February 2020

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Feb 2020

FREE Haley Clancy Inyart Art Review ~ Highland Arts Council February Calendar of Events ~ The Gnat's Bite ~ Fun Page February Submissions ~ Sunday Morning Game Night

February 2020


Kevin Pickard

Serving Up Art, Music, and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment 1 GessoMagazine.com Gesso Magazine

Inside Page

February 2020

Editor’s Word – February 2020

Straight Up Magazine is now Gesso Magazine and it is here with its 55th edition ‘Serving Up Art, Music and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment’. The St. Louis Metro deserves its own arts and entertainment magazine. And here it is. It’s called Gesso!!! We are so very pleased to have Kevin Pickard as our featured cover artist. Kevin became a Friend of Gesso Magazine through a chance meeting at Belleville's Art On The Square several years ago. This would then be Kevin's second appearance on the cover, not to mention that he has been represented in Gesso exhibitions at Governor French Gallery. And Kevin regularly does live art demonstrations with Gesso at the Midwest Salute To The Arts and other events around the metro area. More of his work can be found in the Submissions Section (page 29) and on his website. This last month has been a prolific one for the Gesso Movement. We proudly sponsored and curated Governor French Gallery exhibition, Haley Clancy Inyart's "Fridges & Freezers", which runs through February 8th, with a Closing Reception which includes a Wine, Beer & Sweets tasting event sponsored by Belleville Main Street. The Governor French Gallery is located at 219 W Main Street in beautiful Downtown Belleville, IL. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 9am - 4pm. May we not forget our Gesso sponsored "Pizza, Pencils & Pints" Social Drawing Event. That's the third Tuesday of every month at Bennie's Pizza Pub on Main Street in Belleville. Co-sponsors Belleville Screen Print Company provides pencils and pens and crayons and markets and drawing paper - tons of art supplies free of charge as a delectable addition to the family friendly environment that is Bennie's. Diners draw, converse and share their artworks at this refreshing alternative dining experience. Next event: Tuesday, February 18th. Come play. The next exhibition in our Governor French Gallery series will be "GROWTH", a display of new paintings by Jessica Hill. Please join us for that Opening Reception on Friday, February 14th from 5-8pm. Come meet the artist and explore her work with her. We thank our writers for their poignant features and all those who contribute to this project. We appreciate all of those individuals who have submitted their works for publication. And “Likes” to all you followers on Facebook!!! We are grateful to you, the reader, for picking up this latest issue of Gesso Magazine – issue #55 in the Str8 Up Magazine legacy!!! Like Straight Up before it, the mission of Gesso Magazine is to support local arts and artists and the businesses and organizations that support local arts and artists. We invite you to contact us with ideas, comments, information, etc. that might assist us in our mission to serve you, the residents of the St. Louis Metro area. WE WANT YOU! - All you artistic and creative types out there! You should contact us. Show us your work. Tell us of your craft and brief personal/artistic history. Submit any art form that you’d like. Perhaps, you can be one of our next published contributors or even a featured artist. Check out the Submissions Pages to see who’s featured this month. Next month, that could be you!! Enjoy Gesso! Tell your friends. Send us your work. And visit our website at GessoMagazine.com. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook daily for new and additional events and content. You’ll see Gesso Magazine at hundreds of area distribution locations! And we’ll see you at the clubs, theatres, galleries, and festivals all over the St. Louis Metro Area.

P.O. Box 412 Belleville, IL 62222 * (314) 266-9199 Editor@GessoMagazine.com 2

Gesso Magazine

February Credits


Editors: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Layout Design Artists: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Mark Polege Sales: Thomas W. Allred Sr., Jake Bishop, Jake Choate, Elisha Dasenbrock, Dakota Kramer, Michelle McGee, Jennifer Lynn Reida, William Schmitz, Paul Seibert, Dylan Seibert Ad Artists: Jake Bishop, Mark Polege, Dylan Seibert, Wil Sullivan Calendar: Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Website Design & Up-Keep: Mark Polege (MarkusDesignWorks.com), Jake Bishop Photography: Mark Polege (PhotographyofMarkPolege.com) Distribution: Jake Bishop, Gregory Dierlam, Jennifer Kiser, Daniel Nygard, Brooke Peipert, Mark Polege, William Schmitz, Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert, Wil Sullivan, Herald Publications


Cover Artist: Kevin Pickard Cover Logo: Jake Bishop Comics: Brian Gardner, R J Corey, D. Houk Game Page: Dank By Design Fun Page: Jake Bishop Photography: Courtesy of: Paul Seibert (p.8-9), Highland Art Council (p.24-25) Feature Writers: Phillip Paeltz Submissions: Tom Blood, Kevin Pickard, Timothy Wagner All material in this publication and its affiiated on-line content are copyrighted to the individual contributors or Gesso Magazine, LLC and may not be reproduced without written consent. We are very grateful to those who have submitted material to be considered for publication. However, the opinions and views of those contributing content to Gesso do not necessarily reflect those of Gesso Magazine.

The Gesso Movement Relies on Your Support!! We are committed to supporting local artists, musicians, & businesses and providing this printed material FREE to readers month after month!!

We invite you to reach out to us!! Together we can discover how we can best help you, your band, your business or organization, etc. and how you can best help us in our continuing mission. Hit us up on Facebook or Instagram or via GessoMagazine.com Editor@GessoMagazine.com


Table of Contents

February 2020


The Gnat's Bite by Phillip Paeltz


Highland Arts Council


Haley Clancy Inyart Art Review by Phillip Paeltz


February Fun Page


February Calendar of Events


Sunday Morning Game Night


February Comics by Brian Gardner, R J Corey, Dan Houk


February Submissions:


from Dank by Design

featuring: Tom Blood, Kevin Pickard, Timothy Wagner

Gesso Magazine


Featured Distribution List

February 2020

Gesso Magazine can be found at 100's of Metro Area Locations!!! Supporting these local businesses helps support your local art and music scene... For a complete list of locations where you can find Gesso Magazine visit: GessoMagazine.com

Illinois Alton

Shields Family Pharmacy 1 Professional Dr #170 (618) 463-0000 ShieldsFamilyPharmacy.com

Melodic Rhythms 110 N. High St. #14 (618) 233-0659



1020 Artwork Studio 841 Wabash Ave (618) 267-3205 1020Artworks.com


Beatnik’s 215 E. Main St. (618) 555-5555 Chamber of Commerce Belleville Main Street 216 E. A St. (618) 233-2015 BellevilleChamber.org BellevilleMainStreet.net Belleville Screen Printing Co. 126 E. Main St. (618) 277-9600 BellevilleScreen.com Bennie’s Pizza Pub 124 E. Main St. (618) 416-0019


Governor French Gallery 101 North Main, (618) 233-7542 GovernorFrench.com

Gesso Magazine


Hanger 18 Guitar Repair 204 W. St. Louis St. (618) 537-8870 GuitarHanger.Weebly.com McKendree University 701 College Rd. (618) 537-4481 McKendree.edu

Art 2 Go Studio 237 N. Main St. #1764, (618) 593-4527 Art2GoStudio.com

Tiadaghton House 111 W. St. Louis St. (618) 808-0311 TiadaughtonHouse.com

East St. Louis


House of Miles East STL (H.O.M.E.) 1701 Kansas Ave. (618) 213-8120 HouseOfMilesESTL.org

Edwardsville Good Weather Gallery 301 N. Main (618) 477-9323, GoodWeatherArtGallery.com

Fairview Heights Sunshine Daydream 4618 N. Illinois St. (618) 222-0704 SunshineDaydream.com GessoMagazine.com

Boyce, Hund, & Associates 42 W. Main St. (618) 566-2341 BoyceHund.com Mascoutah Community Lanes 106 E. George St. (618) 566-2052 Skootr's 323 E. Main St. (618) 566-4722

Featured Distribution List

February 2020

O’Fallon Art Gecko Studio 218 E. State St. (618) 206-6222 ArtGeckoStudio.org Knights of Columbus 402 E HWY 50 (618) 632-6229 www.Website.com Kool Beanz 212 E. State St. (618) 589-3843 KoolBeanzLife.com

Swansea Concept Shoe Repair 3212 N. Illinois St. (618) 257-0154 ConceptShoeRepair.com

Gesso Magazine can also be found in the following areas: Alton Aviston Caseyville Collinsville Freeburg Granite City Highland Maryville Millstadt

Business Location Included in our Featured Distribution List please contact us at

New Baden Pontoon Beach Scott AFB Shiloh

ILLINOISouth Tourism 4387 N. Illinois St. #200 (618) 257-1488 IllinoiSouth.org




St. Charles

Lambert Airport


Editor@ GessoMagazine. com

Waterloo Clayton

(314) 266 - 9199


Art Meets Vintage 501 Kingshighway #2F. (636) 448-9575 ArtMeetsVintage.com


University City

Tower Grove

Sunshine Daydream 6363 Delmar Blvd. (314) 727-9043 SunshineDaydream.com

To Have Your


Soulard St. Louis The Grove Webster Groves


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Gesso Magazine


February 2020


Gesso Magazine


The Gnat’s Bite

February 2020 The Gnat’s Bite by Phillip Paeltz

Woe Is Us!

Saint Louis continues to suffer from a grand, communal lack of self-esteem. Murders in the city go unsolved. The U City Trolley doesn’t go “Clang, clang, clang”. And sports moguls disembark for the greener concrete pastures of Atlanta, Phoenix, or LA. Woe is us!

