healthy beverage, especially, if you're trying to watch your weight and steer towards the "all natural," diet and lifestyle. For an 8.5 ounce serving of 100% all natural coconut water, the nutritional facts are as follows:
45 calories
Total fat = 0 g, saturated fat = 0 g, trans fat = 0 g
Cholesterol = 0 g
Sodium = 30 mg
Potassium = 515 mg
Total Carbs = 11 g
Sugars = 11g natural sugar
Vitamin C = 175% based on 2,000 calorie diet
Magnesium = 8% based on 2,000 calorie diet
Calcium = 4% based on 2,000 calorie diet
Phosophorous = 4% based on 2,000 calorie diet
In addition to rehydrating your body better, coconut water is a healthier alternative to other sports drinks, because it's lower in calories, strengthens your immune system, detoxifies your body, and is 100% natural. Also check more about Ayurvedic remedies and treatments: