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Don’t put your life on the line. A rock fishing safety message from Recfishwest

Wear a life jacket Never fish alone Observe first, fish later Wear appropriate footwear


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Don’t put your life on the line. Rock Fishing Safety: Key Messages Tell someone: Always let friends or family know where you are going, when you’ll be back and if your plans change. Never fish alone: Always fish with a buddy; if you get into any trouble, they can help. If you’re new to rock fishing, go with an experienced fisher. Know the area, know the conditions: Read all safety signage – it’s been placed there for a reason. Check swell, tide and wind conditions before your trip. Wear appropriate clothing: Light clothing such as shorts and a spray jacket will allow you to swim more freely if you are washed in. Wear appropriate footwear with non-slip soles or cleats suited to the surface you plan to fish from. Wear a PFD: Wear a life jacket or buoyancy vest at all times. Observe first, fish later: Spend time (at least 20 minutes) watching your intended fishing spot to get an idea of the conditions over a full swell/wave cycle. Plan your escape: Scan the area and look for the safest place to come ashore should you be swept in. Decide on a quick getaway route from your fishing spot, well above the high tide line should you see a large wave coming. Use appropriate Public Safety Equipment: Know how to correctly utilise rock anchor points if they are in place at your fishing location. Know where the nearest public safety equipment is - and know how to use it. Stay alert: Don't ever turn your back on the ocean - if the waves, weather or swell threaten your fishing spot then leave immediately.

Wear a life jacket

Never fish alone

Observe first, fish later

If you go in… Stay calm, swim away from the rocks and remove any heavy or waterlogged clothing. Float on your back and await rescue, or if you’re capable, swim ashore to the safe area you identified from your initial observations. If you see someone else go in… Do not jump in if someone is washed into the water. Use your rope or something that floats to help rescue the person. If there’s public safety equipment nearby, know how to use it. Dial 000 or the local Sea Rescue to get help.

Wear appropriate footwear 9246 3366


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