Face it. Some other cities are predestined to be the ungrateful beneficiaries of the painful birth of ideas born in St. Louis. We have created with these births the stuff that dream are made of - ideas.

The world owes us for quite a lot. For example, we instilled a flamboyant hatred in the soul of Tennessee Williams, a hatred that led to his creation of The Glass Menagerie. And, the world owes us for two of the ideas that are fundamental for American architecture, the art form of corporations. We are the Pasiphae of American cities.

For those of you who have forgotten your proto-Greek mythology, Pasiphae was the Cretan Queen who gave birth to the Minotaur. Similarly, St. Louis gave birth to two great architectural works of art, ideas in metal and stone that have been seminal to modern American architecture. One is linear; the other is curvilinear: the Wainwright Building and the Gateway Arch.

St. Louis is the birthing room of New York’s Seagram Building and all those other rectangular structures that shoot up in new mega-cities like wild onions. That birth took place at Louis Sullivan’s Wainwright Building in downtown St. Louis. Furthermore, the Wainwright is a better work of art than most of the Bauhausian business bordellos in which other cities take great pride.

And what about Gehry, the Frank Gehry of the spectacular Disney Concert Hall in L.A. and the jewel of the Barcelona’s skyline? He owes his curvilinear couture to St. Louis. What structure before the Arch better demonstrated the infinite possibilities of curves in architecture?

Chin up St. Louis! We may be on the downside of the economic escalator, but the artistic ideas that we gave birth to form foundations for artist everywhere.

So relax. You’re a St. Louisan. Your respect traditions. You are slow to change. But, your ideas matter. They matter so much that they have been stolen by people all over the world. And really now, wouldn’t you rather be a mother than a minotaur?


Gesso Magazine


February 2020 Art Review: Haley Clancy Inyart by Phillip Paeltz

Haley Clancy Inyart has opened a new exhibition of her works entitled Fridges & Freezers. The show is at the Governor French Gallery, 219 West Main in Belleville, Illinois. It is very impressive.

Ms. Inyart, like Degas, seems more comfortable drafting than coloring, but she is highly skilled at both. This is most powerfully demonstrated in her works that take a vertical perspective on the contents of a fridge. She literally looks down on what she believes to be harmful eating. It is a still life of things that can still life.

Sometimes when you attend a showing of polemic art you encounter a disconnect between an artist’s powerful idea and that artistic skill. There is no such disconnect in Ms. Inyart’s work. Her elegant lines and wistful colors detail her contemporary ideas beautifully in a modern take on grisaille.

This is work by a thinking artist; and it should sit best with people who think. I hope that Ms. Inyart will consider directing her considerable talent to executing some smaller works. There are few people who have the space to hang these large pieces of her art. I have known many people who agree with this artist’s point of view. Most of them, however, live a life closer to Prufrock’s coffee spoons than Pope Sixtus’ Chapel.

Curiously, she has chosen a point of perspective that was used by Salvador Dali in several of his religious paintings, especially crucifixions. For those of you who think that Dali’s crucifixion paintings are a strange juxtaposition with Inyart’s fridges, a reading of Inyart’s philosophy which is posted on one of the exhibition walls should help you. This artist has embraced a philosophy of healthy eating that reminds me of the religious fervor of some of my Hindu friends. Ms. Inyart has proven that passion for the Passion can be echoed by a passion for pacific calories. 8

Gesso Magazine


February 2020 Furthermore, artists especially artists who have a religious or political message, want their ideas spread. Some smaller works might facilitate this. It’s a poignant idea to illustrate the contents of refrigerators in the actual size of refrigerators. But, few people collect refrigerators. Final thought: Haley Clancy Inyart is an artist of talent, skill, and insight. She has something to say. I hope others are listening. But then, maybe I’m wrong. What do you think?

Epilogue: Fridges & Freezers Notable Work: “Is Healthy Eating a Choice for Everyone?” “How Processed Is Your Food?” Viewer Availability: January 17 - February 9, 2020. Enter school area through security doors. Purchasing Availability: $350 - $1000


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

February 1 (Sat):

BBs Jazz, Blues & Soups – 3-6p; Australian Bush Wildfire Relief Benefit Concert with music by Kingdom Brothers with John McVey, Gus Thornton, Rich McDonough, Marty Spikener’s On Call Band and more

560 Music Center – 7:30p; Alarm Will Sound presents Descanos: world premieres of music by Alyssa Pyper and Lucrecia Dalt BB’s Jazz, Blues and Soups – 7p, Marbin; a progressive jazz-rock band based in Chicago, IL; 10p, Django Knight

Brick City Yoga STL – Vinyl & Vinyasa – February album: Nirvana’s Nevermind Doit’s Village Inn (Pontoon Beach) – 2p; Scott and Mechelle - Acoustic Duo

Delmar Hall – 8p; Live Nation Presents: The Adicts

DotZack – 2p; Fly North Theatricals presents Madam

Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) – 3p-7p; DudeBro Duo

Helium Comedy Club – 7:30p & 10p; T.J. Miller! Known For: “Silicon Valley” and “Deadpool”

Four Seasons Hotel – 5:30p; Anderson Hospital Foundation Gala; annual blacktie fundraiser featuring champagne reception, gourmet meal, silent and oral auction as well as live entertainment Fubar – 7p; Irie 15-year reunion; Nick Gusman and the Coyotes; More tba

* Katy Cavins Community Center (O’Fallon) – 7p; O’Fallon Garden Club Mardi Gras Trivia Night & Silent Auction Knights of Columbus #2869 (Breese) – 9a & 10a; Pancakes with Princesses; “Join us for an enchanting frozen themed pancake breakfast with the Ice Queen & Snow Sister plus activities, photos, music and more starring our 2019 Miss Clinton County Fair, Hannah Hill” Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – 7:30p; A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder Philharmonic Hall (Belleville) – 7:30p; Chorale Up-Close; Enjoy popular and traditional choral classics in an intimate setting. Desserts and beverages will be available Pop’s (Sauget) – 7p; Frost Money - Frost Night 2020; w/ Luxurii, Del Broadway, J- Rebel, Brodie 8500 & Tray Tray, T Mali, Yung Sauc33, Coljac YSD, Denny, and $tu Pour 322 / Grimm & Gorly (Belleville) – 4p-7p; Heart of Ellie: the heartwarming & whimsical artistry of Lynn Erlinger; Art Exhibition Opening Reception Powell Hall – 8p; Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty takes the whole family on a roller coaster of love, bravery and triumph St. Clair County Event Center (Belleville) – 9a; Flea Market; first full weekend of every month. New Vendors Welcome! Free Parking and Free Admission St Jacob Township Community Building (Marine) – 8p; Shotgun Creek at Marine Fire Department Chicken & Beer Dance; Come out to support the Marine, IL Fire Department! St. Louis Science Center – 6p; Star Dates: “Spaceballs”; Enjoy a date night under the stars of the James S. McDonnell Planetarium. Your evening will include a special live and interactive Planetarium star show, a movie screening of “Spaceballs” under the stars, complimentary snacks, and a cash bar The Fabulous Fox – 2p & 7:30p; Jersey Boys; Go behind the music and inside the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons in the Tony® and Grammy Award®-winning true-life musical phenomenon The Heavy Anchor – 9p; The Jag-Wires, The Gasps, Jesus Christ Supercar, Giants in the Sky The Pageant – Cycle Showcase

February 2 (Sun): Alpha Brewing Co – 2p; Dave Black & Joe Mancuso


Gesso Magazine

Hidden Lake Winery (Aviston) – 2p; The Graham Band; shenanigans, sweet harmonies, and acoustic beautifulness on favorites from Tom Petty, Beatles, Foo Fighters, Bob Marley, Stones, Johnny Cash, 80’s, original songs and more!!! Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – 2p; A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder St. Clair County Event Center (Belleville) – 9a; Flea Market; the first full weekend of every month. New Vendors Welcome! Free Parking and Free Admission The 560 Music Center – 3p; Free Concert by The University City Symphony Orchestra; preceded by a Pre-Concert Talk with Maestro Burke at 2:15pm The Cheshire Grin Cat Cafe – 9a; Kitty Yoga The Fabulous Fox – 1p; Jersey Boys; Go behind the music and inside the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons in the Tony® and Grammy Award®-winning true-life musical phenomenon The Focal Point – 7:30p; Willi Carlisle and Golden Shoals The Grandel – 2p; Metro Theater Company presents: “Ghost” - the rolling world premiere based on the award-winning novel by New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds (continues through 03/01) The Shaved Duck – 4p; Ross Bell Solo; Traditional, classic country music presented with a heavy metal attitude and southern grace Tin Roof – 7p; Fresh Heir “Motown & Mimosas”

February 3 (Mon): Dressel’s Pub – 7:30p-8:30p; The Observable Reading Series featuring TJ Jarrett and Gillian Parrish; sponsored by St. Louis Poetry Center Marcelle Theatre – 8p-11p; “Wildfire”: Upstream Theater presents the Englishlanguage premiere of the award-winning LE BRASIER (Wildfire) New Jewish Theatre – 7:30-10p; “My Name is Asher Lev” by Aaron Posner, adapted from the Novel by Chaim Potok; a modern classic that presents a heartbreaking and triumphant vision of what it means to be an artist; The Ready Room – 8p; Shakespeare Festival St. Louis Presents: Dress the Part; Created by the award-winning and off-Broadway stars the Q Brothers, “Dress the Part” is hip-hop reimagining of Two Gentlemen of Verona; 8p (continues through 02/15)

February 4 (Tues): Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House – 7p; Jen Norman, LIVE Left Bank Books – 7p; Left Bank Books Presents, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis and a licensed clinical social worker, and author of the award-winning book Jesus in Our Wombs, Rebecca J. Lester, who will sign and discuss her new book Famished in conversation with


Calendar of Events

February 2020

licensed counselor Katie Thompson

“fiends” for inspiration!”

Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: Buzzing Bees

Stagger Inn Again (Edwardsville) – 10p-2a; JonesEffect

Old Rock House – 7p; Wednesday Night Titans Syberg’s (Chesterfield) – 5:30p; Dale Fills In for Silly Jilly; Dale makes amazing headband balloons for free! The Hett @ McKendree University (Lebanon) – 7:30p; McKendree Presents: Russian National Ballet; The classic fairy tale comes to life in one of the world’s most beloved ballets. Sergei Prokofiev’s Cinderella has dazzled audiences since its premiere at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow in 1945. Featuring a company of 50 highly skilled dancers, lavish sets and resplendent costumes, this event is a must-see for the entire family! The Royale – 9:30p; Royale Residencies: Tuesday Night Audio Reserve featuring: LePonds The Sheldon – 7p; The Music of Billy Joel & Elton John featuring Ben Nordstrom & Steve Neale

February 5 (Wed): Bakers & Hale (Godfrey) – 6p; Rob Schwartz: various country, classic rock, and pop songs Broadway Oyster Bar – Voodoo Bob Marley’s 75th Birthday Bash! The Voodoo Players celebrate Bob Marley’s 75th birthday with two full sets of classic Jamaican sounds Delmar Hall – 8p; Murder By Death 20th Anniversary Show w/ Saintseneca

The Dark Room – 9:30p; Thursday Night Revue featuring saxophonist and DJ, Scooter Brown; No cover ever. Good vibes always! Traffic Jam Inc (St. Charles) – 5p; Matt Koerner - Acoustic!

February 7 (Fri): Atomic Cowboy – 8p; Chicago Farmer & The Fieldnotes (Album Release) w/ very special guests: Neil Salsich & Gerard Erker of The Mighty Pines! Avon Theater (Breese) – Rock of Ages Ballpark Village – 8p; Hot Country Nights: Granger Smith featuring Earl Dibbles Jr

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – Austin Ernst Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; The Juliana Hatfield Three in Concert Cathedral Basilica – 8p; Joyous Jubilee Concert Series: Second of 3 Evenings of Sacred, Spiritual & Gospel Music. Tonight: New Sunny Mount Missionary Baptist Church Chancel Choir and Dello Thedford and the Gospel Symphonic Choir Enterprise Center – 8p; Post Malone - Runaway Tour Game 6 HonkyTonk Joint – 9p; Tanglefoot Good Times Saloon (Dupo) – 9p; Alexandra Kay live; Come out for the brilliant country voice of Alexandra Kay & her 3-piece group ... With deep roots in Southern Illinois, this star of #NETFLIX #Westside, puts on an amazing show!

Enterprise Center – 7p; The Lumineers J. Smugs GastroPit – 8p; Ethan Jones Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Kurt Rosenwinkel’s Standards Trio Off Broadway – 4p; Kody West and Kolby Cooper Pop’s (Sauget) – 6p; Adelitas Way w/ Blacklite District and TBA The Gramophone – 8:30p-11:30p; Just Joshin’ Around presents: Variety Night ft. Ahna Schoenhoff Varsity Gym @ SWIC (Belleville) – “Gentleman of Vision”; a live performance of percussive dance; “Gentlemen of Vision shapes and molds young men into positive, productive professionals through mentoring”; during the halftime of the SWIC men’s basketball game; game starts at 7:30p

February 6 (Thurs): Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; Slow Hollows w/ TBA Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House – 7p; The Ex-Bombers; “Night falls on the city but lights remain bright as day. Illuminating the swankiest swingin’est pair extraordinaire, glitter jazz duo, The Ex-Bombers” Fubar – 7p; Mike Judy Presents: Nascar Aloe w/ TBD Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Kurt Rosenwinkel’s Standards Trio Joe’s Café – 8p; Brothers Lazaroff Off Broadway – 8p; Jade Jackson St Louis Public Library-Carpenter Branch – 7p; Goth Night; “Are you dark at heart? We welcome you to join us for a gloriously gloomy evening! Make a creepy goth craft for your bat cave while enjoying goth music with your


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 7p; Figure Draw Meet Up Grand Center Arts District – 5p-9p; First Friday: The Kranzberg Arts Center and Craft Alliance Center of Art+Design First Friday; featuring live art demos, complimentary cocktail samples, and live music Jacoby Arts Center (Alton) – 6p-8p; Rise III Opening Reception; art exhibition at focusing on artists of color from the Greater St. Louis region Hosted by Warm Soda Magazine Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Kurt Rosenwinkel’s Standards Trio Main Complex Theatre @ SWIC (Belleville) – 7p; The Black Rep performs “Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt”; a play, based on true events, about the life of an inspiring and courageous slave girl who is taken from her mother and forced to work on another plantation Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: Buzzing Bees Off Broadway – 8p; Too Many Zooz Old Rock House – 8p; Mike Judy Presents: Miniature Tigers w/ tba

Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 6p; Photo Katastrophi: A Series of Imperfect Images by Jeffrey Sass

* Governor French Gallery (Belleville) – 3-7p; Closing Reception for Haley Clancy Inyart: Fridges & Freezers fine arts exhibition; in conjunction with Belleville Main Street: Sparkles, Suds & Sweets; tastings of Sparkling Wines and/or Beers, and samples of sweets Intersect Arts Center – 6-8p; Spring Exhibition Opening Reception: Reservoir; explores the delicate, tenuous, and necessary relationship between work and rest (exhibition continues through 04/03) Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Kurt Rosenwinkel’s Standards Trio Old Rock House – 8p; Voodoo Fleetwood Mac Pop’s (Sauget) – 6:30p; 105.7 The Point, Bud Light, & Freddy D’Angelo Studios Present: Road To Pointfest Session 1 Finals; w/ End World, Sonic Candy, The Many Colored Death, Mister Malone, Ground Control, The Left Hooks, The Broken Kingdom, and Hosteen and the Aztechs; Hosted By Cornbread from 105.7 The Point

River City Casino – 8p; The Outlaws Powell Hall – 8p; Stéphane Denève, a cast of soloists, the SLSO musicians and chorus celebrate the best of humanity with Beethoven Symphony No. 9 (continues St Louis Science Center – 7-10p; Science On Tap - about the science of brewing; through 02/09) interact with local brewmasters; explore the science of brewing, bottling and imbibing Stifel Theatre – 8p; Brett Young: The Chapters Tour The Falls Reception and Conference Center (Columbia) – 6p; A Tribute to The Stagger Inn (Edwardsville) – 9:50p-1:50a; 120 Minutes; a night of Classic Alternative featuring songs from The Cure, R.E.M., The Violent Femmes, Jane’s Golden Era of Country Music; Join Mandy Heinemann and special guest Marty Addiction, Devo, Nirvana, Fugazi, INXS, the Lemonheads, Cracker, Pixies, etc. Hays for a night reminiscing on the legends of Country Music! Hear songs made famous by Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Johnny Stifel Theatre – 8p; George Lopez Cash, Marty Robbins and more! The Brickhouse Bar & Grill (Saint Libory) – 8p; ShortMist The Marquee Restaurant & Lounge – 9p; Rod Wave Live In Concert The Sheldon – 8p; Christian Sands’ High Wire Trio The Sun Theatre – 7p; Gospel Jazz Concert part III featuring MoFaith Touhill Performing Arts Center – 8p; Stelios Petrakis Cretan Quartet UMSL – 4p; The Inaugural BLACK Ballroom EXPO 2020; “THEN & NOW” ... celebrating LGBTQ+ people of color; Hosted by Maxi Glamour & Logik Ebony; Wiggler’s Bar & Grill (Edwardsville) – 8p; The Silver Creek Bluegrass Band Commentators: Ohio’s Piggi Revlon & Atlanta’s Legendary Norman Ebony

February 9 (Sun):

February 8 (Sat):

Atomic Cowboy – 7p; Pip The Pansy w/ Kid Scientist

Avon Theater (Breese) – Rock of Ages

Avon Theater (Breese) – Rock of Ages

BBs Jazz, Blues & Soups – 10p; Marquise Knox 29th Birthday Celebration

Delmar Hall – 8p; KSHE 95 - Real Rock Radio welcomes: Queensrÿche The Verdict Tour w/ John 5, EVE TO ADAM

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – 6p; P-Nut and The Shells Delmar Hall – 8p; KSHE 95 - Real Rock Radio Welcomes: Mike Zito and Friends: A Tribute to Chuck Berry featuring: Mike Zito and his Big Blues Band w/ Walter Trout, Robben Ford Music, Eric Gales, Joanna Connor, Charlie Berry III

* Downtown (Belleville) – 3-7p; Belleville Main Street: Sparkles, Suds & Sweets; stroll under the lights of Belleville Main Street and warm up with 15 tastings of Sparkling Wines or Beers, and samples of sweets at various retailers, restaurants and venues in downtown Belleville - including Governor French Gallery; plus live music, view art and more; tickets at Olive Oil Marketplace DotZack – Expressions of Love 2020; Enjoy 2 nights of entertainment. Comedy & Music to help benefit organizations in need. Giveaways, food, live art, & fun. One of a kind show! Show is built & focused on LOVE!!! Fletchers (Swansea) – 9p; Steve Reeb


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

DotZack – Expressions of Love 2020; See description on 02/08


Family Arena (St. Charles) – 6p; Winter Jam 2020; Crowder, Hillsong Young & Free, Andy Mineo, and many more awesome artists, with special guest speaker Zane Black!

