Tips to control diabetis

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Diabetes is a common word used by doctors and patients to refer the health condition diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders. This disorder surfaces when carbohydrate metabolism gets imbalanced and blood glucose level increases. The cause of diabetes may be inadequate supply of insulin hormone or inability of body cells to respond to this hormone. More than 385 million people throughout the world suffer from this disorder. The most common diabetes symptoms are        

Frequent urination. Intense thirst and hunger. Weight gain. Unusual weight loss. Fatigue. Cuts and bruises that do not heal. Erectile Dysfunction in Men Numbness and tingling in hands and feet.

Diabetes is known as silent killer. It affects nerves, blood vessels, muscles, eyes, kidneys, heart and hearing capacity. Here are few tips to control diabetes. Reduce weight: Obesity is the main cause for type 2 diabetes. When your weight is in normal limits, body produces enough insulin to metabolize sugar. Over eating and increased body weight exert stress on body cells. In this condition body cells have to metabolize more nutrients than normal. At this juncture cells shut down their sensitivity to insulin produced by body. This leads to increased blood glucose level. Persistently high concentration of the glucose in the blood is one of the sure signs of diabetes. Hence reduce your body weight if you are obese. Walking is the best exercise to control your weight. A brisk walk for 30 minutes a day is very helpful. Be physically active throughout day. Drop in your weight improves response of body cells to insulin and blood glucose level improves drastically. Reduce intake of sweets, refined flour, polished rice and other foods which are rich in sugar and carbohydrates. These foods very quickly elevate blood sugar level and increase body weight. As we know obesity and diabetes go hand in hand.

Avoid fast foods, deep fried foods and soft drinks which cause obesity. Obesity leads to increased blood sugar level. An obese person is more likely to get diabetes in early age than a person with normal weight. Increase physical activities. Increased physical activities help to reduce weight. Exercises, gardening, outdoor sports, cleaning house, brisk walking etc help to control blood sugar level. Exercises help to increase sensitivity of cells to insulin. Sedentary lifestyles have reduced daily physical activities to nil. Increasing physical activities in your daily life helps to boost metabolism and burn more fat. It is small steps, big rewards. Increase the number of steps per day. Get up from your chair every half an hour and walk around for 5 minutes. Move around the hallway or balcony during TV serial breaks. Do not take a vehicle for short distance. Walk this distance. Use bicycle to cover little long distance. Take a stroll around office corridors during lunch break or tea break. Take stairs instead of elevators. Include lots of whole grains, minor millets, vegetables and fruits in your diet. They provide fibers which help to control blood sugar and cholesterol. These foods make a best diet for people who are on weight loss program. Include protein foods like soya bean, peas, fish, lean meat etc. Snack on dry fruits which contain healthy fats like raisins, almonds, pistachios and walnuts.Completely eliminate fast foods. These contain hydrogenated fats or trans fats. Do not skip breakfast. Consume three healthy meals. Eat slowly and stop when your stomach is full. Eat tender neem leaves, neem flowers in morning (preferably in empty stomach). This effectively reduces blood sugar level and help in weight loss. Neem leaves also help to keep diabetes skin problems at bay. Get your blood sugar level checked once in 3 months. Consult your physician before starting any diet. Also check more about Ayurvedic remedies and treatments:

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