Knowing More about PCOD You might often come across frequent reports of women suffering from PCOD or Post Cystic Ovarian Disease. It's a medical condition wherein the ovary gets enlarged due to the constant development of follicular cysts. This is probably the main cause behind hormonal imbalance in body where eggs fail to move out of ovary and follicles start taking space in immature state.
PCOD differs from person to person. There are several internal and external factors responsible for this state. Several women suffer from stress and tension. Modern lifestyle has undergone huge changes where diet and health has suffered a lot. Due to hectic schedules, people have become victims of smoking and constant drinking habits. This has further escalated the problem of diabetes and cholesterol in body. Presence of PCOD has resulted in changing the hormonal cycle of human body. Do you want to know more about Ayurvedic Medicine for Pcos and Pcos Treatment in Ayurveda ? here is the right place for you. This is a common medical condition for women in their twenties. Due to the ailment, the woman's body starts showing signs of weight gain and thinning of hair. The menstrual cycle suffers as women don't have periods on a regular basis. This might result in difficulties in pregnancy. The skin shows sign of acne or spots and patches. In fact, the body hair starts growing fast. Women suffering from PCOD need general and medical interventions so that they don't suffer or destroy their future.
For the purpose, it is important to undergo different tests to understand the severity of problem. Blood tests are helpful in determining the disturbance in menstruation and changes in hormone levels. Ultrasound scan helps study the extent of cysts and irregular shape of ovaries.
Once the tests reveal the actual status of PCOD, the patient can be treated with medicines as per requirements. Medicines are used to help stabilize insulin levels by reducing to required proportions. The regular doses are also helpful in restoring fertility and regularizing menstruation. One of the best benefits is derived with a control on weight. The doses are also beneficial in treating some of the medical conditions like endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. These medicines are often categorized under DIET. Hormonal medicines are required in case of hormonal imbalances in body.
However, it is important to follow a disciplinary lifestyle in order to achieve the required results. Proper control over diet with increased use of low calorie food
and low glycaemic index food is fruitful during treatment. Women who have suffered PCOD and become a victim of cellulite can use anti cellulite cream which can help reduce fat in main parts of the body. It will make skin smooth, nourished and glowing.
PCOD is not a permanent medical condition and treated effectively with right use of medicines and diet. It is important to get yourself examined thoroughly in order to obtain the treatment on time. It is also necessary to follow a strict diet and exercise plan at home.