The Royale – 9:30p; Royale Residencies: Tuesday Night Audio Reserve featuring: 18&Counting

Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) – 2p; Social Remedy

February 12 (Wed):

HandleBar – 8p; Open Mic Night hosted by StL’s beloved Tommy Halloran!

Bottleneck Blues Bar (St. Charles) – 9p; Rock Star Open Jam Kickoff Party; Bring your guitars and jump up for some Jams with the Bottleneck Band

Helen Fitzgerald’s – 1p; Tower Jam 35; Students of Tower Music are ready to take the stage!

Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Dave Matthews Band; “two full sets spanning their nearly 30-year career. From classic hits to favorite deep cuts”

Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Kurt Rosenwinkel’s Standards Trio

Delmar Hall – 8p; Joseph w/ Deep Sea Diver

National Blues Museum – 4p-7p; Soulful Sunday featuring Uvee Hayes Perennial – 1p; Community Clothing Swaps 2020

Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Underground Railroad; Lecture on Missouri’s Laws on Slavery and the Underground Railroad

Schlafly Tap Room – 7p; Recess: A musical playground

Off Broadway – 8p; Shakey Graves “For the Record: An Acoustic Tour”; Night 2

Schmidt Art Center @ SWIC (Belleville) – 3p; Faculty Recital: An Afternoon at The Opera featuring Ed Jacobs, Diana Umali and guest trumpeter Robert Souza

Old Rock House – 7p; Mike Judy Presents: Robert Randolph & The Family Band

Schmitty’s Sunset Inn Again (Troy) – 3p-7p; John McVey Band

Stifel Theatre – 7:30p; An American in Paris (Touring)

The Dark Room – 11:30a-2p; Brunchin’ w/ Janet Evra; featuring original music as well as French jazz, bossa nova, and American songbook favorites

The Cheshire Inn – 6:30p; Gateway Guitar Quartet; FREE

The Fabulous Fox – 7:30p; Who is Jill Scott? 20th Anniversary Tour; Three-time Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, New York Times best-selling poet, and critically acclaimed actor Jill Scott The Shaved Duck – 4p; Ross Bell Solo; Traditional, classic country music presented with a heavy metal attitude and southern grace Tin Roof – 7p; Fresh Heir “Motown & Mimosas”

Red Fish, Blue Fish (St. Charles) – 9p; Lights. Camera. Drag!

The Dark Room – 9p; Ben Wheeler’s Sketchbook; “a captivating night of improvised jazz, featuring a rotating cast of guest musicians” Time Out Sports Bar & Grill (Troy) – 7p; Bob and Bill

February 13 (Thurs): Delmar Hall – 8p; Matisyahu Helen Fitzgerald’s – 6:30p; Valentine’s Eve Jam; “Join Barley Alive to kick off the weekend of “love” in this Valentine’s Eve gig”

February 10 (Mon): Livery Company – 10p; Mississippi Jake and Adam Gaffney live

Imperial Pub & Club (Granite City) – 8p; Saliva LIVE

The Hett @ McKendree University (Lebanon) – 6p; Film Art Series: Sorry to Bother You; In an alternate present-day version of Oakland, telemarketer Cassius Green discovers a magical key to professional success, propelling him into a universe of greed; Rated R for language including some sexual references

Joe’s Café – 8p; Adam Maness Trio with Malena Smith!

February 11 (Tues): Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: Much Love Off Broadway – 8p; Shakey Graves “For the Record: An Acoustic Tour”; Three

Off Broadway – 8p; Shakey Graves “For the Record: An Acoustic Tour”; Night 3 Old Rock House – 7p; Disco Donnie Presents and B&W Productions proudly bring you: Peekaboo: The Impossible Tour; Openers: Moody Good, ZEKE BEATS, ISOxo Public Library (O’Fallon) – 6p-7:45p; Cahokia: America’s First City; a presentation hosted by Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site volunteer Bill Egan, about Cahokia, its features, and its history. Learn about Monks Mounds, Mound 72, the Grand Plaza, and more! This is a free event and open to the public Reifschneider’s Grill and Grape (Columbia) – 7p; Lanny & Julie The Frisco Barroom (Webster Groves) – 8:30p; Wooden Puddin: “…a rotating cast of St. Louis Metro area players with a core group made of members of Old Salt Union. WP performs a variety of bluegrass standards, modern covers, and stripped-down Old Salt Union tunes” The Heavy Anchor – 6p; Craft Night: DIY Tote Bag; Transform your T-shirt Night! Got an old band T-shirt that you love but no longer wear? Up cycle it into an easy NO-Sew Tote! This is an easy NO-Sew project. We will provide you with take home Transform-Your-T’s instructions, rulers, markers, pins, fabric scissors



Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

and an all-around good time!

Chaifetz Arena – 7:30p; St. Louis Music Festival

The Pageant – 8p; King Princess

Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) – 9p; St. Valentine’s Day Celebration Featuring Ralph Williams Jr.

The Sheldon – 7:30p; Old Newsboys Benefit Concert; “Meet Me At The Corner will feature the words and music of Al Hammerman and feature artists: Alan Ox, Arvell Keithley, Brian Owens, and Feyza Eren”

February 14 (Fri):

City Museum – 7p; CMAD: Tunnel of Love Delmar Hall – 8p; 93.7 The Bull welcomes Jameson Rodgers: Grew Up In The Country Tour w/ Sarah Allison Turner

Avon Theater (Breese) – 8p; Rock of Ages

Geo’s Wings & More (Belleville) – 7p; Little Known Fact

Bakers & Hale (Godfrey) – 6p-10p; Valentine’s Day at Baker and Hale with the Benbow City Shuffle

* Governor French Gallery (Belleville) – 5p-8p; Opening Reception - GROWTH: New Paintings by Jessica Hill (continues through March 6)

Ballpark Village – 8p; Hot Country Nights: Michael Ray and Carly Pearce

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – Social Lite; “Come out, have a slice, a cold drink and listen to some acoustic music performed by the youngest members of Social Remedy!” Blank Space – 9p; THAT 90s JAM: 90s LOVE GROOVE; “Come thru ready for some of the best 90s R&B, Hip-Hop love songs and slow jams provided by our selectors: resident DJ Nico, and 90s Jam creator James Biko!” Blue Strawberry – 8:30p; Valentine’s Day Dinner & Show with Janet Evra Quartet Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; An Evening with William DuVall (of Alice in Chains)

Helen Fitzgerald’s – 9p; Breakdown Shakedown Mac’s (Alton) – 7:30p; Rogers & Nienhaus Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: Much Love Off Broadway – 8p; Paul Cauthen Live w/ The Kernal Old Rock House – 7p; 105.7 The Point & Mike Judy Presents: Dirty Honey: the Rolling 7s Tour w/ special guests: The Amazons Opera House Bistro (Red Bud) – 8:30p; Dance Night at the Bistro; “The House Band is Back! Great music from all Genres - Dance, Pop, Funk, Rock, R&B, Soul, & Motown!” Philharmonic Hall (Belleville) – 10a; Russian viola virtuoso Ivan Numerov will amaze you with this beautiful instrument so rarely heard in solo performance Pop’s (Sauget) – 7p; Road to Pointfest Session 2 : Round 2 w/ Vague Topic, The Matching Shoe, Dereliction, Amethyst, more TBA; Hosted By Cornbread from 105.7 The Point Red Fish, Blue Fish (St. Charles) – 7p; Headbangs & Heartbreaks: Valentine’s Tribute Night; Featuring: The Nightmare - An Alice Cooper Experience; Gravitational Constant - Type O Tribute; Dark Passion - A Tribute to Nightwish River City Casino – 8p; Dennis DeYoung and the music of STYX Schlafly Bottleworks (Maplewood) – 4p; Valentine’s Day at Bottleworks featuring live music from Bruiser Queen and Steve Ewing of The Urge starting at 8p in the bar! Silver Creek Saloon (Belleville) – 9p; Infringement Live 2020 Sophie’s Artist Lounge – 7:30p-9:30p; Tiffany Elle: For Your Love; No Cover Sunset Overlook (Columbia, IL) – 6:30p; The Eric Prewitt Band St Louis Art Museum – 10a-9p; Hearts for Art 2020; Pick up a free paper heart at one of the Museum Information Centers. Explore the Museum, find an artwork you adore, and leave your paper heart near the artwork Stifel Theatre – 8p; Dancing with the Stars: Live! - 2020 Tour The Crown Room @ Ballpark Village – 10p; Dombresky - Trust the Process Tour The Doghaus Soulard – 5:30p; Puppy Love w/ Stray Rescue; “We are partnering with Stray Rescue of St. Louis & Tito’s Handmade Vodka to host our PUPPY LOVE event. The Tito’s airstream will be on site along with Stray Rescue & adoptable pups so you can find PUPPY LOVE”

@blvscreenprint 618.277.9600 14

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The Fabulous Fox – Riverdance - 25th Anniversary Show; This is


Calendar of Events

February 2020

RIVERDANCE, as you’ve never seen or heard it before! A powerful and stirring re-invention of this beloved favorite, celebrated the world-over for its Grammy® Award-winning score and the excitement, energy and dynamism of its Irish and International Dance. Fall in love with the magic of RIVERDANCE all over again The Frisco Barroom (Webster Groves) – 9:30p; Neil Salsich & Friends; “Guitarist & Vocalist from The Mighty Pines playing bluegrass and Americana music” The Pump House Bar & Grill (Wood River) – 9:30p; Blackwater Revival The Sheldon – 8p; Angélique Kidjo

