The changing face of corporate training management

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The Changing Face of Corporate Training Management Corporate training is going through an interesting re-modeling phase. With loads of technology solutions being introduced back to back in the recent years, companies are not wholly dependent on the domain experts to plan and manage a corporate training program. Organizations now feel the pressing need to move to the next highpaced zone of learning online to effectively train their employees adhering to sever budget cuts. The latest e-learning mode of corporate training is hence, gaining grounds and is expected to take on a more defined shape in the years to come.

Since time immemorial education has been primarily classroom based; so, was the format for corporate training. However, presently, study reveals that individual learning experience in an online interactive environment yields far better results than the age-old classroom style learning. In fact, one-on-one corporate training over the internet has already proved to add more benefits as far as improving worker productivity is concerned.

Until now, business organizations were not in a position to provide their employees with such customized training facilities. Budget was not the only constraint; unavailability of proper technology solutions also came in their way. However, due to enormous advancement in technology, it is now possible to give a refined online training experience to key workers of the company.

What are the basic things that are required to conduct a present day corporate training session ââ€?â‚Ź a computer with speedy internet connection and a multimedia package as an add-on. That is it! This is enough for the learners to break free from the claustrophobic classroom mode of training, and gain hands-on experience from easily accessible e-learning modules.

How do employees benefit from online corporate training? However, speed and the facility to learn one-on-one are not the only benefits of availing online corporate training. Convenience in registering is another crucial factor for it gaining popularity amongst learners. Online training registration being made accessible by companies 24X7 makes it easier for them to sign up for a session at their own convenience. They can pay for it using a variety of credit cards which are handled through secure payment processing solutions.

E-learning corporate training model is self-paced, well distributed, and replete with interactive multimedia features and simulations. The online training management solutions come with a host of productivity tools, which facilitate better student-trainer interactions. Accessing and sharing of session modules is simple through private community networks. Besides, certification on successful completion of trainings also makes them worth enrolling into such programs.

Why do companies choose to go with e-learning training modules?

Companies also benefit from adopting the online training management software. All their back-end jobs related to training registration are streamlined. Hence, they get to save a considerable amount on operational costs. They can track each and every registration and payment made for it in real time; manage waitlists competently to maximize participation. They can promote a session using email marketing tools, online calendars, social media connector, and so on. The solution also enables them to create questionnaires and polls for conducting post-training surveys.

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