Health benefits of sesame seeds

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Health benefits of sesame seeds Sesame is an annual plant. This erect plant grows to a height of 40 to 90 cms. The leaves vary in size and shape. The flowers are bell shaped and vary in color (white, pale yellow, purple). The fruit of this plant is a capsule and contains small seeds. Upon ripening the fruit naturally splits and releases the seeds. The seeds have highest oil content than any other oil seeds. Sesame is widely grown in India and China. It is an oil crop and widely used as a common ingredient in almost all cuisines around the world. It has a rich nutty flavor. This makes it to occupy an important place on kitchen shelves. Sesame is known as “Tila� in Sanskrit and same name is used in texts of Ayurveda. Three varieties of sesame have been described by Ayurveda acharyas. They are Raktha- the red sesame, Krishna- black sesame and shweta- the white variety of sesame. Usually the Krishna variety or black sesame seeds are considered as best variety. Oil extracted from these seeds is used for all treatment purposes and in preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Sesame seeds contain approximately 50% oil and 25% protein. The oil of these seeds contains about 47% oleic and 39% linoleic acid. Sesame oil does not undergo rancidity quickly since it contains an antioxidant called sesamol. Hence foods prepared with sesame oil have long shelf life. The residual sesame meal left after the oil pressing is rich in protein and used as an excellent protein supplement for livestock. Soaps prepared from this oil help to maintain skin health. According to principles of ayurveda sesame is heavy to digest and increases moistness of tissues. It tastes sweet and has hot potency (ushna). The seeds and oil are used for medicinal purposes. Sesame oil is used in almost all ayurvedic oil preparations. It acts as a best carrier for herbal ingredients and effectively releases them to target tissues. Sesame seeds contain Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and E. They also contain powerful antioxidants. Hence sesame seeds help to fight cancer and provide needed nourishment to body. Sesame seeds are oil seeds and contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are rich source of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. These seeds are very beneficial for lactating mother since they supply plenty of nutrients required by her. Texts of ayurveda eulogize the galactogague properties of sesame seeds.

Teenage girls and menstruating women experience menstrual cramp during their cycles. Texts of ayurveda recommend usage of roasted and powdered sesame seeds along with gur or jaggery in conditions like painful menstruation. Dental cavities and toothache are very common in children and grownups. Chewing sesame seeds help to relieve toothache. Less fiber in diet can cause constipation and irregular bowel movement. Using sesame seeds along with other vegetables help to relieve constipation and normalize bowel movement. Osteoporosis is very common in elderly men and women. Regular consumption of sesame seeds help to strengthen the bone and prevent osteoporosis. The minerals calcium and phosphorus present in these seeds help to build strong bones. Usually the foods prepared from other oils become rancid within few days. But foods fried in sesame oil have long shelf life as this oil won’t go rancid quickly due to the presence of anti-oxidant sesamol. According ancient Indian medicine sesame seeds are very good aphrodisiacs and help in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Ayurveda acharyas recommend consuming of these seeds in diabetes to reduce frequency of micturition. Massaging body with sesame oil improves complexion and enhances glow of skin. The massage with sesame oil relieves pain and improves blood circulation. This oil helps in skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema and dry skin. Massaging scalp with sesame oil increases hair growth and prevents hair loss. It is also effective in scalp psoriasis and dandruff. Sesame seeds act as brain tonic and improve memory power. Also check more about Ayurvedic remedies and treatments:

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