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – Pussycat & the Swallowtails Delmar Hall – 8p; Live Nation Presents: Poppy - I Disagree Tour w/ VOWWS Euclid Records (Webster Groves) – 5p; St. Louis’ own Spacetrucker “Enter Galactic Wasteland” Record Release Party; Sponsored by 4 Hands Brewing Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House – 7p; Stephen Haake Trio; “an evening of jazzy funky music!” Fubar – 7p; Fubar 2008-2020 Farewell Show; w/ Ultraman, Fister, Slow Damage, And The Disappeared Hemingway’s Zen Garden (O’Fallon, IL) – 8p; Little Known Fact

Tow Bar (Saint Jacob) – 8p; ShortMist Washy’s Saloon (Waterloo) – 9p; Valentine’s Day with ClusterPluck! “You’ll hear some of the best bluegrass & Americana around from three supremely talented musicians” no cover

February 15 (Sat):

Jacoby Arts Center (Alton) – 7p; Prodovox Release Show; “Prodovox is ten anxiety ridden, vice fueled, cathartic outbursts in musical form. It was written and recorded between the years of 2016-2019 in Alton, IL.” Koken Art Factory – 7:30p; The Darrells - Naughti Gras

Atomic Cowboy – 6p; Missouri Muses: A Celebration of MO Women in Rock Featuring: Aina Cook, The Burney Sisters, Molly Healey

Newsong Fellowship (Edwardsville) – 8a; Goshen Winter Market; “Join us on the third Saturday of the month through the winter so you can stock up on some of your favorite goods from our Goshen Market vendors!”

Avon Theater (Breese) – 8p; Rock of Ages

Nick’s Pub – Steven Woolley

Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; NEW DATE: Sloan; An Evening w/ Sloan Music - 20 Years of Navy Blues

Off Broadway – 8p; SLLAW XXI: SLLAW in Space! (Saint Louis Lady Arm Wrestlers); to benefit SQSH; w/ Musical Guest Bates! Featuring Starshine Twinkletits!


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

Pop’s (Sauget) – 6:30p; Iration: Heatseekers Winter Tour w/ special guests Iya Terra, Ballyhoo!, and The Ries Brothers Powell Hall – 8p; St Louis Symphony presents Bruckner’s Seventh with Rafael Payare, conductor & Baiba Skride, violin River City Casino – 8p; An evening with Dennis DeYoung and the music of STYX Silver Creek Saloon (Belleville) – 9p; THRÖW the HÖRNS; “Hard hitting songs from your favorite 70’s 80’s 90’s arena rock bands. Non-stop tunes one after another!” St Louis Art Museum – 10a-9p; Hearts for Art 2020; Pick up a free paper heart at one of the Museum Information Centers. Explore the Museum, find an artwork you adore, and leave your paper heart near the artwork The Crack Fox – 7p; Aurelio Voltaire; “gothic minstrel” The Fabulous Fox – Riverdance - 25th Anniversary Show; see description on 02/14 The Pageant – 8p; American Authors and Magic Giant Band Of Brothers Road Show

We Reach Thousands You Reach Thousands

The Sheldon – 11a; Feyza Eren, “My Funny Valentine” Tin Roof – 7p; Legends Undercover Union United Methodist Church (Belleville) – 7:30p; Chamber Music Serenade: Russian virtuoso violist Ivan Numerov joins the Belleville Philharmonic Orchestra featuring flutist Barbra Duvall Baker Washy’s Saloon (Waterloo) – 9p; Scattergun Jack

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February 16 (Sun): 1860’s Saloon – 7:30p-11:30p; Slight Return Avon Theater (Breese) – Rock of Ages Club Klymaxx – 5:30p; The Twisted Poet’s “Evening With The Stars”; A new Monthly Concert Series promoting and providing quality entertainment from the different genres, such as comedians, poets/spoken word artist’s, singers, musicians and bands, in a real concert environment in the intimate and mature atmospgere of Club Klymaxx HandleBar – 8p; Open Mic Night hosted by StL’s beloved Tommy Halloran! Powell Hall – 3p; St Louis Symphony presents Bruckner’s Seventh with Rafael Payare, conductor & Baiba Skride, violin Roper’s Regal Beagle (Godfrey) – 4p; The Jonathan Baker Duo live; A two-man band featuring some of the greatest Classic and Southern Rock hits!

The Pageant – 3p; Athletes For Animals Presents Hip Hop 4 Hounds featuring The Fitness Marshall & StephZ Cardio Dance The Terrace at Aerie’s Resort (Grafton) – 1p; The Graham Band; Aaron and Graham provide sweet harmonies and acoustic beautifulness with a few ‘dad’ jokes in between favorites from Tom Petty, Beatles, Foo Fighters, Bob Marley, Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, 80’s, original songs and more!!!

Stifel Theatre – 7p; Jim Gaffigan: Pale Tourist Tour Schlafly Bottleworks (Maplewood) – 7p; Furr with Brother Lee and the Leather Jackals Sinkhole – 7:30p; HIDE (Chicago) St Louis Art Museum – 2-3p; Simon Kelly, curator of modern and contemporary art at the Saint Louis Art Museum, lecture: Millet and His Modernity: From Van Gogh to Dalí; In conjunction with upcoming exhibition Millet and Modern Art: From Van Gogh to Dalí

February 17 (Mon): 1860s Saloon – 9p-1a; Nate & Dan play Americana Broadway Oyster Bar – 6p-8p, Pierce Crask; 9p-1a, Soulard Blues Band The High Low – 7p-8:30p; River Styx Reading Series welcomes all St. Louisarea literature lovers to a lively evening of poetry and prose readings by Beth Mead, Natalie Scenters-Zapico, and Alan Shapiro.

The Fabulous Fox – Riverdance - 25th Anniversary Show; see description on 02/14


Gesso Magazine



Calendar of Events

February 2020

February 18 (Tues):

Helium Comedy Club – 8p; Dan Cummins!

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – 6p-9p; Pizza, Pencils & Pints A Social Drawing Event; great food & drink & lotsa art supplies; come be social and share your artistic inspirations. Very family friendly. Co-sponsored by Belleville Screen Print Company and Gesso Magazine; every third Tuesday; All Skill Levels Welcome!! Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: Count It Out Red Flag (Formerly Fubar) – 6p; Bodysnatcher, Great American Ghost, Born a New; w/ This Is Me Breathing, Article III and Bardock Stifel Theatre – 7p; Jim Gaffigan: Pale Tourist Tour The Dark Room – 7p-10p; Larry Griffin & Eric McSpadden; no cover ever The Royale – 9:30p; Royale Residencies: Tuesday Night Audio Reserve featuring Aaron Stovall Tony’s On Top (St. Charles) – 5p; Copper Reign, Acoustic Rock

February 19 (Wed):

Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Tim Warfield Organ Band ft. Terell Stafford Joe’s Café – 8p; Falling Fence

* Lincoln Theatre (Belleville) – 7:30p; Wynonna & The Big Noise; Experience Wynonna & The Big Noise in the intimate setting of the Lincoln Theatre. You will be amazed at how close every seat is and how the experience is so different that when you are at most 2K seats venue who consider themselves as small Off Broadway – 8p; Snow Tire Concert Series: William Clark Green Old Rock House – 7p; Front Country w/ One Way Traffic Pop’s (Sauget) – 6:30p; $3 Throwdown; w/ Warheadd, Frago, Jake’s Mistakes, Through Burning Eyes, Degrave The Fabulous Fox – 8p; Little Big Town: Nightfall Tour The Focal Point – 7:30p; Miss Tess and the Talkbacks at The Focal Point w/Ryan Koenig and the Goldenrods The Frisco Barroom (Webster Groves) – 8:30p; The Matching Shoe

Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; Mattiel Brick River Cider – 6p; Craft Club with Perennial at Brick River Cider; Join the creative folks at Perennial for our monthly crafting happy hour called Craft Club! We’ll be bringing upcycled craft projects to a different St. Louis brewery each month, so you can enjoy local crafts + craft beers Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Jimmy Buffett; Winter chill getting you down? Need a tropical escape? Then come get lost in the South Broadway Triangle with 2 full sets of classic Jimmy Buffett tunes. Wear you grass skirts, Hawaiian shirts, and flip flops. Don’t forget to put your fins up! Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Tim Warfield Organ Band ft. Terell Stafford

The Heavy Anchor – 9p; The Haddonfields, Voice Of Addiction (Chicago), NoPoint The Pageant – 8p; KSHE 95 - Real Rock Radio Welcomes: Grace Potter w/ Devon Gilfillian The Ready Room – 7p; Tarrus Riley, Dean Fraser & Blak Soil Band Live

February 21 (Fri): * Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – Pat White Blue Strawberry – 8p; Legendary singer / songwriter Tom Paxton & The Don Juans

Meridian Ballroom @ SIUE (Edwardsville) – 6:30p; Mannie Jackson Center for Funny Bone – 7:30p; Greg Warren the Humanities Foundation’s Fifth Annual Distinguished Leadership Dinner and Fundraiser; NPR’s Diane Rehm, keynote speaker Off Broadway – 8p; Clark Beckham: Light Year Tour


Stifel Theatre – 7p; Jim Gaffigan: Pale Tourist Tour The Gramophone – 8:30p; Just Joshin’ Around presents: Variety Night featuring Allie Vogler The Pageant – 8p; Raphael Saadiq - Jimmy Lee Tour

February 20 (Thurs): Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Bonerama; “Brass Funk Rock from New Orleans!” Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis – 6:30p; Artist Talk: Derek Fordjour talks with Wassan Al-Khudhairi, Chief Curator on the occasion of his first solo museum exhibition, SHELTER Delmar Hall – 8p; We Were Promised Jetpacks w/ Slaughter Beach, Do Evangelical United Church of Christ (Highland) – 7p-9p; The Highland Arts Council presents: Eighth Annual Art of Soul workshop of artistic fun for ages high school to 104; Session I: Lynnette Schuepbach will show doodles can become a piece of art. Lynnette is an author, artist and president of Highland Arts Council. She loves encouraging creativity in everyone. Funny Bone – 7:30p; Greg Warren


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 7p-9p; Figure Draw Meet-up

efforts in feeding our unhoused neighbors

Helium Comedy Club – 7:30p & 10p; Dan Cummins!

Funny Bone – 7:30p; Greg Warren

Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Tim Warfield Organ Band ft. Terell Stafford

Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 12p; Good Weather Vendor Art Bizaar; Join us for our second Art Bizaar. There will be multiple artist vendors amongst the gallery for a day of shopping and supporting small business and our local artists!

Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: Count It Out Off Broadway – 8p; Snow Tire Concert Series: Cody Canada & The Departed

Helium Comedy Club – 7:30p & 10p; Dan Cummins!

Powell Hall – 7:30p; St Louis Symphony Orchestra and IN UNISON Chorus Jacoby Arts Center (Alton) – 7a; RISE Fest - Greater STL Artist of Color Music Lift Every Voice: Black History Month Celebration; features reflective and soulful and Art Showcase music influenced by our city and communities around the world Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Tim Warfield Organ Band ft. Terell Stafford River City Casino – 8p; Country Unplugged: Mark Chesnutt & Joe Diffie Main Complex Theatre @ SWIC (Belleville) – All Day; SWIC Jazz Festival Schlafly Tap Room – 9p; Van Buren w/ Buttercup and Bagheera featuring guest percussionist Bill Molenhof Stifel Theatre – 7p & 9:30p; Jim Gaffigan Off Broadway – 8p; Wayne Hancock The Fabulous Fox – 7:30p; Rent 20th Anniversary Tour Powell Hall – 7:30p; New Orleans soul and funk: Aaron Neville Duo (the SLSO will not perform in this concert) The Sheldon – 8p; Singer-songwriter Kathy Mattea Social House Soulard – 11a; Mardi Gras feat. Dr. Zhivegas

February 22 (Sat): Ballpark Village – 9p; The Yacht Rockers; “Your favorite songs from the late 70’s and early 80’s”

The Fabulous Fox – 2p & 7:30p; Rent 20th Anniversary Tour

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – Ronda Ray

The Monocle – 7p; Our Big Trans Queer Snow Ball Dance

Broadway Oyster Bar – 1p; Voodoo Mardi Gras!

The Old Bakery Beer Company (Alton) – 6p-9p; Robert Wadlow, The Alton Giant’s 102nd birthday; 11:30a - Gentle Giant IPA Release; 6p-9p - The Gaslight Squares will bring us back to Robert Wadlow’s heydey of the 1920’s & 30’s with their traditional jazz!

Chaifetz Arena – 7p; The Streetz on Lock 2K20 Delmar Hall – 8p; KSHE 95 - Real Rock Radio Presents: Portrait - The Music of Kansas Dugan Haus – 7p; Punks For Change Presents: Punks for Refugees; A night of punk rock to benefit new arrival refugees in St. Louis. All donated items will go to people’s homes, and cash donations will go to Punks For Change - St. Louis

The Midwestern – Mardi Gras with the Bobby Ford Band

The Pageant – 7p; Nikki Glaser - Bang It Out Vices Bar (Red Bud) – The Beerkatz

February 23 (Sun): Alpha Brewing Co – Joe Metzka and Rich McDonough; Sunday acoustic duet live recording! Delmar Hall – 8p; Twiddle w/ Kitchen Dwellers Funny Bone – 3p; Greg Warren; Special ALL AGES, family-friendly show HandleBar – 8p; Open Mic Night hosted by StL’s beloved Tommy Halloran! Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Tim Warfield Organ Band ft. Terell Stafford National Blues Museum – 4p; Soulful Sunday feat. Bob Case with his Wild Accusations River City Casino – 7:30p; Supertramp’s Roger Hodgson Roper’s Regal Beagle (Godfrey) – 4p-8p; Krickett & The Grilled Avocados The Dark Room – 11:30a-2p; Brunchin’ w/ Janet Evra; featuring original music as well as French jazz, bossa nova, and American songbook favorites The Fabulous Fox – 1p & 6:30p; Rent 20th Anniversary Tour The Pageant – 7p; Falling in Reverse: The Drug In Me Is Gold Tour; w/ Escape The Fate, The Word Alive

February 24 (Mon): Delmar Hall – 8p; The Point Birthmonth Show: Saint Motel – The Motion Picture Show Tour


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

River City Casino – 7:30p; Supertramp’s Roger Hodgson

The Focal Point (Maplewood) – 7:30p; Lunasa (Night 1)

Stephanie’s Spiritual Shop (Granite City) – 7p; Drumming Meditation; This is a group meditation facilitated by AJ of Anima Alternative Heatlh. AJ will play a shamanic frame drum in various rhythms to facilitate a trance-like meditative state so that your subconscious can more clearly communicate. There will be no voice guiding the meditation - simply the beat of the drum

The Heavy Anchor – 8p; Sorry, Please Continue: A Comedy Storytelling Show; “Described as cross between The Moth Radio Hour and Mystery Science Theater 3000, Sorry, Please Continue ...features some amazing stories told by anyone who wants to participate”

The Ready Room – 8p; 40 Oz To Freedom The Hett @ McKendree University (Lebanon) – 12p; St. Louis Symphony February 27 (Thurs): Orchestra College Connections; “Join us for a chamber concert with special guests the USAF Band of Mid-America” FREE, reservations required Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; The Late Greats EP Release Show; w/ The Stars Go Out

February 25 (Tues):

Blue Strawberry – 8p; Jeffrey Carter Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre – 7p; The Royal Opera House production of THE SLEEPING BEAUTY will screen Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: All Are Welcome Old Herald Brewery and Distillery (Collinsville) – 7p; Open Mic Night; “Bring your talents to the Old Herald or just hang out and enjoy others” The Fabulous Fox – 7:30p; The Band’s Visit The Focal Point – 7:30p; Poetry at the Point; hear poetry from poets Beth Gordon, Susie Morice & Agnes Vojta The Monocle – 9p; Cyrus The Pageant – 8p; Nghtmre - The Portal Tour; w/ Crankdat, WAVEDASH & Black A.M. The Royale – 9:30p; Royale Residencies: Tuesday Night Audio Reserve featuring: Paradise is a Frequency

February 26 (Wed): 1860’s Saloon – 6p; Ross Bell solo; “Traditional, classic country music presented with a heavy metal attitude and southern grace” Apotheosis Comics & Lounge – 5p; Finger Guns Launch Signing; “Join us for the launch of Finger Guns by Vault Comics! Series artist and STL local, Val Halvorson, will be signing and hanging out” Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Cash Birthday Party; “It’s Johnny Cash’s 88th birthday! Come celebrate the legendary musician with two full sets of classic American tunes, including his early originals, collaborations with The Highwaymen, and later covers of Soundgarden and Nine Inch Nails. We’ll squeeze in as many songs as we can from throughout his nearly 50-year recording career”

Evangelical United Church of Christ (Highland) – 7p-9p; The Highland Arts Council presents: Eighth Annual Art of Soul workshop of artistic fun for ages high school to 104; Session II: Sarah Walker will share her skills in bookmaking; Sarah is a professional artist from Highland. She serves on the Highland Arts Council and is pursuing her Masters of Fine Arts degree at SIUE Joe’s Café – 8p; Anita Jackson w/ Eric Slaughter and guests Old Rock House – 7p; Joslyn & The Sweet Compression Red Flag – 7p; Agitate The Airwaves presents: Caskey; w/ special guests MOHEATHENS, PETERILLO, SPOTLITE, HVRTBOY, #ITSREP. Hosted by COLJAC YSD. All Ages Welcome Schlafly Tap Room – 9p; Jesus Christ Supercar w/ North by North and O’Ivy The Chapel – 7:30p; Transluminate Arts Festival 2020; “We are proud to present the 2nd Transluminate Arts Festival! Join us Feb 27 - Mar 1 to celebrate and uplift the trans expansive community” The Frisco Barroom (Webster Groves) – 8:30p; The Ferber Boys; Father and son duo, Joel Ferber (Missouri Breaks) and Joey Ferber (LOOPRAT, Farshid Etniko) join forces to play a mix of Americana, swing, jazz, originals and related acoustic music Touhill Performing Arts Center – 7:30p; Georgia on my Mind, A Celebration of the Music of Ray Charles featuring Take 6 and Nnenna Freelon

February 28 (Fri): 4 Hands Brewing Co – 6p; Slipping Into Bluegrass; FREE concert at 4 Hands Brewing Co. open to all ages. Join us for an evening of live tunes featuring The Warbuckles and The Mighty Pines; we will have beer available inside and out and there will be food available from Peacemaker Lobster & Crab Co., Truck Norris

High Low – 7:30p; Campfire 31 w/ Jermar Perry; Jermar Perry will share stories about life and how we live it at High Low. Campfire’s mission is to bring out the natural public speaker and storyteller that lives in each of us Melvin Theatre – 7p; The Happy Alright and Rare Candy, Strawberry Buckshot & more Old Rock House – 7p; Sam Bush; w/ Drew Emmitt & Vince Herman (of Leftover Salmon Subterranean Books – 7p; Book Launch: Join author John Launius, for the book launch and signing event for “The Life and Times of Missouri’s Charles Parsons: Between Art and War.” The Fabulous Fox – 7:30p; The Band’s Visit


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020

and Seoul Taco

Hott Lockedn, SB Skooly, Worl

Atomic Cowboy – 8p; Western States and Cara Louise

Schmitty’s Sunset Inn Again (Troy) – 9p; Knoisemaker & The Silent Partners

Ballpark Village – 8p; Hot Country Nights: Hometown Throwdown; Drew Baldridge, Filmore, Broseph and acoustic opening set by Bobby Ford; This show is FREE with RSVP!

The Chapel – 7:30p; Transluminate Arts Festival 2020; see description on 02/27

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – Nick Stergos Contemporary Art Museum – 8p; Solo performances by Sarah Hennies and Merche Blasco Delmar Hall – 8p; Durand Jones & The Indications; w/ KAINA

Washy’s Saloon (Waterloo) – 9p; Washy’s 1st Anniversary Party (Night 1) with Superjam!

February 29 (Sat): Atomic Cowboy – 8p; Julian Davis & the Situation w/ Chain Station & Barbaro BackStreet Wine and Dine (Hecker) – 9p-2a; Alexandra Kay Trio

Game 6 HonkyTonk Joint – 9p; Jake & The Truckers

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – Under the Influence

Great Grizzly Bear – 7:30p-11:30p; Johnny Henry Live

Broadway Oyster Bar – 10p; One Way Traffic & Chicken Wire Empire

Irish Corner Pub – 9p; Dogtown Players; No cover charge!

Downtown District (O’Fallon) – 1p; Leap Day Treasure Hunt

Mac’s (Alton) – 7p; 4th Annual Local Musician JAMboree for Jeff Bensman’s BDay; “this PUBLIC event will feature music from many local musicians including members from The Owlz Band, Tanglefoot, The Glendale Riders, Number 4 Combo, Lady Luck and more!”

Moose Lodge #815 (Mascoutah) – 8p; Chicken and Beer Dance - Mascoutah Fire Department; Entertainment by Whiskey Dixon

Missouri History Museum – 10:30a; Storytelling in the Museum; This week’s theme: All Are Welcome Old Herald Brewery and Distillery (Collinsville) – 7p; 10-String Dream Pop’s (Sauget) – 7p; 2 Chainz “TRU The Real U Records Tour” w/ Sleepy Rose,

Gesso Magazine

Old Rock House – Cowboy Mouth – Night 2 w/ The Matching Shoe Red Flag – 7p; Red Flag’s Grand Opening Show! featuring: HELL NIGHT, ASHES & IRON, BASTARD, & END WORLD; All Ages Welcome

Old Rock House – Cowboy Mouth – Night 1 w/ Jenny Teator


Off Broadway – 8p; A Tribute to Stax Records; Featuring: Roland Johnson, Gene Jackson, Brother Jefferson, Miss Molly Simms, Bob Kamoske, Thomas Ingram, Tru Born and more

Schlafly Farmers Market (Maplewood) – 10a; Schlafly Winter Market & Artisan Fair; “a unique opportunity to fill your basket with local food, jewelry,


Calendar of Events

February 2020

crafts, art, and gifts for everyone while chatting with the people who actually grew, raised, or made it” Stagger Inn Again (Edwardsville) – 5p-8p; Leap Day! 10-String Dream Stifel Theatre – 2p; Shen Yun 2020; We invite you to travel back to the magical world of ancient China. Experience a lost culture through the breathtaking art of classical Chinese dance, and see legends come to life. Shen Yun pushes the boundaries of the performing arts to make this possible, with a unique blend of colorful costuming, high-tech backdrops, and live orchestra. Be prepared for a theater experience like no other! The Bullpen Bar & Grill (New Athens) – 7p; Bill Forness & One More Round-A Tribute To Johnny Cash; Proceeds go to St Agatha School The Chapel – 7:30p; Transluminate Arts Festival 2020; see description on 02/27 The Wildey Theatre (Edwardsville) – 8p; Mr. Blue Sky Uncle Linny’s Food & Brews (Pontoon Beach) – 6p; Bob and Bill

For More Event Listings, Visit Our Website and Like Us On Facebook GessoMagazine.com


Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

February 2020


from St. Louis and occasionally friends traveling through from across the country.”

Blueberry Hill – 7p; Board Game Night at Blueberry Hill; Come play games every Monday. Bring your own games or play any of the games we bring. We play everything from quick party games to long strategy games. We are always happy to teach a new game. Open to anyone 21+ Gaslight – 8p; Monday Movie Madness; Join Kvar Black every Monday for one of his personally selected movie favorites, popcorn, drink specials, and trivia! The Heavy Anchor – 10p; The Comedy Shipwreck Open Mic every Monday The Laugh Lounge STL (Florissant) – 7p; Comedy & Open Mic Night; Free Admission! Every Monday

Tuesdays: Funny Bone – 7:30p; Funny Bone Open Mic; “Our Tuesday open mics feature a pro-am line up filled with 12 to 20 local acts.” Every Tuesday

Tamm Avenue Bar – 7p-9p; Anthony Doria every Thursday with his unique acoustic cover show; Free! The Shaved Duck – 6:30p; Unplugged Thursdays with Brian and Adam; Join us the last Thursday of each month for unplugged acoustic blues, country, rags and more!

Fridays: 1860s Saloon – 6p-8p; Music: Rick Green on acoustic guitar; Every Friday Grand Center Arts District – 5p; First Fridays in Grand Center; Make a night of it! On the first Friday of every month, museums and galleries in Grand Center Arts District are free and open until 9pm. Discover the remarkable array of visual arts in St. Louis's premier neighborhood for arts and culture while enjoying cocktails, conversation, and entertainment. Every first Friday of the month, select galleries will host unique events in honor of First Fridays. In addition, some galleries may be closed due to exhibition installations

Gaslight – 9p; Tim Leavy Tuesdays; “Join me in the lounge every Tuesday for an eclectic Hartford Coffee Co. – 7:30p; Open Mic every Friday mix of covers and originals! Deep cuts and sing-along favorites. Folk, Country, Rock, Pop, and Piano Ballads” Saturdays: Livery Company – 8p; ISH & Friends Residency! ISH (brainchild of Brit Lockhart) takes over the Livery every other Tuesday with a wide array of friends & musicians including Amalghemy

Sasha's on Shaw – 8p; Tuesday Evenings with The Matching Shoe; “Join us every other Tuesday at Sasha's on Shaw!” The Heavy Anchor – 5p; Bevo Farmer's Market; fresh fruits, vegetables & more from local farmers. Every Tuesday, Year-Round. The Last Hotel STL – 5:05p; Turntable Tuesday; “Join us on the rooftop every Tuesday evening and listen to our great selection of Vinyl”

Wednesdays: 1860s Saloon – 9p-1a; Music: Blues Jam Session (Hosted by Fred Pierce and Company); every Wednesday; no cover Apotheosis Comics & Lounge – 7p; Play Music! Open Mic; Tune up those guitar strings, dust off the old keyboard, and bring your beautiful singing voice out to the Play Music! Open Mic with host, Bryan Ranney; every Wednesday Grand Center Arts District – 5p-11p; Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl in Grand Center; 5-7pm: KDHX; 7-9pm: The Kranzberg Jazz Jam hosted by Bob DeBoo at The Kranzberg; 9-11pm: The Dark Room (Featuring a rotating line-up); Every Wednesday evening, the St. Louis community comes together for the Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl, live in Grand Center. Free, family-friendly, and open to jazz lovers of all ages, this weekly event celebrates the finest in jazz talent, and the venues that form the backbone of a St. Louis legacy; Sponsored by the Kranzberg Arts Foundation, the Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl helps continue the Foundation’s mission to establish the essential infrastructure necessary for the arts to thrive in the St. Louis community and bring the arts within reach for people of all ages and backgrounds

Apotheosis Comics & Lounge – 7p; South City Comedy Series; Every Saturday! The only comic book store in STL that is also a BAR! “We feature up and coming comics from the hyper talented St. Louis comedy scene and from around the Midwest!” *This show contains adult content*

Sundays: 1860s Saloon – 2p-6p; Music: Fred Pierce and Company; every Sunday; no cover Big Daddys on the Landing – Service Industry Night Karaoke every Sunday John D. McGurk's – 8p; Falling Fences Sunday Residency at McGurk's; For over 10 years, Falling Fences has performed every Sunday night at McGurk's in Soulard! Molly's In Soulard – 11:30a; You, Me and Dougie; every Sunday Nick's Pub – 11p; Industry Night with Anthony; Attention Bartenders, barbacks, servers, and anyone else that works in the bar industry; Come join Anthony Doria for the most laid back show night of the week; every Sunday Stagger Inn Again (Edwardsville) – Open Mic every Sunday The Dark Room – 11:30a-2p; Brunchin at The Dark Room w/ Janet Evra; Featuring original music as well as French jazz, bossa nova, and American songbook favorites; Full brunch menu served 10am - 3pm. (times subject to change for theatre performances); Every Second Sunday Urb Arts – 7p; Lyrical Therapy Open Mic Every Sunday! “We invite you to come feel the vibe.”

If you are interested in seeing your event(s) included in our calendar, send your text-only info to:

Hwy 61 Roadhouse (Webster Groves) – 7:30p-11p; Blues Open Mic & Jam Session; every Wednesday Seven (Belleville) – 9p; Curt Copeland's Open Mic & Karaoke Night every Wednesday Stagger Inn Again (Edwardsville) – Open Mic every Wednesday

Thursdays: Café Piazza – 8p; Thursday Night Jazz with Dan Callihan and Friends; Local Jazz every Thursday with Dan Callihan and Friends Hidden Lake Winery (Aviston) – 6:30p; Wine & Unwind Yoga; every Thursday J. Smugs GastroPit – 8:30p; Free Comedy Thursday; free comedy every Thursday; “Each week will feature a lineup of up and coming, established, and touring comedians

Editor@GessoMagazine.com Please note that sending in event information does not guarantee publication. Spacing, timing, and other factors are considered in whether an event is included in our free calendar service. The Gesso team also reserves the right to amend or abridge event descriptions. To find out about guaranteed inclusion and support for Gesso Magazine contact us at:



Gesso Magazine




February 2020

by: RJ Corey

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February 2020 Art of Soul - Hands-on Artist Fun for All With the Highland Arts Council The Highland Arts Council presents its eighth annual Art of Soul workshop of artistic fun for ages high school and above. Whether you are an artist, enjoy playing with artistic supplies, or are simply an art enthusiast, Art of Soul has something for everyone.

This year, participants will meet on Thursdays beginning February 20 through March 19 from 7pm – 9pm in the Social Hall of Evangelical United Church of Christ, 2520 Poplar Street, Highland, IL. Each workshop will offer instruction in a specific artistic medium. All materials will be provided for each class. Every participant will go home with at least one project from each workshop and discover how to capture creative ideas step by step and build on those experiences. Session I: On Thursday, February 20 from 7pm – 9pm, Lynnette Schuepbach will show how doodles can become a work of art. Lynnette is an author, artist and president of Highland Arts Council. Lynette loves encouraging creativity in everyone. Session II: Sarah Walker will share her skills in bookmaking on Thursday, February 27 from 7pm – 9pm. Sarah is a professional artist from Highland. She serves on the Highland Arts Council and is pursuing her Masters of Fine Arts degree at SIUE. Session III: On Thursday, March 5 from 7pm – 9pm, Peg Bellm, a professional artist, will help you create a hinged box with polymer clay. Peggy Bellm creates one of a kind items using polymer clay and is an award-winning artist at Art in the Park, Highland’s annual October weekend outdoor arts festival. 24

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Session IV: Paulette Todd, artist and teacher, will share her techniques for painting with pastels on Thursday, March 12 from 7pm – 9pm. Paulette regularly teaches classes in her business, Kids Art Club in Highland. Session V: Printing making is an ancient technique. Christy MacMorran will show how it can be done with modern materials on Thursday, March 19 from 7pm – 9pm. Christy was an award-winning artist at Highland’s Art in the Park in 2018 and teaches classes in variety of mediums. The cost of the entire expansive five-week experience is $40. All materials are included in this cost. If you’ve ever wanted to experiment with artistic expression or learn to unblock your flow of creativity, Art of Soul is just what you need. A fun-filled experience is certain. Register online at https://www.highlandartscouncil.org/ art-of-soul/ or call 618-558-0054.


February 2020 About the Highland Arts Council The Highland Arts Council actively promotes the arts in the community of Highland through a variety of activities and projects. The Highland Arts Council provides a showcase for local artists and an educational opportunity for members of the community to be exposed to the arts. The Highland Arts Council enriches people’s lives though the appreciation of the arts and providing educational opportunities involved with the arts. The Highland Arts Council is always looking for new and exciting ways to promote all areas of the arts as well as providing budding artists, both young and old, with new and creative ways to showcase their art. For more on the Highland Arts Council, contact:

Lynnette Schuepbach Highland Arts Council Highland, Illinois www.highlandartscouncil.org lynnette@highlandartscouncil.org 618-558-0054


Gesso Magazine


Fun Page

February 2020

FUN PAGE Gesso Word Search: Social Media Edition -Twitter -Facebook -WhatsApp -Instagram -Linkedin -TikTok -Snapchat -YouTube -Tumbler

Gesso’s monthly dose of eclectic holidays: February 1st- Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day February 4th- Thank a Mailman Day February 7th- Send a Card to a Friend Day February 8th- Boy Scout Day February 14th- Ferris Wheel Day February 16th- Do a Grouch a Favor Day


Gesso Magazine



February 19th- National Chocolate Mint Day February 24th- World Bartender Day February 26th- National Pistachio Day February 27th- Polar Bear Day February 29th- Leap Year!

February 2020 Setup: separate and shuffle face down the "P1" and "P2" cards and draw one to determine who goes first. Separate the two player aid cards and shuffle the rest of the cards placing them face down and you will form a face down discard pile next to it as needed. Goal: you are boxing robits. Fight by taking turns drawing one card on your turn until a robit has taken damage (rotating to DMG with your player card) and then you reshuffle. If you succesfully damage a robit that was damaged once already ina previous round then you win and the game is over! Keep all cards drawn in order face up in front of you on the table unless discarded or you are reshuffling.

For volume number 12 we created a very special edition of SMGN: Our very first cut N play card game (that fits in a mint-tin) named "Punchin Crunchin Tin-Men". It is a press your luck, dueling robit card game for two players. Paste onto a stronger material then cut out the cards.

You damage your opponent if: in one round you collect one left AND one right punch (L&R) of your color OR three Ls or Rs in your color. OR if in one round you collect your color of TKO card plus either one left punch, one right punch or one grapple (G) in your color then you damage your opponent, ending the round by reshuffling the entire deck. Lose all cards drawn so far during this round (or since the last KO) if: within a single round you draw a KO or any four of your opponent's color of cards. However, KOs of either sort do not cause you to take damage, reshuffle or end the round. If at any time before you KO you choose not to draw a card on your turn then you save any cards drawn so far this round (or since the last KO). If ever the deck should run out of cards entirely then the white player (P2) wins the game. KOs, Gs, Ds, PINs and Hs are all color neutral.

L - Collect three or an R.

L - Collect three or an R.

R - Collect three or an L.

R - Collect three or an L.

D - Protect any cards drawn so far this round.

D - Protect any cards drawn so far this round.

G - Nothing happens.

G - Nothing happens.

H - View top two cards & return them in any order.

H - View top two cards & return them in any order.

KO - Lose cards not saved.

KO - Lose cards not saved.

PIN - If you don't KO then your opponent draws 3.

PIN - If you don't KO then your opponent draws 3.

TKO - Collect an L, R or G.

TKO - Collect an L, R or G.

THE PASSWORD FOR LAST MONTH'S ESCAPE ROOM: "DOWN". Sunday Morning Game Night will return next month with our Dungeon and Escape Room series and as usual a brand new game playable right on the page! Until then take care and wake and game! If you would like to find past issues of SMGN for free or wish to support independent free games like these join our Patreon: Patreon.com/DankByDesign or find us on instagram @Dank_By_Design. GessoMagazine.com

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February 2020


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February 2020

Cover Artist Kevin Pickard I refer to my art as “New Classic Pop Art” and I shoot for a fun, nostalgic feel in every piece I make. My Mother, Grandfather and sister Lori were all artists and have always been an inspiration to me. I still have my Grandfathers oils and chalks, my Mothers pastels and art supplies, and I use a little of them in every piece. My works are one of a kind. I do my own research and secure the permissions or licenses as needed for the works I draw from. I design each piece, use computer adjustments or modifications where desired, cut puzzle sections, paint, ink, mat and frame the art. My goal is to create interesting and enjoyable art that makes people smile. To see more of Kevin’s work, visit his website at KMPickardArt.com


Gesso Magazine



February 2020

Timothy Wagner Timothy Wagner is a mixed media artist residing in Defiance, MO. The body of work shown this exhibit coincide a specific visual language that defines subject matter and content. The animals shown represent the human soul as a reincarnation and a side of spirituality which the artist conveys in all of his work. The creative process of the art work is based on using mixed media with an emphasize on reclaimed materials. Timothy uses every material from recycled paper, inks, acrylics, waterbased oils, pastels, krylon, found imagery, hand made pigments, and much more. Every layer is constructed with reclaimed paper and a variety of medium. The images are drawn up from found imagery and designed with a creative purpose; to create environmental awareness and the subject matter is either superimposed or blended into the surface. Timothy’s work is thought-provoking and a visual language that is an approach to expression of form, space and color, referencing our natural world and its surroundings. “The ambiguity of my work is created on a subconscious level.” Timothy Wagner will be the featured artist at The Bricoleur - Art, Antiques and Repurposed Goods at 3600 Cherokee, St Louis. The opening reception for his exhibit, “Subtle Realm”, will be held on March 14 from 6 to 9pm. www.tewagner.com

The Bricoleur - Art, Antiques and Repurposed Goods


Gesso Magazine



February 2020

September 2019 Cover Artist- Tom Blood Tom is a writer who thinks visually and an artist who paints pictures with words. If you like surrealism, modern art, or enjoy seeing thoughts expressed in the form of paintings that make you go “Hmmmm!”, you’re going to like what you see. These three paintings are some of his most recent work which are kind of a departure from his more surrealistic endeavors; however, work rather well as a series. To see more of Tom’s work, visit his website at www.BloodLinesArt.com.

( Rock & Roll, 24” x 48” )

( Fish and Chips, 24” x 48” )

( Jack & Coke, 24” x 48” ) GessoMagazine.com

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